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Hi all,

Here's an updated version of 0.4.28. I'd anticipated a flood of bug reports for the new content, but apparently it hasn't been so bad - which means I've been able to seriously catch up on minor change-requests from various forums and so on. Next up will be the PMW release.





Major changes & additions: Completely reworked the town date. Added Secondarian's bringHome scene. This was originally envisaged as a weekend friendship event but I've changed it to trigger from the nightclub scene instead. Minor changes: Added a new “heavily tweaked” randomisation option for malestart characters, as suggested by Morion. This has double the randomisation changes of the tweaked start: 40% for both physical and mental categories, compared to 20% for tweaked and 50%/0% for the mental-only and physical-only starts. Added some new male orgasm text in a few places, notably a new romantic text-passage to the standing-front scene. Talking with the cooking instructor now grants some knowledge. Added a short alternative path suggested by Morion where male-start characters who have the romantic trait and are engaged or married and are in love with their partner will no longer be able to change back to a man in the endgame sequence. As suggested by Kyrus, added alternatives to the “cheating on your partner” lines in the anal scene for the situation where the PC knows he likes her to sleep around. Improved some text & conditions around the “virgins can't get pregnant” claim when the PC isn't actually a virgin but the man thinks she is – thanks to Morion for highlighting this. The sales boss now has a significantly higher chance of getting the cheater trait if his personality isn't caring or romantic. Thanks to Astroturf for pointing out that he's married when he first hits on the PC, so he should be less faithful than other men. I've decided not to make the trait guaranteed for him because his marriage is described as “failing” so he might not cheat in a happier relationship. Following a suggestion by astroturf, jerks are now more likely to be assholes towards the PC when caught cheating. Increased the anti-flip-flopping modifier applies when falling in or out of love. The cooking class can now still be taken at max skill level (although you don't gain much from doing so), as requested by M.S. on Patreon, and I think a few other people. I may re-add the restriction if I add more cooking content, especially if there's one or more scenes aimed at high skill characters. Following a suggestion by Ammut, tweaked boring+sexual conversation text for overactive-imagination characters to read a little less inconsistently. Changes for user-submitted content: Added TOWN_DATE as a possible transition: see the yml reference doc for details. Added a new method to female NPCs: haveSexWith(MaleNpc), as suggested on Discord by Stochastic. This sets their virginity to false (the NPC's, not Stochastic's). The male-NPC parameter is not actually used for anything at the moment but I didn't want to add a no-params loseVirginity method that'd end up needing to be removed when/if NPC-NPC relationships get a more in-depth implementation. Bugfixes: Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Madcat, OrangeJuice, Classique75, Xerax and Neil for reporting some of these. Fixed a bug reported by Stochastic where the sophisticatedSalesHelp scene could incorrectly fire for a virgin NPC. Fixed an issue reported by Katie where a male NPC could have a big cock and a small one at the same time. Fixed a bug reported by Katie where the “advise oral sex” during the blackjack scene was instead setting the NPC to use the makeout forfeit regardless of their reaction to it. Made some obscure pregnancy-related condition changes suggested by MadCat for the husband-before-work scene. Fixed an error in the new towndate where the action to cancel the date after the bloke refuses to change his plans was not being handled correctly. Fixed a bug reported by MS on patreon where one of the “exchange numbers” actions with the instructor still had incorrect conditions.

Novus Operandi

Sounds cool. Thanks for the update, Splendid.


What are the conditions for Secondarian's scene?


Typo: First Date Dialogue *** You're on a date, an actual date with a man! For a moment your imagination runs wild and you wonder what might happen. You can imagine what he'll be hoping will happen and you feel your face flush as your thoughts fly there. *** Double-space between "will happen" and "and you feel..."

Saint Destiny

From the scene YML file there's this: "# Key Paths: # - The PC tells him to stop. # - The PC decides to let him do what he wants. # # Scene access: # On nightclub end, when the (many) requirements are met # # Preconditions: # Reached the end of the nightclub scene in company with a man with all conditions met: # PC has max drunkenness (and not clear-headed). NPC does not # Block-Rough is not set # NPC has not orgasmed yet this scene-chain # PC and NPC are not living together # NPC personality is JERK # NPC behaviour with no faking is MEAN or COLD # NPC modified attraction to the PC is ATTRACTED or better # PC's behaviour is not RUDE or COLD. # PC does not have a husband waiting for her at home # # The scene takes 1 male NPC and no female ones: # "jerk" is the man with the PC # Both should be wearing going out clothes. # The scene takes place in the player home."


tyty. i completely forgot to check the ymls. much appreciated!


Typo: bringHome scene intro *** You've had an awful lot ot drink and are barely able to walk! Luckily Joseph is here to bring you back home. *** Should be "awful lot to drink"


Question: "Terrible in Bed" not activating with PC high arousal? If the PC is exceptionally aroused, the sex scene will proceed normally. However, if the PC is not exceptionally aroused, "Terrible in Bed" will fire. I'm assuming this is intentional (maybe the "too turned on to care" motif), but I'm not sure. I thought that a highly aroused PC would be even more critical of a "Bad in Bed" partner since his lackluster performance would not be getting her off. How exactly does "Bad in Bed" work mechanically?


Typo: Jerk Sex Description *** You shudder beneath Thomas, clutching at the bedsheets. He continues to thrust, concerned only with reaching his own climax and squirting the contents of his swollen testicles into your pussy. *** Double-space between "testicles into your" and "pussy."


Typo: Jerk Date Scene Intro *** Jake greets you and says that as a member of the weaker sex you must be glad to see him, your boyfriend who can take care of you. *** Double-space between "says that" and "as a member of..."


I ran into a couple of typos is one of the date events. Not sure of how I got this, but was on a date with a fella and we were having drinks and I got doused with a beer, this has all happened before. I got the option to strip this time, what the hell why not. In the first passage "You're dress is soaked?..." There is a So that needs capitalized. Fourth sentence. Later we go to park and kiss. There is a clothing status error there with no dress. Kiss you hand slides up your chest "feeling the outline of your bra under the topless and your perky tits under that."


Grammar: Cold/Jerk rejects "save yourself for marriage" commitment. *** Elliott laughs, he promises that once you're in bed with him you'll forget all about your virginity. *** Should be "npcName laughs and promises that once you're in bed..." The comma is a bit awkward here.


Typo: Intercourse Begins *** Rupert lies on top of you, his breathing loud in your ear, your small but perky tits squashed under his broad powerful chest, his thick, bare cock rubbing between your legs. Then it's not pressing against you, but into you and you realise that intercourse proper has begun. *** Double-space between "perky tits squashed" and "under his broad powerful chest."


Redundancy: Bar Dialogue (interesting npc) *** You and Beau spend some time talking to each other. You find the conversation fascinating. Beau isn't exactly smiling. In fact, he almost appears to be frowning at you. Still, he strikes up a conversation. You and Beau spend some time talking to each other. You find the conversation fascinating. *** "You find the conversation fascinating" is repeated in both sentences.


Typo: Electro-Couch scene *** After a moment though, Vincent calls you over in hushed but urgent tones. "Olivia!" he hisses "We have a problem!" *** Needs a comma after "he hisses."


There isn't really a single common check - it's handled individually in various actions etc based on what I thought would fit the action & work with the text. So, arousal doesn't matter for some situations but it does for others.


Some actions like "contain your frustration" get disabled at high arousal - I belive the logic there was that if the PC is that turned on then presumably her usually-inept lover is being uncharacteristically effective - perhaps due to meeting her specific preferences. In that case she'd presumably be okay with what he's doing.


Typo: Post-flirt cooking instructor scene *** You sheepishly mutter something about needing to leave and quickly walk out without giving Alfie a second glance. Once outside, you chack for the recipe you were given earlier and thankfully you had not forgotten it. You couldn't even fathom the shame of having to walk back in after your last exchange and ask for another copy. You then set a reminder for yourself to do everything you need to do in order to prepare for next class and then you head off toward home. *** 1) "Once outside, you chack..." should be "Once outside, you check..." 2) "in order to prepare for next class..." should be "in order to prepare for the next class..." Some of the internal consistency between actions and responses may have to be revisited in this scene at some point (such as leering/handsy dialogue accompanying caring/romantic npcs, etc.).


Thanks! I'll chack over the file and get these sorted. I agree that there's some ways the scene could be added to, and I'll be looking over it soon for that - probably in the release after the one coming this evening.