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Friday 12 August 2022

“Who are all these people?”

“Are all these people getting on our plane?”

“So is this whole building just for us?”

“We just have this one room?”

They were among some of the many questions Chris had asked throughout the day, much to the amusement of the rest of the group. While Phil and Fiona had been quite entertained, Danny had been less so at first, slightly embarrassed by the constant stream of oblivious questions from his boyfriend. He quickly caught on to the fact that none of the questions were asked with any malice or disdain, Chris just seemed genuinely amazed at the concept of commercial flights and package holidays. He quickly began to see the amusing side and took great pleasure in sarcastically teasing his Chris about it.

Beth had also found substantial enjoyment in teasing Chris, having already developed a light-heartedly antagonistic relationship with him during the few days he had been staying with them. The final member of the group, Beth’s best friend Karolyn, had not joined in on the teasing but still sniggered along every time the Davies siblings teased Chris for his lack of awareness.

It had been a long day with a very early start so it was with great relief that the six of them finally got checked in to the hotel. Much to Fiona’s annoyance, their three rooms had not been next to each other as requested, and the hotel was unable to accommodate her request, even after asking to speak to a manager!? Reluctantly, they all headed up to their rooms. Fiona and Phil had taken the room up on the fifth floor, while the girls and boys had each taken a room at opposite ends of the fourth floor.

“Hey, just be glad we even have a room to ourselves,” Danny said as Chris looked round the small room they were sharing. “Last year, it was just the four of us and we shared one room. I didn’t even have a proper bed, just a crappy pull-out sofa! I reckon they’re only showing off with separate rooms cos of you and Karolyn!”

“Sorry, I wasn’t complaining,” Chris said sheepishly. “Sorry if I’ve been a pain today,” he added meekly.

“It’s okay,” Danny replied, opening his suitcase on the bed, “You haven’t!”

“I know you’re a bit… paranoid about… y’know, this kinda stuff!” Chris said, opening his own case.

Danny frowned as he looked up and asked, “What kinda stuff?”

“Like… all of it,” Chris said cautiously. He felt a little awkward as Danny took a seat on the bed and looked at him, head cocked. “It’s like when we were heading to your place for the first time and it was nothing but a constant apology for, like… how small it was, or the area it’s in, or how few rooms it had and then apologising for stupid things like not having a private chef or a chauffeur and stuff.” As Danny began to blush with increasing intensity, Chris continued, “And then coming here, answering my stupid questions but at the same time being all, like, ‘it’s no private island’ or ‘sorry we don’t have a place to ourselves’ and that sort of thing!”

“Oh, you… noticed all that then,” Danny said glumly.

Chris approached and took a seat next to Danny. Nudging their shoulders together gently, he said, “I know I’m not always the brightest, but even I couldn’t miss all of that!”

“Sorry,” Danny said awkwardly.

“You don’t need to be. On the bright side, at least that explains your whole ‘are you sure you even want to come with us’ thing. I thought you were just getting bored of me already!” Chris chuckled.

“No! Never!” Danny said, grabbing hold of Chris’ hand.

“Good,” Chris said as he lifted Danny’s hand and kissed it. “And you can stop worrying about this stuff. I know this is all gonna be different from my family holiday, but different isn’t bad. I woulda thought someone who goes to Kingswood would already know that!”

Danny grinned at the comment and nodded. “You’re right,” he admitted.

“Wow, I am? It’s a Christmas miracle!” Chris said with a dopey smile.

“It’s August!” Danny replied, raising an eyebrow.

“All part of the miracle!” Chris said with a smirk. “Now come on, let’s get unpacked before your mam comes round for inspection!”

“Nah, she won’t…” Danny started, then paused, thought for a moment and nodded. “Yeah, she’s totally coming to inspect, isn’t she!” As he went to stand, he felt Chris pull him back.

“Not so fast!” Chris said, grabbing Danny and pulling him into a kiss. They made out for a few seconds, sharing a slow but sensuous kiss before Chris let go and said, “Okay, now you can go!”


Saturday 13 August 2022

“I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but dad’s a frickin’ genius!” Beth said as they stood waiting for the elevator.

Danny cocked his head curiously as he looked at his sister for a moment.

“Getting mum started on the alcohol early really chilled her the fuck out,” Beth said with a smirk.

“Ohhhh!” Danny said with a nod. “Is that why she was so… normal?”

“Aww,” Beth said, patting Danny on the head patronisingly, “Bless your sweet, oblivious little heart.”

Danny scowled and swatted the hand away.

“Hey pipsqueak, you’re clearly not with him for his brain, are you!” Beth said, nudging Chris playfully.

“Believe it or not, he’s the smart one!” Chris said with a slight shrug. As he saw Danny still look annoyed, he quickly added, “I mean, shut up hellspawn. Danny’s great!” He threw his arm around his boyfriend and gave him a playful peck on the cheek.

“You two are too cute!” Karolyn said cheerfully, knowing the name-calling between Chris and Beth was entirely affectionate.

Karolyn was quite a new addition to Beth’s life. The two had met when Beth started sixth form college the previous September. The two had become best friends almost as quickly as Danny and Chris had, making an instant connection. The two couldn’t look more different. While Beth was tall and surprisingly well-built thanks to her years of playing Lacrosse, Karolyn was easily a foot shorter and a fair bit wider too. Both girls were quite lively and outgoing, sharing a high level of confidence without crossing the line into arrogance.

Danny had been wary of the new girl at first. His experience with girls that weren’t related to himself or Chris was somewhat limited, and the truly vile Sarah that he had dispatched earlier in the summer had not set a good example. Thankfully, Karolyn had immediately proven herself to be nothing like the unpleasant influencer and the four of them had enjoyed their first day chilling out around the hotel’s pool.

“Oh, he’s the cute one too,” Chris said with a chuckle.

“No disrespect to muscles, over here,” Karolyn said, teasingly jabbing Danny in the ribs before looking back to Chris, “But you’re MUCH more my type!” She accentuated the playful comment with an over-exaggerated wink.

“Yeah, I got myself a girlfriend. Sorry Danny, you’re dumped!” Chris said, letting go of Danny to take a step closer to Karolyn. “Nope, sorry,” he quickly added, “Can’t even pretend. I’m all about the Danny!” He grabbed Danny once again, giggling playfully.

As the elevator doors opened, a small group of people appeared. There were six of them in total, two boys around Beth and Karolyn’s age and one who looked a little younger than Danny and Chris, maybe twelve or thirteen, then three girls who looked to be somewhere in the middle at fifteen or sixteen. Seeing the four teens waiting to get into the lift, a couple of them leaned together and whispered something before most of them started laughing as they emerged, very obviously looking Danny and his companions up and down as they sniggered.

It was virtually impossible to miss the fact they were being talked about, and as much as Danny hated it, he knew his sister well enough to know it would annoy her even more. “Don’t,” he whispered softly, placing a hand out discretely in front of his sister.

Beth let out a low growl but followed her brother’s advice and remained silent until the lift was empty and they piled in and hit the button for the fourth floor.

“Ugh,” Beth huffed at the encounter.

“Chill, it doesn’t matter,” Danny insisted.

“What’d I miss?” Chris asked curiously, looking back and forth between the two siblings.

“Nothing, it’s fine!” Danny quickly replied before Beth could say anything, then gave her his best ‘shut up’ glare. If Chris had managed to miss the unpleasantness, Danny was happy to keep it that way.

“Oh, okay,” Chris said with a casual shrug.


“But that’s so unfair!” Danny whined before scowling at his mother as he sat alone at a table with her in the bar.

“Oh god, what’s unfair now?” Phil asked as he placed some drinks down on the table, accompanied by Chris.

They had just seen the hotel’s evening entertainment show, though calling it ‘entertainment’ was being pretty generous. The girls had gone off somewhere and not yet returned, leaving Chris and Danny with Danny’s parents.

“Tell her she’s being unreasonable!” Danny demanded of his father.

“SHE?” Fiona snapped angrily.

Danny huffed and said, “I meant tell MUM she’s being unreasonable!”

“I don’t think it’s unreasonable to keep you safe!” Fiona insisted before her husband could get involved.

“It is when you won’t even let me work out!” Danny growled back at her before looking to his dad to explain, “She won’t let me work out!” As he heard his mother clear her throat, he huffed again and said, “MUM won’t let me work out!”

“Thank you,” Fiona said to the correction, then quickly interjected, “And I didn’t say you can’t work out, I just said I don’t want you going out on the beach early in the morning on your own!”

“Well this hotel doesn’t have a gym so where else am I supposed to run?” Danny demanded. “Do laps of my room?” he sneered petulantly.

“Don’t be flippant!” Fiona said back with a scowl, “You can still run on the beach I just don’t want you doing it alone!”

“I ran alone on holiday with Chris’ family and nothing bad happened!” Danny insisted.

“Yes, on a private island!” Fiona argued.

“And I do it at school!” Danny continued.

“Yes, on secure closed grounds!” Fiona argued again. “But this is NOT a private island and ANYONE could be wandering around! I don’t want you out there on your own. Maybe you can get someone to run with you!”

“Oh sure, maybe dad can come with me, I don’t mind stopping every ten seconds for him to have a sit down and catch his breath!” Danny said sarcastically.

“Hey!” Phil complained.

“Sorry,” Danny said with a smirk, “But I’m not wrong!”

“Maybe Chris’d like to join you,” Fiona suggested optimistically.

“Getting up early? No thanks!” Chris immediately objected, “Besides, I’m good at swimming but baaaaad at running!”

“It’s true,” Danny nodded. “He’d be even worse than dad!”

“Charming!” Phil grumbled.

“Oh come on mum, nothing’s gonna happen to me. It’s just a run on the beach, that’s all!” Danny pleaded.

“Who’s running on the beach? And are they hot?” Beth asked, approaching Danny from behind with Karolyn. She grabbed him in a playful headlock.

“Danny is!” Chris answered.

“Oh, so definitely no to the second part. Bleurgh!” Beth joked as Danny struggled free of her grip.

Danny scowled at the insult, then reached up to tidy his hair from his sister’s annoying attack. “Mum thinks if I go running on the beach someone’s gonna kidnap me!” he said, rolling his eyes.

“Seriously?” Beth asked, raising an eyebrow at her mother. “You really think anyone’d want him?” she asked with a wry grin.

Danny and his mother both scowled for different reasons.

Chris sniggered at the comment and got an immediate punch to the arm from his boyfriend.

“I could run with you,” Beth said with a shrug.

“Oh, you think you could keep up?” Danny smirked.

“I’d run circles around you, little boy!” Beth said derisively.

“That…” Fiona interjected quickly before any squabbling could start, “… would be much better for me!”

“I usually get up at six,” Danny said, unsure of his sister’s commitment.

“Do I look like I get a lot of beauty sleep?” Beth chuckled. It got her an immediate slap to her arm from Karolyn with a disapproving headshake. “But fine, I’ll see you at the lift at six tomorrow. Me and K are off for now!”

“Wait up, we’re going too!” Danny said as he jumped up and downed his drink.

“We are? But it’s still early!” Chris said with a frown. The slight smirk he got from Danny said all he needed to know and he jumped up too and said, “Yeah, long day, time for bed I think!”

After exchanging a few goodnights, the four teens headed off together.

“Y’know, if you don’t feel like getting up, I can go alone and we could just TELL mum you came with me!” Danny suggested as they wandered through the lobby.

“Yeah, and what happens if some psycho kidnaps you? I’d never hear the end of it!” Beth said, shaking her head.

“Wow, so I get kidnapped and your biggest worry is mum’s nagging. Cheers for that!” Danny said with a head shake.

“Meh,” Beth said with a shrug. “I’m kinda used to you not being around anyway!” She chuckled briefly until she saw the look on Danny’s face. She quickly reached out to grab him in another headlock as she quickly added, “But I’m always glad when you’re back!”

“Geddoff!” Danny complained, struggling to pull free as Karolyn and Chris laughed at the siblings’ antics. He reached up to straighten out his hair again.

“Perfect timing!” Karolyn said as they heard the ‘ding’ of a lift arriving as they rounded the corner.

They stopped dead as they saw the group from earlier getting into the lift. Cautiously following, they all considered just holding back for a moment before attempting to follow them in.

“Hey, no chance!” one of the girls said, holding her hand out to halt them. Her eyes fell on Karolyn as she gave a derisive smirk and said, “This thing has a weight limit!”

Beth’s face contorted with absolute rage, but before the others needed to do anything to hold her back, the elevator door closed to the sound of laughter from within.

“Watch what floor they’re going to,” Beth said, looking up at the display above the door. “I’m gonna go kick their arses!” she growled furiously.

“Don’t worry about it,” Karolyn said with a shrug. “You think I haven’t heard worse?”

“That doesn’t make it okay!” Beth seethed.

“True, but it also means it’s not worth getting in trouble over. Let ‘em say what they want! You think I give two fucks what those losers think?” Karolyn said, stroking her friend’s arm gently.

“Why would they say that?” Chris asked, shaking his head as another lift reached the ground floor and they headed into it.

“Some people are just dicks!” Danny said, looking almost as angry as his sister.

“Yeah, and you’ve known a lot of dicks!” Chris added sincerely, then realised how it had sounded at the same time as the others and they all burst into laughter. “Oh my god, that’s totally not what I meant… even if it IS true!”

“Oh, Dannyboy likes to get about a bit, does he?” Karolyn asked with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow at the younger boy.

“Yeah, we’re SO not talking about this!” Danny insisted, giving Chris his sternest ‘don’t do it’ look.

“Yeah, no comment,” Chris said with a wry grin, not wanting to risk incurring Danny’s wrath.

Beth, who still looked quite annoyed about the insult to Karolyn, smirked as she added, “I’m definitely okay with that! Not something I need to hear about!”

A moment later, the lift dinged and the doors slid open on the fourth floor. They piled out and said a quick goodbye as they headed opposite directions down the long hallway that ran the length of the building.

“Still happy with your ‘normal’ holiday?” Danny asked as they wandered down towards their room.

Chris thought for a moment and nodded. “I am,” he said with a slight head bob. “I guess it’s kinda interesting being around so many other people. It sucks that they’re not all nice,” he said, pausing as he got a hum of agreement from Danny, “But mostly everyone just seems to be, y’know… living their lives and happy and stuff!”

“I’m gonna have to make sure Beth stays out of trouble,” Danny sighed as they reached their door and he pulled out the keycard to let them in.

“Would she really have kicked their asses?” Chris asked curiously as he slipped off his trainers.

“Oh yeah, definitely!” Danny nodded. “Most of the time she’d rather take you down with words but piss her off enough and she’ll go for you. She got in trouble once when she was thirteen for beating up a sixteen-year-old boy who called her friend a slut!”

Chris laughed at the thought of it but let out a sigh as he flopped down onto the bed. “I still don’t get why people would even say stuff like that. I mean… all the dicks I mentioned… and I really wasn’t trying to be funny…”

“I know,” Danny said as he leaned down to kiss Chris briefly before lying beside him.

“Like… Josh’s brothers and Gregory and Sarah and those people on your camping trip,” Chris reeled off the many unpleasant people he knew Danny had encountered, “Why are there so many mean people in the world?”

Danny looked at the other boy for a moment before a serene smile spread across his face and he chuckled a little.

“Was that… funny?” Chris asked curiously.

“Not funny, just… adorable and so sweet!” Danny replied, reaching out to stroke his best friend’s cheek. “You’re just… so… loving and kind and sweet that you literally can’t even understand mean people. That’s insane but so freaking amazing!”

Chris let his eyes flutter closed as he nuzzled his cheek against Danny’s hand.

“I’m glad you got my hint about coming up here early!” Danny said with a wicked grin as Chris opened his eyes.

“Well I know you’ll be up early for your run, so I thought an early night was probably a good idea!” Chris said, nodding seriously. As he saw Danny looking mildly dismayed, he burst into giggles and said, “Yeah, right. We’re totally gonna have lots of sex, aren’t we?”

“That’s the plan!” Danny said, laughing back.

“We could always… do it out there!” Chris said as his eyes flicked over towards the glass door to the room’s balcony.

“Sounds like fun,” Danny replied, getting up to wander over to the door before he frowned a little and looked back. “But not as risky as you probably think!”

“It’s not?” Chris asked curiously, moving over to stand behind Danny, wrapping his arms around him as he nuzzled his face into the other boy’s neck.

“Yeah, we’re four floors up and there’s no buildings across from us. Nobody could see us, so we’d be doing it on a cold, uncomfortable floor with zero thrills!” Danny reasoned.

“Well, that just shat on my cornflakes, didn’t it!” Chris grumbled.

Danny pulled away and turned back, looking disgusted. “Please… never use that phrase again!” he requested with a head shake.

“Noted,” Chris sniggered. “So where d’ya wanna do it?”

Danny thought for a moment then smiled as he suggested, “That shower cubicle’s pretty big!”

“Your wish is my command!” Chris said as he scurried off towards the bathroom, already pulling off his clothes. A moment later, his head peeked out the bathroom door as he grinned and said eagerly, “Come on!”

“Yeah, I’m coming,” Danny replied as he followed, then giggled as he added, “Or I will be shortly!”

A few moments later, the shower was running, and the two naked boys were embraced together under the warm spray. For several minutes they casually stood alternating between kissing and caressing each other, both dicks raging hard and desperate for attention, but happy to wait as they enjoyed the sensuousness and lack of urgency. All that mattered was being together and touching each other.

Danny had been kissing Chris’ shoulder, slowly working down to plant gentle kisses across his chest and occasionally flick his tongue across a nipple when he glanced up and saw Chris staring down at him. He looked back at him curiously as he straightened up, maintaining eye contact. “Whassup?” he asked softly, raising his hands to run through Chris’ wet hair.

Chris placed his hands on Danny’s hips and pulled their bodies close together, their dicks sandwiched between them. “Just… still amazed that you’re my real, actual boyfriend!” he said dreamily.

“Yup, that’s me, totally real,” Danny said with a smirk. “Or maybe you were actually hurt in the explosion at school, you’ve been in a coma for months and this is your way of getting your mind through the trauma!”

Chris let out a gentle whimper as his eyes widened and he stared at Danny sadly.

“Aww, I’m sorry, I was just kidding!” Danny said with a remorseful chuckle as he let his hands slide down to either side of Chris’ neck. “Maybe I should prove it. Does this feel real?” he asked as he pulled him in for another long, slow kiss.

As they parted, Chris smiled again and replied, “Yeah, kinda, but do it again just to be sure!”

“Good plan!” Danny agreed before kissing him once again. A few moments later when they parted once more, he pulled back far enough that their bodies moved slightly apart, their dicks still in contact but now visible between their wet, naked bodies. “Your butt or mine?” he asked with a coy grin.

Chris’ brow furrowed as he looked down thoughtfully, then nodded decisively and said, “Both! Definitely both!” He immediately reached out to grab some shower gel before reaching round to playfully finger Danny at the same time as himself as he lubed up both of their butts.

“Guess I’ll sort these then!” Danny said, copying the gesture but lubricating their erections instead. “Ugh, we could just do this, y’know!” he said as his eyes fluttered at the dual sensation of Chris’ fingers in his hole and his own hand stroking his cock.

“Nah, I want you in me!” Chris said, shaking his head, though he pulled away as he said it.

“What are you doing?” Danny asked as he saw the other boy lean out of the cubicle.

“Planning!” Chris answered elusively, leaning back in a few moments later. “Now turn around!” he instructed.

“Oh, yes sir,” Danny said with a smirk as he turned, leaning over a little. He felt Chris position his dick against the lubricated hole, but glanced back when he just held there for a few seconds. “What ya waiting for?” he asked impatiently.

“I’m waiting for…” Chris started, then raised one finger to hold for a moment until he heard a beep. “That!” he said, then shoved into his boyfriend hard. As he began to eagerly thrust in and out of the other boy, he explained shakily, “That’s gonna beep every thirty seconds. When it beeps, we swap!”

“Oh fuck,” Danny grunted, then chuckled and said, “Ha, literally! But that’s hot!”

“Wanna make it hotter?” Chris asked, casually fucking as he grinned at Danny’s curious expression looking back at him. “Whoever cums first gets to cum tonight. The other one doesn’t!” Chris suggested.

“Fuck. Okay!” Danny quickly agreed before looking through the misted glass of the shower screen and growled, “Where’s that fucking beep?” Just a few seconds after asking, he heard Chris’ phone beep. He quickly pulled away, span Chris and shoved his dick into the eager hole.

“Feck!” Chris grunted as he was pushed against the wall as Danny impaled him, fucking hard and fast.

When the phone beeped again, Danny pulled out and immediately turned as he complained, “Damn, thirty seconds really isn’t long!”

“I know right,” Chris agreed as he took his next turn fucking.

The two boys started switching back and forth, occasionally reapplying the shower gel as lubricant , both excited by the challenge and the eagerness it brought, but equally frustrated in how little stimulation they could get in the short time inside each other.

“Hey, no wanking!” Chris complained when he caught Danny stroking himself while getting fucked.

“Quit making up rules,” Danny grumbled before switching at the next beep, getting a snigger from Chris.

Several swaps later, Chris groaned happily, “Ugh, I was so close on that one!”

“Fuck, me too!” Danny said, pumping away at Chris’ butt. “Nearly… there!” he gasped, but let out a growl of frustration as the beep cut him off a moment too soon.

“Yes yes yes yes,” Chris said as he slammed Danny against the wall and impaled him on his raging boner. Several rapid thrusts into him and he called out, “Ahh yeah, I’m cumming!” He began to shoot a moment before the phone beeped.

“Dammit,” Danny grumbled as his cheek rested against the tiled wall, a heaving body pressed against his back as a throbbing cock filled his rear with spunk. “I hate you!” he grumbled as Chris’ orgasm subsided, his own dick still rock hard and desperate for release.

“No you don’t!” Chris said, panting slightly as he pulled back and turned Danny round, kissing him for a moment. “You love me!” he said happily.

“I’d love you more if you let me off the forfeit!” Danny said with a hopeful smile.

Chris let his hand slide down Danny’s body to grasp at the straining prick and gave it a gentle stroke as he smiled wickedly and purred, “I know you would… but it’s not happening!”

Danny grunted as the stroking served to remind him of his desperate need for release that would now go unsated. “You’re a mean, horrible person!” he complained.

“True, but this just gives you an excuse to get revenge some time!” Chris replied as his eyes flashed mischievously.


Sunday 14 August 2022

“Y’know, I always knew you were slow, but I thought that was just mentally!” Beth said as she stood watching Danny catch up. Though she wore a cocky smile, her chest was heaving as she caught her breath.

“You had… a head start!” Danny panted as he came to a stop beside her.

The two siblings had been out for their first morning run together. As they had neared the hotel towards the end of it, Beth had declared a race back to the main entrance and took off, with Danny close behind her.

“When it’s a one-second head start but I still win by ten seconds, you’re still the loser!” Beth said, slapping her little brother on the back. “But good effort!”

Danny scowled for a moment then chuckled. “You’re a bitch,” he said, shaking his head. “But it’s nice… to have someone who’ll… push me!” he said, still catching his breath.

“Happy to push you any time,” Beth said with a shrug, “Especially if we’re at the top of some stairs!”

Danny snorted with laughter. “Ah, death threats are fun!” he said jokingly. “Seriously though, when did… you get this fit?”

Beth’s expression turned dour as she just shrugged dismissively.

“You can… talk to me,” Danny said, sensing she was holding back. As he saw his sister looking unsure, he playfully added, “If you feel you’ve told me too much, you can always push me down the stairs to silence me!”

“Or just for fun!” Beth replied with a smirk that quickly dropped as they casually wandered into the hotel’s lobby. It was surprisingly busy, as a large group of people with suitcases were impatiently waiting for pickup to go home, so they wandered through and out into the pool area which was deserted. She sat down on the side of a lounger and Danny sat opposite.

Cocking his head curiously, Danny waited patiently for her to start.

“I guess exercise is… a good way to vent!” she said, avoiding eye contact.

“About what?” Danny asked softly.

Beth’s brow furrowed as she looked at Danny incredulously. “Seriously?” she asked, then shrugged and said, “Look at me!”

Danny just replied with a silent shrug.

“I’m not the most… petite girl out there, am I!” Beth exclaimed, “And people can be absolute cunts when you’re… different!”

“People are mean to you?!” Danny replied, unsure whether it was a statement of shock or an actual question.

“Of course they are!” Beth huffed. “And hanging out with K, I mean… if people are mean to me for being a bit… I dunno, manly, you should hear the shit they say to her for being plus-size!”

The comment angered Danny on behalf of his sister. The two had always been relatively close, though not quite to the level of Chris with his siblings, so the thought of anyone being unpleasant to her was hard to take.

Beth continued, “But when I started Lacrosse, I dunno… it was nice to be able to… to vent some of that, but I sometimes took it a bit TOO far, so I started working out more just so I wouldn’t accidentally kill my teammates!”

Danny chuckled at the comment and nodded.

“I know it’s a bit, umm… counter-intuitive,” Beth continued, then frowned at Danny and started, “Oh, that means…”

“I know what it means!” Danny interrupted, eyes narrowing as he was unsure if she was intentionally teasing or being accidentally condescending.

“But yeah, it’s a bit counter-intuitive to do more of the stuff that makes me look more different, but…” Beth paused and sighed as she shrugged. Smiling, though it was visibly forced, she continued, “It was either this or an eating disorder and I like food WAY too much for that!”

Danny laughed at the comment but looked slightly uneasy.

“Yeah, I know,” Beth said apologetically, “It’s not a thing to joke about!”

“Yeah,” Danny agreed. “I’m glad you chose the healthier option,” he said with a timid smile, “It just… sucks that you need it!”

“True dat!” Beth said with a nod. “Don’t mean to be a downer, but I guess it’s my place to teach you something they ain’t gonna teach in that fancy school of yours… the world sucks and people are the worst!”

“Oh, I DEFINITELY know that!” Danny said with a thoughtful nod.

“Oh, things aren’t perfect at Kingswood then? Lot of bullying?” Beth asked with obvious concern, actually a little surprised.

“I mean, there’s not really any bullying there,” Danny explained. “Actually, someone I know started an anti-bullying club but it got disbanded as they didn’t have anything to do,” he said with a chuckle. “But I’ve dealt with some pretty shitty people!”

“Ooh, that sounds juicy!” Beth giggled. “Come on, I need to go get a shower, but you can tell me more on the way!” she said as she stood and nodded towards the entrance.

“Wow, where to start,” Danny smirked as he thought about all the unpleasant people he had met over the past few years. “Oh I know. You’ll love this one. Let me tell you all about Sarah!”


The morning had been spent down on the beach. It was only a minute’s walk down the road from the hotel, but the amount of stuff they had lugged down there made it seem like they were intending to live there. It took a while, but they eventually settled in, and the morning of relaxation had begun.

Chris had been lying peacefully for a while, reading on his tablet when Danny returned from playing football with his dad and Beth.

“Whatcha reading?” Danny asked casually as he placed a towel down at his boyfriend’s side and flopped down onto it.

“The Dragon’s Promise,” Chris replied without his eyes leaving the screen.

“Cool, guessing it’s about dragons… and… promises!?” Danny said, squinting a little.

Chris chuckled as he placed the tablet down on his stomach and tilted his head to the side to look at Danny. “Are you actually asking or are you just trying to sound interested to be nice?” he asked bluntly.

Danny cringed a little as he said, “A bit of the first one, but mostly the second!”

Chris smiled sweetly as he shook his head. “I appreciate that!” he said sincerely, “But don’t feel like you’ve gotta start, like, forcing that stuff now just cos we’re together. You’ve never been any more interested in the stuff I read than I am when you start talking football!”

Danny chuckled as he nodded and said, “Fair point! Actually, there’s a match later and my dad said we can go find a bar to watch it in, if you’re interested!”

Chris shook his head. “I’m happy to watch when it’s you playing,” he paused to look round and lowered his voice before going on, “Or the players are people I might have a chance to hook up with!” It got a chuckle from Danny. “But TV football… hard pass. You have fun though!”

“Okay,” Danny said happily. “You want me to leave you to read, or you wanna go do something?”

“I could do something!” Chris said with a nod as he grabbed his tablet and slipped it into his bag. “What are we doing then?”

“I… hadn’t thought that far ahead yet,” Danny said with a wry grin.

“Hey, boys, we’re going for a walk along the beach. Wanna come?” Karolyn suddenly called across.

“Perfect! Totally planned that!” Danny said to Chris with a smirk then looked to the girls and replied, “Sure!”

“Am I okay to leave this stuff with you?” Chris asked as he picked up his towel and bag and placed them down in the shade next to Phil.

“Sure thing, bud!” Phil replied.

“Stay safe!” Fiona added as the four of them walked away.

“And here I was planning to accidentally drop dead!” Beth muttered sarcastically, getting a snigger from Danny.

“Careful, you know she has ears like a… thing… that has really good… ears!” Danny said, trailing off slightly as he pouted at his own inability to form an amusing analogy, blushing a little as the others laughed at him.

“I just had to get away from them before they started squabbling about the fact mum can’t keep her eyes off that guy in the yellow shorts!” Beth said, shaking her head.

“Oh yeah, he’s kinda hot!” Danny nodded enthusiastically, then blushed again as he glanced at Chris and said, “I mean… what guy in yellow shorts? There are other guys on this beach? I hadn’t even noticed. Do other men actually exist?”

“Smooth!” Chris said, shaking his head to the amusement of Beth and Karolyn. “And I guess he’s okay. I’m not really into older guys as much as Danny is!”

“Chris!” Danny hissed, scowling at the overshare.

“Oh, you and K definitely need to talk. She’s totally into old guys!” Beth teased.

“Umm, excuse me!” Karolyn said, looking offended, “I’m into oldER guys, as in ones who are just a bit older than me, not just OLD guys!”

“Ah see, she gets it!” Danny said with a nod.

“I prefer them my age, mostly cos guys my age are morons. I just need ‘em to look pretty and not think!” Beth said as they reached the water and started along the beach.

“Young and dumb. Totally my type too!” Chris said, elbowing Danny playfully.

“I’d probably be offended if that wasn’t true!” Danny said with a casual shrug.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You two are too cute!” Karolyn said cheerfully. “How long have you been together?”

“Three years!” Beth answered instantly.

“Nearly two months!” Danny said, scowling at his sister.

“Yeah, maybe officially, but unofficially, it’s totally three years!” Beth sniggered. “Oh my god, it was SO funny. Heading into his first term he was going full-on super-strop and pouting about it and everything, but then he comes home for his first half-term break and he’s all like, ‘my best friend Chris this’ and ‘my best friend Chris that’. SO freaking adorkable!” Beath explained cheerfully.

“Oh my god, Beth. Shut up!” Danny growled, blushing as he saw Chris off to the side, smirking.

“And the first call home after that, when Chris was dating someone else, he was so heartbroken, but still SO into him, the little idiot!” Beth went on.

“Okay, I’ll just be in here,” Danny said as he veered to the side into the sea as he added, “Drowning myself!”

Beth tutted and rolled her eyes. “Oh chill, ya little drama queen. I’m just kidding!” she said, but looked a little sheepish as she got a disapproving look from Karolyn. “Fine, they’ve been together for a couple of months!” she conceded.

“Best couple of months ever!” Chris said happily as he looped his arm through Danny’s again.

As the four teens casually strolled along the seafront chatting away, attention slowly started turning to other people on the beach.

“Guys, does it seem like everyone here’s a little bit…” Beth started, but stopped mid-sentence and gasped as she looked round in realisation. “No families, lots of hot people, rainbow flags… you know what this is, right?”

“Heaven?” Chris suggested with a grin.

“Oh my god, gay beach. It’s a gay beach!” Danny said, almost bouncing with excitement.

“I figured this was where we were going. Didn’t you guys know?” Karolyn asked curiously. As the others looked at her blankly, she gave a wry grin and asked, “Am I the only one who actually looked into this place ahead of time?”

“I barely do my homework for school. You really think I’m gonna do it for a holiday?” Chris asked, getting a shrug and nod of agreement from both Danny and Beth.

“There’s, like, a whole massive gay scene here. I kinda figured that was why your mum and dad picked it!” Karolyn explained.

“I think you over-estimate them. I have zero doubt this was just the cheapest option!” Beth replied flippantly.

“We may not want to go much further though,” Karolyn said, nodding ahead. “Just over those dunes is the nude beach and I may be pretty body confident for a gal my size, but even I’m not taking it that far!”

Chris and Danny stared at each other wide-eyed for a moment. It certainly wouldn’t be their first nude beach experience, but it had certainly caught their attention. Doing his best to play it casually, Danny replied, “Yeah, maybe we don’t go any further!”

“You do know everyone’s gonna think we’re a couple, don’t you?” Beth asked as she gestured to the gay beach beside them, looking more amused than worried.

“Everyone already thinks we’re a couple. At least here they won’t say it like it’s an insult!” Karolyn replied.

Danny gave his sister a sympathetic glance and got a timid smile in return.

“We should probably head back anyway. I feel like I’m starting to cook!” Danny said, flinching as he stupidly looked up at the blazing sun.

As Karolyn and Beth turned and started walking away, Chris grabbed Danny’s arm to hold him back for a moment and asked, “We’re definitely coming back, right?”

“Fuck yes we are!” Danny said eagerly, getting a wicked giggle from the other boy before they hurried to catch up.


Chris was casually floating in the pool. Having spent a large chunk of the afternoon reading, he needed a break. Beth and Mrs Davies had gone out shopping while Danny and Mr Davies had gone off to find a bar to watch the football match, neither things Chris had any particular interest in doing so he had stayed behind at the hotel. He was technically under the supervision of Karolyn, though she was chattering away to some other people she had met around the pool.

Chris felt a sudden splash of water as he heard a gentle thud beside his head. Looking round he spotted a ball, which he grabbed and tossed back to the boy who was swimming towards it. With the ball thrown back, he returned to his mindless floating.

He let his mind wander back to Year 7 when he had done extra swimming training with his favourite teacher. Mr Beecham, or Owen as he had become known to Chris during their time together, had been sure Chris had enough potential to not only win contests, but had even speculated at times about Olympic potential. It had been a nice thought, but ultimately not what interested Chris and he had given it up. While he had no regrets about the choice, he did miss the time with Owen.

When Chris used to just float around in the pool at school Owen always said the same thing, “You look lost in thought, but that’s probably easy for you to do, it’s unfamiliar territory!” He smirked a little as he thought about the playful insult again, but it quickly dropped away as he felt the splash and heard the thud once again from the ball landing, though this time even closer, its momentum carrying it forward to gently nudge his cheek.

Grabbing the ball, he let his feet sink to the bottom of the pool and looked round at the boy. “Are you doing that on purpose?” he demanded.

“Yeah, kinda,” the boy admitted. “Sorry!”

Chris had seen the boy around the hotel during the few days they had been there, but couldn’t quite place him. He looked to be a couple of years younger than Chris. His hair was somewhere between Danny’s golden blonde and his own pale brown, though it was darkened slightly from being wet. It was the boy’s eyes that really stood out, not so much for the stunning blue or the long lashes also thickened by the wetness, but more for the sadness that positively radiated from them. Chris hadn’t meant the question aggressively but felt bad for making the boy apologise. He gave a gentle smile and said, “It’s okay, I wasn’t complaining, just figuring how much it’s appropriate to splash you back!” He promptly raised the ball and threw it down gently beside the boy’s head, showering him with a small splash.

The boy giggled as he wiped his face, though he did so with a wet hand and didn’t really achieve anything. Grabbing the ball he said timidly, “You looked bored!”

“Lost in thought,” Chris mumbled, sniggering briefly to himself before replying, “Wanna play something?”

The boy’s eyes lit up, the obvious timidness that had held him back from a more verbal introduction melting away slightly. He nodded eagerly.

“I’m Chris!” Chris introduced himself.

“I’m Jake,” the boy said back with a sweet smile. As he raised the ball above his head, Chris swam back and gestured, prompting him to throw the ball over.

Chris dove for the ball, utterly unnecessarily as he could have caught it without moving but disappeared under the water with it. Popping back up a second later, he immediately tossed it back. They threw the ball back and forth a few times before Chris caught it and hesitated. Wrapping his arms around it with his chin resting on it, he used it as a float as he casually paddled along towards Jake.

“Did I do something wrong?” Jake asked, worried the playing was already over.

“No, chill,” Chris giggled. “We just can’t talk when we’re halfway across the pool from each other, that’s all!” he said cheerfully.

“Oh, yeah, good point!” Jake conceded. He gave a sudden impish smile and reached out to grab the ball, then held it under the water as he moved it behind his back.

“Oh, we’re playing that now, are we?” Chris said with a headshake. He lunged at Jake, trying to grab the ball from behind him, but the boy deftly slipped away and flashed a cheesy grin at him. “Slippery fecker!” Chris chuckled.

“I’m good at escaping things. I’ve been in a lot of headlocks!” Jake said with a smile that faltered for a moment.

“Oh, you’ve got brothers too?” Chris asked with a slight head bob.

“Just one, and a sister,” Jake said with a quick casual shrug.

“They not around?” Chris asked, curious as to why the boy seemed to be alone.

Jake pouted slightly as he shook his head. “They ditched me,” he said sadly. “They went off with my cousins. They always leave me out!”

“That’s not very nice,” Chris said frankly, cocking his head sympathetically. He sighed slightly and offered, “If they ever ditch you again and you see me around, you’re always welcome to hang out!” As he saw Jake’s eyes widen with what looked like very obvious gratitude, he seized the moment and reached out to grab the ball, managing to snatch it away this time.

Jake frowned at the sudden move, but smiled as he said, “Thanks!” He kept his eye on the ball then asked, “Have you got any brothers or sisters?”

“Oh, yeah,” Chris said, nodding emphatically as he shoved the ball under the water, grabbed it between his feet and pushed it down to try and balance on it, his arms flapping to either side to steady himself. “I mean, I’ve got four brothers and three sisters!” he explained to the younger boy.

“Wow, that’s a lot!” Jake said, then suddenly lunged for the ball, diving under the water.

Chris nudged the ball back and pulled his feet away so it shot up to the surface, and up a little into the air. It splashed him but he managed to catch it and swim back a few paces as Jake popped back up. “Too slow!” he sniggered.

“Get back here!” Jake insisted, lunging at Chris.

“Nah!” Chris said as he made a dash in the opposite direction.

Jake immediately followed, laughing happily as the two of them played.


Tuesday 16 August 2022

“David says hi!” Danny said happily as he slipped his phone into his pocket. “And he asked if you’ve finished The Dragon’s Promise yet cos he says he needs someone to talk to about it and James keeps reading other things!”

Chris chuckled as he replied, “I’ll text him later so we can chat about it!”

“He’ll like that,” Danny said happily.

“Which one’s David again?” Phil asked casually as they strolled down the street towards the beach. The previous day had been spent out on a daytrip that the kids had been opposed to (as it was ‘boring’ a.k.a. a historic site) but ended up enjoying, but today was planned as another beach day.

“He’s the really tall one I think!” Beth replied.

“No, that’s Nicky!” Danny said, shaking his head as he frowned. “David’s the short one with the colourful hair!” he corrected his sister, then gasped slightly and looked to Chris as he said, “He went pink again. It’s SO cute!”

“They didn’t let boys have pink hair when I was at school!” Fiona said with a slight frown.

“Did they let the girls have pink hair?” Danny asked, his eyes narrowing.

“No,” Fiona replied. “No hair dying at all!”

“Then… why specify they wouldn’t let a BOY have pink hair? Aren’t boys allowed to like pink?” Danny asked accusingly.

“I’m sure that’s not what your mum meant,” Phil quickly jumped in. “Hey, looks like our spot from the other day is free again!” he said, nodding down the beach in hopes of keeping the peace.

“Actually, me and Chris wanted to go off further down the beach today,” Danny explained.

“How much further?” Fiona asked, glancing round at him as they paced across the sand.

“Not that far. Probably down near the flags!” Danny replied, nodding down to where there were small rainbow flags waving outside a small beach café.

Fiona glanced along the coast for a moment. “Are all of you going?” she asked, looking to Beth.

Danny frowned as he interjected, “No, just me and Chris!”

“I don’t want the two of you going off alone like that!” Fiona insisted.

“You were okay with me going running with just Chris!” Danny argued.

“Yes, well there’s a difference between a quick run and spending the day on your own down there!” Fiona argued back.

The others could sense the obvious tension but nobody dared jump in, instead busying themselves unloading their bags and towels as they reached their intended spot.

“Why? What d’you think’s going to happen?” Danny asked coldly.

“You shouldn’t be unattended in an area like that!” Fiona said firmly.

“An area like WHAT?” Danny snapped.

Fiona glared at her son and snapped back, “Don’t you raise your voice at me!”

“An area like what, mum?” Danny asked, keeping his volume lowered but virtually growling it through gritted teeth. When she didn’t reply straight away, Danny added, “You mean a GAY beach!”

Fiona looked furious, paused for a moment and said sharply, “Yes. I do! You’re a couple of young boys and…”

“And WHAT?” Danny snarled. “And we’re gonna get snatched because all gay men are perverts? It’s fine up here with the nice normal STRAIGHTS but we gotta keep the little boys away from the horrible homos?”

“I DIDN’T SAY THAT!” Fiona yelled back at him.

“Woah, woah, hold up,” Phil said, jumping in between them. “I think we should…”

“We’re going! Come on Chris!” Danny said, snatching up his bag to start walking away.

“Don’t you walk away from me!” Fiona yelled.

Danny stopped and looked back, staring his mother down for a moment before he said, “I’m not staying here with a homophobe. I’m going, and you’re VERY welcome to try and stop me!” He glared at her again then said sharply, “Chris!”

Chris was as shocked as Beth and Karolyn by the sudden heated exchange and had frozen in place, but at the second prompt he reached down and grabbed his bag. He looked to Fiona and said nervously, “I don’t mean to be disrespectful ma’am, but I’m with Danny!” He turned and jogged to catch up to Danny who had continued walking away. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked as he caught up to him.

Danny’s lips were pressed tightly together, and he was visibly holding back tears.

Chris let out a sympathetic whimper and reached out a hand. “Hey, we can…”

“Just keep walking!” Danny insisted, not breaking pace. They continued on until they were able to disappear from line of sight of Danny’s parents.

“Danny,” Chris said, grabbing the other boy’s wrist gently to make him stop.

Danny looked at his boyfriend for a moment, his jaw quivering slightly before he burst into tears. Chris had him in a tight hug within moments.

After a few minutes, Danny pulled away and wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand.

“D’you… wanna go back?” Chris asked cautiously.

“No,” Danny said, shaking his head sadly. “Let’s just… go hang out, okay!”

“You mean… figuratively, or…” Chris paused to playfully grab at his own crotch, “Literally?”

Danny managed a slight chuckle. They had planned to actually go a bit further than he had stated to his mum, intending to venture into the nudist beach further round the shore. “Erm, just… figuratively, if that’s okay,” he said timidly. “If we do… y’know… the other place, I want it to be… happier!”

“It’s okay, I get it!” Chris said, putting his arm around Danny as they walked.

They remained silent for a minute as they wandered along the sand until Danny gently shook his head and said, “She’s such a bitch!”

Chris remained silent but nodded sullenly.

“All she wants to do is control me, like… all the time. It’s always like that every time I visit. It sucks!” Danny scowled.

“Do you… think of going home as just… visiting?” Chris asked curiously.

Danny frowned thoughtfully at the question and replied, “Yeah, I guess so. Don’t you?”

Chris thought for a moment, first about school, then about his family before he replied, “No. I mean… you know I love you…” he paused to smile back at Danny’s grin, “And I love the rest of the guys and Kingswood and everything, but home’s still… home!”

“Yeah, maybe that’s cos your mum’s not a controlling she-devil like mine!” Danny said bitterly, then quickly added, “And don’t give me any of that ‘at least yours is around’ bullshit. You’ve already used that one!”

Chris smirked slightly, as he had genuinely been about to say that.

“Ugh, I don’t wanna think about it. Let’s just… find somewhere to stop and zone out for the day!” Danny requested.

“Sure,” Chris said, reaching up to grab the side of Danny’s head with one hand before pulling it close to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead.


Beth puffed out her cheeks and exhaled slowly as she left the dining area with Karolyn, Chris and Danny. “Well… that was suitably awkward!” she said sardonically. “You sure you don’t wanna hang out with them for the rest of the evening so we can fit in a little more ‘not talking to each other’ time?”

Danny scowled at his sister as Chris said, “Hey, don’t stir, hellspawn!” He threw his arm around Danny and gave him a squeeze.

“Ha, gaaaaayyy!” a voice suddenly jeered from behind them.

The four of them turned to see the group they had almost conflicted with a few nights earlier.

“Wow, so original, dickhead!” Beth snapped back at the teen who had said it, who was currently sniggering with the rest of his group.

“Oh, so sorry if I offended you, SIR!” the teen sneered back at Beth.

Karolyn immediately grabbed Beth the moment she saw her move and said, “Beth, don’t!”

“Yeah, listen to your little girlfriend, MISTER!” one of the three girls joined in the teasing.

Chris was quite taken aback by the sudden verbal assault, but even moreso as he recognised one of the members of the group. He frowned sadly at Jake, the boy he had spent the afternoon playing with in the pool on Sunday but didn’t say anything.

“Careful, HE looks ready to go for you!” another of the girls teased.

“Relax, I’m safe. No way she’s getting free with THAT much weight holding her back!” the first boy said derisively as he glanced at Karolyn who was still holding Beth back.

“Just fuck off, you pricks!” Danny said, resisting the urge to lash out at the bullying teens.

“Oooh, fuck off you pricks!” one of the other boys replied in a mocking tone.

The group moved on, many of them repeating the same mockery of Danny’s final comment.

Chris watched Jake. He hadn’t joined in with the teasing. He had actually looked quite upset about it, standing behind the older teens almost unnoticed. He glanced back at Chris as he followed the others and mouthed, “I’m sorry!”

“I swear, they say one more thing to me and I’m gonna kick the shit out of every single one of ‘em!” Beth said angrily, gently stroking Karolyn’s hand to signal she could let go.

“No you’re not. You need to ignore them, we ALL do!” Karolyn insisted.

“Ugh, is this some ‘high moral ground’ bullshit?” Danny asked, his temper already frayed.

Karolyn scoffed as she shook her head. “Pfft, no, who cares about that!” she said dismissively. “People like that do what they do cos they get a kick out of the attention and reaction they get. Ignore them and you take away all their enjoyment!”

“Ooh, nasty, I like it!” Beth said with a snigger.

“But seriously. We just gotta ignore them,” Karolyn said as she started to walk away, urging the others to do the same. “You know if you hit them we’re the ones who’d get in trouble!” she explained frankly.

“Ugh, stop being right about everything!” Beth said with a slightly annoyed smirk. She looked to Danny and slapped him on the back as she said, “Sorry kiddo, you’re having a bit of a shit day, aren’t you!”

“I guess,” Danny said with a shrug, fairly expressionless. “Hey, can we just get out of here for a bit,” he asked Chris quietly.

After bidding the girls a quick goodbye, Chris and Danny wandered off, heading out of the hotel’s atrium. The sun had not long set and the brightest stars were just beginning to twinkle in the darkening sky as the two boys wandered along, heading around the hotel’s pool.

Chris grabbed a couple of loungers, turned them round to face away from the hotel and out towards the sea then pushed them together. Laying down on one, he patted the other to get Danny to sit.

Danny sighed heavily before he said sadly, “Today really sucks!”

“I know,” Chris agreed, gently nudging his hand against Danny’s.

Danny glanced down at it, took hold and then raised his gaze back to Chris who was smiling sweetly at him. “Have I told you today how much I like you?” he asked softly. Before Chris could answer, he added a playful, “Spoiler alert, it’s more than a very lot!”

“Mr Fitzsimmons’d be so proud of your grammatical skills if he heard that,” Chris joked, referring to their Year 9 English teacher.

“Hey, words are your thing, I’m better with numbers!” Danny said back jovially.

“Okay, then what’s the square root of three million, two hundred and nineteen thousand, four hundred and five?” Chris asked abruptly.

“I dunno,” Danny shrugged. “Like… eighteen hundred or something. I said I’m BETTER with them, not that I’m GOOD with them!”

“Hey, you got 5 stars in Maths on your report. I think that means you’re good with them!” Chris replied, sounding almost proud.

“Better with numbers than words I suppose,” Danny replied with a humble shrug, but then added a quiet, “Or people!”

“Shut up, you’re great with people!” Chris said, swatting his hand to the side to slap Danny’s stomach. As he heard a pained grunt, he whimpered and said, “Sorry, that was harder than I meant it to be!” he gently rubbed Danny’s stomach to soothe him.

Danny let out a happy hum as he laid letting Chris gently rub him. “Won’t be the only thing hard if you keep doing that!” he said with a wry grin.

“Oh yeah,” Chris smirked. “It’s been a while, right!”

Danny just let out a frustrated groan. On their second night at the hotel, the two had played a game in the shower. Taking turns to fuck each other for 30-second intervals, with the one who ejaculated first being declared the winner, while the loser didn’t get to cum. The game had continued into the next day, with the two boys showering together in the evening with the same rules. Despite going a day without cumming, Danny had managed to lose again on Sunday night, and again on Monday. He had now gone four days without cumming and it was only his frequent bad mood throughout the day that had stopped him from popping constant erections.

“Y’know, we COULD just forget the game and say I win!” Chris suggested, letting his hand slide down just enough to reach the bottom of Danny’s t-shirt, pushing it up a little to let his finger touch the bare skin beneath.

Danny let out a pleasured sigh as his eyes fluttered closed for a second before they snapped open and he shook his head. “No! I’m winning tonight and then YOU’RE gonna have to NOT cum!” he insisted.

“Oh no… how awful!” Chris said flatly before giving a wry grin.

Danny laughed as he shook his head. “I really don’t get how you can enjoy NOT cumming as much as you do!” he exclaimed in genuine disbelief.

Chris pulled his hand back, looking thoughtful for a moment. “It’s not… the NOT cumming,” he said as he contemplated the kink. “It’s more about the WANTING to cum and not being able to. Probably a control thing, seems like most sex stuff is!” As Danny gave him a curious look, he shrugged and said, “Most of our dorm’s been in therapy at some point. I pick this stuff up from them sometimes, especially Nicky!”

Danny gave a sweet smile as he nodded, considering their classmate. “I’m glad he’s talking about that stuff more… or anything, really! You remember him in year seven? He barely spoke!”

Chris sighed gently as he nodded.

“Do you… miss him?” Danny asked curiously. “Or, like… still have feelings for him?”

“I guess a bit,” Chris said with a nod, having dated their mutual friend for most of year eight, along with Mikey. “But I dunno, I guess me and him… or… me and THEM I suppose, it… it was amazing and it was fun and… yeah, messy as fuck when we broke up but… I dunno. I feel shitty as feck saying it, but sometimes it feels like I didn’t really want to be with THEM. I just didn’t want to be alone because I couldn’t be with…” He paused, staring a little awkwardly at Danny and he finished softly, “You!”

Danny gave a meek smile as he nodded. He reached out to hold Chris’ hand and said, “I get it!” He glanced down at their grasped hands then back up to Chris’ face and said, “But this… us…”

“I know,” Chris replied. It felt right. They both knew it, to the point they didn’t even need to say it.

The two boys stared into each others’ eyes contentedly for a moment before Danny giggled and said, “Hey, I got a maths problem even you can solve… what’s sixty plus nine?”

“Sixty-nine!” Chris said eagerly, just happy to know the answer.

“Well, if you’re offering…” Danny said with a cheesy grin.

“That’s so bad!” Chris said, shaking his head. “But also… okay!”

Danny let out a content sigh at Chris’ eager nodding, then reached over to run a finger through his hair. “I love you so much!” he sighed happily.

Chris reached up to place his hand on Danny’s gently pulled it down and planted a gentle kiss on it. “Love you more,” he whispered back.

“How is it,” Danny started, “That no matter how shit my day is, you can always cheer me up? Just… five minutes with you and everything feels a bit better!”

“Well I’m all yours, all night, so you’re gonna feel GREAT by morning!” Chris smirked.

They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of loud laughter, and a faint yell of, “NO, DON’T!” followed moments later by a loud splash.

Both leaning in to look back through the gap between their loungers, Chris and Danny’s heads smacked together. Letting out gentle yelps of pain mixed with sudden apologies, they smirked at each other as they rubbed their heads. “I’ll go this way!” Danny said, pointing to the opposite side.

Peering round as the sound of laughter had already faded away, they could see somebody was in the pool, splashing their way to the side. They couldn’t make out much of who it was, but as the figure placed their arm on the side of the pool and the sound of splashing quietened, they could hear loud sniffs quickly giving way to crying.

“Come on!” Danny said, jumping up immediately to run round and help, with Chris right behind him.

“Jake!” Chris exclaimed as they got close and he boy in the water.

Jake lifted his face from his arms where it had been buried and sniffed heavily as he looked up and said, “Chris!” in surprise at the sudden appearance.

“Bit late for a swim, isn’t it?” Chris asked playfully.

Jake laughed for just a second before bursting into more sobs.

“Here,” Chris said, reaching out a hand to the younger boy.

Danny was scowling at Jake as he stood over him, but as he received a slap to the leg from Chris, he reached down and took Jake’s other hand. Between them they easily lifted the soaked boy out of the pool.

“What happened?” Chris asked as he sat down on the ground beside Jake who had made no attempt to stand. He noticed Danny glaring once again and gave him a quizzical look before looking back to the sodden boy.

“The others just… thought it’d be funny to throw me in the pool!” Jake sniffled.

“What, just… for the fun of it? And then leave you there?” Chris asked, appalled. Looking at Danny once again, he asked in a hushed tone, “What?”

“He’s one of THEM!” Danny whispered back.

“So?” Chris frowned back at him. He shifted round to kneel up, ready to stand as he said to Jake, “Come on, let’s go get you dried off!”

Jake sniffed and shrugged as he said, “I can’t!”

“Why not?” Chris asked curiously.

“They took my room key as well. They said they didn’t want me around tonight!” Jake said, shivering slightly.

Chris silently seethed for a moment but didn’t voice his annoyance at the upset boy’s siblings and cousins. “Okay, then come dry off in our room then!” He stood up and added, “Come on,” when Jake showed no signs of moving.

“I don’t want him in our room!” Danny whispered.

“Don’t be a dick!” Chris said disapprovingly back to him.

“I don’t… wanna get in the way,” Jake mumbled awkwardly, avoiding looking at Danny.

“You won’t be!” Chris said firmly, then glared at Danny as he added, “WILL he?”

Danny sighed and shook his head as he reluctantly replied, “No, you won’t. Come on then!”

The three boys headed inside and up to the fourth floor. They took the stairs, partly for fear of running into the others, but also because Jake said he didn’t want to leave a puddle in front of the lifts from standing and waiting. The walk up the four flights was silent aside from the gentle squelch of Jake’s sodden trainers. The lack of conversation carried on along the hallway until they reached the door to Chris and Danny’s room.

“There ya go,” Chris said as they got inside and he clicked on the bathroom light. “You dry off. I’ll leave something you can wear outside the door for you!”

“Thanks,” Jake said timidly before heading in. He closed the door behind him.

“He’s probably spying for the rest of those cunts!” Danny growled as soon as he was alone with Chris.

Chris rolled his eyes and replied, “Okay, that’s insane, and besides, he hates them as much as you do!” He grabbed some clothes from the wardrobe and placed them down in front of the door as he followed Danny round into the main living area.

“How do you even KNOW him?” Danny demanded as he sat on the bed.

“We hung out the other day when you were off at your sportball thingy!” Chris said with a headshake. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

“Eww no, this isn’t… that. I just…” Danny huffed slightly, “Weirdly, I’m just not a big fan of people who bully my sister and my friends!” he said flippantly.

“He hasn’t done anything. Believe me, whatever they might say to us is nothing compared to what they do to him!” Chris insisted, having gained a little insight into the awfulness of Jake’s siblings and cousins when they hung out together.

Danny still didn’t look convinced.

“They…” Chris started, but paused as he heard the bathroom door open for a second, presumably for Jake to grab the clothes that had been left for him. Conscious of his volume, Chris sat down next to Danny and continued quietly, “They’re horrible to him. Seriously, he’s not like them!”

Danny frowned for a moment as he held Chris’ gaze. He took a deep breath in then sighed with obvious frustration as he said, “Fine, but if this all goes wrong and he’s actually just gathering intel to use against us, I’ll…” He paused, frowning as he realised he had nothing to actually threaten with. “I’ll just be annoyed, okay!” he conceded.

Despite his annoyance at Danny’s attitude, Chris couldn’t help but be amused by his boyfriend. He smirked slightly as he replied, “I’m willing to take that risk!” He leaned over to gently kiss Danny.

The kiss was broken by a sudden gasp from across the room. As they pulled apart, they saw Jake staring at them, wide-eyed. “S… sorry,” he stuttered awkwardly.

“For what?” Chris chuckled.

“Ugh, here we go,” Danny whispered under his breath, shaking his head as he prepared himself for a barrage of homophobic insults.

“Y… you were… kissing!” Jake mumbled, frozen in place.

“Well yeah. We DO kinda do that!” Chris said with a grin.

“With your own brother!?” Jake exclaimed in very obvious surprise.

“What!?” Chris exclaimed, looking back and forth between Danny and Jake. “No! He’s not my brother, he’s my boyfriend!”

Jake stared blankly for a moment until it fully sunk in, then he grinned and replied, “Ohhhhh! That makes SO much more sense!”

“You’re… okay with it?” Danny asked, still prepared for abuse but surprised by the response.

Jake gave a casual shrug, looked thoughtful for a moment and said, “Sure. Why would it bother me!?”

Chris gave Danny a silent but very distinct ‘I told you so’ smirk before he said, “Great, well I realise you two haven’t really met, so… Danny, this is Jake! Jake, this is Danny, who is totally NOT my brother!”

The other two started laughing until Jake said cautiously but politely, “Hi Danny, nice to meet you!”

Beginning to realise he may have judged the boy too harshly, Danny smiled politely and replied, “Yeah, you too.” It got a content grin back from Chris as he said it.


Johnny Kape

BTW I thought lacrosse is a sport *only* in north America... heh. I only read about lacrosse in stories happening in the US. (I even didn't know the sport before reading a Nifty story!)

Mr Luigi

Jake seems cute...

Stories by Matt

It's definitely bigger in North America, but the UK has a tendency to adopt certain things from America, and Lacrosse seems to be one of them. It's definiotely not big here, but it shows up from time to time.