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Kai knew he was wasting the last week of summer break, but he just didn’t care. Curled up in bed with the covers over his head was how he had spent most of the last four days and he fully expected it to continue right through the upcoming final weekend.

It had been four days since the funeral. Four days since Caleb had punched his brother in the face and knocked him through a glass door. Four days since Caleb had been grounded and cut off all contact with his friends. Four days of Kai feeling like crap for the part he had played in what happened.

Kai let out a low growl as he heard his door open. He wasn’t sure who it was, and he had no intention of peering out from under the covers to find out, as that would mean acknowledging the rest of the world actually existed! Over the past four days, both of his parents had made token attempts to get through to him, mostly at dinner which they forced him to attend. Leo and Miles had each made a few attempts too, but the stoney silence they were met with soon put a stop to that.

Kai heard approaching footsteps which stopped beside his bed, followed by the sound of someone sitting down on the floor. A moment later he heard a sound of rustling, like stuff being poured out of a shopping bag. Whoever it was still remained silent.

Leo sat quietly beside Kai’s bed, with his laptop open and a pile of chocolate bars on the floor beside him. After waiting to see if Kai might venture out on his own, he realised his brother would likely need a prompt, so he stated, “I brought chocolate!” He heard a slight shift on the bed, but Kai still didn’t emerge so he added, “Including Maltesers!”

A hand suddenly shot out from under the covers. As Leo placed a bag of Maltesers on it, it shot back under again.

Leo grinned. Step one was complete. Step two could begin. As he pressed play on his laptop, he sighed and said, “Guess I’m gonna have to watch all these stupid superhero movies on my own then!” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the covers lift a little to reveal Kai’s face.

Kai glanced at the massive pile of chocolate bars on the floor, then to the laptop that was playing the opening of a movie he loved and finally to Leo, who was deliberately not looking back. Kai sighed softly and said, “I don’t wanna talk!”

“Good. I don’t wanna listen!” Leo replied with a nonchalant shrug.

“Okay then,” Kai said reluctantly.

Leo let out a low groan as he squirmed slightly and said, “Not comfortable!” He paused the movie, then tossed the laptop behind him onto the bed. He scooped up the mountain of snacks as he climbed to his feet and said, “Shift out the way!”

Kai scowled slightly and sat up, watching heavy-eyed as Leo climbed onto the bed, sitting sideways across it with his back against the wall. Placing the chocolate down to one side, he grabbed his laptop and placed it just below his knees as he patted his lap silently.

Kai actually managed a momentary smile as he flopped back down, letting his head rest on Leo’s lap. As his brother reached over him to resume the movie, Kai tilted his head back to look up at him for a moment. “Thanks,” he said barely above a whisper.

“Shh, movie,” Leo said dismissively. A few moments later, he let his hand rest gently on his brother’s arm, settling in for an afternoon together.


When Monday morning rolled around, very little had changed. Caleb was still grounded and none of the others had heard from him, and Kai had continued his moping. Miles and Leo had both suggested doing some dares the previous day, but it had seemingly just depressed Kai further as he sighed, “It needs all of us!” They hadn’t brought the subject up again.

As Kai donned his school uniform for the first day back, he felt like he should have been more worried about the day ahead. After all, by now almost everyone in Year 11 – which Kai was just entering – was following him on social media, which meant they had seen his summer of sexy pictures as well as knowing about his high-five-induced public nudity. Some may have known about his mall streaking. Others would have heard about his naked moments at the Blue Lagoon water park. And then there were the boys who played on Leo and Caleb’s football team. It seemed like everyone knew at least some of what he had been up to over the summer and yet… Kai’s mind could only focus on one question.

“You think he’ll be there?” Kai asked anxiously as he left the house with Leo.

“I could probably make a better guess if I knew what he was so pissed at you for,” Leo replied with a shrug.

“Ugh,” Kai huffed, rolling his eyes. As they reached the end of the driveway, Miles emerged from his own front door across the street and hurried over towards them.

“Morning!” Miles called out as he squirmed in his school uniform that was very clearly too big for him. Seeing the look he was getting from the others, he rolled his eyes and stated, “They said the thing!”

All three smirked as they chorused a line that they all heard from their parents at the start of every school year, “You’ll grow into it!”

As they all chuckled, Kai glanced down the street to the corner ahead, then round at Miles as he asked, “You think he’ll be there!”

“Hard to say without knowing what you did!” Miles replied. As he got a frustrated huff from Kai, who stormed on ahead, he shrugged at Leo who just sniggered back.

The corner ahead was where they always met Caleb so the four of them could walk to school together. Both Leo and Miles had messaged Caleb to say they would be there at the usual time but he hadn’t replied to either of them. Kai had messaged him too… a lot!

On Monday night he had sent, [Hey, just wanted to see how you’re doing. I’m so sorry about today. I hope you’re not in too much trouble!]

On Tuesday, after getting no reply, he sent, [Hi, hope ur alright. Sorry again. Speak soon??]

On Wednesday, with still no reply, he had sent, [Hey, hoping you’re maybe just not allowed to text. If you see this, please just let me know you’re okay!]

Over the past three days, with still no sign of any response, he had sent a few brief hellos, knowing he was probably being annoying (and ignored) but unable to hold back.

Taking a deep breath as he reached the corner a short way ahead of Miles and Leo, he looked down the other street… and there he was. Caleb! Just casually strolling towards him. Kai didn’t say anything as he watched Caleb approach, then let out a slight yelp as he felt a hand slap his butt, indicating the other two had caught up.

“Morning jailbird!” Miles said cheerfully.

“Hey,” Caleb said with a muted smile.

“Maaaaate!” Leo said with a huge grin, offering his hand to Caleb who happily accepted it, smirking. “Did ya really break his nose?”

“Yeah,” Caleb sniggered, though it quickly dropped as he added, “And a door. That was less satisfying!”

“Ugh, I wish I coulda seen it,” Miles said as they all started walking down the street.

“I know, right,” Leo agreed. “Bout time someone put that cunt down!”

“Yeah, it was almost worth getting grounded for!” Caleb said with a casual shrug.

“Oh, did your… phone get confiscated too then?” Kai asked hopefully.

Caleb glanced at Kai, paused for a second and said, “No!”

“Oh!” Kai said softly. Though he did his best not to show it, the confirmation that he really was just being ignored felt like a gut punch. As conversation continued down the street, Kai trailed slightly behind, desperately wanting to talk to Caleb alone, but with no opportunities presenting themselves.

By the time they got to school, Kai still hadn’t spoken to Caleb and he felt so lousy about it all that he was almost on the verge of tears. As they passed through the gates and down the short path to the main quad they marvelled at the sight of the tiny new Years 7s who looked absolutely terrified of their new school. They all looked so small, even compared to Miles and Kai.

“There he is!” someone called out.

As they all looked round, they saw a small group of other Year 11 boys pointing directly at Kai.

“Fuck,” Kai muttered as the reality of what he was about to face suddenly struck him.

There was a sudden whirlwind of activity around him as he was virtually mobbed, with more Year 11s coming along and a few boys from other years soon joining in. “Congratulations on hitting 10k followers!” “Was that your way of coming out?” “Why’ve you stopped posting pictures?” “I saw the video of you in Market Square!” “If you’ve got it, flaunt it. I mean, you ain’t got it, but you’re still flaunting it!” “Aren’t you a bit overdressed?” “I love your Insta!” “Have fun at the pool?” “Are you a nudist?” “Awesome glow-up!” “So gay!” “What’s his Insta?” “Can you add me on Snapchat!” “I don’t know what’s happening, I just want to join in!” “Did you really start an OnlyFans?”

Kai could have easily found the sudden crowd and accompanying wall of noise overwhelming but instead it felt… good!? It was a bit like the comments and messages on social media – there was occasional unpleasantness, but the general sentiment ranged from amused to delighted. Kai suddenly felt popular, something he had never even dreamed of before.

As Kai tried to start answering some of the questions, revelling in the fact that his every word seemed to attract gushing praise and laughter, he caught a glimpse through the crowd of his friends. Miles looked amused, Leo looked slightly concerned and Caleb looked… actually Kai wasn’t sure how Caleb looked. It was an expression he had never really seen on the other boy before and it was making his stomach churn. He NEEDED to talk to him, but… for now he was enjoying the attention, so he looked away from the others and turned his focus back to his new fanclub.


The first morning had started the same way it did every year. The boys had been gathered in their Year groups before being divided into the four classes that made up each Year. Once divided, they were sent to their new form rooms where they would attend each morning and afternoon for registration with their form tutor. As soon as the information was shared, they were all dismissed to head to their assigned rooms.

Giving Leo and Miles a quick goodbye, Kai headed off with his own class, though he couldn’t help noticing Caleb continuing to keep his distance. Pushing his way through the crowd as they entered their form room, he had hoped to get a seat next to Caleb. Even if he didn’t want to talk, they kept their designated seats throughout the duration of the school year and he figured they’d be talking again… eventually!?

“Don’t take any seats yet!” Mr Wilcox called out as the boys sluggishly entered the room.

Kai was just as unhappy that they had got Mr Wilcox as everyone else in his class. He was notoriously strict, which was a very unwelcome change from Mr Thompson who had been their Year 10 form tutor.

“You’re going in alphabetical order,” Mr Wilcox called out and immediately started reeling off names. “Ahmad, Bailey, here,” he said, pointing to the first pair of desks on the front row before pointing to the next pair as he continued, “Baker, Campbell, here. Chapman and Cheng, here. Clarke and Cook, here.”

Kai let out a gentle groan as he saw Caleb take a seat next to Ellis Cook. Not that he had anything against Ellis, he was a nice guy, but Kai still felt a surge of resentment. He stood waiting for Mr Wilcox to get through the class. He smirked along with the rest of the class when Mr Wilcox called out, ‘Morgan’ and ‘Murphy’ together. That was Archie Morgan and Felix Murphy, two best friends and notorious troublemakers who Kai had last seen during his embarrassing day at the Blue Lagoon water park. The fact their names seated them together alphabetically just felt unfair, as it allowed the two best friends to sit together while Kai was so far from Caleb.

“Price, Robinson,” Mr Wilcox continued.

Kai sighed as he headed to his assigned seat. He was virtually as far from Caleb as it was possible to get, with Caleb on the right of the front row while Kai was on the left of the back row. As he took his seat, he heard a gentle, “Hi Kai,” from next to him.

Kai looked round to the boy sitting to his left, Bobby Price. Like most of the class, Kai knew him but wasn’t really friends with him. He seemed nice enough, but like Kai, he had his own circle of friends that he seemed to stick to. “Hi,” he said casually, but his attention was immediately drawn as he heard, “Ward and Watson, you’re there!”

There was a slight hush and a few gentle ‘oohs’ from the class as everyone looked round at the last two boys to take their seats. Luca Ward - the only out gay boy in Year 11, as well as the recipient of one of Kai’s naked videos over the summer – was seated next to Finley Watson – a particularly pungent bully and a frequent homophobic tormentor of Luca. To make matters worse, just across the small gap between the pairs of desks was Xavier Vincenzo, best friend to Finley and equally as unpleasant. The two boys, known usually as ‘Vin and Fin’ were awful together, and it did not bode well for Luca to be situated between them.

“Is there a problem?” Mr Wilcox asked as he heard the reaction of the class.

“Yeah, Luca. Is there a problem?” Finley asked with a slight sneer.

Luca shrunk inwards a little as he shook his head and said quietly, “No sir, no problem!”

The rest of the class remained silent too. Nobody in the class liked ‘Fin and Vin’, as there was really very little about them that could ever be considered likeable, but the boys of their Year allowed them to get away with their rancid behaviour. Some were scared of the two imposing boys on a physical level, while most feared them on a psychological level, always scared they might become the pair’s nest target.

Kai leaned back in his seat a little to try and look to the other end of the row and see if Luca was okay, but he quickly pulled back forward as he remembered how embarrassed he had been bumping into him at the mall… and that was even BEFORE he got seen naked on the escalator! He vaguely registered Bobby saying something but totally missed it, so he hummed, “Hmm?”

“I asked if you had a good summer,” Bobby repeated himself, “Though based on your socials, I reckon I know the answer! You’re fuckin’ mental!”

“Oh, yeah, I guess,” Kai said, feeling suddenly embarrassed. It was a strange feeling. He had been in a crowd of boys saying that exact same thing and it had felt exciting, but one-on-one with someone he would be spending a lot of time with it all just felt… embarrassing!

“QUIET!” Mr Wilcox called out as he returned to his desk at the front of the room.

Kai let out a gentle sigh. It was certainly not great to be back!


Miles and Leo exchanged a brief look as they saw Caleb approaching. They didn’t need to speak. Even if it wasn’t a matter they had speculated about all day, they were just naturally adept at understanding each other without words. Caleb was coming from the same class as Kai… but they were not together!

“You forget something?” Leo asked curtly as Caleb approached the school gates.

“He’s coming,” Caleb replied gruffly, then gave a dismissive shrug as he added, “Probably!”

“What the fuck did he do at that funeral?” Miles asked, shaking his head. The angry glare the question got from Caleb silenced any further attempt at questioning.

“If he’s not here soon, I’m going ahead. I’m still grounded!” Caleb explained.

“Geez, chill, you can wait a couple of fucking minutes!” Leo huffed. While Miles’s concern seemed to be aimed at both of their friends, Leo had very clearly sided with Kai over whatever the disagreement was. It wasn’t so much from loyalty to his twin so much as it was just his natural inclination to be on the opposite side of any argument to Caleb.

“There he is,” Mile said happily as Kai appeared, hoping it would help prevent any further squabbling between Caleb and Leo.

“Wow, look at Little Miss Popular,” Leo said with a slightly bemused headshake.

Kai was not alone. He had other boys buzzing around him. As he neared his brother and the others, he started waving some of them off, promising several of them to add them on Snapchat which seemed to make their day. “Hey guys,” he said as he waved off the last of them. He smiled to Miles and Leo then just stared expectantly at Caleb.

“We need to get going,” Caleb said, averting his gaze the moment Kai stared at him.

Any joy that had passed through the school gates with Kai seemed to just melt away instantly as he was ignored once again.

Silence lingered heavily throughout the first few minutes of the walk home until Miles suddenly stated, “We need a dare!”

“What!?” Kai gasped nervously. As he looked to Miles, the other boy nodded towards Caleb, clearly indicating this could be a way to get through to him. Catching on quickly, Kai promptly added, “Yeah, okay!”

“I didn’t bring the bag,” Leo said dismissively.

“Well… sometimes you just gotta improvise,” Miles said confidently, “Hey Cay, any ideas?”

“Yeah. Going home before I get another week added on,” Caleb huffed without looking back at the other three.

“I can work with that!” Miles said, thinking quickly. He looked Kai up and down as he yelped, “I GOT IT! Anyone got a coin?”

“Why, where we putting it?” Leo asked with a grin as he reached into his pocket to retrieve one.

Caleb didn’t stop walking, but he did venture a slight look back.

“Okay, let’s see,” Miles said as he stopped and grabbed Kai, looking him up and down. “Caleb, wait a sec, don’t worry, this won’t take long.” As Caleb stopped and looked back, Miles grinned and added, “In fact it might even speed up someone’s walking!”

“Why do I already hate this?” Kai grumbled, though he was glad Caleb was at least looking his way.

“Okay, so… what ya got? Blazer, tie, shirt, trousers, undies, shoes and socks, right?” Miles summarised as he appraised Kai’s clothing.

“Yeah…” Kai confirmed wearily.

“We’ll flip a coin for each one. Heads, you keep it on. Tails, you take it off!” Miles explained.

“Fuck!” Kai gasped.

“Awesome. What’s first?” Leo asked, shamelessly excited at the idea.

“Blazer!” Miles stated.

Leo flipped the coin, caught it, slapped it down onto the back of his other hand and said, “Ha. Tails!”

“Ugh,” Kai huffed as he slipped the blazer off his shoulders. As he looked round, he could see Miles was occupied with overseeing the task while Leo was the designated flipper. Though he didn’t say anything, Caleb held out his hand and Kai passed him the blazer.

They weren’t even concealed away anywhere. They had left the main road by now, which was busy with rush hour traffic, but their current road and the rest of the route home was mostly quieter, but certainly not abandoned. Just in the time it had taken to do the first flip two cars had passed them.

“Okay, tie next,” Miles stated.

Leo flipped and groaned as he said, “Heads!”

“Oh good, so I’m not ending up naked,” Kai said sarcastically as he wafted around the end of his school tie.

“Shirt next. Flip!” Miles demanded.

Leo flipped the coin, slapped it down and kept it covered as he closed his eyes and muttered, “Please be tails!” As he opened his eyes and pulled his hand away, he cackled and declared, “HA. Tails! Fuck yes!”

“Fuck,” Kai groaned as he started unbuttoning his shirt. Keeping the tie on made it a little harder and he struggled to pull the collar free with it still on, but he just about managed and slid the shirt down his shoulders before handing it to Caleb. As he did it, he finally made eye contact which he managed to hold for a moment before Caleb looked away again.

“I think we should let him keep his footwear on,” Miles stated, “If only so he doesn’t slow us down getting the prisoner back in his cell!” He gestured to Caleb as he said it and actually received a slight smirk in return.

“Oh, so kind of you,” Kai said flatly. “Come on then, guessing these are next,” he said as he grasped at the waistband of his trousers.

As Miles nodded, Leo flipped and almost bounced with absolute glee as it came up with another tails. “Get ‘em off, nudey!” he taunted.

“And that’s where we stop, right?” Kai said as he pulled his trousers down. Getting derisive laughs that answered the question for him, he tried pulling the trousers off over his school shoes, but they got caught and he staggered. Just as he thought he was going to hit the ground, he felt someone holding him up. He glanced up to see Caleb staring down at him. “Thanks,” he said meekly as he managed to get the trousers off, handing them to the bigger boy as he stood upright again.

“Come on then, nerdboy,” Leo said to Miles, “What are the odds of ANOTHER tails next?”

“Well… still fifty-fifty,” Miles shrugged, “Pretty much like every coin flip. Past flips really don’t affect the next one!”

“Oh,” Leo said, nodding thoughtfully. He quickly shook his head and said, “That’s why I don’t like maths. It makes NO sense!”

“Whatever, idiotboy. Just flip,” Miles teased back.

Leo flipped the coin, caught it and closed his eyes again. “If there IS a god and he’s listening, if you make this another tails, I will dedicate my life to your service!”

“Nuh!” Caleb finally spoke up, raising a hand at the comment. “This is taking long enough WITHOUT starting Miles off on another rant about religion. Just look at the fucking coin!”

“I don’t rant,” Miles pouted.

“You totally rant,” Kai sniggered.

“Heads,” Leo sighed as he held his hand out. “It’s heads. He keeps his underwear on! Looks like a life of sinning it is!”

“Oh, so I JUST have to walk home like this,” Kai said flippantly, gesturing to his near-naked body. Dressed in nothing but footwear, red boxer-briefs and his school tie, he looked comedically exposed. Thankfully, whether it was from the nervousness of being so close to school, the slight chill in the September air or just his mood in general, his cock had not swollen… yet. He suspected that would not last, so he started walking and said, “Come on. I’m not hanging round like this any longer than I have to!”

Caleb looked Kai up and down once again. Despite his embarrassing state of near nudity, Caleb said nothing to him as he handed him his discarded clothes.

Kai sighed softly as Caleb turned away and started walking. Quickly shoving his clothes into his bag, he heard his phone vibrating and pulled it out to look at it as he resumed the walk home. For a few moments, he actually forgot he was on show so much. Looking down at the flurry of messages and comments his first day back had got him, Kai looked up as he heard a car horn beep while its passengers shouted something indecipherable as they sped past.

“Clearly more fans,” Leo sniggered.

“I still can’t believe it,” Miles said, shaking his head as they trailed behind both Caleb and Kai. “He spends the summer totally embarrassing himself and ends up getting fucking popular for it! I don’t get people sometimes!”

“You don’t get people MOST of the time,” Leo joked, then added a quiet, “Except me!”

Kai stared at the back of Caleb. Having him so close by all day but still not talking had actually felt even worse than just being separated from him entirely. He was just considering trying to talk to him again when he saw a message on his phone. It wasn’t from anyone he knew, just some random guy, who stated, [No new pic again today?! Have they stopped? Do I need to unfollow???]

Kai felt a knot in his stomach as he read the message. He didn’t care about social media. For him it had always been something he did just because everyone else did, and maybe a way to stay in touch with a few people but gathering followers had never been his objective. He had just started off doing the dare and people had begun to appear. Seeing the numbers rise had felt nice, but this was the first time he had ever really felt any fear of losing it. He quickly held out his phone and snapped a selfie, clearly showing how little he was wearing as he walked down the street. [Got a bit warm on the way home haha] Kai added as a caption.

Almost instantly, the likes and comments started flooding in. [Oh my god, how have u not bin arrested??] [Show off (not a complaint)] [He’ll be hot once he hits puberty!] [Kai’s a slut LOLOLOLOLOLOL] [It’s like the ‘before’ shot for a workout routine advert! HAHA] [Damn, he’s got balls… probably! It’s like the only bit we haven’t seen yet!] [Is that a school tie? How old is he???!?!???] [Nice pants!!]

The wave of attention started having a noticeable effect. Kai’s cock began to swell as he walked. It felt nice straining against the fabric of his underwear, but as it grew to full hardness he realised he really couldn’t just walk down the street so blatantly on show… no matter how good it felt. He brought his bag round to cover his crotch, though it immediately triggered a teasing whistle from Miles as he left his rear exposed.

“Shut up,” Kai giggled, looking back at him as he slipped his phone back into his bag. As he turned his attention forward again, he was sure he saw Caleb’s head turning back, but it might have just been his imagination. Pressing his bag against his crotch, he let out a low moan, followed a second later by a shocked gasp.

“What? What is it? Did you cum?” Miles sniggered as he and Leo scurried forward to walk either side of Kai.

“No… but… I can!” Kai said, nodding with his eyes wide.

“What, you want another dare?” Miles smirked.

“No!” Kai said sharply, then thought for a moment, cocked his head and said, “Actually… yeah, but not right now! What I mean is… the dare, or was it a punishment? No cumming unless it’s part of a dare, it was just for the summer and… summer’s over, so…”

“You can start whackin’ it again!” Miles stated with a nod.

Kai nodded back, then blushed a little. It was strange to think of all the things he had done over the summer, all of the times he had been naked, or nearly-naked, or on show, or doing sex stuff, yet somehow this was embarrassing. Maybe it was because it wasn’t for a dare, it was just him… talking about pleasuring himself. He suddenly felt very self-conscious for having brought it up, especially with his raging erection still pressing against his bag.

“Here, let me be a kind BIG brother and help you with that,” Leo said as he snatched the bag away.

Kai struggled to keep hold of it but ultimately gave up for fear of damaging it. His hands quickly moved to cover his crotch.

“Oh my god, have you got a wet patch?” Miles asked, beginning to laugh.

Caleb looked round once again, staring at Kai’s crotch.

Seeing Caleb look, Kai gulped slightly and dropped his hands to his side. He did indeed have a wet patch – not a massive one, but noticeable. He felt his cock ooze a tiny bit more precum from the embarrassment of putting himself on show.

“Rub it!” Miles said, to nobody in particular.

“I’m not walking down the street in broad daylight jerking off!” Kai snapped coldly.

“Sure, cos that’s so much worse than walking down the street in broad daylight with your boner totally on show and a giant-ass wet patch!” Miles said sarcastically. “Besides,” he added with a grin, “I wasn’t talking to you!”

Leo’s eyes widened as Miles looked at him. “Me!?” he exclaimed in shock, “No fucking way!”

Miles scurried back behind Kai and round Leo to whisper something in his ear.

“Oh, good point,” Leo nodded, causing a nervous stare from Kai. His hand shot out to the side and started massaging Kai’s dick through his underwear.

Kai objected. Not out loud, obviously, nor did he physically intervene, but morally, he objected… probably. It was hard to tell as he began to lose himself in the feeling of his brother’s hand, especially every time he slid his thumb across the wet patch at the tip, sending tingly waves of sensitive pleasure through his raging boner. Kai was barely even registering the occasional car that passed now. Did they honk? Did they shout? It was hard to tell and even harder to care. One thing he absolutely did notice, however, was Caleb’s eyes back on him. He might have mustered the will to object were it not for that.

Leo continued reaching across to stroke his twin as they neared home. He was thankful for the bag he had taken from Kai, as it dangled in front of him and hid the unmistakable bulge of his own erection.

“Leo, you… you gotta stop,” Kai gasped gently as he felt himself on the brink of release, the wet patch now massive.

“No Leo, you gotta keep going!” Miles sniggered. Seizing the opportunity to engage their quiet friend, he looked to Caleb and asked, “Third opinion to break the tie? Should Leo stop?”

“Whatever,” Caleb shrugged, though his gaze was still repeatedly drawn to the underwear-clad bulge gripped in Leo’s hand.

“Taking that as a yes,” Leo smirked, then gave a quick flurry of blows.

“No, no, no, no,” Kai gasped, “At least… get it out!” He finally stopped walking, let out a desperate gasp and almost doubled-over as his load began to spurt through the underwear, some of it dripping to the floor while most clung to the wet fabric.

“GET A FUCKING ROOM!” someone shouted from a passing car.

“Oh my god,” Kai gasped, from both the embarrassment of being seen and the unexpected pleasure of the public handjob. Panting slightly, he looked down at the cum-stained underwear, then around their surroundings. They were almost to Caleb’s house, so his own wasn’t far. “Fuck walking!” he said as the post-orgasmic reality-check washed over him. “See ya tomorrow Caleb,” he ventured cautiously, then burst into a sprint past Caleb’s house.

The three boys watched in amusement as Kai headed for the corner, then disappeared round it. There was a brief shriek as two joggers appeared from the opposite direction, clearly shocked to see the near naked boy run past them.

Leo shook his head as he said, “Wonder how far he’ll get before he remembers he doesn’t have a key on him!” He looked at Caleb who was po-faced. “Ugh,” he grunted, shaking his head. He turned to Miles and said, “I’m gonna go let Kai in. You… talk to HIM!” He gestured to Caleb before hurrying off home.

Miles remained silent as he stared intently at Caleb.

“What?” Caleb asked with a shrug.

“Whadda you mean, ‘what’?” Miles scoffed, “You… and Kai. What the fuck, mate?”

Caleb shrugged dismissively.

“Seriously? You actually gonna act like everything’s fine?” Miles asked moodily.

“Everything IS fine!” Caleb said back sharply, “Just because I’m not ALL over him like Leo over you doesn’t mean anything’s wrong. We don’t have to spend literally EVERY second of every day together. Fuck!”

Miles frowned, feeling angry to begin with though it quickly faded as he stared at Caleb. Exhaling long and slow, he shook his head and said, “Look, you obviously don’t wanna talk about it right now, but when you do…”

“There’s nothing to talk about. Just fucking leave it, okay!” Caleb huffed.

“Fine. I’m leaving it,” Miles said dejectedly, “But the offer’s still there, no matter how much of a twat you might be!” With that, he walked away, eager to see what Leo was inevitably doing to make Kai’s evening more embarrassing.


John Warren

Oh fuck, just when you think Kai has done is worst, or is that his best...well, help me remember is this his first openly public cum show? And yes I caught the first part of the chapter where the twat was actually being nice, his ledger is still on the negative side for me.