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Sunday 17 July 2022

Danny felt himself being shaken awake, but as he went to moan he felt a hand over his mouth. His eyes shot open to see Chris staring down at him, holding a finger to his lips to indicate the need to stay quiet. Danny blinked a few times and lifted his head as Chris pulled his hand away.

Aidan was sprawled across the bottom half of the bed, face down and sound asleep. His twin, Cian, was curled up asleep beside Danny, his back pressed against the older boy’s side. Chris was kneeling up and waited for Danny to wake up properly before he nodded towards the door and started climbing off.

Danny moved carefully and as quietly as he could. While the twins were heavy sleepers like their big brother, he still didn’t want to risk waking them when Chris clearly wanted to avoid it, so he slunk his way off the bed, conscious of the fact he was naked. He didn’t want either of the boys to wake up and see him, especially as he was sporting quite humongous morning wood.

As Chris pulled on his shorts and tank top from last night, Danny did the same, huffing slightly at the way his throbbing cock tented the shorts so obviously before grabbing his shirt to pull back on over his head without undoing it. He didn’t bother to do up the top couple of buttons it either, leaving a plunging vee of smooth skin on show down to mid-chest, accentuated by the small pendant hanging from a fine silver chain around his neck.

Chris opened the door and gestured for Danny to follow as they crept out. It was still dark outside, though the living area of the villa was well lit.

“Good morning sirs!” Samuel greeted the two boys.

“Shh, the twins are still asleep,” Chris whispered.

“Of course,” Samuel chuckled, having allowed the two younger boys to enter the room the previous night, informing his counterpart in their villa to avoid any panics over missing children. “Blane and Levi have requested breakfast in about an hour. Will you be joining them?”

“Yes please,” Chris said happily.

“Thanks Samuel,” Danny added gratefully. He frowned for a moment and asked, “Do you prefer Samuel or Sam?”

“Oh,” the young man replied, looking a little taken aback. “My… my friends do call me Sam,” he said cautiously.

“Then Sam it is!” Danny said, beaming happily.

Samuel smiled back as he nodded at the two boys.

“You’re so cute,” Chris giggled as he led Danny outside.

“So where are we going?” Danny asked curiously as they headed over the patio area. He realised it was quite an unnecessary question, as the only thing over there was the path down to the private strip of beach for their villa.

Chris grinned as he sang playfully, “I can show you the world, take you wonder by wonder!”

Danny chuckled at the song. They had been subjected to the movie it came from back home on Friday night, which already felt so long ago. “I’m hoping that ‘over, sideways and under’ are some of the positions we’re gonna try!” he joked with the lyrics.

“Wow, now THAT’S some expert flirting!”

They both jumped at the unexpected sound of Blane’s tease. He was sat a short distance away from the end of the path, leaning against a palm tree with Levi lying beside him, head on his lap.

“Aww, I was hoping we’d have the beach to ourselves!” Chris pouted.

“Hey, there’s plenty of sunrise to go around,” Blane sniggered. “And plenty of beach too. Go have your little romantic moment down there,” he added, gesturing further along the white sand.

“It’s not… romantic…” Chris tried to argue, poorly.

“Mmm-huh, sure,” Blane said, giving a knowing smirk.

Chris huffed. Danny had told him the previous night that his eldest sister Aisling knew about their new relationship. “Fuck’s sake, does everyone know?” Chris demanded.

“Language!” Levi responded instinctively as he raised his head, then frowned and said, “Wait, we’re not at school. Fuck it, go ahead!” It got a laugh from Danny, who he just winked at playfully before he added, “And not everyone knows… but we did! You’re not subtle!”

“Whatever,” Chris grumbled as he continued past the older pair, Danny walking along beside him.

“We’re here to watch the sun rise?” Danny asked, again an obvious question, but mostly just trying to distract Chris from his mild annoyance.

“Well,” Chris started, pausing as he stopped walking. He took Danny’s hands and stared into his eyes. “We got to watch it set together, so… ya know… this kinda felt right!”

Danny thought for a moment but simply smiled back sweetly. He wasn’t sure whether he was reading too much into it, but he couldn’t help thinking Chris was maybe trying a bit too hard. Not that it would ever put him off if he was, he was just concerned Chris may be burdening himself unnecessarily in an attempt to live up to Danny’s previous romance with Brian. The day they got together, Danny’s ex (and Chris’ mentor) had rearranged the stars for him (at least, a model of them on the science lab ceiling), to say ‘I love you Danny’. For their anniversary, Danny had gotten a pair of binary stars named after them, while Brian had given Danny a promise ring, basically the Kingswood equivalent of engagement! And they were just the big moments. Not a week had passed without one of them surprising the other with an unexpected visit, playful gift or thoughtfully-planned evening together.

“Come on, let’s get comfortable!” Chris said as he dropped down to sit on the sand, leaning back against a palm tree. As he spread his legs, Danny took a seat between them, then leaned back against him. Chris kissed Danny’s neck a few times before working round a little, pulling at the shirt to expose some of his shoulder, which he peppered with kisses before wrapping his arms around the other boy.

They sat cuddling together contentedly as the first hint of sun peeked over the horizon, like someone had lit a bright orange torch in the distance. As it began to rise, bathing the sky in its warm glow, Danny nestled back against Chris happily. He glanced back down the beach to see Blane and Levi now sat in a similar position and smiled. He loved both of them, obviously not the same way he loved Chris, but Blane had been his at-school physiotherapist the previous year, helping him recover from near paralysis while Levi – Mr Trent – had been a constant source of help, support and guidance since his very first day at Kingswood. If he could choose anyone to share that moment with, it was Chris, but the young couple sat a stone’s-throw away were definitely a close second.

With the sky gradually turning blue as the sun slid higher, Danny leaned back and asked, “So is this, like… a typical family holiday for you? This place, I mean!”

“No, not really,” Chris replied, shaking his head thoughtfully.

Danny breathed a slight sigh of relief. His own family holiday was already looking pretty average by comparison, but at it wasn’t quite so bad if this was a ‘special’ one. Perhaps usually they were more like his own.

“We cut back a bit this year cos mum and dad could only take a few weeks and Blane was kinda nagging them about wasting money, so this was the compromise!” Chris explained.

Danny’s eyes widened in shock. This was the ‘cut back’ version? He felt nauseous.

“Yo, Danny!” Blane called out, interrupting Danny from his thoughts. As the boy looked round at him he continued, “Samuel should have our breakfast ready soon, but you fancy hitting the gym after that?”

Danny smiled and shouted back, “Yeah, sounds good!”

“Ugh, you’re not even taking a break from the gym?” Chris grumbled. Back at Kingswood, Danny tended to go to the gym most days before school. While he would usually return before Chris got up in time for some early morning cuddles (or other activity!), Chris always hated being in bed without him.

Danny turned as he knelt up and grabbed Chris’ hand, placing it on his abs as he asked, “You saying you don’t want me to keep working on this?”

Chris let out a slight whimper as he just nodded, then frowned and shook his head, then nodded again, not sure exactly how he was answering as he enjoyed the feel of the well-muscled stomach.


Despite having had breakfast at his own villa, Chris had joined the rest of the family as they ate together in the main entertaining area, eating more mostly because it was so nice rather than being actually hungry. He ended up sitting beside Aisling, who had been chatting to the Byrnes until they headed back to their villa.

“So… Danny told me,” Chris said quietly to his big sister. As she raised an eyebrow, he elaborated, “You know about me and him!”

Aisling chuckled. “Of course he did,” she nodded.

“You coulda told me!” Chris pouted.

“And YOU coulda told ME!” Aisling retorted, smiling again as Chris pouted even more heavily at the faultless argument. “So what happened to Mark?”

“He dumped me,” Chris said a little sheepishly.

“Because…” Aisling prompted.

“Because I was so obviously in love with Danny!” Chris said with a shrug, then blushed at expressing the actual extent of his feelings for the other boy to his sister.

“Took ya fecking long enough to figure it out,” Aisling said, shaking her head.

“I know,” Chris said with an awkward chuckle. “But we got there eventually!” he added happily. “So how did ya meet Sean? He seems really nice!”

“Yeah, I didn’t think so at first,” Aisling replied, shaking her head as she glanced over at her boyfriend, who was sat chatting with her parents. “I was actually interested in someone else, but it turned out I wasn’t the only one. Sean was too! We kinda got pretty nasty for a while!”

“Oof, he got on your bad side and survived? He’s tougher than he looks!” Chris said with a mischievous grin.

“Shut up, gobshite,” Aisling said back, her eyes narrowing.

“Sorry,” Chris replied unapologetically. He paused for a moment, then looked to Sean and back to Aisling before he asked, “Wait, you were both into the same person?”

“Mmm-huh,” Aisling hummed as she stood up from her seat.

“Was this a girl?” Chris asked, staring wide eyed at his sister before he looked to Sean and asked, “Or a guy?” Aisling had always been fairly open about her interests, though she had never actually dated a girl (that Chris knew of) but this also opened up the possibility of Sean not being straight. On behalf of both himself and Danny, he needed to know.

“Well, little bro, that’s for me to know,” Aisling said, leaning down to give the boy a teasing kiss on the forehead, “And you not to!” she finished before walking away.

“Mean!” Chris called after her. He sat for a moment and jumped to his feet to run and tell Danny what had potentially learned but was immediately stopped by his younger siblings who demanded he play with them.


“Ha!” Danny declared triumphantly, glad it was all he needed to say as heaving for breath between words might have undermined his apparent victory. As he saw Blane looking decidedly unbothered, he frowned and leaned over to look at his treadmill display. “What?!” he exclaimed as he saw the distance readout showing 2.5 kilometres – It had been a race to see who could run 2 kilometres the fastest and Danny had only just finished!

“Yeah, sorry mate,” Blane replied, barely even breathless as he reached out to pat Danny on the back. “I hit 2K a while back but didn’t wanna interrupt you when you looked so adorably determined!”

“I don’t… like you… anymore!” Danny panted, scowling at Blane unhappily.

“Yeah you do!” Blane said as he stepped over and grabbed Danny in a headlock.

“Eww, get off,” Danny complained. “You’re all sweaty!”

“Yeah, no, that’s all you!” Blane said, raising his hand to Danny’s forehead before smearing the whole face with his fresh sweat.

“Ugh, you’re gross!” Danny complained as he pulled away, lifting the front of his t-shirt to wipe his face.

“Yeah, that wasn’t fun!” Blane baulked, wiping his hand on Danny’s back. His gaze dropped to Danny’s exposed midriff for a moment.

Danny grinned. “Oh yeah, take a good look,” he teased.

“Yeah, you wish,” Blane smirked. “I was actually just thinking your run might have been a bit less pathetic if…”

“Hey!” Danny snapped at being called pathetic.

Blane tutted and restarted, “Your run might have been a bit less… second place in a two-person race.” He stopped to smirk, knowing he was rubbing it in just as much before he finished, “If you weren’t… flopping about down there quite so much!”

Danny blushed. Chris’ prank had left him with no underwear of his own for the holiday, which had resulted in him working out with just shorts on his bottom half, allowing an embarrassing amount of movement. He wasn’t ready to admit his predicament though and just said, “It’s… warm here. I wanted better ventilation!”

“Oh, I can help with that!” Blane replied, promptly yanking down Danny’s shorts.

“Blane!” Danny yelped out in surprise, immediately reaching down to pull his shorts back up, looking round nervously as Blane cackled with laughter.

“Oh my god, when did you get so shy?” Blane asked, still chuckling. “I didn’t even know you were capable of that!”

“We’re not at Kingswood now,” Danny said, glaring angrily. “Not everyone here has seen me…” he paused to look round again to check the coast was clear and finished, “… naked, and I’d like to keep it that way!”

“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re huffy!” Blane said, mostly just to antagonise him more.

“This is why you’re my least favourite!” Danny huffed.

“Well that’s not very nice,” Blane said, shaking his head. “And after everything I did to get you back to your boyfriend at Kingswood,” he guilted the annoyed boy.

“He wasn’t my boyfriend then!” Danny said petulantly.

“Oh please. Maybe not officially, but Chris has been your boyfriend since the day you freaking met!” Blane joked.

Danny blushed as he smiled fondly. “Chris… actually said something like that when we… got together!” he explained.

“Y’know the best thing about you dating my little brother?” Blane asked, tilting his head as he looked at Danny.

“Once I’m your brother-in-law, you’ve doubled the number of siblings you’ve fucked?” Danny asked cheekily.

“Jesus, Danny!” Blane choked. Now it was his turn to look around to make sure nobody was around. “True but not what I was thinking!” he said with a wry grin once he saw the coast was clear. “I was actually thinking I don’t need to do the whole ‘if you hurt my brother, I’ll kill you’ speech!”

“Oh, cos you know I already know that, right!” Danny nodded a little sheepishly.

“No!” Blane immediately disagreed, “Because I know you would absolutely never hurt him!”

“Oh!” Danny said, blushing a little.

“Some couples are good together, some are bad, but some are just… meant to be!” Blane said a little wistfully.

“Like you and Mister…” Danny started, but caught himself just short of saying it fully. He smirked and said, “You and Levi!” As he got a gracious nod in response, he frowned as he said, “Ugh, this is so weird, a teacher’s basically my brother-in-law!”

“Hey, teacher’s are people too, ya know!” Blane said, faking annoyance. “Anyway, I’m kinda done for now. You?”

“Yeah,” Danny agreed with a nod. “Same time tomorrow?” he asked happily.

“Yeah, but… maybe not here!” Blane said, looking around. “It’s a nice gym, but… I’m gonna scope out the island later and maybe plan some jogging routes. Wanna join me?”

Danny nodded eagerly, always happy to spend more time with his not-actually-least-favourite.


Chris was lying on the bed, answering a couple of messages from his schoolmates as he waited for Danny to finish showering. They were due to head down to the beach shortly. From their usual long-haul family holidays, the Smith family knew that overdoing it on the first day was a good way to lose the next few, so today was planned to just be a low-key day of relaxation.

“Nicky said anything to you about Mikey?” Chris asked as Danny walked in wrapped in a towel.

“Erm… nothing out of the ordinary. Why?” Danny asked, shrugging a little.

“He just…” Chris started as he put down his phone, but paused as he set eyes on Danny. “Fuck, you look good!” he gasped as he saw the muscled torso peppered with little droplets of water, his golden blonde hair several shades darker as it clung to his head. Chris shook his head to clear it a little as he finished, “He just seems really… I dunno the right word, kinda clingy but a bit worried too. Ugh, I dunno, just a weird feeling!” He shrugged as he sat up. He was already clad in his small swim shorts, ready to head down to one of the island’s main beaches.

Danny started looking through his wardrobe and began to ask, “Have you seen my…” He stopped, pursed his lips angrily and turned to face Chris as he asked furiously, “Where are my swim shorts, Chris?”

Chris pointed out over the balcony and towards the sea as he answered, “About four thousand miles that way!” As he held back a smirk, he said, “Woah, weird sense of déjà vu!”

“Fuck’s sake, Chris,” Danny huffed, already missing his underwear, but now his swimwear too. “You’re not funny. What am I meant to wear to the beach and in the pool?”

“Oh don’t worry, I wouldn’t leave you without anything! In fact, I’ve got LOADS for you to choose from!” Chris explained.

Danny growled but was relieved to hear Chris hadn’t screwed him over completely.

“Here, come and choose!”  Chris said, grinning massively as he opened one of his own drawers.

Danny approached and let out a whimper as he saw the drawer full of speedos. “No. No way!” he said, shaking his head. “I’m not… spending the whole holiday prancing round in front of your family wearing just a speedo. I want shorts, like yours!” he demanded. “In fact, gimme those, I’m taking them!” he said as he reached for Chris’ shorts.

Chris jumped away, swatting at Danny’s hands as he said, “You might wanna reconsider that when you know the full plan!”

“I don’t wanna know any plan. I wanna put on swim shorts, go to the beach and NOT totally fucking humiliate myself!” Danny insisted. His angry pout and folded arms might have made him look quite formidable had his towel not chosen that exact moment to fall to the ground.

“You’re naked!” Chris said, holding back a laugh.

“I know!” Danny growled.

“If I tell you my plan, you’ll be not naked,” Chris continued.

Danny glared for a moment then picked up his towel and said, “Just tell me the fucking plan!”

“Well start by picking one to wear today!” Chris said, gesturing to the drawer.

Danny huffed and stepped out of his towel and start rummaging in the drawer. There was a mix of standard-issue Kingswood speedos and other more colourful ones. He decided to be dull and grabbed a random pair in school colours.

“Great, now look inside them!” Chris said, with barely-contained glee.

Danny frowned, then looked in the back and found a name tag. “Who’s Nathan Hopkins?”

“Oh, that’s Froggy!” Chris nodded. “Y’know, from year eight!” he elaborated, “One of Nicky’s mates!”

Danny still looked furious as he asked, “Why have I got Nathan Hopkins’ speedo, Chris?”

“So… I MIGHT have made a bit of a deal with some of the year seven and eights,” Chris started, ignoring the fact Danny looked almost murderous at this point. “They ‘donate’ a speedo, I bring them on holiday and YOU wear them. I take a picture of you in THEIR speedo and send it to them!”

Danny squirmed a little as his mind raced through the pros and cons. Pro, wearing someone else’s speedo sounded hot. Con, all off the ‘someone else’ were younger students which was really not Danny’s thing. Pro, the embarrassment from three weeks in a speedo in front of Chris’ family was enough to fill his wank bank for life! Con, three weeks in a speedo in front of Chris’ family! Erring mostly on the side of the cons, he asked petulantly, “And why would I go along with that?”

“Because I promised them you would, which they all thought was SO fucking hot and you wouldn’t wanna let your adoring public down!” Chris said with a hopeful grin.

“My ‘adoring public’ can go fuck themselves!” Danny snapped, shaking his head.

“Aww go on, pleeeeeease,” Chris pleaded. “Just… thinking about it…” he paused and gestured to the bulge in his swim shorts, “… does that to me!”

Danny was ready to tell Chris to fuck off when another idea came to him instead. Smiling wickedly, he offered, “I’ll do it, but only on one condition!”

“Name it!” Chris said, feeling a glimmer of hope.

Danny looked his mischievous boyfriend up and down, already imagining what was to come as he said, “You have to do it too!”

Chris’ eyes widened. He REALLY wanted Danny to do it, but could he endure that himself, in front of his own family? It would be awful. Humiliating. Embarrassing. Mortifying! “I’m in!” he smirked, already regretting it.

Danny happily dropped his towel and stepped into the gifted speedo. The younger student’s clothing may only have been a little smaller than his own, but it still felt like it made a big difference. His dick, which didn’t seem willing to go down beyond semi-hard today, filled it out well, to the point that it actually pulled the waistband down just a little. Danny’s pubes, the only hair on his body below the neck, was on the brink of emerging as he stood there looking down at himself.

“Fuck!” Chris gasped softly, reaching down to grope at his own dick.

“Your turn!” Danny said, nodding to the drawer.

Chris’ gaze lingered on his near-naked boyfriend for a few moments before he turned and looked, smiled and lifted out another pair of Kingswood swimwear. “We can match!” he said with a giggle. “Thanks very much,” he paused as he looked inside the small speedo then read out the name tag, “Max Thompson!” He quickly pushed down his swim shorts and stepped out of them before pulling on the younger boy’s speedo.

Much like Danny, the garment was just a little too small for him, but with a slightly bigger and darker bush, the top of Chris’ pubes were on show. That may have been down to the fact he was now sporting a full erection, all fourteen, thick centimetres of it, snaking up towards his left hip. “This may have been a mistake,” he moaned at the prospect of being so scantily-clad in front of the others.

Danny stood staring at Chris, his own cock swelling. It had been nearly three days since Danny had cum, which in itself would normally have been enough to get him riled up, but he had spent much of that time hard or being teased and the pressure was finally too much. He surged forward and grabbed Chris, a hand reaching round to grasp the hair on the back of his head as he pulled him into a desperate kiss.

Chris was a little shocked but happily kissed back, his hands eagerly roaming the bare skin on show.

Danny pulled back from the kiss but kept his face close, panting a little as his finger tightened ever-so-slightly on Chris’s hair. “I’m fucking you!” he growled hungrily.

Chris shuddered at the comment, his mouth spreading into a grin as he stared back, wide-eyed.

Danny didn’t even attempt to move across the room to the bed. He just span Chris around, spat into his hand and reached down inside Max Thompson’s speedo to slick the waiting hole. Pulling the back of Chris’ swimwear down at the same time as the front of his own, his erection sprang free and bobbed out for just a second before it found itself guided towards its goal.

“Oh my god!” Chris gasped as he felt the erection thrust inside him. Leaning over, he grasped onto the wardrobe door, groaning excitedly.

Danny didn’t hesitate to start thrusting in hard and fast. He wasn’t rough, but his forcefulness certainly betrayed the ravenous hunger as he pounded Chris hard. “Jesus, I don’t… think I’ve ever… been this horny… in my life!” he panted as he fucked away frantically.

“Oh god,” Chris whimpered, barely even registering the words. His own cock strained inside the borrowed speedo, oozing a little pre-cum into the lycra. He released one hand from the wardrobe and reached down to poke at the wet patch, gasping with delight at the sensation of his finger on the sensitive head through the moist clothing. “Don’t cum!” he pleaded.

“I’m definitely fucking cumming this time!” Danny growled, after having two consecutive nights of fucks interrupted by the twins.

“No, you can, I mean… Danny, I wanna fuck you too, but… if you keep… fucking me like this… I’m gonna cum!” Chris panted. “You’re gonna… fuck it out of me!”

Danny let out a low growl at the mental image and slumped forwards, wrapping his arms around Chris as he let his head rest on his upper back. “Fine, but… be quick!”

“I will. That’s kinda the point!” Chris sniggered as he stood up, pulling off Danny’s ramrod-stiff prick. “Here, let me borrow this,” he said with a smirk as he grasped the head of Danny’s dick and scooped up a little of his pre-cum, before reaching round to lube the other boy with his own juices.

“Ugh, you fucker,” Danny said through gritted teeth, excited by the move.

Chris unleashed his own raging boner and shifted round, shoving Danny forward against the wardrobe before pushing into him with the same vigour Danny had used. “Ugh, I love your butt so much!” Chris groaned breathlessly as he felt the fleshy mounds press against him, his entire length inside now.

“Shut up and fuck!” Danny giggled, still breathing heavily as he fought back the urge to reach down and finish himself off.

“Okay!” Chris said happily. Rather than bending Danny over, he pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him, then stepped forward, pinning him fully against the door as he jack-hammed into him. “Feck I’m close!” he panted passionately. “Feck, feck, feck!” he repeated with each hard thrust before he finally stopped and began to shoot.

Danny was barely holding himself together. The feeling of Chris wrapped around him, their bodies pressed together, his own throbbing cock sandwiched between his body and the wardrobe door, the spunk pumping inside him. It was almost too much to take, but he just managed to hold off from cumming yet.

As soon as the last drops had spurted out and the orgasm subsided, Chris pulled out and resumed his previous position as Danny swapped and slid back into him, now lubricated by even more of his own pre-cum that had oozed out while he got fucked. Sliding into the other boy, Danny noticed a hint of movement as he looked into the mirror on the next wardrobe door. Looking at it, and worried he was about to be cock-blocked by Aidan and Cian again, he had to stop himself reacting as he saw a face peering around the door behind them. He almost stopped, but the mixture of horniness and desperation spurred him on as he groaned out loudly, “Oh fuck yes!”

“Fuck me, Danny,” Chris gasped in response.

Leaning forward Danny nibbled at Chris’ shoulder, then worked his way up his neck until he reached his ear. He whispered as quietly as he could manage, “Don’t react, but look in the mirror.” As he saw Chris glance, he added, “Over at the door!”

Chris let his gaze flick to the side but had to pull back just a little to get the right angle to see the door. There, looking round it was Samuel, eyes wide. Chris felt his dick throb, but tilted his head back a little to whisper, “D’you wanna stop?”

“Fuck no,” Danny whispered back, “Let him watch!”

“Awesome,” Chris giggled. “Let’s give him a show!”

Danny only needed a couple more thrusts, the mix of sheer excitement and exhibitionism pushing him to climax. As much as he wanted to return the favour and fill Chris up with what he knew would be a colossal load, he pulled out, span Chris round and shoved him down onto his knees. Taking a step back, he gave his dick the last stroke he needed and began to ejaculate.

It was like a sexual firing squad as Danny’s frantic spurts flew. One got Chris square in the chest, splattering audibly. The next got Chris’ cheek, followed by his shoulder, another to his chest, a shot to his forehead. Danny felt like his orgasm was never going to end as jolt after jolt rippled through him and expelled absurd amounts of spunk.

Finally spent, he dropped to his knees in front of Chris, stared at the cum-drenched boy and began to laugh. “Fuck, I love you!” he said, shaking his head as he leaned in for a kiss, cum squelching between their bodies as they embraced.

When they finally parted, mostly through breathlessness and a desire to avoid passing out, Chris glanced at door and said, “He’s gone. Hope he enjoyed that!”

“I bet he was wanking!” Danny said excitedly, his own softening cock twitching a little at the prospect.


The reaction to the revealing swimwear had gone exactly as badly as Chris and Danny had expected… or as well as they had expected, it really depends on your perspective. Either way, after some good-natured teasing, followed by some less-good-natured-teasing, followed by a warning from Aisling (and some more teasing), the revealing garments had been all but forgotten in the enjoyment of the day.

Both boys spent a somewhat sizeable amount of time pulling the speedos up. In Chris’ case, it was mostly to keep his dark pubes unseen. For Danny it was the back that concerned him, where his plump and pert bubble butt, the subject of much adoration back at school, constantly threated to start peeking over the waistband.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying the relaxing beach day, with the single exception of Finn who remained covered up, beneath a large parasol. Even his younger siblings had been unable to coerce him into joining in with their playing, which was a little surprising. He had been a moody teen right from the start of his actual teenage years, but he had always made time for his siblings, especially the twins, so it was a little jarring to hear him brush them off repeatedly.

The only time he smiled was when Sarah was dragging him around taking more of her never-ending stream of selfies, every moment manufactured into a picture-perfect moment wonderfulness. Every time, as soon as the picture or video was finished, the perfection and smiles faded away.

Danny had suggested repeatedly that he or Chris (or both of them) should go talk to the older teen, but Chris’ dislike of Sarah seemed to have spread over into her boyfriend. Adamant that Finn could take care of himself, and had chosen to spend his time with the vapid girl, Chris wanted to just leave him to be moody.

The group was treated to a long, lazy, late lunch, taking shelter inside as the sun reached its zenith before the group returned to the beach for the remainder of the afternoon.

Danny had just finished helping the twins bury Chris in the sand when a large shadow loomed over him. Raising a hand to shield his eyes from the sun, he smiled as he saw Blane looking down at him. “Come to bury the rest of him?” Danny asked, gesturing to the disembodied head poking out of the sand.

“VERY tempting,” Blane sniggered, “But no. I was gonna go start planning some running routes if you still wanted to join me!”

“Sure!” Danny replied as he stood up, pulling the back of his speedo up as he did so. “See you guys later. If you cover him up completely, at least mark where he is so we can dig him up later!”

The twins and Chris all laughed at the comment as Danny walked away with Blane at his side. As they passed the sun loungers, with Blane quickly telling Levi where he was going, Danny went to grab his clothes.

“No no,” Blane said as he stood behind the boy. “You’re fine as you are!” he said with a smirk that was so much like Chris it was almost unnerving.

Danny frowned at the comment as he looked up to the path off the beach. Realistically, walking round up there was no different from walking round on the beach, but it still felt strange. He sighed, knowing he was no more likely to win an argument with Blane as he was with Chris, then started walking.

“So this morning when I said you should get some support ‘down there’ I did kinda mean AS WELL AS your clothes, not instead!” Blane said teasingly.

“Oh, oh you’re SO funny,” Danny said flatly.

“I’m only playing. It’s a good look on you. You’re gonna have the sexiest tan lines!” Blane said, grinning broadly.

Danny’s eyes widened as he said, “I hadn’t thought of that!” He was suddenly confronted by the mental image of stepping into the school showers with a great tan… and a white-speedo-shape across his private parts.

“Hey, I think most people would just be surprised you even wore THIS much!” Blane continued to joke as they walked along.

“Your brother’s a dick!” Danny huffed.

Blane nodded for a second and said, “Oh, so this is his doing is it? I’m guessing the commando thing last night was him as well then!”

Danny pursed his lips and nodded.

“Need me to have a word with him?” Blane asked in his best big brother voice.

Danny smiled at the offer and replied, “Nah, not necessary. He’s a dick but… I love him anyway and… we’re just having fun.” He paused as Blane nodded slightly. “But I might want your help some time to get some revenge. I’ll let you know!”

“Oh, now I’d DEFINITELY be happy to help with that!” Blane said eagerly. By now, they had left the vicinity of the actual buildings and were just roaming the quiet path through the light jungle. “Hnnh!” Blane grunted.

“What?” Danny asked curiously as he heard the noise.

“Nobody around! And nobody to see or hear anything!” Blane said, a huge smile smeared across his face.

“No!” Danny said bluntly.

“No?” Blane asked, shaking his head innocently. “No, what?”

“To whatever you’re thinking… or plotting… or planning or… whatever you Smiths like to do. I swear you’re as bad as Chris! Just… whatever it is… no!” Danny said moodily.

“Relax,” Blane smirked. “I wasn’t thinking of anything like that, although now you’ve given me the idea, I might find a way to make our runs more fun!”

“Fuck my life!” Danny groaned, shaking his head.

“I was actually glad to get you alone to… talk about something,” Blane said, his expression suddenly changing as he turned to face Danny.

Danny frowned at the expression and said, “Wow, you look nervous. I didn’t think you were even capable of that!”

“Oh, I have my moments,” Blane said with a slightly uncomfortable smile as his mind momentarily flashed back to the day Danny and Chris went missing. He quickly shook it off. “Look, I have a thing and I really need to talk to someone about it, but I…” he paused, looking incredibly uncomfortable as he admitted, “I don’t really have that many friends, at least… not ones I’m not dating or related to!” He looked at Danny cautiously after a few moments silence and said, “I… kinda expected teasing for that!”

“What kind of friend would that make me?” Danny asked with a sincere smile.

“You’re too sweet,” Blane said, smiling back before he muttered, “Kinda makes me feel bad for what I’ll do on our runs!”

“What?!” Danny exclaimed nervously.

“Nothing, never mind,” Blane sniggered dismissively. “Anyway, the thing… the, umm… well, ugh if I can’t even say it to you, no wonder it’s messing with my head thinking about doing it!”

“Doing what?” Danny asked, confused by the lack of detail.

Blane frowned at the boy, took a deep breath and said, “I’m gonna ask Levi to marry me!”

Danny stared open-mouthed for a few moments before letting out a happy squeal as he jumped on Blane to hug him. “Oh my god, that’s amazing!” he said excitedly.

“Yeah,” Blane chuckled as Danny let go, “It’s also freaking terrifying and a LOT of pressure. I was… kinda hoping you might be able to help!”

“Me? How?” Danny asked curiously.

“Just… thinking how to do it or whatever!” Blane said, looking anxious. “I’m not… romantic. This morning on the beach was totally Levi’s idea, I never woulda thought of that. And… and… how do I say it? What do I say? Chris is SO good with words but that’s not a trait we share even remotely. I can barely string a sentence together most the time!” He was getting visibly anxious as he rambled about his shortcomings.

“Yeah, you really need to chill!” Danny said, frowning as he nodded. “Sounds like all the pressure is coming from yourself, not anyone else so… relax. We can think about it and we’ll totally figure something out!” he reassured him.

Blane smiled and nodded, then rubbed his face for a moment before he asked with a wry grin, “Ugh, how are you this level-headed at your age?”

“Experience!” Danny said with a thoughtful shrug. Before he ran the risk of dwelling on the many tough situations that had forged his level-headedness, he looked down the path and said, “Come on, let’s finish planning. We can double up our runs as proposal planning sessions!”

“Yeah, naked proposal planning sessions!” Blane said, nodding as he continued walking.

“What?!” Danny yelped as he hurried after him.

“Nothing!” Blane said with a snigger.


“Ugh, I have sand in places I didn’t know sand could go!” Chris complained as he walked into the villa.

“Well it did have easy access to every inch of you!” Levi teased, looking the speedo-clad boy up and down.

Both Chris and Danny had made their way back from the beach to get ready for dinner in just their swimwear, doing their best to act unbothered by the constant exposure.

“I’m not really sure a teacher should be looking at me that way, you big perv” Chris teased back, making the man blush as Blane just sniggered.

“Told you, I’m not your teacher til we go back in September!” Levi insisted, though he blushed even more as he realised he was attempting to justify something he wasn’t even doing. He looked to the other boy and said, “Danny, control your boyfriend!”

Danny just grinned, let out a dopey giggle and said, “He’s my boyfriend,” the prospect still sinking in.

“Ugh, they’re too cute,” Blane said, shaking his head. He reached out and grabbed Levi’s arm as he said, “But forget them. I wanna have some fun before dinner!” It got a delighted grin from Levi and frustrated groans from the two teens as they were forced to imagine what would be happening just a room away from them. “Samuel, no disturbances please,” Blane requested, looking round to the young attendant who was lingering nearby as usual.

“Certainly sir,” Samuel replied, blushing a little, though his dark complexion made it less obvious.

As Blane and Levi hurried off, Danny looked to Chris and smirked, clearly thinking about that morning. “Hey Sam,” Danny started, “We’re also going to our room, but… feel free to disturb!”

Chris giggled as the two boys hurried off, Samuel’s blushes now more obvious. “You’re so bad,” he said as they got into their room.

“Are you saying you’d complain if he came in?” Danny asked incredulously.

“Fuck no!” Chris said, shaking his head. “Sam’s hot!”

“You’re hotter!” Danny replied, reaching out to touch the bulge in Chris’ speedo. It immediately throbbed in his grasp. “Oh, don’t we need some pictures for their owners!” he said, remembering the deal Chris had made.

“Oh yeah, you first!” Chris said, hurrying over to grab his phone.

Danny stood a little awkwardly as Chris took a picture.

“Come on, gimme a fun pose!” Chris requested.

Danny tutted and rolled his eyes, but started with a muscle pose, that prompted a gentle grunt from Chris as he snapped a shot. Danny started working through a range of stupid and fun poses as Chris took more pictures, both standing up and lying as seductively as he could on the bed. “Your turn!” he eventually said.

“Okay, just lemme wait for this to go down!” Chris said, gesturing to his erection.

“No way, you’re having them like that. Get posing, boner boy!” Danny insisted.

Chris blushed but complied, copying many of Danny’s poses. He kept pulling the front of the speedo up to cover his pubes, but they immediately sprung back down to reveal the top of the bush.

“Okay, I got a few good ones,” Danny said with a gentle nod, “But if you’re gonna be wearing them the whole holiday, we gotta do something!”

“What?” Chris immediately demanded, looking a little nervous.

“Don’t you worry about that! Think of this as payback for the underwear!” Danny said as he hurried out of the room. He returned a minute later, smiling even more as he said, “Let’s go shower!”

“What did you do?” Chris demanded.

“Shhh!” Danny hushed him, placing a finger to Chris’ mouth, followed a moment later by his own lips, kissing him into silence. “Worry about it later. For now, I need to shower!”

Chris let out a concerned groan but followed compliantly.

As Danny walked into the bathroom, he glanced at himself in the mirror before looking down at his own chest. “Hey, I was just thinking about these!” he said, taking hold of the small teardrop pendant hanging round his neck.

“What about them?” Chris asked, smiling as he took hold of his own.

“I think maybe we should put them away for a while!” Danny suggested thoughtfully.

Chris looked utterly dismayed as he asked, “What? Why? If it’s about the others knowing about us, I reckon they either know already or are gonna figure it out soon enough!”

Danny chuckled as he shook his head, reaching out stroke Chris’ arm. “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I don’t wanna end up with a tan line from it, plus… well you’ve seen how rough the twins play now. I reckon they’re making up for last Easter when I was… still fragile. I don’t wanna end up losing it or anything!”

“Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense,” Chris nodded as he reached back to undo the chain. He held it out to Danny who undid his own then accepted Chris’.

Danny held the two halves together so they made a heart shape. He stared at it for a moment then raised his gaze to look at Chris who was smiling sweetly. “I love you so much!” he said softly.

“Enough to tell me what you’re planning?” Chris asked with a grin.

“Definitely not!” Danny laughed back.


Dinnertime ended up being as relaxed as the rest of the day, with the group sitting spread across three tables rather than one long one, arriving at different times and ordering from a menu prepared by the catering staff.

Afterwards, while Gareth and Sinead, accompanied by the Byrnes headed off for an evening on the nearby main island, the others remained behind for a movie night. The island’s private cinema was based at the rear of one of the beaches, a ten-foot screen stood at the rear with an array of loungers, couches and chairs positioned facing it.

While the movie choice had obviously had to facilitate the younger siblings, Chris and Danny, Blane and Levi, and Aisling and Sean had all settled in to enjoy it, though their enjoyment came more from the relaxing atmosphere. The sound of the ocean behind them, the warm evening breeze rolling in off the sea and the cocktails being constantly provided by the wonderful staff added to the pleasant evening. Despite Chris’ insistence that he should also be allowed the cocktails, he continued to only be served mocktails and virgin versions of the ones being drunk by the others.

Finn and Sarah were the only ones not joining the group, instead opting for a night together elsewhere on the island.

After Fiadh had got a little fussy about halfway through the movie, Chris had separated from Danny to sit with his youngest sister on his lap, which seemed to placate her. Having Danny free, Cian had seized the opportunity to sit with him, while Aidan had opted to force his way in between Blane and Levi.

As the movie finished, Cian nuzzled happily against Danny. “I’m really glad you came on holiday with us!” he said softly.

“Yeah, me too!” Danny chuckled back to the obviously-sleepy boy.

“I was worried Chris would bring his boyfriend with him instead of you!” Cian replied, a little more pointed than he seemingly meant.

Danny felt a little bad. Chris’ ex-boyfriend Mark was a close friend of theirs, which in itself was a slight source of guilt, but Danny also knew how poorly Mark had been received by the twins. He had visited the Smith family home earlier in the year and the twins had really given him a hard time. Thinking about what the younger boy had just said, Danny mused for a moment, then looked around with over-exaggerated suspicion before he whispered, “Can I tell you a secret?”

Cian just nodded excitedly.

“Chris DID bring his boyfriend!” Danny said softly.

Cian frowned for a moment, sat up as he looked round and asked, “He did? Where is he?”

Danny sniggered slightly. He loved spending time with Chris’ siblings, because he could see little traits of Chris in each of them. He could totally imagine Chris getting equally confused in his little brother’s place. “Right here, silly!” Danny said with a huge grin tapping on his own chest.

Cian looked at Danny as his face quickly cycled through confusion, comprehension and shock, finally stopping on delight as his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open a little. “You’re Chris’ boyfriend now?” he asked in disbelief.

“I am,” Danny replied, genuinely moved by the boy’s adorable excitement.

“So you’re… does this mean you’re, like… properly my brother now?” Cian asked, almost bouncing with joy.

Danny almost cried. He had a big sister, who he loved (but would never tell that to, obviously) but growing up he had always wanted a little brother or sister of his own. By the time he was seven, he had accepted it just wasn’t happening, but that feeling – even forgotten about for nearly half his life – came flooding back over him like a wave from the ocean behind him. He sniffed slightly as he nodded and said, “We’re not exactly married, but… yeah, I guess I am!”

“Awesome!” Cian said before lunging in for a hug.

“Although as your new big brother, I do have one little request for you,” Danny said as he pulled back a little. As Cian nodded, Danny went on, “Gonna need you to sleep in your own bed tonight, or maybe with one of the others. I kinda want Chris to myself for a change!”

“I can do that!” Cian said happily, still grinning at the news.

They couldn’t really discuss it any further as they were suddenly pounced on by Aidan, who dragged his twin onto the ground as they play-wrestled. Not long after, all four of the younger siblings headed off to their villa for the night with Edward. Cian appeared to keep the secret Danny had shared, but his smile now seemed permanent.

As Blane and Aisling, with their respective partners, headed into the main villa to enjoy some more drinks, Danny and Chris excused themselves and headed back to their own villa to spend the rest of the evening together.

“So whadda you think of a Smith family holiday so far?” Chris asked casually as they strolled along slowly.

Danny winced slightly. It was absolute luxury, especially compared to the basic-as-hell holiday waiting for them with Danny’s parents. “It’s amazing,” Danny said with a smile, focusing on the good side of it. The smile spread into a full grin as he added, “Plus lots of Smiths in swimwear is a definite bonus!”

Chris went to object, but frowned and said, “Yeah, I guess I can understand that.”

“Obviously you’re my number one,” Danny said, taking Chris’ hand in his own. “But Blane… and Finn too… even you’re dad’s not bad at look at!”

“Eww!” Chris groaned. “Don’t say that!”

Danny giggled as he said, “I like his tattoo. He really doesn’t seem like the tattoo type!”

Chris rolled his eyes, but Danny couldn’t help noticing the slight smile that came with it. “Yeah, he got that after Fee was born. They kinda decided no more after her, so he got something permanent to celebrate it.”

Danny nodded for a moment, then quickly counted up the Smith siblings and stated, “Ohhh, that’s why it’s an eight!”

“Yeah, but he also says if you look at it sideways it’s infinity, because that’s how much he loves us all!” Chris said, blushing a little.

“Oh, my god, that’s too cute!” Danny chuckled. “And speaking of cute, Sean’s not bad to look at either… nor is Edward… or hell, even Mr Byrne!”

“So pretty much every guy on the island?” Chris smirked.

“Every guy on the island who’s older than me, yes,” Danny added.

Chris just laughed and gave Danny’s hand a squeeze as they walked. As they got back, they were greeted by Samuel.

“Good evening,” Samuel said politely. “I got the supplies you requested. I took the liberty of placing them in your bathroom!”

“Excellent. Thanks Sam!” Danny said with a sweet smile.

“What… supplies?” Chris asked, suddenly nervous.

Danny ignored the question as he looked Samuel up and down. He couldn’t help thinking of that morning, of seeing the young man spying on them as they fucked, curious to know whether he was enjoying the show or somehow repulsed by it, though it certainly seemed like he liked it. “Sam, do you have much experience… using that equipment?”

“Oh, umm… I… umm…” the young assistant stammered nervously. “I… know what to do with it!” he eventually stated.

“Great,” Danny said happily. “And it wouldn’t be inappropriate of me to ask you to do that, would it? I still don’t really know what’s okay to request and what isn’t!”

“My instructions are to provide or do anything requested by our guests, sir!” Samuel said compliantly.

“Surely not ANYTHING!” Danny exclaimed incredulously, with a slight smirk.

“Anything!” Samuel repeated, nodding sternly.

Danny’s eyes widened as he looked at the young man. He really wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that particular reservation, but he did feel a little awkward now about what he had just requested. “Well, erm… in that case, I’m not… ordering you to assist us, but I’d like you to… if you’re okay with it!”

“What are you even talking about?” Chris asked, still clueless, but he was immediately shushed.

Samuel gulped gently and nodded as he said, “I’m happy to assist, sir!”

“Please stop with the sir,” Danny said, shaking his head. He felt a little abrupt saying it and quickly added, “If you can. I imagine it’s habit, isn’t it?”

“Yes s…” Samuel just stopped short of saying it, a broad sincere smile spready over his face as Danny grinned back at him. “Yes, it is!” he eventually said.

“Come on then, let’s get to it!” Danny said as he nodded towards his room. Chris followed, still looking lost, with Samuel right behind him.

They walked through the bedroom and straight on into the bathroom where Chris immediately looked round for the ‘equipment’ that had been mentioned for some clue of what was going on. His eyes widened at the sight of a pair of electric clippers, shaving foam and some razors. “Fuck!” he gasped, not sure whether to be excited or nervous. He looked to Danny and asked, “Is that for me or you?”

Danny pointed out the door, looking across the bedroom, over the balcony and to the sea as he said, “You figure it out. Your answer’s about four thousand miles that way!”

Chris laughed at his own words being thrown back at him, but quickly stopped as he scowled and said, “Well fuck!”

“Okay Sam, let’s get you to work!” Danny said with a wicked grin. “Chris, clothes off!” He heard both of them gasp slightly at the instruction.

Despite his shock at the request, Chris immediately complied, slowly undoing his shirt as he kicked off his trainers.

Samuel watched as the boy reached down and slid his shorts down before stepping out of them. “Wh… what… part am I… shaving… sir?” he asked shakily.

“This!” Danny said as he leaned over and yanked Chris’ underwear down.

Chris’s hands automatically moved to cover his crotch, but a quick stern stare from Danny made him drop them back to his sides.

“Oh. Erm… okay,” Samuel said, nodding nervously. “I… I suppose I should… start with these!” he said as he grabbed the clippers.

Chris’ cheeks blazed crimson as he watched the young man stand looking at him. Proving once again that the flow of blood to his cock was triggered by a flow of blood to his cheeks, his penis visibly twitched too, beginning to lengthen and thicken right before their eyes. “Oh, it… does that,” Chris said awkwardly. “Sorry!”

Samuel stared as the penis throbbed its way to full firmness in a matter of seconds, reaching up towards the ceiling in front of the naked boy. “You… may need to move it aside,” he said, seeing the bush disappear behind the vertical penis.

“Oh no,” Danny said, shaking his head. “He’s very clumsy, he’ll just get in your way and we’d hate any accidents to happen down there. Chris, put your hands behind your head. It’s okay for Sam to… move it himself, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Chris gasped as he complied, raising his hands to expose his pits to the Samuel, suddenly nervous about the tiny tufts of hair he had only just sprouted there.

Samuel stepped closer to Chris and then knelt on the ground, bringing the crotch to eye level for him as he looked at the clippers and pressed a button. With a gentle buzz, they came to life in his hands and he stared once again at the raging boner. He glanced up at Chris, who had now averted his gaze, then to Danny who gave a smile and a nod. Cautiously, he reached out to take hold of Chris’ erection, pulling it to one side to give access to the vibrating tool.

Chris let out a shuddery moan as he felt the unfamiliar hand gently grasping his penis. It was followed by a louder grunt as he felt the clippers make contact with his crotch, sending gentle vibrations through his cock and balls. He heard the tone change slightly as the clippers cut into his hair and finally ventured a look down. In a single swipe, half his bush was just gone, dropping away to the floor. He had been shaved before, but this was certainly different from playing in the showers at school with his boyfriends and best mate. Not unpleasant by any means, just… very different.

Samuel manoeuvred Chris’ throbbing dick to the other side to allow easier access to the remaining hair and in a quick buzz, it had dropped away too, leaving nothing but a stubbly patch at the base of the penis and longer, sparse hairs dotting his balls.

Danny’s own cock was rigid as he stood watching the show and while he didn’t do anything to try and hide it, he also resisted taking hold of it to play. “If you’re gonna lather him up to shave fully, he should probably get in the shower, right?” he asked, trying to sound like he wasn’t having the absolute time of his life with Chris’ excited humiliation.

“Yes, I… suppose he should,” Samuel agreed innocently.

“Oh, but… if you need to get close to him while you do it, your uniform’s going to get all wet!” Danny said, suppressing a grin. Before Samuel could object, he added, “You should probably take it off!”

“I… umm… I… umm…” Samuel stuttered nervously, glancing round at the door.

“Oh, don’t worry, it’s just us!” Danny said as he walked over and locked the door. “It’s okay if you don’t want to get naked. You could leave your underwear on and just take the rest off… if you like!” It was cleverly worded. Danny was very much avoiding ordering the compliant young man to do anything, he was making this all HIS choice.

Chris watched in nervous anticipation as he stood by the shower, ready to turn it on.

Samuel hesitated for a moment and then nodded before placing down the clippers and kneeling to remove his shoes. Untying and removing them one at a time, along with his socks, he stood back up barefoot and gave the two boys a cursory glance. As he untucked the white polo shirt from his trousers, he gave them both a brief glimpse of his stomach. His abs were even more defined than Danny’s, while his dark brown skin was accented by a trail of short curly hairs from a cute ‘outie’ belly button down into his waistband.

“It’s okay to stop if you’re not comfortable,” Danny said, not wanting to stop the show but desperate to make sure the nervous young man didn’t feel obligated. Although Chris and Samuel had been the most embarrassed so far, Danny offered up a little of his own as he said, “But I’d really like to see you!” He blushed at the admission.

Samuel smiled back at him, and then at Chris who was eagerly nodding his agreement. He pulled the polo shirt up, revealing his abs fully, followed by defined but not overly plump pecs, crowned with pert, dark nipples that had already been visible through the clothing. His pits appeared next, sporting a small patch of dark curly hair in each before his head finally popped free and the clothing was tossed aside, leaving him standing in just his khaki trousers.

The question of Samuel’s eagerness and willingness was rapidly disappearing as a bulge grew within the trousers, snaking up towards his right hip. He gulped a little before he reached down to undo the trousers. He let go and they easily dropped from his slender hips, revealing a sizeable bulge contained within brilliant-white briefs and strong but slim legs sporting more dark curly hair. He stepped out of them, his cheeks darkened by his blushes.

“Okay then!” Chris said, staring at the near-naked young man. He turned on the shower, set it to just rain from the large head above him rather than the side sprays and stepped back under the water, which quickly wettened his hair and rained down his naked body. Reaching down to rub at his denuded pubis, he said, “I’m ready for more!”

“Fuck!” Danny chuckled, his own bulge beginning to sport a wet patch at the tip.

Samuel nodded silently as he stepped forward and squirted some shaving foam into his hand. He pulled Chris forward a little, so that he was out of the spray, so it wouldn’t just wash the foam away and began to lather his crotch. He continued to move the raging erection back and forth to make sure the whole area, balls included, was lathered up. He reached behind Chris to let the shower rinse his hands off before he turned to get a razor.

“Hands!” Danny prompted, nodding to Chris who raised his hands behind his head again. “And make sure you stay still. Don’t want any nicks!”

Samuel dropped to his knees again as he began to run the razor through the foam, removing the remaining hints of stubble left by the clippers, working slightly up the base of Chris’ shaft to make sure he got every hair. Once he was sure he’d got them all, he released the boner and instead grasped Chris’ balls, getting another whimper.

Chris began to pant, gulping occasionally as he felt Samuel’s hand moving his balls around to let the razor slide over them, removing every last hair.

“I think he’s done!” Samuel eventually said as he lowered the razor.

“You have to feel it properly,” Danny instructed. “Run your hands back and forth over the area and feel for any hints of stubble!”

“Fuck!” Chris grunted at the instruction, then closed his eyes as he felt Samuel begin to comply.

“Oh yes, I missed a spot,” Samuel said, finally giving a smile as he raised the razor to run over the small spot. He continued massaging Chris’ pubis and scrotum, searching for any other strays but eventually concluded he had them all and looked to Danny again for further instruction.

“Y’know, as you’re in the area…” Danny said, pausing as he gave a wry grin at Chris’ widening eyes and shocked expression. “Gimme a sec, I may need to help,” he said as he quickly and shamelessly yanked off his shirt and shorts, releasing his own erection. He could feel Samuel’s eyes on it, but avoided looking at him as he moved into the shower and stood behind Chris, turning him round as he did it.

“Danny!” Chris gasped, shaking his head.

Danny just nodded back before he said, “Okay, let’s try this!” He stepped back and grabbed Chris’ shoulders, pulling him down. Just for his own entertainment, he pressed his crotch into his boyfriend’s face, then leaned over to grasp his buttocks. As he parted the cheeks, he sniggered at the shocked look on Samuel’s face and asked, “See any hairs?”

“A few!” Samuel replied.

“Fuck!” Chris whimpered as his hole was discussed.

“Well lather him up,” Danny instructed.

Samuel happily complied, squirting some foam onto his hand before placing it into Chris’ crack. He massaged it in, letting his fingers slide back and forth over the tight hole.

“Holy shit!” Chris squeaked, his cock throbbing as it pressed up against his stomach.

Samuel picked the razor back up and carefully slide it down either side of Chris’ crack, removing the few sparse hairs he had seen. It took barely more than a few seconds before he looked up at Danny and asked, “Should I… check here for stubble too?”

“Now you’re getting it!” Danny said with a grin, staring excitedly as he watched the slim, nimble fingers probe into his boyfriend’s crack.

“Danny!” Chris gasped. “Danny Danny Danny,” he repeated urgently.

Danny knew what the problem was, as well as how to deal with it. He stood Chris back up, turned him around and said, “One final stubble check. You take the front, I’ll take the back!”

Samuel nodded as he grabbed Chris’ erection, bent it downwards and began rubbing his hand over the smooth skin.

At the same time, Danny let his hand slide into the slippery crack and slide up and down over Chris’ smooth hole.

“So you like seeing the show up close even more than from the doorway?” Danny asked with a snigger.

Samuel stared back, looking horrified at the realisation he had been seen, but his shock was cut short as Chris let out a high-pitched whimper and began to shoot. So surprised by the sudden burst of spunk in his face, Samuel didn’t even think to let go or aim it elsewhere and Chris continued to shoot spurt after spurt onto him, some hitting his face, the rest leaving white streaks that almost glowed against the dark brown of his pecs.

“I’m so sorry!” Chris whimpered as he looked down at the cum-covered young man.

“Chris, does he look like he’s bothered?” Danny asked, pointing down at the briefs that looked about ready to burst from the large, throbbing beast inside.

“It was… unexpected, but… fun!” Samuel said with a grin. He looked to Danny and asked, “Are you to be shaved next?”

“Yes!” Chris suddenly yelped, moving round to shove Danny forward.

Danny felt like he should object, but the thought of having the spunky young man handling his dick was more than a little appealing. “Fine,” he conceded.

“One moment,” Samuel said as he reached out for a towel. He reached up to dry off Danny’s crotch before he picked up the clippers and turned them on again.

With Chris happily wrapping arms around him from behind, and pressing his newly smooth crotch against his butt, Danny watched as Samuel quickly shaved off the bulk of his small, dark-blonde bush.

Samuel went to turn the clippers off, but instead grinned up at Danny and pressed the buzzing device against his dick.

“FUCK ME!” Danny yelped out as he felt the vibrations more directly. He began to whimper as the buzzing continued. Samuel was holding the clippers in place as he deftly dispensed some foam into his other hand and started to apply it to Danny’s crotch. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck, Sam, Sam stop!” he gasped, the excitement of Chris’s orgasm paired with the eager vibrations pushing him quickly towards release.

“Oh sorry,” Samuel said with a grin as he pulled the device away, turned it off and tossed it aside. He grabbed the razor and began clearing the slight stubble away, taking barely more than a few seconds before he moved into the balls, which had been mostly smooth to begin with. “And of course, a check for stubble!” he said as he started running his hands around the whole area.

Danny was already close, but as he felt Chris’ hands raise to tweak his nipples and Samuel’s hands massaging his balls, he let out a loud groan and began to shoot. With the dick not aimed at Samuel this time, he was spared any more shots, but the skyward-reaching dick sprayed straight up, making it rain small droplets of spunk over all three of them.

“Oh. My. God!” Danny gasped as he began to come down from the intense ejaculation. He stared down at Samuel, who was still kneeling in front of him, Chris’ cum beginning to dribble down his muscular body and face as the fresh drops of his own spunk still clinging, thick and gooey. He could see the young man’s cock desperate for release, but resisted the urge to tell him to get it out. While it was painfully obvious Samuel had enjoyed what they were doing, something still felt off about making him do more. “Thank you… for your assistance, Sam!” he said politely.

Samuel leaned back and stood straight up, nodding his understanding as his briefs strained to contain a clearly sizeable prick. “My pleasure, sirs,” he said with a nod as he reached for his clothes and began to dress.

Danny heard a slight whimper from behind him, but reached back to stroke Chris’ hip. They stood together, moving back under the spray of the shower as they watched Samuel make himself presentable before gathering up the used shaving supplies to take away with him.

“Let me know if you need anything else,” Samuel said with a nod before he unlocked the door and left.

Once they were alone, Danny turned to face Chris and pulled him into a passionate kiss, the two eagerly embracing under the warm water for a couple of minutes before parting.

“I was sure you were gonna make him get it out!” Chris stated, sounding a mix of surprised and disappointed.

“It sounds like he has sex with customers if they tell him to!” Danny said bluntly. As Chris looked back at him, a little surprised as he had not really picked up on that intimation. “I don’t wanna MAKE someone do sex things!” Danny explained.

“You make ME do sex things!” Chris said with a grin, but he let it drop a little as he nodded and said, “Yeah, okay, I get it. But it seemed kinda obvious you wouldn’t have been making him!”

Danny nodded his agreement and explained, “Yeah, I know, and… well we’ve got him for a couple more weeks. We’ll probably get there but… I’d rather be completely sure he’s cool with it before then!”

Chris shook his head as he stared at Danny.

“Sorry if you’re disappointed,” Danny said sheepishly.

Chris scoffed as he replied, “Disappointed? Fuck no, I’m amazed. You just… fuck I don’t think you even realise sometimes how amazing you are! The way you care about people… ALL people, all the time, it’s… I know I already said it, but it’s amazing!”

Danny shrugged. “I just… do what feels right,” he said humbly.

Chris sighed contentedly for a moment. “Ugh, every day I think I love you as much as it’s possible to love someone and then every day you go and find new ways to make me love you more!” Chris said, staring lovingly into Danny’s eyes.

“You mean by shaving you?” Danny asked with a mischievous grin.

Chris laughed as he leaned forward for another kiss. As they parted again, he said, “Come on, we should enjoy the peace while we have it. I’m surprised we don’t have the twin terrors pestering us already!”

“Oh, I might have taken care of that!” Danny said happily. “I asked Cian to make sure him and Aidan stayed away tonight!”

“And he agreed?” Chris asked incredulously.

“Well he seemed pretty excited to let you have some time with your new boyfriend!” Danny said cautiously.

“You TOLD him?” Chris asked, a little shocked.

“Yeah, are you mad?” Danny asked nervously.

Chris smirked as he shook his head. “The ‘keeping it a secret’ is mostly your idea anyway, but… am I mad that the most amazing guy in the world wants to tell people I’M his boyfriend? Erm, no, I think I’m okay with that!” he said happily.

“Great,” Danny said happily. “Now, we have a room ALL to ourselves for the night. Why don’t we go and have a sensibly early night. Sleep is important after all!”

Chris stared, his brow furrowing in dismay as he asked, “Really?”

“Hell no!” Danny laughed. “We are fucking ALL night!” he said with a colossal grin.



The question now is, who or what will interrupt Chris and Danny tonight?

Dave Armstrong

Somehow, Danny's "dopey giggle" captured the magic of this relationship after such a long and tortuous journey. And, based on Matt's teasers, I'm now confident that Danny will rise to the challenge and make Finn as happy as the rest of the Smiths.