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Hello hello hello my lovely readers.

Been a while since my last newsletter so I thought I'd let you all know how things are moving along.

General Info

Life, as always, has been hectic. For those who have read my profile fully, you will probably know that the aim of this patreon page wasn't to get rich quick (though wouldn't that be nice!!) but rather to help save some money so I could take a career break from work and do EVEN MORE writing! Well thanks to all of you, that is finally happening. I haven't finalised the details yet, but it's looking likely I will be taking a few months away from work at the start of 2024. I'm virtually salivating at the amount of writing I'll be able to do! More on that when finalised, but for now... yay!

The Kingswood Saga

The Kingswood Effect

Editing of The Kingswood Effect is fully complete and all chapters (there are 43 in book 3) are uploaded onto here and scheduled to post weekly. I somehow miscalculated, as I thought the final chapter would post at New Year, but it turns out it will happen a little sooner. The final chapter is now scheduled to post on 1 December 2023! Not long to go!

Chris and Danny's Super Sexy Summer

The plan to start posting this on Nifty in early January 2024 remains in place, but due to the above miscalculation, that would mean leaving you all with nothing posted throughout all of December and I couldn't do that to my lovely readers. As such, from December onwards, my patrons will now be getting my stories an entire month before my readers on Nifty. I know, how lucky are you!

Book Four (still untitled!)

The first 20 chapters are fully completed. As I think I mentioned previously, book four is expected to go a little longer than previous books with a current target of 50 chapters. A warning ahead of time, the first term of Year 10 for the boys has some tough storylines. It's been tough to try and keep the overall spirit of the book up, but hopefully you'll be glad to hear it doesn't last. As far as the mood drops in the first 20 chapters, it's going to bounce right back up in the rest of the book! A key turning point for many of the storylines takes place at Christmas. Now, speaking of Christmas...

A Kingswood Family Christmas

The book four bonus story is titled (as you have probably guessed) 'A Kingswood Family Christmas'. I can't say much about it at all as you know I don't do spoilers, but it is a 7-chapter story that is now fully completed and features some drama, a lot of emotion, sex and embarrassment! Having finished writing it literally right before writing this, I'm really happy with the way it turned out and on a bit of a 'finished story' high! 

Kingswood Bonus Content

In light of the recent poll about what you'd like to see as bonus content for Kingswood, I have a few story idea knocking around in my pervy little head. Not sure if I will get any done this side of Christmas, or if they'll wait until my career break, but some fun bonus stories are definitely on the way.

Non-Kingswood Content

While my focus is squarely back on Kingswood, I always have new ideas for other stories (such as the recent one-shot 'There's A Naked Alfie In The Garden'), so expect the occasional bonus to pop up over the next few months. 

Additionally, while procrastinating recently, I looked through my writing archive and realised how many stories I have started and never continued. I know it's probably a bit annoying to have an incomplete story posted, some of them are fun anyway so look out for a few unfinished stories now and then too. Just as a little teaser, here's a screenshot of my 'Unfinished Stories' folder. You may recognise a few of the titles which I've shared previously. 


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