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Friday 11 March 2022



“You’re dead to us!”

“Death to Kingswood scum!”

Rob was understandably hesitant as he paused for a moment in the face of the wall of abuse as he stepped off the coach. Jazz, who had been a few steps ahead of him, paused and looked back for a moment. He sniggered, then turned to face the small group of boys from the Fothergill Academy, Jazz’s old school! “Shut up, ya bitches!” he called back at the group before he was mobbed by them.

Rob worried for a moment that Jazz might not make it out alive, concerned that he was actually being lynched for leaving the school. It was only when the group parted and he saw Jazz laughing in the middle of the group that he realised none of it was serious.

“Everyone, you know Rob,” Jazz said as the chatter died down, gesturing to the slightly intimidated-looking boy. “He’s… one of my boyfriends now!”

“Ha!” “Told ya!” “Pay up, bitch!” “ONE of your boyfriends? Slut!” the lively group of rugby players all jeered and teased at once.

The boy who had taken over as captain of the Fothergill team when Jazz left, Josef, stepped free of the crowd, shaking his head at his teammates as he offered Rob his hand. “Nicely played. You got yourself a good one,” he said quietly, obviously not wanting to let any of the others boys see any kind of actual pleasantness.

“I know right,” Rob chuckled as he shook Josef’s hand. “Nice to see you’re still missing him!” He looked over to Jazz who was currently receiving a wedgie, a noogie and a chinese burn all at the same time then shook his head and said, “Sort of!”

Josef smirked as he said cheekily, “Yeah, we are, but at least we got a better captain out of it!” As they spoke, they started wandering off towards the guest accommodation, a teacher yapping away with instructions nobody was really listening to.

“I feel like I should disagree to defend Jazz’s honour…” Rob started.

“But he doesn’t have any!” Josef joked.

“Ha!” Rob cackled. “True, but I was more just thinking how much better you’re doing in this year’s tournament. You actually made it past round one!”

“AND we beat King Edwards… on their home turf. They did NOT like that!” Josef bragged.

“Shame you’re not so good at beating us!” Rob teased.

“Hey, we didn’t lose to you!” Josef said defensively.

“Yeah, but you didn’t win either!” Rob said, knowing he was right but still enjoying the teasing.

“Whatever,” Josef said, shaking his head dismissively. “I thought they might actually let us skip this match. It’s kinda pointless. We’re both through to the final, no matter what happens anyway!”

Rob nodded. With two wins each, there was no way the other two remaining schools in their group for the tournament could catch up to them, meaning the next day’s match was little more than a formality. “Guess it’s just a chance for us to beat you twice!” Rob said confidently, despite the tie in round one.

Josef’s eyes narrowed. “Oh really?” he said cockily, “You still have that agreement with your team, where they get to give you a forfeit if they win a match?”

Rob rolled his eyes. He wasn’t sure what was worse, the repeated humiliation of the tasks he had endured to ‘reward’ his team for good performance, or the fact that just about every other school knew about the embarrassing arrangement. “Yeah, why?” he asked cautiously.

“My team liked the idea so much they copied it,” Josef said, shaking his head.

Rob gulped slightly. Josef was a very attractive boy – typical, beefy, rugby-player build, short-cropped jet black hair, a strong jawline that already looked to be showing hints of stubble despite not even being fifteen yet and a smile that could charm anyone. The thought of him enduring the sorts of stuff his own team had come up with was quite… appealing. He just nodded silently, lost for a moment in the fantasy.

“But how about we make things more fun. If the winning captain’s getting a forfeit, then we should also give the losing team something… fun to do!” Josef suggested with a wry grin.

“Ooooh, I like the way you think!” Rob said happily. “Should we tell them?”

Josef thought for a moment, then smirked and said, “We should, but… let’s save it for right before the match. REALLY give ‘em something to play for!”

Rob let out a wicked giggle, then nodded and looked Josef up and down as he said playfully, “Yeah, no offense to Jazz, but… they really did trade up with you!”


Danny stood looking nervously at the four boys before him. It was already unsettling enough being in dorm 1.11, even without its residents eyeing him suspiciously. All of the dorms on the first floor had the same décor and layout – eight wardrobes at the end near the door, four bunk beds in the middle, four desks along the wall at the rear and four two-seater sofas making a sitting area in front of the windows. The fact it was so familiar, yet filled with other boys and their belongings made it feel like stepping into a parallel world.

“I don’t know,” Adrian said, rubbing his chin to try and look deep in thought over a request Danny had just proposed to them. “We’d be taking a big risk!”

“Yeah,” Thomas Lewis, a.k.a. Tommy, chimed in as he nodded along with Adrian. “What’s in it for us?”

“You mean aside from helping one of your classmates fight back against his abusers, ya dickwad?” Danny replied grumpily. As the four boys watching him exchanged disappointed looks, he sighed and said dejectedly, “Just… tell me what you want!”

Danny had suspected this was coming. His latest idea in his campaign to free Chris from the draconian restrictions from his ‘black band’ punishment would require the full support of Year 9, so he needed every dorm on board. He had started the previous night by talking to the boys from dorm 1.10, who had eventually agreed to follow along with his plan, but at a cost! He had been subjected to a whole evening of stupid tasks and challenges, most of which had involved nudity, many of them resulting in Danny being utterly humiliated in front of other unsuspecting students, especially the younger ones when they caught on to how much he hated being seen by younger boys. Upon completion of their tasks, they had agreed to his plan.

“Well, half the dorm’s away at Fothergill,” Adrian said, nodding slightly, “And if we’re committing them to doing what you ask, it’s only fair they get… compensated too!”

Danny’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Adrian. He knew how twisted the other boy’s imagination could be. The fact that this entire thing was playing out like something from one of their roleplay sessions was clearly just adding more and more entertainment to Adrian’s evening.

“Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?” Anthony Hall asked as he saw Adrian jump to his feet.

“Definitely!” Adrian said happily.

Danny watched curiously as Adrian headed to one of the nearby desks, pulled out a small stack of cards and a pen then started writing.

Danny frowned and started, “What’s he…”

“Shh!” Tommy hushed him. “You’ll see!”

“Here, sign these!” Adrian instructed, holding out the pen to Danny.

As Danny approached, he accepted the pen, then looked down to see eight cards spread out on the desk. Each one bore the words, ‘I ________ do hereby promise to follow the orders of _______ for one hour when presented with this card. Failure to obey will be punished HARSHLY!’ The second blank space on each card had already been filled in with a different name of a dorm 1.11 student by Adrian.

“Just stick your name in the first box!” Adrian instructed, then pulled out his phone to started recording. As Danny looked at him quizzically, he explained, “Just to prove you wrote them willingly, in case you try to weasel out of it or say we forged your name!”

“A decent person’d do this out of the goodness of their heart,” Danny grumbled as he wrote his name out repeatedly.

Adrian moved in close behind Danny, slipped his arms around him and leaned in to kiss his neck, then whispered, “Don’t worry, you’ll love every second!”

Danny chuckled and grasped onto Adrian’s hands, leaning back against him. With touching Chris ‘forbidden’ and things with Brian still unresolved following their most recent argument, Danny had been painfully short on physical affection. The arms around him were a pleasant reminder of how happy he was that things were back to normal with Adrian now.

“I’m telling Kyle!” Tommy said with a slight snigger as the three boys glanced over at them.

Adrian let go and turned to give Tommy the finger, getting a laugh from the others as Danny finished writing. When he was done, he collected them up and handed the small stack to Adrian.

“Hold up,” Danny said, snatching the cards away as Adrian reached for them. “Just to be clear, you get these, and I get your whole dorm’s support for my plan. Deal?”

“Deal!” Adrian smiled.

Danny handed over the cards. He had a feeling he almost certainly could have convinced the boys to help him (or rather, Chris) for no actual cost, but earlier in the year he had resolved to get the other dorms as sexually active as his own. This would almost certainly help with that. “You know,” he said coyly as Adrian distributed the cards to the other boys, pocketing the ones for the boys away for the rugby match. “You could always cash in one of those right now if you like!”

Adrian smirked at Danny’s forwardness while the other three of boys exchanged slightly nervous glances.

“Well… I’m not using mine!” Tommy said immediately.

“Yeah, me neither!” Anthony agreed.

“Same here,” Jonathan chimed in, the quietest of the group.

Adrian grinned. He knew what was happening. His dormmates were still fairly shy when it came to sex. After all, they hadn’t been coaxed into the sordid sex life of Danny like he had. Despite their shyness, he knew they were interested, so he said confidently, “I don’t mind using mine!” He waved his card at Danny, then added, “I get freebies from him anyway!”

Danny accepted the card and happily tore it in half, glad to be an eighth of the way through his debt already. He looked to the four boys and asked, “So… masters… I’m at your command!”

“Fuck! Seriously?” Tommy asked nervously. He looked to Adrian, still hoping for an excuse to avoid facing his anxiety and asked, “You sure you’re okay sharing your hour?”

“Very!” Adrian said confidently. “Now… who fancies a blow job? Danny is VERY orally gifted!”

Danny beamed happily at the compliment, despite the slutty implications of it. In fact, he decided to lean into it. “Yeah, come on, you’re some of the only guys in the year I haven’t blown!”

“What? Really?” Anthony asked in shock.

“Well I’ve done most of my dorm. I’ve done Adrian and Kyle plenty,” Danny started.

“Slut!” Tommy teased.

“And proud!” Adrian replied with a smirk.

Danny almost laughed aloud at the exchange, especially as he remembered how a suggestion of sexual activity had almost ended his friendship with Adrian back in Year 7. He had been utterly opposed to the idea… until he tried it. It seemed the rest of his dorm were of a similar mindset, if a little slower. Continuing his sexual bragging, he added, “And last year the rugby team thought getting blown my me was good luck, so they had me do it before a couple of their matches!”

“The… whole team?” Jonathan asked, visibly rearranging an erection.

Danny shrugged and said, “Well a few just ended up jerking off. Probably just impatience. It takes a while to blow sixteen guys!”

“Fuck!” Tommy exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. “I thought your reputation was, like… exaggerated or something but it’s really not, is it?”

“I like sex,” Danny shrugged. “And I like cum. And Adrian’s hour is now fifty-eight minutes, so… what’s the plan? Who’s first?”

Jonathan pointed to Tommy, who pointed to Anthony, who pointed to Jonathan.

Danny smirked at Adrian and said, “Aww, they’re adorable!” As he got a laugh back, he slowly approached the three boys and said, “I can handle three at once. One…” he pointed to his mouth, “Two…” he made a wanking gesture with his left hand, “And three!” He made the gesture again with his right hand.

“No way, I’m not getting tugged off in front of these two!” Jonathan blushed.

“Oh, so a volunteer to be sucked first. Excellent!” Danny said as he stepped closer.

“No!” Jonathan immediately disagreed. “That’s not… I mean… I just meant…”

“Just go with it, Jonny,” Adrian encouraged him. The previous laughing had stopped as Adrian looked at his dormmate sincerely. “All of you. Come on. It’s like we talked about!”

“You talked about THIS?” Danny asked incredulously, unsure how they could have foreseen that exact scenario.

“No. Just… it’s private!” Adrian insisted. “You don’t need to know,” he directed at Danny, then looked to the others and said, “Come on, it’s hot!”

The three boys looked at each other for a moment, seemingly reaching a positive consensus.

“Maybe… Danny could… do stuff first?” Anthony said cautiously, looking at Adrian.

“Don’t tell me, tell him!” Adrian said, gesturing to Danny.

Anthony blushed as the other two looked at him expectantly. He stared at Danny for a moment then said, “Get on your knees… and get naked!” He paused a moment, frowned and said, “Wait, no, not in that order!”

Danny suppressed a snigger, knowing that being laughed at was probably not helpful to the three nervous teens. Getting naked in front of them was no big deal. As members of the football team they had seen each other naked in the locker room and showers more times than they could count. Within moments, he was stood completely undressed before them, before remembering the additional instruction and dropped to his knees. “And now?” he asked when no further instruction was immediately forthcoming.

“Jerk it!” Tommy said, staring at Danny’s erection. Just as they had all seen Danny naked countless times, they had also seen him hard surprisingly often, with Danny’s (mis)adventures so often ending up public, yet having him naked FOR THEM just felt… different.

“Yeah,” Anthony said, nodding his agreement. “And… and… finger yourself!”

Tommy and Jonathan both gave the other boy a cursory glance before turning their gaze back to Danny who seemed to be obeying without question.

Danny let out a slight moan, more for their benefit than his own pleasure, as he gripped hold of his dick then spread his knees apart to let a hand reach down between his legs.

“Fuck!” Tommy gulped as he saw Danny pleasuring himself.

Adrian had been stood back, watching, but seeing his dormmates slowly getting into it he stepped forward with an idea of his own. He knelt down behind Danny, then raised a hand to shield his words as he whispered, “I could fuck you while you do them!”

Danny immediately shook his head. Adrian recoiled a little at the objection, but moved closer again as Danny cocked his head. “Last time…” he whispered, pausing a moment as he recalled their first fuck, and how disastrously it had gone. “I mean… our first time,” he corrected himself, “I fucked up. I want… our next one to make up for it, ya know, something… good. This is fun, but… you deserve better!”

Adrian smiled at the kind suggestion, nodded and gave Danny a peck on the cheek then said, “Okay lads, whadda you want him to do? Time’s ticking!”

Tommy glanced at his anxious friends, then shook his head in frustration and said, “Fuck it!” He stepped forward as he pulled his dick out, all thirteen centimetres of throbbing boy-meat and shamelessly waggled it at Danny. “Just suck it already!” he said, obviously tired of playing coy.

“Woah, you’ve grown!” Anthony declared as he stared at the other boy’s erection before it disappeared into Danny’s mouth.

“Well it’s been six months!” Tommy replied with a slight giggle.

Despite the distraction of the cock in his mouth, Danny thought for a moment and realised Tommy was referring to the start of the year. Each of the Year 9 dorms had taken part in a ‘bonding’ ritual before being introduced to the Kingswood Underground. It seemed almost unimaginable to Danny that a dorm so much like his own could be so different when it came to sex.

“I’m… about the same,” Anthony said slightly awkwardly, not yet moving to reveal his somewhat-obvious bulge.

“Yeah, but you were pretty big to begin with!” Tommy replied.

“Not as big as Jonathan!” Anthony immediately replied.

Jonathan blushed as he felt all eyes on him. “Hey, I’m no Nicky!” he said, raising his hands slightly.

Danny remained focused on sucking Tommy’s dick but listened intently, enjoying the innocently intimate conversation. He pulled the dick out of his mouth for a second and said, “Come on then lads, let’s see ‘em. I got two hands that need to be put to use!”

Jonathan and Anthony exchanged another look, seemingly agreeing ‘at the same time’ without actually speaking as they perfectly synchronised their reveals.

“Nice!” Danny nodded as he looked at the three dicks in front of him.

Tommy’s was thirteen centimetres and moderately thick, topped with a sparse smattering of blondey-brown pubes. Anthony’s was a couple of centimetres shorter, but a little thicker, while his pubes looked to have only just started growing in, a few dark wiry hairs smattered around. Jonathan was definitely the larger of the three. To compare to his own dorm, Jonathan would likely be just shy of Mark’s impressive size, though it looked bigger Jonathan than it did on Mark thanks to his slight frame.

“Here,” Tommy said, swapping placed with Jonathan. “He clearly wants to get his mouth round that! Freaking size queen!”

“Hey, do I look like I’m picky?” Danny asked with a snigger before gratefully wrapping his lips around Jonathan’s ample dick.

“That’s only his second time, by the way!” Anthony said with a snigger.

“Third, actually!” Jonathan corrected the other boy, then let out a shuddery moan as Danny’s tongue swirled around the head.

Danny reached up and started playing with the other two cocks as he sucked on Jonathan’s, taking his time to make it as enjoyable as possible, as much to ensure their pleasure as it was to run down his time.

The chatter between the boys continued in fits and starts as Danny continued to work all three of them, switching around occasionally to give each of them some time in his mouth.

“Jonny’s totally gonna blow!” Anthony sniggered.

“No I’m not!” Jonathan argued weakly, though everyone in the room knew he was lying.

Danny pulled the large dick from his mouth and asked, “Where d’you wanna cum?”

“In here!” Jonathan replied urgently, looking nervously at the door. The others all burst into laughter as Jonathan blushed, realising his mistake. “Shut up!” he grumbled. “Just… swallow it, maybe?”

Still sniggering, Danny nodded and replied, “Yes sir!” He got back to work, sucking on it as he continued wanking off the other two. The delay and laughter had pushed Jonathan back from the edge a little, but Danny knew how to hurry him back and soon enough felt the cock begin to throb, followed moments later by a flood of spunk filling his mouth. He barely managed to swallow it all down, but happily gulped down every spurt before he finally pulled away, looked up and said in genuine admiration, “Damn you cum a lot!”

“Thanks… I thinnk!” Jonathan replied, red-faced and breathless. He quickly pulled away and tucked his cock back into his sweatpants as Anthony moved to take his place.

“Me next!” Anthony said eagerly, seemingly more willing to cum now that someone else had done it first. “And I also want to cum in here!” he added, getting a laugh from Tommy and Adrian while Jonathan flipped him off. “I’m cumming on your face!” he said, much bolder than he had been at the start. “Ah, yeah, suck it,” he gasped as he got close. The first spurt went into Danny’s eager mouth, but he pulled out and shot the rest of his load over the kneeling boy’s face before standing back to admire his handiwork. “Wow, he… he just looks natural like that, doesn’t he?” he asked with a wicked grin.

“Ugh, move over!” Tommy suddenly gasped. Danny’s rapidly pumping hand, paired with seeing his friend cum had pushed Tommy to the brink and he was ready to blow. “Open your mouth, open your mouth!” he demanded, stroking himself to climax as he aimed the head of his dick into Danny’s eagerly waiting maw.

“Fuck. That’s hot!” Adrian grunted, having watched the whole thing, casually playing with himself, though without actually getting his boner out.

“One word!” Anthony said with a playful grin. “Sixty-nine!”

“I think that’s two words,” Danny replied after swallowing Tommy’s load as he wiped spunk from the corner of his eye.

“Whatever, but still a good idea, right!” Anthony said happily.

Adrian blushed a little. He was undoubtedly one of the most sexually active in his dorm, but not really used to doing it in front of his friends. Yet he had been working to try and get them to open up, so he knew he couldn’t exactly shy away now that the opportunity had presented itself. “Fine!” he agreed. “But Danny’s on the bottom. I don’t want him dripping YOUR jizz on me!”

“Well there’s the best sentence I’m gonna hear today!” Danny smirked as he moved round to lay flat on the floor.

Adrian knelt down, straddling Danny’s head as he cautiously pulled out his dick then bent it downwards to place into Danny’s mouth before leaning forward to return the favour.

“That’s so hot,” Tommy whispered, then blushed a little as he realised he had said it aloud, despite the others nodding their agreement.

As worried as Adrian was about appearing premature, the excitement of what he had just seen and the amount he had been playing with himself as he spectated meant he was speeding his way to climax substantially quicker than usual. Thankfully, by now he knew Danny’s dick well enough to know he wasn’t alone in his quick pace.

The two boys moaned excitedly as they mutually sucked each other towards release. As Adrian felt the first shot of spunk on his tongue, he pulled away and sat up, watching as Danny’s cock twitched and bounced as he shot the rest of his load over himself. Shuffling backwards, he pulled his own dick from Danny’s mouth, gave it a quick flurry of strokes and let out a happy groan as his own cum was added to the rest now adorning Danny’s sweaty, naked body.

“Damn, that was good,” Adrian giggled as he jumped to his feet.

“Yeah, I’ve had worse nights,” Danny said with a grin as he stared up at the four boys.

“And hey, still some time left,” Adrian said with a wicked grin. As the others went to speak, he quickly added, “But as it was my card… I want him to myself!”

“Aww, no fun!” Tommy grumbled.

“Hey, you can always play with each other!” Adrian said with a concealed smirk. The comment did what he had intended as the three boys scattered, making excuses about other places they needed to be. As Danny stood up and reached for his clothes, Adrian slapped his hand playfully and said, “I never told you to get dressed! We’re going for a shower!”

Danny groaned and said, “And let me guess, you don’t happen to have a towel for me?”

“It’s like you can read my mind!” Adrian said cheerfully.

The two boys headed out of the dorm, with Adrian quickly stripped and wrapped in a towel while Danny walked alongside him, naked and covered in drying spunk. Thankfully the hallways were quite empty with half the school away at Fothergill, but there were still enough people around to make a little fuss about the cum-covered nude teen wandering along.

“Thanks for this!” Danny muttered moodily and red-faced as they neared the shower room.

“Oh whatever,” Adrian said dismissively. “You’ll be whacking off over it tonight, I guarantee it!” As he felt Danny glaring at him he sniggered and said, “You’re only annoyed cos you know it’s true!”

“Shut up,” Danny said playfully as he shook his head. “By the way… those cards in your dorm… why exactly do you have them?”

Adrian’s snigger turned into a full-on grin as he said, “What, you think just cos we’re not having drama-filled orgies every night like your dorm that we don’t have fun of our own?”

Danny nodded thoughtfully, then recalled Tommy’s comment about it being ‘six months’ since they had seen him hard. “Fun… without sex,” he mused as they started up a couple of adjacent showers.

“Yeah, it’s clearly not for you!” Adrian replied.

Danny blushed, not really even noticing he had been saying it aloud. He felt a slight pang of annoyance at the comment but let it slide as he stepped under the shower. As much as he liked cum, and being covered in it, it still felt nice to feel it washing away as the warm water flowed down him.

“Hey, erm… thanks,” Adrian said with a meek smile. “For… what you said about when we… ya know… do, erm, anal stuff next. It means a lot that you actually think about me like that!”

Danny smiled sincerely. “Of course,” he said with a shrug. “You were always one of my… erm… options!”

Adrian frowned a little before he closed his eyes as he shampooed his hair. “Options?” he enquired.

“Yeah, back in year seven,” Danny said. It felt like so long ago. “Back before I actually started dating, when I was just starting to think about it. I… had a few guys I liked and… you were definitely one of them,” he explained. “I don’t want this to sound like I’m calling you, like… a bad choice or anything, but…”

“Yeah, I’m the option you didn’t choose,” Adrian said with a shrug. “It’s okay, I get it. As opposed to the choice you did make, or the choice you actually WANTED to make!” When he didn’t hear Danny reply, he really thought about what he’d said and realised it may have actually been a little hurtful. He quickly rinsed off his hair, shook the water from his head and opened his eyes. “Sorry,” he said timidly as he saw Danny standing there silently. “You okay?” he asked when he still didn’t get a reply.

“I don’t know,” Danny said, shaking his head sadly. “Things are still screwed up with Brian and it just… look… you’re the only one I’ve talked to about… ya know, me and Chris. Do you… really think Chris was the choice I wanted to make?”

“I don’t know, Danny, sincerely,” Adrian said, nodding gently. “Only you can really know that!”

“Yeah, that’s the problem,” Danny sighed. “I don’t!”


Saturday 12 March 2022

“Okay guys, who’s ready for a win?” Rob called out to his gathered team, having finished warming up for their match.

There was a roar of enthusiasm from the boys that lasted several seconds. “Great, now cos we’re through to the finals no matter what happens here today, I thought you might need a bit of extra encouragement to give it your all!”

“You’ll do two forfeits if we win?” Josh called out, getting laughs and cheers from the others.

“Ha, no, just the one ‘reward’ for winning,” Rob called back, emphasising that it was meant to be a positive thing for a victory. “But me and Josef, the Fothergill captain, have made a bet. If you don’t win, YOU all get a ‘forfeit’. So you’d better do your best, cos you KNOW those Fothergill guys have got some REAL twisted ideas for you!”

There was a wave of boos, jeers and complaints from the team at the announcement.

Rob waited a moment for it to die down a little and called out, “Too late to complain now. The bet’s made and at Kingswood…”

“WE ALWAYS PAY OUR DEBTS!” the team chorused reluctantly, one of the school’s many mantras.

“And hey, look on the bright side. You guys win today and you get both me AND the Fothergill team to fuck with!” Rob said, “NOW LET’S GO!” He led the charge onto the field.

Just before the match started, Rob and Josef met to do the customary pre-match handshake, a gentlemanly commitment to have a fair, clean match.

“How’d your guys take the news?” Josef asked with a grin.

“About as well as yours, I’m guessing!” Rob laughed back. “I’ve never wanted to lose a match so badly in my life!”

“Ha, same here!” Josef chuckled. “Now good luck, I REALLY hope you win!” He offered his hand, which Rob accepted and shook.


David had been enjoying the solitude of the empty dorm. With Rob, Josh and Mark at Fothergill, Danny off with the football captains and Chris, Mikey and Nicky all at music club, he had the dorm entirely to himself. He sat reading quietly, but occasionally glanced over at one of the desks.

There were four of them and while they were supposed to be for general use, each one had been adopted by a pair of the room’s occupants. Chris and Danny shared one, which was filled up mostly with Chris’ favourite books and Danny’s football magazines. Another had been taken by Mikey and Nicky, which housed the dorm’s digital photo frame that Mikey had become the guardian of, while Nicky had become responsible for talking new pictures and updating it, the rest of their desk piled up with Nicky’s sheet music. The one occupied by Rob and Josh was by far the tidiest, though that was entirely down to Rob who kept everything well organised, despite Josh’s absolute lack of tidiness. David had ended up sharing one with Mark, but the new boy didn’t really tend to have much in the way of personal possessions, so it was mostly just David’s, housing his chess board and various IT equipment, including his two concealed cameras!

David had set up the cameras quite some time ago, secretly recording the sexual activity of his dormmates. With James having left the dorm, taking the bulk of David’s social life with him, David had found himself with plenty of time to review, edit and organise the footage, keeping it ready to fuel his voyeuristic masturbatory habits. When he started hanging out with Ewan, he had spent a little less time sorting it, even less once Ewan became Rose and the two started dating. Since Rose left though, David hadn’t even looked at it, either the new footage or his archived material, he hadn’t even wanked. He just had no desire to do it, wallowing in pity instead.

The siren-call of a poorly-organised hard drive was beginning to grow in strength and David was on the verge of moving to the desk when there was a knock at the dorm’s open door. As he looked round, he saw Luke standing there. “Oh hey,” David said, frowning slightly, “Rob’s not here, he’s away til tonight!”

“Yeah, I know,” Luke nodded. “I actually came to see you!”

“Jesus,” David huffed, rolling his eyes. “What, has Rob got you nagging me to cheer up cos he’s not here to do it himself?” he asked grumpily.

“No, I… erm… it’s about James!” Luke said, looking a little concerned.

“Is he… okay?” David asked, momentarily worried, though he also felt a pang of anger amongst it. Rose had been gone for almost twenty-one days now, and in that time he had barely even seen James. Sure, he didn’t want to see anyone, or do much of anything, and the persistent nagging from his friends to move on was beyond annoying, but it would have at least been nice if James had been amongst the naggers!

“I… don’t know,” Luke said cautiously as he approached David. “You know he hadn’t really… I dunno, kinda… bonded with us or anything since he joined our dorm, so I don’t know what’s normal for him and what’s not, but… he seems… off!”

“Not really my problem,” David shrugged dismissively.

Luke recoiled slightly at the reaction. It had certainly not been what he was expecting. “I thought you two were friends!” he said, shaking his head.

David sighed heavily. This was exactly how things had been for him since Rose left. He felt like crap, but everyone else’s problems were always ‘bigger’ or ‘more urgent’ and he kept getting drawn into helping them. When was it his turn? “Fine, what’s wrong with him?” David smirked slightly, “Well, there’s a LOT wrong with him, but what in particular?” His brief amusement actually brought with it a tinge of sadness. Much of what made James stand out as different or unusual to the rest of the dorm was mostly the result of a repressed childhood trauma, one that David had helped uncover. He was one of only a few people who actually knew about it.

Luke looked a little lost for how to explain it. “He just… seems REALLY stressed and he won’t let us help and won’t… stop!” he put it as best he could.

David sighed. He knew the issue. Since skipping ahead to Year 11, James had put massive expectations on himself to continue to be the very best, and gifted as he was, that was still a heavy burden to carry. David had helped him to tackle it for a while. It was one of the ways they had reconnected after falling out at the end of Year 8. David glanced at his desk again. The hard drive attached to the cameras was full to bursting with unsorted footage, ready to crash and burn at any moment as it sat forgotten – it felt like a thoroughly obvious metaphor for James. “Okay, I’ll got see him. Guessing he’s in your dorm?”

Luke nodded as David stood up and approached. “Thanks. You’re a good friend,” he said with a sincere smile. “Oh, and if Rob’s nagging you to ‘cheer up’ you just keep telling him to fuck off! You feel what you need to full and fuck everyone else!” he suggested.

David smiled at the kind advice and nodded before he headed out of the dorm. As he quickly made his way up to the second floor, he did his best to suppress his bitterness at James for their past disagreements and his failure to be there when David needed him, but it was hard, though lately everything was hard! English, History, Geography, Music, PE and Drama. They were the classes David used to share with Rose’s dorm, the classes where he could sit staring at her, exchanging cheeky smiles across the room whenever they could, but now there was only an empty seat. Seeing the spot where she used to sit every time he went into the Dining Hall made him not want to eat. Even looking in the mirror, seeing his own hair the red he had dyed it in honour of the name change. Every moment at the school was painful and his supposed best friend hadn’t been there for any of it.

He reached the door to dorm 2.16, which was already half open, and gently knocked. He pushed it the rest of the way open and walked in to find James huddled over one of the dorm’s two desks, muttering to himself.

“James,” David said cautiously as he approached.

“I told you to leave me alone, I’m revising!” James replied without looking up.

“James, it’s me!” David repeated, standing beside him.

“I don’t have time for this!” James hissed angrily, still not looking round.

“JAMES!” David snapped, grabbing his shoulder.

“Wha…” James gasped, finally looking at David, seemingly oblivious to his presence. “D… David, when did… where are… why…”

“Have you been crying?” David asked, seeing James’ eyes puffy and red.

“It’s… it’s too… much!” James mumbled, shaking his head. “I keep having these… these panic attacks, but… but… Chris taught me once how to… how to… handle them, which I do but… but they keep coming and… and… I can deal with them but every one of them puts me… further behind on my timetable and I’ve got so much to do and that… that makes me… makes… me…” He started panting heavily, seemingly breaking into another panic attack.

Crying and struggling to breathe, James closed his eyes and did his best to focus on the breathing exercises he had developed, attempting to ground himself with other techniques he had researched over the past few months. He was beginning to feel like it wasn’t going to work this time until he felt David grab hold of him.

“It’s okay,” David whispered softly, any anger he felt for James instantly forgotten as he helped his distressed friend. “It’s all okay,” he repeated.


“Well, well, well,” Rob said smugly as he strolled along in front of the thirty-two Year 9 students.

“Yeah… what he said,” Josef said with a grin, nodding towards the opposing caprain. “Looks like you guys are in for an INTERESTING afternoon!”

“Ah c’mon, this is bullshit,” one of the Fothergill students called out. “We didn’t LOSE!” There was a chorus of agreement from both the Fothergill and Kingswood teams.

Rob and Josef looked at each other for a moment. As Josef gestured for Rob to go first, he stepped forward and said, “I believe the way we worded it was ‘If you don’t win, you get a forfeit’. Did you win?”

All of the gathered boys looked ready to argue, but absolutely could not claim to have won, the match having ended in a tie, just as their first match had in round one.

“Exactly!” Rob nodded. “And what do we say at Kingswood?”

“We always pay our debts,” the boys chorused, far from in-sync and absolutely without any enthusiasm.

“Yeah, well we don’t go to Kingswood!” one of the Fothergill boys chimed in.

“No, but you’re paying up anyway, dickwad, so shut up!” Josef insisted.

“Hey, at least we know it ain’t gonna be sex stuff!” Josh called out. He reached down to swat the crotch of a neighbouring Fothergill boy as he added, “Not with these things on!” His gesture made a knocking sound as it hit a chastity device.

Much like Kingswood, new students at Fothergill were placed in chastity devices, though that was where the similarity ended. While Kingswood boys were released when ‘nature’ deemed them ready (i.e. when they achieved the ability to ejaculate), Fothergill took a slightly harsher approach, keeping the boys locked until they turned sixteen and would become able to legally engage in sexual activity.

“Hey, maybe it is!” Harley called out, “Kingswood tops and Fothergill bottoms!”

The small boy’s suggestion was met with uproar as the two teams began arguing over it.

“Ya know, that’s not the worst idea!” Josef whispered to Rob, nudging him as he winked playfully.

Rob frowned heavily. Ever since he and Luke added Jazz to their relationship (the person, not the music!), Rob’s aversion to anal had become increasingly problematic as former Fothergill student and total bottom Jazz had brought out the ‘top’ in Luke, leaving Rob relegated to spectating half of the time. “No, no butt stuff!” Rob muttered back to Josef, then realised he needed some order as he called out, “NOBODY’S FUCKING ANYONE, SO SHUT UP!”

The room fell silent as everyone stared at Rob. He looked to Josef, who seemed happy to let him speak, having apparently taken the position of authority. “Well we’re here today because of rugby, you’ve earned a forfeit because of rugby, so it makes sense that the forfeit is ALSO related to rugby!” He paused while the boys started muttering to each other.

Rob held for a few moments, letting the boys sweat. “After lunch, we have an hour before the last match of the day, so you guys are going to have a joint rugby practice. After all, we’re the two best Year 9 teams in the competition, so I’m sure there’s a lot we can learn from each other!”

“Well that’s… not too bad,” Mark muttered as he stood beside Josh.

Josh’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Rob. Without breaking his gaze, he replied to Mark, “Yeah, there’s more. Just wait for it…”

“Oh, and just to make sure it’s a practice you’ll NEVER forget, you’ll be doing it… naked!” Rob said proudly. After all the times he had been exposed at the whim of his team, it felt inordinately satisfying to turn the tables on them.

The two teams were once again in uproar, but Rob and Josef just stood by happily, unwavering in their decision.


Danny’s plan to help Chris escape his no-touching ban was coming together nicely. He had two of the other dorms on board, albeit at a cost, and now he just needed dorm 1.12 to agree and he would have the whole of Year 9 on his side.

With five of their dorm on the rugby team, it only left three boys at Kingswood for Danny to negotiate with, but he was confident as he approached them in the dining hall. The first of them was Richard ‘Rich’ Jackson, a member of the football team who was, in Danny’s opinion, unlikely to put up much resistance. The second was Aaron Moore, a slightly more formidable opponent in other circumstances, but since receiving a punishment for ‘pranking’ Danny earlier in the year, he still seemed to be doing his best to stay on Danny’s good side. The third was Kyle, one of Danny’s closest friends outside the dorm, which was certainly a big help.

“Hey guys, mind if I sit here?” Danny asked as he sat down with the three dorm 1.12 boys.

Rich, Aaron and Kyle exchanged smirks but didn’t object.

“So… nice day, huh!” Danny said, in a terrible attempt to sound casual. “Not long til… erm… half-term, right?”

“Ugh,” Kyle groaned. “I know you guys said make him sweat, but I can NOT sit through Danny’s attempt at small talk!” It earned amused chuckles from Rich and Aaron.

Danny frowned and started, “What are you…”

“We know you’re here to recruit us, or whatever!” Aaron said shaking his head, smirking at Kyle’s comment. “For your big plan to help Chris!”

“Yeah, we know all about it!” Kyle said with a confident nod.

“How do you…” Danny started, then glanced further down the Year 9 table and spotted Adrian grinning their way. “Ugh, Adrian, right?”

“Yup!” Kyle giggled, then blew a kiss to his boyfriend, just to antagonise Danny.

“Come on guys,” Danny immediately pleaded. “If dickface down there told you about it,” he said to Kyle as he gestured to Adrian, “Then you know the bullshit he put me through. Don’t be dicks about this, I’m just trying to help Chris!”

The three boys all looked swayed by the very genuine plea, shrugging to each other casually.

“Maybe we can go easy on you,” Kyle conceded, slightly reluctantly.

“Great, so you’re in?” Danny asked happily as he went to get up, eager to join Chris, Mikey and Nicky in the lunch queue.

“Nuh-uh, not so fast!” Kyle said as he grabbed Danny’s wrist. “We said we’re going easy, not letting you off entirely! Risk deserves reward, after all!”

“Whadda you want?” Danny sighed in frustration.

“One sec!” Rich said as he leaned in to whisper with the other two.

They conferred for several moments, giggling to each other several times, seemingly coming up with ideas.

“Yes, perfect!” Kyle said with a grin as he pulled away from the others. He immediately leaned close to Danny and started whispering instructions.

“Ah come on,” Danny whined as he heard their demand.

“You want our help or not? Kyle asked, folding his arms petulantly.

Danny huffed, growled and eventually conceded, “Fine, whatever. I’ll do it!” He stood up from the table and rushed out of the Dining Hall, leaving his friends in the queue looking very confused.

Out in the hallway, he quickly started stripping off. He pulled his hoodie and t-shit off in a single motion and threw them down in the corner before he started undoing his belt, pulling his trainers off with his feet at the same time. His jeans and underwear were also removed as one, pulling them off over his feet, hooking a thumb into each sock as he did so. With the rest of his clothes added to the pile, he felt the cold stone beneath his feet and shuddered a little.

This would not be the first time he had been naked in the Dining Hall, but from his worryingly large pool of experience, he knew that this was going to be a tough one. Being forced into nudity through a teacher-mandated punishment brought with it a level of respect from the other students, each of them sharing the knowledge they were all one bad decision away from experiencing it themselves. This would not be a school punishment, it would just appear to be him… willingly naked… in public! It was open to more ridicule than usual while also putting him at risk of repercussions from the faculty.

As he peered back into the Dining Hall, the dorm 1.12 boys already giggling, he couldn’t help spotting the two most full tables – the Year 7s and 8s! With the Year 8 rugby team out of the tournament already and the Year 7s not taking part, none of them were away. The Year 11s were also fully present, but Danny always found it particularly embarrassing to be seen by the younger students, so sixty-four eleven-to-thirteen-year-olds was basically his nightmare scenario.

He stepped into the Dining Hall and was almost instantly noticed as all eyes turned his way. Blushing profusely, he followed the instructions he had been given and joined the queue for food.

Chris, Mikey and Nicky, who were only a few people ahead of him dropped out of the queue and moved back to join him.

“Dude… what the fudge?” Mikey asked, shaking his head, minding his language with teachers so close by.

“Don’t ask!” Danny growled, glaring at Kyle, Rich and Aaron who were in barely-concealed hysterics.

The few teachers who were dining in the main hall had glanced over and were now conferring, apparently deciding who would get stuck dealing with it. Mr Fitzsimmons, the Master of the second floor and English teacher to the Year 9s appeared to be the ‘lucky’ winner as he stood from the teachers table and wandered along towards the short queue.

“Mr Davies,” the teacher sighed as he got close, the nearby Year 7 and 8s staring in sudden quiet. “Aren’t we… forgetting something?” he asked coyly.

The younger boys laughed.

Danny could feel his blushing spreading, his burning cheeks only the start as his neck darkened too, followed by his shoulders. “Just… enjoying the nice weather… sir,” Danny said awkwardly, squirming a little. The feeling of blood rushing to his cheeks as he got increasingly embarrassed soon triggered the usual reaction in Danny – a rush of blood to somewhere lower!

Mr Fitzsimmons sighed. “I don’t know whether this is some kind of prank or some bizarre attempt at humour, but we are not amused!” he explained, shaking his head unhappily for a moment. “Well if you think nudity is SO enjoyable, let’s have you remain that way for the rest of the weekend!”

“Yes sir,” Danny sighed.

The younger students immediately burst into chatter and laughter again, especially as they began to notice the swelling of Danny’s cock.

As Mr Fitzsimmons looked Danny up and down, a hint of a smirk spread across his face as he turned and bellowed at the Year 7 and 8s, “Haven’t you got lunches to eat? Nothing to see here. Just a naked teenager with an erection.”

Danny let out a groan, cursing the teacher for the announcement of his arousal, as if it wasn’t obvious enough already. “God I hate this place sometimes!” he grumbled.

“Yeah, kinda looks more like you like it!” Nicky replied, getting a laugh from Chris and Mikey that only intensified as Nicky added, “And I mean really, REALLY like it!” For added comedic effect, he reached out and playfully slapped Danny’s now solid boner.

Thankfully the queue had been moving down during his utter humiliation, as it meant Danny could soon get his food and get to at least a hint of privacy at the table. He just had one part of his task left to do. As he got to the front, he gave his tormentors another angry glare, then looked at the dinner options and declared loud enough for the whole Dining Hall to hear, “I’VE GOT A REALLY SMALL SAUSAGE. CAN YOU GIVE ME A BIG ONE TO MAKE UP FOR IT?”

The Dining Hall burst into uproarious laughter as Danny glared angrily at Kyle.


“Ah, no way. Come onnnn!” Josh complained as they neared the rugby pitch. “Like it’s not bad enough just having our teams here!”

Josh’s annoyance was matched by the rest of the two Year 9 teams as they took to the pitch ready for their forfeit. Thankfully they weren’t on the main pitch, which was surrounded by spectator stands, as that was being prepared for the afternoon’s tournament matches. Even without the stands, the perimeter of the practice field was still heaving with students from Fothergill as well as the other visiting teams.

Rob shrugged and said, “Hey, I guess… people heard what was happening… somehow!”

If Rob’s smirk hadn’t given it away, Josef’s open laugh at the comment made it abundantly clear that the two captains had deliberately spread the word of the naked practice.

“Come on then, lads,” Rob called out. “Let’s get you properly dressed for this practice!”

“I hate you so much,” Josh muttered as he wandered away from Rob to join the rest of the team.

Seeing the more confident boys already beginning to undress spurred the others on, with the amount of exposed skin on show directly relating to the level of noise coming from the spectators.

Josh paused as he got down to his underwear. He already felt small compared to many of his teammates, especially as he had stupidly stood next to Mark to undress, but he suddenly found himself regretting his earlier teasing of the Fothergill boys for their chastity devices. Their restraints were much like the ones given at Kingswood, looking more like an over-sized jockstrap that completely concealed their pubic region. Josh remained under the control of Mr Rudd, who had given him a much more ‘traditional’ chastity device that just consisted of a small ring around his cock and balls with an equally small tube containing his penis.

Seeing more and more of the boys removing the last of their clothing, with the Kingswood boys using their hands to futilely protect their modesty, Josh sighed and shoved down his underwear. As he stepped out of it, he covered up as quickly as he could, but an eagle-eyed Fothergill student spotted him right away.

“Hey, what’s with the cage? Still not hit puberty yet?” the boy teased, drawing more attention from the rest of his team.

Before Josh could answer, Jenson Thomas called out, “No, it’s a punishment. He can definitely cum cos he jizzed all over a window at our gym when he was whacking off OVER A TEACHER!”

As both teams burst into laughter, Josh turned bright red from a mix of anger and embarrassment. Being teased about it at Kingswood was bad enough, but now he would be hearing about it from an entirely separate school.

“Oh my god!”

“A teacher! Freaky!”

“Ha! Wanker!”

“Doesn’t even look like he can cum yet!”

Josh was seething at the taunts, but he played Mr Rudd’s words over in his head, ‘Keep showing this level of self-control and I might be able to start thinking about ending your punishment!’ It was certainly enough to nudge him towards keeping his cool, but he found that his desire to not disappoint the man was an even stronger driving force than his desire for penile freedom!

Josh could see Mikey getting ready to jump to his defence, but he quickly called out, “We here to talk about my dick or to pay for all being equally shit at rugby?”

“Not quite how I’d put it,” Josef called out, shaking his head, “But chastity boy’s got a point. Come on, you maggots,” he said playfully to his team. “Let’s show these Kingswood pussies how we do it at Fothergill!” He got a cheer from his team.

“Pfft, we’ll run circles around you losers!” Rob called back. “Right guys!”

There was a weaker cheer from the Kingswood boys that devolved into laughter as Mark called out, “I’d be a bit more enthusiastic if I didn’t have two hundred guys waiting to stare at my dick!”

“Two hundred and one!” Josef said, winking playfully at Mark.

“Flirt on your own time!” Rob said, “We got practicing to do! Let’s start with a warm up. Two laps of the pitch, and make sure you’re RIGHT on the edge… and NO cutting corners!”

There was a collective groan from the two teams at the thoroughly unsubtle task. With the other students surrounding the pitch, this ‘warm-up’ was clearly little more than an excuse to increase visibility and put the naked boys on display.

“God, I love being captain!” Rob chuckled as he watched the three dozen naked butts running away from him.

“I know right,” Josef agreed. “Shame about these things,” he said, tapping his own chastity device through his shorts.

Rob sighed slightly and said, “I dunno. A school where guys can’t think with their dicks sounds kinda good to me!” As Josef looked at him curiously he waved it off casually before they started preparing for the rest of the practice.

The naked run proved to be more entertaining for the naked boys than expected. Sure, they were ogled, stared at, admired and teased all in equal measure, but the fact none of them was doing it alone actually built a real sense of camaraderie, especially when the real heckling started.

Mikey, Josh and a few of the other Kingswood boys took great pleasure in snapping back at every tease, actually getting a few appreciative laughs, particularly on the second lap as they passed the same people again.

Ryan Wright from dorm 1.10 was the first to pop an embarrassing erection, after being tackled by a particularly cute Fothergill boy, who looked almost as embarrassed as Ryan. He was certainly not the last, with the Kingswood boys unashamedly enjoying certain aspects of the forfeit.

While much of the crowd stayed right to the end, some gradually began to peel away, the thrill of the public spectacle growing dull surprisingly quickly, especially when it became clear the two teams were getting increasingly used to it. As the practice came to an end, the spectators gave a collective round of applause as the boys finished with a final ‘lap of dishonour’.

“Fuck me,” Josh said, shaking his head. “I really don’t freaking get what Chris and Danny like so much about being naked all the fucking time!” he said as they headed in to get showered off, clothes bundled up in their arms.

Mikey shrugged and said, “I dunno, it feels kinda nice… ya know, except for the dickheads shouting shit at us!”

“Yeah, I’m with Josh,” Mark said, his bundle of clothing being carried in front of his crotch.

“Fuck off, you look freaking amazing!” Mikey scoffed.

“Thanks,” Mark blushed, “But… that doesn’t mean I want everyone seeing it!”

“Exactly!” Josh agreed. “Some things are s’pose to stay private!”

“Oh, you mean like jerking off over Mr Rudd!” Jenson called from behind him.

“Oh my fucking god, let it go!” Josh huffed. “Haven’t you got ANYTHING better to think about than who I’m wanking over!”

“Yeah, back off,” Ryan chimed in. Josh looked momentarily appreciative, but Ryan quickly added, “Josh can’t help being in LOVE with Mr Rudd, can he!”

“Ha ha, Rudd lover!” Jenson laughed.

Josh felt his fists clench but held back, seething silently. He absolutely refused to let Mr Rudd down. They were wrong of course. He didn’t LOVE Mr Rudd, he just… looked up to him… and found him hot… and wanted to please him… and desperately wanted his approval for EVERYTHING.

“Rudd lover, Rudd lover, Rudd lover,” some of the other boys began to chant.

“Shut the fuck up!” Mikey snapped. He lunged for Jenson but Josh grabbed him, assisted by Mark.

“Just leave it, okay,” Josh said, scowling angrily. “I’ve handled worse shit than these twats can dish out!”

Jenson looked immediately sheepish, reminded of the abuse they had all heard about back in Year 7. “Sorry, we’re just playing!” he said a little awkwardly.

“Yeah well… don’t!” Josh said firmly. “It… hurts!” he blushed heavily as he admitted it.

The rest of the boys fell awkwardly silent as they reached the door to the locker room.

“Okay, sorry,” Jenson said softly. He casually threw an arm around Josh, neither of them seemingly bothered by the skin-on-skin contact. “I’ll drop it. And I’d make it up to you if I could, but…” He reached down and playfully flicked Josh’ chastity device.

Everyone paused, waiting to see Josh’s reaction. As soon as he started laughing, they joined in. He put an arm around Jenson too, squeezing a little as he said, “Probably a good thing. I wouldn’t wanna cheat on Mr Rudd, would I?” It got even more laughter, though Josh did frown just a little as he thought about the teacher.

As the boys headed into the showers, there were a few giggles, taunts and teases as some of the cubicles ended up with more than one occupant – some with pairs of Kingswood students, some with Fothergill and a few with mixes of the two.

Mark was just heading into a cubicle when a Fothergill boy smiled at him and said quietly, “There’s room in mine, if you like!”

Mark gulped as he looked the boy up and down. He took a slight step towards him but froze as he thought about Gregory and the things he had said during the visit to King Edwards, ‘I can’t believe I ever let you touch me, you useless faggot!’ He suddenly shook his head and said, “No!” then felt bad for the hurt expression on the other boy’s face and added a meek, “I mean no, but… thanks!”

The Fothergill boy smiled back slightly as he nodded and vanished into his cubicle. Mark let out a sigh as he walked alone into his own.


Rob had played his part in Danny’s plan well. When the time came to head onto the coaches for the drive home, he had approached Liam, the Year 13 captain and asked if they could talk strategy on the way home, which had resulted in the Year 13 and 9 teams filling one coach, while the Year 11 and 12s went off in the other.

While it had been a ruse, Rob had actually spent most of the journey chatting with the older captain anyway. They had discussed the Fothergill team, the ties in round 1 and 2 and how Rob’s team could change things up to get the win in the finals later in the year, but Rob had also probed a little into other things. Thankfully, Liam was very trusting and, although a good rugby captain, not the smartest guy so he had not even picked up on what Rob was doing.

By the time they got close to Kingswood, Rob had established that Adam Gordon, the signatory on the ‘black band’ notice they had all been sent, was the student ‘Head of Discipline’. When it came to maintaining discipline up on the third floor, the older two Year groups were largely self-governing, a show of trust from the faculty in their ability to keep order and maintain good behaviour. The Year 13s who enforced any necessary punishment could also exert their influence on younger students too, dishing out judgments on matters where staff had not yet (or couldn’t) become involved. It would usually be over minor matters, but could cover the more serious things that weren’t considered ‘appropriate’ to involve the school’s teachers – such as anything to do with the secret Underground. The Head of Discipline sat above the rest of the Year 13s when it came to making decisions and ultimately had final say over them.

As word of the imminent return of the coach reached Kingswood, most of the remaining Year 13s and all of the Year 9s piled out to greet them. It was a bit of a tradition in the school to cheer for the returning teams, especially in the case of victory, such as the one the Year 13 had in their final match of round two.

Danny, who was continuing his naked punishment, had opted not to put clothes on to venture outside. Naked students were permitted to dress when going outdoors if the weather was not sufficiently warm enough to be safe, but Danny had refused and stood confidently naked amongst his peers as the coach drove in, despite the chilliness of the evening.

The Year 9s, having been on the front half of the coach, piled off first to moderate cheers from their classmates. It was hard to know whether or not to cheer for a tie, but as they were moving on to the final anyway, it felt like celebration was in order. A few moments later the Year 13s emerged to much louder cheering.

“That one!” Rob whispered to Danny as Adam Gordon stepped off the coach.

“Okay,” Danny replied, nodding nervously. “Be ready!” he instructed before he started moving forward.

The Year 13s were in the midst of celebrating with their non-rugby-playing peers when it was cut short by a sudden yell.

“HEY!” Danny snapped as he left the safety of the Year 9 crowd, entering the gap between the two Year groups. “Adam!” he added, scowling furiously.

There was a collective sigh from the Year 13s, as well as a few smirks at his nudity. Most of them had been approached by Danny at some point over the past couple of weeks, before they had all reached the same answer of ‘shut up and go away’, something they thought he had finally accepted.

Adam stepped forward. Like most of the Year 13s, he towered over Danny, looking very much like a young man as opposed to the ‘boys’ in the younger Years. He didn’t share the same stocky build as many of the other rugby players, but even through his clothes Danny could see an impressive physique. His short, casually-messy dark hair, deep brown eyes, strong cheekbones and stubbly jawline actually made him quite attractive, something Danny was trying hard to ignore in the moment.

“Whadda you want?” Adam asked, clearly not in the mood for more begging from the young boy.

“I’m asking… nicely… one more time,” Danny said, standing as confidently as a naked fourteen-year-old can in front of thirty intimidating young men, “Remove the no touching rule for Chris!”

Chris looked understandably concerned. He was the only Year 9 boy with no idea what was about to go down. He stepped forward and started, “Danny, you don’t…” but was stopped by Mikey who just shook his head and raised his finger to his lips.

“And I’m telling you… nicely… one more time… piss off, you annoying little git!” Adam said bluntly, getting a wave of sniggers from the other Year 13s.

“Okay then,” Danny said, nodding slightly. He turned to face the Year 9s who suddenly stepped back, leaving a confused and worried looking Chris standing alone, completely lost. “Let’s try it this way!” Danny said as he marched up to Chris and threw an arm around him, flagrantly breaking the no-touching rule.

Adam laughed and shook his head. “Fine. You get a punishment as well! I got no issue with that!”

“Danny, stop it,” Chris whispered, terrified of the trouble he was getting his best friend into.

“It’s okay,” Danny whispered back. He hoped it actually would be okay. This was the moment. This was what he had spent the last couple of days suffering to make happen. It felt like the world froze as nobody moved… but only for a second.

“Best give me one too, then!” Mikey said confidently as he stepped forward, putting an arm around Chris as Danny pulled away.

“For fuck’s sake,” Adam muttered. He already knew where this was going but refused to back down. “Okay, punishment for you too!”

The Year 13s were clearly amused as mutters rippled through the group. “He’s unionised the Year 9s!” “Look how angry he looks!” “No, I’M Spartacus!” The laughs quietly bounced around as Adam ignored them and remained focused on the Year 9s.

“And me!” Rob said as he moved forward, touching Chris for a moment before making way for the wave of other boys following behind him.

Adam stood, arms folded as he watched more and more of the Year 9s step forward and break the no-touching rule with Chris, who still looked absolutely bewildered.

“Are you done?” Adam finally asked, shaking his head.

Harley, the smallest of the Year 9s and last to move quickly pushed through the crowd and made a show of touching Chris before he looked at the giant before him and said, “Now we are!” It got a wave of laughs from the Year 9s and even a few titters from some of the Year 13s.

“I really don’t know what you thought this was going to achieve,” Adam said cockily, “You think we have ANY issue with punishing every fucking one of you?”

“Kinda hoping you wouldn’t,” Danny shrugged, moving to place an arm back around Chris as the rest of the boys stood around them. “But I knew it was possible, so… we have other ideas!”

Adam actually smiled.

Danny was unsure how to take the reaction, but if Adam wasn’t backing down, neither was he. He released Chris and started moving forward again. “What you’re doing to Chris isn’t just punishment, it’s torture. If any of you even took a moment to get to know him, you’d know that, but no, you just… sit up there on the third floor and judge us, but you know what… we stick together! You hurt one of us, you hurt ALL of us, and we won’t accept it anymore!”

“Oh really, go on then, what’s the big plan?” Adam asked, still smiling. “Gonna hold a protest, are you? Get some cute little signs to wave while you chant stupid rhymes and shit?”

“Not quite,” Danny said, increasingly emboldened by the Year 9s standing firmly behind him. “We’ll just break more fucking rules than you can even start to punish us for! The Underground? Get ready for the Year 7 and 8s to learn ALL about it! Your punishments you hand out, we’ll tell every teacher in the fucking school. Hell, if we need to we’ll go out into the fucking world and tell them every twisted little thing that goes on at this school and see what they make of a bunch of eighteen-year-olds torturing a bunch of kids!”

Adam visibly recoiled at the threat. “Really?” he asked, trying not to look worried. “He speaks for all of you?” he asked, his gaze sweeping across the Year 9s.

“Yeah!” “He does!” “Fuck you!” the boys chorused back.

“And you’d really risk destroying everything we hold sacred here, just for him?” Adam asked curiously, casting his gaze across the group before nodding at Chris.

Danny took a breath, looked round at Chris and then back to Adam as he snarled, “I’d burn the entire fucking world down for him!”

The words hung heavily in the air. Both groups were deathly silent as Danny and Adam stared at each other.

“Hnnh,” Adam chuckled, still smiling. “Okay then, guess we really don’t have a choice here, do we?” he asked, looking round at his classmates. He looked at Chris and said, “Consider the no-touching rule gone.” There was an immediate cheer from the younger boys, who celebrated by grabbing Chris excitedly. “BUT,” Adam called out, getting quiet again, “The rest of the rules remain and we may have to give him some… OTHER punishments to make up for it.”

“Fine, whatever,” Chris said happily, “That’s fine!”

Once again the Year 9s burst into celebration, starting to move back to the Home Building with Chris caught in the middle.

“Danny!” Adam said, calling out as the boy turned away.

Danny turned back and watched as Adam moved closer, getting right up to him, to the point Danny had to lean back slightly to look up at him.

“Nicely played,” Adam said, sounding genuinely admirable. “But you should know… This isn’t over!” he added in a low growl

Danny gulped slightly and nodded before heading off to re-join the others, who had reached the Home Building by now.

As they made their way up to the first floor, their exuberance calming slightly as they found themselves under the watchful eye of Mr Trent, many of the boys gave Danny excitable praise for the power move he had pulled. The boys were firmly ‘encouraged’ by Mr Trent to head to their own dorms as it wasn’t that long until lights-out.

“Dude!” Mikey said, shaking his head as they all looked to Danny. “That was FUCKING mental!”

“Oh god, I think I’m gonna throw up,” Danny said, coming down from the adrenaline rush.

“Mate,” Nicky said, placing an arm around the shaky, naked teen. “You were amazing out there!”

Danny was soon lost in a flurry of compliments and hugs, many of which came from Chris who still had no idea how he had even pulled it off.

David had pulled away from the group a little, perching against the back of one of the sofas as the others continued to re-live the exciting stand-off.

Nicky spotted David sitting alone and headed off to join him. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

David sighed. Once again his own issues had been lost in the excitement of the day, having spent most of the afternoon helping James and then enacting Danny’s plan in the evening. Annoying as it was to have his own pain side-lined yet again, he couldn’t help smiling as he nodded back at Nicky. “I was just thinking,” he said thoughtfully, “About what you said the other day. Ya know, about… us being forced into situations and stuff like that!”

“The Kingswood Effect, yeah!” Nicky said as he nodded along.

“I think you missed a bit,” David mused. “Yeah, we end up in these situations that maybe we shouldn’t… but… look what happens.” He gestured towards the others who were making the most of being able to touch Chris again. “The way everyone came together down there to have Chris and Danny’s back… I think that’s the REAL Kingswood Effect!”

Nicky chuckled and nodded as he thought about it. “Yeah,” he agreed happily. “Yeah, I think you might be right!”


Naked Justice

So many things, I like in this chapter. Rugby practice could be always clothing free as well as nudity would suit the Kingswood's teams. There are some open ends. What was Danny's wager? What is Chris' additional punishment?