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It was time for the audience to pick which of the Team Faularry finalists would face the final humiliation.

Voting Results

1. Jackson Morris – Another display of sexual inadequacy, but with a live audience - 63% 

2. Ricardo Belmont – Embarrassing things happen at a job interview - 38%

3. Warren Prince – Another catwalk run turns takes a humiliating turn - 0%

The Team Faularry Finalist Humiliation - Jackson Morris

Part 34

“What’s up?”

“Not Jax!”

Jackson had heard it more times than he could count since his humiliating online display. It was one of countless taunts, teases and insults that were thrown his way constantly by virtually every person he met going about his daily life. Even some of his lecturers greeted him with a very deliberate, “Thanks for coming so quickly!” The laughter that echoed around him after every pathetic joke and jibe was eating away at him.

Jackson had decided to tough it out, to face his amused audience rather than hide away as he had been sorely tempted to do, though his resolve was gradually fading as the teasing didn’t seem to be dying down. The only people he was actually avoiding were his housemates, Joel, Timmy, Charlie and Lou. Outside of a passing greeting here or there, he hadn’t seen any of them for weeks. Were any of them getting any kind of crap for the part they played in his humiliation? Did they feel sorry about what they had inflicted upon him? Were they happy they had effectively ended Jax’s sex life?

To say nobody wanted to sleep with Jax after what they had seen was an understatement. If he logged onto Grindr, he spent most of his time deleting abusive messages and trawling through the dozens of jokes and insults hoping to find anyone actually interested in hooking up.

Despite masturbating frequently, if only to ensure things were fully back in working order, Jax’s horniness was growing and he needed a good hook-up soon to stop himself going crazy. He was lying on his bad having just finished another annoying and disappointing look through his Grindr messages when there was a knock at the door. “Who is it?” he demanded.

“It’s Joel, can I come in?” Joel called through the door.

“Do you have to?” Jax snapped back at him.

The door opened and Joel walked in, rolling his eyes. He was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts, his muscular hairy chest exposed, crowned with small, erect nipples. “Yes!” he said bluntly.

Joel tried not to stare, but even without weeks of frustration and horniness he couldn’t ever resist looking at his hunky housemate. “Whadda you want?” he asked, blushing as he felt a slight arousal.

“Just saying hi,” Joel said with a shrug. “Can’t a guy just check in with his roommate?” he asked accusingly.

“I’m fine!” Jax snapped.

“Really? You’re not having any trouble with hooking up, or just living life, or walking down the street without someone laughing in your face?” Joel asked, his tone sympathetic but his words deliberately barbed.

“Come to rub it in, have you?” Jax scowled.

“Actually I was coming to offer some help, but if you’re gonna be a little bitch about it, I won’t fuckin’ bother!” Joel scoffed as he turned and opened the door.

“Wait!” Jax yelped out, sitting up urgently. As Joel turned back to him, he asked, “Help… how?”

Joel paused for a moment then sighed as he shook his head. “Fine, okay. So that last show kinda… ruined your reputation as the… I dunno… slutty but effective whore you aim to be, right?”

Jax scowled at the choice of words but said through gritted teeth, “Right!”

“So I figured all we have to do to put it right is show ‘em the same stuff that made you hyper-popular in the first place!” Joel explained.

Jax rolled his eyes as he replied, “Look, if you wanna have sex with me again, you can save the bullshit and just ask!”

“So tempting,” Joel said flatly with a derisive smirk, “But no. I’m not talking a quick shag down in the lounge. We need production values this time. Make a proper piece of work that shows you’re not an impotent, premature, useless little faggot!”

“HEY!” Jax yelped at the description.

“Hey, I’m just quoting the reviews of your last show. You really want THAT to be the way people think of you?” Joel asked, head cocked.

Jax seethed quietly for a moment then shook his head and said, “No, I guess not!”

“Great, then meet me at the media centre tomorrow at two,” Joel said with a smile.

“What are you… gonna do?” Jax asked curiously.

Joel’s smile turned to a broad grin as he replied, “It’s best you don’t know!” He looked Jax up and down as he chuckled slightly and said, “Don’t want you getting too nervous. I hear it can cause impotence!”

“Fuck you!” Jax called out as Joel left the room, laughing loudly.


Heading to the media centre, Jax felt a little conflicted by what was about to happen (despite not knowing what it was). His first performance had happened without him even knowing anyone would see it. The second had been sudden and unplanned. Walking into this one felt different. He was going there willingly. Did that make him complicit? He didn’t even know what the plan was, and he could always say no, but even the act of willingly attending made it feel so… different.

The whole campus had been surprisingly busy, which made the walk through it all the more painful. More jokes, more taunts, more teases. Trepidatious as he was about what was about to happen, the need to stop the comments certainly pushed him closer to doing whatever it was Joel wanted. Surely anything had to be better than this!

“Ah, there he is!” Joel exclaimed as Jax walked into the room he had been instructed to come to.

Jax paused in the doorway as he stated nervously, “Oh, you’re… you’re all here!”

Joel wasn’t alone, he was standing around with all three of their housemates – Timmy, Charlie and Lou.

“Of course. We got you into it, so it’s our job to get you off!” Charlie said with a smirk. He got a quick swat to the arm from Lou and corrected himself, “Out of it, I meant. Get you out of it!”

Jax scowled at the obviously intentional mistake.

“Come on in, come take a seat!” Joel said, beckoning Jax to come over.

Jax instinctively grabbed at his clothes as he took a cautionary step back.

“Oh relax, we’re not gonna strip you!” Charlie said, sounding a little disappointed.

“Then… what are we doing?” Jax asked cautiously.

“Waiting!” Lou said bluntly.

Jax slowly paced across the room as the other four watched intently. “Waiting for… what?” he asked nervously.

“Just sit down and shut up!” Joel snapped.

Jax took a seat and sat silently as the other four casually chatted, like it was just a completely normal day. He did notice most of them regularly checking the time, clearly waiting for something.

After several minutes, Joel’s phone chirped to indicate a message. He pulled it out, quickly read it and smiled as he said, “Okay, it’s time!”

“For what?” Jax asked, still very much in the dark.

“Come on,” Joel said as he stood up and started leading the group out of the room.

“Where are we going?” Jax demanded. He had assumed they were going to put on another show, using the media centre’s equipment to do so, but they were leaving that all behind now. With his question ignored outside of a few annoyed eye rolls, he remained silent as he followed the others through a doorway where he was suddenly hit by the sound of an amplified voice.

“… a situation I’m sure not a person here isn’t aware of!” the voice finished a sentence.

“Wait, what’s going on?” Jax asked nervously, realising they had now entered the backstage area of the school’s auditorium.

“Chill,” Joel said, grabbing one of Jax’s arms before he could even think of retreating. “I may have… misrepresented the solution we came up with!”

“The recent, very public displays that we have all been privy to…” the voice continued, now recognisable by Jax as the President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Robert Matheson, “… have all caused a lot of disruption to day-to-day life here at the University, but has also led to some truly reprehensible behaviour targeted towards the individual in question.”

“No! What the fuck is this?” Jax asked, trying to back away, but now held in place by Joel with help from Charlie. They started dragging him closer to the stage.

“Which is why we’re here to address these issues today, to talk about what has happened as well as the impact of your collective behaviour,” Prof. Matheson continued. “As such, I would like to respectfully welcome to the stage, Jackson Morris!”

With a hefty shove, Jax was shoved out onto the stage. He staggered slightly, looked back at the other four in horror, then out at the crowd staring silently at him. This was impossible, there were hundreds of them… thousands… millions… okay, not millions, but definitely a lot more people than Jax had ever faced in his life. Was this why the University was so busy, were they all there to see him? He remained frozen in place, barely even daring to move.

The audience was deathly silent, their taunts and jeers silenced by the presence of the senior staff member and the inevitable repercussions of speaking out so publicly.

“Come on over, Jackson,” Prof. Matheson invited him, beckoning the terrified young man. At just over 50, the professor was always impeccably dressed, today wearing a grey suit , his silver hair tidily parted and goatee impeccably groomed.

HG242-03-E - Professor Robert Matheson

Jax paced across the stage, hearing every footstep as he walked, his eyes now fixed on the man ahead of him rather than the massive crowd watching. As he watched the man, he thought he saw a brief flash of colour around him, but it disappeared instantly as a smile stretched across his face.

“Welcome, Jackson,” the professor said as he placed a hand on Jax’s back. “Thank you for coming,” he said, pausing as he heard a few people in the crowd begin to snigger then hold back. “And for not being early!” the professor added, triggering an uproarious laugh in the crowd.

Jax, already flushed from the entire situation, turned bright crimson as a thousand people openly laughed at his misfortune.

Professor Matheson cleared his throat as the laughter began to quieten and said, “And THAT is exactly the sort of comment we’re here to address today. Utterly unacceptable!” he admonished the crowd, despite the fact he was the one who had said it. “I understand there have been a lot of those sorts of comments aimed at young Jackson, here. Is that right, young man?”

“Y… yes sir,” Jax said quietly.

“Into the microphone,” Prof. Matheson instructed.

Jax winced and leaned towards it as he repeated, “Yes sir!” He flinched slightly at the sound of his amplified voice.

“And how did it make you feel, Jackson?” the man asked curtly, picking up a wireless microphone so he could step aside but keep speaking into it as Jax remained in place at the podium.

“Umm… not… not good, sir,” Jax answered, unsure what else he was meant to say.

“Not good?” the professor scoffed. “Every person here saw you naked, Jackson. They saw you… fail to get an erection, a basic function of every self-respecting man, and their comments and teases about just made you feel ‘not good’?”

The audience were caught between amusement and sympathy at the blatant way the man was throwing the events in Jax’s face, some sniggering while others just looked sad for him.

“Okay, it… it was really bad. Knowing… knowing people saw it and… having them comment on it.. it was really bad, okay?” Jax stuttered awkwardly.

“Oh… ‘really bad’? That’s it?” Prof. Matheson sniggered. “The entire University and beyond saw you ejaculate without the slightest touch. Premature ejaculation on top of impotence… twice?”

“Fine!” Jax snapped angrily. “It sucks. It was the worst moment of my life and everyone saw it and now they won’t shut up about it and won’t let me forget and they suck. Every fucking one of them!”

The auditorium fell silent for a moment, shame spread across many of their faces, though as Jax watched he saw that same momentary flash of colour. Once again it dissipated instantly and the reaction that followed came just as quickly as one person started laughing… then another… and another! Soon the entire crowd was laughing at Jax’s outburst, some even calling out comments too. “Even his temper’s premature!” “Look how red he is!” “Fucking tragic!” “He’s pathetic!”

“Now, now,” Professor Matheson called out to quieten the crowd, “No need for that. Funny as it was, we shouldn’t just stand here and mock poor Jackson. It’s not his fault he’s impotent and premature!”

“I’m not!” Jax snapped furiously.

“Prove it!”

Nobody was sure who shouted it, but those two little words changed the entire atmosphere in the auditorium. Laughs turned sinister, smiles turned wicked and all eyes began to undress the attractive young man.

Jax took a step back from the podium, already able to send the direction this was going, but that was when his housemates arrived to ‘help’. As Lou and Charlie grabbed Jax, making it look supportive but clearly just stopping him from bolting, Joel approached the podium and said forcefully, “What’s wrong with you all?” he asked accusingly. “You really just want to see him struggle again, don’t you! You know he can’t even get it up! Shame on you all!”

“I can!” Jax snarled, pulling at the two teens holding him.

“Oh, he says he can!” Joel spoke into the microphone.

“That sounds like he’s volunteering to demonstrate!” Professor Matheson said with a grin. “Well by all means, Jackson… go ahead!”

“No… no I didn’t… umm… I didn’t mean…” Jax stuttered, coming slightly to his senses.

“Yeah, come on super-stud. Prove us wrong!” Joel taunted. When Jax didn’t move, Joel looked out across the crowd and sniggered as he said, “Looks like he needs some encouragement. Has anyone here had the misfortune of being with Jax who wants to share their experience?”

When nobody appeared to volunteer, Professor Matheson grinned as he raised the microphone and said, “Anyone with a story to share gets to join in on helping Jax… prove us wrong!”

Several hands shot into the air, amongst some laughter from the crowd.

“You, you, you, you, you, you, you,” Prof. Matheson said, pointing out seven members of the audience who made their way along to head up on the stage.

“What? No!” Jax objected, seeing several of his former partners on stage. His encounters with them had been good, but based on the comments people had been making, he had a feeling they weren’t about to be supportive!

The seven young men made their way onto the stage, forming an orderly queue without any prompting, just because they were British and it’s what we do!

“So let’s hear your story and then feel free to remove an item of Jax’s clothes to help get him ready!” the Professor said, grinning as the auditorium erupted into hoots and hollers at what they were about to see.

“No, no, let me go!” Jax complained, struggling to get free.

“Relax,” Joel said, moving behind Jax to whisper in his ear. “This really IS your chance to prove ‘em wrong. Let’s show these bitches what you’ve got!”

Jax whimpered. He knew he should struggle free and run for it, but something made him stay.

As the noise died down, the first young man stepped forward. “I saw Jax on Grindr one night and decided to hook up,” he started, “Y’know, cos I didn’t know yet how bad he was!” He paused while the crowd laughed again. “Well we met and we fooled around… and then came the excuses for why he couldn’t get it up!”

“That’s a lie!” Jax screamed out. “I fucked you til YOU came!” he yelled out, triggering more laughs, all somehow still aimed at him.

“Yeah, not true!” the young man said with a headshake. “He couldn’t get it up, but the moment I touched him… BAM! Off he went, all over himself. It was fuckin’ tragic!”

The crowd squealed and cheered and guffawed at the tale as the young man smirked and headed for Jax. Although he looked the furious teen up and down, he eventually squatted and pulled off a shoe, waving it like a trophy as he moved across the stage.

“Next!” the professor requested.

“Jackson said he wanted sex, but all he ended up doing was crying because he couldn’t perform. He begged me not to tell anyone and I didn’t… but now he’s decided to show the world, so I thought it was time to come clean!” the second one said, getting laughs galore before he moved back to take Jax’s other shoe.

The third one moved to the podium and started, “Jackson was actually a very sweet, kind and attentive lover!” There was a strange hush across the audience, until the young man started to laugh and added, “Yeah, kidding. He was shit. He got it up, but lasted all of ten seconds before he shot. Total waste of fucking time!”

“Fuck you!” Jax growled as the third boy removed one of his socks.

“Tiny dick, no boner, shot in seconds. One star. Would not recommend!” the fourth said succinctly, getting hysterical laughter from the audience before he moved back to take Jax’s other sock.

“Jackson promised so much,” the next one began. “I’d heard about him, heard people say he was a player, but believe me that boy ain’t playing anything. Biggest waste of a night ever, seeing him. You ever been for a meal that was so crap you stop for McDonalds on the way home? I ain’t goin’ into details but that’s definitely the right analogy here!”

The laughter was deafening at the colourful analogy, while cheering eventually took over as he moved to the back of the stage, grabbed the front of Jax’s t-shirt and ripped it clean off of him, brandishing the tattered remains like a trophy as he joined the others.

Jax stood bare-chested and barefoot on the stage, still trying to find the will to run, but the stirring he felt in his crotch felt like imminent vindication. Being naked on stage in front of the entire University was literal nightmare fuel, especially with a boner, but he refused to be called impotent one more time. If he needed to let this insane horde see him hard, then he would… at least that was what he told himself as he kept willing himself not to cry.

“Jax was always meant to be a quickie for me,” the sixth volunteer stated, “Bit not quite THAT quick. Seriously, he’d shot his load before I’d even got started. To his credit, he DID carry on, but when he shot for a second time without even being touched, I needed to call it quits. Really lame!” To the sound of laughter, he moved back to Jax who was staring angrily at him, then glanced past him to Joel and said, “Mind giving me a hand?” He looked back to Jax and added, “Not you, calm down, don’t want you blowing a load on me!”

The four men gathered around Jax laughed at the insult. Joel happily complied and took hold of the back of Jax’s shorts and pulled back as the volunteer did the same at the front, ripping the clothing off of Jax once again.

“Wow, nice pants!” Prof. Matheson said with a snigger, followed by comments and laughs from the audience as Jax stood now wearing nothing but white briefs.

The final volunteer smiled as he looked back at Jax, knowing he had the pleasure of the final exposure. Looking back to the audience, he explained, “Jax tried his hardest, he really did, but after seeing him sitting there tugging away at his tiny, soft little prick for ten minutes I just felt sorry for him… so I fucked him, y’know… with an actual erection!” He paused for laughs. “And by the end, the sad little git had made a puddle of spunk, and I hadn’t even touched the shrivelled little thing! Now, who wants to see poor little Jax’s tinky winky?”

The crowd cheered uproariously.

Jax stelled himself as the final young man, one he remembered as a particularly good flip flop fuck. Shaking his head in disappointment, he huffed, “Go on then. Do it!”

“Gladly!” he replied, reaching out to pull at the briefs.

Rather than pulling them to try and rip, the volunteer pulled them up, giving Jax a wedgie in the process, one so hard it actually lifted him off his feet for a moment before the material gave way and ripped, leaving Jax slightly dazed as he was fully exposed to the rabid crowd. He went to cover up, but his hands were held back, leaving him on show for the whole auditorium to see.

“Well let’s see him then!” the professor instructed.

Joel and the others urged Jax forward until he was standing at the front of the stage, the audience going wild as the naked young man they had so enjoyed humiliating stood before them, exposed once again.

Jax wanted to die. There was probably no more watching him now than there had been online, but seeing them in person, seeing their faces, their amusement, their derision, it was mortifying. Thousands of eyes staring at his naked body. It didn’t matter that Jax was hot, his muscles flexed and tensing as he struggled slightly against the others, glistening slightly as he was covered in a fine sheen of nervous sweat.

“Well… no sign of life down there yet!” Prof Matheson said with a smirk as he leaned forward and looked sideways to Jax. “Care to… how did you put it… prove us wrong, young man?” he taunted.

“What? No… I… I can’t do that… not here!” Jax objected, knowing the obvious intention.

“Oh, so he really IS impotent!” the professor jeered. “We all knew it, but at least now we get to see you just wanted an excuse to strip off and humiliate yourself in front of us all. That’s why you planned all this, isn’t it, Jackson? Do you get off on exposing yourself to everyone!”

“No!” Jax objected. “That’s… that’s not what’s happening! I didn’t do this!” he whined.

“Then go ahead… prove… us… wrong!” the man taunted.

Charlie and Lou released Jax’s arms, but remained poised and ready to grab him if he bolted.

“Go on… grab it!” Joel growled in Jax’s ear. “And you make sure you never stop looking at your audience. You look them in the eye and show them what you’ve got!”

Jax whimpered but cautiously reached down to grab his dick. There was a slight hush as his hand grew close, followed by loud cheers when he finally made contact. Jax squeezed slightly, hoping to feel some resistance back, some sign of swelling, but so far there was nothing. He pulled on the small fleshy tube a little, not quite masturbating, but almost… and still felt nothing. Any stirring he felt earlier had vanished the moment he started trying to get himself hard. “Not again!” he whimpered.

“Jackson can’t get it up!” a young man on the second row called out. As he repeated it, a few more joined him. On the third repeated most of the front section had joined in. A few moments later, the entire audience was chanting loudly, “JACKSON CAN’T GET IT UP! JACKSON CAN’T GET IT UP! JACKSON CAN’T GET IT UP!”

“No, please!” Jax whimpered to his own dick. Weeks of masturbating with a raging hard cock, of stray erections when he got taunted, of unwanted arousal, but now, when he really needed… nothing!

“Ease up, ease up!” Professor Matheson called out. “Perhaps Jackson just… struggles with doing it himself. Luckily… we have volunteers to help! Once again, gents, form a line!”

The seven volunteers moved forward as Jax was dragged back, still trying to tug away at his dick, staring out at the laughing, jeering crowd.

“Let’s see if Jackson actually CAN get it up!” Prof. Matheson said, gesturing for the first one to step forward.

“Hands behind your head and keep them there!” Joel growled, waiting for Jackson to comply before he and his housemates moved back from the naked teen, sniggering to each other at the pale, pert butt on show to just them.

“Ready for this?” the first volunteer asked.

“You know I can get it up!” Jax growled at him. “I literally fucked you!”

“Yeah, but THEY don’t know that!” he replied, sniggering. “Now let’s see if we can get some life in it!”

Jax remained in place, standing with his hands behind his head, every inch of him on display to the braying audience. As soon as he felt the hand touch his flaccid cock, his eyes widened as he yelped out, “NO!”

“Oh my word!” Professor Matheson exclaimed. “For those of you at the back who may not be able to see… Jackson appears to be ejaculating… already!”

The laughter from the front section was already ear-piercing, but the rest of the auditorium erupted into even louder noise as Jax whimpered and watched his limp dick spurting up dribbles of spunk that spattered to the floor at his feet.

“Well I’d say Jackson has done nothing today but prove us RIGHT!” Professor Matheson called out. “Now should we let him go or… give him a chance to redeem himself with the others?”

“REDEEM HIMSELF!” “MAKE HIM CUM!” “HE’LL SHOOT AGAIN!” “DO IT! DO IT!” The audience were very vocally in support of it continuing.

“Well, you heard them. Come on Jax, we know you can do it. maybe now you’ve shot that first load, you can… control yourself!” the professor suggested. “Next!”

The second volunteer stepped forward. Shaking his head as he looked at the sweaty, naked, red-faced twunk, he reached out and winced as he felt the wet sticky cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. He started stroking and after barely a dozen strokes, yanked his hand away.

“Noooooo!” Jax whined.

“And he’s off again, ladies and gentlemen!” Professor Matheson announced as the cheering echoed around the large room again. “No wonder he can’t get it up. He shoots before he gets the chance. That’s just… tragic! But on we go! Maybe number three will be more lucky!”

Needless to say, number three was no luckier… or rather Jax continued to be unlucky. He lasted a little longer once again, but without so much as a hint of an erection, he managed to spurt up a third load, the puddle on the floor growing once again.

It continued through the fourth, fifth and sixth volunteers. Professor Matheson kept taunting and teasing, the audience kept laughing and Jax just kept on cumming. Six orgasms in less than ten minutes… it was a miracle his legs hadn’t given way, though he looked ready to drop as the seventh volunteer stepped forward.

“Well I think we know where this is heading,” Professor Matheson taunted, “But give it a go!”

“Gladly!” the final volunteer sniggered. Rather than grabbing at Jax’s shrivelled prick, he licked two fingers, reached back and shoved them unceremoniously into Jax.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” Jax yelped out, absolutely bewildered about why his body was reacting the way it was. The fingers barely grazed his prostate and it started… his seventh orgasm, the puddle on the floor now almost inhumanly large.

“Well thank you to our lovely volunteers,” Professor Matheson said, leading a round of applause as the seven young men waved to the crowd as they left the stage. Once the applause died down, he went on, “And that really just leaves us with Jackson. We gathered here today to address the insults and the name calling, but… it appears they’re completely justified. Jackson IS indeed an impotent, premature, sexually inadequate, humiliatingly-terrible, ineffective young man who deserves every word of what we give him. It infuriates me to think he gathered us all here today just to prove a point we already knew to be true. Do you have anything to say for wasting everyone’s time, Jackson?”

Jax whimpered, barely holding back tears as he was offered the microphone. “I’m… sorry!” he whimpered.

Joel quickly leaned in and said, “But to make it up to you, Jax will be staying behind after for pictures with anyone who wants to have one with him to commemorate this day!”

“Oh, wonderful idea!” Professor Matheson said as the people cheered.

“Now, I’d say let’s give Jax a round of applause, but it doesn’t seem appropriate, so instead let’s go for another round of… JACKSON CAN’T GET IT UP!”

The crowd burst into the chant once again as Jax burst into tears. “JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP! JAX CAN’T GET IT UP!”


Naked Justice

I feel very sorry for Jax. That was too much for him. Till the end I hoped that Jax would sprout an emmense boner and be object of abusive play with his erection without reaching an orgasm. At least, he is left naked with his clothes destroyed. Perhaps he gets his erection on his humiliating way home...