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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 33

  • 1. Jackson Morris – Another display of sexual inadequacy, but with a live audience 5
  • 2. Ricardo Belmont – Embarrassing things happen at a job interview 3
  • 3. Warren Prince – Another catwalk run turns takes a humiliating turn 0
  • 2023-05-11
  • —2023-05-16
  • 8 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 33', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tJackson Morris – Another display of sexual inadequacy, but with a live audience', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '2.\tRicardo Belmont – Embarrassing things happen at a job interview', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3.\tWarren Prince – Another catwalk run turns takes a humiliating turn', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 16, 21, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 11, 14, 41, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


“A round of applause, please, for Grant Evans, Team Trauxity’s last finalist!” Esteban called out as the scene faded out on screen. “And with that, we now have the final line-up for the final round of this year’s Humiliation Games!”

The crowd looked to the screen as the last of the finalists moved forward. Representing Team Faularry as their final three they had Ricardo Belmont, the barista who had endured a public hazing ritual before working naked, Warren Prince, the young model who had walked the runway naked and aroused and Jackson Morris, the submissive student who had recently endured his second online humiliation.

For Team Trauxity, their final three consisted of Roger Harrison, the office worker with the invisibility charm, Kit Henry, the video game streamer who exposed his humiliating masturbatory habits and now Gran Evans, the teacher who found himself at the mercy of his horny students.

“Each team will now have the opportunity to provide one more humiliation, one more horrific, mortifying and devastating experience for one of their finalists to entertain our lord and master,” Esteban explained. “It will be up to our audience, as always, to decide which of the finalists will endure the final humiliation! So Team Faularry, you’re up first. Can we get ten minutes on the clock please, and Team Trauxity, no conferring until your turn!”

The time appeared and immediately started counting down as Master Ezekiel gathered his team to discuss the further miseries they could inflict on either Ricardo, Warren or Jackson. When the timer hit zero and Esteban gestured for him to go on, Master Ezekiel stepped forward, looking confident as always, though the pressure of the competition was certainly beginning to show.

“For your entertainment, my lord,” Ezekiel started with a low bow to The Terror, who remained motionless and silent as ever, “May I present out suggestions for House Faularry’s final humiliation! We begin with Jackson Morris. As we saw a short while ago, young Jackson has now endured two humiliating online exposures. Though he managed to spin the first to his favour, we ensured that was not the case the second time and since exposing his impotence or penchant for prematurity, his social and sexual lives have taken a nosedive. Keen to jump on the bandwagon of Jackson’s downfall, many of his sexual partners have come forward with their own accounts of his sexual inadequacy. It amuses to say that most of these stories are fabricated, and being offered up of their own free will. We haven’t even had to do anything to make the vapid Plebiciles continue to humiliate Jackson!"

HG242-03 - Jackson Morris

“So how, you may be asking, do we take a young man already at rock bottom and embarrass him any further?” Ezekiel went on. “By giving him a live audience of course! Jackson’s humiliation may have been seen by hundreds of his peers, but Jackson himself never experienced the horror of seeing their faces in person when he debased himself. Through a series of probability-altered decisions orchestrated by Lord Zorren, and a few mental nudges from Lord Tharukan to push people to be at their very worst, we can give Jackson one final show… before hundreds of people! A live show that they will NEVER forget!”

The audience cheered for the already popular Jackson. Ezekiel allowed the applause to continue for a few moments.

“Next, we have Ricardo. As you may recall, he took part in a living nightmare of Lord Gokothon’s creation, which involved an initiation ritual for the group he wished to join and ended with him working at a coffee shop, fully naked, before orgasming in front of dozens of friends and family members!” Ezekiel summarised. “Poor little Ricardo has really struggled since then, having lost his job as a result of his exhibitionism, and been disowned by his family and friends for exposing himself in such a disgusting and lewd way. Forced to sell his beloved motorcycle just to get by for a couple more months meant he didn’t even get to enjoy being part of the group he hoped to join.

HG242-05 - Ricardo Belmont

“It would be awful to kick a man when he’s down… which is why we intend to do it anyway,” Ezekiel sniggered, getting an amused titter from the audience. “Ricardo is about to find himself offered a lifeline, a potential way to get his life back on track when he is offered an opportunity to interview for a new job. Being offered a chance to redeem himself, it’s our intention to ensure things go as horribly as possible for Ricardo, by giving him the WORST interview of his life… one that will of course involve humiliating nudity!”

The crowd applauded gently, muttering to each other about the second suggestion. It sounded mild compared to the previous one, and while some wrote it off right away, others suggested there may be more to it than there appeared.

“And finally,” Ezekiel moved on, “We have young fashion model Warren Prince, who was offered his big break to model for a prestigious designer in a small but very intimate show. Warren took intimate to a whole new level when his fetish for being watched meant his naked runway walk was accompanied by a constant erection. Warren concluded the show by ejaculating spectacularly on the runway.

HG242-07 Warren Prince

“Things have progressed in a somewhat mixed way for young Warren,” Ezekiel continued. “While pictures and footage of the show were strictly controlled and only censored versions were released to the public, word of mouth is not so easily controlled and Warren now finds himself the subject of a lot of rumours. While being renowned as ‘the cumming model’ was brought him daily embarrassment, it has also brought with it opportunities, and Warren now has job opportunities rolling in. Warren is about to get a second big opportunity, but thanks to a little manipulation from my wonderful team members, Warren’s next trip down the catwalk will make his last one look positively tame by comparison!”

“Well here we go, demons and gentlemen,” Esteban said as Master Ezekiel stepped back. “One last humiliation for Team Faularry and it’s gonna be a doozy! Now it’s up to you to decide which one it’s going to be, which one will be the biggest, which one will be the most humiliating! Will you choose Jackson and his in-person show of sexual inadequacy, will it be Ricardo and his devastatingly bad interview or will it be Warren’s humiliating return to the catwalk? Cast your votes now!”


Naked Justice

Please - again - all of them.