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With two finalists picked, it was up to the audience which remaining Team Faularry volunteer would face a second humiliation and take the last slot iin the final.

Voting Results

1. Jackson Morris faces sexual inadequacy on his second online show – 50%

2. Shane Munton gets threatened with exposure by a blackmailer – 25%

3. Edward Craven has fun at work that takes a terrifying turn – 12.5%

4. Tyler Tate has a television appearance turn into a whole new humiliation – 12.5%

The Winner - HG242-03 - Jackson Morris

Part 30

“Another new one!?” Joel scoffed as Jax returned from accompanying a young man to the door.

“Yup,” Jax said with a carefree shrug as he stood leaning on the doorframe. “Jealous?”

“Well, I don’t want HIM and I already had you, so no, not really!” Joel replied dismissively.

“You do know EVERYONE knows it’s you and Tim in that video with me, don’t you?” Jax teased. He smirked as he saw Joel blush. The three of them had never really talked about what had happened, or why it had happened, or whether anything like it could happen again. Jax had already been well known in some circles before it, but the intimate and very public scene had shot him to a new level of infamy, one which was now proving very fruitful.

HG242-03-A - Joel

“They can’t prove it and I don’t fuckin’ care,” Joel said with a nonchalant shrug. “Can’t say the same for lil Timmy!”

Jax felt a little guilty about their other roommate. While Joel had taken the reflected fame in his stride, Tim had not handled it quite so well. Both Jax and Joel, along with most people who knew him well, suspected Tim was gay and his participation in the event had only ‘confirmed’ it to them, despite the fact Tim remained adamant he was ‘undetermined’ when it came to sexuality. Being nineteen and unsure was hard enough, but even moreso when everyone in your life is constantly telling you you’re gay.

“I haven’t seen him for a couple of days,” Jax said, not wanting to state his concern openly, but hoping Jax would pick up on it.

Joel shrugged. “He was around last night. Didn’t talk to him, but I know he’s alive!” he said casually.

“Wow, such compassion,” Jax said dryly.

“Hey, you wanna take ten minutes off from riding every dick on offer and check on him, knock yourself out!” Joel said accusingly. “Just cos you’re the hungriest hole in town doesn’t make him MY responsibility!”

“You’re a dick!” Jax grumbled as he walked back out, but leaned back in quickly and added, “And it’s not that hungry. It just got fed, so piss off!”

“Oy!” Joel shouted out. “Get back here!”

Jax reappeared at the doorway again, smiling coyly. “Yeeees?” he enquired impishly. As Joel gestured for him to come closer, he sauntered across the lounge and stood right in front of him, one of Joel’s bare legs nestled between his own as he looked down at him. “Did I forget something?” he asked with an exaggerated head tilt.

“Yeah, this!” Joel said as he reached out with one hand to grasp at Jax’s shorts-clad bulge, and grabbed the front of his tank top to pull him into a brief but fiery kiss. “NOW you can go!” he said, already looking away as he released Jax.

“Fucking tease,” Jax sniggered as he left once again.


Jax had been asleep on his bed when he shot up at the sound of smashing glass. “What the fuck…” he gasped, looking round urgently.

“Shut the fuck up, Jackson!” Tim yelled back at him. “Just shut up!” he added, despite the ongoing silence as Jackson looked round nervously. “It’s not fair!” he growled angrily.

HG242-03-B - Tim

Jackson looked round in confusion. He could smell alcohol, though he was unsure whether it was coming from Tim or the broken bottle now on the floor with its contents running down his wall. Confused and scared in equal measure, Jax started, “Tim, are you…”

“I SAID SHUT UP!” Tim screamed furiously, leaning in close as Jax cowered on his bed.

The proximity answered Jackson’s earlier enquiry about his roommates intoxication as his breath was heavy with alcohol. “Are you drunk?” he asked, looking round at the clock. He had napped after his early morning fuck and had no idea how long he’d been out but it wasn’t even noon yet.

“No, YOU’RE drunk!” Tim snapped accusingly. He seemed to confuse himself just as much as Jax as he frowned at his own comment then repeated himself with, “It’s not fair!”

“What’s… not fair?” Jax asked cautiously.

“You!” Tim said accusingly. “And him!” he added, gesturing back towards the door.

Jax frowned at the open door and took a moment to catch on as he asked, “Joel?”

“Both of you!” Tim spat furiously. “We… we… did stuff and… and… you become Mr… Mr Popular and HE gets to be all, like… ‘fucking so what if I fucked a guy, I’m straight, he’s just a faggot’ and becomes a fucking legend with his mates and all I get is ‘oh, so you’re gay then’! It’s not fucking fair!”

Jackson recoiled at the angry tirade, but nodded gently. Tim wasn’t wrong on either side of it. Joel’s nonchalance to the entire thing had just come across as cool, while Jax’s own actions had cemented him as a sexual commodity for the local guys. For Tim, all they seemed to focus on was making him come out. “Well… ARE you gay?” Jax asked cautiously.

“I DON’T FUCKING KNOW!” Tim yelled angrily in Jax’s face.

“The fuck’s happening?” Joel asked, appearing in the doorway.

“I think…” Jax started, “Tim might be a BIT pissed off!”

“Fuck you!” Tim snarled, then turned to Joel, swaying a little as he did it, “And fuck you too! I hate you so fucking much! And Charlie and Lou too!”

“What did they do?” Jax asked curiously. Their other two housemates hadn’t even been involved, and had managed to stay clear of most of the drama since.

“Shut up!” Tim snapped at Jax, then looked to Joel and added, “And fuck off!”

Jax stared for a moment, unsure how Joel would react. As he saw the burly young man step forward, he moved to get up but Joel shook his head. Watching cautiously, he saw Joel grab Tim by the front of the shirt and shove him onto the bed. “What are you…” Jax started, but was hushed by Joel.

“Get off!” Tim whined, a moment too late as Joel had already let go. As he tried to stand back up, Joel sat down and pulled Tim into a hug before reaching out with one hand to pull Jax in to Tim’s other side.

“I hate you both,” Tim sniffled weakly.

“No you don’t!” Joel replied bluntly and kept hold.

Wrapped up in the two other teens, Tim began to calm, still sniffing heavily until he begin drifting into unconsciousness. Once the coast was clear, Jax got up and cleaned up the broken bottle then stood beside his bed, watching his roommates laying together.

“So he’s not doing that well then,” Jax said, stating the obvious.

“He’ll be okay,” Joel replied with a shrug. “Come on,” he said, holding an arm out to Jax who climbed back onto the bed to join them, quickly slipping back into the nap he had been disturbed from.


“Aww, look at the sweet little faggot pile!”

Jax was awoken unceremoniously from his slumber again, but this time by a mocking voice from the doorway. Looking up as the two teens laying with him awoke too, he saw Charlie smirking on their general direction, with Lou stood at his side grinning. Something immediately seemed off, simply from their presence. Charlie spent 99% of the time he wasn’t at Uni with his girlfriend so he was almost never home, while Lou did the same, but with work rather than a girlfriend.

Tim went to object to the term, but it seemed his sleep had allowed him to pass over the tail end of his drunkenness and plummet him head-first into hangover territory so all that came out was an incoherent groan.

“Whadda you want?” Jax demanded gruffly.

“Aside from a kick in the balls!” Joel growled.

“Yeah, you just try it, ya brain-dead twot!” Charlie smirked. Charlie was a cute, pale-skinned boy of nineteen, sporting a mop of messy ginger hair accompanied by the inevitable spray of freckles across his face and down most of his upper body. Yet to even sprout a hint of facial hair, his boyishly cute looks made him look younger than his actual age, something he had no issue with, proud of his youthful beauty.

HG242-03-C - Charlie

“Don’t!” Jax said, grabbing at Joel as he went to get off the bed.

“Yeah, listen to the King of the Faggots!” Charlie sniggered.

“Queen of the Faggots!” Lou corrected him, grinning at the three on the bed. Lou was blessed with the same youthful beauty as the teen at his side, though his honey skin and jet black hair contrasted heavily with the pale boy decide him.

“What are you…” Jax went to ask but shook his head. This all seemed so… wrong. Charlie and Lou were far from close with the three of them, but they weren’t antagonistic, at least not usually.

“Stop saying that!” Tim finally spoke. “We’re not… faggots!”

“This picture would suggest otherwise!” Charlie said, showing his phone screen which displayed a picture of the three of them asleep together.

“Delete that!” Tim demanded. He looked round at the other two, surprised not to hear any objection from them.

“It’s actually kinda cute,” Joel said with a smirk.

HG242-03-D - Lou

“Yeah, your fans think so too!” Lou said, looking at his own phone. “In fact, they wanna know if it’s time for your next show yet!”

“No!” Tim yelped.

“Sure!” Jax grinned.

“Maybe,” Joel shrugged.

“No!” Tim repeated. “I’m… I’m… just… fuck off!” he groaned, rubbing at his forehead.

“You know what you need!” Lou said, offering a bottle.

“No, he doesn’t!” Joel said, snatching the bottle away.

“Hey, you’re not the boss of me!” Tim said petulantly as he grabbed the bottle of vodka, uncrewed the top and took several gulps. As the others looked in a mix of surprise, amusement and concern, Tim grinned as the sudden surge of alcohol hit. “But we ARE the boss of HIM!” he said, gesturing to Jax so emphatically that he almost smacked him in the face with the bottle. “Come on, sexy!” he said with a snigger as he looked at Joel. “It’s show time!”

“Fuck it. Why not!” Joel shrugged as he stood.

“Fuck yeah!” Charlie and Lou said in unison.

“Wait, no… what?” Jax stuttered, confused by the rapidly changing atmosphere in his room. “What’s happening?” he demanded.

“Like Tim said… it’s show time!” Joel said, grinning wickedly. “You liked showing the campus what a submissive little superstar you are… well it’s time for an encore!”

“No, I don’t…” Jax went to object, but was stopped by a hand on his throat.

Tim leaned in, silencing Jax without actually hurting him as he growled, “You fucked up my life. You owe me this!” He quickly pulled away, climbing off the bed to stand with the other three.

Jax looked utterly bewildered as he started, “But how does this make up for…”

“Shut up!” Joel said firmly. “From here on out… you do whatever we say without question. Got it?”

Jax felt a strange sensation as his entire field of vision glowed momentarily with ethereal energy, then instantly vanished. “I’ll… do whatever you say without question!” he replied, wincing at his own words, unsure why he was even saying them.

“You two be the camera men,” Joel said happily. “Second show, let’s give ‘em two angles to enjoy!”

“Sweet!” Charlie said as he started streaming.

“What we gonna have him do this time?” Tim asked, slurring a little. He had put the bottle down, with his earlier emotional outburst seemingly forgotten.

“Why are you doing this? I thought you hated this!” Jax objected.

“Shut up. You’ll only speak when spoken to!” Tim ordered.

Jax felt himself go silent, despite his best efforts not to. He shook his head a little, trying to clear his head. This was like the dreams he had had the night after the first ‘show’. Unsure yet what impact his exposure would have on his life, his sleep had been restless and disturbed, his dreams filled with images of more submission and exposure. The nightmares had died down when things went his way, but there had still been occasional disturbing dreams of things getting worse… and now they seemed to be playing out before his very eyes.

“Are we on?” Joel asked with a wicked grin.

“Yup, viewers already coming online. The cuddle picture caught their eye, but the livestream’s really getting ‘em interested!” Charlie smirked.

Jax frowned at Tim, seeing him not even flinch at the mention of the picture being online.

“Come on then, super stud. Let’s give your audience what they want!” Joel sniggered. He pulled out his phone and started some music playing as he demanded, “Give ‘em a strip show!”

Jax climbed off the bed and began to strip. While he was far from an expert, he could normally move pretty well but somehow as he stood it was like his body simply repelled the rhythm and objected any attempts at co-ordination. His moves were slow and mistimed. As he pulled his t-shirt up over his head, he got tangled in it, staggered and fell face first onto the floor. Several times he returned to his feet, only to trip over them again and end up back on the floor as he fought his way out of his clothes in the least sexy way possible. The embarrassing strip was only made worse by the raucous laughter of his four spectators, punctuated with occasional comments that Charlie and Lou were throwing out from the viewers’ chat.

“Smooth moves, loser!” “I’ve seen slugs with more grace!” “Probably keeps a dick up his butt just to help him stay upright!” “Pathetic!” “How can one person fall over THAT many times? Sad wanker!”

Jax stood up, naked and red-faced as the two cameras moved around to capture his exposure from every angle.

“Whadda you think?” Joel asked, draping an arm around Tim. “What’s next?”

“Sad wanker,” Tim said, nodding thoughtfully at one of the comments. “Now there’s an idea!”

“HA, love it!” Joel declared. “Come on then, ya filthy sub. Stroke it. Let’s see that submissive little cock hard!”

Jax immediately took hold of his dick, complying with their commands seemingly willingly. His dick was small and shrivelled and as embarrassing as it was to be ordered to masturbate in front of… however many people were watching, at least he wouldn’t look quite so insubstantial. He felt the small fleshy tube between his fingers and started tugging at it as the show went on.

The laughter and chatter started to die down as Jax stood working away at his dick. The growing silence only began adding to the awkwardness as all four of them (and their viewers) began to notice the same thing… his small, shrivelled cock was not getting any bigger no matter how much he tugged and pulled at it.

Jax’s face, already reddened from the whole thing, turned an even darker crimson as he desperately tried to will himself to get hard. He raised his free hand to a nipple, hoping the extra stimulation would help, but his cock remained small and soft.

“Oh my god,” Tim sniggered.

“Having trouble there, Jacky?” Joel smirked.

“No, it just… needs a minute!” Jax blushed.

“Let’s get a closer look!” Charlie said, moving in close to give the viewers a painfully intimate view of the tiny, flaccid cock Jax was continuing to assault. “Wow, that’s… kinda pathetic, dude!”

“Hands behind your head!” Joel barked.

Jax immediately complied, leaving his lack of erection even more visible as Charlie and Lou made sure to give the viewers the best angles.

“Well I suppose he IS a submissive little slut. What does he even need a boner for anyway!” Joel sneered. “Isn’t that right, ya filthy little whore?”

“Yes sir!” Jax replied, flinching at names as well as the belittling.

“On your knees!” Tim instructed. “And tell us what you are!”

“I’m…” Jax started as he dropped to his knees, hands still behind his head. He whimpered a little. Having exposed both his body and his submissiveness once before, he had hoped it wouldn’t be so bad this time. He was quickly proven wrong as he felt his stomach churn at the prospect of what he was about to say. “I’m a submissive little faggot, sir. I’m a cock-loving, cum-eating, dick-riding, man-serving, humiliation-craving, pathetic little faggot who needs to serve. Fuck, please use me sirs!”

Joel, Tim, Charlie and Lou all exchanged open-mouthed and wide-eyed stares at the emphatic declaration. It was more than they ever imagined he might say. As one, they all burst into laughter at their housemate’s self humiliation.

“Jesus Christ, Jax. That’s fuckin’ bad!” Charlie laughed, shaking his head. “Ha, comment here says they saw your first show which was hot, but this is just sad! Wow!”

“Another one here says it takes a special kind of sub to not even be able to get a boner for a bunch of hot guys!” Lou sniggered, then quickly added, “Oh hey, he called us hot! Sweet!”

“Yeah, we are!” Joel said proudly. “I’d say Jax agrees, but if we were that hot he might actually be able to get it up!”

“Forget his little fag dick!” Tim growled, but seemed to flinch a little at his own words, “Show us your hole, boy!”

Jax whimpered again but turned, bent over to place his face on the floor then reached back to spread his cheeks for the two cameras.

“Wow, now that looks well used!” Joel laughed as Lou moved in for a close-up.

“Care to explain how you know what a well used man hole looks like?” Charlie sniggered.

“Care to explain how your teeth got knocked out?” Joel immediately replied.

“Geez, chill, I’m just repeating what the viewers are saying!” Charlie said defensively.

“Well do the viewers think it’s time to see this bottom slut doing what he does best?” Joel asked with a snigger.

“Woah!” Lou said, recoiling as he looked at his phone. “That’s a resounding yes!”

“Yeah, same here!” Charlie said, looking at his own screen.

“Rock, scissors, paper for who fucks him?” Joel asked, grinning at Tim.

“Wait, for who GETS to fuck him or who HAS to fuck him?” Tim asked curiously.

Joel sniggered. It sounded like semantics, but he understood. Clearly to Tim, fucking Jax was not a punishment, so he clarified, “Winner fucks him!”

“Umm, nice idea,” Charlie nodded. “But a few suggestions here for a better one! Rock, paper, scissors for who gets to fuck him FIRST!”

“Oooooh!” Lou jeered excitedly.

“Fuck it. Go!” Tim nodded.

The two teens gestured to begin the game as Tim played scissors as Joel started with paper.

“Come on then, Timmy! Let’s see how much Jacky wants you!” Joel sniggered. “Hey Jacky,” he said, seeing Jax still positioned on the floor with his hole on show. “On the bed, on your back, legs up!”

Jax got up and glanced round at the other four but immediately wished he hadn’t. Looking at the two cameras just made his stomach knot even more. He got into position on the bed with his legs in the air.

“Come on then, let’s get the angles right,” Joel instructed. “Charlie, up that end, show ‘em his face. They wanna see a happy fag, then they need to see him taking dick! Lou, other end, let’s see that fag hole taking it like a slut!”

Everyone eagerly complied as Charlie and Lou continued offering comments from the audience.

Tim hadn’t stripped, but had just pulled his dick out. The contrast between the four dressed men and the naked Jax seemed even more prominent now, especially when punctuated with Tim’s throbbing erection as it hovered near Jax who remained embarrassingly flaccid.

“You ready for this?” Tim asked with a grin.

“Yes. Fuck me!” Jax pleaded, wincing at his own words again.

Tim placed the head of his dick against Jax’s hole as Lou got in close, then slowly started zooming out at he began to push in.

“Oh my god, he’s fucking loving it!” Charlie declared as he showed the viewers Jax’s pleasured expression.

“Oh god,” Jax suddenly gasped as he felt Tim inside him. “No!” he whimpered.

“What’s…” Joel started, but the answer presented itself before he could even finish the question – Jax was cumming!

The laughter from the four teens was deafening as Jax lay spurting out a fairly sizeable load over his own stomach, every humiliating moment of it streaming live.

“Oh, these comments!” Charlie sniggered as he started reading. “Impotent AND premature, that’s a hell of a package!”

“Not even ten seconds, that’s hilarious!” Lou offered one from his own screen.

“Nobody even touched him!” Charlie offered.

“When you’re so pathetic is a sub that you can’t even bottom right!” Lou read out.

Jax whimpered as he heard the comments. This wasn’t just exposure. This was absolute humiliation. Showing himself to be a submissive but proficient fucktoy was one thing, but not being able to get it up and cumming from just being entered… how could he ever come back from that?”

“Aww, poor lil Jacky,” Joel sniggered. “Looks like a bad case of premature e-jax-ulation! Ha. That’s good. I’m trademarking that one!” The other laughed at the pun.

“Well I didn’t cum yet, so gimme a minute!” Tim said as he started thrusting hard and fast into the naked, blushing teen.

“Ah fuck, he’s like a little jackhammer!” Joel said, sounding quite impressed by the smaller young man’s technique. “Wonder if we’ll get another e-jax-ulation!”

“The viewers say he needs to ‘clean up’ if you catch my drift!” Charlie suggested.

“Oh, we catch it!” Joel smirked. “Open up, slutty!” he said a she reached down and scooped up most of the thick, gooey load pooled on Jax’s stomach.

Charlie made sure to get a good shot of the good dripping into Jax’s mouth, moving round again to show him licking Joel’s fingers clean.

The comments and insults continued as Tim fucked away at Jax. He slowed himself a little, clearly conscious of looking premature himself, but after a few minutes he couldn’t hold himself back and pulled out, spraying Jax with spunk.

“Time for clean-up again!” Joel sniggered as he started feeding Tim’s load to Jax as he remained flat on his back, legs in the air. After having his fingers licked once again, he reached down and gently tugged on Jax’s humiliatingly small penis. “Jesus, cumming without even boning up. That’s bad! Anything else set you off that easily?”

Jax stared, unable to answer. He hadn’t ever cum that quickly before in his life, so he had no idea why it had happened now, or what else might cause it again. He hoped nothing would. Ever!

“Aww, looks like he’s about ready to cry! Does the little sub not like subbing anymore?” Joel teased.

“That’s okay,” Charlie said with a snigger. “Based on these comments, nobody’s going near him. Weirdly enough, a cum-drenched, loser who can’t get a boner and cums in seconds isn’t exactly top of anyone’s list of desirable partners!”

“Oof, that’s rough!” Joel said. He may have sounded sympathetic had he not said with it a broad grin. “Well I still think he’s a cute, good little sub!” he said as he leaned over.

Jax watched nervously as Joel grew closer. “No!” he gasped just before the lips touched his own. As Joel kissed him, he let out a distraught whimper and bucked his hips as his floppy, sticky little prick began to spurt up another load onto his stomach.

“Holy fuckballs! Twice!” Charlie cackled.

“And just from a kiss!” Lou added. “Fuck, that’s so cringe!”

As Joel pulled away, he paused for a moment, seeing the tears of absolute embarrassment welling in Jax’s eyes. “I… I think we’re done for today!” he said as he stood up.

Charlie frowned and bean to object, “I think the people at home…”

“Fuck ‘em!” Joel snapped. “We’re done!” He grabbed Lou and Charlie’s phones one-by-one and stopped the stream before handing them back. “We’re done!” he repeated.

The words seemed to shake all of them out of their stupor. Jax’s legs dropped limply as he laid with his second load cooling on his stomach.

“What did…” Tim said shakily, “Why did we…” He looked down at Jax, and at his own dick hanging out and quickly tucked it away. “I gotta go!” he declared and ran out of the room.

“Well this was… interesting,” Charlie said, looking a little confused. “But I gotta go meet Lara!”

“Yeah,” Lou said, nodding his agreement. “I need to… get to work!”

Both teens left, leaving Joel standing alone over a bewildered Jax.

“What just happened?” Jax asked, shaking his head.

“No fucking idea,” Joel replied, shrugging in sheer confusion.

Jax looked down as he felt a stirring below. His cock was slowly swelling. “Fucking typical!” he complained, getting a hearty but sympathetic laugh from Joel. “Well my life may be over, but hey, at least my dick still works!” he sighed.


Naked Justice

That was really rude letting Jax cum from a tiny, soft cocklet. Jax will have to stream voluntary sex (without demons working against him) to earn back his reputation.