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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 29

  • 1. Jackson Morris faces sexual inadequacy on his second online show 4
  • 2. Shane Munton gets threatened with exposure by a blackmailer 2
  • 3. Edward Craven has fun at work that takes a terrifying turn 1
  • 4. Tyler Tate has a television appearance turn into a whole new humiliation 1
  • 2023-04-28
  • —2023-05-02
  • 8 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 29', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tJackson Morris faces sexual inadequacy on his second online show', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '2.\tShane Munton gets threatened with exposure by a blackmailer', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '3.\tEdward Craven has fun at work that takes a terrifying turn', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '4.\tTyler Tate has a television appearance turn into a whole new humiliation', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 2, 17, 4, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 28, 18, 54, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


“Thank you, thank you everybody, thank you!” Esteban called out as he returned to the stage. “Not the most thrilling part of the games, but every bit as important as the humiliations, so thank you all for your co-operation. With the first round of voting complete, let’s have a look at how that’s shaping things up for the final!” Gesturing to the screen, a display popped up showing the outcomes of the first round of voting.

“So there we have it, moving into the final round for Team Faularry we have Ricardo with his naked nightmare and Warren the embarrassed model,” Esteban announced as the audience applauded.

“Damn right,” Gokothon growled confidently as his only entry had progressed.

Tharukan, who was responsible for the other finalist simply smiled and waved politely to the cheering crowd.

“And then for Team Trauxity, the first two finalists are Roger with his intangibility problem and Kit the humiliated streamer!” Esteban went on to more applause.

Much like Tharukan, Buth’Taloz and Dave both accepted their victory with humility as they applauded each other.

“But of course, that brings us on to the third and final volunteer for each team,” Esteban said, gesturing as the empty slots for the two teams flashed on screen. “Clearly their first humiliations were not enough to win the audience’s favour, so as I’m sure you’ll all agree, the only thing better than one humiliation… is two humiliations! Staring now with Team Faularry, they will be given ten minutes to confer and propose yet more misery to inflict on their four remaining volunteers. This time, ideas can be collaborative and move outside of individual specialities, so get your heads together Team Faularry.”

The timer appeared on screen, this time counting down from ten minutes.

“While they confer,” Esteban went on, addressing the restless crowd, “Let me enlighten you as to what happens next. Team Faularry will propose their four further humiliations. The one chosen by you, the audience, will take place and that Plebicile will move forward as their third finalist! Following that, Team Trauxity will be given the same opportunity with their four remaining contestants.”

The audience murmured, as Team Trauxity remained in place, seemingly forbidden from conferring until their designated time.

“Once each team has its final three, it will be time to put together their proposals for THE FINAL HUMILIATION!” Esteban announced, his voice reverberating loudly around the large chamber with a slight rumble of thunder for dramatic effect. “One idea for each of their final three. One brutal, savage and truly devastating idea, which you, my lovely audience, will get the pleasure of picking to see play out! Once we have seen both teams’ FINAL HUMILIATIONS…” he paused again as the words echoed around, “It’s time for the final vote to establish the winner of the two-hundred-and-forty-second Humiliation Games! The winning house will be showered with power and riches blah blah blah, while the Head of the losing House will… well, we’ll get to that later! But for now, let’s get ourselves another finalist!”

The timer continued to tick down as Ezekiel eagerly discussed the options with Gokothon, Tharukan and Zorren. As the timer concluded, Esteban called Master Ezekiel forward to begin.

“We will start,” Ezekiel began, “With Jackson Morris!” The young, blonde muscle twink appeared on screen, replaying a range of moments from his online display of submissiveness at the hands of his roommates. “Having become the most famous young man on campus, opinion on Jackson is very much divided. Some see his online display as a repulsive display of debauchery, making him the target of ridicule, mockery and derision. Others, surprisingly, have found themselves even more drawn to the attractive young man. Jackson may not have been keen to make his submissive side quite so public, but in doing so he has opened himself up to a world of sexual shenanigans that he now revels in. The humiliation of being seen so publicly still haunts him, but it is a blow softened significantly by the pleasures it has wrought!

“Humiliating a submissive boy who has enjoyed his exposure is a fairly difficult task, but one that we are most certainly UP for,” Ezekiel continued with a wicked grin, “We intend to take Jackson back online for another dose of ‘accidental’ exposure, though this time his activities will be substantially less flattering. What better way to embarrass someone so sexual than to decimate the reputation of his sexual prowess! And now, to tell you what we have planned for Shane, please put your hands together for Lord Gokothon!”

The audience applauded cautiously as the oft-grumpy demon took centre stage as scenes of Shane’s blindfolded beach blowjob played for the crowd.

“Since his embarrassment on the beach, the human has returned to his home where he lives in constant fear of having his holiday humiliation,” Gokothon explained. “As of yet, other people in his life have not see what happened and he is desperate to keep it that way. Our idea is simple. This human’s new nightmare is to have the wrong person get their hands on footage of the beach incident, which is easy to make come true for someone such as myself. From there, all it will take is a gentle nudge from Lord Tharukan to ensure it gets used against him in the most malicious way!” He paused a moment to let the audience take in the image, then looked round and said, “Next, I present Lord Tharukan with our proposal for… THIS human!” He clearly resented even acknowledging that the humans had names, and certainly did not intend to use it.

As Tharukan took Gokothon’s place, the screen showed scenes of Edward and the naked humiliation he endured at his gym.

“It appears Edward has suffered significantly as a result of his humiliation, which I’m sure you ALL feel just as terrible about as we do!” Tharukan said, only managing to keep a straight face a for a brief moment before bursting into laughter along with the audience. “Sorry, sorry, I tried,” he sniggered.

“Anyway, Edward’s humiliation cost him a lot. His girlfriend ended their relationship when she learned of his cheating. Similarly, he was dumped by both of his secret lovers and has subsequently lost most of his online following through closure of his accounts and the disgust many felt over his shameless cheating,” Tharukan went on. “Edward doesn’t have MUCH left to lose, but he DOES still have his job. We propose to take a normal working day for Edward and show him new levels of humiliation when his inability to hold back from his carnal desires turns a property viewing into a living nightmare… with an unexpected audience!” He smiled as he saw the crowd eagerly chatting away at the idea, waited a few moments and said, “Last, but certainly not least, with our idea for international superstar Tyler Tate, please welcome the one and only Zorren Zorrenoskiwicz!”

The crowd cheered excitedly for the veteran demon who waved to his cheering fans as scenes from Tyler’s aerial-stunt-turned-public-orgasm played out on screen.

“Ah, these Plebiciles do so love their celebrities, don’t they,” Zorren said, shaking his head disapprovingly. “Tyler’s mortifying scene played out across the world stage, with versions both censored and uncensored so widely distributed in their internet that no litigation team in the world could ever get all of it taken down, but Tyler is tenacious. Humiliating as the incident was, he had turned misfortune to his favour and achieved new levels of stardom by garnering public sympathy for the harrowing ordeal!

“Tyler spends as much time now making television appearances talking about what he bravely survived and the embarrassing aftermath as he does working on his new album,” Zorren went on, “So we propose to take one of his bigger appearances and turn it into a whole new humiliation. If Tyler is so competent at turning tragedy into success, then we’re about to give him a whole new level of ‘success’, and in front of a live TV audience!”

The audience cheered, as much for the idea as for the demon as he returned to his throne and Esteban returned to the stage.

“Well there we have it folks, a little insight into the aftermath and now the opportunity to take the humiliations to the next level, but which contestant will face their humiliation and take the final place in Team Faularry’s final three. Will you humiliate Jackson with an online sexual disappointment, Shane’s sexual blackmail encounter, Edward’s truly terrible day at work or Tyler’s televised embarrassment? Vote now or forever hold your peace!”


Naked Justice

Especially the choice between ## 3 and 4 was difficult.