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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 19

  • 1. Give an audience member at a motivational speech a Ben ‘voodoo doll’ 1
  • 2. Show off Ben’s interest in being sexually dominated to a professional audience 1
  • 3. Have Ben become the most desirable man on the rugby pitch 5
  • 2023-04-04
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 19', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tGive an audience member at a motivational speech a Ben ‘voodoo doll’', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '2.\tShow off Ben’s interest in being sexually dominated to a professional audience', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '3.\tHave Ben become the most desirable man on the rugby pitch', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 4, 22, 55, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}


Esteban returned to the stage but remained silent as the crowd continued to cheer and applaud for the veteran demon’s first showing of the games. Zorren took a polite bow as the cheering continued before eventually gesturing for it to quieten and allow the MC to resume.

“Wonderful, wonderful. Certainly a humiliation worth waiting for!” Esteban said happily. “Let’s just hope that not too many Plebiciles were hurt to manipulate the odds to have it happen!” He looked solemnly at the audience for a moment, who stared back silently before they all burst into laughter. “Oh, I couldn’t keep a straight face,” Esteban laughed. “We literally don’t care about a single one of those insignificant creatures!”

The crowd continued to laugh until chatter began to slowly creep back in.

“Well then, it looks like we’re ready to continue,” Esteban announced. “Round ten, the penultimate turn for Team Trauxity and we have STILL yet to see Dazallan in action. Can he follow Zorren’s lead and make a late entry into the competition? I guess only time will tell! Well… time and YOU. It’s your call after all!”

Another gentle chuckle from the audience as The Terror remained, as ever, unmoved.

“Then I believe it’s time for contestant number ten,” Esteban called out. “Let’s see him!” he added, gesturing to the large screen that popped up displaying the next volunteer.

Volunteer Profile Reference HG242-10 Ben Weston

The audience chattered eagerly as the man appeared on screen. The video showed a large, muscular blonde man in his late twenties dressed in rugby kit tackling another player in the middle of a match. While many of them men involved in the game would make visually pleasing targets, the focus was clearly on the man identified from his bio card as Ben Weston.

“Here we go, demons and gentlemen. Allow me to introduce you to Ben Weston, a former semi-professional rugby player turned motivational speaker from Glasgow in bonnie Scotland,” Esteban said, in a truly terrible attempt at a Scottish accent. He shrugged as he said, “I may have exaggerated about my dialect skills on my job application, but I make up for it with charm!” He smiled broadly as the audience laughed.

“Ben is a single father of two, openly bisexual, an upstanding member of society and a well-regarded public speaker across Scotland and the north of England,” Esteban explained. “Competitive, dominant and possibly even overbearing by day, Ben craves domination and control in the bedroom, so make of that what you will, Team Trauxity! And with that, let the timer… start… timing!” He smiled as the countdown appeared as usual.

“Look at them squirm,” Master Ezekiel smirked to his team. “Zorren, your last humiliation was wonderful. You’ve certainly given them a hard act to follow.”

“Very kind of you, Ezekiel,” Zorren answered politely. He glanced to his side and said to Tharukan, “And nice of you to ‘pull your punches’ so to speak in that last round and give this old timer a chance to shine.”

“I have no idea what you could mean,” Tharukan chuckled back.

“Very touching,” Gokothon growled, “But we’ve only go one more humiliation to inflict before me move on and I’d like it to be the best, so whatever bullshit you pulled last round… stop it!”

“I think someone’s just bitter they’ve only had one go!” Tharukan teased his teammate.

“Don’t test me!” Gokothon growled.

“I wouldn’t DREAM of it,” Tharukan said, continuing to tease the Master of Nightmares.

“Hey, easy,” Ezekiel said sternly. “You start fighting in here and you-know-who will eviscerate you with a glance!” he said, flicking his glance briefly to The Terror.

“I can wait until after,” Gokothon mumbled grumpily.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes but remained silent as Zorren and Tharukan returned to chatting while Gokothon quietly seethed as the counter ticked down.

“Okay Team Trauxity, that’s your time,” Esteban announced as the timer concluded. “Who are we hearing from first?”

“We’ll be starting with Dave this time, I believe,” Master Sebastian said politely before looking back to his team. “Lord Dave, if you wouldn’t mind!”

“Thank you Sebastian,” Dave said with a nod as he passed the human to take centre stage. “I think it’s time to pull out one of the old classics,” he said casually. He raised his hand to reveal a small figure. It had not been there a moment before, but nobody had actually seen it appear.

The figure was a small-scale replica of Ben himself, dressed in a tiny little suit, identical to the type Ben wore when working.

“What happens to this figure, happens to Ben. I thought it might be… amusing to see what were to happen if it were to fall into the hands of an audience member at one of his next public events,” Dave explained.

“So it’s a voodoo doll,” Gokothon muttered, unimpressed.

Dave glanced round at the other demon and smiled as he said, “Certainly not. Any demon with any level of experience would know that even we don’t mess with voodoo!”

Gokothon growled a little at the admonishment, but once again remained quiet, fearful of causing a disturbance and incurring the wrath of their host.

“Well that certainly sounds like it’ll make for an interesting speech,” Sebastian chuckled as Dave returned to his seat. “Next, can I invite up Lord Buth’Taloz!”

“Thank you,” Buth’Taloz said as he stepped up ready to present his suggestion. “It appears much of Ben’s motivational work relies on self-empowerment. He likes to talk a lot about taking charge of his own life and his own destiny. I plan on showing his audience that’s a load of bullshit by showing them just how much the ‘self-empowered’ Ben likes to be ‘de-powered’ in the bedroom. I plan to expose his biggest personal kink to his professional audience!”

“Aha, a classic move, wonderful idea,” Master Sebastian chuckled as Buth’Taloz returned. “And last up, with what we hope will be his first humiliation of these games, I present Lord Dazallan!”

The thus-far unutilised demon stepped forward and cast his eye across the audience. He smirked as he said, “I saw you all looking when that video started. A burly, attractive Plebicile, rolling around with a bunch of other burly attractive Plebiciles… who doesn’t love a sexy rugby player!” He stopped to look round at the other demons and added in a stage whisper, “But you can never eat a whole one!”

The audience laughed as the other demons chuckled at the comment, though it was unclear just how serious they were.

“Anyway, Ben likes to think himself the most attractive man on the pitch, so I plan to make his thoughts a reality and make him exactly that,” Dazallan explained. “I have a feeling Ben will soon learn the perils of his vanity once every person on the pitch has the same high opinion of him that he has of himself!”

“Oh, splendid, wonderful,” Esteban said, nodding happily as he returned to the stage. “And there we have it, people, your options for round ten. Will you be going with Dave’s ‘not a voodoo doll’ voodoo doll, Buth’Taloz’s at-work exposure of Ben’s kink or Dazallan’s sexy rugby fever pitch? Cast your votes now and let’s see what’s in store for Ben!”


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