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Team Faularry finnaly got their own celebrity 'volunteer', so what's in store for international singing superstar Tyler Tate?

Voting Results

1. Tyler gets mobbed by crazed fans – 25%
2. Tyler gets humiliated at an award ceremony – 13%
3. Tyler has an on-stage wardrobe malfunction – 63%

Part 18

“Is this really fuckin’ necessary?” Tyler grumbled as he stood in the middle of the mass of busy stage hands.

“Yes, because you made it fucking necessary!” Wren, Tyler’s long-suffering manager, snapped back at him. “You insisted you wanted fly for ‘Fallen Angel’ in your big finale and you know that means a FUCK-ton of safety measures to get it past health and safety with the arena and the insurance people!”

“Whatever,” Tyler huffed, rolling his eyes. It had been a long and tiring tour and as much as he was eager for it to end, he wanted to make the final show, for his biggest crowd ever, one people would be talking about for years.

He already had an absolutely insane show planned, but it was his final song that he really planned to wow with. Fallen Angel was one of his biggest hits, as well as a personal favourite, and it had long been a dream to bring the character he played in the video to life in an arena.

When he had discussed it with his team it had been met with a mix of caution and excitement. They knew it would be an absolute showstopper, but the logistics were difficult to say the least. The outfit was hardly substantial, which meant concealing the many harnesses required to keep him safely in the air was a challenge. Throw on top of that the need for a quick change and it had become a logistical nightmare, but they had managed it and were now just working on getting the time needed down to a bare minimum.

“I don’t exactly love the idea of this many people seeing my junk on the night!” Tyler said unhappily as the flurry of people worked round him in yet another practice. During rehearsal, Tyler had been able to maintain at least some of his dignity by keeping underwear on for the run-throughs, but on the night he would have be completely stripped as the costume couldn’t conceal even the smallest of underwear, so a cock-sock was the most covering he would have.

Wren sighed, shaking their head. “We’ve been over this. Everyone working on the night has iron-clad NDAs signed, they’ll be searched for phones or cameras and based on this run…” they paused mid-sentence, watching as the preparations were completed, “You’ll only be on show for a few moments. Chill. Your junk’s safe!”

“Okay, reset and we’ll run it again,” the stage manager instructed as Tyler huffed and prepared to get dressed ready for yet another practice.

“Quit complaining!” Wren insisted. “You pull this off and it’s a definite Grammy! Trust me! This is gonna be a night nobody’s ever gonna forget!”


Pyrotechnics exploded, confetti flew and Tyler hit the final note of his penultimate song of the evening before the lights faded and the sold-out audience erupted into loud enough applause to make the ground feel like it was shaking. Tyler dashed off the stage, already ripping open his shirt for the quick change necessary to pull out the unexpected finale.

“Nobody needs five minutes of dead air,” Wren had insisted. “That’s how you lose the crowd and turn a thrilling final showstopper into annoying delay in getting their cars out of the car park!”

“Quick, quick, quick,” the stage manager urged as Tyler appeared.

“Really? No shit!” Tyler snapped back at the frantic man. “Wait, who are they?” he demanded as the crew began to close in around him. By the time they had been through the rehearsal for the twelfth time that morning, Tyler knew every person who was working on it, so seeing several new faces was quite disconcerting.

“Don’t even fucking go there!” the stage manager said, shaking his head furiously. “Two cases of sudden inexplicable illness, one dead mother, one derailed train and a broken leg all in one fucking afternoon! I swear, the fucking odds are stacked against us!”

Tyler gave an alarmed look at Wren who nodded and said, “Relax, they’ve all been briefed, we may just be a few seconds slower, but they’re all good!”

“What about the ‘dead air’ you were so fuckin’ worried about?” Tyler growled as he got the last of his clothes off behind the privacy screen and attached the cock-sock to cover his cock and balls. He was used to being seen near-naked thanks to various videos and photo shoots, as well as his on-stage performances which were often shirtless, but being fully naked was still disconcerting, even if his genitals were covered.

Volunteer Reference HG242-09 Tyler Tate

It wasn’t a lack of confidence over his appearance. Tyler had been in the top 10 of the world’s sexiest men lists for a number of years, even reaching number two once. He was certainly a handsome man, sporting flawless dark brown skin, dark almost hypnotic eyes, full lips and jawline most men would kill for. Below the neck he was a constant source of conversation too, as he was undeniably fit, with an admirable physique, but had never had or desired the overly ripped physique that many of his peers liked to show off. His well-defined pecs bore a small triangle of dark hair that he kept trimmed short, stretching across his chest from nipple to nipple and up the top of the defined line between his pecs. His stomach, flat and toned, also bore a slight smattering of dark both above and below his navel. His legs were strong, with thick thighs that were surprisingly smooth, down into strong calves peppered with hair. His crotch currently looked almost comedic, with a patch of neatly-trimmed pubes above a rather full-looking red pouch that concealed a thick, fleshy cock and hefty smooth balls.

“Chill, I covered it with the band, they’re gonna tease the crowd with occasional riffs from your biggest hits, working their way up to Fallen Angel. By the time you get out there, the crowd’s gonna be gagging for it!” Wren said confidently.

“Whatever,” Tyler huffed as he took his place to start getting strapped in and costumed up. It was a complex rig that he could essentially stand on, but could move along with his poses to give the illusion he was flying. The main wires it hung from were obviously visible, but part of the elaborate outfit would eventually conceal much of that too.

“Wait, where does this go?” Tyler heard one of the stag hands ask quietly.

“WREN!” Tyler growled, visibly concerned by the question.

Wren glared at the stage manager who jumped in to assist.

“Ah, fuck!” Tyler yelped as he felt a hand run between his legs, grazing either side of his thighs. “The fuck are you doing?” he demanded.

“Sorry,” the stage manager apologised. “We had technical issues bubble guns, the battery packs are fucked so we gotta run a cable to them,” he explained, getting another angry growl in response. “Don’t worry, the cables’ll run through your harness, the audience won’t even notice them!”

“Anything else gone wrong today?” Tyler demanded unhappily as the rest of the harness was put in place. “Wren!” he whined as he saw the look on the stage manager’s face.

Wren watched on silently, sharing Tyler’s concerns but reasonably satisfied with what he was seeing.

“Okay, final checks!” the stage manager requested. “Wait!” he said as he stood back to view Tyler fully. “Why’s he wearing a red one?” he asked pointing to the singer’s crotch. “Wardrobe, what’s going on?”

“Red was all we had!” a costumier said quickly. “But you’re right. That’ll show through! Get it off him!”

Before Tyler had the chance to object, a hand had reached inside the costume to pull the cock-sock away. Thankfully he wasn’t left exposed as the costume kept him covered.

“Great,” the stage manager said happily. “Okay, all good?” he asked and received quick affirmatives from the rest of the crew. Getting a reluctant nod from Tyler, he squeezed a button on his radio and said into it, “Good to go for Fallen Angel!”

“Hey,” one of the new stage hands whispered to the another. “Was this bit important?” he asked nervously, holding up a small part of the harness.

“Hopefully no more important than this one!” the other new guy sniggered, holding out his own. “That thing’s got like five back-ups… well… maybe only three if these were important. Nothing’s gonna go wrong!”

Out on the stage, it was nothing but silence and darkness for a few moments as the audience dropped into an eerie hush. The band suddenly burst into an melodic, extended version of the opening of the song as the crowd went wild with anticipation of the song they had hoped to hear all night. The back screen stage lit up showing a serene cloudscape as the melodic opening continued until it hit a sudden downbeat and the image began to plummet, the view speeding down towards the ground before bursting through it and emerging into a fiery hellscape as the music turned to the heavier tune that usually accompanied the opening of the song.

As the screen began to part down the middle, creating an opening, the crowd’s cheers and yells intensified as Tyler burst through. With the assistance of the cables, it looked like he cleared the entire length of the stage in a single bound, landing at the end of the long walkway that extended out into the audience with a full superhero-style landing as he started the opening verse of the song.

Tyler felt incredible, standing there with his screaming fans all around him, belting out the song as he stood bare-chested, knowing what he was about to do. Singing his way through the first two verses, which had been a musical re-telling of a story of good person (the angel) and their eventual fall from grace (public ridicule), which he had written as a commentary on cancel culture in modern society.

After singing the chorus, which told the brief tale of the ‘angel’ coming to terms with their new position and using it to grow once again, he tossed aside the microphone. It had only been a prop anyway, as microphones were built into the rig for the second half of the song. As a musical riff played, Tyler reached back to slip his hands through a couple of harnesses that he felt tighten around his wrists.

With a sudden flash of red lights and pyrotechnics, Tyler raised his arms dramatically as a pair of massive wings emerged from the rig behind him, giving him a sudden wingspan of about six metres as he flew up into the air.

If the crowd had been going wild before, they were virtually delirious now at the sight of the fallen angel getting his wings and taking flight. As Tyler continued singing, taking different flight poses as the cables swung him round to show off to every side of the arena, the bubble guns kicked in and began spraying out masses of bubbles which immediately caught the red spotlights and looked like the rain of blood that was mentioned in Tyler’s lyrics.

As the song neared its end, Tyler was swung back round to the end of the long walkway, ready for the big final note and explosive fireworks, but as he stopped into just short of the intended spot he felt a sudden jerk from above as the rig ground to a halt. Whether a result of the rig’s failure, or simply an unlikely but perfectly timed coincidence, Tyler suddenly felt himself slip a little from the harness. Always conscious that the show must go on, Tyler continued to finish the song but as the room exploded in flashes, sparks and flames for the final moment, he felt himself fall a little further.

The harness and rig completely gave way and for a second Tyler felt himself falling until he felt the entirety of his weight pulling down on his wrists. The wrist restraints seemed to be the only thing that had held and were now the only thing preventing him from plummeting down to the ground. Terrifying as that feeling was, the scarier moment had come from the tearing sound he heard. His costumer had been designed to be stuck on around the rig and harness, meaning it was essentially two halves, a front and back, that stuck together at the sides. As he fell, the sides had torn open.

“Pull him back!”

“I can’t, it’s not working!”

“Whadda you mean it’s not working?”

“Nothing’s moving, he’s stuck there!”

“I don’t care, BRING HIM BACK IN!”

Tyler could hear the frantic conversation over the radio and the earpieces in his ears and they were not filling him with any confidence, though that was immediately forgotten as the arena lights suddenly came back on with the show over.

While much of the crowd had already started for the exits, the queues from the car park a notorious nightmare, the arena was still essentially full and sudden awareness of what they were seeing rippled through them like an amusing Mexican wave. Tyler was dangling above the stage by his wrists, the wings bunched up and pointing towards the area roof, while the singer was completely naked!

Tyler screamed out for someone to get him down and desperately tried to raise his legs to conceal his nudity, but in doing so only served to expose his butt to the crowd instead, most of whom were now reaching for the phones to snap pictures and video of the naked celebrity.

“WREN! GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!” Tyler screamed out.

“Tyler,” Wren’s voice came over the radio, “We’re having some technical difficulties back here but we’re working on it!”

The noise in the crowd was almost as raucous as it had been during the final performance as the people remained unsure of what was happening. Some speculated instantly it was a publicity stunt, others recognised it as the emergency situation it was. While the intended audience of the show was not young children, they were not forbidden and there were a large number in the crowd, most of whom were now being shieled from the sight of the naked man dangling precariously.

Tyler continued to flail, trying to cover himself up any way he could. He even tried to pull his wrists free, seeing a fall several metres to the ground as more desirable than remaining stuck in the air and exposed to thousands of people, but the more he struggled the tighter the restraints got, keeping him securely in place.

Tyler’s struggling only succeeded in making it worse. The vigorous movement had pulled the bubble machines free of the rig. With power cables that ran down his back, between his legs and then intertwined with the harness cables, they had actually been supporting some of his weight, so as they popped free he dropped a little more. As the two machines attempted to follow the route of their cables, they clashed together behind Tyler’s butt, too large to pull through between his legs, so they remained pressed together with Tyler virtually sitting atop them.

“Fuck!” Tyler grunted as he felt the two machines trying to pull through. They pushed his legs apart a little, stopping him moving them and leaving him now splayed fully with his arms above his head, his legs apart and his cock, balls and asshole completely on display to anyone below or ahead of him.

“Hold on Tyler, we’re trying a restart,” Wren advised over the earpiece.

“I’M STUCK HERE AND YOUR SOLUTION IS TO FUCKING TURN IT OFF AND ON AGAIN!?” Tyler shrieked furiously, trying his hardest to ignore several thousand people watching his humiliation play out. He already knew there was no way this was staying quiet. He knew others who had accidentally exposed a body part for the briefest of moments who now had it plastered forever across the internet, and this was certainly no brief moment. He had been hanging there for at least a minute now, though it felt longer. Thousands of videos and pictures had to have been taken. It wouldn’t even be surprising if some of the many phones pointed at him were live-streaming the incident!

It seemed that the ‘re-start’ included everything in the arena as even the lights flicked off for a moment before coming back on. Thankfully, Tyler heard a slight humming that he hoped was the rig. His hopes were immediately dashed when he felt a slight jerk of the rig trying to move again, unsuccessfully. “Oh fuck,” he suddenly yelped as he felt something else… the bubble machines buzzed back into life.

The two machines sprayed bubbles for a brief moment, but having used up all of their bubble fluid during the finale, the bubbles stopped… but the machines did not! Whirring and clicking as they attempted to spray fluid they no longer held, Tyler could feel them vibrating against his butt.

“Ahhh fuck,” Tyler gasped as he could feel the vigorous vibrations rippling across his asshole, through his balls and into his cock. “WREN!” he yelled out hopelessly as he clenched everything he could to resist the horrific sensation.

Down on the ground, the area staff were doing everything they could to try and usher the fans out, but even a hundred staff members didn’t stand a chance of corralling thousands of fans who had no intention of leaving. They remained en masse, watching and recording the superstar’s ongoing embarrassment, cheering and hollering for the naked man.

Much like the original realisation of Tyler’s nudity, awareness of his growing arousal rippled through the crowd starting with those nearest to him before working its way back through the audience. Tyler was erect for the world to see. While his dick was a truly admirable appendage, standing at seven thick, circumcised inches, Tyler had not exactly wanted to the entire world to see it, yet now they would. There was no way pictures and videos of his arousal would ever vanish from the internet now.

Tyler attempted to struggle again, but with the restraints, cables and machines preventing any significant movement, the most he managed as to make himself sway side to side, unable to do anything about the growing erection now on show to his adoring fans.

“SOMEONE GET ME DOWN FROM HERE! NOW!” Tyler screamed out, knowing his yells would achieve nothing but helpless to do anything else.

Annoyingly, the vibrations of the machines felt absolutely incredible. Rather confusingly, it was the sensation of it rippling across his asshole and a the vibrations that made it through to his prostate that felt the best. He had been with a couple of women who had played with him back there and each time he had started to enjoy it before stopping them, worried of the media tales of ‘Tyler Tate’s into butt stuff’ that could come from it. He had immediately thought about the inevitable headlines the moment he had been exposed, but as his cock throbbed and began to leak pre-cum, his mind simply raced at the possibilities.

The crowd would have no idea of the machines effect on him, of the vibrations that were causing him to shudder and moan with reluctant pleasure. From their perspective, he was simply naked and getting hard from simply being on show. Tyler Tate: Perverted Exhibitionist. Tyler Tate Aroused By Exposure. Tyler Tate Launches OnlyFans After Live Show. The headlines would be humiliating, they would be absurd, they would ruin him. The irony of it coming as a result of ‘Fallen Angel’ was something they would doubtlessly capitalise on.

“Oh god, oh god, no,” Tyler whimpered as the vibrations continued with no sign of help yet. The area beneath him had been cleared, with a living barrier of staff holding back the crowd who clearly wanted to get the most humiliating angles for their recordings.

There was a mobile aerial platform emerging from the side of the stage, presumably for them to use to reach Tyler and get him down, but the baying crowd refused to move and, for fear of actually killing someone, it was forced to stay back.

Tyler could feel himself inching closer and closer to an entirely new level of humiliation as his orgasm remained barely moments away. “FUUUUUUCK!” he yelled out before the vibrations finally pushed him over the edge and he began his own explosive finale. Spunk shot from his stupendous schlong, flying up before raining down onto the ground beneath him.

One poor unfortunate (and maybe fortunate!?) usher received a large splat of it to the top of their head but the rest splatted loudly down onto the ground. The cheers and applause were deafening, though the orgasm seemed to trigger an acceptance that the show was over as the crowd by the stage began to part to let the cherry picker through.

Tyler was almost in tears as the vibrations continued mercilessly to tease him in his post-orgasmic state, so embarrassed and exhausted that he barely even noticed help had arrived until his wrists were freed and he flopped down into the cradle of the raised platform.

By the time Tyler was back down on the ground, much of the crowd had backed away, but some remained trying to get even more intimate footage of the star, post-rescue. They were soon shoved away by irritated staff as Wren threw a blanket around the naked singer. “It’s okay, I got ya,” Wren whispered.

Tyler just stared blankly at his manager for a moment before letting his head droop in absolute despair.




Naked Justice

Great story. But I think hanging helpless in the air was much worse than the full naked exposure and even the freehand ejaculation. From now on, his fans mighr expect him to perform Fallen Angel always naked and erect...