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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 9

  • 1. Have Ricardo get pranked and embarrassed at work by his jealous co-workers 2
  • 2. Have Ricardo take (and lose) some bets from his new biker buddies 0
  • 3. Have Ricardo relive his public nudity nightmares for real 6
  • 2023-02-28
  • —2023-03-08
  • 8 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 9', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tHave Ricardo get pranked and embarrassed at work by his jealous co-workers', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '2.\tHave Ricardo take (and lose) some bets from his new biker buddies', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '3.\tHave Ricardo relive his public nudity nightmares for real', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 8, 0, 10, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 28, 21, 42, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


“Well, isn’t that just a humiliation that’s going to keep on giving!” Esteban said as he took to the stage. “Come on, own up, who’s suddenly started following Oscar on Instagram?”

There was a gentle chuckle across the audience as phones were put away.

“So that’s two rounds down for each team, bringing us back once again to Team Faularry. Master Ezekiel, how do you think it’s going so far? The host ask, holding out his microphone to the Head of House Faularry.

“I’m pleased with our first two attempts, but looking forward to our shot at a high profile target!” Master Ezekiel said, subtly voicing his team’s concerns about the fairness of the volunteer selection. “And I’m certainly looking forward to seeing what Gokothon can deliver when his suggestion gets chosen. It’s been a while since we had a nightmare demon in the games!”

Gokothon gave a polite nod at the comment from his team captain.

“And of course, Zorren has proven many times over the years just how spectacular his humiliations can be, so it will certainly be a pleasure to witness him in action,” Master Ezekiel added, getting another polite node. “But of course, two in a row for Tharukan, though we should really expect no less from a representative of the Sinisterium!”

“Indeed. Thank you, Master Ezekiel,” Esteban said cheerfully. “But now, it’s time to get on with the show! Let’s see lucky contestant number five!”

Esteban gestured to the massive screen and a young man appeared, working behind the counter of a busy coffee shop. His bio card appeared alongside him, bearing a picture of him in his non-work clothes.

Volunteer Profile Reference HG242-05 - Ricardo Belmont

“Demons and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Ricardo Belmont, a twenty-five-year-old barista currently residing in Cardiff,” Esteban explained.

The audience seemed quite enamoured with the handsome young man on screen. Though his work uniform and apron wasn’t exactly the most flattering, the cap he wore did little to contain the luscious wavy, dark locks of hair spilling out from beneath. Ricardo eyes were a deep enough brown to make the pupil and iris appear virtually as one, while the subtle tone of his skin gave away his Mediterranean heritage. He bore neatly trimmed black facial hair in a slight beard and moustache, heavy enough to clearly be deliberate, but messy enough to still look casual.

“When he’s not working, Ricardo enjoys nothing more than spending time on his most prized possession, his motorcycle which he recently obtained after many years of scrimping and saving,” Esteban continued the talk. “He has recently started to make friends within the local biker community, which I’m sure will make for an attractive target for humiliation. Ricardo is currently single, and likely to remain that way thanks to his growing issues resulting from years of being seen as nothing more than ‘the pretty guy at the coffee place’. One can barely imagine what you absolute monsters can do with THAT one!” He paused for a brief titter, then concluded, “And with that, it’s time for the countdown. Team Faularry, prepare you humiliations!”

“He’s certainly a pretty one,” Master Sebastian said, smiling up at the screen as he stood alongside his team as their opponents conferred.

“I do love these ones,” Dazallan said with a wicked snigger. “Not really suitable for the games, as it’s more of a long term thing, but an attractive Plebicile desperate for attention with low self-esteem… it’s a perfect mix. All I’d need to do is make sure NOBODY pays him any attention by making him completely unattractive to them and he’d end up doing the most pathetic desperate things just to try and feel desirable again.”

“Now that sounds like my kind of show,” Buth’Taloz chuckled, “Remind me to look up your work after the games!” He gave the other demon a coquettish smile.

“Careful there, Buth,” Master Sebastian said with a slight headshake. “Sudden attraction to an arousal demon…”

“Are you suggesting I’m using my powers on my own teammate?” Dazallan asked, feigning offense for a moment before he smirked and said, “Because I totally am!”

“Fine by me,” Buth’Taloz said with a shrug.

As the other two advisors continued chatting, Master Sebastian turned his attention to Dave. “So… you got picked both times. You clearly know your audience!”

“I suppose I do,” Dave said, bowing his head slowly without taking his eyes off of the human.

Though he didn’t say it, Master Sebastian knew that was as much conversation as he was going to get from the enigmatic demon, so he turned to watch their opponents as they continued their huddle as the timer counted down.

“Aaaaand… time’s up!” Esteban said as the counter reached zero. “Master Ezekiel, who are you starting with?”

“Well he’s served us well in the previous rounds, so we’re going to start with Tharukan,” Master Ezekiel introduced pallid-skinned figure.

“Picture the scene,” Tharukan said as he stood, gesturing his arms widely. “It’s a busy lunchtime in Ricardo’s workplace. Customers are queuing for coffee and pastries, but most have their eye on a different kind of snack – the handsome barista! So much attention to one member of staff has GOT to annoy his colleagues, and with a gentle… nudge from myself, that frustration can easily turn into vengeance, making Ricardo suffer some truly unpleasant pranks in front of his admiring customers!”

There was gentle applause for the popular demon as he gave a bow and returned to his seat.

“I think next we’ll go with Zorren,” Master Ezekiel prompted.

“Picture the scene,” Zorren said as he stood, deliberately mocking his teammate and earning a chuckle from him for it. “Ricardo goes for an evening with his new biker buddies, things get a little crazy and the bets start coming. Too scared of offending his new friends, Ricardo takes any bet they give, but thanks to me… none of them are going to go his way! Ricardo would be in for an embarrassing night on the road!”

Master Ezekiel gestured politely as Zorren returned to his throne before introducing their final team member, Gokothon.

“I have glimpsed inside this plebicile’s feeble mind and discovered, like many, he has a true fear of public nudity, so much so that it plagues his sleeping mind with nightmares. I plan to take that nightmare and make it a reality, allowing Ricardo to witness the true humiliation of VERY public nudity!” Gokothon explained bluntly before returning to his seat.

“Well it certainly sounds like our little Ricky’s in for a tough time, whatever you choose, but now it’s over to you,” Esteban explained. “Will it be Tharukan’s vengeful colleagues pranking Ricardo at work, Zorren’s string of bad luck on the betting or Gokothon’s public nudity living nightmare? Case your votes now please!”


Naked Justice

Can I choose all three of them?