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Round 4 of The Humiliation Games began with Team Trauxity making their plans to humiliate famous actor, Oscar Maynard.

Voting Results

1. Have Oscar reveal his most sordid secrets to the world media – 0%

2. Have Oscar take Dave’s deal to retain his youth (with a price!) – 75%

3. Have Oscar getting aroused filming an intimate scene – 25%

Part 8

“So tell me Oscar,” Dave started casually. “What exactly would you give to stay young?”

“Anything!” Oscar replied desperately. Having just read an article that highlighted him imminent birthday, he had spiralled into a depression that was almost certainly going to lead him to full-on bender, at least until Dave started talking to him. Dave was… wait, who was Dave, why was he here? How did he even get in? He looked at the man curiously.

“’Anything’ is a very bold thing to offer, Oscar. Are you sure about that?” Dave asked sincerely.

Oscar’s questions seemed to vanish as the other man spoke. It was Dave. He knew Dave. Everyone knows Dave! “Yes, completely sure!” he insisted.

“Well then, I think I have exactly what you’re looking for,” Dave said with a smile as he reached behind his back and produced small golden statuette. “This… is the Idol of Ancipiti. All you need to do touch it, state your wish and it will be granted!”

Oscar wanted to scoff. A wish? What absolute bullshit, and yet… he believed Dave. How could he not? It’s Dave! You can trust Dave! “Fine, I’ll give it a go!” Oscar said with an incredulous smirk. Reaching out, he placed his hand on the small golden figure and said aloud, “I wish to be able to stay young for as long as I like!”

“Ah, avoiding saying ‘forever’. Clever!” Dave said with a smirk. “But the wish is made!” he said as he stared into the eyes of the idol. “Oh, how interesting.”

“What? What is it?” Oscar asked eagerly.

“Well let’s just say the ‘price’ you have to pay to enjoy the idols power is… perhaps not something you’re going to enjoy!” Dave chuckled.

“What’s the price?” Oscar asked nervously.

“Oh you’ll see,” Dave said with a smirk. “Just say yes!”

“Yes to what?” Oscar asked curiously. Suddenly, he heard his phone ring, prompting him to look round at it. As he looked back, he realised he was alone. “What was I…” he mumbled curiously to himself, then shook his head to clear it and looked to his phone again. It was Radley, his agent. “Rad!” he said as he answered. “What’s happening?”

“Good news!” Radley replied happily. “Well… potentially good news!”

“Go on…” Oscar said cautiously.

“So they like you for the lead in the Mysterium movies that you read for. It’s a five movie deal, Oscar!” Radley explained eagerly.

“Fuck. You’re serious? How is that POTENTIALLY good news. It’s fucking amazing news!” Oscar said excitedly.

“Hmm,” Radley hummed cautiously.

“What?” Oscar groaned, knowing there was more.

Radley took a deep breath, sighing down the phone for a moment before he replied, “Well, before they make any decision, the Director wants… a meeting with you!”

“What’s the big deal. So I’ll meet with…” Oscar stopped mid-sentence, let out a low growl and asked, “Wait, when you say meeting d’you mean… the same way I had a ‘meeting’ to get the Eastend Avenue gig?” Radley’s silence spoke volumes. “Fuck! Seriously Rad. Fuck!”

“I can say no,” Radley said, sounding unconvinced. “They might still consider you for it. Some of them even respect a lead who can… y’know… push back!”

Oscar went to reply, but as his mouth opened he heard words floating through his head, ‘Just say yes!’ It was like a brief flash of a forgotten dream, but it was enough to sway him. “Fine. Arrange the meeting!” he said, then hung up the phone.


Oscar Maynard - Ref: HG242-04 Profile Photos 2-4

Oscar sat nervously on the sofa awaiting the arrival of Ryan Winger, award-winning director, Hollywood sweetheart and notorious creep. He had been shown in by Ryan’s assistant and told to wait for Ryan to arrive! He had stayed clean and sober all day in preparation for this, a decision he was already regretting!

“Ah, Oscar, SO good to see you!” Ryan called out as he wandered in from the adjoining room. Ryan was a man in his mid-thirties, sporting short dark hair, heavy stubble dark-rimmed glasses and a cocky smile. He was currently dressed in a bathrobe that hung open at the front, revealing that a pair a briefs was the only other clothing he wore. His body was toned, bearing large pectorals adorned with dark hair. He was not an unattractive man, which was part of the reason his behaviour had been permitted for so long, much like Oscar’s.

“Ryan, thank you for… this,” Oscar said awkwardly, standing from his seat.

“Oh no,” Ryan said with a smirk, “Thank YOU for… coming!” He winked unsubtly at his own double entendre.

Oscar winced slightly, hoping there was still a chance this wasn’t what he expected it to be. “I’m really excited about potentially getting the part!” he said hopefully.

“That makes two of us,” Ryan said, eyeing the young man up and down like he was a starving cartoon character eyeing up a giant ham. “If this is going to be a celebration…” he paused to look Oscar up and down as he added, “… eventually, then champagne is in order!” He headed to the table where a bottle of champagne was on ice along with two glasses. As he saw Oscar go to object, he quickly added, “Unless you’d like something a little… harder!”

“Champagne is good!” Oscar said urgently.

Ryan poured two glasses and approached, offering one of them to Oscar who took it gingerly. “So you enjoyed my audition then?” he asked, trying in vain to keep things formal.

Ryan Winger - Ref: HG242-04-A

“Indeed,” Ryan said with a nod, “But let’s not rush into the work. Cheers!” He raised his glass towards Oscar and waited for him to clink his own against it before taking a gulp. “Please, sit back down,” he said, dropping down into the centre seat of the three-seater so that Oscar had no choice but to sit directly beside him.

Oscar sat down, pressed right against the arm of the sofa to avoid direct contact, but Ryan immediately shuffled along so his thigh was touching Oscar’s.

“Your agent tells me you’re… willing to do whatever it takes to get the right roles for you. Is that right?” Ryan asked, letting his hand rest along the back of the sofa, his hand right behind Oscar’s neck.

“Umm… I guess so,” Oscar said nervously.

“I do… like a leading man who’s willing to do whatever it takes,” Ryan purred. “Maybe we should find out exactly what YOU can take!” His hand slipped forward to stroke Oscar’s neck.

Oscar shuddered and fought the urge to jump away, instead downing his champagne.

“Oh, you’re all out, let me top you up!” Ryan said, reaching forward to place his glass down and pick up the bottle instead. As he leaned back, he started pouring into Oscar’s glass before, very deliberately, tipping some of it onto the young man’s chest. “Oh, I’m SO sorry,” he said over-exaggeratedly. “Now you’re all wet. You should probably take that off!” He placed the bottle back down on the table.

“No, it’s… it’s okay,” Oscar insisted, wiping the front of his shirt with his hand.

“Take off the shirt, Oscar!” Ryan growled.

Oscar recoiled slightly at the gruff instruction, then started unbuttoning the shirt.

“Good, good. Keep going!” Ryan said, shuffling back to the other end of the sofa as his hand dropped to his crotch. His bulge had clearly grown a little at the sight of the young actor revealing his chest and then his stomach. As Oscar removed the short completely, Oscar squeezed his growing erection through the underwear. “Well why stop there. Keep going, Oscar!”

The constant use of his name was slightly unsettling, and he wasn’t sure why. Probably because the entire ordeal was unsettling, but either way he pulled both shoes off with his feet then stopped, looking at the near-naked Director whose other hand had now slipped onto his exposed chest and was tweaking a pert nipple.

“I said… keep going,” Ryan said firmly. “Show me how much you want the role!”

Oscar really did want the role. As much as he loved his fame and acting career in the UK, no actor would pass up the opportunity to make it big in Hollywood, and the Mysterium movies were sure-fire hits, guaranteed to bump him into the upper echelons of celebrity society. More than that, though, he felt something else niggling at his mind, something else urging him on. Nervously, he reached down to undo his belt and trousers, pulling them open to reveal his underwear.

“Hey, we match!” Ryan said with a smirk, seeing the two of them wore the same designed brand.

Oscar chuckled awkwardly as he pushed the trousers down and stepped out of them. Once again he allowed himself a brief moment of optimism as he hoped that was as far as things would go, just two dudes hanging out in their underwear. It was unlikely, but possible. As he glanced down at himself he did feel very slightly inadequate. Nerves (and a lot of drugs) meant his cock remained shrivelled and flaccid inside his underwear, showing only the smallest bump, especially compared to the ranging erection Ryan continued to massage in his own briefs.

Receiving no instruction beyond the lustful stare, Oscar sighed as he reached down for his last remaining item of clothing.

“Nuh-uh,” Ryan said, shaking his head as he sat up. “I’ll do it. Come here!”

Ryan stepped closer, but as he saw the Director looking a little annoyed, stepped even closer so he was now right in front of him.

“Tell me Oscar, what do you want me to do?” Ryan asked, looking up at the young man as he placed a hand on each of his bare thighs.

Oscar knew what he wanted to say, but also what he was expected to say. He opted for the latter and mumbled, “Take my pants off!”

“Ha, pants. You Brits are hilarious!” Ryan laughed, shaking his head. “But I’m happy to oblige!” He slid his hands up Oscar’s thighs to take hold of both sides of his briefs, then slowly slipped them down, revealing his small patch of neatly-groomed pubes and his shrivelled shrunken penis. “Wow, I’ve heard of some of your ‘magnificent’ conquests. Hard to imagine you doing anything magnificent with this little fella!” He playfully flicked a hand across the small, stubby cock, smirking as it wobbled for just a moment. “Oh well, it’s not like we need it for what you’re going to be doing!”

“I… won’t?” Oscar asked with a frown, allowing the glimpse of optimism to sneak in again before he realised what Ryan probably meant. “Oh!” he said awkwardly.

“Yeah,” Ryan said as he stood. “Oh!” As he stood, he towered over Oscar, though that was entirely down to posture as the two men usually stood at the same height. Oscar was shrinking into himself, slouching and almost cowering while Ryan was standing tall, shoulder back, chest out and oozing confidence. He reached down to grab his own briefs and pushed them down far enough to let them drop to the floor, stepped out with one foot and then used the other to kick them across the room. “Look at me, Oscar!” he said firmly.

Oscar stared the other man in the eyes for a moment, gulping nervously. Was this what the women he fucked felt like? He loved to assert his dominance over them but had never given a single second’s though to what it felt like on their side.

Ryan chuckled as he leaned forward and licked Oscar’s neck before he said, “Very respectful, but I meant look at ME!” He nodded unsubtly downwards.

Oscar winced, both from the lick and the instruction, but glanced down at the other man’s erection.

“What do you think?” Ryan asked cockily.

Oscar actually was impressed. It was a sizeable tool, more in terms of girth than length, though he was certainly above average on both measurements. The bush of dark hair was an unkept as the rest of his body hair. “It… looks big!” he said nervously.

“That’s probably because it’s big!” Ryan smirked, then sat back down on the edge of the sofa and lounged backwards, exposing himself more fully to the man who now stood over him. “Tell me, Oscar, have you ever been with a man?”

Oscar blushed.

“Ah, so that’s a yes!” Ryan sniggered. “What was it, teenage experimentation? Drug-fuelled horniness or…”

“This!” Oscar interjected. “It was like this… for my work!”

“Interesting. And what exactly did you do?” Ryan asked curiously.

Oscar blushed more heavily. It was no a memory he was keen to re-live, one that was soon to be joined by another. All he could manage was a single word answer, “Oral!”

“Oh, and did you enjoy sucking dick?” Ryan asked bluntly.

Oscar sighed, scowling slightly before he answered, “I liked what it got me!”

Ryan nodded as he looked the naked young man up and down once more, then said bluntly, “Climb on. I wanna be inside you!”

“Do you… have lube?” Oscar asked anxiously as he looked around.

Ryan cocked his head and smirked as he asked, “Do you always let your hookers use lube?”

Oscar wasn’t sure whether the answer was rhetorical, but they both knew the answer so he didn’t bother to offer one. He stepped forward and knelt onto the sofa, straddling the other man whose eyes remained fixed on him.

“You have a great chest!” Ryan said, raising his hands to cup Oscar’s pectorals.

“Thanks,” Oscar mumbled absently as he reached down to grab Ryan’s raging erection. He paused just before making contact. He didn’t have to do this. He could still just walk away… but he knew he wouldn’t. He took hold and gave the dick a few quick strokes in the vain hope it would push the other man to a slightly quicker orgasm once he was inside him.

Ryan let out a groan as his dick oozed precum, which Oscar eagerly massaged across the tip before reaching back to use what little natural lubricant he could get to slick his own home.

Oscar moved a little further forward then used his hand to guide the dick to his hole then started lowering himself onto it. He closed his eyes tightly as he felt the twinge of pain as his hole began to open to let the large tool inside. “AH, fuck,” he moaned at the stinging sensation.

“Yeah, take it, all the way!” Ryan growled, his hands now casually roaming Oscar’s body.

Oscar got a couple of inches inside him before he started to pull back up, but immediately felt hands grasp at his shoulders.

“I said… ALL the way!” Ryan snarled.

“Okay,” Oscar whimpered as he started lowering again, feeling a pain deep inside as the unwelcome cock probed further and further. He let out a sigh, one of relief rather than pleasure, as he felt his butt meet Ryan’s lap. He had the entirety of the man’s dick inside him.

“Great, now ride it!” Ryan smirked.

“Mmm-huh,” Oscar hummed, remaining focused on what the future held for him to try and get through as he started to bounce up and down on the impaling tool.

“Ah yeah, that’s it!” Ryan groaned happily as he sat for a few minutes letting the young man ride him. Eventually, after a few more minutes he unceremoniously shoved Oscar aside and said, “Okay, get off!”

“Are we… done?” Oscar asked as he stumbled away.

“No chance. Just changing position. On your knees and turn around!” Ryan instructed.

Oscar let out a slight whimper as he turned and knelt down, then immediately felt a hand shove him between the shoulder blades, making him lean forward onto all fours. Without warning or any kind of indication at all, he felt the cock press into his hole again, this time accompanied by Ryan grasping at his hips as he started slamming into him hard and fast. Oscar started letting out a series of grunts and groans as the other man fucked him.

“Damn, you got a tight little pussy, boy!” Ryan laughed before delivering a sharp slap to one of Oscar’s buttocks.

Oscar didn’t reply, he just lowered his head in shame.

“Ah fuck, you’re too good, I’m getting close already,” Ryan complained. “Quick, turn around!”

Oscar felt the cock pull from his butt and he shuffled round as instructed, facing the now-masturbating man.

“Look up at me and open your mouth!” Ryan barked.

Oscar obeyed. There was no point objecting now. Moments later, the first shot of spunk landed on his face, a long streak from left jaw to right temple, a slight drop of it getting into the corner of his mouth. The next shot was aimed better and flew fully into his gaping maw. The next couple streaked his face with a little getting into the open mouth as Ryan stood over him stroking out the last few drops.

“Damn, you’re not bad!” Ryan sniggered as he closed the bath robe and stepped away. “But get yourself cleaned up. You’re a fucking mess!”

Oscar, who could only open one eye as the other had cum in it, nodded as he stood up.

“Use these to clean off,” Ryan said, handing Oscar his own briefs. “Then put them back on when you’re done! Then you can get dressed and go!”

“S… so…” Oscar stuttered as he accepted the underwear. “Does this mean…”

“Yeah, part’s yours. To be honest, it already was. I sent the contract to your agent right before I came in!” Ryan said with a grin.

“What… then… why…” Oscar stuttered, feeling utterly humiliated.

“For fun, obviously!” Ryan said with a smirk. “Now hurry up and get out!”

Oscar dressed quickly before scurrying out.


Oscar let out a groan as he was awoken by the sound of his phone. When he got to hi hotel room the previous night, he had drunk himself into a stupor to try and repress the memory of the evening before eventually passing out. His head was pounding and the sound of his phone was not helping.

“WHAT?” he snapped as he answered without looking at the screen.

“Don’t WHAT me!” Ridley snapped. “We need to meet, NOW!”

“What for?” Oscar groaned. “Ryan said he sent you the contract. I’ll sign it later!”

“For damage control!” Ridley said firmly. “Fuck, Oscar, just… google yourself or something!”

Oscar groaned and pulled the phone away, switching it to speaker as he did so. Looking at his screen, he could see even more calls and messages than usual but he didn’t bother checking them yet. Instead he did as his agent had instructed and searched ‘Oscar Maynard’. There were news articles about him… lots of them! Every major news site in the world seemed to have run a story on him that morning.

He clicked on the first one and was shocked to see a story that included a still from a video… of him on all fours getting fucked, censored of course. There were hundreds of them. Some shaming him for sleeping his way to a job, some painting him as a victim of Hollywood corruption, some just talking about how good he looked, or how bad he looked, or how small his penis was, or his apparent preferred sexual positions. There was even a ‘5-Minute Crafts’ video on how to make a cum shield to keep cum out of your eyes during a facial using noting but a discarded bottle and duct tape!

“Oh my fucking god!” Oscar gasped as he sat up, scrolling through his very public humiliation.

“Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world, we can definitely spin this!” Ridley insisted.

“SPIN it?” Oscar scoffed. “The entire fucking world has just seen me getting fucked by a guy before getting a facial. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU SPIN THAT?”

“Look, we’ll… we’ll talk about the later. I’m heading to your hotel now. I’ll see you shortly,” Ridley said before he hung up.

Oscar flopped back down onto his bed, scrolling through the stories again. That was when something caught his eye. One story started with the line, ‘Twenty-eight-year-old actor Oscar Maynard has been victim of a leak…’. Another started with ‘Oscar Maynard, the 28yo Eastend Avenue actor…’. Yet another included the line, ‘Maynard, who turns twenty nine next month…’. Oscar frowned at the repeated mistake, before a vague memory of Dave floated through his head.

He frantically searched out his wallet and grabbed his drivers’ licence. Staring in a mis of shock and delight, the year in his date of birth had changed to a year later. Jumping to his feet, he looked at himself on the mirror. Though he looked as much of a mess as he always did after a night of heavy drinking, he couldn’t deny he looked younger than he had the night before.

“Fuck! The fucking wish worked!” he mumbled to himself.

“How could you ever doubt me?” Dave asked, making Oscar jump as he turned to face him.

“How did you get…” Oscar started, then realised he didn’t need to know. Dave was supposed to be there… wasn’t he? “You… did the thing… with… with the idol!”

“You did it!” Dave smiled. “You made the wish… and you paid the price!”

“What price?” Oscar frowned.

“You think you get a year younger just for wishing it?” Dave sniggered. “No chance. You get younger as a reward for your public humiliation!”

“Wait, so… if I want to stay looking like this…” Oscar started.

“Yeah, scandals and sex tapes and public humiliation. Get used to having your little dick discussed online. You want to hold on to your youth, then the world is going to have to get to see a lot more of Oscar Maynard!” Dave explained with a snigger.


Naked Justice

Great. I like Oscar's humiliation and hope that he'll be exposed much more Aa he can't step back. And the chapter increases my wish to volunteer for the games. By the way, as cute as the underpants are, I am still curious how Oscar and Ryan look without them...

Stories by Matt

Glad you liked it. Sadly, I still plan to keep the images non-explicit, if only to ensure that the stories remain the focus rather than the pictures.

John Warren

We need nudes!