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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 3

  • 1. Subject Grant to increasing levels of horniness throughout the day, while depriving him of any opportunities at relief 0
  • 2. Manipulate Grant’s day to have him end up in an embarrassing, “It’s not what it looks like!!” moment 2
  • 3. Help Grant to fulfil his wish to have his students pay more attention to him, with embarrassing consequences 6
  • 2023-02-08
  • —2023-02-11
  • 8 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 3', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Subject Grant to increasing levels of horniness throughout the day, while depriving him of any opportunities at relief', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '2. Manipulate Grant’s day to have him end up in an embarrassing, “It’s not what it looks like!!” moment', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '3. Help Grant to fulfil his wish to have his students pay more attention to him, with embarrassing consequences', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 11, 16, 47, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 8, 9, 6, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


As the lights flashed, there was the sudden sound of fanfare as Esteban returned to the stage with a flourish and waited a moment for the applause to die down before he called out, “Thank you, thank and welcome back Demons and Gentlemen! I hope you enjoyed that quick break. Just enough time to clean up, am I right gents?” He looked to the human audience and gave a wink. “Clean up on aisle four after that one, huh?”

“Ugh, humans,” Gokothon growled as the robed men chuckled.

“Hey, without humans we’re out of a job,” Zorren mumbled quietly to his teammate.

“Just because we need them doesn’t mean we need to like them!” Tharukan interjected from Gokothon’s other side.

“Well that was Team Faularry’s first attempt and poor Edward’s life will never be the same again, but that’s his problem for now,” Esteban called out with a wicked grin. “For now, it’s on to Round Two and the first humiliation for Team Trauxity. Let’s take a look at luck contestant number two!”

Esteban sashayed to the side of the stage and gestured to the large wall behind the stage that shimmered back into a screen. Just as it had in round one, it displayed a bio card, profile photos and video of the next ‘volunteer’ going about his daily business.

Volunteer Profile Reference HG242-01 - Grant Evans

He was an impressive figure of a man, standing tall and broad but not bulky, muscle tone rather than muscle mass. Sporting dark brown hair styled in a way that took time to perfect but gave the illusion of effortlessness, along with light stubble across a strong jawline. As he moved around the room carrying out his work he leaned onto a desk, a pale red shirt stretching taut over his back as an ample butt filled out navy trousers. The profile pictures showed him stood in a light blue shirt, just a fraction away from being too tight as the open collar revealed the top of his toned chest with just a few stray hairs protruding.

“Allow me to introduce Grant Evans. Grant hails from sunny Manchester in the North of England, though his family originates from the Home Counties. Grant works as an English teacher at a local school, teaching primarily sixth form students,” Esteban explained as the audience watched the man on-screen. “In his free time, Grant is a keen rugby player…” Esteban paused as there was a range of happy noises from the crowd, “And also volunteers for a local youth sports charity.” Esteban paused again, smirking at the repulsed noises as he mentioned charity.

Before Esteban was even finished with the description, a lot of attention was turning to Buth’Taloz, Bringer of Ruin. Their opponents in Team Faularry were already whispering conspiratorially. A volunteer of such fine social standing, being potentially humiliated by a Demon who specialised in reputational harm… it seemed almost too easy.

Esteban smirked knowingly at the looks and whispers as he finished, “Grant is not a promiscuous man and as such has few sexual activities to exploit as he is currently single, but I’m sure such fine Demons as yourselves can even find ways to use THAT against him too. So for now, I give you Grant Evans. Team Trauxity, you have five minutes to prepare your three entries for the vote!”

Just as it had previously, a five minute timer overlaid the screen as Grant obliviously went about his day.

“Come along then, let’s see what we can do with this one,” Master Sebastian said as he gathered with his three demonic advisers, his purple robes flapping behind him as he hurried towards his group.

Across the stage, Master Ezekiel chuckled, getting a curious look from his own advisers. Straightening his tie unnecessarily, he gave a confident smirk and said, “It’s too easy. Buth’Taloz can destroy him, but it’s… so obvious. The dark lord is NOT impressed by the obvious.” He nodded to The Terror whose gaze was fixed on Team Trauxity as they discussed their plans. “Take note for future rounds. If we want to win this, we have to get creative. It’s hard to impress someone who has already witnessed the entirety of humanity!”

The three demons chattered away quietly in response to their team captain’s advice.

With two minutes still on the clock, Master Sebastian turned to Esteban and called out, “You can stop the timer. We’ve picked our ideas!”

“Very well,” Esteban said with a smirk as he stepped forward, the timer vanishing from the screen. “Makes a change to have premature articulation rather than premature ejaculation at The Humiliation Games!” It caused a titter around the audience at the play on words. “Well without further ado, Master Sebastian, the stage is yours!”

“Thank you Esteban,” the soft-spoken Sebastian said as he stepped forward, straightening his robes. “We shall begin our suggestions with the lovely Dazallan of Ciramir,” he said, bowing away slightly as one of his advisers stood.

Dazallan of Ciramir

Dazallan stood to address the audience and their dark master. Despite the bright lights of the stage, his face remained shadowed by the red hood of his robe that remained up, two large horns protruding from the rear. The robe flowed behind him, showing the dark red skin of his torso and legs, his body exposed save for a strap of read beaded fabric around his waist that knotted in the front to flow down to the floor between his legs.

“Those who know the games know a gradual build is the key to success, nobody needs a first round that’s impossible to follow,” the demonic figure said confidently, the light glistening  from his fangs as he spoke. “Grant’s own celibacy is potentially his own downfall today, as all it will take is a slow and gradual push of his own sexual frustrations to leave him with a day full of misfortune. My proposal is simply to make the unwitting human, and those around him, increasingly aroused until he finally… pops! Make of that what you will!” With that, he turned and swept back to his seat.

“Direct and to the point. A typical Ciramirian,” Master Sebastian said, then turned to nod gently as he added, “And I do mean that as the greatest compliment!” He got a nod in return. “Next, for your consideration, we offer up the one I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for, Buth’Taloz, Bringer of Ruin!” the young Master called out, then looked back as he bowed away and said, “Show ‘em what you’ve got, Buth!”

The renowned Demon stood and strode to centre stage, pausing briefly to smile round at his Team Faularry opponents. “A man with a long way to fall makes an easy target, but the true challenge comes not from revealing what is there, but in orchestrating that which is not, for our own entertainment!” he explained, holding a moment to let his words sink in with the spectating audience.

“In this modern day of internet search histories and embarrassing private, one needs to get a little… creative in orchestrating a truly humiliating moment. It’s also wise to learn from those around you and thusly I propose to borrow from Lord Zorren’s repertoire and manipulate probability a little. I intend to orchestrate a completely and utterly innocent moment that looks anything but innocent. Something Grant will struggle to explain and not live down for many years to come!” Buth’Taloz explained. Giving a gentle bow to the master, he returned to his seat.

“As you can see, we’re not giving much away, but with expertise like this, you know it will be an enjoyable show,” Master Sebastian said airily. “And finally, I present… Dave… the Demon!” he said, with a smile, still unsure what to make of the unassuming figure.

“I wish I’d gone first,” Dave said casually as he stood up without moving from his spot. “That’s the sort of thing Grant says quite a lot. Little wishes, little things he wants to improve his day. All I’m going to do is grant one of his wishes.” He paused for a moment as the crowd whispered briefly. “In fact, it’s this one!” he said, gesturing to the screen where the sound suddenly came on.

Grant was standing in his classroom, shaking his head slightly at the unruly mob before him. With a hearty sigh, he mumbled, “God, I wish these guys would actually pay as much attention to me as they do their phones!”

“What could POSSIBLY go wrong with that?!” Dave said dryly with a broad grin before he sat down.

“Splendid,” Esteban said as he returned to the stage. “Thank you, Master Sebastian and the rest of Team Trauxity. It certainly looks like Grant’s in for an interesting time! Voting will now open, so cast your votes and we’ll be back shortly with… The Humiliation of Grant Evans!”


Naked Justice

Besides the great introduction I like today's volunteer Grant. And Dazillan is a very inspiring and sexy demon.