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Round 1 of The Humiliation Games began with the three demonic advisors for Team Faularry making their suggestions on humiliating their first victim, Edward Craven.

Part 1 Voting Results

1. Have Edward’s nightmare become reality and turn a day at work into the worst day of his life – 9%

2. Have a series of unlikely events lead to Edward accidentally exposing himself publicly – 36%

3. Have other gym users give in to their jealousy and abuse, expose and humiliate Edward – 55%

Please note: All photos are AI created and are not real people. Nobody was harmed in the depiction of this story or creation of any images.

Part 2

“Well there we have it, ladies and gentlemen,” Esteban said as the voting closed. “Well, demons and gentlemen, but same thing, am I right, fellas?” The comment got laughs mostly from the human men in the audience. “Voting is officially closed on round one of The Humiliation Games and it seems our winner, and offering up the very first humiliation on behalf of Team Faularry we have… Tharukan of the Sinisterium. Watch out Edward, things are about to get… sinister!”

Tharukan rose to his feet and with a gesture, the display showing Edward Craven sped up, blurring through his day until he approached the gym. “My Lord,” he said, turning to face The Terror, “I present for your viewing pleasure… The Humiliation of Edward Craven!” His eyes glowed red for just a moment as all attention turned to the human on screen.

“Fuck’s sake,” Edward growled as he slammed the locker, shaking his head at his phone. “What’s the fuckin’ point of having three of ‘em if none of them are ever free for a fuck!” he muttered to himself as he wandered out into the gym.

For the last couple of months, having plateaued in his gains, Edward’s workouts had started with a dose of Sildenafil (a.k.a. Viagra), the latest in his fad ideas to help put off what felt like an inevitable move towards steroids. It was a move of slight desperation, driven largely by the occasional comments on his workout videos and live feeds about not seeing much improvement despite his claims of progress. The drug seemed to be helping, for now at least, but it did bring other side effects that could be enjoyable… if any of his three regular sexual partners was actually free!

Heading through the gym, Edward found some solace in the fact that his frustration could at least be channelled into his workout, which he intended to record for posting online soon. He began, as always, with his ‘show’ workout, the one where he still looked pretty, energetic and could put on a good show. The actual workout would follow after, when he could sweat, complain and quit whenever he felt like it without the judgmental bastards online having anything to say about it.

The free weight area was busier than usual, which only added to Edward’s frustration. He pulled a bench aside, finding a spot where he could record while showing himself from both the front and the back thanks to the mirrored wall, then started gathering the supplies he needed for his fake workout.

Just as he was positioning his camera, Edward heard from behind him, “You using those?”

He turned to see another man looking at the large pile of weights strewn around the bench. He rolled his eyes at the other man and huffed, “Obviously!”

The man recoiled slightly but didn’t say anything back. Instead, he just turned to move away, muttering under his breath.

Starting the recording, Edward got up and sat on the bench with a weight in one hand and smiled at the camera as he started, “Alright Eddites, it’s your boy Eddie here with today’s workout. Today I’m gonna be focusing on…” He paused as someone walked across behind him and muttered under his breath, “Ugh, for fuck’s sake!” Rolling his eyes, he waited for the other man to get out of shot and tried again.

On the second attempt, Edward managed to get through his introduction and first set of exercises before he had to stop again, this time because someone walked between him and the camera. “Excuse you!” he growled at the man who was already walking away.

On Edward went, gradually working through getting what he needed. He had hoped to get a single quick run-through that he could post unedited, but the constant interruptions meant he would have to do a lot more editing, though as he neared the end of the routine he figured he didn’t have much else to do with his night aside from a wank of the inevitable erection that the drug would bring. On the bright side, his continued annoyance had prevented him from popping a boner during his workout. As much as a sizeable bulge made for an excellent thirst trap, Eddie was still shy about that particular part of his body, if not the rest.

Just as he was trying to finish the ending for the video, someone walked behind him once again. “FOR FUCK’S SAKE! CAN’T YOU SEE I’M RECORDING?” he snarled at the other man.

“This is a fucking gym, not a studio you vapid twat!” the man snapped back at him. “You wanna make your stupid fucking videos without anyone else around, then fuck off somewhere else!” He was an imposing figure, sporting the kind of muscles Edward coveted himself. Clad in dark blue shorts and a pale blue tank top, his bulging pecs, strong vein-covered arms and broad shoulders glistened with a slight sheen of sweat. His angular jaw was adorned with a neatly-trimmed heavy stubble while his heavy brow was furrowed as he looked at Edward.

Edward jumped to his feet, puffing out his chest as he realised the man was bigger than him. “Fuck you, I can record where I want, and I should be able to do it without pathetic, loser nobodies like you fuckin’ up my shots!”

The man stared back at him and just for the briefest moment, there was a slight flash of red in his eyes. “You think I’m a nobody cos I can actually work out without needing some likes and comments? Get a fucking life you pathetic cunt!”

By now the altercation had begin drawing attention, with other men gathering round.

“Whoever owns this mess might wanna come rein your boy in before he ends up on his back,” Edward said derisively, hoping someone actually would intervene. Tough as he knew he was, this guy looked like a real threat.

“Yeah, ease up Loz,” another guy stepping forward from the gathering crowd.

“Stay outta this,” Loz snapped back at him.

“Aww, boyfriend here to save you,” Edward taunted, knowing that provoking them was a bad idea but too proud to simply back down now.

The other man looked to Edward as a flash of red in his eyes flickered momentarily before he replied, “Yeah, you fucking wish. Go back to your OnlyFans, wanker!”

The comment got some laughs from the spectators, which only riled Edward more. “It’s Instagram!” Edward snapped back, but blushed heavily as he realised how pathetic it sounded, a feeling accentuated by more laughs from the crowd. For just a moment, Edward could have sworn he saw a faint red aura around them, but put it down to the Sildenafil or his own fury.

“I think this Insta-twat needs a fucking lesson in gym etiquette!” the second man said with a snigger. Alone he wasn’t overly menacing, but alongside the other man, with the baying crowd as back-up, he managed to look a little intimidating. His muscles weren’t quite as pronounced as Loz’s, but he still sported a physique most guy aspired to, every curve of his muscles contrasting the pale brown of his skin against the harsh reflection of the gym’s lights. Dressed in a bright green tank top and boldly short navy shorts, his smooth thighs were trunk-like, the living embodiment of ‘not skipping leg day’.

“Nev,” Loz said with a wicked grin, “You read my fucking mind!”

“You guys ain’t showing em anything!” Edward said, feeling his nerve beginning to slip as the crowd closed in around him.

Crowd may have been a generous term for it. There can’t have been more than a dozen guys, with a few more watching casually from further across the gym, but standing alone in the centre the group felt much larger to Edward.

“Maybe this’ll help!” another guy from the group said, stepping forward to snatch up Edward’s phone.

Panicking, Edward jumped forward to try and snatch it back, but tripped over one of the many weights strewn around him and flopped down onto the bench as the phone was handed to Nev.

“Hold him!” Nev said, nodding at Edward who was in the process of getting back up to the sound of laughter.

Loz stepped forward as he said, “Sy, grab him!”

Edward tried to move, but the two men were on him quickly, shoving him back down to sit on the bench, his arms twisted up behind his back. He felt the two men pressed against him, one on either side. He could feel the slight bulge of Loz’s dick against his shoulder but tried to ignore it. “GET OFFA ME!” Edward snapped as he struggled against them.

Sy leaned and whispered, “Hey!” He gave a charming smile as Edward looked at him nervously. He was a similar build to Nev, dressed similarly but in a white tank top as opposed to the other man’s bright green. His skin was a darker brown while his full lips made his smile all the more alluring.

Edward gasped as he saw the attractive young man up close, staring wide eyes and momentarily silent. He could smell him too, a mix of fresh sweat and body spray, with a hint of coffee of sweetness on his breath.

“If you speak without us telling you, or shout, or scream, or anything…” Sy whispered, “You’ll be getting gagged, and I’ll be doing it with one of my own sweaty socks. Is that what you want?”

Edward’s eyes almost bulged out of his head at the comment. It wasn’t so much the threat, intimidating as it was, it was more the fact he knew he would likely enjoy having that done to him. He felt a slight twitch in his shorts but just nodded back to Sy, focusing on mentally holding back what now felt inevitable.

“Oh. Ah shit, man,” Nev said with a huge grin, having been looking through the phone as the crowd gathered closer again and Edward was threatened into silence. “Who wants to hear his most recent conversation?” he called out, getting an immediate cheer in response.

“No!” Edward whined, but the noise quickly stopped as he felt his arm pulled further up his back, sending a shooting pain into his shoulder.

“So this is with a guy in his phone as ‘Brad’,” Nev said with a smirk. He looked to Edward and asked, “Who’s Brad?” As Edward just stared back at him, trembling, Nev shook his head and said, “It’s okay, I’ll find out!” He tapped away for a few moments and seemingly found what he was looking for. Looking at Edward knowingly for a moment he shook his head and said, “Wow, you’re a naughty boy, aren’t you, Eddie?”

“Ah come, don’t do this!” Edward pleaded.

“Oh we’re doing this, you colossal douchebag! We are SO doing this!” Nev said disapprovingly. “So, Eddie’s conversation with Brad starts with lil Eddie asking if he’s free tonight. Sadly, Brad says he’s not. He’s out with Rachel!” He looked to the crowd and said, “That’s Brad’s girlfriend, it seems!” He looked back to the phone and grinned as he said, “Eddie’s reply to that… and this is word for word… ‘Please, I’m SO horny and getting no action from Jade or Sarah!’ I wonder who they might be. One moment!”

The crowd let out a series of oohs, gasps, taunts and laughs as Nev checked the phone.

“Wow, naughty was an understatement!” Nev said as he smirked at a distraught Eddie. “Anyway, Brad was having none of it and tells Eddie ‘maybe another time’, so lil Ed replies… again, his words, ‘Please Daddy. You can do whatever you want to me!’ Wow, daddy. Now that’s embarrassing!”

“I was… I was joking!” Edward insisted as the crowd continued laughing.

“Yeah, based on the rest of your conversations with Brad, you REALLY weren’t joking!” Nev said with a derisive smirk. He stepped forward and moved round behind Edward, standing between Loz and Sy. He quickly whispered something to each of them, getting a gentle gasp followed by a laugh.

“Oh, so here’s the deal, Eddie,” Loz said as he leaned down to place his lips close enough to almost brush Edward’s ear. “You’re gonna do everything we tell you, otherwise we tell everyone here about who Brad is, about BOTH of your affairs, about you fucking around with your own sister’s boyfriend and after that, we tell your sister and your girlfriend too!”

“No, please,” Edward pleaded.

“Just do as you’re told and we don’t have to tell anyone anything… or share any of this to your Instagram!” Loz whispered menacingly.

“Fine, fine, just… just don’t tell anyone!” Edward replied, flinching as he looked at the rabid crowd watching.

“Sweet,” Loz said with a smirk. He stood up and addressed the group as he said, “Lil Ed’s gonna put on a show for us all as an apology for being such an inconsiderate member of this gym. Anyone who doesn’t wanna see a grown man totally humiliate himself can fuck off now!” He paused for a moment as nobody moved and said, “Nobody? Excellent! Come on then Ed, up you get!”

Edward was released and for a brief moment he considered running, but aside from the fact he would be immediately caught, Nev still had his phone and could easily follow through on the threats. Taking a breath he stood up and looked round at the three men.

“Clothes off,” Loz said firmly, stoney faced as he ordered the humiliating task.

“Wh… what…” Edward gasped. “No, please!”

“Fine, Nev, call Jade!” Loz instructed.

“Fuck. Fine!” Edward said as he grabbed his tank top and peeled it off, tossing it down onto the bench. “Happy now?” he asked angrily.

“Did anyone hear me say ‘just take you shirt off’?” Loz asked the crowd, getting a cheer of no’s in response. “I thought so. You fucking heard me, cunt. Off. Now!”

“Fuck,” Edward muttered as he reached down and slid his shorts down to his ankles, very conscious of the fact that bending over stretched the fabric of his briefs over his butt as it pointed at the amused audience. He stood back up, blushing as he stood now wearing just white briefs and trainers. He paused for a moment, hoping it would be enough but an eyebrow raise from Loz made it clear he had to continue.

“Hold up!” Sy said as he saw Edward grab the waistband of his underwear. “Look at that!” he said, pointing to Edward’s crotch.

“Ah, too good. Maybe he thinks you’re his daddy!” Nev said, elbowing Loz as he laughed.

“Fucking perv!” Loz laughed. “Turn round, let the others see!” he instructed.

Edward let out a whine but complied, turning round to reveal the unmistakeable bulge of an erection in his underwear.

“Fuck!” “He’s enjoying this!” “Perv!” “Kinda hot!” “Who’s your daddy?” the audience taunted at the sight of the reluctantly aroused young man.

As Edward stood facing the group, the other three moved round to join them, so they could all enjoy the same sight as Loz said, “Okay, carry on!”

Edward stared down at the ground, cheeks burning as his cock felt like it got harder. Taking a deep breath, he reached into his pants, cupped his balls in one hand and put his dick behind his wrist as he shoved the underwear down with his other hand. “Happy now?” he demanded as he stood up, moving his other hand to help cover his crotch.

“Move the hands!” “Don’t cover up!” “Hands by your sides!” “Boooo!” the crowd cheered at him.

“You heard them,” Loz sniggered.

“Fuck you all,” Edward muttered as he dropped his hands to his side.

There was an almighty cheer as the group got an unobstructed view of the naked young man as he stood before them. Edward’s body was certainly one most would admire, and despite his own desires to continue ‘improving’ it, he already had the sort of physique most guys could dream of, with defined abs, sporting pert nipples, speckled with the occasional hair and abs that still showed even without flexing. His penis was the part he was least proud of, due to its distinct averageness. He wasn’t overly thick or long, though that’s not to say it was small. It was a perfectly adequate size, but in a world of ‘bigger is better’, average is never enough. It stood out from his body, pointing straight ahead at the crowd. He wished it pointed up more, he always felt it didn’t look quite so good compared to others, like it was some kind of commentary on his ability to get hard or please someone because it wasn’t pointing straight up.

“Are we done now?” Edward asked, trying to ignore the fact he was torn between bursting into tears and ejaculating over the way he was being controlled.

“Jesus, I know you’re not the brightest, but even you can see where this is going, can’t you?” Sy asked with a snigger.

“Seriously? Come on. You don’t need to do that!” Edward frowned, shaking his head disapprovingly.

“No, but you do! Come on, knock one out for ‘daddy’, little boy!” Loz said patronisingly.

Edward knew he really didn’t have a choice if he wanted to keep his secrets from being shared with the people in his life… or worse, with his followers. And yet, part of him didn’t want to object anyway. Part of the thrill he got from his time with Brad was the submissiveness, a side of himself he never explored with the many women he’d fucked over the years. It just never felt right, a woman in charge, yet when things happened with Brad it had become apparent very quickly that he loved to serve, and obey. Furious as he was with the three men and their amused spectators, obeying them like this was strangely exciting, even if it was absolutely mortifying.

“Fine, fuck it, fine!” Edward huffed as he took hold of his dick. He had never felt himself quite so hard. The Sildenafil usually made sure his already-eager erections were rock hard, but this felt like a new level of hardness as he wrapped his fingers around the shaft. He had been horny all day, hoping to hook up after work, and that arousal was becoming both obvious and problematic. He had barely given himself a dozen strokes when he felt the exciting tightness in his crotch that indicated he was close to release.

“Hmm, something’s not right,” Nev said thoughtfully. “Oh, I know. On your knees!” he instructed.

Edward stared back as he gulped. He was already naked and masturbating for a crowd of strangers. Did they REALLY need to keep making it worse? The only thing more annoying than his own compliance with the instruction was the throb on his dick from doing so. Dropping to his knees, he paused for a moment, holding back so he didn’t cum too quickly. It felt torturous to be dragging it out, but he was still early enough into the wank that an ejaculation now would be considered premature. That sort of embarrassment really was something he was keen to avoid, especially with a dozen people watching.

“Hey, he’s got a free hand,” one of the spectators said as he leaned closer to the three ringleaders. “Any ideas?”

“Oh, plenty!” Loz sniggered.

“But let’s keep it simple,” Nev added. “Hey, lil Ed, two fingers up your butt now!” he ordered. As he saw Edward stare back in shock he waved the phone and said, “And don’t tell me you can’t take it, cos I got proof right here of EXACTLY what you can take!”

“God,” Edward whimpered as he raised his free hand to his mouth. Sucking on his fingers hadn’t been ordered, but without lubrication, his own saliva was the best he could come up with. Holding his dick with his other hand, appreciating the excuse to stop stroking for a moment, he reached back and pressed the fingers against his hole. He felt slight relief at the fact they couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, then realised the mirrored wall behind him.

The crowd were cheering wildly as Edward began to finger himself, watching his reflection as the digits pushed inside him.

“Oh fuck,” Edward grunted as he got carried away and actually poked at his prostate, he felt precum oozing down his shaft. He didn’t need to actually pleasure himself with the fingers, he just had to look like he was, but he had been so caught up in the feeling that he almost couldn’t stop himself now. Poking at his prostate, his jaw dropped slightly as he began to gasp and moan, his erection still gripped motionlessly in his other hand. “Oh god, oh god, fuck… fuck… he panted as he edged.

“How does it feel, Eddie?” Sy called out.

“So… good!” Edward replied without thinking, cheeks burning as the spectators cheered and laughed.

“Do you wanna cum for us, little boy?” Loz asked loudly.

“Yes, please sir, please let me!” Edward gasped, too caught up in the moment to realise he didn’t actually need permission.

“Whadda we say guys? Can he cum yet?” Loz shouted out.

“YEAH!” the crowd cheered as one.

“Ah, thank you. Thank you,” Edward gasped. He gave his erection less than a dozen quick strokes before he let out a high-pitched whimper and began to spray the floor ahead of him with long streaks of thick spunk, stroking eagerly as he felt one of the most intense orgasms of his life. His balls ached from the explosive release as his hole clenched repeatedly around his probing finger. “Oh my god,” he gasped as he finally stopped cumming. Pulling his fingers out and releasing his still-hard prick, he stared down at the ground, gasping to catch his breath.

The crowd was going wild still, laughing and cheering and taunting the naked young man as he came down from the release.

“Hey, this was all about gym etiquette,” Loz said with a smirk. “And we know it’s always good manners to clean up after yourself. So clean up your mess, boy!”

Edward looked round for the nearest cleaning station.

“Nuh-uh, not like that!” Loz said, shaking his head as Edward looked at him in dismay. “You KNOW how I mean!”

Edward stared at the muscular man. He knew he should say no, he knew he should resist, he… knew he wanted to do it. Fuck! He leaned down and lapped up the small puddle in front of him that had formed from the final few drops of his ejaculation as the crowd’s noises changed to a mix of repulsion and amusement at the humiliating act.

Doing his best to ignore the taunts, dry-heaving and laughter, Edward worked his way along the floor, lapping up his own spunk. As he got to the final drop, he found himself at the feet of his three tormentors. Looking up at them teary-eyed with remnants of spunk around his mouth, Edward had never felt more pathetic.

“We’ll leave your clothes in the locker room,” Loz said, shaking his head in disgust. “Clean up your mess then you’re free to go!” he said, gesturing to the weights Edward had been using.

And just like that, it seemed to be over. The crowd began to disperse as Loz, Nev and Sy grabbed Edward’s clothes and headed for the locker room.

It was strange that putting the weights away naked while the other gym users returned to their usual workouts actually felt more exposing than pleasuring himself in front of them. It was the normality of their actions compared to the differentness of his own that made it seem strange. Soon enough, he had things back in place and hurried off to the locker room.

He had expected his clothes to be gone, or for the three men to be waiting for him, but he found his clothes folded on a bench with his phone on top and no sign of the tormentors. Edward was quite relieved it was over, until he saw his phone screen was lit up, a series of notifications coming in one after the other. It appeared to be Instagram comments.

What a show!

Is he starting an OnlyFans?

Did he mean to post this?

I thought he’d be bigger.

Damn dude that’s embarrassing.

That was hot!!

With a sudden wave of panic, Edward went to his Instagram and found himself looking at a video of himself on his knees, fingering himself as he ejaculated, presumably with the clean up to follow, based on the length of the video. Desperately fumbling to find the delete button, the video suddenly disappeared and a message popped up saying his account had been deleted for sharing explicit content. Not locked, gone. While it was a slight mercy that the video was gone, he now had no idea if anyone had saved it, or who else might have seen it, but before he could worry too much he saw the text messages.


His sister had sent, [You slept with my boyfriend? Please tell me these screenshots are faked!]

There were other messages. Ones from Brad, who had been similarly dumped. Ones from his manager, insisting they need to talk after some content she had been sent. Messages from Sarah, breaking up with him having found herself in similar trouble with their manager. Everything in his life had gone to hell in a single moment.

“Fuck!” he whimpered as he dropped his phone back onto the pile of discarded clothes.


“Ugh, epic stuff!” Esteban called out as the screen faded out on Edward. “Tharukan of the Sinisterium, demons and gentlemen!” he called out, bowing to the demon who had orchestrated the unwitting human’s humiliation.

The crowd applauded for Tharukan who returned to this throne, getting a smile from Master Ezekiel for what he felt was a good first round. Even The Terror gave a slight smile at the humiliation he had just witnessed.

“And now, we’ll be back with our next victim and Team Trauxity’s first humiliation. Stay with us as The Humiliation Games continue after this short break!” Esteban called out to the appreciative audience.

Be back here Wednesday for Part 3 and the voting for the next humiliaton...


Naked Justice

Great story. I'd really have liked to watch Edward's humiliation live in the gym and am really curious how his life and his relationship with Brad will continue, how he will be treated the next time at the gym and how he can top this satisfaction from being humiliated. Although you told us that you won't share explicit illustrations, I try to imagine cute Edward in only his briefs with his hard-on poking - and of course stark naked.

Stories by Matt

Yes, would have been fun to see Edward's humiliation... in theory at least. I'll have to leave Edward to your imagination. I may do naughtier pictures one day, but for now I'll stick with the writing lol