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Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 1

  • 1. Have Edward’s nightmare become reality and turn a day at work into the worst day of his life 1
  • 2. Have a series of unlikely events lead to Edward accidentally exposing himself publicly 4
  • 3. Have other gym users give in to their jealousy and abuse, expose and humiliate Edward 6
  • 2023-02-01
  • —2023-02-11
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'Interactive Story - The Humiliation Games - Part 1', 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tHave Edward’s nightmare become reality and turn a day at work into the worst day of his life', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '2.\tHave a series of unlikely events lead to Edward accidentally exposing himself publicly', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '3.\tHave other gym users give in to their jealousy and abuse, expose and humiliate Edward', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 11, 16, 55, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 1, 14, 10, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


“And we begin, as one would expect… with round one!” Esteban declared, now that they had the permission of his spectating master to formally begin.

As Esteban waved his hands into the air, the wall behind him shimmered. The audience stared in anticipation as the huge screen appeared, depicting a man going about his business, blissfully unaware of the people and Demons watching him. Alongside it, a picture and biography appeared.

Volunteer Profile Reference HG242-01 - Edward Craven

“Our first… volunteer,” Esteban said, smirking as he finally managed to avoid calling him a victim, “Is this fine gentleman!” He gestured to the screen as he stood back and began the introduction. “Edward Craven is twenty-four-year-old Plebicile who hails from the Portsmouth in the South of England. By day, he works in real estate where he doesn’t let a petty thing like morals get in the way of a good commission.”

The crowd sat watching Edward on screen. He was an attractive young man, which likely helped with his professional ‘achievements’, as he was currently dressed in a white shirt with black pinstripes that was so fitted he looked at risk of ripping out of it at any moment, revealing the impressive physique beneath. His sleeves were rolled up and his tie was loosened below an open top button. His sandy brown hair was impeccably styled, while his jaw bore a slight hint of stubble, emphasising his charming smile.

“Outside of work, Edward can be found at the gym no less than six times a week and he seems to be under the impression that ‘going to the gym a lot’ constitutes an actual personality,” Edward continued, smirking a little. “Edward has a substantial social media following for his exercise and health routines. He currently has a girlfriend who he has been dating for five months, but he also has two other frequent sexual partners on the side, one being a female co-worker from his office and the other… his own sister’s boyfriend! Edward is bisexual, obviously, but not out. Even his girlfriend has no idea of his sexual proclivities, nor of his activities with his other two partners.”

The latest bit of information got the audience whispering to each other.

“More specific details will be made available to Team Faularry as Edward will be theirs to torment, but for now that’s as much as you need to know,” Esteban explained. “Team Faularry, you now have five minutes to confer or plot individually if you so wish before you will be required to present your ideas to the audience! So start the timer!”

As Esteban gestured once again, Edward remained on-screen, but with a five-minute timer overlaid, already counting down. Another picture of the unwilling volunteer scrolled across the screen.

Volunteer File Photo 02 - Ref: HG242-01 - Edward Craven

Watching Master Ezekiel and his three Demonic advisors huddle up, Team Trauxity exchanged glances.

“Really Esteban,” Dave said shaking his head as the host stood close to them. “A cheating closet case. You guys used to give us a challenge!”

“I don’t know, looks like a trap to me,” Buth’Taloz interjected, shaking his head. “His life’s already a house of cards ready to tumble. It’s low-hanging fruit. They’re testing ‘em to see if they’ll take the easy option!”

“No comment,” Esteban sniggered.

“So what would you do, Lord Buth’Taloz?” Sebastian asked casually. “If this was our turn, I mean!”

Buth’Taloz looked Master Sebastian up and down, sizing him up for a moment before he declared, “You may call me Buth.” He got a smile and gracious nod in return. “And personally I’d go for the job. Definitely the biggest reputational damage there and takes away his livelihood, which may in turn bring down the rest. I’m thinking trick him into some kind of impropriety while working, perhaps an attractive young customer with his wife who tempts him into a compromising situation.”

“Interesting,” Sebastian said with a nod.

“Great minds think alike,” Dazallan sniggered, nodding to Buth’Taloz, clearly thinking along the same lines.

Sebastian frowned slightly. The aim was to present three different ideas to the crowd. Based on his studies of past Humiliation Games, he knew the best support always came from a crowd that was lively and engaged. When every vote was a clean sweep, people got bored. He looked to Dave and just got a smirk back. He didn’t need to ask to know that the mysterious human-looking Demon would be keeping his cards close to his chest.

As the timer got close to the end, Esteban called out, “Ten seconds to go, Team Faularry!” They watched the timer count down to zero and then disappear from screen, leaving it showing Edward as he worked. “So let’s hear your options then!”

“This’ll be good,” Buth’Taloz said, looking genuinely eager to hear the opposition.

“Thank you, Esteban,” Master Ezekiel said with a polite nod, then looked to The Terror (praise be unto him) and began, “Team Faularry has conferred and we have put together some truly wonderful ideas to get the games off to a flying start. First, let’s hear from Lord Gokothon!”

Gokothon stood and looked briefly back at the screen before turning to face the audience. “A simple man with a simple nightmare!” he declared confidently. “I propose to turn a day at work into the worst day of Edward’s life and expose all of his dirty little secrets!”

“A good start,” Master Ezekiel said confidently. “Next, I present Lord Zorren!”

Zorren stood, getting the usual applause his reputation attracted. “I have glanced down the weaving paths that sit ahead for our young Mr Craven and a unique opportunity presents itself shortly, one that will see the entire… house of cards…” he paused to smile in Buth’Taloz’s direction as he used the exact description the other Demon had just used, then continued, “… come tumbling down around him in the most beautifully spectacular manner. A simple act of self-gratification is all it will take for Mr Craven to bring about his own downfall! My proposal is that we have Edward a discrete moment of private sexual relief become… substantially less private!”

“How wonderfully cryptic!” Master Ezekiel said, smiling as the saw the audience intrigued to see how the probability manipulator would pull it off. “And finally, Lord Tharukan!”

“Ah yes a human gym, a veritable hothouse of fiery tempers, steroid-induced rage and repressed homosexuality,” Tharukan said with a snigger. “One might think it a slightly easy target for someone of my skill, but we’re just getting started and it feels like too good an opportunity to pass up. My proposal is to have other slightly more… jealous members of Edward’s gym turn against him to humiliate him in the most explicit of ways!”

“Splendid,” Master Ezekiel said, looking pleased with his opening round. “So gentlemen of the audience, I put it you now to choose. Lord Gokothon’s proposal manifest Edward’s naked nightmare into reality, Lord Zorren’s proposal to expose Edward’s many secrets or Lord Tharukan’s proposal to have other gym users turn on Edward to humiliate him publicly! Place your votes now please!”

Volunteer File Photo 03 - Ref: HG242-01 - Edward Craven

Reminder - Art will not be explicit, please do not expect a fully illustrated story or explicit images. Characters are shown to help improve imagery only!


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