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Welcome all to The Humiliation Games. As you may have seen from my previous poll (thanks for voting as always), I'm trying something a bit different this time. Let me be clear upfront that the sex and humiliations in this story are based entirely around regular guys in modern, everyday life (with a little mystical stuff thrown in). The stuff in the introduction and the ones pulling the strings aren't involved in the sex/humiliations directly, so please don't let that put you off... in short, nobody's getting fucked by a demon or fingered by a tentacle!! :)

Now onto how the story will work this time. Every Wednesday, there will be a short part posted which will introduce the next 'volunteer' in The Humiliation Games as well as offering the options on exactly how they will be humiliated. Voting will remain open until Saturday, with the chosen humiliation story being posted on Sunday. This way I still get to post content twice a week, but I can plan ahead more and put more focus onto the humiliation side of things!

You may also notice occasional pictures popping up. Obviously this is a new feature and I currently have no intention to start including explicit pictures. All art is original (but AI-created, so I'm not taking full credit for them, I just write the prompts) and it is my hope that it helps add to the experience. I welcome any feedback on it.

For now, on with the introduction. Part 1 (with the first vote) will also be posted today, so you can get straight into deciding how The Humiliation Games will begin.

Thanks all


The Humiliation Games - Prologue

The room darkened, as if something were sucking the very light out of the air, darkness pulling in and gathering into a single point for a brief moment before bursting outwards with a loud ‘POOF’ and a cloud of black smoke. As the smoke dissipated and light returned to the room, a large figure stepped forth and declared in a deep, gravelly voice, “Gokothon, the Black Dread has arrived!”

“Mmmm-huh,” the young, blonde man sat behind the counter hummed without looking up at first. As he eventually put down his pen and glanced at the figure, he raised a single eyebrow, then reached to the front of the counter and tapped on a large, open book. “Please sign in,” he requested flatly, then glanced down and straightened out his nametag, bearing the name ‘Jeremiah’.

Jeremiah, the Receptionist

The new arrival stood just under seven foot tall, with skin the colour of granite, two large horns and glowing eyes, making him an intimidating figure. He was dressed in an armoured breechcloth, large spiked pauldrons, elbow-length gauntlets, and knee-high boots, with a glowing red gauntlet hanging round his neck, resting against a chest that looked almost chiselled from stone. He stepped forward and scowled at the indifferent young man, then growled, “I am Gokothon, the Black Dread!”

“Very good,” Jeremiah said, not flinching. “You can put that part in the 'name' column!” he said a little sarcastically.

The light once again seemed to be sucked out of the room as Goko’thon seemed to swell, towering up to eight feet, his eyes glowing as he bellow, “Gokothon does not SIGN IN!”

Jeremiah sighed heartily as he folded his arms on the counter and peered up at the ‘terrifying’ demonic figure. “Every time,” he muttered, shaking his head. “EVERYONE signs in, though if you’d like to speak to my manager, I’m happy to call him in. You may have heard of him – The Terror!”

Gokothon stared at Jeremiah for a moment and asked, “The Terror? As in… THE Terror?”

“How many ‘The Terror’s do you know?” Jeremiah asked, straight-faced.

“Oh!” Gokothon grunted, then immediately shrank back down to his original size, potentially even a little smaller as he picked up the pen and started writing. “Umm… what do I put for car registration if I came by teleportation?” he asked, looking at Jeremiah questioningly.

“You can just leave that blank,” Jeremiah said, rolling his eyes a little. “Would you like your full name on your tag, or just Gokothon?” he asked as he prepared the nametag for the latest arrival. “Or is it Mister The Black Dread?” he asked a little sarcastically.

Gokothon growled gently but replied, “Just Gokothon is fine!”

“Wonderful,” Jeremiah said as he briefly cast his eyes over the sign-in book. He handed over the nametag and said, “Thank you very much, Gokothon, and welcome to The Humiliation Games!”


“Gentlemen, if I can have your attention please!”

Everyone in the room turned to face the man who had just appeared on the raised platform at one end of the room (appeared from a doorway, not out of thin air like some of the guests had).

“My name is Esteban,” the man introduced himself, “And I will be your host and master of ceremonies for the duration of the games. If you could all please take your assigned seats.” He was a charming looking man, who simply oozed charisma, dressed in a smart suit with his jet black hair perfectly styled and a confident grin spread across his face. The top couple of buttons of his shirt were open, revealing a hint of dark hair over pectoral cleavage, hinting at the impressive physique beneath.

Esteban, the Host

The large group casually complied with the hosts request and headed towards the seating area. A large section at the front was sectioned off with six ‘thrones’ sat inside it, while the rest of the area was regular, if slightly lavish, seating.

The audience was made up of a large number of men, while five looming demonic figures roamed amongst them, all of whom headed for the cordoned off ‘Demons Only’ area. As the thrones were filled, a diminutive looking man followed them in and took the sixth seat.

“Read the sign, HUMAN,” Gokothon growled. “Demons only!”

The man gave a coy grin then looked to one of the other demons and said, “You can always spot the new ones, can’t you!”

As Gokothon looked ready to attack at the obvious sleight, one of the other Demons raised a hand and said, “Relax, Goko, he’s good!”

“It’s Gokothon!” Gokothon snarled.

“Sure,” the other Demon chuckled.

Before any further fighting could break out, Esteban called out, “Welcome, welcome all and thank you for joining us at this, the two hundred and forty second Humiliation Games! Ah, it barely seems like yesterday we were here for the first games, am I right?” It got a few titters from the crowd. “Now I see a few new faces this year, as well as a few old faces,” he went on, pausing for a laugh, “And even one LITERALLY new face!” he said, looking to one of the Demons.

“Well the last one got melted off!” the Demon replied with a shrug.

“Mmm-huh, just like the new nose last year was for ‘breathing problems’, right?” Esteban asked with a teasing wink, getting laughs from across the crowd. “Anyway, without further ado, let’s get things started, shall we!” he suggested.

There was a cheer from the crowd.

“Now I’m sure many of you Terrorholics are just DYING to see the main man, but he won’t be joining us until the first round begins. Before that, we have some explaining to do and a few introductions to make!” Esteban explained. “We should start by introducing this year’s sponsors, so please welcome to the stage… in no particular order… Master Ezekiel of the House of Faularry and Master Sebastian of the House of Trauxity.”

As two men stepped out onto stage, the human spectators cheered wildly while a couple of the Demons clapped politely. Master Ezekiel was a man in his late thirties, dressed in a dark grey suit that looked like it cost more than the GDP of some countries, covering an impressively muscular frame. He smiled with extreme confidence at his cheering fans and gave a respectful nod to the Demons as he stood at Esteban’s side.

To the other side, dressed in extravagant robes of deep purple decorated with silver embroidery, stood Master Sebastian. He looked to be in his late twenties, with round, narrow-framed glasses, a serene smile and a mess of blonde hair peeking out from beneath the hood of his robes. He bowed respectfully to the audience.

“So for those of you joining us for the first time, this is how it works. The Terror, praise be unto him,” Esteban started.

“Praise be unto him!” the humans interrupted.

“Indeed,” Esteban chuckled, “Anyway, every year, The Terror, praise be unto him…”

“Praise be unto him!” the humans interrupted again.

Esteban sighed as he shook his head. “Fine, then every year MY MASTER grants his blessing to one of the magical houses. For the past two-hundred-and-forty-two years, that favour has been granted to the winner of The Humiliation Games. This year, the houses of Faularry and Trauxity will be competing for the grand prize,” Esteban explained to the crowd.

“Each house will be given SIX opportunities to humiliate an unsuspecting and oblivious Plebicile,” Esteban paused to address the Demons directly as he added, “That’s what we call the non-magical humans!” He looked back to the rest of the crowd and continued, “As is tradition, humiliations will be inflicted courtesy of our Demonic guests who will shortly be divided into Team Faularry and Team Trauxity!”

The Demons began mumbling between themselves, seemingly discussing the merits of the two houses.

“And that is where you come in, my lovely audience,” Esteban said with a grin. “Each round, the next victim… umm… I mean, volunteer… will be introduced. Whichever House is due to go next will be allowed to put forward THREE suggestions for your consideration for the best way to humiliate out victim… ugh, volunteer, I don’t know WHY I keep doing that!” He got a knowing laugh from the audience. “The winning idea will be played out for our entertainment in real time. Once the humiliation is complete, we move on to the next turn. Once both houses have each inflicted ten humiliations, voting will open to determine scores and the House with the highest overall score will win the favour of The Terror, praise be unto him!”

“Praise be unto him!” the humans echoed back.

“Splendid,” Esteban said happily. “Now, it’s time to introduce our special guests so Masters Sebastian and Ezekiel can build their teams. Once again in no particular order, first up we have Buth’Taloz, Bringer of Ruin!”

As Esteban said the name, one of the demonic figures stood, presenting himself to both the two Master and the other humans in the audience.

“Buth’Taloz returns for his… thirty-second year, yes?” Esteban asked, looking at the Demon. As he got a nod back, he went on, “Buth’Taloz specializes in reputational ruin and loss. Ever seen someone who has it all, lose it all? Ever seen someone who had great potential, just to have it slip away in a shitstorm of humiliating revelations? That was likely the work of Buth’Taloz,” the host explained. He looked to the Demon and asked, “How’s Elon?”

“A work in progress,” Buth’Taloz replied with a snigger before he sat back down.

“Next up, a round of applause for Dazallan of Cirramir,” Esteban introduced the nest Demon who stood. “Always a popular and, dare I say… OBVIOUS choice at the games, Dazallan’s speciality is the enhancement of sexual desire and fetishism. Paired with his ability to repress inhibitions, it has led to some… truly graphic encounters in past games. Am I right?”

Dazallan chuckled as he nodded and replied, “I can’t take credit for the shows, I simply put the fuel in the tank, the Plebiciles do the rest!”

“Modest as always,” Esteban said as the crowd applauded and Dazallan sat back in his throne. “And our third Demonic volunteer is Gokothon, the Black Dread who joins us tonight for his very first Humiliation Games!”

Gokothon, The Black Dread

Gokothon stood and glared round at the crowd. “I thought I was attending a public flaying, but if this is what The Terror desires, I’m happy to offer my services!” As he saw the humans staring at him expectantly, he let out a sigh and added, “Fine, praise be unto him!”

“Praise be unto him!” the humans chanted.

“Very good,” Esteban sniggered. “Gokothon is a real up-and-comer in the world of nightmare manifestation. Ever had a nightmare that ended up coming true? If so, it may well have been the work of Gokothon,” he explained, then looked to the Demon and said, “Welcome to the games!”

Gokothon nodded as he sat down.

“Our fourth Demon is none other than Humiliation Games legend himself, Zorren Zorrensokowicz!” Esteban said, pausing as the audience cheered wildly. Even the other Demons joined in, seemingly well aware of their peer’s infamy. “There really isn’t much to say about Zorren’s probably manipulation abilities. Let’s just say you should try to expect the unexpected when he’s involved!”

Zorren stood, nodded graciously and sat back down again.

Esteban waited a moment for the cheering to die down, then started, “Next up…”

“I am Tharukan of the Sinisterium!” the fifth Demon announced as he stood. “I would tell you mortals to fear me, but when I’m around it’s each other you TRULY need to fear!”

“Well,” Esteban said to the slightly shocked audience. “How unnecessarily dramatic,” he said slightly mockingly, “But completely true. The Sinisterium specialise in bringing out the darker thoughts and baser desires of Plebiciles and Tharukan is here for the first time this year to represent them. So, a big welcome to Tharukan!”

Tharukan remained standing for a few moments, basking in the applause before he sat back down.

“And that means last, but certainly not least…” Esteban said, gesturing to the man sitting amongst the Demons. “It’s… Dave!”

The crowd began to applause but stopped as the name sunk in. “Dave?” “That’s it?” Just… Dave?” The questions echoed round the room curiously, even a few of the other Demons looking amused or dismissive.

“I think someone’s selling me a little short!” Dave said as he stood. “Of course, it doesn’t sound impressive when you just say Dave. Everyone else got their full title!”

“Oh, of course!” Esteban said with a wry grin. “Then let me re-introduce…” he paused shaking his head as the audience watched expectantly. “Dave… the Demon!”

There was laughter around the room at the name. Gokothon and Tharukan both rumbled with low laughter at the human-looking figure.

“Amateurs,” Zorren said quietly to himself with a headshake as he watched the two overconfident, inexperienced newcomers.

“Well, now that introductions are out of the way,” Esteban continued. “It’s time to choose teams. We flipped a coin backstage before we started and Master Ezekiel won, so first choice goes to them!”

Master Ezekiel perused the six guests but took barely more than a few seconds before he announced, “We’ll be having Lord Zorren!”

Instantly, Zorren and his throne vanished and then reappeared at the back of the stage on Ezekiel’s side. “A sensible choice,” Zorren said with a solemn nod.

Master Sebastian hummed thoughtfully for a moment, then smiled and said, “We’ll take Lord Dazallan please!” Once again, his choice moved the Demon from the audience and up onto the stage behind him.

“Master Ezekiel, your second choice please!” Esteban prompted.

Ezekiel smiled wickedly as he looked down and said, “I think we could work well with Lord Tharukan’s abilities!” Instantly, the Demon was behind him.

“Wise choice,” Tharukan growled.

Sebastian looked at the remaining three and requested, “I’d like Lord Buth’Taloz please!” The fourth Demon joined team Trauxity.

“That leaves just Gokothon and… Dave!” Esteban said with a smirk.

“I swear I’ve manifested this nightmare for Plebiciles before,” Gokothon mumbled unhappily. “Though it’s usually in a PE lesson!”

“Give us Gokothon!” Ezekiel requested, saving the Demon from the shame of being chosen last. As Gokothon appeared behind him, he sniggered and said, “Or rather, DON’T give is DAVE!” While some of the audience laughed, he heard a dejected sign for Zorren behind him.

“Well that puts Dave… the Demon on team Trauxity!” Esteban finished as Dave vanished and reappeared alongside Dazallan and Buth’Taloz, smiling contentedly. “So, with teams selected we’re just about ready to begin round one but all that remains is to bring out the main man, the big cheese, the reason for the season, the name behind the game. Demons and gentlemen, it gives me the greatest of pleasures to introduce to you all… THE TERROR!”

As the crowd chanted, “PRAISE BE UNTO HIM!” the lights shut off. Right in the centre of the room a cloud of luminescent red smoke exploded out, accompanied by a loud crack. Within the faint glow, the shape of a large throne appeared, one of such grandeur that it made the six on stage look like they’d been picked up from the discount section of IKEA. Decorated with tortured humanoid figures carved from precious metals and glistening with exquisite gems, it was a show of pure decadence.

As the lights began to come back up, there was a collective hush as they same the figure sat within the magnificent throne – The Terror (praise be unto him!) Considering the five terrifying figures sitting on stage, the Demon they all seemed to respect, revere and fear was quite unassuming, though all who had heard of him before knew enough about him to fear his very presence.

“A good group this year,” The Terror stated, his voice carrying effortlessly though those hearing it could have sworn it was coming from inside their own head. “Shall we begin?”


Naked Justice

The prologue sounds very interesting. I like the pictures and hope to see all the guys with less clothing, soon. So I am looking forward to chapter 1.

Naked Justice

Btw. Where can I apply as volunteer?