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Greg yawned heavily as he stretched out on the bed. Beside him was the sound of heavy, rhythmic breathing of someone still asleep. He cautiously opened one eye and glanced at the clock… only to find it wasn’t there. With a gentle huff he looked the other way, still not used to sleeping in a room with a different layout. Closing his eye again, he rolled over and casually draped an arm over the sleeping body beside him.

Gentle as he was, he couldn’t help hoping he ‘accidentally’ woke the gently-snoring man. He was in the mood for some early-morning action, a desire only made stronger by the erection his hand rested upon. It seemed Ollie was having a particularly pleasant dream. Greg couldn’t help smiling at the prospect that he himself was in it. After all, the past four months had seen Greg playing out many of Ollie’s fantasies and crazy ideas.

As much as he wanted some fun, he knew how cranky Ollie could be when awoken early so he just lay there for a few minutes, enjoying the closeness. Greg’s mind started, as always, with what could have been the very worst day of his life – ejaculating on stage in front of hundreds of people. While it was true that the terrifying moment still haunted his nightmares, there was no denying how hard he was when he awoke from them. It likely would have been a much worse day without Ollie.

Greg and Ollie had talked before the event, reaching the shared conclusion that whatever attraction was rapidly developing between them was something they both wished to pursue, but it was what came after the nudism seminar that truly cemented Ollie as a new, permanent feature in Greg’s life. He had been distraught as he fled from the stage, absolutely mortified over what had just happened and what it would mean to his future at the University, but it was Ollie who had come to find him and helped calm him down and compose himself. It would have been easy to panic, but Ollie managed to keep his cool and got Greg to do the same and in the end, it had all worked out.

Greg had gained both infamy and notoriety from the moment and while there were a few detractors from his cause, most seemed to be of the opinion that a student of the University never should have been put in the position he had been put in by Trevor, no matter how allegedly ‘noble’ it was. But still, even with his place at the University safe, Greg was still ‘the naked guy’ or ‘the nudist’ or ‘that guy who jazzed on stage’. The names were as endless as the retellings of what had happened and while there were always a few who tried to use it to hurt Greg, most took it as a humiliating but entertaining story.

Greg’s friends had stuck with him throughout the fallout, but none moreso than Ollie who officially became Greg’s boyfriend less than a week after it happened. Having a boyfriend felt strange, as doing so outed Greg in the process. Not that he had any issue with being out. After orgasming for hundreds of people, “I’m bi!” was hardly shocking news. It was barely a few days after their official relationship status changed that Greg was back to his old habits, with Ollie’s more-than-eager assistance.

Giving Ollie’s erection a gentle squeeze, Greg held for a second, waiting to see if he would wake up but alas it seemed he was determined to sleep. Letting go with a gentle sigh, he kissed his boyfriend gently on the neck before he climbed out of bed and crept out of the bedroom. He paced down the hall and stopped at one of the other doors, then tapped on it gently.

“Yeah?” the voice from within called back.

Greg opened the door and smiled as he saw Riley laying on the bed, looking at his phone. He smiled as he saw Greg standing there.

“Room for one more?” Greg asked playfully as he stepped inside and shut the door.

“Sure,” Riley chuckled as he bounced over towards the wall, making room at his side.

“Still can’t get used to this,” Greg said wistfully as he flopped down beside his friend.

“Yeah, I’m still undecided whether this is a good idea or a terrible one,” Riley chuckled, finishing off a message before tossing his phone aside. “You were annoying enough when you just lived close by, but actually living in the same house…”

“Ah shut up,” Greg said as he cuddled up to Riley. “You know you love it!”

“Hmmm,” Riley hummed thoughtfully.

While it was clear there was something on his mind, Greg didn’t probe, knowing he would likely talk about it when he was ready. Instead he continued the conversation and said, “I heard from Lewis last night!”

“Oh, how’s he doing?” Riley asked happily. Of Greg’s former housemates, Lewis was the only one he had actually liked.

“Pretty good,” Greg said cheerfully. “He said his new housemates are all massive nerds like him, so all that geeky shit he used to have in his room… now he’s basically got a whole house full of it!”

“Ha, cool,” Riley said with a smile.

“He said he came out to his parents over the summer too!” Greg explained, sounding a little less cheerful.

“Oh, didn’t go well?” Riley asked, sensing the tone.

“Sounds like it coulda gone better, but… also like it coulda been worse,” Greg explained. “We’re gonna meet up for a drink soon and catch up properly. He said you’d be welcome to come if you want!”

“Sure, sounds good,” Riley nodded. “I can share the wisdom and insight of my four whole months of experience at being out!”

Greg laughed as he nuzzled against Riley playfully.

“How about the others?” Riley asked with a slight frown.

Greg shrugged. “I heard Saj moved in with Amber for this term but haven’t spoken to him directly,” he explained.

“Wow, living with the girlfriend already. That never ends badly!” Riley said sarcastically. “And the OTHER one?” he asked, never a fan of Reggie but even less-so after finding out from Greg what had happened between them.

Greg shrugged. “Dunno. Haven’t spoken to him since we moved out of the old house and… I think I’m okay with that!”

“Good,” Riley said, giving Greg a quick squeeze before planting a kiss on his forehead.

Gregory laughed as he shook his head a little.

“Whassup?” Riley asked curiously.

“Just… thinking, that’s all,” Greg said thoughtfully. “Six months ago, it felt weird if I just, like, bumped into you or, y’know, my hand touched yours for a second when you handed me something. Now here we are, proper cuddling!”

“I know. Great, isn’t it!” Riley replied, giving Greg another squeeze. “I reckon you being a massive perv is the best thing to ever happen to me!”

“You reckon you woulda come out yet if… all that stuff hadn’t happened?” Greg asked pensively.

Riley sighed, raising his free hand to run through his hair as he stared up at the ceiling. “Maybe. Maybe not. Probably woulda been like you and not come out til I had a boyfriend to show off!”

“I didn’t ‘show him off’,” Greg scoffed.

Riley rolled his eyes and said, “You literally spent a week dragging him round everywhere and telling people, ‘This is Ollie, he’s my boyfriend!’ I’m surprised you didn’t get it tattooed on his forehead or something!”

Greg giggled as he said, “Okay, maybe I showed him off a bit. I’m not ashamed of loving my boyfriend!”

Riley recoiled a little, raising his eyebrows. “The L word?” he asked curiously.

Greg shrugged. “Yeah, I love him,” he said casually. “He said it to me when he got back from his trip and I said it back and we love each other!”

“Awww, that’s so sweet!” Riley grinned. “No wonder you asked him to move in!”

Greg’s brow furrowed as he insisted, “I didn’t!”

Riley smirked as he replied, “May as well have. He moved into his new place a week ago and he hasn’t even spent a night there yet!”

“I know. Xander thinks I’ve kidnapped him!” Greg chuckled.

Suddenly, from out in the hallway they heard the sound of footsteps followed by, “No, I love YOU more. No YOU hang up!” as Carl passed by the door.

Greg winced as he heard it, then looked cautiously to Riley and asked, “Any chance you didn’t hear that?”

“It’s okay,” Riley said, shaking his head.

“Really?” Greg asked incredulously.

“No, not really!” Riley snapped sharply. “These walls are thin and I have to hear him shagging his girlfriend then totally simping for her on the phone every fucking hour of the day!”

Greg nodded sympathetically, then started, “I still reckon if you just told him…”

“Ugh, Greg, he’s straight!” Riley snapped. “Straight people DO actually exist, ya know!”

“I know, but do they need to constantly throw it in our faces. Damn straight agenda, box-ticking wokies!” Greg joked.

Riley snorted with laughter as he gave Greg another squeeze and kiss. “But I’m okay really. I’ll move on and maybe some day I’ll find an Ollie of my own!”

“Did I hear my name?” Ollie asked as the door suddenly flew open.

“Yeah, I was just…” Riley started, but was cut off by the playful young man jumping onto him. “Ah, you’re so heavy!”

“Blame Greg,” Ollie giggled. “He’s the one who got me interested in the gym!” he joked, giving Greg a playful jab in the ribs as he lay across both of them.

“Geddoff,” Greg complained jokingly.

Ollie shuffled round and ended up slipping down in between the other two, almost pushing Greg off the bed as he asked, “I hope I’m interrupting something naughty!”

“Sadly not,” Riley said, shaking his head as he cuddled Ollie instead of Greg.

“That’s a shame,” Ollie smirked. “But if you’re interested, I MAY have a fun idea!”

“Fuck, what now?” Greg complained.

“Quiet, this doesn’t concern you!” Ollie said, giving Greg a shove so he fell off the bed with a heavy thud.

“Little bitch,” Greg said, both annoyed and amused. As he sat up and looked onto the bed, he could see Ollie whispering in Riley’s ear. Ollie whispering was rarely a good sign, but when he saw the smile on Riley’s face he REALLY knew he was in trouble!


The day had been spent hanging out and drinking, with Ravi and Xander joining them for some of it before it ended up back as just Greg, Riley and Ollie again. As the evening drew in, Greg was slightly suspicious as they all headed out ‘for a walk’ but having accepted that he actually liked whatever mischievous crap Ollie and Riley cooked up for him, he just want with it.

Greg just played along with them as they roamed the streets, waiting for whatever shit they were going to pull, but his suspicions began to dwindle as the two just seemed like they were having a fun evening rather than plotting anything. He didn’t even know where they were after a while, still not yet fully oriented from moving into his new place with Carl, Riley and Ravi.

“You should do another video!” Ollie giggle drunkenly as they wandered into a park.

“Yeah, there’s more than enough videos of me out there already, thank you!” Greg said, blushing slightly as he considered the amount of videos he now had on the local exposure website.

“Pffft, not one o’ them,” Ollie insisted. “One to yourself, like that other one you did!”

Greg frowned cluelessly and asked, “How much has he drunk?” As he got a laugh and shrug from Riley, he replied, “I don’t… do videos to myself!”

“Yeah ya do. Drunk Greg talks to sober Greg, it’s soooo funny! And the last one was kinda hot!” Riley explained.

“Seriously, not a clue!” Greg shrugged.

“I’ss on your phone!” Ollie slurred. “I found it when I was going through it!” As Riley and Greg both looked at him disapprovingly, he added, “Oh, not going through it like that! I was horny and I wanted to find that video of us fucking in the shop fitting room. That shit was HOTTTTT!”

“Oh yeah,” Greg chuckled, remembering it fondly, though as he recalled, Ollie had then done a runner with his clothes and left him stranded naked and forced to ask for help from the shop staff.

“Here. Gimme,” Ollie said, grabbing Greg to pull the phone from his pocket. He tapped away at the screen a few times, looking quite tipsy, then held it out to Greg and said, “Do the number!”

“He’s so cute when he’s drunk!” Greg giggled as he unlocked his phone.

“He’s cute ALL the time!” Riley said, grabbing Ollie playfully as he brandished a bottle of vodka.

“Wait wait wait, lemme find this and THEN grope me!” Ollie giggled. He scrolled through Greg’s phone quickly then shoved it back to him and said, “That one!” Looking round to Riley, he smiled and said, “NOW you can do me!”

“Gladly!” Riley said, burying his face in Ollie’s neck.

Greg watched, amused by his own comfort with seeing his boyfriend and best friend making out. He looked at his phone and realised the video was one he really hadn’t seen before, yet it was undoubtedly himself in the thumbnail. Moving away from the other two, he hit play.

“Okay me, this is a message from me… to me!” On-Screen-Greg (OSG) screen rambled.

“Jesus, how drunk!” Greg said, shaking his head as he saw OSG bump about a bit, seemingly in a moving car.

“This’ll do!” OSG said to someone else. “I’ll give you a BIG tip if you let me leave my clothes in here!”

“Fuck!” Greg muttered as he realised what he was seeing, watching himself strip awkwardly in the back of the car.

OSG thanked the driver and got out of the car, then showed it driving off before flipping the camera to face himself again. “Okay sober me, I’ve had ENOUGH of your BULLSHIT. You KNOW you love doing this stuff but you only let me do it when I’m me… by which I mean DRUNK me and not sober me, which is sort of YOU, but still me!” OSG rambled as he started staggering along the street. A car drove past and honked its horn. “YEAH, WOOO! You hear that? Someone saw me… us… nekkid and it was HOT. You know it’s hot but you still won’t admit it to yourself… umm… ourself… whatever… UGH!”

Greg couldn’t help laughing at his own drunkenness.

“And just so you know, the guys in that car were… guys!” OSG said sternly. “You really need to look into that. Just going gay when we’re drunk is SOOOO lame. You should try it on with Riley. He’d totally let ya bone him!”

“I got that right,” Greg chuckled.

“So here we are. Wyndham Park!” OSG said as he staggered through the gate. “We’re wandering through Wyndham Park, MILES from home and we’re nekkid, see!” OSG said, pointing the camera down to show himself fully. “And look at that,” he added, grabbing his dick. “We’re hard!” The camera raised back to his face as he said, “Cos we’re totally into this shit and you keep spoiling our fun and acting like you’re not and you gotta stop, but maybe this’ll MAKE you stop. Can’t exactly hide from it when you face it sober, loser! Wait, did I just call myself a loser! Ugh, whatever loser!”

Greg stood watching the rest of the video, seeing himself set down his phone to record himself as he started pleasuring himself out in the open, though it didn’t last long before he passed out. Skipping ahead, he saw the recording must have continued until the default cut-off or the phone died as it just want dead.

“Well… I guess… thanks drunk me,” Greg chuckled, finally understanding how things had gone the way they had. “Or wait, am I drunk Greg now? Thanks me!” he said with a grin. “I’m talking to myself, so yeah, definitely drunk Greg!” Slipping his phone away, he looked round and spotted Ollie and Riley still making out.

“Okay, that’s enough, put him down. You don’t know where he’s been!” Greg interjected as he got close.

“You talking to him or me?” Riley sniggered.

“Both,” Greg replied with a shrug.

“Did ya watch it?” Ollie asked with a giggle. “Drunk Greg is so funny!”

“I did,” Greg nodded. “And drunk Greg wants to have some fun with drunk Ollie and drunk Riley, so keep on drinking!”

“YEAH!” Riley cheered as he opened the bottle and took a swig.


“I’m never drinking again!”

Oliver Reading, or just Ollie to his friends, had first uttered that line one morning when he was seventeen. It wasn’t one he had repeated that regularly, but it was certainly common enough for it to be his first thought as he began to awake.

Consciousness was returning in gradual increments. First had been the slight awareness that he even existed, highlighted by the headache and nausea that signified another hungover morning. Next had been the cold, wrapping around every inch of him, not exactly freezing, but definitely colder than was comfortable. Next followed wetness beneath him.

The next moment was the one that really shocked him awake, the feeling of bare skin against grass beneath him and more bare skin atop him! His eyes shot open as he raised his head and glanced down at himself, his sudden fear fully realised before him as he saw himself naked, with two naked guys draped over him.

“Fuck!” Ollie gasped as he sat up.

“What?” Greg mumbled as he opened his eyes and looked round blearily.

“Oh my god, what did we do?” Ollie demanded.

Greg chuckled as he took in the sight of himself and his naked friends. “Relax,” he said casually. “It’s really not as bad as you think!”


Thank you all for your views, comments, likes and feedback on my latest interactive story. It's always enjoyable to write a story that uses input from my readers, but especially this time as it's the first one I've done just for my Patrons. I hope you all enjoyed Greg's Naked Nightmare.

Look out for a new interactive story coming soon!


Naked Justice

Oh, I enjoyed it very much. And I hope to meet Greg and his friends again some day. Of course without clothes!


I honestly thought he was in jail at the beginning of the story so I’m glad he’s not

Stories by Matt

I hadn't even considered it might look that way lol. Sorry for the scare! Hope you enjoyed the story x