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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 25

  • 1. Go back to Jake, Liam and Michael’s house to ask them about their exposure experiences and the website 5
  • 2. Go upstairs to see Lewis and ask him what he needed to talk about 6
  • 3. Call Ollie and see if he wants to hang out 1
  • 2023-01-03
  • —2023-01-07
  • 12 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 25", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Go back to Jake, Liam and Michael’s house to ask them about their exposure experiences and the website', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '2. Go upstairs to see Lewis and ask him what he needed to talk about', 'votes': 6}, {'text': '3. Call Ollie and see if he wants to hang out', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 7, 10, 43, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 3, 22, 44, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


For part 24 click here 

Part 24 Voting Results

Greg survived his naked time in the gym and caught up with his friends in the cafeteria. As Riley tries to tell him something, Greg's tutor Trevor asks for his 'assistance' wth something. What did he do?

1. Now that he has convinced Trevor he is being honest, try and get his clothes back  – 0%

2. Tell Trevor he is busy and find out what Riley wants to tell him – 54%

3. Agree to help Trevor’s colleague – 46%

Part 25

Greg stared at his tutor for a few moments. His annoyance at the man about the circumstances he now found himself in certainly made him less inclined to play nice with him, though he definitely felt a twinge of curiosity over what his colleague could possibly have planned for a naked student!

Glancing back at Riley who looked somewhere between concerned and annoyed, he knew he needed to prioritise, even if it mean annoying the man who held the key to his clothes.

“Sorry Trevor, I’m kind of in the middle of something right now,” Greg said, forcing himself to remain polite. As he saw the man recoil slightly at the refusal, he thought fast and gave a broad smile as he said, “Oh, and I don’t think you remembered you’d locked my stuff in your office when you left. I doubt you really want a student leaving campus naked. I reckon you’d have a hard time explaining that one!”

Trevor’s eyes narrowed. With so many people around he couldn’t voice his earlier doubts over Greg’s honesty. The fact he was sitting naked in the middle of the cafeteria seemed to verify his story to the point of putting credibility on his side. It also meant he couldn’t just deliberately make things hard for Greg, as much as he wanted to push the young man to get caught in his own lies. “Oh, yes, of course. I’ll stop by and unlock it shortly. How forgetful of me,” he said with very clearly forced civility.

“Thanks Trevor, much appreciated,” Greg replied, happy to have one up on him. “See you later then,” he added, making it clear they were done. As he turned back to face Carl and Riley, he smiled a little to himself as Trevor walked away.

“Finally!” Riley huffed. “You really need to…”

“WAIT!” Carl yelped, prompting a death stare from Riley for a moment before he started laughing. “Just kidding. Go on!”

“You’re not funny,” Riley grumbled. “Greg, you… well… look at this!” he said as he placed his phone on the table, span it around and slid it across towards his friend.

“Oh my god, are you actually sat in a public place looking at porn?” Greg asked, recoiling at the sight of a video on screen.

“Jesus, shut up!” Riley hissed angrily, looking round nervously.

“What, you think we’re suddenly gonna start drawing attention?” Carl asked sarcastically, gesturing up and down Greg’s naked torso.

“Seriously, do you WANT me to kick you in the balls?” Riley growled.

Carl grinned as he asked, “Did you say kick or lick? Cos one of them’s a definite yes and the other one’s… actually a maybe. Huh, interesting!” He raised an eyebrow as he looked away wistfully, contemplating the thought.

Riley just shook his head as he looked to Greg and said, “Look closer!”

“Wow, he’s…” Greg started, smirking a little as he saw a naked figure running down the street. “FUCK!” he suddenly grunted as he realised… it was him! “Oh my god, what site is this?” he asked as he grabbed the phone and started scrolling to the top of the page.

“It’s some… local exposure site!” Riley said, lowering his voice as he leaned in. “One for sharing stuff like that!”

“What, like… to catch us?” Greg asked, his hands suddenly shaking.

“No. Nothing like that!” Riley said, shaking his head. “More like… appreciation!” he explained, blushing a little. “Just… take a look. Check out the titles!”

Greg scrolled back down. “Hot guy streaking!” he said, feeling his stomach churn as he saw himself in the thumbnail. He wasn’t sure where or when it was, but that was likely because he had a worryingly large number of occasions it could have been. “Twink jerks on back of truck!” Greg read out, then frowned and looked at Riley as he said, “I’m not a twink!”

“THAT’S your concern?” Riley asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Right yeah, of course!” Greg said, realising it really wasn’t the right thing to fixate on. “Jesus, is this all me?” he asked as he started scrolling down.

“No,” Riley replied, taking back his phone from a very reluctant Greg. “It’s just sorted by most recent and your stuff is all… very recent!”

“Dude, you’re a porn star!” Carl said with a smirk, finally back from the trip into his own thoughts. It just got an angry glare from Greg.

“See, go back far enough and it’s other guys!” Riley explained as he scrolled further down the page. He turned the phone back to Greg.

“Oh my god, is that guy just… walking naked round a theme park!?” Greg exclaimed in surprise as he looked at the screen. He reached out to scroll down again and stopped suddenly, scrolling back up to one he had just passed. “Oh my god, that’s Jake!”

“You’re kidding. No way! It can’t be!” Carl said, snatching the phone in disbelief. As he looked at the screen, he shrugged and asked, “Wait, who’s Jake?”

“He’s… umm… well,” Greg said, blushing as he thought about the man who had helped him the morning he woke up naked in the park. “Just… a friend,” he mumbled.

“Yeah, clearly a friend who’s as into this stuff as you are!” Carl smirked as he scrolled down. “He’s got loads on here! Oh, hey, here’s you again!” he said with a massive smile.

“That’s…” Greg started but paused as he saw the date on the video. It was from over a month ago! “That’s… old!” he said, confused.

“Ha!” Carl said as he tossed the phone back to Riley. “We always thought he was playing dumb, but it turns out he wasn’t playing… he’s JUST dumb!”

“Fuck you very much!” Greg growled at Carl, then looked to Riley and asked, “What’s he on about?”

“This!” he said, showing the video of Greg naked and masturbating in the street. “All this stuff. You’ve always been into this shit, but you only let yourself do it when you’re drunk so you forget about it the next day… or at least we thought you were just pretending to forget it!”

“Plausible deniability!” Carl said with a playful wink.

“Yeah, I guess,” Riley agreed. “But that doesn’t change the fact… you’re online… naked… like, more than just naked. There’s a video of you at the park last night!”

Greg felt a slight twitch and with a nervous glance down, realised he was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. He had barely even noticed he was hard, he had been so caught up in the website. It was terrifying to think he was so fully exposed, yet his dick was raging hard. More than just hard, positively throbbing. He was leaking precum despite cumming with Ollie barely more than an hour ago!

“Oh my god,” Carl smirked as he saw Greg’s quick downward glance and subsequent blush. “You’re hard, aren’t you?”

“Oh my god, shh!” Greg hissed as he was sure he heard sniggers around him. He pulled himself in more towards the table to try and conceal himself but let out an unintentional moan as he pressed his legs together and accidentally squeezed his balls. “Fuck!” Greg muttered as something occurred to him.

“What? Did you cum?” Carl asked, leaning over to look under the table.

“No, and stop that!” Greg said, kicking Carl to make him sit back up. “If…” he started, then leaned in more, lowering his voice. As the others leaned in too he whispered, “If Trevor sees this, he’ll know I’m not a nudist, I’m just a… a… freak of whatever! Fuck!”

“Oh, and do you think Trevor goes on sites like this often?” Riley asked, shaking his head.

“Oh, fair point,” Greg admitted, frowning thoughtfully. “Wait, why were YOU even on there?” he asked, then gave a cautious smile as he said, “Are you… getting into that stuff?”

“No!” Riley recoiled, but saw Greg look a little hurt and said, “Well, I might like… looking at it, but… no, those guys last night in the woods. I heard them say something and they told me about the site!”

“Oh I see, and did they, OH!” Greg suddenly grunted as he felt a socked foot press against his erection. Staring across the table, he knew right away from the smirk on Carl’s face the foot belonged to him. “Stop that,” he growled.

“Stop what?” Riley asked curiously.

“Feel free to get up and walk away!” Carl replied with a wicked grin, knowing Greg couldn’t even pull away for fear of revealing his erection to the many wandering eyes he was understandably still drawing.

“Carl,” Greg growled, trying to push the foot away, but it was clamped firmly against him, rubbing up and down.

“What are…” Riley started, but as he leaned back, saw Carl’s shoe on the floor and his leg moving he quickly figured it out. “Nice to see you’re taking this all seriously!” he harumphed.

“Not exactly… unnh… my choice here,” Greg insisted, shaking slightly as his excitement reluctantly grew. “ANY of it!” he added angrily.

“Really? Someone hold a gun to your head and say ‘get off with Twinky McNewboy?” Riley asked moodily, gesturing vaguely in the direction Ollie had left several minutes earlier.

“What’s that got to do with you?” Greg asked defensively, then let out a slight moan as Carl’s foot continued rubbing. “Sorry,” he quickly apologised, feeling bad but mostly just wanting anything to distract him from the growing pleasure. “You don’t have anything to be jealous about!”

“I’m not jealous!” Riley said defensively.

“Mate, seriously?” Carl smirked. He leaned closer to Greg and said quietly, “He gets like this any time I tell him about… y’know… being with anyone!”

“No I don’t!” Riley snapped. “Anyway, shut up and just… finish what you’re doing!”

“No! No finishing!” Greg insisted.

“Oh my god, where are your clothes?” a girl suddenly asked from behind Greg. “This is sexual harassment!”

“Jesus, Cal, give it a rest,” another girl beside her said, rolling her eyes. “It’s probably some stupid TikTok bullshit. If you’re THAT offended just don’t look!”

“But he’s literally naked!” the first girl insisted as she was dragged away.

“Wow, you actually used literally right for one!” the second girl scoffed as they continued on.

“I use it right literally ALL the time!” the first girl whined.

Carl, Greg and Riley looked at each other, confused by the sudden interruption, then burst into laughter. Greg’s smile quickly dropped and was replaced with a look of concern as he mumbled, “Carl, you gotta stop!”

Carl grinned broadly as he started, “Why, are you gonna…”

“He so is!” Riley interjected. “Oh my god!” he laughed as they saw Greg’s jaw drop slightly and he began to jerk, as his dick began to spasm under the table.

“Ah, oh fuck, oh ffffuck, oh god, stop… please!” Greg pleaded as his modest orgasm gave way to post-orgasmic sensitivity. Finally pushed beyond his ability to endure, Greg had to jump away.

Almost instantly, there was a shout of, “NUDEY BOY’S GOT A BONER!”

Everyone stared as Greg clutched his hands over his crotch, his still plump cock immediately hidden but by that point it didn’t matter. People didn’t need to see it for them to spread the story. Within minutes, word would have spread of the naked guy in the cafeteria showing off his erection, thanks to the power of gossip.

“Oh my god, I hate you both!” Greg blushed as he sat down, lowering his head.

“Me? What did I do?” Riley grumbled.

“Come on NUDEY BOY!” Carl said as he stood, slipping his shoe back on, the sock moist with his friend’s spunk. “Let’s go see if Trevor’s made good. If not, I’ll just kick his door down!”

“No you won’t, ya pussy!” Riley said, shaking his head.

“No, but I’ll… knock really hard!” Carl said with a smirk. “Almost as hard as NUDEY BOY’S BONER!” He yelled the last few words getting more jeers, laughs and comments thrown Greg’s way as he stood to follow his friends, bag held in front of his crotch.

A few minutes later, they had crossed back over into the other building and approached Trevor’s office. They were pleasantly surprised to find it open, with Greg’s clothes where he had left them, though there was a note on top from Trevor telling him where to be and when for the seminar the next day.

Relieved to finally be dressed again, Greg headed out with the other two, who had already been looking for an excuse to skip out on the afternoon’s lectures and headed home with Greg.


Later that evening, shortly after Riley and Carl had left, Reggie returned home. He grinned as he walked into the living room and saw Greg sitting there. “Ah, waiting for your night with me? Such a good boy! We’re gonna have so much fun!”

Greg huffed as he shook his head. “Come on then. Whadda you want?” he asked unhappily.

“That’s really not the right attitude, Greggy!” Reggie said patronisingly. “Not unless you want the entire student body to see YOUR student body!” he said with a dopey smirk.

Greg suddenly cocked his head as he looked at Reggie. “Huh!” he said, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

“What?” Reggie asked, visibly confused at the reaction.

“That’s the threat, isn’t it,” Greg said, his smile spreading further. “People will just… see me naked!”

“Umm… yeah,” Reggie said, starting to look nervous.

Greg burst into laughter for a few moments. As he slowly stopped, he shook his head and explained, “I spent half of today literally walking around campus naked, and tomorrow I’m literally going on display, so as it turns out… I got nothing to fear from you!”

Reggie stuttered awkwardly, “I… umm… I… you… I don’t…”

“You’re powerless. I ain’t doing squat for you! So fuck off, Reggie!” Greg said, suddenly feeling incredibly liberated.

“I’ll… expose Lewis!” Reggie suddenly blurted out. “The stuff you two did together!”

Greg suddenly charged at Reggie and grabbed the front of his shirt as he slammed him against the wall. “You leave him out of this!” he snarled. “You’re gonna delete that shit NOW, in front of me or I’m gonna introduce you to a new fucking yoga pose called the downward Reggie, which involved your face meeting the fucking ground!”

“Jesus, okay, chill!” Reggie said, squirming and visibly scared. “I’m… I’m just… getting my phone!” he said as he reached for his pocket. He tapped away for a few moments, letting Greg watch as he kept hold of him. “There. Gone!” he said as the video surveillance of Greg’s room vanished.

“Is it backed up?” Greg demanded.

“No!” Reggie replied.

Greg pulled the shirt more, lifting a little, making Reggie stand on his tiptoes.

“Seriously, no, it’s not! I swear!” Reggie squeaked.

“Good!” Greg said as he let go, shoving Reggie away. “Now if you EVER try shit like this again on me, or even THINK about doing anything to Lewis…”

“Yeah, I get it, I get it!” Reggie said, backing away.

Greg glared at him for a few moments, both of them motionless until he snapped, “You can go!”

Reggie ran up the stairs and vanished.

“Oh my fucking god,” Greg gasped quietly to himself as he staggered and flopped down on the sofa, his heart pounding. He sat for a few moments trying to calm down. He was not a violent person, but with everything that had happened over the past few days, as well as the threat against the truly loveable Lewis, he just lost it, but that was it. He was free! Well, aside from the nudism seminar tomorrow!

Still feeling antsy after several minutes, Greg decided he needed to find something to do to distract himself, calm down and maybe get out of the house. Pulling out his phone he flicked through his messages and contacts, deliberating who to go and see.

For part 26 click here 


Naked Justice

What a pity that Greg got his clothes back! It's a great and exciting story!