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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare Part 14

  • 1. Suck the dick without saying anything 5
  • 2. Offer to suck it in exchange for help 6
  • 3. Kneel down and jerk off both dicks together 0
  • 2022-11-23
  • —2022-11-26
  • 11 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare Part 14", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Suck the dick without saying anything', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '2. Offer to suck it in exchange for help', 'votes': 6}, {'text': '3. Kneel down and jerk off both dicks together', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 26, 15, 0, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 23, 10, 54, 32, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


For part 13 click here 

Part 13 Voting Results

Greg was left hiding naked under a desk in a lecture hall with some students entering the room. What did he choose to do?

1. Make a run for it – 25%

2. Ask the students for help – 75%

3. Try and stay hidden under the desk – 0%

Part 14

Greg knew the longer he waited, the bigger his audience (and worryingly, the bigger his erection) so he had no time to waste. He crawled out from under the desk, cautiously popped his head up above it and looked up into the lecture hall for the source of the voices. There were four of them in total – three guys and a girl, all around his age. They were talking quietly, seemingly about the class they were about to take.

“Umm, excuse me!” Greg called out, prompting sudden silence from the small group.

“Oh, sorry, I know we’re early,” one of the guys said, a little confused and surprised by the sudden interruption.

“Yeah, we thought the room was empty, we’ll…” another started, but stopped mid-sentence. “What are you doing?” he asked instead of finishing.

“Are you… topless?” the girl asked with a smirk as she managed to see a slight peek of Greg’s bare shoulders.

“Umm… well… yeah,” Greg admitted awkwardly, cheeks flushing an even brighter red. “Some guys kinda pranked me and now I’m… sorta… naked!”

“Oh my god!” one of the guys called out, laughing as the others gasped and began to giggle. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, umm… any chance you could… help me out?” Greg asked hopefully.

The group hurried down to the front of the room amongst a mass of amused and surprised chatter.

“Come on, don’t do that,” Greg whined, eager to avoid being on show to even more people. He was only IN this situation to avoid being seen by more people. As they ignored his plea and moved down to peer behind the desk, he clasped his hands over his raging erection, one of them clasping to conceal his balls too. “Okay, happy now? I’m naked. Now please… please help me!” he pleaded, holding back his anger.

“Dude,” one guys said, grinning broadly as he shook his head.

“That’s so embarrassing,” another added with a snort of laughter.

“You’re just jealous you don’t look that good naked!” the girl said, prompting laughter at him from the other two.

“Have you got ANYTHING I could wear?” Greg pleaded, doing his best to ignore the open stares and sniggering faces.

One of the guys shrugged as he said, “Pretty much just what you see!” He gestured to the group, who were mostly dressed the same as Greg had been (before the clothes fell apart).

Greg glanced over at his bag and the tattered remnants of his shorts, but before he built the nerve to stand up and move away from the desk, one of the guys suggested, “We should get you to the bathroom so you can hide in a cubicle until we can find you something!”

“Yeah, that’s where I was heading when I heard you guys,” Greg said with a nod.

As the girl headed for the door and opened it, she peered out and said, “Okay, still dead out here, but it’s probably gonna start getting busy any minute!”

“You heard her, let’s go!” one of the guys said, moving over to grab Greg and pull him to his feet before dragging him towards the door.

“But my stuff…” Greg objected, reaching back for his lost items.

“S’okay, we’ve got it!” another of the guys called out as he was dragged into the hall.

Worried for a moment that he was being herded into a trap, Greg considered resisting, but any fight would have meant moving his hands and revealing his arousal to the four strangers. Thankfully, the hallway was indeed empty and they soon had him down the hall and into the bathroom where they nudged him into a cubicle.

“Okay, you stay in here, we’ll figure something out for you,” one of the guys said.

“Might need to wait until after the lecture,” the girl added from the doorway where she was keeping watch.

“Yeah, ‘fraid so,” one of the guys agreed as Greg nudged the door closed, then finally released his dick as he reached out to lock it. “But we’ll be back!”

“Oh yeah, here’s your stuff,” another guys said, sliding Greg’s bag and the two wet pieces of cloth containing his wallet and phone.

“Thanks,” Greg called out, genuinely surprised this hadn’t been some ploy to humiliate him further. A few moments later, he heard them all leave, and he was alone. He may have been naked on campus with no clothes available anywhere and his dick still throbbing, but at least nobody could see him.

It suddenly occurred to him that he could call for help. Frantically pulling out his phone from the soggy tatters that had been his shorts, he turned it on and… nothing. It didn’t turn on! It had been fully charged that morning, but now there was absolutely no sign of life. As he turned it over in his hand, he realised how wet it had gotten in his mad dash for cover. Water must have got in and shorted it out.

Thinking for just a moment, he cautiously opened the cubicle door and looked across at the wash basins and the hand dryers next to them. Perhaps it might still work if he could dry it out. As confident as he was that the other students would be back to help him, he had no idea how long that might be. This was a chance at getting help now. He cautiously stepped out of the cubicle and flinched as he got a look at himself in the mirror.

His body glistened slightly, a mix of rainwater from the downpour and nervous sweat from exposing himself once again. With nobody around, he hadn’t bothered to cover his dick, but he blushed anyway as he saw it bobbing about heavily in front of him. How could he not only GET aroused at a time like this, but stay that way!? The previous day, he had blamed his friends, saying they had drugged him despite their denial. Today though, he didn’t even have that excuse. He couldn’t help thinking the answers might be on his phone if he could build up the nerve to look… and get his phone working again.

He slipped the phone under the dryer and waited a few moments as it heated up. He kept a constant eye on the reflection of the door. With the sound of the running dryer, he wouldn’t be able to hear anyone come in and would have to rely on spotting them to give him enough warning to run for cover back to the cubicles.

Keeping the dryer running, he had to occasionally swap hands as it got a little too hot, but he hoped that would be enough to dry the device out. Suddenly, he saw movement in the mirror. Although he had known it might happen, the sudden panic of having to run for cover was more intense than he expected and he almost stumbled over his own feet before getting into the cubicle. He locked the door, confident he had remained unseen as he heard someone walking in.

“Fuck!” Greg whispered as he realised he had stepped into the wrong cubicle in his hurry. He dropped to his knees and peered along the gap that ran under the walls. His bag was two cubicles away, meaning he couldn’t even reach under and grab it.

“Oh!” he suddenly heard from the guy who had walked in.

Greg looked round and realised his feet and part of his butt were probably visible to him thanks to the position he had assumed.

“I don’t fuck,” the voice said, sounding very clearly like he was deepening it to try and disguise it, “But I’ll take a blow job!”

Greg jumped up, unsure what to do as he heard the stranger step into the cubicle where he had just been ‘presenting’. He watched as he saw the person on the other side of the partition kneeling down with his legs spread and a semi-hard dick appeared. “Well, you gonna suck it or not?” the stranger asked, waggling it slightly.

Greg stared for a few moments, unsure what to do. A stranger was offering up his dick and Greg was… tempted! Sex should have been the last thing on his mind. He needed to get clothes and get covered up, but there was a stiffening cock waving at him and a horny guy expecting a suck, but Greg had never done that. And yet, his own dick throbbed, begging for release. What could he do??

For part 15 click here 


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