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Interactive story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 13

  • 1. Make a run for it 2
  • 2. Ask the students for help 6
  • 3. Try and stay hidden under the desk 0
  • 2022-11-20
  • —2022-11-23
  • 8 votes
{'title': "Interactive story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 13", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Make a run for it', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '2. Ask the students for help', 'votes': 6}, {'text': '3. Try and stay hidden under the desk', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 23, 10, 11, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 20, 10, 18, 33, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


For part 12 click here 

Part 12 Voting Results

Greg is heading to Uni for the day, but his clothing options have been chosen to Reggie and Sajid. Which option does Greg go for?

Box 1 – Regular clothes but with some extra ‘equipment’ for the day – 27%

Box 2 – Regular clothes with an unknown risk – 45%

Box 3 – No added extras, but very embarrassing outfit – 27%

Part 13

Greg found himself unnerved by the normality of the morning (after getting away from Reggie and Sajid anyway). He didn’t find it hard to guess what added extras box one would have been – ‘pain in the arse’ was hardly the most subtle clue. Box three had been described as an outfit everyone would remember, which inevitably meant it would have been skimpy, revealing or possibly even feminine… not that Greg thought there was anything wrong with being feminine, but waltzing round campus in a mini-skirt and crop top was not exactly appealing, especially after his brief moment in ladies’ underwear the previous day.

That had left him with box two. He had been both relieved and concerned when the clothes within did indeed turn out to be utterly normal. Shorts and a shirt, but no underwear of course. Why would they give more than they had to? Greg’s only concern was the weather. Thought it had been nice recently – shorts weather, by UK standards – it was a little overcast today. Still, being a bit cold was still preferable to walking round in a humiliating outfit or with a butt plug shoved inside him!

While lectures were usually dull and pretty hard to maintain interest in for Greg, today he found himself engrossed purely for the fact it was a brief return to normality. It was something to take the mind off of the previous day’s humiliation and the horrors that might await him at the hands of his two unpleasant housemates. Living within walking distance of the campus, he would usually have just headed home before his study group that afternoon, but the thought of bumping into Reggie or Sajid urged him to remain on campus instead, so he headed off to get some lunch.

As he sat eating, casually scrolling through various social media pages, his mind kept wandering onto what secrets his camera-roll might hold. He still remained utterly unaware of how he had ended up naked in a park the previous morning, though he was beginning to suspect his ignorance was wilful. His reaction to the awkward and embarrassing situations kept tugging at a door in his mind, but he was not yet ready to unlock it.

“Hey, look who found some clothes!” a voice called out from behind Greg, almost making him jump out of his seat.

As others in the cafeteria looked round at the sudden shout, Greg blushed and scowled at Carl who flopped down into a seat next to him.

“Shut up!” Greg hissed, blushing at even the suggestion of nudity in front of the other students.

“Geez, relax,” Carl sniggered. “What you even doing here?” he asked with a shrug. “Stopped by your place and Reg said you hadn’t come back like usual!”

Greg flinched a little at the mention of his housemate. “Just… didn’t feel like walking home!” Greg lied meekly.

“Shame. It’s pissing down, you’d look good in a wet shirt,” Carl sniggered, “Almost like you’re walking round totally naked!” He smirked at the further reminder of what had happened the previous day.

“Fuck off,” Greg grumbled.

“Ah, mate, I’m only kidding. You really need to lighten up!” Carl said, reaching out to grab some chips that Greg had been absent-mindedly barely touching.

“Oh, yeah, sure. Why don’t we make you…” Greg started, then lowered his voice to continue, “…walk round fucking naked and see if you feel like fucking ‘lightening up’, shall we?”

“Pfft,” Carl scoffed. “I’m not the one who’s into that shit!”

Greg felt his stomach tighten. “I’m not… INTO that!” he said, trying to convince himself just as much as Carl.

“Uh-huh,” Carl chuckled, grabbing more chips. “Shure!” he said with his mouth full, spraying a few crumbs.

Greg wanted to argue back, but aside from being unsure whether he actually could, he just wasn’t in the mood for it. “I gotta go. Study group!” he said as he stood. He slid his plate across and said, “Help yourself!”

“Whatevs, catch ya later,” Carl shrugged as he started stuffing his face again.

Greg stopped as he got to the door. Carl wasn’t kidding, the rain was really hammering it down now. He realised this was probably what his bastard housemates had planned – regular clothes, but soaking wet and annoyingly revealing! There wasn’t even any way to get to his study group while staying indoors – the campus was spread out with lots of separate buildings surrounded by open spaces and gardens. A nice idea… when it wasn’t raining.

Holding his bag up over his head to try and get some shelter, he dashed out and down the path, eager to get away from anymore potential teasing from his friend. The bag achieved nothing and before he was even halfway there he was drenched. On the bright side, at least he was early thanks to Carl driving him out, so at least he had time to go and dry off before he met up with the others.

As he reached the other building, he let out a groan as he felt the legs of his shorts flapping around, the wet fabric slapping against his thighs. It felt horrible, but as he looked down he realised what he saw was even more unpleasant than what he felt. The legs were more free to flap because the seams down both sides were coming apart.

“Fuck!” he gasped as he reached down to grab one side and try and hold the gap closed, though as he tugged at the leg he heard a gentle pop at his hip and the waistband split open too. “Fuck fuck fuck!” Greg whimpered as he felt his shorts coming apart, followed moments later by a cool breeze on his shoulders as his shirt began to open up too.

He instantly knew what was happening. It was not an uncommon ‘prank’ amongst the design students on campus. Dissolvable thread, used for temporary seams when constructing items. He cursed himself for having not even thought about it, though most pranks that used it revolved around swimwear, because who would be stupid enough to let regular clothes get wet enough to dissolve the thread…

Desperately clutching the side of his shorts that had ripped completely open, Greg looked round in a panic. The hallway was empty, but he could hear plenty of activity echoing around the building. The bathrooms were at the far end of the corridor. Perhaps he could make it there before the last of the thread melted away or anyone spotted him.

He took off at a sprint and immediately realised the mistake. With the wet fabric clinging to his body, the vigorous movement of his run pulled at the remaining seams. The other side of his shorts popped open, exposing his side, though the front thankfully remained concealed from the terrified grip his other hand was maintaining, but his shirt was now in tatters. The entire back half dropped away, the weight of the wet material pulling the rest of the fraying seams apart.

Hearing the quiet slap of half his shirt hitting the floor, Greg turned to go and retrieve it, in some vain delusion he could salvage it, but as he turned he heard voices. Looking to the nearest door, he peered through the small window and saw the room was thankfully empty and rushed inside. Halfway in, he felt the other half of his shirt drop away. As he tried to catch it, he released his grip on his shorts and instantly regretted it.

Falling away without his grip to hold them up, the tattered shorts dropped heavily, weighed down by the water as well as the wallet and phone in the pockets. Still turning to try and save half his shirt, he turned back in a panic but accidentally kicked the falling clothing, sending it skidding across the floor just as the door closed, leaving his half-shirt on the other side. Continuing his panicked clumsiness, he let go of his bag as he attempted to save his shorts.

As he looked round for where he had kicked the remnants of clothing, he heard the door at the back of the room open. “Fuck!” he squeaked and looked round, diving for the only cover he could see, the desk at the front of the lecture hall he had wandered into.

Just managing to make it safely to cover without being seen, Greg did his best to control his heaving breath. He shuddered as he sat under the desk, naked aside from his footwear as he heard three, maybe four people wandering in. Peering out as far as he dared, he could see his bag beside the door and his disassembled shorts (containing his phone and wallet) in the corner of the room. Even if he could get to them without being seen, they could no longer give him any cover.

The reality of the situation suddenly struck Greg. He was naked, in a lecture hall, hidden under a desk with other students already in the room. If they were only just coming in, there was a good chance a lecture was due to begin soon. Fuck knows how many other students would soon be piling in! While the lecturer’s desk did conceal him from the rest of the room, there was no guarantee the lecturer themselves wouldn’t spot him. It was horrific, it was a whole new nightmare, it was humiliation waiting to happen… yet his dick hadn’t just stiffened, it was raging hard.

Weighing up his options, Greg felt nauseous at the thought of each of them, despite his confusing and inexplicable arousal. He could make a run for it. After all, even if there were people already in the room, there were only a few and he could probably hide his face for long enough to grab his things and get out. Alternatively, he could hope to appeal their better nature and actually ask them for their help. Sure, being seen naked by a few strangers would be mortifying, but surely they would help!? Or he could simply wait. He could try to remain hidden throughout the lecture, maybe even the entire rest of the afternoon. By 4 the campus was usually dead quiet, so he might stand a chance of making it out and having (another) naked run home.

For part 14 click here 


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