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Interactive story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 12

  • 1. Box 1 – Regular clothes but with some extra ‘equipment’ for the day 3
  • 2. Box 2 – Regular clothes with an unknown risk 5
  • 3. Box 3 – No added extras, but very embarrassing outfit 3
  • 2022-11-16
  • —2022-11-20
  • 11 votes
{'title': "Interactive story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 12", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Box 1 – Regular clothes but with some extra ‘equipment’ for the day', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '2. Box 2 – Regular clothes with an unknown risk', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '3. Box 3 – No added extras, but very embarrassing outfit', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 20, 10, 18, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 16, 12, 28, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


For part 11 click here 

Part 11 Voting Results

Facing a sleepless night, Greg gets a text message from Lewis. Will he respond or do something else to occupy his mind?

1. Respond to the message from Lewis – 78%

2. Check his phone for details of what happened the previous night – 22%

3. Go back to bed – 0%

Part 12

Too tired to care about anything, Greg put his phone down and flopped back down onto his bed. For several seconds he stared up at the ceiling, but as much as he tried to clear his mind, he couldn’t do it. With a low growl at his own unwilling mind, he got up, clicked on a lamp, grabbed his phone, then typed out a reply, [Yeah] and hit send.

The message showed as read instantly. Lewis had obviously kept the chat open, awaiting a potential reply. Greg saw he was typing and a few seconds later received, [Can I come to your room?]

Greg considered insisting they talk by text, but suddenly worried anything he put in writing might end up being used against him by his other two housemates, so he sent back, [Yeah]. Worried Lewis might knock and alert the others in the house, he opened his door. As he looked out and down the hallway, he saw Lewis carefully creeping opening his own door. Suddenly very conscious of his nudity, Greg blushed and moved away, returning to his bed where he took a seat.

Lewis appeared in the doorway and smiled meekly, then stepped inside and quietly closed the door behind him. He stared at Greg silently and got the same silence mirrored back. Lewis, who already looked pensive, gradually looked more and more uncomfortable as he stood there. “I…” he started, but the words caught in his throat. “I should go,” he said as he turned to grab the door handle, adding a meek, “Sorry!”

“Wait!” Greg called out. He jumped up from his bed and rushed over to push the door closed. As Lewis looked at him again, he sighed softly and asked, “What’s up?”

“I just…” Lewis started, but struggled once again, “I feel really shitty about the way I ended things earlier and I couldn’t sleep thinking about it!”

“S’okay,” Greg said with a shrug, heading back to his bed again. As he sat down, he saw Lewis staring and patted the bed beside him. Lewis immediately followed the prompt and took a seat. “I’m sorry I just… sprung that on you. My head’s… in a weird place today,” Greg explained, understating it massively.

“Yeah, sorry,” Lewis apologised. “You’re having a day… like this,” he said, gesturing to Greg’s naked body, “And I’m here whining about finally being given the chance to… to do stuff I’ve… thought about and messing it up!”

“You’ve thought about having sex with me?” Greg asked with a slight smirk.

“No!” Lewis quickly objected. “Well, yeah, kinda, but I meant more just in general, not you specifically!” He blushed as he glanced round and saw Greg looking at him, bobbing his head gently. “Is it… something you think about?”

“Sex?” Greg asked with a grin. “Yeah, all the freaking time!” he chuckled, then frowned slightly as he went on, “Sex with guys… that’s… kinda new!”

“Wait,” Lewis said, looking somewhere between excited and panicked, “Was… me wanking you off your first thing with a guy?”

Greg shook his head then let out another sigh as he glanced at the door. Looking back to Lewis he said, “If I… tell you some stuff, d’you promise you won’t tell those two?”

“Yeah, of course!” Lewis insisted.

Greg pouted for a moment, rethinking his confession briefly before he explained, “Well… this morning I… kinda let a guy… blow me!” He paused to blush as he saw Lewis’ eyes widen. “Then… then not long after, I… let a guy… kinda… fuck me!”

“Fuck!” Lewis exclaimed. “Seriously?”

Greg nodded silently. Saying it aloud made it all feel even more real.

“Shit, man,” Lewis said, shaking his head, “So what you offered me was pretty tame by comparison, I guess!”

“Yeah, maybe,” Greg shrugged. He still wasn’t sure why he had even thought of it and the more he contemplated it now, the stranger it seemed. He wasn’t even sure which way round he would have wanted it to end up. Fucking Lewis or getting fucked by Lewis, which was better? Fuck, why was either option ‘better’? It was sex with a guy either way, which he definitely didn’t want… did he?

“Umm… you okay?” Lewis asked softly. “You kinda spaced out for a second there,” he explained, then pointed to Greg’s crotch and added, “Plus that!”

Greg glanced down at his own erection. He had been so lost in thought he hadn’t even felt it swell to full firmness. “Sorry, I…” Greg started, shaking his head gently, “Like I said… weird day!”

“Would you… like me to go?” Lewis asked cautiously, leaning away slightly.

“No,” Greg said as he reached out to grab Lewis’ arm. “I mean… I’d… like you to stay… if you want!”

Lewis smiled sweetly as he nodded and said, “Yeah, I want!”

“Look, I just wanna be clear,” Greg said thoughtfully, “Just cos I think I owe you honesty, I’m… not looking for a boyfriend or anything like that.”

Lewis nodded again as he joked, “Good, cos considering an offer of a fuck freaked me out, imagine what an offer like that’d do to me!” Greg laughed at the playful comment, and Lewis smiled proudly. “And I’m DEFINITELY not ready to come out. I’d die!” he said, shaking his head.

Greg nodded his understanding, then said softly, “I… actually got the feeling earlier you were mostly just looking for… a friend… right?”

Lewis blushed a little as he nodded and said, “Yeah, I… I don’t have many… at least, not, like, in-person friends. Most people I know are just… screen-names to me!”

“We can be friends,” Greg said with a meek smile.

Lewis beamed happily again, then his smile turned a little more mischievous as he asked, “With or without benefits?”

Greg quickly leaned in to grab Lewis and pull him into a kiss. Keeping his eyes open, for a moment, he saw Lewis’ eyes widen in surprise. They both tensed up for just a second before Lewis relaxed into it and Greg allowed himself to do the same. It wasn’t a long kiss, or even a particularly passionate one but as they both pulled away they chuckled in unison.

“Definitely with benefits!” Lewis said cheerfully. “That was… my first kiss with a guy,” he said shyly. “Was it… yours?”

Greg went to agree, then remembered Wade had kissed him as they fucked that morning. “No, but it was the best!” he said, not sure if it was, he just wanted to make his new friend smile. “Y’know, this would technically still be part of YOUR day in charge of me if there’s… anything else you’d like me to do,” he offered nervously.

“I…” Lewis started, but paused to think for a moment before continuing, “I don’t think I’m ready for… Mario Kart!” He chuckled and got a gentle laugh from Greg at the obvious intimation, “But… maybe for now we could just… jerk each other off!”

“Sure,” Greg said, his softened dick twitching back to life. “Are you… gonna get naked too?” he asked, surprised at how hopeful he sounded.

Lewis’ arms reflexively folded in front of him as he tensed up a little. “I’m… well… I don’t… look like you!” he said awkwardly.

Greg frowned at the comment and stood up. Reaching down, he offered his hands to Lewis who accepted them before being pulled up to stand too. He stared Lewis in the eye for a moment, then reached down to grab the bottom of his t-shirt and started pulling it up. He heard a slight whimper in response but continued anyway, exposing the other man’s torso gradually.

As Greg pulled the t-shirt up and over Lewi’s head, he leaned back slightly to take a look. Lewis was right, he certainly didn’t look like Greg. He had a distinct podge around the middle and a broad chest, not quite fat, but distinctly hefty without any real muscle tone. As Lewis tried to fold his arms and cover up a little, Greg shook his head and knocked them down to his sides.

“I look awful,” Lewis whispered.

“You don’t!” Greg insisted, shaking his head. “You’re really cute!” he said, smiling as he realised he wasn’t placating the other man, but was being genuinely honest.

Lewis was cute. When he smiled, it was adorable. His cheeks were peppered with freckles that continued down his neck to his shoulders and down his arms. His blonde hair always seemed to be a mess, no matter how tidy he tried to make it. He had a distinct boyish charm and the slight chubbiness only added to it.

“You can tell I’m telling the truth cos you set off my cute guy detector,” Greg giggled as he nodded down at his own erection, waggling his hips a little to make it swing back and forth. “And I think yours is going off too, so… thanks!” he said as he nodded towards the bulge in Lewis’ shorts.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Lewis said, clearly a little more at ease.

Greg leaned forward and grabbed the waistband of Lewis’ shorts. Giving him a cautionary look, Lewis frowned slightly, but nodded. Pushing them down, Greg watched the slight trail of wispy blonde hair that forms Lewis’ treasure trail continued down into a gingery-blonde bush. His dick bent downwards as the shorts continued to be pulled down, yet to spring free, revealing inch after inch of thick meat. “Wow, you’re pretty hung,” Greg said in admiration as he kept pushing the shorts down to reveal more of it.

“Probably just swollen from over-use,” Lewis chuckled.

“Wanker!” Greg said playfully, getting a laugh in response that gave way to a gentle grunt as the erection finally sprang free and the shorts dropped to the ground.

“Wow!” Greg said as he saw the hefty tool bobbing about in front of Lewis. It was definitely on the bigger side when it came to length, probably reaching around seven inches, but it was the thickness that was really impressive. Out of unadulterated curiosity, Greg reached out to grab it to see if his fingers would meet as they wrapped around it. They did not! “You’re so thick! Jesus, kinda make me re-think the whole… Mario Kart thing!” he laughed a little awkwardly.

Lewi’s eyes had fluttered closed as he felt the hand grasping onto him. He opened them, panting slightly as he blushed and said, “This… might not take long! Sorry!”

“You’ve really got to stop apologising for shit you didn’t do wrong,” Greg chuckled. “And that’s fine. Cum as quick as you like, doesn’t bother me!”

“Okay!” Lewis said, looking a little more at ease. Realising he was supposed to be returning the favour, he reached out to grab Greg’s cock and began stroking, moaning happily as he felt his own dick getting wanked in return. “No, no, no, no, no,” he whimpered as he began to pant more heavily. “I’m… gonna… unnnh!” he grunted as he began to shoot.

Greg stood holding the meaty dick as it sprayed him with several heavy spurts of cum, spattering in every direction as it struck his stomach, chest and crotch, droplets flying everywhere. He saw Lewis looking a little wobbly and held out a free hand to steady him, getting a grateful smile in return.

“S… sorry, I’ll continue,” Lewis said awkwardly as he resumed stroking Greg.

“That was hot,” Greg said fondly as he saw Lewis looking increasingly embarrassed about the speed of his release.

“So are you!” Lewis said back. “Oh, sorry,” he added as he felt his hand getting slippery as his own spunk lubricated Greg’s dick.

“Don’t be, it feels… hot!” Greg panted, feeling his own orgasm imminent. He had lost track of his orgasms that day, yet this one felt just as strong as all of the others as it slow grew to its climax. “Yeah, yeah… faster… that’s it. Fuck!” He began to shoot too, returning the cummy shower he had just received.

“Jesus,” Lewis gasped as he stood back slightly, admiring their mutual display of ejaculatory potence.

“I know right,” Greg chuckled. He felt the post-orgasmic weariness kick in and could see a similar look on Lewis’ face. “You… umm… wanna stay?” he asked as he gestured to his bed.

Lewis pouted a little and shook his head. He glanced round at the door and said, “Probably best not to risk those guys finding out. Fuck knows what they’d do if they did!”

“Yeah, good point,” Greg nodded, feeling a little sad at the thought of sleeping alone. “Well, I guess… g’night then!” he said, then leaned in for another quick kiss.

Lewis hummed happily as he pulled out of the kiss after a few seconds. “Night!” he said happily before creeping back to his own room.

After a quick clean-up, Greg eagerly jumped back into bed, quickly falling asleep with one of his (many) issues resolved.


Greg awoke to the sound of his alarm and got up, immediately feeling the air gently wafting across his naked body. As he turned off the alarm, he let out a groan at the prospect of having to get clothes from Sajid or Reggie. Feeling very self-conscious as he stepped out of his room, he peered up the stairs but heard voices down below and headed down there instead.

“Oh, morning nudie-boy!” Reggie said as he saw Greg appear.

“Can I have some clothes please. I’ve got lectures in, like, an hour!” Greg said unhappily.

“Hmm, I think you’ll need to earn them,” Sajid said with a devious grin.

Never really a morning person on a good day, Greg’s temper was already frayed thin as he snapped, “Fuck’s sake, forget it. I’m getting my clothes!” He turned to head for the stairs.

“I wouldn’t do that!” Reggie said with a snigger.

“Oh what, cos you’ll post my videos online?” Greg snapped. “Well fuck you. I don’t care. Do it. I’d rather live with the embarrassment than keep serving you twats!”

“Oh, you can live with the embarrassment, can you?” Sajid called out as Greg started up the stairs. “Good to know. But can Lewis live with it?”

“What?” Greg exclaimed nervously, stopping mid-step.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t wanna embarrass cute little Lewis, would you?” Sajid taunted. “I mean… I don’t think he’s cute, but he set off YOUR… what did he call it?” he asked Reggie.

“His cute guy detector!” Reggie snorted derisively.

“You… you guys… you were… listening?” Greg asked, looking distraught.

“And watching!” Sajid said, grinning wickedly. “So you’d better fucking get back in line unless you want you and Lewis’ little gay wankfest going viral!”

“Fuck!” Greg snapped as he headed back down the stairs. “Fuck you both!” he growled.

“Yeah, we’ll leave that for you and Lewis!” Reggie laughed. “Now let’s pick your outfit for the day. We were just planning your choices for the day! Grab ‘em, Sajid!”

“Awesome!” Sajid said happily as he jumped up from the sofa and grabbed three boxes. “So you’ve got box one,” he said, holding up the first.

“That’ll be your everyday clothes, but with some nice little added extras to make sure your day is… a real pain the arse,” Reggie explained with a mischievous smirk.

“Then there’s box two,” Sajid said, holding up the next.

“That’ll be your everyday clothes but with… a little added risk!” Reggie said almost giddily.

“And finally, box three!” Sajid said, holding up the last one.

“No unexpected surprise, but… definitely an outfit everyone’ll remember!” Reggie said with a snigger.

“So what’s it to be, nudie-boy?” Sajid asked as he gestured to the three boxes.

For part 13 click here 


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