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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 11

  • 1. Respond to the message from Lewis 7
  • 2. Check his phone for details of what happened the previous night 2
  • 3. Go back to bed 0
  • 2022-11-13
  • —2022-11-16
  • 9 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 11", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Respond to the message from Lewis', 'votes': 7}, {'text': '2. Check his phone for details of what happened the previous night', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '3. Go back to bed', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 16, 12, 27, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 13, 11, 36, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


For part 10 click here 

Part 10 Voting Results

Greg is spending the day at Lewis' command, but after getting to know him a little better, Greg has an idea to spice up their remaining time together, but what does he offer? “I was thinking…”

1. …I could jerk you off like you did for me!” – 8%

2. …I could suck your dick for you!” – 31%

3. …we could play another race. Winner fucks the loser!” – 62%

Part 11

“I was thinking we could play another race. Winner fucks the loser!” Greg said, trembling slightly at his own suggestion.

Lewis lost his grip on his controller, fumbled with it, nearly caught it twice and eventually dropped it to the floor. “Wh… wha… you… what?” he stuttered shakily.

“Oh, I was… umm… well…” Greg stuttered back.

“Okay, umm… I think… I think it’s great that you’re… umm… so… so into this stuff and… y’know… go pride and all that,” Lewis said as he stood from his bed. He paced away from Greg and looked back, unsubtly averting his gaze from the naked young man’s crotch. “But I’m… that’s… I’m not… I mean… I don’t think… I’m ready for that!”

“Sorry, it was…” Greg started, shaking his head, cursing himself for even thinking such a thing.

“I reckon you can take the rest of the day off!” Lewis said with a firm nod. “Umm… no clothes, cos that’s what the others said, but… but… you can go!”

“Oh, no… I don’t need to go,” Greg replied, unsure why he was objecting.

“Please,” Lewis said as he opened his door. He avoided eye contact with Greg as he stood up and headed out.

Greg stopped as he got just outside the door and said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” He stopped mid-sentence and sighed. “This was… fun!” he said as he looked back.

Lewis pouted slightly, hesitated, then nodded before closing the door.

Greg let out another sigh. He had just gotten out of an evening of naked servitude, but he didn’t feel good about it. Sex aside, it actually HAD been fun spending time with Lewis. Ironically, the first thing that sprang to mind in the moment to make him feel better was thinking about spooning with the other young man on his bed as they had earlier. He traipsed along the hallway to his own room, but hurried a little as he heard movement inside.

“What the fuck?” Greg demanded as he walked in to find his room ransacked.

“Oh, what are you doing here?” Sajid asked with a scowl.

“It’s MY room!” Greg exclaimed angrily as his housemate approached him with his arms piled up with clothes. “What are you doing?”

“Getting rid of what you don’t need!” Reggie said, appearing behind Greg on the stairs. As he saw Greg go to respond, he quickly added, “You don’t need clothes at home anymore, and when you want them to go out, we’ll choose what you get!”

“No, fuck off. That’s too much!” Greg growled, annoyed at the thought of being controlled to that level.

“Did he just tell us to fuck off?” Reggie asked, shaking his head.

Sajid shoved past the naked man and headed up the stairs with the last of Greg’s clothes as he replied, “Certainly sounded like it!”

“Oh Greggy,” Reggie said, shaking his head.

Greg stood seething. He wanted to say more, to DO more, but he was still in fear of being exposed online, which was the only thing holding him back from lashing out.

“You have REALLY got to learn to start controlling your temper,” Reggie said with a slight smirk. “What are you even doing out here? Shouldn’t you still be cuddling your new boyfriend?” he asked, gesturing at the door to Lewis’ room.

“He’s not…” Greg started, but held back from snapping, trying to avoid proving Reggie right. “No,” he said calmly. “We’re done for the day!”

“Oh, then it’d be a shame to let your free time go to waste. I think now’s a perfect time to start dealing with that temper of yours,” Reggie said as Sajid returned from dumping the clothes on the upper floor.

“You gonna beat it out of him?” Sajid asked, his eyes flashing wickedly.

Reggie frowned slightly at the question, then shook his head and said, “No, I have a much calmer idea! Wait here!” He hurried off upstairs leaving Greg glaring at Sajid over the violent suggestion. He returned a few moments later holding a couple of yoga mats. “Come on, you’ll feel MUCH better after this!” he said, continuing on down the next flight of stairs. He paused for a moment as Greg continued his stare-down with Sajid.

“Have fun,” Sajid sneered before heading back up to his own room.

Greg watched him leave then headed for Reggie and paused as he asked, “Wait, where are we doing it?”

“My usual spot,” Reggie said casually. “Come on!” he prompted, continuing down.

Greg followed but stopped as they reached the back door. It felt like barely five minutes since he got into the house. Now he was leaving again, and he still didn’t get to wear anything! “Do we… have to do it out there?” he asked nervously. Glancing either way, he could see the other houses that overlooked their garden.

Their immediate neighbour was his biggest concern. Frank may not have clocked his identity earlier when he fled the truck after ejaculating on himself, but seeing Greg naked now, it wouldn’t take too much of a stretch of the imagination to reach the inevitable conclusion.

“Get out here!” Reggie barked as he put the two mats down on the ground.

“Fuck!” Greg muttered as he stepped out onto the patio and across it onto the waiting yoga mat. Reggie had mentioned his ‘usual spot’ but they were clearly much further away from the house than usual, an obvious attempt to expose him further.

As much as Greg had expected the world to come crashing down around him the moment he made himself potentially visible to his neighbours, nothing unpleasant actually happened. He remained unsure whether that was a good thing, or just a bad thing waiting for the worst moment to strike, but as he worked through the various exercises and poses Reggie instructed, nobody appeared to humiliate or admonish him.

Unfortunately, Reggie was doing a perfectly good job of humiliating Greg on his own. Well, not completely on his own. Greg’s dick was also playing its part, once again inexplicably springing to life as he did the naked yoga. It was during the downward dog that Greg huffed and demanded, “Are you just picking stuff that shows me off more, you perv?”

“I’m the perv?” Reggie scoffed. “You’re the one totally boned up just from being naked outdoors, ya freak!”

Greg wanted to snap back, but it was an annoyingly valid point. “Are we done yet?” he demanded as he turned round and sat, crossing his arms over his lap to conceal himself.

“Wow, this was meant to IMPROVE your attitude, but you’re still a dick!” Reggie said disapprovingly as he shook his head.

“I think the attitude’s pretty fucking justified!” Greg snapped before jumping to his feet. “I’m going inside!” he said as he headed for the door. “We’re done for today!”

“Fine. Whatever,” Reggie huffed as he started rolling up the mats.

“Hey, great show!” Sajid sniggered as he passed Greg on the landing outside his room. He waved his phone and said, “I got it ALL. Naked yoga. There’s DEFINITELY a site for that on the internet, I bet!”

“Fucking delete it!” Greg snapped furiously.

Sajid just smirked as he walked away, utterly indifferent to Greg’s anger. “Sure, I’ll get right on that!” he laughed as he disappeared downstairs.

Greg took a moment to calm himself, unclenching fists he hadn’t even realised he had made before walking into his room. The sight of his empty wardrobe and drawers only served to worsen his mood and he flopped down onto the bed, eagerly wrapping himself up in his first real opportunity to be covered up all day.

As he lounged around trying to calm down more, the events of the day kept playing over and over in his head. Every moment of it had been awful, yet he had experienced some of the best orgasms of his life and… felt other things he wasn’t sure he had felt before. His cock swelled in response to the confused reminiscing and without even realising he was doing it, his hand had slid down to grasp it.

Stroking slowly, he thought back to first thing, to waking up in the park, realising he was naked. There was the moment he exposed himself to Jake. Being tied up outside his house. Touched and teased by Liam. Hiding naked from Reggie. Escaping in the truck. Masturbating in the open vehicle. Being seen by a bus-full of people as he ejaculated!

That was it. That was all it took for him to climax once again. Barely half his adventures and he was shooting long streaks of cum over himself. The pleasure was intense, which only added to his confusion over the whole thing. If it was weird to have enjoyed those moments, then it was obviously even more bizarre to get off again thinking about them, yet there he was, slowly-deflating cock in hand and his naked body splattered with spunk.

With the post-orgasmic calm settling in, Greg let his eyes close for a moment… and he was off. Sleep took him once again.

When Greg was awoken by a notification sound from his phone it was already dark. It took him a moment to even register what the noise was, but as he regained his wherewithal, he sat up and looked around. He had forgotten entirely about his phone. It held answers, though they were mostly to questions he was afraid to ask. He moved over to grab his phone from the desk and checked the screen.

There was a message from Lewis. [Are you awake?]

Greg sighed as he stared at the phone. He really didn’t feel good about the way he had scared Lewis off, but it felt like just one of many things in his day that could have gone better. As he held his phone, he felt the siren-song of his camera roll and the answers it might provide. At the same time, he still felt like he just wanted it all to go away. He could just climb back into bed and let this all be tomorrow’s problem!

For part 12 click here 


Naked Justice

I hope that Greg's housmates may decide to deny him outside clothes as often as possible.