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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 9

  • 1. Spend the day following orders from Reggie 3
  • 2. Spend the day following orders from Lewis 6
  • 3. Spend the day following orders from Sajid 3
  • 2022-11-02
  • 12 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 9", 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tSpend the day following orders from Reggie', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '2.\tSpend the day following orders from Lewis', 'votes': 6}, {'text': '3.\tSpend the day following orders from Sajid', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 2, 17, 7, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


For part 8 click here 

Part 8 Voting Results

Greg has been discovered and 'helped' by his friends, but stuck just short of getting home again, he is offered a chance to keep his dignity... at the cost of exposing the truth. Can he face it?

1. Refuse to comply and get left naked – 56%

2. Let Liam tell the others what he knows – 0%

3. Unlock the phone and see what’s on it – 44%

Part 9

“Come on, I wanna see what happened!” Ravi said, moving behind Greg to try and watch him unlock the phone.

“Yeah, I don’t fucking think so!” Greg scoffed, clutching his phone. He was as scared of his friends learning the truth as he was himself. Drunk Greg was… unpredictable, uninhibited and distinctly more honest than sober Greg, and he was keen to not inflict any more embarrassment on himself with his drunken alter ego’s shenanigans.

“Okay, you heard him,” Carl said with a casual shrug. “If he ain’t gonna show us, then he ain’t gonna show us!”

Greg breathed a slight sigh of relief. He was worried his friends might force him into it, either physically or with the use of the naked picture they had just made him pose for. ‘Fuck!’ Greg suddenly thought to himself, ‘They’ve got a picture of me naked… out in public!’ The moment the thought crossed his mind, his dick twitched in response.

“But we’re guys of our word,” Carl said with a grin. “That was the deal. Show us the phone or we take back our clothes!”

“Or he lets me tell you all what happened!” Liam suddenly interjected.

“No!” Greg yelped again. “I… erm… thanks for bringing my phone back,” he said a little sheepishly to the mischievous twink, “But you can go now!”

Liam stared for a moment, then smiled a little as he nodded. “Fair enough. But when you’re ready for more, we’re happy to help!”

As Liam turned to head back to his car, Ravi asked urgently, “More? More what? What happened? What did you do? What’s on the damn phone?”

“None of your fucking business!” Greg snapped, cheeks flushing as he scowled at his friend. “Now you gonna let me in or what?”

Carl shrugged again. “We gave you a chance for that, but you said no, so… you heard me. Give us our clothes or we take ‘em by force!”

Greg took a cautious step back. As he heard Liam’s car pull off, drawing his gaze away for a split second, his friends jumped at him. The coat wrapped around his waist was yanked away easily, but the hoodie he was wearing was easier to keep hold of… at least for a little while. With all four yelling and flailing together, Greg was soon overpowered and the hoodie was yanked away, knocking the phone from Greg’s hand in the process.

“Fuck!” Greg grunted as he flopped naked onto the driveway. “Gimme that fucking key!” he growled at Carl, desperately clutching his arms around himself to try and cover up as he sat exposed to his friends and the nearby street.

“No chance!” Carl said as he stepped away and grabbed Greg’s phone. “And we can’t have you calling for help either!”

“What are you…” Greg started, but it changed to an annoyed huff as he watched Carl post the phone through the letterbox on the front door. “You fucker!” he growled furiously.

“Hey, we just came to make sure you ain’t dead in a ditch somewhere. I got better shit to do with my time!” Carl said as he headed down the driveway.

“We really gonna leave him like this?” Ravi asked in disbelief.

“Yeah. You got a problem with that?” Carl asked, clearly annoyed.

“Riley,” Greg pleaded to the final, and most sympathetic, member of the group. “Mate, please!” he pleaded.

Riley looked at Greg for a moment. He looked to Carl, who gave him a strange look, then back to Greg as he said, “Ya know, if you tell us what you were actually up to, we might help you out!” As he saw Greg recoil at the comment he added a gentle, “You never know, we might be more… understanding than you realise!”

“No!” Greg snapped, angry at the situation. “I’m not telling you anything, so if you’re gonna leave me like this, then fucking leave me like this!”

“You heard him, Ry. Let’s go!” Carl snapped.

“Just tell us,” Riley said softly to Greg. As the naked young man continued to stare indignantly, he let out a gentle sigh and said, “Okay then. Sorry.” He stood and headed towards the others as he said, “Let’s go!”

“Fuck!” Greg growled as he watched the others walk away. He was right back where he had been before. So close to home but still naked and unable to get in. He wasn’t about to make the same mistake again though. Keeping his hands clutched over his inexplicably-hard-again dick, he climbed to his feet and rushed to the front door. He knocked hard and loud. He no longer cared who opened it, so long as it opened and he got to get inside and go put his own clothes on.

“Oh my christ, this is too fucking good!” Reggie’s voice suddenly called from the opposite side of the driveway.

Greg looked round to see his housemate standing there, phone in hand, presumably recording him. “What the fuck are you doing?” he demanded angrily.

“Going viral, probably!” Reggie replied with a huge grin.

“No!” Greg barked. “You… you can’t show anyone!” he said, anger suddenly replaced with panic. “What are you… even doing out here?”

“Someone gets stripped on the front drive with all that shouting going on and you thought I wouldn’t notice?” Reggie smirked. “I couldn’t miss this!”

“Fucker!” Greg grumbled.

“Hands by your side and give me a spin and I keep the video to myself,” Reggie offered with a wicked smile.

“Fuck off!” Greg snapped, his patience long gone.

“Okay, then I guess you’re going on YouTube!” Reggie said with a shrug. “And stay back!” he added as he saw Greg take a step towards him.

“You post that video and I’ll fucking kill you!” Greg snarled.

Reggie laughed and shook his head. “You won’t be able to once you die from freaking embarrassment!” he taunted.

Greg was mostly annoyed because he knew Reggie was right. Every person who saw him pushed his humiliation to another level, but the thought of his nudity going on the internet, for the entire world and doubtlessly every person he knew seeing it? No chance. He simply couldn’t allow it. “Whadda you want?” he demanded.

“I already told you. I want you to put your hands by your side and give me a spin!” Reggie instructed.

“And then you’ll delete the video?” Greg asked hopefully.

Reggie scoffed as he shook his head. “No! Do what I say and I won’t post it on YouTube, but I’m totally fucking keeping it!”

“Fuck!” Greg muttered. “Fine. Get a good look then ya fucking perv!” he said, desperate to just end his nightmare. He dropped his hands to his side and his dick sprang free, not quite raging hard but almost. He started to turn and realised seeing him from the side really emphasised his arousal, though he suspected that was intentional. He continued round, exposing his pale butt to his vindictive roommate before continuing to show he erection once again, finally coming to a stop facing him. “Happy now?”

“Almost!” Reggie said as he tapped away on his phone for a moment. “Aaaand… sent!”

“Sent?” Greg asked, suddenly clutching his hands over his erection again. “You… you said… you…”

“I said I wouldn’t post it on YouTube, but chill. I’ve just sent it to a friend, as a back-up. You strike me as the type of guy who’d steal my phone to delete it or try to force me to do it. My friend is just… insurance. All it takes is one word from me and he starts posting it EVERYWHERE!” Reggie explained.

“I won’t!” Greg insisted, panicked again for a moment before the anger kicked back in. “You can keep it. Wank yourself to death over it for all I care!”

“Eww,” Reggie scoffed. “Not my type, hun. Now let’s get you back inside. I’ve got plans!” He disappeared back round the side of the house.

Greg quickly ran after him as he called out, “Wait, plans as in other things to do or plans for me?”

Reggie just looked back at the naked young man and sniggered before continuing round to the back door.

Nervous of what to expected, Greg was just relieved when he finally walked through the door and got inside the house. He was home! And all it had taken was a couple of detours, a wank, a blow job, a fuck and the complete devastation of his social life!

“Not so fast!” Reggie said as he saw Greg go to rush off.

“What?” Greg demanded unhappily, turning to face his roommate of only to avoid keeping his butt on display.

“I don’t think I like your tone!” Reggie said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, and I don’t think I like your face. What’s your fucking point?” Greg asked grumpily.

“Okay, so you’re gonna be a bitch. Let’s treat you like one!” Reggie said flatly.

Greg scowled as he snapped back, “Fuck you!”

“Fine. Enjoy going viral,” Reggie said as he pulled out his phone.

“Ah come on,” Greg moaned.

“Fine. Another chance. You gonna behave?” Reggie asked, shaking his head disapprovingly.

Greg was absolutely seething, but that constant dread of having the rest of the world see him naked and hard on his front doorstep was all-consuming. “Fine. Whadda you want?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“You’re gonna go shower and get yourself cleaned up, but afterwards, don’t get dressed. Instead, come back down and wait for me in the lounge. Be there in fifteen minutes,” Reggie instructed. “If I come in there and you’re not standing there naked, the video goes live.”

Greg wanted to object, but he couldn’t risk Reggie following through on his threats. “Fine!” he snarled.

“Oh, just a couple more things. From now on, I think I’d like you to call me Sir,” Reggie said with a sweet smile that only grew as he saw the rage on Greg’s face. He let his eyes wander up and down the naked young man as he added, “And no more covering up!” As he saw Greg remain motionless, he added, “Starting immediately!”

Greg stared silently for a few moments then sighed and dropped his hands to his side. ‘How are you still hard?’ he asked his dick in absolute frustration.

“Off ya go. See you in fifteen!” Reggie said before turning away, their business clearly concluded.


Greg had done as he was told and gone to get showered, though he told himself that was what he was going to do anyway and it wasn’t because of Reggie. He had headed back into his room once he dried off and happily jumped into bed, pulling the covers up tightly. It felt good to be covered up, but as he glanced at the clock, he saw he only had three minutes before Reggie’s deadline.

He lay in bed and flip-flopped back and forth over whether he was going to comply. With just a minute to go, he was stood at his door, his hand on the knob (the door knob!!!) With the seconds ticking away, he took a deep breath and opened the door before stepping out onto the landing. It felt bizarre to leave his room naked. He had literally wandered the city naked all morning, but being naked in the shared space of his own house somehow felt even more exposing. He glanced at the door to Lewis’ room, then at the stairs up to Sajid and Reggie’s rooms. He couldn’t hear anything, so he walked cautiously down the stairs.

He stopped at the door to the lounge and peered inside, expecting to see Reggie waiting for him, but the room was empty so he walked in. Instinctively, his hands were clutched over his dick that had managed to go soft in the shower but, annoyingly, was chubbing up once again.

The deadline came and went, and for a brief moment Greg wondered if this was jus a prank, designed to see now long he would stand there. It was annoying, but somehow more appealing than the though Reggie was about to walk in. As he heard footsteps outside, he dropped his hands to his sides, not wanting to incur his roommate’s wrath for disobeying the instruction he had given.

“Oh my fucking god!” Sajid laughed as he walked in and saw Greg standing there!

“What the…” Greg started, recoiling as he clasped his hands over his dick again.

“Hey! I told you about that!” Reggie said as he followed Sajid in.

“Fuck!” Greg grunted as he dropped his hands to his sides again, just in time to expose himself to Lewis who followed Reggie in.

“This shit’s for real!” Lewis exclaimed in shock. “Fuck!”

“What are you doing?” Greg demanded. “What’s going on?”

“Shut up!” Reggie said, firmly but not harshly. “You want me to not post that video or share it with anyone, then you do what we say, okay!”

“Whadda you want?” Greg asked nervously.

“Hnnh, well that really depends on whose day it is!” Reggie said with a grin. As Greg stared at him in confusion, Reggie went on, “We’re making you the new house slave!”

“What?!” Greg gasped.

“Oh chill, it’s not as bad as it sounds!” Sajid said with a shrug.

“We each get ya one day a week, to do literally whatever we want you to do. Refuse to follow an order and it’s hello YouTube!” Reggie explained.

“Yeah, that’s exactly as bad as it sounds!” Greg scowled at Sajid. “What… sort of stuff are we talking?” Greg asked nervously.

“Like I said,” Reggie replied with a grin. “Whatever we want!”

“You guys can’t do this!” Greg insisted, taking a step back as his three roommates advanced on him.

“You’re right. We could forget it and just enjoy living with local legend ‘boner guy on doorstep’, which is what you’d be labelled as FOREVER!” Reggie threatened.

“Or three days a week you belong to us, til the end of the academic year,” Lewis offered.

“And on the other four days, no clothes in the house!” Sajid added with a mischievous grin. "And maybe a few more little things like that!"

Reggie laughed and nodded. “I like the way you think!” he said appreciatively, though he did eye his housemate with mild caution.

“Not a fan, myself,” Greg muttered. “Fuck. Fine. Okay, just… don’t post the fucking video!” he said, shaking his head. He didn’t know what he was agreeing to, but it was still a better option than the absolute humiliation the video would bring.

“Great, so now we just gotta figure out who you want to have you for your first day!” Reggie explained. “Who d’ya want?” He asked, gesturing round at the other two.

“What… would you want? Like… are we talking… sex stuff?” Greg asked nervously.

“Oh yes!” “Absolutely!” “Seems likely!” the other replied in unison.

Greg stared at his three housemates. Reggie was by far his least favourite. Despite the dislike, Greg couldn’t deny Reggie was an attractive young man, with a physique that Greg admired though he would never admit it. He knew a day with him was bound to be unpleasant and doubtlessly degrading. While not a desirable idea, it might be best to get his day out of the way first.

Lewis was… a bit of an unknown to Greg. They got on, but didn’t really see each other very much. He was a bit of geek who mostly kept to himself, gaming in his room. While he was certainly not much to look at, almost the opposite of Reggie in most ways. Reggie’s skin was a dark brown while Lewis was so white, he was verging on translucent. Reggie was tall while Lewis was short. Reggie was well-muscled while Lewis’s idea of exercise was a snack run.

Finally there was Sajid, very much the middle ground in most aspects. A south Asian complexion, a intentionally slim body, average height, though he had beautiful eyes and a charming smile, the sort more alluring with his clothes on than off. Sajid was also the academic of the group, spending most of his time studying when he wasn’t working at the gym to maintain his wiry, slender frame.

Ultimately, Greg figured he would end up serving all of them, but after the nightmarish morning so far he wasn’t sure which of them was likely to make his day even worse…

For part 10 click here 


Naked Justice

At least Greg continues to stay naked at home 7 days a week. I'd like to join in!

Naked Justice

If I was Greg, I'd be happy if my housemates made me staying naked 24/7 😀