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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 8

  • 1. Refuse to comply and get left naked 5
  • 2. Let Liam tell the others what he knows 0
  • 3. Unlock the phone and see what’s on it 4
  • 2022-10-30
  • —2022-11-02
  • 9 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 8", 'choices': [{'text': '1. Refuse to comply and get left naked', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '2. Let Liam tell the others what he knows', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '3. Unlock the phone and see what’s on it', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 2, 17, 14, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 30, 15, 6, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


For part 7 click here 

Part 7 Voting Results

Greg is finally nearing home again, but he has a choice over which way to go, and what risks it will bring with it. Which path does he choose?

1. Turn left, down the quieter road but close to his workplace – 40%

2. Cut across the football pitch, and have nowhere to hide if anyone spots him – 60%

3. Turn right, down the busier road – 0%

Part 8

Home was almost in sight… again! All that stood in his way was a street, a wall, a wide expanse of open space that left him horrifically exposed, another wall and another street. Okay, that was actually quite a lot in his way, but it was still the short route and getting him now was absolutely the priority.

Being seen naked by someone he knew was Greg’s biggest fear, though being seen nearly naked in a pair of women’s panties wasn’t much better… or was it worse? It was hard to tell anymore. Greg had been seen naked by strangers, made to cum almost hands-free by an annoyingly-cute twink, just missed out on getting home, jerked off in the back of a moving truck and ejaculated with a bus-full of spectators then fucked as part of a schoolboy bet. That was a lot to handle in one morning and Greg’s brain was utterly addled by it all.

But now he was sure what he wanted to do… well, sixty percent sure anyway so out of fear of being seen again, he made a dash for it across the road. He was over to the other side in moments, thankfully remaining unseen. He looked at the wall and hesitated. It was made up of six-foot tall stone pillars set two meters apart, with the gaps filled in by low wall and ornamental, spike-topped iron fencing.

Considering the way his morning had already gone, Greg was playing it as safe as possible. Stepping onto the rim of low wall, he lifted his other leg up onto the top of one of the pillars, worried he might impale himself on the metal spikes otherwise. As he lifted his leg, the panties shifted slightly and his cock and balls popped out, his dick remaining in its semi-hard state. Desperate to cover up, Greg reached down to try and conceal himself in a panic but slipped and toppled over the wall, falling face first onto the ground below.

Thankfully, he had a moderately soft landing so the fall only winded him a little rather than causing any kind of injury. The ground beneath him was soft dirt, though it did mean as he pushed himself up, groaning and gasping to catch his breath, his entire front was now a murky brown. Thankfully the trees and shrubs running around the inside of the wall concealed him from view so he was able to recover relatively safely.

As he peered between a couple of bushes at the expansive space ahead of him, he felt his cock throbbing again. For a brief moment he considered ‘relieving’ himself again, but considering how that had gone last time, he decided against it. For now he just needed to get home. It was impossible to tell if the coast was clear. The pitch itself was empty, as was normal at this time of day, but there were entrances to the small park/pitch on each of its corners and dog walkers tended to cut in and out of it, as well as wandering its boundary, the many squirrels occupying the trees attracting plenty of attention from the dogs.

Much like the road, Greg knew he just had to go for it. Containing himself as much as he could in the panties, while still clutching his hands over the front of them, he took off at a mad sprint. Moments in, he heard a shriek from behind him as he was spotted by someone, though he had no intention of stopping to see who it was. All he knew was that right now they had a perfect view of his entire naked rear, including his pearly-white butt.

Running as fast as he could, he was soon across the pitch with the safety of the greenery looming ahead. Not even slowing down as he charged between two large shrubs, Greg came to a sudden halt as he collided withy something. He fell to the ground again just as he realised it wasn’t a something, it was a someone.

“FUCK!” the other body grunted as Greg sent him staggering back against the boundary wall. “What the fuck are…” he started, but stopped mid-sentence as he saw who had collided with him. “Oh my christ! Greg!”

Dazed and confused, Greg stared up to see Carl, one of his closest friends staring down at him. It was only when he saw his friend looking him up and down that he realised he was laying completely exposed, dick out of the panties once again. “Carl!” he exclaimed in shock.

“GUYS! I FOUND HIM!” Carl screamed out.

“What?! No!” Greg whimpered as he realised Carl obviously wasn’t alone.

Suddenly, one from each direction, two more guys appeared. Riley and Ravi, the third and fourth members of their quartet, both stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Greg laying on the ground, though he had now clamped his hands over his dick, giving him at least a slight bit of dignity back, though not much.

“Greg!” Riley exclaimed.

“What the fuck are you… are they… panties?” Ravi asked, sniggering into his hand.

“I’m gonna fucking kill you all,” Greg growled. “You fucking did this to me!” He climbed to his feet, though it wasn’t easy as he kept his hands clutched over his crotch.

“Yeah, I don’t think we did mate!” Carl said, shaking his head.

“What, so it was fucking aliens or something?” Greg snapped furiously, then frowned and asked, “Wait, what the fuck you doing here?”

“Looking for you, ya fucking freak,” Ravi said, shaking his head. “You said something about having fun in the park then just kinda disappeared. We thought we’d better check on you this morning but Reggie said you wasn’t at home so we thought we’d best come looking for you.”

“Yeah, figured this was the nearest park and you’d be here,” Riley said, then looked to the others and added, “Told ya!”

“Yeah, but you never guessed he’d be walking round in ladies underwear!” Ravi added, emphasising the awkwardness.

“Oh, they’re… they’re not mine!” Greg stuttered.

“So what… hook up gone wrong? She did a runner with your clothes, did she?” Carl asked sympathetically.

Greg’s eyes widened as he grabbed at the excuse desperately and said, “Yes, that! That’s exactly what happened!”

“Wait, then… why did ya say we did this to you?” Ravi frowned. “Riley’s pretty but even drunk ain’t nobody mistaking him for a girl!”

“Oh, I… erm…” Greg stuttered. “Look, can we… talk about this when I get home?”

“Sure, we’ll see ya there!” Carl said as he turned to walk away.

“What? No!” Greg objected, reaching out for him. “You can’t make me go like this!”

Riley smirked and said, “Chill, he’s kidding. We got ya!”

“For a price!” Ravi added with a wicked grin.

“What?! No, please,” Greg whimpered. He had paid enough ‘prices’ today.

“I reckon a group selfie,” Ravi suggested.

“Yes!” Riley and Carl immediately agreed.

“But without the panties. They’re SO embarrassing!” Ravi went on.

“Fuck you all,” Greg huffed, pulling the panties down with one hand as he kept himself concealed as best he could with the other.

“Excellent!” Ravi said as he held out his phone. “Everyone gather up!”

They all immediately gathered around Greg as Ravi prepared to take the picture and, without even needing to say or plan anything, just as he took it, Riley and Carl each grabbed an arm and yanked it aside, leaving Greg fully exposed and looking mortified.

“You fuckers!” Greg growled. “Now give me something to wear!” he demanded.

“Dude, you’re fucking boned up. What the fuck!” Ravi said, looking at the picture as Greg was once again covering up.

“Yeah, you lot fucking drugged me!” Greg insisted.

The other three looked genuinely confused, shaking their heads and shrugging at each other. “Mate,” Riley started, “Whatever you THINK happened last night… I promise ya… it didn’t!”

“Whatever, just… gimme clothes!” Greg insisted.

Carl pulled off his hoodie and handed it to Greg who eagerly pulled it on, while Ravi offered him a coat, which Greg wrapped around his waist to cover his butt, the tied sleeves hanging down to cover his crotch, though the hoodie hung down far enough to conceal most of it anyway.

Greg still looked absurd, but he was mostly covered up and stood out a little less as he walked along with the other three, receiving a constant stream of comments and questions that he refused to answer. Thankfully, Greg’s house was nearby and they were there soon enough. As Greg’s closest friend, Carl held a spare key to the house, but just as he was getting it out of his pocket, they heard, “Hey, Greg!” from behind them.

Greg looked round and suddenly turned pale as he saw Liam getting out of his car. “Wh… what are you… doing here?” he stuttered, terrified of what the antagonistic twink might reveal to his friends.

“What are you wearing?” Liam asked with a smirk. He shook his head dismissively and said, “Sorry, yeah, I went back to the park to check it out and I found this!” He held out a hand with Greg’s phone.

“Oh, thanks,” Greg said awkwardly as he stepped forward to get it. He already knew he was in for more questions from his friends.

“By the way, the way it was positioned I’d say that whatever actually happened last night, you were probably recording it!” Liam said as he handed it over.

“Wait, what happened?” Ravi asked curiously. “Greg’ who’s your friend?”

“Oh, is this ‘the girl’ who got ya?” Riley teased.

“Liam, nice to meet you,” Liam said, amused rather than offended.

“Greg, come on, what fucking happened?” Carl demanded.

“Sounds like his phone’ll tell us!” Ravi said excitedly. “Come on, unlock it and let us see!”

“No fucking way!” Greg insisted, his cheeks burning red again.

“Well, I could always fill ‘em in if it’ll help,” Liam said with a grin.

“No!” Greg yelped.

“Or you could just tell us nothing and we’ll just take our clothes back and leave you out here for Reggie find!” Carl suggested, getting a giggle from the others.

“Fuck!” Greg grunted. Being left naked for Reggie would be a truly horrific end to a horrific morning, but who knows what his phone might reveal to them all. Perhaps just letting Liam reveal what he knew was safest. Sure, it would be embarrassing, but at least they wouldn’t leave him naked or find out what was on his phone. Three options… all terrible!

For part 9 click here 



I’m glad he still ran into friends he knew