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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 5

  • 1. Ask Frank for help 2
  • 2. Make a run for it when the truck stops 3
  • 3. Try and get rid of his erection by cumming 5
  • 2022-10-19
  • —2022-10-23
  • 10 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 5", 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tAsk Frank for help', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '2.\tMake a run for it when the truck stops', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '3.\tTry and get rid of his erection by cumming', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 23, 20, 58, 12, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 19, 10, 51, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


For part 4 click here 

Part 4 Voting Results

Greg is home at last, but remains locked out. Will he risk exposing himself to his housemate to get inside, or take more drastic measures?

1. Knock on the door and see who answers – 45%

2. Wait for Reggie to come out and try to sneak in – 45%

3. Break the window and let himself in – 9%

In the event of a tie, I will always choose the option that will lead to the most fun...

Part 5

Greg was on the verge of knocking on the door. One person seeing him naked couldn’t be THAT Bad, could it? He had just been seen naked by three strangers – more if he counted who saw him on the drive – this would likely be just one! But these would be people he knew, people he had to face everyday, people who he would have to speak to, knowing they had seen him naked. How would he even explain what happened without sounding like a total lunatic anyway?

Just as he was about to knock and hope that anyone other than Reggie answered, he heard movement inside. Figuring there was still a slim chance of getting out of this unseen, he dashed to the corner of the house and hid, waiting for his chance to sneak in.

He heard the door unlock and someone walk out. Waiting just a few moments, he peered slightly around the corner and saw Reggie standing there, stretching as he faced away from the house. Being careful to avoid making even the slightest noise, Greg prepared himself to make a dash for it.

Just as Greg was about to step around the corner, he heard Reggie say, “Ugh, coffee!” before he turned back towards the house to head back inside.

Greg ducked back around the corner, barely avoiding being spotted. Reggie had left the door open, but running in now would absolutely get Greg caught as the back door went into the kitchen where Reggie was presumably making or retrieving his drink. With no choice but to wait, Greg glanced the other way towards the street. Thankfully, their neighbour’s work van was parked there, blocking him from potentially being seen by anyone driving past. Not much of a blessing really, considering his situation, but it was nice to have at least something go Greg’s way.

A few moments later, he heard Reggie walk out once again. Greg just had to wait for Reggie to get comfortable and get started. He tended to do a mix of yoga poses and meditation, so all it would take is Reggie to go into the right pose or a few moments with his eyes closed and Greg would be able to get into the house. Venturing another look after a few moments, Greg saw Reggie sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, engaging in the meditation he had learned from his years of extensive study at the University of Instagram!

Just as Greg finally mustered the nerve to make a dash, Reggie’s eyes opened. Greg pulled back, but caught his foot on a small patch of gravel. “Fuck!” he silently mouthed to himself, hoping Reggie hadn’t heard.

“Is someone there?” Reggie called out.

Greg was gripped with panic. Had it been anyone else, he might have simply revealed himself, but Reggie was an absolute arsehole and would never let Greg forget the embarrassing incident. Spurred on by fear and a penchant for bad decisions, Greg ran as fast as he dared without making his footsteps too audible. He had made it round the front corner of the house just before Reggie reached the back corner.

“Hey. Who’s there?” Reggie demanded.

Greg could hear his housemate approaching now. Looking round in a panic, he just manage to jump behind Sajid’s car on the driveway and remain hidden. Desperately trying to control his breathing to avoid being heard, Greg waited until he heard the young man return back around the house.

With his heart pounding, Greg reached a decision. He could NOT be seen. By anyone! Despite the throbbing of his dick (he still insisted he was drugged), just the slight prospect of being seen by Reggie was too much for him to handle. Actually being seen by any of his housemates was out of the question! Of course, he was now sat in his front garden, stark naked and no longer covered by the van which was parked over the other side. Anyone who passed on the street now would see the naked young man cowering behind the car!

Greg glanced to the house as he slunk back down the side of the car towards it, wondering how quietly he could break a window to get in. Just as he reached the front, giving him at least slight cover from the street, he heard the front door opening. Greg dashed round the far side of the car, his heart ready to beat through his chest.

“No, I don’t see the irony in driving to the gym!” Sajid said as he pulled the door closed and started to lock it, his phone held up to his ear. “No, I want to do my workout AT the gym. What’s the point of going if I’m knackered by the time I get there!”

Greg was stuck. If Sajid was coming to the car, he was coming to the side Greg was on. Even if he could manage to circle around it unseen as his housemate got in, as he pulled off Greg would undoubtedly be seen.

“Ugh, fuck! Every time!” Sajid suddenly grunted. “I swear. I leave my air pods on the charger every fucking time!”

Greg breathed a momentary sigh of relief as he heard Sajid head back to the house. Annoyingly, the charging dock was just inside the front door, so he wouldn’t take long, but it gave Greg the few scant seconds he needed to find cover… somewhere! With an internal groan, he looked down the driveway onto the street. It wasn’t appealing, but if it meant he could avoid being spotted by Sajid, it was worth it. He made a dash for it and ducked behind the conifer on the corner of the driveway as he heard the front door close again.

“Oh my god, shut up. I’ll be, like, five minutes!” Sajid huffed as he got to the car.

Greg knew he wasn’t in the clear just yet. He was concealed from Sajid for now, but once he pulled out past the end of the driveway, the cover would be blown. Desperate for a place to hide, Greg looked round and saw the only place he could find that didn’t just expose him to the world – the truck! Thankfully it was a pick-up, so he vaulted up into the flat-bed and quickly lay down out of sight.

Staring up at the sky, he panted to catch his breath as he waited to hear Sajid pull out. The car drove out and stopped as Greg heard through the open window, “I swear he parks this fucking close to our driveway just to piss us off. He’s such a fucking dick!” A few moments later, as a car sped past, Sajid called out, “FUCK! Almost got the fucking front ripped off of my car cos I couldn’t see past the dickhead’s fucking truck! Fine, yes, I’m on my way!”

And with that, Sajid pulled out. The coast was clear! Or not! Just as Greg was about to sit up, he heard another door open. This time it was next door.

“Fuck!” Greg whispered.

Frozen by the fear of being seen, Greg just remained motionless, praying that it was just Molly coming out to take their kids to school rather than Frank, the ‘dickhead’ owner of the truck Sajid had just referred to. Greg soon found his (unwelcome) answer as he heard footsteps coming towards him followed by the sound of the drivers’ side door opening.

Still paralysed by absolute dread and crippled by indecision, Greg was still laying motionless by the time the truck pulled off. He needed to get out, but even in his panic he wasn’t stupid enough to try and do it while they were moving. He also found he had another issue… his throbbing cock. He reached down and gave it a gentle squeeze. It had barely been an hour since Liam had made him cum and he already felt the ache in his balls of another load desperate to be released.

Figuring he needed to do something, Greg considered his options. Undesirable as it was, he could reach back, tap on the window and ask Frank for help. Alternatively, he could wait until the truck stopped, jump out and make a run for it – surely it couldn’t be that long until Greg had to stop at some lights or a junction. Both of those options would likely result in Greg being seen… with an erection! Greg only knew of one way to try and make his dick go down without fail – cumming! He could try to cum as quickly as possible to reduce his humiliation from the now apparent-inevitability of being seen. Three options, all terrible, but he needed to choose!

For part 6 click here 


Naked Justice

Well, Greg has made a bad decision before with hiding on the flat-bed. It's a dead end. He would have done better meeting Sajid. It's not a good choice for him to avoid meeting friendly people in his status of nudity.

Roy Don

Great story!