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Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 4

  • 1. Knock on the door and see who answers 5
  • 2. Wait for Reggie to come out and try to sneak in 5
  • 3. Break the window and let himself in 1
  • 2022-10-16
  • —2022-10-19
  • 11 votes
{'title': "Interactive Story - Greg's Naked Nightmare - Part 4", 'choices': [{'text': '1.\tKnock on the door and see who answers', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '2.\tWait for Reggie to come out and try to sneak in', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '3.\tBreak the window and let himself in', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 19, 10, 50, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 16, 8, 55, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


For part 3 click here 

Part 3 Voting Results

Greg is offered a ride home, but it will come at a price, depending on who he chooses to be his driver? Who did he choose?

1. Jake – 30%

2. Michael – 0%

3. Liam – 70%

Part 4

Greg looked at each of them one at a time. What exactly was he choosing? What were they going to do to him? This was insane. All he wanted was help getting home and here he was, naked, stranded and annoyingly aroused, faced with three guys all eyeing him like a hungry cartoon character staring at a giant ham.

“Uhh… him,” Greg said nervously, nodding to one of the three men.

Michael and Jake both laughed as Liam almost bounced with joy.

“Definitely the least intimidating looking,” Jake said with a nod.

“Nah,” Michael said, shaking his head. “I just think our little exhibitionist is into twinks, aren’t you!”

“What?! No!” Greg objected, “I’m not… into anything!”

“Mate, chill, we woulda teased you no matter who you picked,” Jake said as he stood up. “But a deal’s a deal. You made your choice, so he’s all yours!” he added, patting Liam on the arm as he headed out of the room.

“I may look scary,” Michael said as he stood, eyeing the naked man one more time, “But you really picked the one who’s gonna give you the hardest time! Good luck, mate!” He headed out after Jake, rolling his eyes at the massive grin on Liam’s face.

“Shut the door!” Liam called out quickly, prompting Michael to reach back and close it behind him. “Alone at last!” he said as he grinned at Greg.

“What are you… gonna do?” Greg asked nervously.

“I’m gonna touch you,” Liam stated bluntly, “And maybe some other things, but first I need something from you!”

“I’m guessing it’s not consent,” Greg mumbled unhappily.

Liam snorted with laughter for a moment and said, “Wow, you’re cute AND funny. But no, what I need for you… is honesty!”

“Okay, I honestly just want to get home and stop being naked!” Greg quickly replied, hoping with charm might get the stranger to go easy on him.

“Home first, clothes second, I’ll hold you to that,” Liam said, smirking at the annoyed expression he got in return. “What I need you to be honest about is what you enjoy. Like I said, I’m gonna touch you and then I’m gonna keep touching you. If you enjoy it, just stay silent. If you don’t, just say stop. Simple, right?”

“Yeah, great,” Greg said flatly. “Come on then, just do it,” he said, resigned to doing whatever it took to get the help that had been offered.

Liam stepped closer and reached out cautiously, letting his fingers gently touch Greg’s chest. He stared at the naked young man for a moment, expecting an immediate ‘Stop!’ but after a long second, he got nothing but a nervous stare back. “Oh,” Liam said with a surprised smile, then let his hand move to place his entire palm on Greg’s chest, raising the other one too so he was cupping both soft, fleshy pectorals.

Greg shuddered, looking genuinely torn between saying stop and letting it happen.

“You’re straight then, huh?” Liam whispered softly.

“Yeah,” Liam replied just as quietly with a nod.

“So, no guy’s ever touched you like this?” Liam asked, a seemingly redundant question, though it still served a purpose. As he asked it, he let his hands slide up a little towards Greg’s shoulders.

“No,” Greg said back shakily.

Liam stared intently as his hands rubbed Greg’s shoulders for a moment before sliding down to his biceps. “I can’t help noticing…” he started, pausing to build the nude man’s tension, “… you’re not saying stop!”

Greg didn’t reply, he just shook his head.

“Does that mean you like being touched like this?” Liam asked, letting his hands move back up to the shoulders and down to the chest again.

Greg gasped slightly and nodded, just a little.

“And this?” Liam asked as he tweaked both nipples at once.

“Fuck!” Greg gasped, leaning over a little as the pleasurable sensation caught him off guard.

“Wow, you are SO hard right now!” Liam said, looking down at Greg’s dick.

Greg let out a gentle groan as he looked down, his cock throbbing, a small dribble of pre-cum having oozed from the tip.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Liam whispered. As Greg looked at him nervously, he smiled sweetly and said, “You’re wondering how you’re enjoying this, when I’m a guy… and you’re hating the entire situation, right?”

“I… I…” Greg stuttered for a moment then nodded and said quietly, “Yeah!”

“I ain’t gonna answer that for you,” Liam smirked, “But… I’m not gonna judge you for it either. Jake could probably tell ya more than I can. He’s… sort of been here, but for now let’s take care of this.” He nodded down at Greg’s erection and dropped to his knees.

“What are you… doing?” Greg asked nervously. He knew what Liam was doing. A horny guy kneels down in front of you when you’ve got a boner and it’s not hard to figure out where it’s going. It was more just an expression of disbelief. What was even more shocking to Greg was that he didn’t find himself objecting! ‘At least, you won’t be walking round boned up!’ he told himself. It was little comfort really.

Liam poked his tongue out and leaned in, letting it barely make contact with Greg’s dick, just enough to lap up the oozing string of pre-cum.

“Oh fuck!” Greg gasped as he felt the brief touch, then watched in shock Liam pulled back, the pre-cum stretching out into a thin line of goo before breaking and hanging from the eager twink’s tongue. He watched as Liam sucked it up and swallowed, grinning up at him.

“If you want me to suck it,” Liam said slowly with a growing grin, “I’m gonna need to you to…”

“Please suck it!” Greg gasped, but immediately closed his eyes and muttered, “Fuck!” He had just asked a guy to suck his dick. Ten minutes earlier, he hadn’t even THOUGHT about a guy sucking his dick, now here he was actively asking for it.

“Okay,” Liam said with a smirk, “But looking at this thing,” he paused to lean in and run his tongue from base to tip along its underside, getting a gasp from above. “I don’t think…” he added, giving another lick. “I even need…” Another long slow lick. “To suck it…” Again, he let his tongue slide the full length of the straining prick.

“Oh, my fucking god,” Greg whimpered, his legs shaking as he stared down at his dick. Liam was right and he knew it. He could feel it.

“All it’s gonna take…” Liam continued with another lick. “Is just…” Lick. “Another couple…” Lick. “Of licks…” Lick.

That was it. Greg was over the edge. Barely able to stand as his legs trembled, he let out a high-pitched whimper and began to shoot. It wasn’t explosive, Greg’s ejaculations never were. On the scale from shooter to dribbler, he was somewhere in then middle, though most of the time he never really saw, his emissions usually spurted into a tissue or a sock. Now though, he plastered Liam’s face with spunk as the horny twink happily smiled up at him.

“Wow, kinda premature there. Gotta be embarrassing,” Liam said as he stood. He was the one with cum all over his face, yet Greg was the embarrassed one.

“Fuck off,” Greg growled. The orgasm had been intense. It had been pleasurable. It had also managed to clear his head a little. “Can you take me home now,” he demanded.

“I guess so,” Liam shrugged, mildly annoyed by the attitude. In an act of totally petty revenge, he leaned forward and rubbed his face down Greg’s body, streaking it with his own spunk before raising a hand to try and wipe off any more, flicking it at the disgusted-looking man. “Come on then” he said, grabbing his keys.

“Like this?” Greg asked, still naked, restrained and now decorated with his own spunk.

“Like you said, get you home and THEN stop being naked. Come on!” Liam said, heading for the door. As Greg hesitated, he said, “Alternatively, I could just make you leave and not help you get home if that’s what you’d prefer!”

Greg huffed but complied. He followed to the front door. As he got there, Liam shouted a quick goodbye back to the other two.

“See ya later, hun,” Jake called back. “You too Liam!”

“Ha!” Michael called out. “Have a fun drive, nice to SEE YOU, Greg!”

Greg grumbled as Liam sniggered at the comments, though he was soon distracted by the blast of cool air from outside as the door opened.

Liam headed to one of the cards on the driveway and opened the passenger-side door for Greg who eagerly dashed across and jumped in.

“Any chance you’ll untie me?” Greg asked as Liam got in the drovers’ seat.

“Sure… when we get there!” Liam smirked as he reached over to secure Greg’s seatbelt.

“Fuck,” Greg muttered. Thankfully, it was still early enough that most of their drive would take place before the roads got too busy.

“Address?” Liam requested as he tapped away on the car’s navigation.

Greg felt awkward giving his address to a stranger, but it still felt more desirable than being dropped off in the general area and having to make a naked dash home. Soon enough, they were on the road.

Despite Liam’s best attempts, Greg went largely unnoticed as they drove across town. By the time they got near his house, he had been seen briefly in passing by maybe half a dozen people, while one lucky man had gotten a prolonged look at the naked man while they were sat at some lights. Al in all, it could have been a lot worse, and on the bright side, at least he wasn’t sporting an erection anymore… though he had yet to go fully soft.

“Well, here we are,” Liam said, sounding quite disappointed as they pulled up on the driveway. “Let’s get you untied,” he said as Greg eagerly turned to let the young twink release him. “Well, you know where we live if you ever wanna have some fun again,” he said with a genuine smile.

Greg stared back at him. He wanted to tell him to fuck off. He felt like he had been violated. Actually no, he felt like he SHOULD feel like he’d been violated, but as he looked at the young man, he couldn’t help smiling just a little. “Thanks. This… coulda gone a lot worse!” he said awkwardly.

“Take care,” Liam said as Greg got out, immediately backing out once the door was closed.

Not wasting any time, or risking being seen by a neighbour, Greg rushed for the front door and immediately cursed himself for his own stupidity. Yes, he was home, but he was still naked, which meant no keys! He had no way to get in. In a slight panic, he rushed around the side of the house and into the back garden. If he stayed close to the house, he was not visible to the neighbours, which was a slight relief, but he still had the issue of how to get inside.

Greg did not live alone. He shared the house with three other guys, two of which he didn’t really know (Sajid and Lewis) and one who he did know and also didn’t like (Reggie)! Knocking on the door now would mean at least one of them would see him naked, which he was very keen to avoid, especially as his cock was already beginning to swell again.

One sudden thought occurred to Greg. Every morning, Reggie came out into the back garden to do yoga, which Greg could see from his bedroom window on the back of the house, one of the reasons for his dislike of his housemate, he felt it was a little pretentious. Maybe, just maybe, he could sneak in while Reggie was doing his morning routine.

He also looked at the window next to the back door. He knew they kept a spare key on the table just beneath it. Surely paying for a broken window was better than being seen by one of his housemates. He knew he needed to get in. He just needed to decide how to do it.

For part 5 click here 


Naked Justice

What a pity that Liam's car wasn't a convertible. I hope that whoever of Greg's housemates sees him first will realize how much this public naked exhibition means for Greg and helps him to stay that way for a VERY long time.

John Warren

I was hoping Liam would give Greg a little more than a few licks and drive him home. To me he got off, literally, way too easy.

Stories by Matt

It's that fine balance of pushing an awkward situation and crossing the line into full-on inappropriate. Maybe I shouldn't worry too much about reality, but I like to save the really absurd stuff for once the story really gets going lol