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Saturday 31 October 2020

Rob stared across at the bed opposite, eyes wide with a mix of awe and admiration… and blurriness - his glasses had come off earlier and he was yet to locate them. He had been in dorm 3.23 for a couple of hours now and one of its occupants, Travis Black, captain of the Year 13 rugby was currently pounding away like a jackhammer.

The fortunate recipient of the impressive fuck was sixteen-year-old self-confessed ‘greedy, bottom cum-slut’ Liam Harris, captain of the Year 12 team. His sluttiness certainly seemed prominent as his throat was currently being fucked, almost as vigorously, by Year 11 captain Kai Barker.

“How is he even taking that?” Rob asked, staring in amazement.

“With a LOT of practice!” the boy currently wrapped around Rob sniggered. It was Isaac Lloyd, Year 10 captain and dormmate to Rob’s boyfriend.

Rob let out a slight chuckle at the comment, though it quickly turned to a moan as he felt hands teasing his nipples. Both boys, like everyone else in the room, were completely naked with Rob sat between the older boy’s legs as they watched the passionate spit-roast happening opposite.

“I don’t… have to go next, do I?” Rob asked nervously.

“Nah,” Isaac replied softly, his lips close to Rob’s ear as their heads nuzzled together a little. “You set your limits and everyone here’s gonna respect them. Never any pressure from us!” he reassured the younger boy.

Rob let out a happy sigh, both from the kind words and from the continued attention Isaac was giving his nipples. He loved hanging out with the other rugby captains. It was a kind of fraternity he had never expected to find himself in when he found out he might be made the Year 8 captain. He was most certainly glad he was in it though. While they all took the sport very seriously and their Monday night meetings were focused entirely on training plans and strategy, the rest of the time they spent together was pure hedonistic pleasure.

Apparently, today’s six-boy orgy was a Halloween tradition. With the big party planned for the evening, a ‘pre-party’ consisting of mindless sex and alcohol (for the older boys) was their own private celebration of the day and Rob had loved every second of it. In the time he had been in there, he had cum several times, the last one intense but dry, with literally nothing left in the tank. That was when he had called it quits and moved aside, relaxing on Travis’ roommate’s bed with Isaac eventually joining him.

“Ugh, if you keep doing that, I’m gonna need to cum again,” Rob moaned dreamily as Isaac’s hands continued their casual nipple play.

“I love how sensitive they are,” Isaac chuckled. He leaned to the side a little and tilted his head forward. As Rob turned his head towards him, he leaned in to kiss the boy but felt him immediately recoil. “Oh sorry,” he quickly apologised.

“Yeah, that’s a limit too,” Rob said with a hint of a shrug. “I like to save the kissing for…” he paused, “My boyfriend!” It was an awkward finish to the sentence, primarily because the ‘boyfriend’ in question was Alex, Isaac’s dormmate… and the two were not on best terms.

“Ugh, I don’t know what you see in him!” Isaac muttered, rolling his eyes.

“Come on, I asked you not to do that!” Rob said, slightly angrily.

“I know. Sorry. It’s just… you seem like such a nice kid…” Isaac started.

“Kid?” Rob asked, pulling away and looking back at the older boy. “You’re less than two years older than me!”

“Yeah, and really I’m still a kid, so that means you are too, but shut up, I’m talking!” Isaac said, trying to sound playful.

“Yeah, talking about MY boyfriend!” he said back sharply.

“Hey!” they suddenly heard from across the room. It was Elijah, the Year 9 captain. While he was as shagged out as Rob and opted out of further action, he had chosen to stay on the other bed to get a closer view of the others still in action and was currently sat with Liam laying over him as he got fucked in both ends. “You’re spoiling the mood. Shut up or piss off!”

“Sorry, E!” Isaac said sheepishly to the younger boy. He looked to Rob, clearly checking which option he was leaning towards.

“Forget it! Just… shut up, okay?” Rob said moodily. He wanted so badly to intervene, to try and patch things up between Alex and his dormmates, but Alex had asked Rob to stay out of it. Wanting to keep the peace and ensure he knew there were no hard feelings, Rob grabbed Isaac’s hands and placed them back onto his nipples, letting out a gentle moan as the older boy pinched them again.

Isaac pressed his cock against Rob’s back as he held him from behind. While both boys were pretty worn out, it was clear they were both beginning to get their second wind. Isaac released one of Rob’s nipples and let his hand lower to the boy’s stiffening cock, the head slippery, though more because of leftovers from earlier actions than any huge excitement yet. He let out a quiet moan, close enough to Rob’s ear that only he could hear it, then whispered, “You wanna go over and re-join them?”

“I’m happy to watch,” Rob whispered back, still slightly nervous of getting too close to the vigorous fuck. “But you go join them if you like!”

“Nah, I’m good here,” Isaac said, giving Rob’s dick a few playful strokes.

Rob chuckled and nuzzled back against the older boy. As nice as it felt, it brought with it a slight sense of melancholy. He was so completely at ease with these other boys, able to touch them, talk to them, have sex with them, all safe in the knowledge it was just a fraternal bond. No romance, just friendship, brotherhood and passion. It kept making him think back to the others in the dorm – Danny, Chris, Nicky and Mikey. It was so much like what they had… and didn’t share with Rob! He pushed the thoughts from his mind, a process made all the easier by Isaac’s mischievous touches.

Rob watched in delight as Liam let out a pleasured moan over on the other bed, seemingly signalling an orgasm based on the way his body tensed, though Travis and Kai showed no signs of slowing down their spit-roast. If anything Liam’s moans and the throbbing of his sphincter just pushed Travis into an even higher gear, pounding at the younger boy with almost inhuman vigour, pushing so hard it almost knocked Kai backwards at the other end of their cum-slut.

Elijah, who remained pinned under the three-man fuckfest seemed to have recovered a similar amount of stamina to the other two spectators and was now masturbating eagerly as he watched Travis and Kai pushing rapidly towards yet another orgasm.

As Rob felt Isaac begin to start pressing more and more against his back, he hopped over one of the older boy’s legs and sat at his side, then reached back over and took hold of his dick. Isaac seemed happy with the arrangement but rather than just directly taking hold of Rob’s dick, he leaned closer to him, slid an arm around him and took hold of his smaller dick from the opposite side, maximising their body contact as they jerked each other off.

The moans filling the room quickly became more pronounced, pace and pitch changing as each of the boys moved towards what would possibly (but not definitely) be their last orgasms of the session, a veritable symphony of pleasure. As the noises reached their crescendo, a chain reaction triggered around the room. Elijah’s orgasm was like a starting pistol for the rest of them, his pleasured moan and intense but meagre load spurting out over his stomach.

Seeing the younger boy cum was the final straw for Kai, who pulled out of Liam’s mouth, his cock slick with saliva, then gave two quick strokes and pumped his seed onto the sweaty, panting boy’s face. It was an exciting sight and enough to push Rob over the edge, helped along by Isaac’s head dropping down to suck on Rob’s nipple. Making Rob cum was the trigger for Isaac who shot his own, surprisingly large load.

Finally, Travis let out a low guttural growl, almost beast-like in its ferocity as he tensed, fingers gripping tightly onto Liam’s hips as he shot inside the younger captain. Liam let out another final whimper, though it was unclear whether it was simply a reaction to Travis’ load filling him or if he managed yet another orgasm of his own.

The eldest of the group stood up from his own bunk and looked either side at the exhausted, sweaty and cum-soaked boys on both beds. Still catching his breath, he smiled and chuckled slightly. “I fucking love Halloween!” he said happily.


Danny had literally never felt quite so content as he did in that moment. He had come up to see Brian, but Chris and Nicky had tagged along, potentially looking to make it an unofficial ‘double date’. When they got to dorm 2.10, they found Brian and Joseph were both home and, decided to just hang out there for a while. They had gathered on to the two sofas, with Nicky and Chris taking one, cuddling together, while Danny had ended up on the other, nestled in between his mentor and his boyfriend.

Both older boys seemed determined to get as close as they could to the boy, to the point where he had almost disappeared beneath them as the five boys sat there chatting.

“This is so different from last year!” Chris said happily as he gave Nicky a squeeze. As the others looked at him questioningly, he elaborated. “Well I was all down and miserable cos I hadn’t been home to see family and hadn’t been able to get a Halloween costume. This year, I got to go home, I’ve got an awesome costume AND I’ve got my brother here!”

“AND you’ve got an awesome boyfriend now!” Nicky added with a smirk.

Chris chuckled. “Yeah, that too,” he said, giving Nicky a quick kiss on the cheek. “And I know I’m not always thrilled to have Blane here, but I’m glad he knows what it’s like here. It made buying the stuff for my costume WAY less embarrassing!”

“Ooh, embarrassing costume!” Joseph declared happily. “Now that IS like last year!” The previous Halloween, Joseph had made ‘costumes’ for Danny and Chris, though it had clearly been nothing more than a weak ruse to expose and humiliate them… and it had worked. The two boys had ended up at the Halloween party naked except for a large paper fig leaf, supposedly dressed as a gay version of Adam and Eve – Adam and Steve!

It had only gotten more embarrassing when Chris entered them in the costume competition. They had ended up on stage and both managed to pop a boner with basically the whole school watching!

“It’s not quite as bad as last year,” Chris explained. “And it’s less embarrassing when you see it as part of the whole group! And no, we’re not telling you what it is, you’ll have to wait and see like everyone else!”

“How about yours, bud?” Joseph asked, nudging the boy at his side. “Going nude again?”

“No chance!” Danny said, shaking his head emphatically.

“He almost could,” Chris said, getting an immediate angry glare from Danny. “But he’s wimping out and covering up!”

“Hmm, interesting,” Joseph said with a slight smirk.

“Don’t you dare!” Danny said sternly. He knew his mentor well and in particular his love of driving Danny into embarrassing situations. He had done it a little less since Danny started his relationship with Brian, although that was mainly because it was something Brian enjoyed too, so he took care of it and Joseph just enjoyed the show, but still, Danny knew that look.

“Oh I do dare!” Joseph grinned, “In fact, I dare you…” he started.

Danny let out a moan. He was under absolutely no obligation to obey Joseph. There was no coercion, no blackmail, no threats, it was simply a relationship they had built where Joseph made ‘suggestions’ and Danny followed them, confident that even if he hated what he was dared to do, the memory of it afterwards would form a permanent entry in his wank bank!

“… to make your costume the most embarrassing version it can be!” Joseph finished.

“I hate you SO much!” Danny grumbled.

“Are you having ideas?” Nicky asked, looking to Chris excitedly.

“So many!” Chris replied happily.

“We’re gonna need supplies!” Nicky replied eagerly.

Chris looked across to Brian and Joseph and said, “Any chance we can borrow a razor and some duct tape?”


“Thank you for coming today,” James said, sounding exceptionally formal.

“Not like we had a choice,” David muttered.

“Yeah, when did he get put in charge?” Rob added quietly.

James either didn’t hear the two quiet comments or simply chose to ignore them as he continued. “As you know, it’s now been two months since Josh enrolled in the tutoring program.”

“Enrolled?” David whispered.

“Tutoring program?” Rob asked, shrugging as he looked at the other two.

Back at the start of the year, Josh had requested help from the other three boys in improving his grades, with each of them taking three subjects. There was no formal arrangement to it, just an expectation that the three boys would put in a little extra time to help Josh study where they could, helping to accommodate his slower pace at absorbing information.

“And I believe it’s time to start reviewing progress to identify any areas in need of improvement,” James went on, very clearly hearing the other two this time but ignoring them anyway.

“Oh, so you’ve put yourself in charge of all this and now you’re making us spend our Saturday listening to how bad you think we are at it!” Rob said curtly.

James looked a little taken aback by the bluntness, used to being on the other side of it. “No!” he immediately disagreed. “I’m not in charge, I’m just wanting to make sure Josh is getting the best service he can from us all!” he insisted.

“Did you ask him to do this?” David asked, looking to Josh.

Josh shrugged. “I don’t even know what THIS is!” he replied, clearly quite amused by it all.

“Well if there’s no more complaints, why don’t we get straight down to it!” James said, taking a seat at the booth with the other three now that the introduction was out of the way.

“I reckon I’ve got a few more complaints in me,” Rob muttered, the good mood he had built from his Halloween celebration with the rugby captains quickly fading away.

James huffed at the comment, but opened his laptop and explained, “So I’ve been tracking Josh’s marks and scores in the classes we’re tutoring him in and extrapolated the final grade he’s currently on track for.”

“Extra… what?” Josh asked, confused.

“Extrapolated!” James said firmly. “Clearly still needs work in English!” he said pointedly, looking to Rob who had that subject.

“Screw you, dickface!” Rob said sharply. “I’m not sitting here and letting you slag me off!” He went to stand, but felt David grab his arm.

“Come on, don’t do that,” David pleaded, then looked to James and politely but very firmly said, “And you… be polite!”

James rolled his eyes and sighed, but nodded and said, “Sorry Rob.”

Rob sighed back but remained in his seat. As much as he felt he was going to hate this, it was the closest he had come to doing anything with Josh for a while now and it was nice to be around him.

“Okay, so… why don’t we start with Josh’s weaker subjects,” James said, looking at the data on his screen. “So for last year, you only got 2 stars in French, German, English and Computing.”

Josh chuckled. “Guess I’m not so good with languages, even my own,” he joked.

“Or machines!” David added with a grin.

“Hmmm,” James hummed, looking at the other two. He wanted to say something, but David’s insistence he be polite was still fresh in his mind, so he held back. Instead, he stayed on subject. “So based on my projections, I’d say Josh is heading for three stars in English and Computing, but only two and a half stars in French and German.”

“Oh,” Josh said, a little dejectedly.

“Hey, don’t say it like that!” Rob quickly admonished James. “Going up half a star is still good and going up a whole star in the other two is awesome!”

Josh smiled at Rob, appreciative of the supportiveness.

“He’s right,” David stated firmly, taking it slightly personally as three of those subjects were the ones he was tutoring. “It’s an impressive achievement, especially in such a short time. Josh is never gonna be a five-star student in these subjects. No offence.”

“None taken. You’re right. I’m just glad I’m doing a bit better. I actually understand some of it now. David’s a great tutor!” Josh said, throwing an arm around David casually.

David grinned at the compliment.

“Well History and Geography are looking much better,” James went on.

“Oh, big surprise,” Rob said, rolling his eyes. They were two of the subjects James was covering.

James scowled, annoyed that David wasn’t telling Rob to ‘be polite’ the way he had been told. “They’re both looking like he could reach four stars by the end of the year!”

“Seriously?” Josh asked excitedly. “I mean, I don’t like them cos they’re boring as fuck, but it’d still be nice to get some good grades!”

James nodded. “Hmmm, yeah, anyone else have a problem with him just not being interested?” he asked, getting a scowl from Josh for being talked about like he wasn’t there.

“If a student isn’t interested, you find a way to MAKE it interesting!” David insisted. “That was the advice Mr Beecham gave me, and we know how good he is at keeping everyone interested!”

“Yeah, so maybe if Josh isn’t finding your subjects interesting, that’s on you!” Rob said, glad to be able to turn things around a little.

James looked angry at the comment, but rather than responding directly, he looked at his screen and said, “Then there’s English, Science and Citizenship!”

Rob glared back for a moment. They were his subjects.

“Currently showing absolutely NO improvement whatsoever. In fact, English is looking likely to drop half a star!” James said, almost smugly.

Rob flushed bright red. “Oh, erm… well…” he stuttered. The truth was, he had done virtually nothing to tutor Josh. Between dating Alex and his time with the rugby captains, on top of Josh’s hectic schedule of extracurriculars and tutoring, the two had barely even spoken outside of classes and clubs. Rob knew he could have made more of an effort, but every time he considered spending time with his best friend, Danny seemed to be in the way.

“Is there a problem?” James asked bluntly.

Rob glanced at Josh for a moment then stared down at his hands. “Just both been busy,” he said quietly.

James looked to Josh and raised his eyebrows questioningly.

Josh let out a quiet sigh and nodded. “Yeah, just busy,” he repeated.

“Well you need to get un-busy!” James said firmly. “Or make other arrangements. Maths and Science are two of the most important subjects. You’ll never get far without decent grades in them!”

“Geez, relax,” Rob said, shaking his head. “It’s not like anyone ever died from not getting a good grade in year eight maths!”

“We’ll… work on it!” Josh quickly interjected, seeing an argument on the brink of breaking out between the other two.

While he wasn’t aware of exactly what the issue was, David could feel the tension between the boys either side of him and declared, “Okay, you two work on it. Me and James are gonna leave you to it!”

James began to disagree. “But I’ve got more…”

“I said… we’re gonna leave them to it!” David repeated.

Rob stood up and let David shuffle out of his seat. As he stood, James reluctantly closed his laptop and stood too.

“See you guys later. Don’t be too long, we gotta start getting ready soon!” David said, having given strict instructions to the whole dorm on their schedule for the day.

“Are we just busy?” Josh asked once the other two were gone.

“Yeah,” Rob said unconvincingly.

“Oh, okay,” Josh said, looking sullen. “Maybe I should… drop one of my activities, ya know, so we have more time!”

“No!” Rob insisted. “You… really seem to love all the new stuff you’re doing. I don’t wanna get in the way of any of that! We’ll just… have to make time somewhere else!”

“We’ve got time now,” Josh said cheerfully. “Just no tutoring. Those guys took it all WAY too seriously. Let’s just… hang out!”

Rob smiled. Awkward as it was to admit their disconnection, it was still nice to see Josh actually wanted to spend time together. “Sure,” he said happily.


“Is this really necessary?” Danny asked nervously as he stood backed into the corner of the shower cubicle.

Nicky and Chris were stood opposite the naked boy, ready to get to work, one holding a can of shaving foam, the other a razor.

“It is. If you’re actually gonna do the dare Joseph gave you, this is definitely necessary!” Chris said. Realistically, it wasn’t necessary, but it just felt like too good an opportunity to pass up on.

“And you don’t need to look so worried. I was shaving down there for years before I came to Kingswood. I won’t hurt you!” Nicky said, trying to put Danny at ease but just embarrassing himself with the reminder of his premature development. In order to stand out less from his peers, Nicky had taken to shaving his pubes, though he had stopped over the summer at Mikey’s request and had not yet resumed, so now sported a moderate bush.

Danny whimpered and looked down. His own hair was hardly substantial and being blonde, looked like less than there actually was anyway. He had never imagined shaving it. He had spent most of the last year willing it to grow, so getting rid of it now as it was really starting to kick in just seemed counterintuitive. “I’m not worried about getting hurt, I’m worried about why it’s necessary!” he pouted.

“Shh, shut up and let us get to work!” Chris insisted as he and his boyfriend dropped to their knees.

Danny watched in dismay as Chris squirted a large blob of foam onto his hand and then started spreading over his pubis. Danny felt his cock begin to swell almost immediately. Was it the embarrassment of what was about to happen, or simply Chris’ touch? He wasn’t really sure, but by the time his crotch was all foamed up, he was sporting a full boner.

“Okay, you keep that out of the way while I shave him!” Nicky instructed, pointing to the rigid dick.

“Gladly,” Chris said happily, always enjoying the opportunity to get his hands on another boy’s penis.

As Nicky got to work, shaving the sparse hairs, he chuckled at the way Chris was ‘helping’. “You’re only meant to hold it aside. Stroking isn’t necessary!” Nicky said, shaking his head.

“Well I figured he needs to cum before we get him in costume. Can’t exactly have him popping a boner, can we?” Chris asked.

“The way we’re doing it, he won’t even be able to!” Nicky sniggered.

“Wait, what?” Danny asked, already nervous and now verging on outright panic. “What are you gonna do to it?” he added shakily. He would have backed away, but with the razor so close to his dick, it didn’t seem wise to move too much.

“Oh, you just wait and see,” Nicky giggled. “But Chris is right. You should cum!”

“Hehe, excellent,” Chris said delightedly.

“And so should you,” Nicky added, grinning to his boyfriend. “After… we’ve shaved you too!”

“What?!” Chris exclaimed in shock.

“Ha!” Danny yelped, momentarily forgetting his own panic as he saw the shock on Chris’ face.

“Come on. Think what you’re wearing. It’s clearly got to go!” Nicky instructed. “Get your clothes off.”

Chris let out a whimper, but let go of Danny’s cock and began to strip. As he finished hanging his clothes on the door, he looked round to see Nicky was finished with Danny, his tiny bush completely gone, his dick rigid. If Chris hadn’t already been sporting an erection of his own, the sight of his smooth, naked best friend would certainly have made it happen.

“Why don’t I help!” Danny suggested, not even waiting for the okay from Nicky before he grabbed the foam and started lathering Chris’ crotch.

Chris let out an even more laboured moan as the slippery hands caressed his privates. He stood as Nicky moved, ready to start another shave. While Chris had a more substantial bush, it was still far from big and it barely took more then a few strokes from the razor before it was washing away down the drain with Danny’s.

Nicky stood, standing back to admire his handiwork. “Ugh, oh my god,” he growled as he beheld the naked boys. He had found the shaving to be substantially more arousing than he expected. He had shaved himself many times and found no great joy in it. In fact, it was done mostly as a tool to hide his own shame at his over-development, but something about denuding the two boys of the hair, setting back the appearance of their development, it had his own cock absolutely throbbing.

Both Chris and Danny couldn’t help noticing the obvious bulge and quickly exchanged sly glances.

“I kinda miss having you smooth!” Chris added, reaching out to stroke Nicky’s chest through his t-shirt.

“You should join us!” Danny added with a grin.

While usually the one giving the orders, the sight of the naked boys mixed with his own arousal decimated any chance he had of resisting and he simply nodded, starting to undress. Once he was naked, with both Chris and Danny applying the foam, he shaved himself. While he was confident they had been paying attention, the thought of letting amateurs loose on his crotch with a razor was not an appealing thought.

Within minutes, all three boys were shaved smooth and still rock hard, none of them having shot yet. As they stood eyeing each other hungrily, they knew they were all going to cum, it was just a question of how.

“Are you gonna fuck him?” Danny asked, groping at his own cock as he looked between the two lovers.

Chris and Nicky giggled playfully.

“We haven’t done that yet,” Chris explained.

“But we’re going to… if Chris earns it!” Nicky added.

“Oooh, how?” Danny asked eagerly, eyes widening.

“No Nut November!” Chris said, looking somewhat less enthused.

“What, so you make it the month and then what?” Danny asked, confused.

“He lasts the month and I fuck him!” Nicky said, almost regretting the deal. He loved the idea of Chris being unable to cum, already imagining how horny and desperate he would become, but waiting a month to fuck the boy he loved just felt like torture.

“Well that’s stupid!” Danny said bluntly.

“Oh really?” Nicky asked, mildly offended.

Danny nodded as he frowned and said, “Well yeah. I mean, it’s not like you’re NOT gonna fuck him eventually if he fails, is it?”

Nicky and Chris looked at each other, ready to argue but then saw the fault in their arrangement.

“Oh, good point!” Nicky conceded.

“You should make it… more interesting!” Danny suggested with a wicked grin.

“No, don’t let him…” Chris started, knowing Danny could come up with some truly wicked ideas, but Nicky raised a hand to silence him.

“Go on!” Nicky said, excited over what misery Danny could inflict on Chris.

“Well Chris is weird. Anything mean you might make him do, he’ll probably enjoy, so you’ve gotta encourage him in other ways. So how about this? If he makes it the month, you fuck him. But…” Danny paused, grinning. “You have to do it out in front of the building, with both of you naked!”

“Yes!” Chris yelped excitedly.

“Woah, no way!” Nicky said, shaking his head, looking terrified.

“Nicky, if that’s the prize, I will absolutely fucking do it, I promise! Whole month, I can guarantee it!” Chris said, stroking his own cock in sheer delight.

“But… but…” Nicky stuttered.

“Please!” Chris pleaded. He moved close to Nicky and wrapped his arms around him as he kissed him passionately for a moment before moving nis lips round to nibble at the taller boy’s ear, then repeated in a whisper, “Please!”

“Ugh,” Nicky groaned as he felt the wet, naked body pressed against his own. “Okay, but what if he fails?”

“Oh!” Danny said, eyes suddenly so wide they looked like they could pop right out of his head.

“I don’t like that look,” Chris mumbled.

“I love it,” Nicky growled back at him, then looked to Danny and asked, “Let’s hear it!”

“If he cums before the end of November, he has to send a video of him jerking off and cumming to Blane and Mr Trent and then claim it was an accident!” Danny suggested.

“No. No freaking way. Absolutely not. Not happening!” Chris said, shaking his head.

“It’s a deal!” Nicky said, mostly just to tease Chris.

“What did I just say?” Chris grumbled.

“Too late, deal’s made!” Nicky said happily. “But for now, if I’m not fucking him… you wanna do it?” he offered. He knew the two had already done it a few times now since Chris’ birthday, but was yet to witness it himself.

“Do I get any say in this?” Chris asked, both annoyed and excited by being disregarded again.

“Sounds fun, but I don’t want you getting bored!” Danny sniggered. He turned to wiggle his butt at Nicky and winked, his intent obvious.

“Ugh yes,” Nicky moaned. “Wait!” he said suddenly, surprising the other two. “We’re missing someone!”

Chris and Danny thought for a moment, then nodded.

“Go find Mikey,” Nicky ordered Chris.

“Why me?” Chris pouted.

“Cos I wanna play with Danny,” Nicky said casually, getting an excited giggle from Danny in response.

“I wanna watch!” Chris pouted.

“Then find him quickly!” Nicky said, unlocking the door.

Chris huffed and grabbed for his clothes, but Nicky swatted his hand away and handed him a towel instead. “Fine,” Chris growled, wrapping the towel around his waist. Chris virtually sprinted round the corridors to get back to the dorm, hoping Mikey was there. At first glance the room appeared empty. Had he not been looking for Mikey and thought to check his bunk, Chris might have missed the slight mound under the covers that gave away his presence.

A quick scurry across the dorm and up the ladder and Chris was stood looking at the Mikey-shaped lump. He grabbed the covers and pulled them back to find Mikey curled up in the foetal position, a pillow tightly clutched against him as he slept.

“Hey,” Chris said quietly, gently shaking the sleeping boy’s leg.

Mikey stirred and opened his eyes, blinking in confusion at the sudden disturbance. “What?” he grumbled as he looked at Chris.

“Short version. Me, you, Danny, Nicky… fucking in the showers!” Chris said, in no mood for subtlety.

Mikey grinned and sat up, blushing a little as he released the pillow, but paused before moving too far, the grin quickly replaced with a scowl. “Oh what, so suddenly you remember I exist and I’m s’posed to just come running?” he asked angrily.

Chris felt the question like a gut-punch, flinching a little at it. It was hard to disagree with the annoyed boy. The four of them had been virtually inseparable at one point, but it was undeniable things had changed a little. Chris wanted to argue, to comfort him, to reason with him, but there were two inescapable facts in his mind that were driving him – one, Nicky and Danny were naked and playing together right at that very moment, and two, Chris wasn’t seeing it! This was not an acceptable situation and needed to be remedied as quickly as possible.

“We’re sucky friends, who suck at being friends and we can definitely talk about that, but seriously, d’you wanna JUST talk about that, or d’you wanna come have sex with us in the showers and THEN talk about it?” Chris asked, his desperation overriding his sensitivity.

Mikey’s face screwed up angrily. “Fine, but don’t expect me to enjoy it!” he pouted.

Chris sniggered as he jumped back down to the ground. “I’m okay with that,” he said. As keen as he was to get back to the others, he couldn’t simply ignore something that was clearly bothering Mikey. As they headed out into the corridor, he placed an arm around the boy’s shoulders and said, “We really can talk about it, but you’re never forgotten. I promise!”

“Whatever!” Mikey pouted.

Chris went to pull his arm away, but Mikey immediately grabbed it and held it in place, but said nothing more as they headed back round to the shower room. Chris tapped on the door and it opened. He let out a slight moan at the sight of the other two naked boys, not even stopping to unlock the cubicle.

“Bit cramped, isn’t it!” Mikey commented as he followed Chris in.

Danny pulled away from Nicky a little and grinned. “Oh no, we’ll all be pressed up against each other. How awful!” he said sarcastically.

Before Mikey could say anything else, or voice his issues with the other two, they were pulling off his clothes. As he finally stood naked in one corner of the cubicle, he glanced round at the others. With Chris’ towel thrown aside, he smirked and said, “You guys missing something?” He flinched as they sniggered and his face dropped into a scowl as he added, “Yeah, just something else I got left out of!”

“No, we…” Nicky went to argue back. Things had been a little tense between the two for several days now, ever since they returned from the half-term break. As much as he wanted to disagree with his best friend, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He let out a sigh and nodded. “You’re right,” he admitted. “But it’s not been on purpose.”

“We’ll do better!” Danny quickly added, seeing Mikey ready to snap at Nicky. It was hard to see the other boy upset like that, though mainly because the gnawing sense of guilt he felt made it clear he knew he was partially to blame. “I’m sorry!”

“Me too,” Chris added.

“Me three,” Nicky offered tentatively.

Mikey looked genuinely conflicted. He clearly wanted to accept what they were saying, but it was like something was holding him back. Finally, after what looked like a real struggle, he nodded and said quietly, “I just don’t wanna be on my own again. I hate it!”

“You won’t be,” Nicky reassured him, gently rubbing his arm.

“Good,” Mikey grinned. “Now who’s fucking who?”

Nicky grabbed each of the other three and moved them into a line ahead of him, so he was directly behind Mikey, then Danny, with Chris at the very front. “How’s this work for everyone?” he asked with a playful snigger.

There was a sudden burst of agreement as the boys happily rubbed up against each other with Chris pressed against the wall. Danny was first to lube up and start pushing inside Chris, getting a shuddery moan of delight in response. Wanting to give the others a chance to catch up, he stopped once he was fully inside, feeling Mikey’s fingers gently probing at his hole.

“You ready?” Mikey whispered in Danny’s ear.

“For you, always,” Danny chuckled, tilting his head back against Mikey then added a whispered, “I’m sorry mate!”

Mikey kissed his cheek, then aimed his attention lower as he began to push his dick inside Danny’s butt. He got a moan from Danny, accentuated by an extra little moan from Chris as Danny was pressed harder against his back. “Come on then,” Mikey said, glancing back at Nicky.

Nicky had been stood watching the other three, mindlessly stroking his huge dick as he did it. The comment shook him from the enjoyable view and reached down to grab Mikey’s hips, positioning himself. Taking hold of the base of his shaft, he guided the head towards Mikey’s hole and thrust in hard. There was a chain reaction of grunts down the line from the other three.

“Oh my god,” Danny groaned. “This is… woah,” he stuttered. He had bottomed a lot with Brian and topped Chris a few times now, but topping and bottoming all at once was both new and intense.

“I know right,” Mikey gasped, experiencing the same, though the dick inside him was substantially larger. He had reached round Danny to grab onto Chris, happy to now be feeling all three of his friends.

Nicky seemed to have taken responsibility for the pace, his thrusts into Mikey causing a ripple of movement down the line. The four-way fuck, along with the excitement of shaving the other boys was already threatening to cut the experience short, with his orgasm creeping up on him quickly. “Ugh, I’m close,” Nicky whimpered.

“Me too!” Mikey and Danny said at once, then giggled at the synchronised reply.

Chris just let out an indecipherable groan, the dick inside him and the various hands groping him pushing him towards his own ejaculation.

Nicky slowed down, seemingly hoping to prolong the experience, but Mikey’s eager thrusts into Danny counteracted it and moments later he was whimpering in ecstasy as he pumped his load inside his best friend. He kept thrusting into him as he shot, gradually getting harder, trying to set the others off too. As he heard moans of increasingly high pitch, he knew Danny had shot right after him, then Mikey. He pulled away and moved to the side of the line.

Leaning in, he kissed Mikey for just a moment then pulled Chris out from in front of the other two. He turned Chris to face them, wrapping his arms around him from behind. “You two on your knees!” Nicky instructed.

Mikey and Danny happily complied, sharing a brief kiss before staring up at Chris who looked so horny he could have passed out. Nicky’s hand took hold of his cock and stroked quickly for a few seconds. Chris shot his load, covering the two kneeling boys’ faces as they pressed together cheek-to-cheek.

With the last load shot, they all staggered away from each other a little, each taking separate corners of the cubicle as they caught their collective breath, grinning at each other.


The Halloween party was already in full swing. As was tradition, the Year 7s had turned up on time, blissfully unaware that nobody actually turned up on time for Kingswood parties. Gradually the party tent had begun to fill, every student and teacher in a costume of some kind.

The dorm 1.05 boys were some of the last to arrive. Despite David’s meticulous planning, getting ready had taken much longer than any of them expected, especially when the ‘changes’ to Danny’s costume had required a substantially larger amount of body paint.

Their entrance certainly didn’t go unnoticed, though thankfully for Danny it was because of the whole group, rather than all eyes being on him.

Despite superheroes being so prevalent in last year’s competition that it was almost cliché, the only theme the whole group had been able to agree on was superheroes. As such, the X-Men made their entrance!

At the centre of the group was David, in a smart little suit and wheelchair, bald cap on his head playing the team’s founder, Charles Xavier. To his side, sporting his classic 90s costume, complete with blue spandex, yellow accessories and glasses disguised as a visor was Rob dressed as Cyclops. The other side, dressed in full movie-style leather, with temporarily dyed hair and fake claws was Mikey as Wolverine. Right behind David and pushing his wheelchair was James, clad in a white spandex top and shorts, with a blue speedo and ‘X’ emblazoned belt, his arms, legs, head and hair painted white, clearly Iceman. Nicky’s costume was impressive, sporting a massive and quite spectacular pair of wings, made of real feathers, unmistakably Angel.

While Professor X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Iceman and Angel were impressive, more attention was drawn to the remaining three. Josh had dressed as Jean Grey in her Dark Phoenix persona, complete with red body suit (and fake boobs), white contacts and flowing red wig. Chris had also chosen to represent the female side of the X-Men and in typically exhibitionistic fashion had chosen Emma Frost, clad in white thigh high boots, white lingerie, a white cape and blonde wig.

As daring as Chris’ look was, it had nothing on Danny who had chosen to dress as Mystique. While his original costume had consisted of a body suit finished off with body paint over the rest similar to James, thanks to the dare he had been given, the body suit was gone. The only thing he was now wearing was a red wig. Aside from that, he was painted head to toe in blue body paint, his dick tucked and taped between his legs, making him look entirely smooth in the crotch area. His natural smoothness, along with the well applied paint actually made it hard to spot he was naked, at least until anyone got a closer look.

As more of the crowd began to notice their arrival, there were cheers and a fair amount of applause. It became immediately obvious that these boys meant business when it come to the competition.

“Did you see their faces?” David asked excitedly as they began to move further into the tent. “We look SO good!”

“I can’t believe Danny’s naked!” Josh sniggered, fake boobs jiggling.

“Really? ‘Danny’s naked’ feels like a pretty standard statement nowadays!” Chris chuckled.

“I hate you all so much!” Danny grumbled. He had been naked in front of the school before, but this somehow managed to be worse. Being naked and looking like he didn’t even have a dick was just… humiliating.

“Oh my god,” Brian said as he and Joseph approached the group. “Where’s your dick?”

“Halfway up my arse!” Danny growled, his blushes hidden by the face paint.

“The correct term is ‘tucked’ actually!” David informed them.

“Well it’s… a good look,” Brian sniggered.

Danny scowled, but as he looked Joseph and Brian up and down he couldn’t help but smile. “Going girly too, huh?” he asked Joseph, then added to Brian, “And you’ll really do anything to show off the muscles, won’t you!”

The two older boys were dressed as Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones, with Joseph in a white flowing dress and wig, fake dragon perched on his shoulder while Brian was naked from the waist up, smeared in fake dirt and blood with temporary tattoos and fake beard.

“Hey, if you got it, flaunt it!” Brian said with a snigger, then raised his eyebrows at Danny and said, “But I guess I don’t need to tell you that!”

“You’re such a dick,” Danny grumbled as the others who hadn’t wandered away sniggered at the comment.

Brian leaned in close and whispered, “I am SO fucking you later!” then pulled back as Danny somehow managed to blush through several layers of paint.


“I can’t believe you’re just walking round like that,” Nicky said, shaking his head at Chris with a mix of admiration and disbelief.

“You saying I don’t look good?” Chris asked as the two stood in the middle of the throng of revellers.

“Oh, I am definitely not saying that!” Nicky chuckled, raising his arms and resting them on Chris’ shoulders, pulling him slightly closer. “I think this is the closest I’ll ever come to going near a woman!” he sniggered.

“Yeah, I’ve definitely had a few very confused looks tonight,” Chris sniggered, curiously wondering how many boys his costume may have aroused.

“Mikey included!” Nicky chuckled.

Chris let out a wistful sigh. “This afternoon was fun,” he said, smiling fondly. “I forgot how much I like it when the four of us get together!”

“Yeah, me too. I gotta start making time for Mikey!” Nicky said, nodding seriously.

“Ugh I know. When he said he didn’t want to be alone again I could have cried!” Chris said, leaning in to rest his head against Nicky’s chest.

They stood together, moving in time with the crowd in what almost passed for dancing, remaining silent for a few minutes.

Chris’ head suddenly shot up as he smiled and said, “Pretty sure Danny’s gonna end up staying over with Brian tonight.”

“You kidding? The way they were looking at each other we’ll be lucky if we can pull them apart this side of Christmas!” Nicky sniggered.

“True,” Chris grinned. “But that means I’ve got two bunks to myself. So how about you sleep over,” he suggested.

Nicky gave a slight groan. He definitely preferred the space from sleeping alone.

“And invite Mikey too!” Chris added, nodding happily.

Nicky’s groan turned into a hum of approval as he nodded his agreement.


The start of the year had brought the Covid-19 pandemic, but the 2020 Kingswood Halloween party had seen a new pandemic threatening to spread – Bluefinger – and Danny was patient zero! Throughout the evening, everyone who had come close to him had poked or prodded or physically teased the naked, blue boy in some way and each of them had walked away with their fingers adorned in his blue body paint.

The practice the boys had over Summer and half-term with social distancing helped them to keep a good space between Danny and the crowd, for fear of him accidentally running up against them and smearing them in blue. Effectively, all it had done is make Danny feel even more conspicuous than he already was.

By the time they announced the top five group and solo costumes, calling them to gather backstage, he was inordinately glad to be able to leave. Sure, the thought of being on stage didn’t appeal, but at least he was out of the crowd. He made his way backstage with the rest of the group, excited to realise they were in with a chance of winning. The other four in the ‘group or couple costume category’ consisted of:

- some Year 12s who, having dressed in speedos and claimed to be the Team GB diving team the previous year had donned the same costumes and now claimed to be the Team GB swimming team

- a group of five Year 11s who had dressed as five teachers from the school

- The Avengers, played by six Year 9 boys

- a Year 10 dorm who had all dressed as characters from Fortnite

The solo entries had gone onto the stage first and Mr Warren (aka Ruby), the school’s art teacher and Drama Club leader, was undertaking his usual hosting duties and hamming up every second in the spotlight he could.

“It’s a lot less scary going on stage when you’re not performing!” Nicky said thankfully as they stood preparing themselves. The last time he had been backstage in the party tent had been in preparation for the end of year music competition in Year 7 where he had been performing with Chris. To say he had been nervous was an understatement.

“Still pretty scary!” Danny grumbled, not looking forward to going back on show, but relieved to be free from any more touches. Despite his pre-party release in the shower with the others, the mixture of humiliation, playful touches and seeing Brian in costume had him ridiculously horny again. He was glad the tape holding his dick in place was there as it was pulled so tight it effectively stopped an erection from even starting.

“You’ll do great!” Danny suddenly heard from behind, making him jump. He turned to see Khal Drogo (aka Brian) stood there grinning.

“What you doing back here?” Danny asked.

“Yeah, you guys didn’t even make top five!” Chris teased.

“Big talk from a boy in a bra!” Brian teased, though Chris laughed as much as everyone else did. “I came to wish you good luck. Not that you need it. You guys put in some serious work on this!”

“David gets most of the credit, he’s been nagging us since summer break!” Josh said, giving David a playful nudge.

“Yeah, but come on, how many votes d’ya reckon Danny’s earned us!” David said thoughtfully, then gave a cheeky grin and added, “That costume took real balls!”

“Yeah, just a shame they’re halfway up into his stomach!” Mikey added, getting an even bigger laugh.

“Aww, don’t listen to them!” Brian said, leaning in to pull Danny into a quick hug.

As the two parted, Chris looked Brian up and down and declared, “Holy crap, it looks like Khal Drogo killed a smurf!”

“He did!” Brian grinned. “And a psychic mutant might be next!” His eyes narrowed as he glared playfully at Chris.

“Eep!” Chris yelped, taking cover behind Danny as the others all laughed.

“Anyway, good luck out there, fellas. Knock ‘em dead!” Brian said as he walked away, getting a few thank yous shouted back at him.

With the solo competition winners having just been announced, the group show began and they were called onto stage, some excitedly running on, other somewhat more anxious. The nerves of being on show, along with the blazing heat of the spotlights had everyone on stage sweating, but it was most obvious for Danny who looked like he was beginning to melt, little beads of blue sweat forming and occasionally trickling down him as they stood there with Ruby talking through the groups and introducing who they were and what they were dressed as.

“Chris,” Danny whispered as subtly as he could as he was struck by a terrifying realisation. “It’s… coming off!” he muttered desperately, trying not to let his panic show.

“What is?” Chris asked, winking to a boy in the front row who was very nervously eyeing him up.

“The… the tape!” Danny whispered frantically. “It’s… I dunno… either from all the movement… or the sweat or too much paint, but… it’s coming loose!”

Chris sniggered.

“It’s not funny!” Danny hissed. “What do I do?” he demanded, feeling movement down below.

“Just… keep your legs together!” Chris suggested.

“Yeah, okay!” Danny said, clenching his thighs. He immediately realised the mistake he had made. His clenching managed to move things around down there, all while holding his cock in place. As a result, he felt the last remnants of stickiness pull from his skin. He was now completely unstuck and holding his cock back only with his squeezed thighs. Figuring the best thing he could do was stay still, that was exactly what he did, determined not to move until he was dismissed from stage and could waddle to safety.

“And finally,” Ruby said, working down the line of competitors. We have the Year 8 boys in their costumes as Professor X, Cyclops and… well, lots of others, also known as… the X-Men! Round of applause please!”

The crowd cheered and the group of boys either smiled or waved, except for Danny who just remained motionless.

“Wave to the audience!” Chris said, reaching back to pinch Danny’s butt.

“Hey!” Danny yelped, jumping at the unexpected touch. In what felt like a slow-motion moment of horror that he was unable to stop, his dick popped free, springing forward between his legs. While most of it was concealed by the tape that remained stuck to it, as he had been painted after being tucked, his balls, which popped down and the underside of his cock were his usual pale skin tone and stood out like a glowing beacon under the spotlight against the blue covering the rest of him.

The crowd went wild as Danny just stood, frozen. This could NOT be happening… again. It was Year 7’s Adam and St-eve moment all over again.

“Don’t worry, I got it!” Chris announced as the attention of those on the stage turned to the boy’s exposure. He leaned back and squatted a little, then reached between Danny’s legs and grabbed the tape, pulling back.

While it did effectively hide Danny’s dick again, there was no way the tape would reattach, not now with him all sweaty and painted, so Chris just kept hold.

“I can hold it,” Danny muttered as Ruby began calling for quiet.

“It’s okay, I got it!” Chris said, grinning wickedly as the others watched on in amusement.

Ruby continued the show now that Danny was concealed again but Danny was far too distracted to really notice what was happening. Chris wasn’t just holding the tape, he was tugging on it gently, over and over, making Danny’s cock rub between his thighs. With a little more freedom than being fully tucked had allowed, his cock began to swell as he glared at Chris.

“Stop it,” Danny hissed.

“Stop what?” Chris asked, playing dumb.

Danny just forced a smile, not wanting the crowd to give him any more attention than they already were, although a naked nearly-thirteen-year-old, painted blue with a cock at risk of being on show again at any moment already drew quite a lot of their attention anyway.

“In third place, we have… The Avengers!” Ruby announced, getting applause from the crowd as the six Year 9 boys took a bow.

As Ruby congratulated them and told them what they had won, Chris continued his playful tugging.

“And coming in second place, we have…” Ruby started, then glanced towards the Year 11s dressed as teachers, specifically the boy who had dressed as him. “Well maybe I should let this stunning young creature announce it!” He handed the microphone to the boy. Unlike the other four teachers being imitated who looked somewhat annoyed about it, having his own mini-me was something Ruby seemed to be revelling in.

“Thaaaank you, daaaarling!” the boy said in his most over the top impersonation, getting raucous laughs from the crowd as he flounced dramatically across the stage. “Second place… and may I say, they were CLEARLY robbed because LOOK at me, I’m faaaabulous… is the teachers of Kingswood. Round of applause, little ones!”

The crowd went wild cheering as the boy handed the microphone back to Ruby then re-joined his group to take a bow.

“Chris… stop…” Danny whimpered as the tugging continued. He knew what was going to happen and it was embarrassing, humiliating, sheer nightmare fuel… and it was turning him on even more than the actual movements.

“And finally, in first place, the winners of the 2020 Kingswood Halloween Group Costume Competition is…” Ruby said, pausing to build the tension. “THE X-MEN!” The crowd cheered wildly for the well-deserved winners.

Chris gave a final hard tug to the tape, which ripped off of Danny’s cock. It sprang forth from between his legs in its fully erect state, catapulting his cum into the crowd as he began to ejaculate. He stood whimpering, his legs weak, chest heaving, completely frozen in place. The sight of the boy shooting on stage pushed the cheering to an almost inhuman volume, mixed in with whistles, laughs and shouts.

Danny finally regained enough composure to cover himself, immediately turning to rush off stage.

“Oh, and what a way to celebrate,” Ruby called out, clearly as amused by the show as the rest of the audience. “A final round of applause for our top five!” he called out as the rest of the groups followed Danny’s rapid exit.


The boys of 1.05 had been on a high following their win, getting congratulated by virtually every student and teacher at the party. Danny had, much to his credit, not left the party, though he had put on a pair of shorts he had been given to regain a little of his dignity for the remainder of the night. He had also been offered plenty of congratulations for putting on a show and while he was clearly embarrassed about the whole thing, seemed to be taking it in surprisingly good humour. It likely helped that seeing the show had pushed Brian into a sexual frenzy the likes of which Danny had never witnessed, and he was enjoying making his lover wait to get any relief of his own.

Once the party ended, the boys began to leave, many of them needing substantial clean-up before heading to bed. The range of body paints, glitters and glue washing away down the shower room’s drains was colourful to say the least. Eventually though, peace began to settle in throughout the Home Building.

Conversation in 1.05 was understandably excitable, with the boys praising each other for their individual efforts, but very much thanking David for pushing them to put in so much work, though he did get things thrown at him when he suggested they might want to start planning their 2021 entry already!

As expected, Danny had scurried off not long after lights out to spend the night with Brian, or more likely, getting fucked senseless by Brian. Following the invite from Chris, both Nicky and Mikey had come down to join him in the double bunk.

As quiet snores and heavy breathing began to drift from across the room, Nicky reached across and gave Chris a gentle nudge. “You wanna do this?” he asked quietly, nodding to the ginger boy snuggled between them, sleeping quietly.

“Definitely! You?” Chris asked back.

“Yeah, this is totally the right call!” Nicky said back confidently.

Chris smiled excitedly, then gave Mikey a gentle shake.

“Nnnggh!” Mikey moaned. “Sleeping!”

“It’s important, we need to talk!” Chris whispered.

“Fine,” Mikey growled. “What?”

“Not here,” Nicky whispered from the other side. “Let’s go!”

Chris and Nicky shuffled off either side of the bed, waiting for Mikey to join them. Grabbing a t-shirt so he wasn’t roaming the halls half naked, Chris led the way as they carefully crept past the door to Mr Trent’s apartment and carried on round until they reached the door to the Common Room.

Nicky turned the TV on, but muted it, just using it to provide a little illumination without turning on the big lights and potentially alerting anyone while Chris made Mikey take a seat in the middle of one of the sofas. He and Nicky then sat either side of the tired and somewhat confused-looking boy.

“What’s so freaking important it couldn’t wait til the morning?” Mikey grumbled.

Nicky and Chris looked to each other, nodding back and forth, silently deciding which of them was going to speak. They seemed to settle on Chris.

“Okay, so, today was fun… what we did earlier in the shower but also… just hanging out with you more!” Chris explained.

“Ugh,” Mikey groaned, rolling his eyes. “If this is another apology, save it. I know. You’re a happy couple being all… happy… and coupley and that takes up your time which means less time for me. It sucks but I get it.”

Chris chuckled. “No, this isn’t that!” he said, shaking his head. “We’ve been talking… quite a lot actually, all day and… we both kinda felt the same way in that we… think we might have made a mistake!”

“You woke me in the middle of the night to tell me you’re breaking up?” Mikey grumbled. “That definitely coulda fucking waited!” he pouted.

Chris chuckled again as Nicky huffed, then flicked Mikey’s ear and said, “Stop interrupting and listen!”

Mikey scowled, reached up to flick Nicky’s ear in response and said, “Then stop fannying about and get to the point!”

“Okay, to the point,” Chris nodded. “We wanna date you!” he said bluntly.

“You… you… what?” Mikey stuttered, completely shocked.

“Well if you’d let me explain properly,” Chris said, raising his eyebrows at the other boy. “We think getting together with each other was a mistake, but only because what we should have done was both of us AND YOU, get together!”

Mikey sat back in the seat, looking a little concerned as he stared at Nicky. “I talked to you about this ages ago!” he said, shaking his head a little. “I… I… can’t. What if it doesn’t work and we end up not even being able to be friends. I just tried going back to being alone and when I’m alone I get sad and when I get sad I get angry and when I get angry I…” he paused, sniffing a little. “I don’t like me!”

“Aww, I’m sorry,” Nicky said, reaching out to pull Mikey into a hug. “I didn’t mean to upset you. If you don’t wanna do it, you don’t have to!”

“I do!” Mikey said, sitting up and pulling away a little as he nodded emphatically. “I really REALLY do. I love you guys, but… I’m scared!”

“Mikey,” Chris said, taking his hand. “When you… date someone, you kinda… make all these promises to each other. Like… you promise that you’ll be honest with each other and that you’ll be there for each other and stuff like that. But how about if we made… a different promise,” he reached out and took Nicky’s hand with his other one. “How about we promise each other that, no matter what, even if things end or go badly, we’ll all still be friends. Would that help?”

“You really promise?” Mikey asked, looking to Chris and getting a nod, then to Nicky and got another. “And you’re sure you wanna do this? Like, you actually wanna date me and it’s not just… feeling guilty?”

“Mikey, me and Chris work together, but something’s missing,” Nicky said, blushing a little. “And that something… is you!”

“He’s right,” Chris nodded. It was something they had realised together, something that had felt so obvious that they couldn’t even understand how they hadn’t seen it sooner.

Mikey sat looking back and forth between the two boys for several silent moments, then finally nodded too, a huge grin spreading across his face.

Chris leaned in and kissed Mikey. After kissing for several seconds, he pulled away and was replaced by Nicky.

When Nicky finally pulled back, Mikey shook his head and said, “Nah, we gotta do this right!” He reached out and put an arm around each of them, pulling all their faces together into their first three-way kiss.


Naked Justice

Oh, I liked the costumes, especially Danny's. Next year he needs an excuse to wear nothing at all. The end is very nice, too. I am happy that Mikey isn't left alone anymore. I hope that Rob will get some time to share with his friends from dorm 1.05, soon. It's a pity that he is mostly absent from them. Although he has much fun with the rugby guys!