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Part 8 – Unsupervised

After finishing in the bathroom, Evan had sent Riley off to be locked to his bed (and left to the mercy of their youngest brother) while he prepared dinner for them all. He hadn’t heard a noise out of them since thatm, and had assumed Callum was just teasing Riley again with more edging. When he headed to Riley’s room to tell them dinner was nearly ready, he realised his assumption was wrong.

Riley was locked in the chains that kept him motionless on his bed, but he wasn’t being edged. Instead, Callum was laying alongside him, head resting on his chest, the two of them sound asleep. Callum remained naked, having not dressed yet following the shared shower. Riley stirred as he heard Evan enter. Ever since his bedroom door had been removed, he had become hyper-vigilant to noise when he slept. He let out an incoherent moan as he looked blearily at his big brother.

“That’s just too fucking cute!” Evan smiled sincerely at the sight of his brothers together. Despite the fact that both boys were naked and Riley was restrained and erect, they looked entirely non-sexual, just two boys sharing a calm, peaceful moment of closeness.

“What time is it?” Riley croaked, his mouth dry.

“Dinner time, well, almost. Wake him up have him put your device on and come downstairs,” Evan instructed. He made no attempt to lower his voice, but their youngest brother showed no signs of waking up. He was a notoriously heavy sleeper, but that would be Riley’s problem now.

“Aww, Evan, please,” Riley whined. “Can’t I keep it off? Even just while we have dinner. I’ll keep my hands on the table and you can lock me again or restrain me after that. Pleeeeease!”

Evan scowled, groaned and said, “Fine, just this once. I’d best tell the squirt!” He nodded to Callum. “He’ll never believe it from you!” He stepped closer to the bed and grabbed the boy, hoisting him into the air as he called out, “TIME TO WAKE UP!”

Callum let out a surprised yelp, his arms flailing wildly. “Lemme go ya wanker!” he yelled out as he realised what was happening.

“Aww sorry,” Evan said, placing him back down on the bed. “I’ll let you finish your cuddles,” he teased.

“We weren’t cuddling!” Callum snapped moodily. “I was just sleepy after… well, just ‘after’, so I laid down there when I finished locking him up and… musta dozed off!”

Evan looked to Riley. Riley looked back, seeing Callum turn to stare at him at the same time. “Yes, that’s exactly what happened,” Riley said, much to Callum’s relief, though Evan clearly saw through Riley’s intentionally transparent lie.

“Well get him untied anyway, and don’t bother restraining him or sticking the cage back on,” Evan instructed.

“You’re letting him go free?” Callum exclaimed in surprise.

“Only for dinner, which is nearly ready by the way,” Evan explained. “BUT… he never leaves your sight and if he touches himself, even for a second, you tell me, okay?” Knowing he needed to get back to the food, he soon rushed out to head back downstairs.

“Thanks for… covering!” Callum said shyly as he started releasing his older brother from the chains.

“I sucked your dick in the shower in front of him, but cuddling during a nap is the embarrassing part?” Riley asked, bemused.

Callum just shrugged and continued undoing the locks. Finally, only the wrist restraints remained. Callum paused and stared down at Riley as he towered over him. “No touching, remember! I ain’t covering for you just cos you covered for me!”

“Yeah, I know,” Riley pouted.

Callum chuckled as he released one of Riley’s hands. “I could just tell him you touched anyway… or better yet… tell mum!”

“You wouldn’t!” Riley exclaimed nervously.

Callum smirked as he freed the other hand. “I would,” he assured the older boy, “But I won’t!”

Riley stretched a few different ways as he stood up from the bed.

“Come on, I need to go get some clothes and you heard him, no leaving you unattended,” Callum instructed.

“Stay naked!” Riley said, grinning.

“Why would I do that?” Callum scowled.

“I dunno, maybe THAT’S how you thank me for covering for you,” Riley suggested. “Besides, think of Evan’s face when we walk in both naked!”

Callum sniggered and nodded. “Fine. Just this once though!” he insisted.

Dinner ended up being a surprisingly enjoyable experience. After the initial shock of seeing both his little brothers wander in nude, Evan never even mentioned it and all three of them sat down to enjoy their meal. Riley’s hands remained on the table as promised, despite his obvious desire to touch, only made worse by Callum occasionally reaching down to tease him.

“Remember when it always used to be like this?” Evan asked with a slight sigh as he started to clear the dishes.

Callum and Riley looked at each other and smirked. “Yeah, I don’t think it’s EVER been like this!” Callum chuckled.

Evan gave a wistful smile and said, “No, not the… naked thing. I just mean… I dunno, mealtimes used to be fun… when dad was around!”

The room went silent for a moment.

“I don’t really remember it,” Callum said, his smile dropping away.

“Yeah, I guess you were a bit too young,” Evan nodded.

“I don’t really remember much of dad at all,” Callum pouted. He had been just three years old when their father passed away, while Riley had just turned six and Evan was on the verge of turning ten.

“Dad was the best,” Riley said with a sweet smile. “I mean, I don’t remember a lot but I just remember always smiling when he was around, or laughing or just… being really happy.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Evan said with a happy sigh. “Hey, you two go pick a movie to watch. I’ll be in when I’ve done the washing up.” He immediately turned to start filling the sink.

Riley frowned a little at his big brother, then stopped as he got to the doorway with Callum and said quietly, “You can pick what to watch. I’m gonna help Ev.”

“Okie,” Callum said, happily scurrying off towards the lounge.

Riley walked up behind Evan silently and place a hand on his back. “Evan,” he said softly.

Evan sniffed and shook his head.

“It’s okay,” Riley said, sniffing as a tear ran down his cheek. “I miss him too!”

Evan turned to look at the younger boy, tears flowing down his cheeks. He didn’t say anything, he just grabbed the boy in a tight hug and held him for a minute as they both cried.

Fifteen minutes later they were all done with the dishes, with conversation having returned to normal following their tender moment. “What we watching?” Evan asked as he looked to the naked boy on the sofa.

“Either Thor: Ragnarok or Toy Story 4,” Callum said, seemingly giving the others final say.

“Uh, pick carefully,” Evan said with a grin as he grabbed Riley’s shoulder. “I might have something in mind for you to be doing during the movie and… well you might want the shorter one!”

Riley let out a groan. “Is Cal gonna be edging me the whole time or something?” he asked, frowning.

“I promise nobody will touch your dick!” Evan said sincerely.

Riley exhaled slowly as he shook his head. “Fine, well let’s go Toy Story then,” he said moodily, “Just to be safe!”

“Sweet. Cal, go grab a couple of chairs from the dining room. I got a few things to grab,” Evan said, heading back to the door. “And you,” he said, looking to Riley. “Hands on your head and don’t move til I’m back!”

“Ugh, fine!” Riley huffed as he placed his hands on his head. Despite the horrific urge to touch his straining cock, he remained in place, knowing that the punishment for disobeying would likely be worse than whatever was coming. He watched curiously as Callum brought in two chairs, then Evan returned with a few items bundled up in his arms.

“Kinda handy you decided to stay starkers, Cal,” Evan said with a grin. “You, erm… seemed to… go off pretty quick in the shower earlier,” he said, smirking at the youngest’s blushes.

“Yeah, well, normally… erm…” Callum tried to defend himself.

“It’s fine,” Evan chuckled. “If you wanna prove you’ve got stamina, now’s the time!”

“Ooh, is this all for him? Am I having the night off?” Riley asked hopefully. The wicked grin he got back from Evan soon told him that was not the case. “Worth a shot,” he mumbled.

“Whadda I have to do?” Callum asked nervously.

“Nothing, little man,” Evan said, ruffing the boy’s hair. “Just take a seat on the sofa and we’ll take care of the rest!”

“Oh, okay,” Callum said, a little confused. He did as instructed then took a seat, watching curiously as Evan placed a chair right in front of him, sideways on so the back of it didn’t obscure his view of the TV. He then placed another one a little further away, a short gap between them.

“C’mon Ry, lay across these, face down,” Evan instructed.

Riley found himself complying quite happily, if only to find out what bizarre idea Evan had concocted now. As he lay down, Evan shuffled him around, as well as the chairs. Two things immediately came to his attention. Firstly, his dick was left dangling down in the gap between the two seats. Secondly, and most importantly, his face was pretty much in Callum’s lap.

Evan pulled out a few lengths of rope and began securing Riley in place. First his upper arms were secured to the chair legs, his forearms turned inwards towards each other before being tied to the chair’s spindle. Another rope was tied around the seat of the chair, over his back, ensuring he couldn’t lift himself from it at all. Next, his thighs were tied to the second chair, while his lower legs were pulled back before being secured together, then attached to the chair back, keeping them from moving at all. He was now completely immobile as he lay across the two seats.

“So when I start the movie, I’m gonna put Cal’s dick in your mouth,” Evan explained as he squatted beside the restrained boy. “It’s gonna stay there for the WHOLE movie, but you are NOT gonna let him cum. If he cums, you BOTH get punished, okay!”

“Hey!” Callum whined.

“You want your dick in his mouth or not?” Evan asked with a wicked grin.

“Fine,” Callum huffed.

“Now, just for a little bit of added fun…” Evan said, then held up a sharpie.

“You’re gonna write on me?” Riley asked curiously.

“Ha, nope. This isn’t going on you, it’s going IN you!” Evan explained.

“What?” Riley asked in surprise.

“Fuck!” Callum said excitedly, his dick twitching a little.

Evan ignored Riley’s concern and pulled out a small bottle of lube. He pumped some out and slathered the pen, then used his slippery fingers to reach between the boy’s butt cheeks and lube up his hole.

“Oh crap,” Riley gasped as he felt Evan’s finger push slightly inside. Evan quickly pulled the finger back, but replaced it with the slim firmness of the pen. “Oh, that’s not so bad,” Riley said with a frown, unsure whether to feel disappointed or not.

“Yeah, until I do this!” Evan said, then pulled the pen back a bit. It pivoted against his hole, the inserted end pushing down to press on his prostate.

“FUUUUUCK!” Riley yelped. “What… wh… what was that?” he gasped.

“That’s called your prostate,” Evan explained. “And you’re gonna get to know it REALLY well while we watch the movie!”

Riley just let out a moan. He felt Evan fiddling with the pen, then saw him sit back in the seat beside Callum, a length of string running along into his hand.

“Okay Cal, shuffle down,” Evan instructed, helping get the younger boy into position. He held Riley’s head up, then lowered it down so his mouth took the boy’s dick inside. “Don’t worry,” he whispered in Riley’s ear. “If you start to gag, I’ll save you, but… you seem to be okay with it!”

Riley glared back at the older boy but couldn’t reply with his little brother’s erection in his mouth, so he just grunted.

“Don’t you fucking dare make me cum,” Callum growled down at Riley. “I am NOT getting punished cos of you, cock-sucker!”

Evan chuckled and said, “Hit play. I’ll press the other button!” He yanked on the piece of string, which was attached to the pen. As the movie started, Riley let out a gasp from the push on his prostate.

The three of them sat together as the movie played. Riley did his best to avoid stimulating Callum too much, but every movement seemed to tease the boy, every slight flick of the tongue made him let out quiet moans. Every now and then, Evan tugged on the string which caused a chain reaction of moaning and squirming, first in Riley, and then in Callum because of Riley’s movement.

About halfway through, Callum frowned a little and asked breathily, “Is it… raining? I hear dripping!”

Evan sniggered. “No,” he said, putting an arm around the younger boy and pulling him to the side. He pointed to the gap between the two chairs where Riley’s erection hung down… literally dripping with pre-cum, a small puddle forming on the ground.

“Ugh, that’s hot,” Callum growled. He felt his own cock twitch at the sight, still pushing him slowly closer to release. He remained in place with Evan’s arm around him, cuddled up to one brother, his dick in the mouth of the other.

The rest of the movie passed with Evan giving increasing and sometimes repeated tugs on the string to keep Riley’s prostate torturously stimulated, occasionally reaching down to push the pen back in as it naturally got pushed out.

As the credits rolled, Callum let out a slight whimper as he looked to Evan and said, “Film’s over, can I cum?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure!” Evan mused, deliberately delaying.

“Ugh come on,” Callum pleaded, his cock throbbing in Riley’s mouth. “You have NO idea how this feels. I need it SO much!”

There was a furious growl from Riley at the comedically insensitive comment.

“Fine, Riley, finish him off!” Evan instructed. He immediately started tugging repeatedly on the string, like he was trying to tap out a message in morse code on Riley’s prostate.

Riley let out a muffled yell as he tensed up. His lips squeezed tightly around Callum’s dick as his tongue lashed against it.

After an hour and a half with his dick constantly hard in the older boy’s mouth, that was all it took to push Callum over the edge. Grasping tightly against Evan, he squeaked, “Oh god, I’m cumming!” He either didn’t consider or didn’t care that he was cumming in Riley’s mouth as his dick erupted into frenzied spasms.

Riley began to choke, cum and drool dripping down over Callum’s tensing balls.

Evan was on him immediately, lifting him up to get clear of the erection as he coughed and spluttered. “I got ya, bud. Deep breaths,” he urged.

As Riley continued to splutter, he watched Callum’s cock dribble up the last few spurts.

“Hoooooly crap,” Callum panted.

“Wow, you really enjoy Toy Story,” Evan teased.

“Shut up… dickface,” Callum smirked, shaking his head as he panted heavily.

Evan sniggered and began releasing Riley from the chairs, with Callum assisting. As Riley stood, he stretched out his sore limbs, as well as his jaw which ached like hell after so long stuck in one position. “Ugh, that was horrible!” he groaned.

“Really? That puddle says otherwise!” Evan said, nodding to the wet patch from Riley’s constant drip of pre-cum.

“He should lick it up!” Callum said excitedly.

“Yeah, I’m not doing that!” Riley said flatly.

“Riley,” Evan said with a smirk.

“Ugh, Ev… don’t,” Riley pleaded.

“Lick it up!” Evan said, getting a quiet cheer from Callum.

“You’re a dick!” Riley scowled as he dropped to his knees. He lowered his face and hesitated for a moment. Suddenly, both of his brothers appeared, the faces close to his own.

“Come on Ry, do it,” Callum urged.

“He will. Give him a sec,” Evan replied from his other side.

“Stop enjoying this!” Riley snapped moodily.

“We will when you do,” Evan smirked, reaching between the boy’s legs to squeeze on his wet-tipped member.

“Oh fuck off,” Riley scowled, then poked his tongue out and licked at the wetness. It might not have tasted too bad on its own, but straight from the floor it was not an enjoyable experience. He gagged a couple of times as he licked it all up, the sound of laughter from both sides as he did it. “Happy now?” he asked angrily as he sat up.

“Fucking ecstatic,” Evan sniggered. He reached out and ruffed the boy’s hair. “But ya did good, kid. I’d say you’ve earned the rest of the night off!” As he saw Riley begin to reply, he added, “From doing tasks, not from all of it. You’re still gonna be restrained or locked, so don’t even ask!”

“Ugh,” Riley huffed, though he did feel a definite swell of pride at his big brother saying he had done a good job.

“Hey, whadda you say we make every Thursday night movie night?” Callum suggested with a grin. He got a laugh from Evan and death glare from Riley.

For Part 9 click here 


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