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##SPOILER WARNING FOR TALES FROM KINGSWOOD - Read with caution if you have not completed it##

Hi everybody, been a while since I did one of these, mostly because there's been very little variety in what I've been doing so not much to report. That's kinda still the case, but I thought it would be good to just check in anyway. Here's what's been going on.

The Kingswood Eight

Things are progressing well with this, chapter 7 is coming in a couple of days and it's Chris' birthday! New chapters will continue weekly. Having now fully completed the Easter side-story that takes place between chapters 27 and 28, I have worked out that book two will conclude posting on 30 December 2022!

Kingswood Year 9 (title TBC)

I am progressing well with book 3. Today I have been working on chapter 9, which means I'm working just over a book ahead of what I'm posting, which is nice. While the first two books both had a big, major storyline - Josh's abuse, suicide attempt and the subsequent fallout in book one and [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS] in book two - book three takes a slightly more low-key approach.

There are still plenty of twists and surprises, and definitely plenty of action *wink wink* it's been nice to be able to just write their lives without some big scary thing looming over them! Some of Kingswood's secrets begin to get revealed to the boys as well. As for what these secrets are... I guess you'll find out in 2023!

Stop Touching Yourself

So I finally started posting this, my 'back-up' story. It's been nice posting something different. I absolutely adore Kingswood, it's inordinately special to me, but writing and posting something else definitely feels like a pleasant change. I'm unsure how long the story will run, but I have plenty more ideas to come. So far I have written 13 parts, so you've got at least eight more weeks of story to come, but I expect it to run a lot longer.

My Friend, the Exhibitionist

Following my post about unadopted story ideas, this story seemed to draw a lot of interest. More imortantly, it caught my imagination. I have written a little more and aim to continue it. I can't see it ending up a long, epic series, but even if it's just a few parts, it should still be fun. Expect to see more of this soon!

A new interactive story

When I started this page, I mentioned one of the things I would like to do is a new 'interactive' story (i.e. where I post a new part each week and readers vote on what happens next) just for my patrons. Now that I have a few more of you lovely people, this idea is beginning to bubble back up again. I haven't planned a plot/theme yet, but know that a new patreon-exclusive interactive story may pop up some time soon...


Naked Justice

That's great news - unless it doesn't seem fair, that we have to wait up to a year to read what you still have finished writing about our friends from Kingswood. I hope that especially Danny and Chris can live out their love for humiliation and exposure. But I am rather sure, they will. Stop touching yourself is ready up to chapter 13 - that's great news, too. Perhaps we can encourage you to write it even longer so that Riley can stay permanently naked at home. And of course, the hope to read My Friend, the Exhibitionist excites me. How far will the exhibitionist go - how far will his friend lead him. For sure, I would give feedback for your interactive story. This is always fun even though I think that you have always a good idea for what option I would take.