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For Part 4 click here 

Patreon-exclusive story

Part 5 – Freedom

Riley was learning to hate those four little words from either of his brothers – ‘I have an idea’. Their ideas were never helpful. Well, that’s not really true. They were helpful to their mum, in helping promote her insane perception that boys shouldn’t touch themselves. They were helpful to each other, in that they usually led to Riley being even more helpless and humiliated at their mercy. The only person they didn’t help was Riley himself.

“Mum, Riley needs a shower but he’s a little too… excitable to get back in his cage!” Evan had said after they called their mother into Riley’s room.

“Well he’s not getting released in that state, that’s for sure!” the woman insisted firmly.

“Exactly what I was thinking, so how about we find a way to keep him controlled without necessarily keeping him tied down!” Evan suggested.

That had been five minutes ago. Since then, Riley had been released from the chains holding him in place on his bed and instead had his hands tied behind his back. When Evan had stood Riley up, hands restrained, he had suggested, “Like this, we can move him around where we need to, but he still can’t touch. I mean, we have to supervise him so he doesn’t start, like… humping the furniture…”

“Humping?” Callum asked with clearly-fake innocence, based on what Riley had recently learned Callum and his friends.

“Like rubbing himself up against things,” Evan quickly explained, appreciating the boy playing along before he continued, “But we usually have to supervise him anyway, so it’s no biggie. Plus it can’t be good for him spending so long being inactive. He’s gonna start getting a belly if we do that,” he teased, playfully poking at Riley’s bare stomach, mere centimetres away from his skyward-straining erection

“That’s a good point. You’re such a caring brother!” Mrs Parker said sweetly.

Riley rolled his eyes, knowing she couldn’t see as he was keeping his back to her as much as possible to try and hide his shame.

“It does mean we will have to… shower him too! That would include washing… down there!” Evan said, deliberately looking shy. “I know you wouldn’t want us doing anything… naughty!”

“Hmm, well if you don’t feel up to it, I can take care of that part, but washing is NOT the same as touching. If you’re okay doing it, I’m fine with it!” Mrs Parker confirmed with a nod.

Evan smiled and nodded confidently. “And I can teach Cal how to do it too. It’d be good for him to learn to be responsible!” he suggested, keeping their younger sibling involved once again.

“Ugh,” Mrs Parker said, shaking her head as she raised her hand to touch Evan’s cheek. “It amazes me that we could go so right with you,” she paused and looked to Riley, “And so wrong with you!” Looking back to Evan she continued, “That all sounds wonderful. Why don’t we take him for a shower now!”

“All of us!?” Riley exclaimed. The thought of being washed by Evan had been bad, and having Callum shown how to do it too was sheer humiliation, but the whole family in the bathroom while he was showered, that was just too much.

“I need to talk to you all about something, and I can make sure you’re behaving for your brothers at the same time!” Mrs Parker said firmly, giving Riley a disapproving look.

“Come on then, dirty boy,” Evan teased. “Let’s go get you clean!”

Riley had gotten used to walking around the house naked, but every time he had done it, his cock had been locked in chastity. Now, as he walked along without the cage, his cock still rigid, it swung about freely, swinging like some kind of metronome of humiliation. He could hear Callum sniggering at it and wanted to say something, but knew his mother would side with the youngest no matter how polite he kept it.

As they piled into the bathroom, Evan turned on the shower. Mrs Parker and Callum both perched on the side of the bath as Evan stood with Riley, checking the temperature was okay.

“Maybe it should be a cold one!” Mrs Parker said, her gaze dropping to her son’s embarrassingly persistent erection.

“Should I…” Evan asked, reaching for the dial.

“No, no,” Mrs Parker said, shaking her head. “But that could be useful to remember if he’s like this in the morning and you need to get him locked for school.

Riley groaned at the prospect of a cold shower, every bit as much as the realisation his own mother was talking about his erection. He stepped into the shower cubicle at Evan’s instruction.

“So what did you want to talk to us about, mum? It sounded… kinda serious!” Evan asked as he squeezed some shower gel onto a sponge and applied it to Riley’s naked body.

Riley let out a slight whimper, humiliated to be getting washed but glad of the conversation to distract them, though he could feel Callum’s eyes fixed on him.

“I suppose it IS a little serious,” the woman said with a nod, “But in a mostly good way,” he added with a smile. “Riley’s misbehaviour has dominated my time for so long now,” she said, oblivious or unbothered by the emotional punch she had delivered to her middle son. “But now that the Riley problem is in hand, or rather… out of it…” everyone but Riley sniggered, “…and I’m able to go out more, I’ve been reconnecting with some old friends. I was speaking to Mr Thompson this morning and he advised me that my old job has just opened up again after my replacement left.”

“You’re going back to work?” Riley called out, barely hiding his glee.

“That’s what I’m considering,” Mrs Parker said with a nod. “But the hours would be very much like they used to be. That would mean I would go away every Thursday morning and return Saturday evening. So two nights a week, I’ll be away,” she explained. “So two nights a week without me means a lot of responsibility falling on YOUR shoulders, Evan. I don’t want to do this without all of your blessings, but you in particular.”

“I think it sounds great!” Riley called out, so happy that he had all but forgotten he was standing naked, being soaped down by his big brother in front of his little brother and mum.

“I’m okay with it!” Callum said, leaning to the side put his arm around the woman.

Evan pulled his hands back from Riley, letting the shower spray the suds off of him. “Is this what you want? Would it make you happy?” he asked her sincerely.

“I think it would,” she answered honestly.

Evan smiled. “Then I’m in. I’m okay watching these two while you’re working if it means you being happy,” he said, nodding. As much as the idea of being in total control of the other two appealed, he genuinely did want her to be happy.

“Such kind boys,” Mrs Parker said, shaking her head. “Even you, Riley!”

“I just want you to be happy too,” Riley said, forcing a smile. ‘And to fuck off for two nights a week!’ he thought to himself excitedly, barely avoiding saying it aloud.

Riley’s smile was soon replaced by a groan as Evan re-soaped the sponge and reached out to ‘clean’ the boy’s cock. It was every bit as hard as it had been back in the bedroom and the soft sponge felt amazing as Evan teased him with it. He wondered how the older boy was getting away with it, but as he looked down it genuinely did look like Evan was just cleaning him. He had gone so long without cumming now that he worried he might blow right there in front of his family. Bizarrely, the thought of doing so actually excited him even more… which was a very unusual feeling.

“Well, I’ll call Mr Thompson in the morning and let him know the good news then. He wanted me to start right away, so that may mean I go away this week!” Mrs Parker explained, glancing over as Evan’s hands moved round to Riley’s rear.

“That’s fine mum,” Evan assured her, barely keeping a straight face as he heard Riley’s gentle whimpers. “We’re all good,” he said, letting his fingers slide between his brother’s butt cheeks. “Aren’t we, Riley?” he asked as his slippery digits slid across the boy’s hole.

“Oh fuu…” Riley started, but caught himself just in time. “Of… err… course we are!” he managed to grunt. He shot the woman a meek smile, then glared angrily at Evan who was grinning, his back to their mum.

“I want you to promise me you’ll keep this up while I’m away!” Mrs Parker instructed. “We finally have him behaving like a decent human being. I can only go knowing that will continue!”

“Oh I’m definitely keeping it up!” Evan said with a grin as he watched Riley’s dick throb and bounce as his fingers slid back and forth down the boy’s crack.

“And you, Riley,” Mrs Parker said, addressing the naked boy.

“Yes mum?” Riley enquired shakily.

“You promise you’ll be on your best behaviour for your brothers?” she asked seriously. “And always do as you’re told?”

Just before Riley could answer, Evan shoved his finger straight into the boy’s hole, the move concealed from the woman by his own body. He felt the sphincter clench around his finger as Riley’s jaw flapped open to answer the question but nothing came out.

“Riley,” Evan prompted him, waggling his finger inside the boy as he spoke. “Mum asked you a question. Do you promise?”

“Ahh yesss!” Riley gasped as he felt the finger moving.

“Good boy,” Mrs Parker said proudly. “Keep that up for a while and I may consider trusting you with a little more autonomy. Anyway, I think I’ll go give Mr Thompson a call right now,” she said standing up. “Once you’re finished with him, put him in the cage if you can. If not, it’s back on his bed!”

“No problem” Evan said happily. “Hey Callum, come over here and lend me a hand to get him finished!” As Callum moved over, unsure about his brother’s choice of wording. “Finished in the shower!” Evan clarified with a grin.

Glancing round to make sure their mum was gone, Callum hissed, “Oh my God, is your finger up his butt?”

“Yeah, and safe to say he likes it!” Evan sniggered.

“Can I try?” Callum asked eagerly.

“No!” Riley snapped.

“Oy, you get no say!” Evan argued, then reached out with his free hand to ruff Callum’s hair. As he touched the younger boy he smiled and said, “Not this time bud, but soon. We do much more now and he’ll cum!” Evan glanced at his youngest brother’s crotch. The bulge was undeniable. “If you wanna knock out a quick one while we’re here, I won’t tell mum!”

“What? No!” Callum objected.

“It’s just I know you normally do while you’re with Bobby and Peter and it didn’t sound like you made it that far tonight!” Evan explained.

“Wait, you… I mean… I don’t…” Callum stuttered nervously.

“The others basically admitted they do stuff together,” Riley grinned, happy to turn the tables and embarrass Callum, even for just a moment.

“Well duh, no shit!” Evan said, shaking his head. “You guys have been doing that stuff for years now, haven’t you!”

“How did you…” Callum started, but couldn’t finish.

“Ah relax mate. I ain’t telling anyone,” Evan reassured the younger boy. “I’m just amazed mum’s never caught on. You guys are NOT subtle!”

“Says the guy with his finger up Riley’s butt!” Callum smirked.

And just like that, it was back to Riley being the embarrassed one.

“Go on. Knock one out. You know how much it’ll tease Ry!” Evan encouraged the younger boy.

“Fine, but if mum catches me, I’m snitching on you for EVERYTHING!” Callum said awkwardly as he pulled out his dick.

Riley couldn’t help staring. He hadn’t seen his brother naked for years, and he had certainly never seen him with an erection. He could understand the comments made earlier by Callum’s friends. Callum certainly seemed very developed for his age, it seemed to run in the family, which suddenly made him curious about Evan. Callum’s dick wasn’t as big as Riley’s, which made sense with him being younger, but it was close!

Callum started wanking rapidly, staring Riley up and down as he did it, paying close attention to the way his dick throbbed as Evan’s finger continued to tease his butt. It was barely more than a minute before Callum whimpered sweetly and spurted a small load onto the floor of the shower before frantically putting his dick away.

“Oh god, please let me cum,” Riley begged, though he knew it was in vain. He had already been horny before and while he had expected to lose that a little from the embarrassing shower, it had somehow done the opposite. Similarly, seeing his own brother masturbate should have been repulsive, or at least a little disturbing, but having the boy’s spunk land virtually on his own feet, Riley had never felt so aroused in his life. His straining cock throbbed and twitched, each rivulet of water that struck it teasing him exquisitely.

“I told you, you’ll get your chance… on Friday!” Evan insisted with a grin.

“Yeah, can’t let it happen before Friday!” Callum giggled, reaching out to rub Riley’s smooth, wet stomach.

Riley let an almost inaudible whimper at the teasing touch.

“Oh yeah. And Friday’s gonna be a LOT more fun if mum isn’t around!” Evan said, grinning excitedly.

“You got another idea?” Callum asked hopefully.

“A whole fucking bunch of ‘em!” Evan replied with a smirk. “Fuck this is gonna be fun!”

“Yeah, for you maybe,” Riley whimpered.

“And me!” Callum giggled, tweaking Riley’s nipple.

For Part 6 click here 



Hey where do I get a couple of guys older than me to tie me up in the shower? Just curious. The double standard for Riley and Callum is killing me tbh!

Stories by Matt

My shower is always available for willing subs lol. As for Riley's treatment, what goes around comes around. And everything happens for a reason (at least, it does in my stories lol)

Naked Justice

I think I like Riley handcuffed better than in a cock cage. It's better to see him with a hard on in full glory. And so it's easier for his brothers edging him. It was a nice try from Riley to turn the tables. Is Callum only exploring with his friends or really gay? For sure, Evan and Callum have nice ideas to humiliate him next weekend when their mother is away. Perhaps one day is Evan's day and one day Callum's? Will Callum try to fuck his older brother pretending that Riley can cum then? Will they expose their reluctantly naked brother to more of their friends? Nevertheless, I still envy Riley for his lack of clothing at home!

Stories by Matt

Keeping Riley restrained on his bed is a fun idea but really limits the story options, so it made sense to get him up and about. As for Callum, wait and see... Friday is certainly going to be a fun day for Evan and Callum... Riley might not enjoy it quite as much (or maybe he will, he does seem to be starting to like some of it). And slight spoiler... yes, other friends will be getitng involved soon!