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Greetings and Happy (Gregorian) New Year to you all. Hope you've all had a lovely festive season. Only 355 days until Christmas!!! Anyway, here's a bit of what I've been up to lately.

Tales from Kingswood

Obviously big news for Tales from Kingswood - it's finished! OMG, another book completed, it's a truly wonderful feeling. The feedback I've had so far for the final chapter and first book as a whole has been wonderful. I was a bit sneaky on Nifty, in that I warned readers that chapter 40 was the final chapter, but didn't mention other books were to follow, so I had a few worried messages saying they hoped the story wasn't over!

Anyway, I recently posted some reflections on my experience with book one. I'm also preparing to post some of the extra content I have produced for it. Most of it is entirely non-sexual and is just stuff I wrote to help myself understand some of the characters better. It includes:

  • End-of-year reports for each of the main eight
  • A diary entry from David talking about the other boys in the dorm
  • Interviews with a few teachers (written from the perspective of a student, intended to be part of a school magazine)

Some of you may find it interesting. I hope you do. But it will all be posted over the next week or two as I prepare to start posting book two. Speaking of which...

The Kingswood Eight

I have made a SLOW start on editing, but either way, chapter 0 will be ready to go on schedule and then new chapters will post every Friday through most of 2022.

A Kingswood Easter (title likely to change)

I have recently started work on my second side-story (much like the Half-Term story in book one). This one remains focused on the main eight, but tells the brief story of what they get up to during the two-week Easter break in April. All of the boys are paired up, so it will be like four mini-stories, each completely self-contained.

I've also written it to be completely skippable for anyone who just wants to follow the main series. It also serves as a pre-cursor to a storyline that will show up in another story I am planning to tell based during the Summer break between Years 9 and 10, but I'm getting REALLY ahead of myself now!

Stop Touching Yourself

As mentioned in a previous newsletter, I plan to post a different story that's unrelated to Kingswood. The chapters are shorter and it may only run for 20-ish chapters, but I'm up to chapter 10 and still enjoying it. Posting will likely start early February, once I have got into a flow with posting The Kingswood Eight.

Chapters will be posted here only, and won't get submitted to Nifty until the story is complete, so think of it as a limited-time exclusive for my patrons!

Unnamed Mystery Project

I wrote a story for a friend's birthday recently, but it ended up developing into a bigger idea than I expected and now a full novel has popped up in my head. It is likely to be much shorter than my other books and I won't be posting it until it's complete, but I will be gradually working on it alongside other stuff.

It's one of my rare forays into fantasy and involves people with superhuman (sex-related) powers!


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