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Good morning/afternoon/evening lovely patrons and happy Friday! Time for a quick update and what I've been working on/wasting my time on.

Tales from Kingswood (Book 1 of The Kingswood Saga)

Chapter 36 will be getting posted later today. It seems a few of you were quite worried about Chris' family at the end of chapter 35. Features a cameo from a character we haven't seen in quite a while! Not going to say too much more. There are a couple of developments that I think will have some of you shouting at your screens :)

Also, I've been asked a lot about Josh's family, what's happened to them and why his brothers were insistent Josh was a killer. Answers to come in chapter 37...

Also, still on schedule to have the final chapter posted on Christmas Eve, so that will hopefully make a nice Christmas present for you all. It also means that shortly after Christmas I will start posting a BUNCH of exclusive content for the story. Still unsure if any of you particularly enjoy the behind-the-scenes and background stuff, but I'm posting it anyway as I enjoy making it.

The Kingswood Eight (Book 2 of The Kingswood Saga)

I'm still chugging along on writing this, though I have now reached the point where I have to start finishing off the plot points that won't be carrying over to book three, so I'm panicking about fitting it all in. Having also taken time to reflect on how far the boys have come by the end of their second year, I am confident in saying you're all in for an emotional ride once book two begins!

New Patreon-exclusive 'back-up' story

Having been inspired by comics, and their tendency to run a back-up story alongside the main story, I am considering taking a similar approach next year when I start posting The Kingswood Eight. New chapters will still be posted every Friday, but I will also post a 'back-up' story earlier in the week, with much sorter parts (maybe a quarter of the length of Kingswood chapters). I always enjoy having multiple works in progress, and this also means I get to give you all more consistent new content.

I will likely keep it as a patreon-exclusive until it is completed, then post the full thing to Nifty. While the initial story I have planned for this slot (currently titled 'Stop Touching Yourself') is not related to Kingswood, I may look at doing a Kingswood-related back-up story in the future.


Thanks for the questions for the first Q&A. I am working on putting it together and answering them. I will have it posted on here at some point over the weekend. 


Naked Justice

Oh that sounds great. I am curious about the exklusive content and of course how the guys will develop in year 8. Of course, I hope that it will include much (longtime) nudity for Chris and lots of humiliation for Danny (and graphic description of this).