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One of the benefits for my top two tiers that I haven't really done yet is a Q&A. This is largely because I think I answer most questions when answering comments (which I appreciate getting, btw) but this is just an open invitation to send me any questions you may have.

They can be about any of my stories, the characters in them, about the way I write, about me - anything really. The only things I likely wouldn't answer are very personal things (no, I won't tell you my mother's maiden name, date of briother and first street I lived on - steal my identity another way lol), or spoilers for ongoing stories.

Other than that, stick your questions in the comments section below or message them to me directly and if I get enough, I'll post my answers in a Q&A post soon!

Thanks everyone



What option did you provide in some of the stories that were voted on by viewers (Jake's Exposure, etc.) did you wish you could have written but never got the chance to?

Naked Justice

You know that Jake's Exposure is one of my favourite stories. Would you like to make a guy do all these naked things in reality? Or did you do so? How far would you go with a willing guy who has no limits? Have YOU ever been exposed naked in public?