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Hi everyone, hope you're all alive and well (and wanking)

Been a busy couple of weeks here, but incredibly productive. A few updates below:

Half-Term at Kingswood

This story is now concluded, which means the focus moves back to the main story, Tales from Kingswood. I've had some lovely feedback about my first Kingswood-based side story. While it wasn't completely seperate from the main title (carrying over Chris and Kyle as feayured characters) it acts as its own standalone story.

I've had many thought about other side-stories and spin-offs as I absolutely love the world of Kingswood. Stay tuned for more news on that...

Tales from Kingswood

This story will pick up with chapter 14 soon, but I have changed the way I write and publish. With my older stories, I used to write a chater and post it right away. While I still enjoy working that way and enjoy sharing the excitement of a nbewly-finished chapter, I now intend to finish a story fully before editing and then posting.

I am just finishing chapter 39 of Tales from Kingswood and expect to have chapter 40 (the final chapter) finished by the end of the weekend. From there I can start the editing process and then begin posting a new chapter once a week.

Aside from an improvement in the quality of my writing (hopefully) this will allow me to consistenly deliver content while still working on new stuff. Assuming no delays or unforessen circumstances, that means Tales will be posted and concluded this year!

Super-short Stories on NewTumbl

For anyone who missed the post about it, I have started a NewTumbl page where I post short snippets or stories, inspired by pictures I find on there. If you want to take a look it's at https://matterotica.newtumbl.com/


Madness, thy name is Possession! I have restarted chapter 16 AGAIN. I'm finding it very hard to get back into the mindset I had when I wrote the first 15 chapters all those years ago. It will not beat me though. I will continue this story even it kills me!!

Hopefully more (and better) news soon.


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