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I often get ideas that prompt me to start writing a first chapter. More often than not, my interest wanes before the story really gets going and I'm left with a lot of chapter 1s that will probably never have a continuation.

While an unfinished story can be unsatisfying, sometimes it's nice to just see an idea and picture where it might have been going. This is just one of my many unfinished/unadopted stories.

The Humiliation of Callam Simkin

It had been the worst day of eighteen-year-old Callam's life. It had seemed to go on forever and it wasn't even close to being over that yet. When he woke up that morning and looked at his phone, he had felt like he was going to throw up. It was a picture of himself, completely naked, finger up his ass, other hand wrapped around his cock, a look of ravenous, sexual hunger spread across his face.

[Be behind the school annex building straight after school today or this goes to everyone you know!] the message accompanying the picture read.

How this person had even got the picture had barely passed through Callam's mind. What bothered him was the threat. A couple of years earlier someone else at the school had had a selection of naked pictures circulated and it had ruined him. He had been teased, taunted and humiliated to the point where he had left the school, simply refusing to ever come back. Nobody had ever seen him again. Callam couldn't let that happen to himself. Just the thought of everyone seeing him naked filled him with dread, despite the slight swelling down below.

All day he had felt like people were looking at him already but he managed to convince himself it was in his head, it had to be. However, there was definitely someone watching him, waiting for the end of the school day. When the final bell rang, he felt like his stomach was filled with a mixture of ice cubes and razor blades.

He virtually ran to the annex building, terrified that if he was even a moment late, the picture would be released. As he darted round the back of the small single-storey building, he found nobody there. There was, however, a note stuck to the wall. It fluttered around in the breeze so he approached and held it against the wall, reading it.

'If you're not naked when we arrive, the pictures go public!' That was all it said.

Callam felt like he could cry. Naked? Here? He couldn't do it, but if he didn't, the pictures...

“What?!” he exclaimed in shock as the thought ran through his head. “Pictures? They've got more than one?” he said to nobody. He read the sentence again. It definitely said 'pictures' and not 'picture'. What else did they have?

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” he muttered to himself, pacing back and forth. He couldn't let the pictures be released. He had to do whatever they said, whatever it took to stop it.

Nearly in tears, Callam dropped his schoolbag to the ground and slipped his jacket down off his shoulders, quickly followed by his sweater. Next came the tie. He stopped there. They were the clothes he would normally feel comfortable taking off in public anyway, it was the next step that was the big one.

“Fuck fuck fuck fuck!” he muttered, shaking his head. Steeling himself, he clenched his fists for a second, then undid the top two buttons of his shirt before pulling it off over his head.

The auburn-haired teen shuddered as he felt the breeze across his bare chest. He looked down as the cool air quickly stiffened his nipples, the few wispy gingerish hairs around them standing up. The freckles that dotted his face continued down his neck and intensified across his shoulders and chest, contrasting with his pale skin.

He dropped the shirt onto the growing pile of clothes and grabbed at his trousers, undoing them quickly but holding them there for a second, taking a deep breath before pushing them down. He tried to step out of them, but his shoes were in the way. He quickly kicked them off and removed the trousers, leaving him standing there in just his socks and boxer briefs.

“Oh shit!” he gasped as he looked down at the bulge growing in his underwear. “Please, not now!” he pleaded with his own cock. It was completely in vain. By the time he started to pull down his underwear, it was rigid, curving skyward. He moaned with unintentional pleasure as it rubbed against his stomach as he leant down.

With the underwear tossed aside, he stood back up, six inches of erection protruding ahead of him. He cupped his hands over his privates to conceal them, keeping his arms as close together to hide the erection. That was when he heard the approaching voices.

“Bet he hasn't!” one voice said defiantly.

“Oh he has, I'd bet anything on it!” another said back.

Callam looked round in a mad panic. He had conceded to stripping, but had given absolutely no forethought to the fact that he would be seen by whoever had set him up. He considered hiding, but there was nowhere to go and they would likely find him anyway.

“Fuck!” Stubbsy said as he rounded the corner. “See, told ya so!” Arthur 'Stubbsy' Stubbs was the closest their school had to a bully. He never seemed to cross the line into actual bullying, but had no problem using his size and gang of cronies to intimidate and get pretty much whatever he wanted. At 6'4” he towered over every other student and most of the faculty in the school and with his mix of muscle and chubbiness he had the bulk to back up most of his threats. His shaved head gave him a slightly thuggish appearance but the twinkle in his emerald green eyes and sly grin often gave him a boyish cuteness.

“Shit, you're right, look at that!” Smithy said from Stubbsy's left. Neil 'Smithy' Smith was the youngest of Stubbsy's followers at seventeen and, in fact, youngest in their year at school. He was also the smallest and at 5'4” looked tiny next to the towering leader. Blonde-haired and blue-eyed with a cute smile, Smithy was the typical kid-next-door type. Why he hung around with Stubbsy's group remained a mystery to any who observed them as he was often mistreated or insulted by his peers. Regardless, he seemed more than willing to fall in line.

“Guess you're right again!” Teddy said with a strangely knowing chuckle. Theodore 'Teddy' Templeton was second-in-command of their group and, according to most who knew them, the brains of the operation. Average height, short brown hair and somewhat plain, he easily faded into the background compared to the hulking leader or cute sidekick, but his presence was ever known. He could always be seen whispering in Stubbsy's ear.

Callam took an involuntary step back as he saw the three other teens. “I... I did what you said,” Callam said as bravely as he could manage, although it came out a little squeaky. “Could you.... could you delete the pictures?”

The three approaching teens laughed in unison. “Oh Cal, we're just getting started,” Stubbsy said, shaking his head. He looked to his side. “Smithy!”

Smithy needed no further prompting, he had already been given his orders. “On it!” he said obediently. He pulled out his phone and opened up the camera.

Callam's eyes widened. “No!” he insisted. The last thing he wanted was for them to have more incriminating pictures. He went to reach for his clothes but realised he would simply expose himself more if he moved his hands.

“Take a few steps back and put your hands down at your sides!” Stubbsy ordered.

Callam was on the verge of bursting into tears as his cock throbbed behind his arms. “Please don't do this,” he begged.

Stubbsy didn't respond right away. He actually looked slightly sympathetic for just a moment before his brow furrowed and he repeated the command.

Slowly, reluctantly, Callam took a few steps backwards and with a deep sigh, dropped his arms to his side. His erection sprang free, much to the amusement of the others, especially Smithy who quickly set about taking pictures.

“Turn around and face the other way!” Teddy ordered.

Callam whimpered, but obeyed. He didn't love the idea of showing off his arse but at least it hid his erection for a few seconds. He heard movement behind him, presumably Smithy getting better angles for yet more embarrassing pictures.

“Okay, turn back,” Teddy said firmly.

As Callam turned his eyes widened. Teddy was standing with the piles of clothes and bag in his arms. “Hey, don't!” he insisted, stepping forward.

Stubbsy took a step forward in response, immediately stopping Callam in his tracks. “We're going now!” he said with a smile. “You're going to stay here for now. I was gonna order you to get hard and stay that way, but I guess that's not really necessary, is it?”

The question got laughs from the other two as Callam turned an even brighter shade of red than he had already turned.

“You can't just leave me here!” Callam insisted.

Stubbsy took a few steps forward again, bringing him less than three feet away from the naked teen. He raised a hand, but lowered it as he saw Callam flinch. He actually looked a little hurt. “We're not. We're going to get the car. You'll stay here until you hear the horn three times. When you hear it, you'll have thirty seconds to get to the car. If you're not there in that time, THEN we'll leave you here. Got it?”

Callam was shaking now, more from fear than cold. “Where... where will you be?”

“Out on the street. Don't worry, you could walk it in less than thirty seconds!” Teddy said with a wicked grin as he walked over to the wall and ripped down the note, not wanting to leave any evidence.

“Please, please at least leave me something to wear!” Callam begged.

“We were going to,” Stubbsy said, taking a step back and looking down, “But we said be naked and... look at that!” He pointed to Callam's socked feet.

“But... but...” he stuttered in response.

“Yeah, they're clothes, that means you are NOT naked and THIS is your punishment. So give us the socks and we'll be off!” Stubbsy said coldly.

“Please.... please...” Callam kept pleading.

“Fuck's sake. Smithy, grab 'em!” Stubbsy said, lunging forward and grabbing the naked teen. Holding him in a tight bear hug he lifted him off the ground as the younger teen knelt down and pulled the socks off of him.

Callam and Stubbsy were face-to-face in the hold, noses barely more than an inch apart. “This is so hot!” Stubbsy whispered in Callam's ear before flashing him a grin and dropping him down onto his now-bare feet. “Okay, let's go.”

Callam just stood and watched, scared, dazed and more than a little confused about what had just happened. He moved close to the corner of the building and peered round, watching the three tormentors walking away. The area was unpleasantly busy. Unless they took a particularly long time getting the car, his run would be witnessed by a lot of people.

The minutes ticked by. Every car he heard on the street made his heart feel like it was going to burst out of his chest, especially when he heard a horn. He very nearly ran out but stopped as he remembered them saying they would sound it three times. What if he had misheard though? What if it was them and his waiting had meant they were going to leave him there? A naked streak out of the school grounds and onto the road was already mortifying, but trying to get all the way home naked was beyond imagining.

Fortunately his wondering was cut short as he heard a car sound its horn three times. “Fuck!” he muttered before cupping his privates in his hands again and dashing out from behind the building.

Almost as soon as he emerged, he heard shouts directed his way. He had no idea what they were saying, but they immediately drew more attention as he ran past small groups of students making their way out of the school grounds. It felt like miles to the road but in reality he was there in ten seconds. He paused as he saw several cars. Looking round for a couple of seconds he managed to spot the three teens in a car several metres away.

He ran to it and grabbed at the door handle, but it was locked. “LET ME IN!” he yelled furiously as they laughed at him. All around, more and more people were noticing him, everyone behind getting a perfect view of his smooth, pearly white butt cheeks.

After a few seconds, Teddy unlocked the door and let Callam jump in before Smithy put his foot down and drove away.

“Oh my God!” Callam gasped. As he sat down properly in the seat.

“Yeah, that was cool!” Stubbsy said with a chuckle.

“No, not that,” Callam gasped, panting. “I'm gonna...” He never finished the sentence. Instead all he could manage were some excited and confused whimpers as his cock erupted. The first two shots hit the roof, the next two shot to the side and landed in Teddy's lap as Callam's cock twitched out his first ever hands-free orgasm.

Seeing the mess it was making and fearing the repercussions, Callam grabbed his spasming tool and pointed it at his own chest, several more spurts covering him, from his neck, down the tiny tuft of ginger hair in the middle of his chest and then down to his stomach, the narrow treasure trail suddenly frosted.

Smithy nearly crashed the car as he watched the orgasm in the rear-view mirror while Stubbsy and Teddy both watched in amusement at Callam's pleasured horror.

Silence filled the air as the orgasm subsided.

“Fucking epic!” Stubbsy eventually said, breaking the silence.

Callam looked significantly less pleased as his cock began to finally shrink back down, gradually coming to the realisation that he was sat in the back of a car, naked, possibly being seen by every person they drove past. “Can I have my clothes back now, please?” he asked shakily.

“That depends,” Teddy said, nonchalantly wiping the remnants of cum off of his leg with one of Callam's socks.

“On what?” Callam asked angrily.

“On you!” Stubbsy said, still peering back. “Or rather, on that!” he corrected himself pointing to Callam's deflating cock.

Callam gulped. “What... what about it?”

“Well if it wants some more, we're gonna give it some more!” Stubbsy said with a snigger.

Callam shrank down in his seat as they passed a bunch of girls walking home from school. “Some more what?”

“Exposure!” Teddy said with a wicked grin. “If it still wants to be seen, then we're gonna let it!”

Callam whimpered. “Please, no more!”

Stubbsy ignored the plea. “So whadda you say?” he asked, addressing the penis directly. “You wanna be seen by a few more people?”

Callam gasped as he felt a twitch.

“Wanna hear more people laughing?” Teddy asked.

“Or see them looking!” Smithy added, risking a quick glance in the mirror.

“No,” Callam moaned as he felt his cock begin to swell. He had literally just cum, this wasn't possible! Why was this happening?

“Well there's our answer!” Stubbsy said with a massive smile as he saw the erection growing. “Let's go!”


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