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Been a while since the last newsletter. To be honest, I mostly lost track of time. I'm a hyper-productive phase lately and the need to write has been verging on compulsive, so that's where most of my time has been going. But below is some info on what I've been working on.

Half-Term at Kingswood

I finally got round to editing and posting Day 7 of this limited series. It's a little while since I wrote it and I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it, both for character development (and a few story conclusions) but also for the sheer amount of sex. Half-Term at Kingswood as well as Tales from Kingswood have been a little light on the sex compared to my otehr stories, simply because it's mostly the early days of the characters' sex lives and it takes time to build. This chapter was ana amzing opportunity to throw in a lot more smut... and I really did! I hope it is enjoyed.

Tales from Kingswood

This has been the main thing I have been working on recently and it's been a very interesting time. After I post the final day of the Half-Term story, this one will pick back up with Chapter 14. Just to deomstrate how far ahead I am finally working, I am about to start work on chapter 29!!

I have some interesting storylines coming up in the continuation of this series, although I did recently make a (probably wise) decision to completely cut out a chapter I had written. While it was, in my opinion, fantastic storytelling and very compelling reading that answered a lot of questions, it also just happened to be quite traumatic to read. Rather than having the events of that chapter not happen, I'm instead skipping to the aftermath and alluding to the events that were missed through the narrative.

It's tough to explain, but when I come to posting the chapters around there, it will hopefully make more sense. I did think the deleted chapter would be something interesting to share as exclusive content on here though, so you will get to see events that regular readers do not. Lucky you!


All I can say here is AAAAAARRRGHH!! This story is killing me. I have never struggled so much with a story before, but then I have never had to continue something I stopped writing so many years ago. I've written a couple of chapters and while I'm pleased with the dramatic side of things, it just feels... not sexy! Unsure whether a full re-write of chapters 16 and 17 is needed or just some heavy editing, but I'm determined to continue this story and see it through to a good conclusion!



Nice to see Kingswood becoming a lot more sexual lately ;) And also can't wait to see where you will take Possesion.