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I'm here today to talk to you about The Humiliation Games. My boss, AKA The Terror... you may have heard of him, omnipotent, skinny fella, strong silent type, I'm sure you remember him, right? Well he's decided that paying for some big expensive advert is a bit of a waste of money when all we really need to draw you bunch of pervs in is a pretty face... and that's where I come in!


Hi, I'm Lucian. I have a job. I have a life. I have a personality. But I know none of that matters. You're just looking at me and wondering what I look like under the clothes, aren't you? Well... good! When you look as good as I do, it'd be a waste not to use it, so use it I shall!

The annual Humiliation Games are coming up and it's my absolute pleasure to invite you along to spectate. In its 247th year, it's safe to say we're pretty good at putting on a show by now! Speaking of putting on a show, is it getting warm in here?


There, much better. Yes, I know what you're thinking. This is a little far into the 'casual' side of 'Business Casual' but the boss never seems to mind and visitors always seem to like it, so what the hell.

Anyway, if you're new to The Humiliation Games, then you've really been missing out. Each year, two rival Houses compete in a series of humiliations, putting unsuspecting humans into horrifying, degrading and downright embarrassing situations. I know, doesn't that just sound awful!

Phew, still a bit warm in here. I hope you don't mind if I...


Hmm, that's probably as far as I should go. I mean, it's like the saying goes, who's gonna buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? We can't have that, although getting milked DOES sound fun right about now!

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, The Humiliation Games. What would a magical show pitting the supernatiral against unwitting human volunteers be without a bit of audience participation? Simpler, honestly, but less fun, so our spectators are invited to take part. Each humiliation comes with a range of options and you get to help decide what happens.

So for example, I might give you the following options:

1. I keep the rest of my clothes on

2. I keep taking my clothes off

3. I dunno... another option, we know you're picking 2 anyway!

Those are your options, and you chose...

Oh, well isn't that a surprise. You humans are so predictable!

Anyway, my time is almost up, but hopefully I've whet your appetites for a bit of supernatural torment and humiliation. See you then, losers!



All images are AI-generated and depict characters aged over 18. Images are generated with publicly available, royalty-free software. Explicit images will be used within the story, and will be used as representative images of characters and may not depict exact actions described in the story. The story remains a primarily written adventure, enhanced with the use of images, and is not intended to be viewed as a graphic novel. Are we clear? Good! I like to make sure you know what you're getting! :)

Expected start date for The Humiliation Games 2 is September 2024.



Woot woot!

Naked Justice

I hope to see Lucian moderating the Games with what he wears now minus the sign.