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Sunday 28 August 2022

To say it had been a stressful morning would be putting it mildly. The whole dorm was up at the crack of dawn, some woken by messages from ‘The Lads’, their new Year 7 protégés, others by the discussion about them within the dorm.

They had been expecting the first night to go as smoothly as their own first Year 7 night had. What actually took place in dorm 1.01 had been more akin to warfare than a friendly first night together. Though they had received a few conflicting accounts of what had happened, between them all they had pieced together a rough picture of what had gone down. As a result, they had spent Sunday morning trying to bring piece back to the conflicted boys. Thankfully news of a black eye had been exaggerated as the violence had not quite escalated to that level… yet!

It certainly hadn’t helped that The Lads had collectively withheld a lot of information from Mr Trent. It meant the First Floor Master was less able to actually help them, though David did point out that their collective wall of silence was actually a positive sign of a chance at unity. Without Mr Trent being able to help, it had fallen to the boys to really step-up into their mentor roles and help resolve the problems.

By lunchtime, a ceasefire seemed to have been called and while it seemed unlikely there would be a repeat of the great collective bromance dorm 1.01 had seen three years earlier, for now nobody was actively fighting. The other Year 7 dorms had fared slightly better, but even they had their fair share of problems between first night squabbles and the inevitably weepy homesick boys. As the Year 8 and 9 boys began to return around lunchtime, most of the Year 10s had retreated back to the Guest Building for some peace and quiet.

Chris and Danny had managed to sneak away from the Common Room and back to their temporary dorm where they had cuddled up together. They weren’t intending anything more than cuddles and a little making out, but the idea was certainly not off the table. The two were mid-kiss when they heard someone outside the door and quickly parted, trying to turn a decidedly-romantic kiss into a more platonic cuddle before they got discovered.

“UGH!” Rob grunted, shaking his head as he walked into the dorm. “What a fucking morning!” he complained.

“Don’t know what you mean. It’s been loadsa fun!” Danny said sarcastically.

“Oh yeah, it’s been a freaking party!” Rob said, rolling his eyes as he approached the occupied bunk. He frowned a little at Chris and said, “Get out, I need some Danny time!”

Chris sat up, looking scandalised, then stood as he shook his head. “Are you actually kicking me out of my own bed?” he asked, feigning annoyance.

“Technically that’s Josh’s bed,” Rob replied, as the two had clearly not wanted to bother climbing to the top bunks, “But yes. Yes, I am!” he said, straight-faced, then smiled wearily.

“Hmmm,” Chris hummed, trying to sound annoyed. “Okay, just checking!” he chuckled as he started to walk away. He stopped, frowned and walked back to Rob. He looked him up and down for a moment and then pulled him into a brief hug. As he let go, he stood back and smiled again as he said, “Sorry, just looked like you needed it!” He turned and scurried out of the dorm.

Rob laughed, clearly bemused. He looked down at Danny who was still lying on the bed and asked playfully, “Have I ever told you how much I like your boyfriend?”

Danny’s eyes widened for a moment before he exclaimed, “Fuck. Who told you about us?”

“Told me…” Rob started, then paused, shaking his head. It quickly dawned on him what Danny was accidentally saying and his eyes shot wide open, his mouth slowly dropping as he let out a long gasp. “Are you…” he turned towards the door, “And Chris…” he turned back to Danny, “Are you two…”

Danny briefly considered attempting to deny it but as he looked at Rob, and his insane expression, a smile slowly spread across his face and he nodded gently!

“OH MY GOD!” Rob yelled, throwing himself on top of Danny. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” he repeated as he grabbed hold, wrapping himself around the other boy.

“Shh!” Danny hissed.

“Is it…a secret?” Rob asked, frowning as he pulled back a little.

“No,” Danny said, shaking his head as he shuffled back, propping his head up with one arm as Rob slipped into place, mirroring the position. “I mean, we’re not going round telling people, but we’re… not NOT telling people!”

“Oh, that clears it right up!” Rob said sarcastically.

“Do we have to talk about this? I’m guessing you wanted me for a reason, can we talk about you?” Danny suggested.

“I guess,” Rob shrugged, “But we’re definitely coming back to this, or… we’re definitely not NOT coming back to this!” He sniggered as he got a bemused eye roll from Danny, but the smile quickly dropped from his face.

Danny frowned a little then pulled at the covers, which Rob leaned back a little to allow him to pull out. He reached over to drape them over Rob so they were lying together beneath them, face-to-face. “So what’s up?” he asked, letting his hand gently stroke down the other teen’s arm.

“It’s just…” Rob started, then stopped, letting out a gentle groan of frustration as he leaned forward. His forehead came to rest against Danny’s chest as he let out a sigh.

Danny gently kissed the top of his head and urged him, “Come on!”

Rob let out a slightly happier sigh from the affectionate gesture then pulled back, smiling meekly. “It’s just all this stuff with… the Lads!” he explained softly. “I know it’s been tough for all of us, dealing with their shit, but it’s like… I’ve got double cos of worrying about Milo too,” he said, his brow heavily furrowing. “Triple, if you include worrying about Josh!”

Danny hummed thoughtfully for a moment, nodding slightly until he offered, “Maybe it doesn’t need to be double or triple!” As Rob looked back at him curiously, he went on, “You trust Josh, don’t you?”

“Completely!” Rob replied without the slightest hesitation.

“Then you can definitely ease off worrying about Milo,” Danny stated. “Aside from the fact Josh knows how important Milo is to you, do you remember his slight freak out last year after the interviews?” As Rob nodded, Danny smiled and said, “Exactly. Just think how worried he was about how to look after his new kid and how he needed to do his absolute best and… and BE his absolute best! That’s a guy who’s gonna do a good job as a mentor, so… let him do it! Milo’ll be fine!”

“I guess,” Rob said cautiously.

“And as for Josh himself, I’d have already said he was okay now with Mr Rudd looking out for him, but with Mr Rudd being our new Floor Master too, he’s got that shit covered!” Danny explained.

Rob sighed as he nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right!” he conceded. “I guess I do… worry about stuff sometimes!”

Danny gasped dramatically, pulling the hand back from Rob’s arm to clutch at his own chest. “What? You? Create problems in your own head then drive yourself insane worrying about them without talking until you basically explode!”

“That’s not quite what I said,” Rob scowled.

“Or get crazy jealous over stuff you have nothing to be jealous about!” Danny went on, grinning.

“Oy!” Rob complained.

Danny sniggered as he continued, “Or sometimes get a bit…”

“Okay, enough!” Rob snapped. He narrowed his eyes at Danny, who continued to chuckle and shook his head. “I may like YOUR boyfriend, but I think I’m going off of Chris’ boyfriend!” he teased.

Danny chuckled again but it quickly dropped away.

“What?” Rob demanded. As he saw Danny looking obviously reluctant, he shook his head and insisted, “No way, I told you mine, now it’s your turn to talk!” As Danny remained silent, Rob stared for a moment and asked, “Are you… unhappy you’re with Chris?”

“No!” Danny replied instantly, shaking his head a little. “I’m SO happy, it’s just…” He paused again, pursing his lips thoughtfully as Rob gently held his hand. “It’s everyone else!” Danny finally admitted.

“Whadda you mean?” Rob asked, frowning thoughtfully.

Danny rolled onto his back, staring at the bunk above as he took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. “I don’t know, I was so happy when we got together and it was our secret, and then we got to spend the whole summer together just being us and figuring out who we are as a couple, but then coming back here… I just know… people are gonna say things!”

“Mean things?” Rob asked, reaching out to rest his hand on Danny’s chest.

Danny thought for a moment then shook his head and explained, “No, not necessarily mean things, just… things! Like, you remember back at the start of year seven, me and Chris couldn’t be in the same room without someone saying ‘oh, he’s your boyfriend’ and then the stuff with Chris kinda cheating on Kyle with me and then how clingy Chris was when I came back after the accident and just… everything. Everyone’s gonna have an opinion and you know they’re not shy about sharing it!”

Rob nodded slightly as he said, “Yeah, you two are kinda… high profile! Stuff about either one of you’s kinda like celebrity gossip around here, so both of ya… I can see how that’d be…” He paused, shrugging as he couldn’t think of the right word.

“Fucking terrifying!” Danny sighed, getting a further nod from Rob in return. “And then there’s Brian!”

“Oof,” Rob winced at the mention of Danny’s ex, who also happened to be his new boyfriend’s mentor.

Rob propped his head up one arm as he looked down at Danny and asked, “What actually happened between you?”

Danny raised his hands to his face, rubbing it as he let out a gentle groan. As he dropped his hands away, he let his head loll to the side to look up at Rob and explained, “Well, short version… he dumped me because he thought I should be with Chris!”

Rob just stared, eyes wide, remaining silent.

Danny huffed and said, “Go on, you can say it!”

“Well, he kinda had a point, didn’t he?” Rob said, stating the obvious.

“I know, but that doesn’t make it any easier that someone I’m in love with has made themselves miserable so I can be happy, does it?” Danny asked, clearly frustrated.

“You’re still in love with him?” Rob asked, visibly shocked.

Danny sat up, propping himself up on both elbows as he replied, “Of course I am. We were together two years. I didn’t stop loving him just cos he dumped me!” As he saw Rob nodding thoughtfully, he added, “And Chris knows. I’ve told him. We’ve seen too much shit with people hiding stuff like this and we ain’t fucking up over stupid secrets!” He smirked briefly as he said, “That’s some advice YOU should take too!”

“Very funny,” Rob said dryly.

Danny smirked again, then sighed and went on, “So… Chris knows I still love Brian, who’s gonna be back tomorrow and I know we’re gonna have to tell him about us, which is probably gonna fuck him up even more!” He suddenly flipped over onto his stomach and let out a loud groan, muffled by the pillow. He felt Rob gently rubbing his back and turned his head to the side to look at him again. “Why does everything have to be so… messy?”

“The course of true love never did run smooth!” Rob quoted.

“Hey, that’s from Chris’ play!” Danny chuckled.

Rob chuckled, unsure whether Danny really thought Chris had written the line rather than borrowed it from Shakespeare. Instead, he just rubbed Danny’s back a little more and said, “Yup, and it’s true. You’ll be okay though. I’m here if you need to vent about any of it!”

Danny reached over to grab Rob and pulled himself closer, burying his face in the other boy’s chest. “You’re the best,” he sighed happily. “And I’m glad I finally got to tell someone in the dorm!” He lifted his head and smiled. “I told Adrian, and he’s awesome, but… I dunno, he’s not one of us. I kinda feel like you guys understand just how…”

“Big?” Rob offered as Danny paused.

“Yeah,” Danny replied with a nod. “Just how big this all is! Especially if…” He froze up again.

“If… what?” Rob prompted cautiously.

Danny suddenly looked downright dour. “If it doesn’t work out!” he said, really feeling the silence around them as he said it. As Rob frowned at him slightly, he went on, “I mean, what if we break up, and I mean… badly, like an Adrian and Kyle kind of break up with the shouting and screaming. I wouldn’t just lose a boyfriend, I’d lose… my whole fucking world!” He looked a little tearful as he said it.

“Danny, I’ve never seen any couple more absolutely in love with each other than you two… and that was before you even WERE a couple. I think you’ve got this!” Rob reassured him.

Danny smiled meekly and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right, thanks!” he said, not entirely convinced but a little less panicky. “You’re the best!”

“You already said that,” Rob sniggered, “But I don’t mind hearing it again!”


“Is it gonna hurt?” Peyton asked nervously, his hand edging very slightly towards Mark’s.

Careful of scaring the timid boy, Mark returned the gesture, letting his hand move closer too, just a little. “No, it won’t,” he insisted with a sweet smile.

“There’s no injections or anything is there?” Peyton asked just as the door was opening.

“No, nothing like that,” Mark reassured the boy, gently stroking the back of his hand for a moment.

“Thank you both,” Dr Arkwright said cheerfully as he held the door for his previous patient and their mentor to leave.

“Oh, hey,” Mark said cheerfully as Justin Roberts walked out. While they weren’t exactly close friends, they knew each other well enough from their shared classes and mutual attendance of Music Club for casual conversation.

“Hey Mark,” Justin said, blushing slightly. “How you doing?”

“Pretty good thanks,” Mark replied.

“Up to much?” Justin asked, then immediately frowned as he looked at the boy beside Mark and then back at the door to the doctor’s office. “Oh, yeah, right. Duh!” he admonished himself for the unnecessary question.

“Yeah,” Mark chuckled, then gestured to the door and said, “Appointment!”

Justin nodded and chuckled again. “Well, uh… see you around,” he said coyly. He stared at Mark for a second , then glanced to the boy he had left the office with and said, “Come on Ewan. Let’s go talk!”

Peyton, who had stood silently as the other two boys emerged and departed, grinned at Mark for a moment and said quietly, “He was checking you out!”

Mark blushed and shook his head slightly.

“Mark, nice to see you,” Dr Arkwright said politely, saving Mark from his embarrassment. “And you must be Peyton!” he added to Mark’s young protégé.

The smile quickly dropped from the younger boy’s face, replaced with a look of mild terror. “Y… yes sir,” he squeaked timidly.

Mark placed a hand on the boy’s back and started nudging him towards the open door as Dr Arkwright stood aside.

“How are you finding Kingswood so far then, Peyton?” Dr Arkwright asked jovially as he closed the door and led the two boys over to the examination table.

“It’s… very big!” Peyton said thoughtfully.

Dr Arkwright just chuckled politely at the response before heading to his desk to tap away for a few moments on his laptop. “I won’t keep you any longer than I have to,” he said softly. “I suppose this will be somewhat of a new experience to both of you!”

“Yes sir,” Mark replied with a gentle nod. As Peyton looked at him curiously, he explained, “I didn’t start here until year nine, so I didn’t have the full Kingswood year seven experience!” It was a light-hearted comment, but he winced slightly. Even a year into his time at the school he felt like the new guy and moments like that only served to reinforce it.

“Oh, right,” Peyton nodded, not sure what else to say.

“So today I’m going to be giving you a quick examination, ask you a couple of questions and then we’ll be administering a quick test to establish your development,” Dr Arkwright explained.

“Test?” Peyton asked nervously, “Was I supposed to study?”

As Mark suppressed a laugh, Dr Arkwright smiled and said, “Not that kind of test. But just relax, I know it’s all a bit scary, but I promise it’s nothing too bad. If you could start by undressing, please. Everything off!”

“Everything?” Peyton gasped. He glanced briefly at Mark, blushing as he seemed to shrink inwards slightly at his own question.

“Yes please,” Dr Arkwright said flatly.

Mark gave the boy a timid smile but didn’t get one in return.

Peyton let out a gentle whimper before reaching behind his head to grab the collar of his t-shirt and start pulling it up.

Mark already marvelled at how small the boy seemed to be. Despite only being three years his junior, Mark towered over the boy, though that was a mix of Mark being fairly developed for almost-fifteen while Peyton was on the smaller side for an eleven-year-old. His cute, innocent face and big soulful eyes were boyishly cute and betrayed the handsome young man he was destined to grow into. As he pulled his t-shirt off, his small stature became even more apparent with his flat chest and stomach and slender arms exposed.

Holding the t-shirt tightly, Peyton glanced around for a moment until Mark held his hand out for it. Handing it over, his trembling hands moved down to undo his jeans. He audibly gulped as he started to push them down, revealing dark green briefs and pale, skinny legs, completely smooth. As he got the jeans down to his ankles, he slipped a finger inside a sock and the back of a trainer to pull them off as one, then the same on the other foot before stepping out of the jeans. Once again, the discarded items were handed to his mentor.

“And… these?” Peyton asked nervously as he slipped a finger in either side of the small underwear.

“Yes please,” Dr Arkwright repeated.

Peyton frowned at Mark briefly before slipping a hand inside the underwear to cup his genitals before removing the briefs. He held them for a moment and, despite Mark offering his hand, tossed them past him to the pile of folded clothes.

“Okay, if you could pop up on the table please,” Dr Arkwright requested, nodding to the examination table.

Peyton stepped closer and quickly realised he would need both hands to hoist himself up onto it. With his pink cheeks darkening to red, he reached back to place both hands on the table and hopped up, revealing a small, undeveloped penis, barely five centimetres. He shot Mark another look as his hands quickly shot to cover up again as soon as he was able.

“Thank you,” Dr Arkwright said quietly. “Now I’d tell you to relax, but I know this isn’t exactly a relaxing situation,” he said with a sincere smile, getting a very brief one back from Peyton. “So instead, I’ll just reassure you nothing today is going to hurt, and we’ll be done as quickly as we can and have you on your way!”

“Thank you, sir,” Peyton said politely.

As the doctor gave his laptop one more glance, he started pulling on a pair of latex gloves and approached the table. “So while your parents have given their consent for these matters to be shared with your mentor, I always like to offer the courtesy of asking my patients the same thing. Do you have any issue talking about your medical history in front of Mark?”

Peyton looked to his mentor then back to the doctor and said, “No, that’s fine.”

“Very well. So, I can see you had your appendix removed a few years ago,” Dr Arkwright started, gently pushing on Peyton’s chest to make him lean back on the inclined back of the table. As he got a nod from the boy, he gently nudged an arm away to reveal the small scar. “That all looks good. And it also says you’re asthmatic. Is that right?” he enquired.

“Yes sir,” Peyton said with a nod. “But it’s not been a problem for a while now. I’ve used my inhaler like, twice in the last year!”

“Okay, that’s good to know,” Dr Arkwright nodded. “We would encourage you to make sure you keep one to hand anyway, but we’ll also arrange for one to be stored in your dorm, one in the School Building medical office and one over in the Sports Complex too, just for emergencies. Mr Trent should take care of that with you. Always best to play it safe!”

“Yes sir,” Peyton said politely.

Dr Arkwright quickly set about examining the boy. It was a routine he was exceptionally well-practiced in, and after his many years as physician at the school had got it down to a fine art. He weaved the questions he needed to ask into casual conversation, using them almost as a distraction as his hands roamed the naked boy’s body to complete his checks. Even when he had to move the boy’s other hand aside and leave him fully exposed, he managed to keep the boy chatting to distract from the embarrassment.

Having completed the physical exam and asked all of his questions, the doctor removed his gloves and moved over to tap away for a few moments on his laptop before looking back. “Now, Peyton, the test that was mentioned earlier is the last thing we have to do today. As I’m sure Mark has explained by now, Kingswood does encourage the safe and healthy exploration of matters of a sexual nature, yes?”

Mark and Peyton both blushed and nodded.

“And a requirement of that exploration is that those engaging in it are sufficiently developed to engage in sexual activity,” Dr Arkwright went on. “Meaning we need to establish if you are sexually mature to the point of ejaculatory capability. We do this by stimulating the penis to the point of climax, also known as masturbation. You may know it by a range of other names, but do you understand what I’m saying?”

Peyton gulped and nodded.

“Very well,” Dr Arkwright said, looking to Mark for a moment. “We always offer a choice at this stage, to have the test administered by myself or by your mentor, whichever you would find… preferable.”

“Umm… Mark please,” Peyton said shyly, avoiding eye contact with the older boy.

“Doctor Arkwright, is this really necessary? He certainly doesn’t look ready!” Mark said, frowning a little. Peyton was taking the situation as bravely as he had handled the entire examination so far, but Mark still couldn’t help wanting to spare him from more.

“Hey!” Peyton scowled, his hands moving to cover his small penis.

Mark winced and started, “Sorry, I wasn’t being mean, I was just…”

“We always test, Mark. Internal development and visible growth are not always congruent,” Dr Arkwright replied. “But if you’re not comfortable doing it, I fully understand,” he nodded. It was rare for a mentor to refuse to take part, but it was their right to do so, and he had always respected it.

“No, I am!” Mark insisted. “I’ll do it!”

“Very well,” the doctor nodded. “I’m sure you don’t need me looming over you while you do it, so I’ll be at my desk. Give me a shout when it’s time!”

“How… how will I… know when that is?” Peyton asked nervously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it,” Mark said with a reassuring nod. He waited for Dr Arkwright to head to his desk and start typing up his examination notes before reaching out a hand towards the anxious boy. “So I’m gonna… need to touch you now!”

“That’s okay,” Peyton smiled sweetly. Though his nerves were still blindingly apparent, he did appear to relax a little knowing he was safe in Mark’s hands.

Mark was just about to reach for the flaccid little penis when he saw it twitch just a little. Holding back for a moment, he watched as it pulsed in time with Peyton’s heartbeat, swelling and slowly pointing upwards, the tip of the glans just peeking out through the boy’s foreskin. “Well that certainly helps,” Mark chuckled, but as he saw the slightly mortified look on Peyton’s face, he suppressed his smile and said, “It’s okay, it’s a good thing!”

“Okay,” Peyton said with a nod as he rested his head back and closed his eyes.

Mark was hesitant for a moment. Touching the younger boy seemed so bizarre, especially with a grown-up in the room, but he knew he needed to do it. Cautiously, he reached out and grasped the small erection, now standing at a proud seven centimetres, between his thumb and forefinger. He heard a slight shuddery moan from his young friend. Pulling down slightly, he retracted the foreskin to fully reveal the head. Dr Arkwright had done it during the physical, but Peyton had been flaccid at the time. Erect, it was slightly darker, more bulbous and elicited another slight moan from the young boy.

As Mark moved his thumb and finger back up, watching the foreskin slip back over the head, he asked quietly, “Is this okay?”

Without opening his eyes, Peyton commented shakily, “It feels good!”

The positive affirmation encouraged Mark to continue, slowly stroking the small erection. As he began to increase the pace Peyton continued to offer gentle moans and whimpers as he experienced his first ever hand job, and apparently his first ever experience at masturbation! Letting his eyes roam the young adolescent body, his gaze found its way up to the boy’s face just as his eyes opened. The brief moment of eye contact was a little embarrassing for them both, but as Peyton offered a serene smile, Mark couldn’t help offering one back before breaking the eye lock.

“Unnh, it… it feels… kinda funny,” Peyton moaned after another minute of stroking, his hands grasping at the examination table as his eyes opened, though he kept his head tilted back.

“Doc, I think we’re ready!” Mark announced.

“On my way,” Dr Arkwright replied, moving with appropriate urgency without rushing to witness the climactic moment.

“Oh, is this… is it supposed to… unnh,” Peyton moaned, feeling the beginnings of his first orgasm. Suddenly his head shot forward, gazing wide-eyed at his boner as his jaw dropped a little and he let out a high-pitched whimper.

Mark released his thumb, but kept the small penis resting against his fingers as it visibly twitched and spasmed. While there was no mass eruption, a small bead of clear fluid emerged from the tip, pooling a little within the foreskin.

“Was… was that… was it…” Peyton gasped, panting heavily, visibly confused.

“Yeah, that’s what we call an orgasm,” Mark offered, gently pulling his hand away, though it stopped to rest on top of Peyton’s. “Or cumming, a lot of people call it that too.”

Dr Arkwright smiled appreciatively at the information offered by the boy’s mentor, nodding a she pulled on a pair of latex gloves. He reached down for Peyton’s post-orgasmic penis and retracted the foreskin slightly to examine the fluid and stated, “It doesn’t appear you are quite ready yet, though I would guess it won’t be too long now.”

Peyton hadn’t even flinched at the man’s touch, he was too dazed by his first orgasm and the pleasurable sensations that came with it.

“That does mean you’ll need to be locked for now,” Dr Arkwright said, moving away to retrieve a box from a small stack he had prepared in the corner of the room for the new arrivals.

“Did I do okay?” Peyton whispered to Mark, flipping his hand over to let his fingers interlink with the older boy’s.

Mark just stared at the boy for a moment. So small, so exposed, so innocent and so sweet. “You did great, big man,” he said with a broad smile. “You did freakin’ great!”


“I don’t care who started it. I’m ending it!” Mr Trent snapped furiously at the arguing rabble of Year 7s.

“But sir…” “He said…” “I didn’t…” “It was…”

“ENOUGH!” Mr Trent bellowed. “One more word out of ANY of you and you’ll find yourselves with a naked punishment that’ll last until you finish year thirteen!”

The group of boys fell deathly silent, all understandably terrified of the embarrassing punishments the school used. It was something they had all been warned about, but were yet to experience or witness.

Mr Trent took a deep breath. He was used to squabbles, but the full-on fighting to this extent was something he had not had to deal with often in his three years at the school. Thankfully, help had just arrived. Realising the group of new students was once again descending into arguments, he had summoned their mentors who arrived together, walking into the unusually quiet room.

“Ah, there you are,” Mr Trent said, the relief on his face apparent. “It would appear last night’s issues are… ongoing and I thought your assistance might be useful.”

All eight of the younger boys looked incredibly sheepish as their mentors approached, particularly Milo who found himself under the withering gaze of both his mentor and his big brother.

“So what was it this time?” David asked, but immediately realised his error as the entire group burst into animated chatter and blame-throwing. “HEY!” he yelled instantly, getting momentary silence. “Not all at once!” he said firmly.

“He’s so cute when he takes charge,” Chris whispered to Danny, getting a snigger from him, though it stopped as they saw Mr Trent glare their way.

“Now… one at a time, please,” David requested politely.

The boys obediently began to offer their calm and courteous responses one at a time… is what David had foolishly expected. In reality, all eight boys jumped in at the same time once again.

“Hey!” Mikey exclaimed, looking round at the others, though primarily at Chris. “Remember the pen?” he asked curiously.

“Yes!” Chris exclaimed, getting nods of agreement from the others. “Sir,” he said to Mr Trent, “Have you got like… a stick or a pen or something?”

The teacher gave Chris a curious look, then searched round briefly for a moment before offering up a chunky whiteboard marker. “Will this do?” he asked hopefully.

“Perfect!” Chris said as the Year 7s continued shouting over each other. “SHUT UP YA LIL FECKERS!” he shouted out, his accent always coming on stronger when he was annoyed or raised his voice.

The younger boys fell silent, looking to Mr Trent, presumably in anticipation of admonishment for the colourful language, but the man remained stoically silent.

“Right, now sit down in a circle and keep your feckin’ mouths shut!” Chris ordered.

Once again the boys looked to the adult, who shrugged and said, “You heard him!”

The boys began to sit down, but there were a few moments of awkward position changing as certain boys seemed opposed to sitting next to others. The older boys moved to stand behind their respective Year 7s. They ended up with Avery, Milo and Leonardo on one side, with Danny, Josh and Mikey stood behind them respectively, Declan, Devon and Jorge on the other side, with Chris, Rob and Nicky stood behind them, then Peyton on one end separating the two trios and Axel on the other, with Mark and David behind them. Even before the plan could be put into place it became blindingly apparent there were two clear sides to the squabbling.

“So here’s the deal, ya lil gobshites,” Chris said firmly. He held out the pen and continued, “This is the talking pen. From now on, only the person holding it talks. Anyone who doesn’t, earns themselves a punch in the balls!”

“Are you really gonna let him do that?” Devon asked, staring up at Mr Trent, who was stood a few steps away from the circle of boys.

“Try speaking without the pen again and find out,” Mr Trent replied curtly.

“Now, when you’re holding the pen, you talk about YOU. None of the old ‘HE said this’ or ‘HE did that’, ya talk about yourself, what YOU feel and what YOU think ONLY. Nod if you understand!” Chris instructed.

The eight younger boys nodded, then watched as Chris moved to the centre of the circle and asked, “So who wants to share first?” He placed the pen down and then stepped back out.

Considering the eagerness to talk over each other before, it seemed the prospect of going solo, especially when expected to talk about how they felt, was not something any of them were keen to engage in. Awkward glances darted around the circle, the boys silently willing and daring each other to take the pen.

Eventually it was Axel, David’s young mentee, who rolled his eyes and leaned forward to take the pen. As all eyes fell on him, he sat back in place and thought for a moment and said, “I think you’re all really nice and I don’t want to argue with any of you.”

Chris smiled at David, proud to see his boy was starting off so well.

“But I do feel a bit weird when I hear Avery and Leo saying stuff about Declan behind his back!” Axel finished before gently tossing the pen back into the middle of the circle like some kind of emotional grenade.

Awkward silence filled the room as the boys Axel had mentioned stared across at each other in a brief stand-off before they all dove for the pen. The moment their hands were on it, they were back to shouting over each other again. A few of the others soon joined in, trying to wrestle the pen onto ‘their side’. As Axel shook his head at the terrible behaviour of his dormmates, Peyton just backed away, leaning against Mark who reached a hand down to rest on his shoulder.

“Ugh, come on, let’s split them up again,” Mr Trent sighed to the older boys as they moved in to break up the petty brawl.


Danny sat tapping away on his phone as he sat outside Dr Arkwright’s office. To his side, Avery was sitting with his arms folded, his body turned away from him and a scowl plastered across his face. Danny had attempted conversation several times, but the annoyed boy had either blanked him entirely or offered abrupt single-word responses, so he had given up and resigned himself to waiting for the appointment to begin.

Although he could see messages in his dorm’s group chat, mostly around the ongoing peace talks taking place to calm things with the new Year 7s, Danny needed a break from it and had instead opted to message Finn, Chris’ elder brother who was back home in Ireland.

[Kane just scored!! We’re only 5 mins in!!] Finn sent.

Danny sighed at the news. It wasn’t that he had any particularly strong feelings about either team taking part on the football match Finn was watching, more just from the reminder that his summer was over. During the first half of the summer break he had been able to indulge in his love of football with Finn, the two of them talking about and watching the sport just as much as they did ‘other things’ together. In the latter half of the break, Danny had been able to spend a lot of time with his dad, sitting in bars to watch matches, usually while texting with Finn who was watching at home too. As much as he loved a lot of being back at Kingswood, there were certainly drawbacks. The fact today had been so tiring and stressful certainly didn’t help either.

[I might be able to watch the highlights later if I get time! :( ] Danny sent back sadly.

[Aww, sorry mate, not trying to rub it in. Thought you’d be happier to be back at Kingswood!] Finn replied sympathetically.

[I am. It’s just not going the way I expected it would. But hey, we’ll make the best of it!] Danny replied hopefully.

[Ugh, you are sickeningly optimistic!!!!] Finn joked.

[And you’re just sickening!] Danny joked back, then quickly added, [Speaking of sickening, any more issues with Sarah?]

[Nope. Not heard a thing. I checked out her socials and any time she gets asked about it she sticks with the old ‘we grew apart but we’re still good friends’ line, so whatever you did clearly worked!] Finn reported. Another message followed a moment later, [If you could take HER down, some gobby little feckers are gonna be no problem for ya!!]

Danny chuckled at the reassurance. As he heard someone grab the door handle inside the examination room, he quickly typed, [thx gtg ttyl], sent it and slipped his phone back in his pocket. “Get ready, I think it’s time,” he said to Avery whose eyes darted round briefly but then looked away again as he sat moody and motionless.

“Thank you both, enjoy the rest of your afternoon,” Dr Arkwright said cheerfully to the two departing boys.

Danny nodded a casual greeting to Steven Harris as he passed by with his slightly bedraggled-looking Year 7, then looked to the man in the doorway and asked, “Ready for us, doc?”

“Indeed I am, Danny. Come on in!” Dr Arkwright said happily.

Danny glanced round ready to tell the moody boy to stand up, but was surprised to find him already on his feet, virtually cowering behind him.

“And I’m guessing that’s Avery back there,” Dr Arkwright said, leaning slightly to the side to look at the hiding boy.

Danny felt Avery’s hands grab at his back, each of them clenching tightly with a handful of his clothing, but the boy remained silent. Slightly annoyed at whatever the boy was now trying to pull, Danny rolled his eyes and stepped forward, but felt himself get pulled back, the younger boy anchored to the spot.

“Is there… a problem?” Dr Arkwright asked cautiously.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Danny turned back, ready to tell Avery to stop fucking about but any anger he felt vanished the moment he saw the boy’s face – he looked absolutely terrified! Studying the boy for a moment, looking for any hint of deception, he came up empty and turned back to Dr Arkwright and said, “I might just need to sort this. Can we have a minute?”

“Of course, just come on in as soon as you’re ready,” the man said cordially before stepping back into the office as he closed the door.

“Look, if this is some kinda of trick again like at selection day…” Danny started, but Avery instantly let go and raised his hands to cover his face as he burst into tears. “You’re… not kidding around, are you?” Danny asked, still cautious but mostly concerned. He took a seat and grabbed at Avery’s shoulders to turn him towards him, but kept hold as he asked, “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Avery didn’t answer, he just stood sobbing into his hands.

Danny still barely knew the boy. Their time together so far had been mostly spent with either Danny being embarrassed by constant re-tellings of his selection day humiliation or admonishing the boy for his constant fighting with his new dormmates. Weird as it felt to do with a relative stranger, especially one who didn’t even seem to like him, Danny pulled the boy into a hug.

Avery sniffled heavily and squeaked, “What are you doing?”

“Hugging you!” Danny answered bluntly.

“Why?” Avery demanded between sobs.

“Because you’re…” Danny started, feeling himself getting irritated with the boy again. He paused and took a breath, then tried again more calmly as he said, “Because you’re upset and I don’t want you to be!”

“Oh!” Avery exclaimed. He let his hands drop from his face to hang by his sides for a moment, his cheek resting on Danny’s shoulder, then cautiously started to reach round, holding gingerly onto Danny. It took several more seconds before the boy began to calm, but his sobs eventually turned into sniffles and he pulled back, quickly reaching up to wipe away the tears.

“You wanna tell me what’s wrong?” Danny asked, tilting his head sympathetically as he looked up slightly at the standing boy.

Avery sniffed, glanced at the door, then back at Danny and looked ready to cry again as he said, “Please don’t make me do this! I don’t wanna go in there!”

Danny frowned at the comment, then asked curiously, “Are you… scared of doctors or something?”

“No!” Avery snapped. “Well, a bit, but… well… the others… they… they said…” he trailed off, barely holding back from bursting into tears again.

“Hey, I don’t know what they told you, but I think they were maybe just teasing,” Danny reassured the boy. He paused a moment and gave a meek smile, then explained, “It’s a bit embarrassing, I’ve been there myself, remember, but none of it hurts!”

“It doesn’t?” Avery asked, looking incredulous. “They said the injections are all done with REALLY big needles and they REALLY hurt! And then if you’re not like… big down there yet, they stick your willy in one of those torture devices!”

“Woah, okay, hold up,” Danny said, shaking his head, understanding the reluctance whilst rather annoyed at whoever had been misinforming Avery. “First of all, there are NO injections. I reckon they were just trying to scare you, and there are no ‘torture’ devices! There are… umm… things that you might get if you’re… umm… not developed yet, but they don’t hurt, they’re just a bit annoying!”

Avery sniffed as he looked at Danny inquisitively. “You’re just saying that to get me to go in,” he pouted.

“I’m really not, bud,” Danny said, shaking his head. “It’s my job to look out for you. You really think I’d let them do anything nasty to you?”

Avery stared at Danny for a few moments, blinking a couple of times as he contemplated the older boy’s words. “Really?” he asked, frowning heavily. “So I… don’t have to… umm… get naked either?”

Danny’s expression gave the answer away before he spoke, but as he saw the boy getting upset he quickly said, “You do, but it’s really not that bad, I promise. Dr Arkwright’s seen it all a million times before and for me… well, think of it as payback for selection day. I showed you mine, now you gotta show me yours!” He grinned playfully.

“I don’t wanna show you mine,” Avery said, shrinking away from Danny a little. As Danny just stared back silently, his cheeks blazed red as he mumbled, “It’s… there’s… not much to… show!”

“Oh, so… you’re a bit embarrassed about… size then?” Danny asked, piecing together the reaction now.

“Please don’t make me go in there,” Avery pleaded, sniffing again.

“Sorry bud, you really do have to,” Danny insisted. “It’s part of the conditions of being here. You don’t do that then you don’t get to be a student here!”

“Good!” Avery scowled. “I don’t want to be! I want to go home! I want… I want my own room back and I… I want… I want to… to keep my clothes on and… and…” He sniffled again and squeaked. “Please!”

“…told you we were early,” they suddenly heard from down the corridor.

Looking together at the same time, they spotted Josh approaching with Milo.

“Avery hasn’t even gone in yet!” Milo complained, seemingly arguing with Josh about timings.

“Actually, we’re just going in!” Avery called abruptly down the corridor, then turned to head to the door, leaving a slightly bewildered Danny trailing behind.

“Ah, everything okay?” Dr Arkwright asked as he saw Avery and Danny appear.

The sudden bravado seemed to have melted at the sight of Dr Arkwright and the brief confidence on the boy’s face was gone once again.

Danny reached down to place a hand on Avery’s back, stroking it gently as he said to Dr Arkwright, “Avery’s just a bit nervous and a bit shy, but he’ll be okay. He’s tough!” He turned his gaze to Avery and finished, “Right, bud?” When the boy just stared back silently, he added, “You’ve totally got this!”

Slowly and unconvincingly, Avery nodded.

Dr Arkwright had dealt with his fair share of nervous boys before and handled Avery’s obvious terror with tact and delicacy, with a lot of reassurance and assistance from Danny. They managed to get through the questions and the physical examination with major incident, though Avery had been adamant about not removing his underwear and remained clad in the small boxer shorts until the exam was almost complete.

As Dr Arkwright began to explain the final part of the examination and the subsequent test that required removal of his underwear, Avery looked ready to flee the room. Despite his obvious embarrassment, he eagerly proclaimed, “I can’t cum! I’ve tried, a lot and I can’t do it yet, so you don’t need to test me!”

Danny wondered whether the boy might actually get out of it for a minute until Dr Arkwright explained, “We do have to test you. If you’re not comfortable having the test administered with just myself and Danny present, we can make arrangements to do it under parental supervision!”

“NO!” Avery yelled out. Being naked and wanked off in front of two people was bad enough, but the prospect of having it done with either or both of his parents present was utterly horrifying. “Fine, okay, just… just do it then!” he said angrily, folding his arms across his skinny chest.

“Guessing these’ll need to come off,” Danny said, tapping the side of the boy’s underwear.

“I’m afraid so,” Dr Arkwright said. “And then it’s up to you whether Danny or I tests you!”

Avery looked utterly defeated as he reached down and started pulling off his underwear. Holding them bunched up over his crotch, he considered the comment and mumbled incoherently.

“Sorry, I didn’t get that,” Dr Arkwright prompted.

Avery huffed and said, “Danny. I choose Danny!”

“Okay, well, Danny, you know the drill. I can complete my examination afterwards. For now I’ll be at my desk!” Dr Arkwright said before moving away.

“I bet you’re loving this, aren’t you!” Avery growled.

“It DOES feel like karma,” Danny answered honestly with a smirk, but as he worried he might upset the boy again he said, “Remember I’ve been where you are. I know how this feels. Let’s just get over with, okay. You might even enjoy it!”

“I DO enjoy it!” Avery snapped. “On my own and in private!”

Danny had to suppress another smirk, then looked to the boy’s crotch and said, “You’re gonna need to move your hands!”

Avery just scowled without moving.

Danny looked the boy up and down. When they first met seven months ago, Avery had looked tiny, dressed in a small shirt and trousers that virtually hung off his diminutive frame. Though he had grown a few centimetres taller since then, he remained scrawny, looking even slimmer now he was naked with his flat chest showing hints of his ribs at the side and his skinny arms holding tightly onto the discarded underwear. His near-black hair, which had been styled impeccably at the selection day was now back to its everyday messiness, not quite long enough to hide his sullen, dark eyes, but getting close. Danny just held out his hand for the boxers and waited.

With an annoyed growl, Avery handed the underwear over then moved his other hand to fully expose himself. As expected, he was showing zero sign of development yet, his penis tiny, his balls small and held up tightly to his body and his pubis entirely bereft of even a hint of hair. While Avery may have carried himself outside of the exam room with an attitude and confidence beyond his eleven years, lying naked and exposed he looked quite the opposite.

“Happy now?” Avery snapped angrily. “Yeah, Avery’s got a tiny dick. Ha ha freakin’ ha. I bet you can’t wait to run and tell EVERYONE!”

Danny frowned at the aggression. He briefly considered saying he would, if only to try and shut the boy up, but his better side took over and he just shook his head as he said, “It’s nobody else’s business!”

Avery stared back silently for a moment, sizing Danny up. He eventually let out a sigh and nodded as he said, “Do it then!”

Danny reached out and cautiously took hold of the boy’s tiny penis, giving it a cursory stroke. It quickly stiffened under his gentle touch, though it made very little difference to the size. Avery was looking away at the wall, clearly wanting to avoid seeing his own small endowment or even risk eye contact with Danny. Though it was apparent he was getting some pleasure from the older boy’s stroking, he continued to look upset by the whole scenario.

“Hey, don’t worry, it’s nearly over,” Danny whispered as he reached up to place a hand on the younger boy’s head, mussing his hair gently.

“You really won’t tell anyone?” Avery asked, turning to stare doe-eyed at Danny. “About how… small I am,” he added meekly.

“Not a word,” Danny said with a reassuring nod.

Avery nodded gently then said quietly, “Thank you!” He gave a few gentle gasps and quickly added, “I’m kinda close!”

“Okay, hold on then,” Danny said softly, then glanced round to say louder, “Doctor Arkwright, it’s time!”

Doctor Arkwright moved over to observe the climax and took a brief look as he said, “As you advised, Avery, no sign of ejaculation just yet, which does mean putting you into one of these!” He reached out to grab the chastity device’s box.

Avery suddenly grasped at Danny’s hand with both of his own, letting out a slight whimper.

“Hey, it’s okay, it doesn’t hurt,” Danny reassured him. As they got a confused look from the man, Danny added, “Some of his friends…”

“They’re not my friends!” Avery added curtly.

Danny sighed. “Some of his… classmates may have been telling others that it’s… a lot worse than it is!”

“Oh I see, well, nothing to worry about here, Avery,” Dr Arkwright said, pulling the device out of the box.

Avery listened intently as the man explained how the device worked, then cautiously allowed the Doctor to complete the part of his physical that he had been unable to complete before and then put the chastity device onto him. Avery eagerly dressed the moment he was given permission to do so.

“Thank you, doc,” Danny said when they finally finished up with all the appropriate info, and provided Danny with a key to supervise removal, cleaning and ‘re-testing’. “You all good?” he asked Avery quietly as they neared the door.

Avery gave an uncertain nod before they left.

“Wow, you took your time!” Milo exclaimed as he stood up from the seats outside the office.

Danny was worried how Avery would react, but before he could say anything, the boy gave a cocky smirk and said back to Milo, “We figured you’d need extra time to find your tiny dick!” As the two boys were on the same side of the dorm’s two factions, it seemed the insult was accepted as a playful joke rather than a trigger for more arguing.

“Avery!” Doctor Arkwright admonished from behind, making him cringe a little as Milo laughed.

Josh and Milo headed inside as Danny walked along with his mentee. “So I was thinking weekly unlock so you can clean fully, supervised of course, and if you want to be re-tested, we can do that. I know you’re probably a while off from freedom, but most guys just use it as a chance to… y’know, just get relief!”

“Whatever,” Avery said with a dismissive shrug. “Can I go now?” he asked moodily.

Danny let out a gentle sigh. He had hoped Avery’s moment of vulnerability, and the compassion Danny had given the boy as a result, might have improved things between them a little but it seemed it was all just an act once again. “I suppose so, but… try and get on with the others, could you?” he requested.

“Oh yeah, I forget it’s all MY fault everyone’s arguing,” Avery said sarcastically as he stormed off.

“Ugh,” Danny grunted as he watched the boy stomp away.


There was a collective sigh of relief as everyone settled into bed that evening. News from dorm 1.01 suggested that there had been a few minor squabbles, but for now peace was holding.

“Ugh,” Josh grunted, lying with one arm and his face hanging off the side of his bunk. “We never caused our mentors this much hassle, did we?” he asked nobody in particular.

“You tried to kill yourself,” Rob immediately retorted.

“And Chris ran away!” Nicky added.

“And Chris and Danny nearly died!” David continued.

“And Mikey punched someone in the face who totally deserved it!” Chris said with a smirk.

“Mikey also got investigated for allegedly running an illegal porn ring!” Danny chimed in.

“And David hacked the school’s IT network!” Nicky went on.

“Wow,” Josh exclaimed, nodding at the quickfire volley of hassle they had caused. “I guess we did. When I see Dick tomorrow I might owe him an apology!” he said, thinking about his mentor.

“I know, right,” Rob agreed, “It’s kind of amazing they didn’t kill us by now… or we didn’t kill them from the stress!”

“Wait, is it tomorrow they’re back!” Danny said, sitting up to look round nervously as he took in what Josh had said about Dick.

“Yup,” Rob replied. “I swear, when they find out the shit we’ve already had to deal with, they’re gonna laugh so hard!”

As the others all laughed at the comment, Danny frowned heavily and flopped back down to cuddle against Chris. While he was looking forward to seeing his own mentor, Joseph, the Year 13s returning also meant the return of Chris’ mentor… Danny’s ex-boyfriend, Brian.

“I reckon things should get better now today’s out of the way,” Nicky reasoned. “The appointments with Doc Arkwright are always a bit tense!” he said with a thoughtful nod.

“Yeah, I’m sure being deprived of the ability to wank won’t wind them up at all!” Rob replied sarcastically. “Oh, eww… no!” he quickly added, shuddering.

As some of the others looked round, Josh smirked and said, “He just remembered he was talking about his little brother wanking!” The others chorused their laughs and comments of sympathetic repulsion.

“How does it feel knowing Josh wanked off your little brother today?” Mikey asked.

<<Ha, that’s funny. Now call his mum a prostitute!>>

“Don’t even go there!” Rob snapped sharply.

“No need to! Josh already did!” Mikey sniggered.

<<Say something about Josh fucking him too! That’ll really get him going!>>

“Hey,” Nicky whispered from the next bunk over, shaking his head slightly.

<<Ugh, he’s such a pussy!>>

“Sorry, Rob,” Mikey said sheepishly.

<<Ugh, YOU’RE such a pussy!>>

Nicky smiled appreciatively at the apology, then shuffled aside as he saw Mikey begin to crawl over their adjoining headboards to join him on his bunk.

“Cuddle me,” Mikey whispered as he nestled in beside Nicky.


Mikey winced a little, shaking his head just a little as he felt one of Nicky’s arms wrap around him and the other stroking his hair.

<<I WON’T BE… UGH… this is nice!>>

“You okay?” Nicky whispered softly as the others continued chatting.

“Mmyeah,” Mikey sighed. He reached up to grab Nicky’s hand when it stopped stroking through his hair and added, “Keep doing that!”

“Okay,” Nicky said, holding his friend tightly as he continued caressing his hair.

Across the dorm, Danny smiled as he saw the two cuddling and nestled back slightly against Chris and whispered, “They’re so cute!” As he got a happy hum of agreement from Chris, he asked, “D’ya reckon they’re… y’know… like us?”

“You mean gay?” Chris whispered back with a grin. “Yeah, probably!”

Danny didn’t say anything, he simply jabbed his elbow back into Chris’ stomach.

“Sorry,” Chris giggled as Danny turned over to face him so they could whisper even more quietly. “But I dunno. I reckon Nicky’d like them to be!”

“And Mikey wouldn’t?” Danny asked curiously.

“It’s hard to tell. He’s… not an easy one to read!” Chris whispered.

“Not like me!” Danny sniggered.

“Oh yeah, you’re easy to read,” Chris replied, then raised a hand to Danny’s bare chest and slid it across, feeling the gentle bump of a nipple as he said, “Hey, I can read you like braille!”

“Oh yeah, and what do I say?” Danny asked, smirking.

“It says,” Chris started, letting his hand slide back and forth across Danny’s chest from nipple to nipple, “I’m getting hard and I want you to keep touching me!”

“Oh wow, you really can read me!” Danny replied, pressing his crotch forwards. His full erection pressed against Chris’ cock, well on its way to the same state, as the two boys ground against each other in the dark.

After a few minutes of them rubbing together, they heard a huff from the bunk below as Rob asked, “You two gonna be long? I’m getting seasick down here!”

Chris reached out to grab either side of the rail that surrounded the top bunk and deliberately wobbled the bunk back and forth as he replied, “Oh, so sorry about that!”

“If you want to come up here and beat him, I’m okay with that!” Danny said, shaking his head at the deliberate annoyance.

“Beat him, or beat him off?” Rob joked.

“First one, then the other, probably!” David called from across the room.

“Ooh, can I watch?” Josh asked eagerly, “Both parts sound fun!”

“No-one’s beating me off!” Chris insisted.

“First time for everything,” Nicky sniggered.

“Hey, I’m not Danny!” Chris said defensively.

Danny sat up as he whined, “Heeeeey!”

Chris winced slightly as he replied, “It wasn’t meant to be an insult!”

“And yet it still was!” Danny said grumpily. “Maybe I should be in bed with someone else!” he said, mostly joking.

“Yeah, you usually are!” Josh called back, getting laughs from around the room.

“Hey, go easy!” Nicky interjected, increasingly cautious of the amount of comments going his friend’s way.

“Like Danny!” Rob said with a snort of laughter.

“You’re all bastards,” Danny huffed.

“I’m not, am I!” Nicky said defensively.

Danny thought for a moment and said, “I guess not.”

“Good,” Nicky said happily. “I’d invite you over but I’m worried the bunk might give way!”

“Oh charming, now I’m fat too!” Danny huffed.

“Hey, that’s my thing. Get your own!” David interjected before getting instant retorts from most of the others.

“You’re not fat!” Rob insisted.

 “You’ve lost loads of weight!” Mark added cheerfully.

“You’re so cuddly!” Chris offered.

“I think you’re cute!” Josh said eagerly.

“Wow, I get like a dozen insults and you all pile on. David says one thing about HIMSELF and you’re falling all over yourselves to be nice to him!” Danny huffed.

Silence lingered in the dorm for a few moments.

“He’s right,” Nicky finally broke the silence. “You’re all pretty bitchy sometimes!”

“Oh yeah, says the Great Sarcasmo!” Chris scoffed.

“Hey!” Nicky snapped. “Sarcasm isn’t the same as bullying!”

“Woah, hey, nobody said the B word!” Danny quickly jumped in. “I was just kidding!”

“Doesn’t mean you were wrong!” Nicky replied.

<<Quick, say something mean. This is freaking gold!>>

Mikey shook his head and whimpered slightly as he nuzzled against Nicky. “Don’t fight!” he whispered almost inaudibly.

“Sorry,” Nicky quickly apologised, realising Mikey was getting distressed. “Forget I said anything! Sorry.” He felt Mikey grip tightly onto him.

<<Well fuck you very much you wimpy piece of poop!>>

“Maybe we should get back to rocking the bunkbed,” Rob jumped in, sensing the need to help keep the peace.

“Yeah, while we still have ‘em!” David commented. “Once we’re back Home it’s bye bye bunkbeds AT LAST!”

“Yeah, but… bye bye to all of us together, too,” Josh added bluntly, then gave a gentle moan as he said, “Aww, I made myself sad!”

“Did we… ever decide how we’re doing that?” Danny asked cautiously.

“I’m staying with Rob!” Josh called out instantly.

Rob tutted and said, “Ugh, fine, if I HAVE to!” He reached a hand back over his head to Josh’s bunk and discretely mussed his hair playfully.

“I need to be with Nicky!” Mikey called out.

<<No you don’t. You only NEED me!>>

“Any chance I can share with Timotheé Chalamet?” David asked hopefully.

“Oooh, good choice!” Chris called out. “He’s so cute!”

“Meh, gimme Chris Evans!” Danny said with a shrug.

“Ugh, we can’t get into the Evans/Pratt/Hemsworth thing again,” Mark said, having been through the argument over the sexiest Chris many times during their pre-sleep dorm chats. “Perv on celebs all you like, but no Chrises!”

“Except me, obviously!” Chris said with a grin.

“Fine, then I’ll take Jake Gyllenhaal!” Danny said with a shrug.

“Ooh, then I’ll take Tom Holland and we can make them play Spidey and Mysterio and the fuck ‘em after!” Chris chuckled.

“Spider-Man: So Gay Homo!” David called out, laughing at his own joke as the others sniggered. “Come on, who’d everyone else pick? I think I know Mark’s!”

“Oh yeah? This’ll be good,” Mark sniggered.

“Noah Schnapp!” David suggested.

“Oh,” Mark said, blushing. “Well… yeah, kinda, but… not for sex and stuff!”

“Why not? He’s cute!” Chris exclaimed.

Mark pursed his lips thoughtfully then replied awkwardly, “It’s just… when he’s all sad in Stranger Things I wanna pick him up and hug him!”

“Awwww!” most of the dorm chorused before giggling at the synchronicity.

“That’s freaking adorable,” Danny said happily. “And let’s face it, who DOESN’T like the idea of Mark picking them up and looking after them?” There was a chorus of agreement.

“Yeah, us and the rest of year nine!” Josh sniggered.

“Ten!” Rob corrected him.

“Oh yeah,” Josh chuckled, then stated, “I like Tanner Buchanan!” He got a few murmurs of agreement.

“Yeah, Josh needs a guy who can fuck him OR fight him!” Rob joked.

“Not even gonna disagree on that one,” Josh replied, then smirked as he mused, “I wonder how well Milo can fight!”

“OY!” Rob yelped.

“Lil Nas X!” Nicky called out before an argument could start.

“Ugh, YUSSS! So hot and I LOVE his music!” Chris agreed eagerly.

“You’ve literally agreed with every one so far!” Dany sniggered.

“Hey, I know what I like,” Chris shrugged. “And apparently it’s… literally any hot guy! Anyway, who’s left? Rob?”

Rob let out a reluctant groan.

Josh cackled and said, “Go on. Tell ‘em or I will!”

“Oh my god! Is it embarrassing celebrity crush time?” David asked excitedly. “C’mon, dish it!”

“Ugh, fine. It’s George Clarke!” Rob admitted. Silence filled the dorm as the boys struggled to exchange confused looks in the dark. “You may need to goggle him,” Rob sighed.

The room lit up as various phones turned on to search the man before there was a flurry of comments. “Oh, him, he’s on TV!” “He’s so old!” “Kinda hot for an old guy!” “So weird!”

“Okay, okay, give him a chance to explain,” Danny insisted, then smirked as he said, “Apparently I’m not the only one into older guys!”

“I’m not INTO older guys!” Rob huffed. “All the ones you guys said are definitely hot and I wouldn’t kick ‘em out of bed, but with George it’s…” He paused and then sighed, knowing he was in for more mockery. “It’s just… the way he talks about buildings and architecture, it’s… really hot!”

“Meh, not exactly the weirdest thing we’ve heard,” David said casually.

“Oh,” Rob said, surprised but not unhappy at the lack of mockery. “That only leaves Mikey!”

<<Everyone’s waiting. Stop pretending to be asleep!>>

“Yeah, c’mon, let’s hear it!” Josh goaded.

<<You should say Ezra Miller and you picked him cos you want someone as fucked in the head as you are!>>

Mikey squeezed more tightly against Nicky.

<<Come on dickface. Answer them!>>

Mikey shook his head slightly.

<<Cum on dick… or face… I choose face… you should cum on your face, you haven’t sucked yourself in aaaaaages!>>

“I don’t think he wants to answer,” Nicky said softly.

<<Cum on your face cum on your face cum on your face cum on your face!>>

Rob tutted and started firmly, “Hey, I had to say mine, so he should…”

“NO!” Nicky snapped.

<<Who’s shouting? What’s happening?>>

“He doesn’t want to answer so he doesn’t have to!” Nicky argued.

“Geez, okay, chill,” Rob said, backing off slightly.

<<Nicky’s shouting at someone. He’s hot when he shouts… and when he doesn’t… and all the time… and his dick is huge. Oooh HE should cum on your face!>>

Once again silence wrapped around them, though this time it seemed to trigger the end of the conversation as everyone settled back down.

“Are you okay?” Nicky whispered.

“What?” Mikey mumbled distractedly. “I… umm… yes!? Sorry, I kinda… drifted off a bit!”

“It’s okay, it’s late, go to sleep,” Nicky said, holding the other boy tightly as he planted a kiss on the top of his head.

Chris raised his head to try and look across the dorm but even if it had been light he wouldn’t have been able to clearly see the other two boys as they cuddled. Letting his head drop back down next to Danny’s he whispered, “Whadda you reckon that was about?”

“No idea,” Danny replied. “But feel free to go back to reading me!” he said softly, grabbing Chris’ hand to place it back on his chest.

“Nah, don’t want Rob complaining again,” Chris sighed. “We’ll just have to make up for it in the morning!”

“Yeah, unless world war three breaks out with The Lads again!” Danny sighed. “And then I get to see Brian, so… maybe save the pick-me-up sex for after that. I got a feeling I’ll need it!” He let out another sigh and melted against Chris as he felt his boyfriend’s arms wrap around him comfortingly. Why did it feel like today was just the warm-up?


Johnny Kape

I'm pretty amused to see that the pen rule doesn't work for the Lads. Heehee. BTW, I feel I can relate to Avery... he's actually a scared, self-conscious boy. All his mighty, rebellious actions like fighting is a cover of his shyness and self-consciousness. I guess it will take Danny quite some time (and probably much frustration) to make the younger boy open up to him.

Stories by Matt

Very insightful, and yes, there is definitely more going on with Avery than there seems. I've really enjoyed developing him along with Danny.


We have not really heard what line of reasoning Danny used in selecting Avery for admission to Kingswood. I am hoping that at some point he will share his thought process -- what did he see in Avery that led to his recommendation? Best to keep in mind the conversion ratio of 2.54 centimeters per inch. Ironically, it seems to me that Avery and Peyton might find a lot in common with their insecurities, even though they cope quite differently. I foresee that Brian will be, or at least will act as if he is, indifferent to his breakup with Danny, which will annoy the crap out of Danny. We await the events surrounding James's return and David's response. Do we know yet what foursomes will be established in the new Year 10 dorms? Will it be Chris-Danny-Rob-Josh? Or Chris-Danny-Nicky-Mikey? Or Chris-Danny-David-Mark? Or will the fairly obvious pairings be split up? And are the boys allowed to make this choice, or will it be decreed by the adults? Inquiring minds want to know.