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“Eunuchs are people who’ve had their testicles removed!” Luca stated.

Needless to say, the bizarre non-sequitur had brought the conversation to a grinding halt as Leo, Caleb and Miles stared at him. Kai, who knew what he was up to, was also playing along and acting oblivious to his intent.

“It can be done for all sorts of reasons!” Luca went on, “Sometimes as a punishment for sexual crimes. Sometimes as part of specific job roles!”

“Oooh, like the Unsullied in Game of Thrones!” Leo offered, excited to actually have some insight to offer for once.

“Yeah, exactly. Spot on!” Luca said, nodding back at him as he smiled.

Leo grinned back and giggled a little shyly.

“But throughout history, there have been a lot of reasons for eunuchs to exist!” Luca continued.

“That’s… interesting,” Caleb said, clearly fighting the urge to outright insult the obscure commentary.

“And mildly terrifying,” Miles added, “Is there a reason we’re talking about them?”

“There is!” Luca nodded, glad someone had asked exactly the right question, “It’s because I wanted you to understand the full extent of this insult when I say… eunuchs have more balls than you lot!”

“Oh, shots fired!” Miles recoiled.

“Yeah, damn dude. What the fuck?” Caleb added.

“I’ve got balls,” Leo muttered, squirming a little, clearly offended but reluctant to say anything harsh back.

“Oh really?” Luca said, folding his arms as he looked at the other three, “Then why, exactly, did it take Kai having to offer himself up as some kind of sacrifice to get you guys to actually start doing proper grown-up dares?”

“Kai, control your man,” Miles said with a smirk.

Kai shrugged as he said, “It’s not like he’s wrong. At the start of the summer, you guys were absolute fucking cowards!”

“Have you guys got a point, or are you just enjoying insulting us?” Caleb asked, then shot Luca brief side-eye as his restraint waned a little and he added, “Because I got plenty of insults to give back!” The comment earned a gentle nudge and disapproving headshake from Kai.

“Yeah we’ve got a point,” Luca said confidently, “I want another game of truth or dare except this time… anything goes. Ask anything, dare anything. I know me and Kai have got the balls for it, but how about you buncha eunuchs?”

The other three looked genuinely conflicted, Leo and Caleb in particular, as Miles rarely rose to goading, especially when it was so obvious. Either way, all three looked torn between proving Luca wrong and protecting their dignity against whatever horrific dares – or truths – might come up.

Leo finally spoke up as he started, “Okay, well how about if we…”

“Nope!” Luca cut him off.

Leo frowned and tried again, “We could limit it to…”

“Nope!” Luca interjected once again.

Increasingly frustrated, Leo tried one last time, “Maybe just…”

“No!” Luca said sharply, “Whatever you were gonna say, it’s just a no. Anything goes. Who’s got the balls for it?”

Leo huffed and asked, “Has anyone ever told you you’re incredibly annoying?”

“Yes, Kai did, just last week actually!” Luca replied, grinning annoyingly!

Leo smiled at the comment, blushed a little and said, “Fuck it. I’m in! Can I make ONE suggestion though and it really is a suggestion, not a limit!”

“Go on then,” Kai nodded.

“We pick at random for who has to ask us the truth or give us the dare, so it’s not always the same guys daring the same shit!” Leo suggested.

Kai and Luca looked at each other and shrugged. Both of them had been really excited at the thought of goading the others into another game, but hadn’t really given how it would work that much thought yet. The idea seemed like a useful one so they both nodded before looking at Caleb and Miles.

“Come on,” Miles said, slapping Caleb on the leg, “Let’s do it or we’ll never hear the end of it!”

“Fine, but if we end up kissing again, you’re brushing your teeth!” Caleb pouted. As the others laughed, Caleb smirked a little and added, “With bleach! I swear something died in there!”

“That’s just my manliness leaking out!” Miles said petulantly.

“Oh, well you must be REALLY manly with how much it looks like you got inside you!” Leo teased, before blowing a raspberry as he poked Miles’s belly.

“Wow, body-shaming, I thought you were better than that!” Miles said defensively, mostly joking.

“Pfft, no you didn’t, you know I’m a dick!” Leo said self-deprecatingly before he blushed a little and added, “Besides, who’s shaming? Maybe I think it’s cute!”

Miles didn’t need to look at Kai to know the look that was on his face. They both knew about Leo’s feelings for Miles, and he was getting increasingly obvious in showing it. “Well… we should play then!” he said, then called out suddenly, “OOOOH!”

The sudden yelp actually made the others jump a little.

“Sorry,” Miles giggled, “If Leo got to give you an idea, how about I expand on it!”

“Expansion IS your thing!” Caleb said, poking Miles’s belly from the other side, getting squawks of laughter from the others.

“You all need to stop poking me,” Miles pouted.

The other four exchanged smirks before Kai spoke up and said, “So we’re all giving Miles dares that involve him getting poked, right?”

“Yeah!” “Totally!” “Poke!” the others chorused.

Miles huffed as he stood up and headed over to his bag. He dug through it for a moment, then returned with something clenched in his fist. As he sat back down, he opened his hand and stated, “It’s a D8!”

“That means it’s an eight-sided dice!” Kai said with a confident nod.

“Aww, look at you learning things like you’re not a complete blithering idiot!” Miles said patronisingly, getting flipped off by Kai in response. “Well it’s for what Leo said, about picking who dares you or whatever. When it’s your turn, you roll and then count that many round from yourself to pick who gives you it!”

“Wouldn’t a D4 work better?” Luca asked with a shrug.

“That’s a four-sided dice!” Kai said with a smirk.

Miles rolled his eyes and said, “Yeah, but this way we let the dice decide whether we do a truth or a dare! One to four and they’re giving you a truth. Five to eight and they give you a dare. Like this!” He tossed the dice and it landed on a three. “One, two, three,” he counted round the circle from himself, pointing to Caleb, then Kai and stopping on Luca. “So that’d be Luca giving me a truth. Or this!” he added as he rolled again. It landed on an eight, so he counted round, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,” counting twice around Caleb, Kai, Luca and eventually stopping on Leo . “That’d be Leo giving me a dare! Got it?”

“No, but I’m a complete blithering idiot,” Kai shrugged, getting snorts of laughter from the others. “Look, we’ll just roll and you tell us what it means, okay!”

“Fine,” Miles agreed, “But as this was HIS idea, you’re up first!” He tossed the die to Luca who shrugged and rolled it, seemingly unbothered by being first. As it landed on a three, Miles said, “That’s a truth, and it’s given by… one, two, three.” He counted round just to try and help the others understand and came to stop on Caleb as he finished, “From Cay!”

Kai gave Caleb a cautious frown. Although he was being nice to Luca, he still knew there was some kind of problem, and this could be a good chance for him to be mean. He just hoped Caleb wouldn’t give in to it.

“Okay, well… aside from Kai… who was the last guy from school you thought about while jerking off?” Caleb asked bluntly.

It was finally Luca’s turn to blush. “Umm… actually…” he said shyly, looking down at his hands, “It was… Leo!” He paused, expecting some kind of reaction, but the others remained thoughtfully quiet. Encouraged by the silence, he continued, “It was thinking about that lap dance dare. I kinda liked that he got turned on cos it made me feel… kinda… sexy I suppose!”

The silence continued for a few moments before Miles nodded gently as he said, “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you REALLY answer a truth. Total honesty! Good answer Luca!”

“Thanks,” Luca said, venturing a meek smile at Miles and a furtive glance at Leo.

“Yeah,” Leo agreed, “And just to set things straight, you ARE sexy!”

The comment earned another momentary silence though it was Miles that broke it again as he said, “Wow, so I’m cute and Luca’s sexy. Two compliments from Leo in one night! That’s literally two more than the record!”

“Yeah, who are you and where’s the real Leo?” Kai smirked.

“Hey, we don’t need to worry until he compliments ME. Then we really know we’re in trouble!” Caleb said, keeping the others chuckling.

“Hey,” Luca interjected, “If someone’s being nice, don’t tease. It might put them off doing it again and personally I appreciated the compliment!”

“It’s okay, I appreciate that,” Leo insisted, “But I know they’re kidding. Oh, and Caleb… I guess… I like your hair!”

“Oh, well… thanks,” Caleb said, thoroughly taken aback.

“He’s got a point,” Kai nodded as he reached to the side and ran his fingers through Caleb’s hair, “It’s always so soft!”

“Oy, flirt on your own time!” Miles frowned, “We got a game to play! Leo, you’re up!”

Kai pulled his hand back, blushing at Miles’s comment, especially as he saw Luca looking at him inquisitively. “Come on, roll a seven, I wanna give you a dare!”

“Oh, so you DO understand the system,” Miles said with a grin, “So you’re not as dumb as you look!”

“I’ll have you know I’m EVERY bit as dumb as I look, thank you!” Kai grinned back at him, then glanced down at the die Leo had just tossed. It was an eight. “That’s a dare from him, right?” he asked Miles, while pointing at Luca.

As Miles nodded his agreement, Leo stared at Luca anxiously, knowing he could literally dare him to do anything.

“Hmm, just cos the tension between you two is always freakin’ hilarious,” Luca started, flitting his gaze between Leo and Caleb, “I dare Leo to sit on Caleb’s lap and cuddle him until his next turn!”

Leo let out a groan and asked, “Can’t I just get my dick out or something?”

“Yeah, I’d prefer that too!” Caleb agreed, then blushed heavily as everyone started laughing and added, “I mean cos then I don’t have to do anything, not cos I wanna see it!

“Aww, look how embarrassed you are,” Leo smirked as he crawled towards the other boy, “Need a hug?”

“Just shut up and do it,” Caleb pouted.

“Fine,” Leo said, trying not to show his discomfort. He climbed onto Caleb’s lap, then wrapped his legs around him, followed by his arms.

“Aww, such a cute couple!” Miles teased.

Luca leaned towards Kai and muttered, “Forget cute, that’s hot. I’m getting SO many dare ideas for later!”

Kai sniggered and asked, “For them or for us?”

Luca’s grin broadened as he just replied, “Yes!” and they both burst into laughter.

“Miles needs to roll. I don’t want this lump on me all night,” Caleb insisted.

“So fuckin’ rude,” Leo complained, “Can’t you just relax and enjoy it?”

“Oh what, and you’re enjoying this, are you?” Caleb asked defensively.

“Maybe I am,” Leo shrugged, “Kai said once he thought you looked like you’d give good hugs and despite the attitude, I think he was right!”

“Oh!” Caleb said, surprised by the other boy’s candour. “Well… thanks again, I guess. You kinda do too I suppose!”

Luca leaned over and whispered loudly, “I did that!”

Miles snorted with laughter as he rolled the die. “Yuss,” he celebrated as he saw it roll a low number, “Two. That’s a truth from Kai!”

“Oooh!” Luca yelped before leaning in, raising hand to cover his mouth as he whispered in Kai’s ear.

“Hey, no conferring!” Miles scowled as Leo and Caleb both chuckled, then blushed, as if being happy while embracing somehow made it worse.

Kai shook his head as he heard what Luca whispered and said, “No need, I already know!”

“Know what?” Miles frowned anxiously.

“So you’ll tell me later?” Luca asked eagerly.

“Maybe,” Kai said, grinning at the worried look on Miles’s face, “And y’know what… he was so keen on your answer earlier, let’s give HIM a chance at it!”

“Fuck,” Miles muttered.

“Miles,” Kai said with a grin, “Who was the last guy from school YOU thought about while jerking off?"

Miles turned bright red as the other three cackled at Kai’s question. “Well, I’ll answer that but… but… it doesn’t MEAN anything, it’s JUST jerking off, I swear I’m totally straight!”

“Well that answers MY question,” Luca said with a wry grin.

Leo sighed heavily but realised what he had done and tried to cover it up with a cough. Nobody except Luca was fooled, even Caleb who instinctively squeezed him a little in response.

Keen to avoid any awkwardness, Miles pushed on and answered, “It was actually… Fin and Vin!”

“Dude!” “What the fuck!?” “What’s wrong with you!?” Leo, Caleb and Kai all responded instantly. Luca looked just as shocked but seemed to shrink inwards a little instead at the mere mention of their names.

“Hey, it’s not, like… oh, they’re so hot!” Miles quickly defended himself, “And I know they’re absolute cunts, but I was imagining them ending up doing something like Kai’s PE thing and getting totally embarrassed and it was kinda hot just seeing them totally humiliated!”

“Oh!” Kai replied, frowning thoughtfully, “Well… I guess that’s a bit better!”

“Not much!” Caleb scowled. “I say we move on. Someone roll the dice for me. I’ve got a Leo in the way!”

“In the way!?” Leo recoiled, feigning being offended, “For that I may just sit here all night!”

“No fair, I want a turn!” Kai said with a broad grin, getting a few giggles and amused glances. He reached down to roll the dice for Caleb and it landed on a six!”

“Wait, I’ve got this!” Leo interjected. He started counting round, “One, two, I’ll count myself where I would be if I wasn’t sitting here which is three, four is Miles, then back round to Kai and… Luca again, for a dare, right?”

“Aww, he’s learning, I’m so proud!” Miles joked patronisingly as he reached out to pat Leo’s back.

“Hey, back off, Vin-lover!” Leo recoiled playfully.

“Okay, I hate this game already,” Miles pouted, then looked to Luca who had been thinking and asked, “What’s Caleb’s dare?”

Luca looked over at Caleb, who still had Leo sat on his lap. Grinning wickedly, he said, “You gotta take off everything except your underwear, AND take off Leo’s clothes except his underwear, and you gotta do it without stopping the hugging!”

“Heyyyy,” Leo complained, “How come it’s HIS dare and I’m ending up half naked?”

“Quiet,” Luca joked, “At this point you’re little more than a prop… and a prop I wanna see in his pants, so get to it!”

Leo blushed so heavily he had to look away, but just found himself staring Caleb in the face instead, which wasn’t much better.

What ensued next was best described as a poor attempt at wrestling. With Leo clinging on tightly and making things as difficult as possible, Caleb managed to pull most of his clothes off before starting on Leo’s. The other three boys spectated excitedly, cheering them on as they struggled through the dare.

Having removed the last item of Leo’s clothing, Caleb settled back into his previous sitting position, panting heavily. It took him a second to realise what he could feel, and a nervous glance at Leo suggested he was very much aware of it too. An erection! Actually, not even just an erection… two erections! Whether it was the movement from the wrestling-like strip, or the fact their near naked bodies were pressed up against each other, both boys were rock hard.

It was a confusing feeling, not just trying to figure out their own arousal, but trying to comprehend each other’s too. For the first time, they were both glad of the awkward position they had been dared into as it meant both of their crotches were concealed… for now!

“That was great,” Kai giggled, “You should give more dares!” He elbowed Luca cheerfully.

“No, he should DO more dares!” Miles sniggered, “I reckon these two want some revenge and I am TOTALLY here for it! But first…” He tossed the die to Kai, who fumbled and dropped it before trying to pretend it had been an intentional roll. “Seven, that’s a dare from me! Noice!” Miles said happily.

“Oh, I have to do whatever you tell me to. Imagine that!” Kai said knowingly with a smirk. Despite taking a few days off from public dares, Kai had continued to honour the agreement/forfeit he had with Miles, to be subservient to him. Admittedly, he now felt a lot less guilty about it now that he knew Luca was okay with them playing with other people. It had also just involved daily blowjobs, and Kai suspected that may be as much as it ever entailed, the entire thing just an excuse to give Miles daily stimulation.

“Yeah, what ever will I do with such power!?” Miles said, grinning excitedly as he rubbed his hands in an exaggerated show of glee. He frowned as he saw Kai start pulling his t-shirt off and asked, “Whadda you doing?”

“I just figured it was a fairly safe bet that I’d be taking my clothes off. For a straight guy, you’re weirdly into getting guys naked!” Kai smirked, unable to resist teasing, though he felt a little guilty as he thought about how the comment might have felt to his brother.

“Excuse me, I don’t think I’m quite THAT predictable!” Miles pouted, then went silent for a moment, clearly thinking.

“Y’see, this is clever!” Caleb said, nodding to Leo as they both smirked, “Now he’s either got to come up with a different dare or go ahead with making Kai strip and admit Kai was right!”

As Kai and Luca both laughed and Milo scowled, Leo added, “Huh, wait, is Kai the smart one now?”

Caleb gasped playfully and asked, “Is Kai the new Miles?”

“Wait, if Kai’s the new Miles, does that make Miles the new Kai, or is one of us Kai now?” Leo asked in return, grinning as he sat gripped onto Caleb.

“Okay, THIS…” Miles said gesturing up and down at the two near-nude teens, “This has to stop. I can’t have these two actually getting on. That’s just weird!” Despite looking and sounding annoyed as the others laughed, there was a hint of a smile behind it. Shaking his head, he looked to Kai and said, “Y’know what, fuck it! I’m predictable. I dare you to get naked. Now can we move on?”

“We can move on once I’ve enjoyed the show!” Luca said happily as he turned a little and leaned back on both hands, watching Kai.

“Not much of a show,” Kai said as he stripped in a matter of seconds and casually sat back down fully nude, “But mostly cos I wanna see what you get next!” He handed the die to Luca.

“Come on five!” Leo called out.

“Or seven!” Caleb added, both boys keen to give Luca a dare in return.

“Ha!” Luca said as the die landed. “Not a five OR a seven!” he said triumphantly as he looked at the eight he had rolled. “Oh bugger,” he said as he realised what it meant and looked at Kai who was grinning excitedly.

Kai went to speak, then seemed to hold back and leaned in to whisper to Luca.

Luca’s eyes widened, then gulped, then he pulled back and stared at Kai. As his boyfriend raised his eyebrows questioningly, Luca nodded gently and said, “Yeah, okay!”

“I dare you,” Kai started, pausing to build dramatic tension as the others watched in eager silence, “To decide which of us is best at sucking your dick!”

As Miles and Caleb both gasped and recoiled a little, Leo frowned and asked, “What, so he just has to… like… guess!? That’s not much of a dare!” As he looked to Miles, who was shaking his head, Leo finally caught on to what was implied. “Oh!” he said, a little embarrassed, then looked to Luca with another, “Oh!” and then down to Luca’s crotch with a final, “Oh fuck!”

“Aww, he’s pretty slow,” Kai teased, “By which I mean he’s pretty AND he’s slow!”

Leo scowled briefly, but shook it off as he tried to look unbothered and replied, “I’m gonna ignore the insult and just enjoy being called pretty!”

“Well you’re definitely the prettiest guy who’s currently sitting on me!” Caleb joked.

“Aww, now I feel special,” Leo chuckled, hugging Caleb tightly.

“Oh my god, stop, you two are totally freaking me out!” Miles groaned, shaking his head.

“Sounds like someone’s keen to get suckin’! You wanna go first then?” Kai asked Miles as he urged Luca to stand up.

“How about we just assume I’m the worst and leave it at that?” Miles offered hopefully.

“You’ll be his first, so technically for at least a little while you’d actually be the best!” Kai reasoned, smirking a little at the way both Miles and Luca blushed at the comment.

“AND the worst!” Caleb added.

“Okay, can we just get on with it, before I lose my nerve!” Luca said a little awkwardly.

“Oh, I’m sorry this is SO hard for you!” Miles said sarcastically.

Kai grasped at the bulge in Luca’s shorts and said, “It really IS hard for him. Lemme show you!” He yanked his boyfriend’s shorts and underwear down in a single swipe.

Luca froze in place as his erection pulled down with his clothing before slapping back up against his stomach, then slowly bobbed into place, pointing straight out from his body, curving upwards very slightly at the end.

“Woah, he’s bigger than me!” Miles exclaimed shamelessly.

“Longer, but you’re thicker!” Leo stated, then immediately cringed as he realised that he was talking about another boy’s penis. He winced and flopped his head down onto Caleb’s shoulder.

“Aww, there, there,” Caleb comforted Leo teasingly, raising a hand to pat the back of his head.

“Seriously, isn’t that freaking anyone else out?” Miles demanded, gesturing to the two cuddling boys.

“Kinda hot, actually!” Luca shrugged, “Now hurry up and suck me!” He blushed a little as he said it, but managed to endure the embarrassment as he knew it was more embarrassing for Miles.

“Fine,” Miles huffed and slumped down onto his knees. As Luca stepped closer, his face screwed up in disgust.

“Hey, just do your usual trick,” Kai said with a lop-sided smile, “Close your eyes and pretend you’re with a girl!”

Miles glared at Kai grumpily as everyone else laughed at him. “I hate you all and I’m never doing this again!” he said as he lunged forward and took a couple of inches of Luca’s dick into his mouth.

“Ahhh, oh, that’s weird,” Luca said shakily as he felt a mouth around his cock for the first time, followed by a sudden, “Oww!”

“Yeah, mind the teeth, I want him back in one piece!” Kai suggested.

“Work the shaft!” Leo called out, having looked back round.

At the same time, Caleb called out, “Don’t forget the balls!”

They looked at each other and chuckled awkwardly but didn’t say anything else before turning their attention back to Luca and Miles.

Miles pulled away and said, “You two can follow your own fucking advice. I’m done. Ugh!” He poked out his tongue and started wiping at it with one hand after the other.

“Do them two next, save the best for last!” Kai said proudly, shoving Luca towards Caleb and Miles while casually grasping at his own erection.

Luca waddled halfway towards the other two, his ankles restrained by his shorts and underwear until he stepped out of them and walked normally the rest of the way. Naked from the waist down, and feeling pretty self-conscious about it, he looked down at the embracing boys and asked, “Who wants me?”

Both Leo and Caleb looked anxious, more from the fact that moving apart would reveal their erections than from the prospect of blowing the other boy. Thankfully, they were inadvertently saved by Miles who said, “You two need to stay in that position otherwise you’re disobeying the dare, so Luca…” He moved over and pulled the other two apart very slightly while leaving Leo on Caleb’s lap, then grabbed out at Luca and pulled him to step one foot across.

Luca found himself sandwiched between the two near-nude teens, his cock right in Leo’s face, his butt in Caleb’s.

“If this thing’s loaded…” Caleb said, recoiling slightly at the arse in front of him.

Luca chuckled awkwardly, then gulped as he looked down to see Leo staring up at him. “I… guess you’re next!” he said shakily.

“Yeah, I… I guess so!” Leo said, not even daring to look round at Kai or Miles. He placed his hands on Luca’s thighs and shuddered slightly as he slid them up to his hips to pull him closer rather than leaning in. Parting his lips while still staring up at the dick’s owner, he took it into his mouth and closed his lips around it.

“Oh my god,” Luca gasped as he felt the lips around his shaft, followed a moment later by Leo’s tongue swirling around his sensitive head. Just as he was really getting into the pleasurable sensation, it suddenly stopped.

“There ya go, all done,” Leo said, avoiding eye contact now.

“Thanks,” Luca said softly. He quickly stepped one foot over, turned and stepped his other foot back to turn himself around. “Your turn then!” he said to Caleb.

Caleb frowned up at Luca but didn’t speak before taking his turn sucking him. It was as brief as Leo’s go, but enough for the purpose of the dare.

“Okay, okay, my turn, my turn,” Kai said eagerly as he pulled Luca away from the other two. He dropped to his knees and shamelessly swallowed down several inches of raging erection, very clearly enjoying what he was doing.

“He definitely wins on eagerness!” Miles giggled.

Leo and Caleb weren’t really paying attention. Instead, their eyes had met and then glanced down between them to their dual erections. Looking at each other with mild panic, they were both having the same worries about being seen, but also both just as clueless about how to avoid it.

When Kai eventually stopped, having gone much longer than the other three combined as he enjoyed sucking Luca’s dick for the first time, he moved away and resumed his previous position as he asked, “So come on, who is it? Who’s the best?”

The question caught the attention of Leo and Caleb who looked round as expectantly as Miles and Kai.

“Umm…” Luca hummed as he started pulling his shorts back on, not as comfortable with his nudity as Kai. His eyes darted around the group for a few moments before he answered quietly, “Kai. It… it was Kai!”

“Oh, shocker!” “Big surprise!” “I’m okay losing that one!” the others chorused.

“Well,” Miles said, suspecting he knew what was keeping the two so distracted, “Looks like we’re round to Leo’s turn again, which means it’s finally time to get off!”

“I… erm… I… well…” Leo stuttered.

“We, umm… erm…” Caleb stuttered along with him.

“Get him!” Miles called out.

Taking the cue instantly, Luca and Kai both jumped forward along with Miles to grab at Leo and pull him away from Caleb. Though he struggled against them and likely would have won a more drawn out fight, the sudden surprise was enough for him to be over-powered and he was dragged back so he flopped down onto the floor, his arms held out to the sides.

The erection Leo was sporting already looked obscene as it stretched his underwear, but it was accentuated by a large wet patch at the tip. “Geddoffa me!” Leo demanded as he struggled against the three laughing boys.

“Fuck my life,” Caleb groaned as he covered his own erection with his hands, although doing so only made it more obvious what he was hiding.

“Kinda hoping they get truths on their next turns,” Luca grinned, “Because I have questions that NEED answers!”


John Warren

I love adding Luca in on the games. He has bigger balls than any of the rest. Well except maybe for Kai.

Naked Justice

The dares get hotter. And I appreciate that my name twin is so eager to play in the buff. Combined with "anything goes" there are many good options for revenges of the other boys.