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Greetings lovely readers. Unlike the previous two books, which have started with a 'Chapter 0', book four will jump straight into the action. However, as a jumping-off point for new readers, as well as a refresher for longtime fans, I've put together character profiles and story summaries for all of the significant characters.

Chapter 1 will be out next week, but until then, enjoy the recap...


Name: Daniel ‘Danny’ Davies

Age: 14

Date of birth: 15 November 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Single Award Science, Spanish, Japanese, Media Studies, Drama, Design Technology, Food Technology

Extracurriculars: Football (Captain), Swimming, Water Polo, Drama, British Sign Language

Other interests: Gym (5-6 days a week), listening to music with Chris

Best friend: Chris Smith

Relationship status: Dating Chris Smith for almost 2 months

Family: Peter Davies (father, 35), Fiona Davies (mother, 35), Bethany Davies (sister, 17)

Physical description: Short dark blonde hair, blue eyes, height 161cm/5’3”, weight 58 kg/128 lbs, slender frame but well-muscled, bubble butt, penis (erect) 18 cm/7 inches uncut

Personality type: ESTJ

Mentoring: Mentored by Joseph Hunter (Year 13), mentor to Avery Webb (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Danny was never keen on the idea of coming to Kingswood, but he soon came to realise it was the best thing to ever happen to him. Getting a reliable, wise and affectionate mentor in Joseph and an immediate best friend in Chris, he soon settled in and began enjoying his time at the school. Some early incidents proved to a be a little embarrassing for Danny, but that only served to reveal his reluctant enjoyment of humiliation.

Being on the receiving end of some of Joseph’s antics, Danny enjoyed the exploration of his sexual antics, though it did bring with it a swift reputation as being very promiscuous. That in itself was not a bad thing, but it did bring with it a certain amount of mockery and unwanted attention, often making Danny the butt of jokes in public settings.

While many expected Danny and Chris to get together due to the closeness and intensity of their friendship, Danny expressed a disinterest in dating yet, while Chris began dating Kyle. Danny soon began to venture out into other friendships, being one of the first in the dorm to bond with Mikey, who most dismissed as a bit of a dick. As it turns out, Mikey actually was a bit of a dick… at least on the surface. Danny helped coax out the sweeter side of the often-aggressive boy and continued to be one of his closest friends throughout Year 7.

Shortly before the half-term break in their second term, Danny’s dormmate Josh delivered a series of insults and hurtful comments to the rest of the dorm that left them angry and hurt. While Danny was keen to get to the bottom of what was going on, his investigation was halted when they returned to school after the break only to enter Covid lockdown. Danny was paired with Chris, leading to a fun fortnight of sweet moments, embarrassing sexual shenanigans and bonding with his best friend. The lockdown ended on a slightly sour note, when his intimate night with Chris was accidentally broadcast to the rest of Year 7, including Chris’ boyfriend Kyle who was under the impression his relationship with Chris was monogamous. Danny was upset to have played a part in hurting Kyle and fell out with Chris, but soon had other issues to contend with.

Seeing Josh for the first time since his abusive tirade, Danny followed him with the intention of confronting him about it, only to end up on the roof, with Josh ready to jump off. After talking to the suicidal boy, Danny discovered Josh was dealing with years of abuse at the hands of his brothers and now intended to end his life to protect the rest of the dorm from their wrath. Keeping his cool, Danny managed to calm Josh down while coming up with another solution to the problem, one that ended up changing Josh’s life forever.

Danny struggled a little with the trauma of the incident, especially due to his estrangement from Chris, but ended up finding unexpected comfort from Brian, Chris’ mentor, whom he had always had a fairly antagonistic relationship with. Brian never used Danny’s actual name, annoying him with a constant series of nicknames instead. When Chris ran away from school to try and return home to Ireland to see his parents and sister who were hospitalised with Covid, both Danny and Brian were sick with worry. The news of Chris’ safe return triggered a wave of relief that they celebrated together very intimately. They snuck into one of the school’s science labs and made love under a replica of the night sky made from fairy lights, which Brian had made the previous year.

When Chris returned, he faced two weeks alone in quarantine. Knowing that his best friend had an abject fear of being alone, Danny selflessly (or stupidly) broke quarantine to be with him. It turned out to be somewhat fruitless as they still ended up in separate quarantines, but the gesture was still appreciated.

Earlier in the year, Danny had been set up with Adrian, a boy from another Year 7 dorm, by Adrian’s best friend with the help of Chris. Though Danny expressed his continued disinterest in dating, he did become friends with Adrian, a friendship that continued up until Christmas when Danny propositioned him sexually and was shot down spectacularly. The two remained distant until they rebounded during Danny’s quarantine, at which point they discovered a mutual enjoyment of sexual roleplay, which they would go on to explore together.

At the end-of-year party, Brian invited Danny to come and meet him in the science lab. Before he could go, Adrian once again asked him out. Upon arriving at the science lab, he told Brian what had happened and saw how upset the older boy was at the prospect of Danny dating someone else. Brian was delighted when Danny revealed he had turned Adrian down. Brian then proceeded to turn on the night sky replica, which he had rearranged to spell out in the stars, ‘I love you Danny’. With their feelings declared, Brian revealed his penchant for nicknames came from the fact that just saying the younger boy’s name made him go weak. The two made love once again, this time agreeing to take the relationship forward as boyfriends.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

Over the summer, Danny revealed his new relationship to his friends, including Chris who did not take it well at first, but eventually came around after a stern talking to by Joseph.

Happily dating, Danny’s relationship remained open, allowing him to continue exploring the fun available to him at Kingswood and with Chris. Through a dare gone wrong (or right!?) they discovered Mr Trent was a submissive, having recorded him ‘performing’ for an unseen master. Taunting him with this knowledge, the two boys received a punishment in the form of ‘naked days’, intended to humiliate them publicly by using them as naked teaching aids in various classes.

On the second ‘naked day’, while involved in a game of Capture the Flag, Chris and Danny wandered into the woods only to fall through a hole in the ground into a lost tunnel that formed part of the older structure of the school. Danny was badly hurt in the fall, paralysed and left trapped with a frantic Chris. As the two waited for either rescue or death, Danny talked about the future he had imagined for them together. Even without a romantic relationship, he knew their bond was for life, to the point where he couldn’t even imagine life without Chris. Danny eventually lost consciousness and would not wake up again until he was in the hospital.

Thankfully, although horrifically injured, the paralysis was not permanent, but Danny faced a long recovery. Having been injured at the end of November, he was not able to return to Kingswood until the end of February, and even then, just walking was a struggle. Determined to return to normality by Year 9, Danny worked hard with assistance from Chris’ big brother Blane, who worked at the school as a TA but had also studied physiotherapy.

Having been a keen goalkeeper on his year’s football team, Danny was relegated to the bench for the rest of the year, but still accompanied the team on their tournament matches. He soon proved to have an excellent eye for strategy, assisting team captain Aaron in working towards a tournament victory for the team.

Danny’s recovery also hindered his sexual antics, though they acted as yet another motivation for his recovery and he was soon back to exposing and humiliating himself, such as accidentally appearing on stage blowing three naked boys or giving blow jobs to an entire visiting rugby team. Playing on Danny’s sexual thirst, Blane used the promise of a ‘reward’ to keep Danny motivated, eventually delivering it in the form of an evening of sexual activity with himself, Mr Trent (who turned out to be Blane’s sub) and Chris.

When a series of arguments at the end of Year 8 nearly tore the dorm apart, Danny managed to mostly stay out of it.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Upon returning in Year 9, Danny continued to keep his distance from the dorm’s squabbles, determined not to always be the one to swoop in and save the day. Having had some issues with Rob the previous year, the two had bonded over the realisation they were (relatively speaking) the sane and responsible ones in the dorm. This began to grow into a friendship that they continued into Year 9, having regular evenings together to hang out.

With a member of their dorm having left at the end of Year 8, the vacant spot was filled by Mark, a former student of rival school King Edwards. Due to the arguments within the dorm, Chris was the first to bond with Mark, leaving Danny slightly jealous of their growing friendship, especially when Mark also replaced him as goalkeeper on the football team. As it turned out, Danny was mostly taken out of goal because he had been selected to replace Aaron as team captain, a role which he took to exceptionally. But still, his issues with Mark lingered, though he eventually made peace with it, even giving his blessing to Chris and Mark to date… which proved unnecessary as they were only friends!

As part of the move to Year 9, another of the school’s many secrets was revealed the dorm – the Kingswood Underground. Secretly hidden away beneath the Home Building was a whole other world of sexual deviancy. A sex toy shop, various playrooms and equipment, strip shows, nothing was off-limits down there… for a price! Excited by the increased possibility of sexual interactions, Danny was amazed when more of his year didn’t throw themselves into it, even going as far as trying to encourage boys from other dorms to visit. It only served to highlight Danny’s ‘slutty’ reputation, earning him even more public ridicule, which gradually began to take its toll on his self-esteem.

Danny’s exploration of sexual roleplay with Adrian had been ongoing for some time, eventually coming to include another boy, Kyle. When he decided to bring Brian into their games, he made the unwise call of not telling Brian what they were doing was roleplay. As a result, Brian ended up genuinely believing he was seeing Danny get sexually assaulted by a masked Adrian and Kyle. With the other two unaware of Brian’s situation, it was only when the roleplay ended that they realised what they had done to Brian. All three were horrified with Danny’s actions and fell out with him.

Danny was eventually able to make up with Adrian and Kyle, but Brian took a little more work, especially when he found out Joseph had been working to actively keep them apart, enjoying having Brian all to himself once again. While Danny forgave Joseph for his actions, he did also learn that his mentor had once been (and possibly still was) in love with Brian.

Having joined the new ‘Survival Club’ Danny was due to take part in a camp-out in the woods around the school. Having discovered Chris had a phobia of going into the woods due to their accident in Year 8, Danny was cautious of going on the trip thanks to Chris’ anxiety over what may happen. To put him at ease, Danny accepted a gift that was offered to him, a watch that also included a GPS tracker, so Chris would know where he was even if he got lost in the woods again.

Nothing went awry during the trip, and Danny even managed to get a couple of other boys more involved in his sex life. He also continued to develop his friendship with Adrian, who had become his closest friend outside of the dorm and a confidante for issues he didn’t speak to anyone else about, including the revelation that he had started recalling some of his conversation with Chris that had taken place during the accident. He recalled Chris saying he regretted the relationship with Kyle and should have waited for Danny instead, though he was unsure what to do with that information now.

After being caught acting inappropriately, Chris found himself facing a horrifically severe punishment from the school’s Year 13s. Determined to help his best friend, Danny took a stand with the support of the rest of Year 9 (mostly in exchange for sexual favours) and got Chris’ sentence reduced, but found himself facing the wrath of the Year 13s instead. When Danny took part in a further camping trip over the easter break, the Year 13s continued their punishment.

Danny ended up at the mercy of a group of girls from a neighbouring campground, along with two boys from another school and a younger student from Kingswood. When things took a nasty turn, Danny put himself in harm’s way to protect his younger classmate from the rival boys, humiliating them in the process. The Year 13s stepped in to save the day and, convinced of Danny’s righteousness, forgave him for his crimes committed while helping Chris. The following day, Danny found he had been the target of an intended attack by the boys from the other school he had humiliated. Though no harm came to him, Danny was still shaken by the revelation of what had been intended for him.

When Danny was cast as one of the leads in a play written by Chris, he discovered in the script that their characters were intended to kiss. Despite years of sexual activity and sharing a bed, the two best friends had never kissed. Keen to avoid it happening, for fear of what it may unleash, Danny opted to change roles, with Mark taking his old role instead. The closeness of the performance ended up bringing Chris and Mark closer together.

In his role as football captain, Danny had discovered Mark’s ongoing issues with his ex-teammate and ex-boyfriend, Gregory. Aside from still being conflicted over his old feelings, Gregory had now resorted to bullying, constantly tearing down any confidence Mark managed to build. Danny made various attempts to stop Gregory, even trying to reach out to the self-hating homophobe on a personal level, but still the bullying persisted. Regardless, the attempts mended the rift between Danny and Mark who eventually became friends, with Mark then going on to finally start a relationship with Chris.

Now old enough to join the annual Kinkswood after-party, the boys of the dorm all tried out the vodka Josh had managed to smuggle in, some more than others. Danny avoided it mostly, keen to avoid any more drama. Unfortunately, drama found him anyway when Brian asked to speak to him at the end of the night and ended their two-year relationship.

Danny spiralled into a depression, not talking to anyone about why Brian had broken up with him. Things were only made worse when Adrian, in a very public argument with now-ex-boyfriend Kyle, revealed that Chris regretted his relationship with him, knowledge that could have only come from one source – Danny.

Still depressed from his break-up and at odds with Chris again over sharing information he didn’t even know Danny remembered, Danny shied away from the rest of the school, keeping to himself as much as possible, a difficult thing to do when just walking down a corridor would inevitably draw snide remarks or jokes about his sluttiness.

When Mark got suspended due to a fist fight with Gregory, it left a performance of Chris’ play without one of its leads. Put back into his old role, Danny went into the performance nervous about acting opposite Chris, but also about finally having their first kiss. Just seconds before their kiss was due to take place, an explosion happened, decimating the Home Building and burning the boys’ home down.

The next morning, Danny received the shocking news that Mark had just broken up with Chris. After trying unsuccessfully to get the truth about the break-up from him, Danny retreated into the woods to get some solitude, heading the site of the Year 8 accident. Despite his fear of the woods, Chris showed up, finding Danny thanks to the GPS tracker he still wore. After talking honestly about everything they had held back for so long, the two boys finally kissed, admitting their love for each other.

Though the school year ended prematurely the following day, thanks to the explosion, Chris and Danny were able to spend most of the summer together, exploring their new relationship ahead of their return for Year 10.


Name: Christopher ‘Chris’ Smith

Age: 14

Date of birth: 29 September 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Single Award Science, French, Japanese, Music, Drama, Design Technology, Food Technology

Extracurriculars: Swimming, Drama, Book Club, British Sign Language, Creative Writing, Music

Best friend: Danny Davies

Relationship status: Dating Danny Davies for almost 2 months

Family: Sinead Smith (mother, 42), Gareth Smith (father, 44), Aisling Smith (sister, 25), Blane Smith (brother, 24), Finn Smith (brother, 16), Aidan Smith (brother, 8), Cian Smith (brother, 8), Clare Smith (sister, 6), Fiadh (sister, 4)

Physical description: Chocolate brown shaggy hair, emerald-green eyes, height 165 cm/5’5”, weight 64 kg/141 lbs, thick-built frame, mostly untoned, penis (erect) 15cm/6 inches uncut

Personality type: ENFP

Mentoring: Mentored by Brian Pearson (Year 13), mentor to Declan Atkinson (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Most boys struggle at first when they come to Kingswood with being away from home and family, but none more-so than Chris. With a large family of very close siblings, Chris struggled being away from them but thankfully found comfort in the form of Danny, who he ‘claimed’ as his best friend on the very first night after climbing into bed with him. The two became instant best friends, doing everything together and almost permanently sharing a bed.

Understandably, most of the school took them to be a couple, a constant source of annoyance for them through their first term at the school. Having made friends with a boy from another dorm, Kyle, who was also struggling with being at Kingswood, the two ended up staying at school over the half-term break where they grew closer and started a relationship. After a couple of months together, Kyle asked Chris if they could become exclusive, which would mean cutting off his more intimate activities with Danny.

While Chris agreed to this request, he struggled to follow through with it and continued his close relationship with Danny without telling Kyle. During the Covid lockdown, Danny and Chris shared a room and enjoyed the intimacy the privacy allowed them, still unknown to Kyle. Unfortunately, following a mishap with a webcam, an evening of sexual activity between them was broadcast to the whole of Year 7, including Kyle who promptly broke up with Chris the following morning.

Although he was distracted with the aftermath of averting a suicide attempt by a dormmate, Danny still found time to express his anger at Chris. Being unknowingly used to cheat, and hurting Kyle in the process, Danny fell out with his best friend. Though they eventually drifted back together, Chris soon found himself distracted by another problem – his parents and eldest sister had all contracted Covid and were suffering badly enough with it to be hospitalised.

Seeing his eldest brother, Blane, struggling to hold the family together, Chris wanted to return home, though realistically there was nothing he could do anyway, so Blane insisted he remain at school. Determined to get home himself, Chris ran away from school, but only got as far as the nearest town before being caught and taken back. Facing the consequences of his abscondence was bad enough, but the true problem came from the fact that leaving the school and returning meant Chris would now have to face Covid isolation once again, though this time completely alone. Knowing that Chris would struggle, thanks to his obvious monophobia, Danny broke quarantine and joined him.

Feeling that he made the wrong call with Kyle (both in dating him and cheating on him) and seeing the lengths Danny would do to in order to help him, Chris began to consider his relationship with Danny. At the same time, Chris grew increasingly close with Nicky. Throughout the year, he had acted as a substitute mentor for his quiet roommate, due to him dating and then breaking up with his actual mentor. The two boys also entered the end-of-year music competition together, but Nicky’s stage fright made performing difficult. In the end, Chris drafted in the rest of the dorm to join them on stage to support Nicky in a true show of the bond the entire group had.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

Over the summer, Danny revealed to Chris that he had started a relationship with Brian, Chris’ mentor. While Chris took the news hard at first, he was soon set straight by Joseph (best friend to Brian and mentor to Danny) and started supporting the new relationship, despite his own feelings about it. His frustration was also enhanced by the fact he had ended up in chastity over the summer thanks to an inappropriate advance on a teacher.

Chris’ second year at Kingswood was also complicated by the fact that his eldest brother, Blane, joined the school as a Teaching Assistant. Despite Chris’ well-known love of sexual humiliation, he found himself pushed to his limit when he was released from chastity after the summer with Blane present, resulting in a humiliating ejaculation. Though he disliked having his brother at Kingswood to begin with, they soon made peace and it brought Chris great comfort to have a little piece of home close by.

Struggling with seeing Danny with someone else, Chris ended up seeking comfort elsewhere, eventually starting a relationship with Nicky, though soon after they were joined by Mikey to become a throuple. The relationship worked well to begin with, the three boys continuing the closeness they had developed during Year 7. Chris remained largely oblivious to the other issues going on with his boyfriends, unaware of the emotional issues Nicky was facing and anger issues Mikey was struggling with.

Carrying out a dare earned as a forfeit from a bet with his friends, Chris snuck into Mr Trent’s apartment. While in there, Mr Trent returned and Chris hid, but was able to observe and record an interaction between the teacher and an unseen ‘master’. Using knowledge of the encounter to tease the teacher, the two boys wound up being punished for their actions by being made to volunteer for ‘naked days’, which would allow them to be used in various classes for teaching purposes.

Following a birthday gift for Danny from Mr Trent’s mysterious master, the two boys got to spend an hour playing with him naked, restrained and blindfolded. Shortly after, Chris and Danny were taking part in their second ‘naked day’ when disaster struck.

News came to the dorm that Chris and Danny had gone missing during a PE activity of Capture the Flag in the woods around the school. The two boys had wandered away from the game and, following a fall down a hole into a long-forgotten tunnel, remained trapped underground. While Chris was mildly injured, Danny appeared to be paralysed. With no way out, they were forced to sit and wait for help to come, slowly freezing to death on top of their other injuries.

While Danny drifted in and out of consciousness, the two boys spoke openly, with them both talking about what they imagined for the future. Danny also shared details about their friends that Chris might need to know to support them if he didn’t make it. Chris also confessed his regret over dating Kyle and how he wished he had waited for Danny to get back from that first half-term break so they could have got together instead. With Danny on the brink of death and Chris not far behind, help finally arrived and the two boys were rescued.

Danny’s injuries meant he was hospitalised for a substantial length of time, taking him out of Kingswood for a number of months. Chris struggled with Danny’s absence and, even with the support of his mentor and boyfriends, desperately missed his best friend. When Danny finally returned, Chris became slightly obsessed with supporting him, to the point of neglecting his own relationship, adding further strain to Nicky’s mounting pile of problems.

Things with Blane also took an unexpected turn, when some honest and candid conversations (and a weekend of sexual frustration for Chris) led to a sexual encounter between the two siblings. While it drove a wedge between them to begin with, they soon reconciled and grew closer. While sexual activity did not become a regular occurrence between the two, it did happen more times than it should have, though they both found ways to be okay with it.

James, who often struggled with emotive matters, was in need of some emotional support at a meeting about his future at the school and chose to ask Chris to join him. As a result, Chris discovered that James had been offered the opportunity to skip ahead to Year 11 the following year. When James eventually decided to go ahead with it, but not tell their friends he was leaving, Chris was torn between honouring James’ right to privacy and the hurt he knew the sudden departure would cause, especially for David. Though he kept trying to convince James to come clean, he helped keep the secret.

Preparing for the end-of-year music competition, Chris, who was now in a band with his boyfriends, prepared for the final rehearsal before the show. When Nicky and Mikey joined him, things seemed to be going okay until midway through the song when Nicky announced he was breaking up with Chris. Hurt and humiliated, Chris left, only to return and confront Nicky in the dorm later. As a blazing argument broke out, other issues were drawn into play by other members of the dorm. After James stood up for David, Chris called him on his hypocrisy by announcing James was leaving the dorm and didn’t even intend to say goodbye. Ashamed to have broken a promise as well as hurting his friends, Chris regretted his actions immediately, but the harm was done. Year 8 ended with a heavy cloud looming over them all.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Upon returning for Year 9, Chris struggled to rebuild the relationships around him. He felt especially guilty as new arrival in the dorm, Mark, had walked right into the middle of a horrible situation. While he did his best to help Mark settle in, things in the dorm remained strained. Chris and Mark grew closer, to the point that Danny was convinced the two were dating (or about to be) and despite mixed feelings, gave his blessings to do so. It proved unnecessary as Chris still had no intention of dating the new boy as his heart still belonged to Danny.

Having been introduced to the secret Kingswood Underground at the start of the year, Chris developed a particular interest in a machine called The Milker. It was a device capable of teasing and pleasuring its user to give either multiple orgasms or prolonged edging. Thanks to the system of currency used in the Underground to restrict over-use of equipment, Chris could not afford to use it, but was gifted an hour on it by the rest of the dorm on his birthday. It only served to heighten his obsession with it.

Getting assistance from the tech-savvy David, Chris gained access to almost limitless funds which allowed him to begin exploring the machine further, using it for several hours at a time. When his crimes were eventually discovered, he found himself at the mercy of the Year 13 Head of Discipline. With the Underground not really overseen by the faculty, punishment for misuse of its equipment fell to them. Chris was given the harshest punishment possible – The Black Band.

The Black Band marked Chris as a pariah. Locked in chastity he was banned from sexual activity, with all other students advised that engaging in activity with him would result in harsh punishment. More importantly, Chris was banned from all physical contact with other students, intended to punish him for his crimes. For a boy who thrived on hugs, this was especially difficult. While he ended up isolated and miserable, Danny eventually came to his rescue, rallying the rest of the Year 9s to force the Year 13s to lighten the punishment and remove the ‘no contact’ rule.

Earlier in the year, it had been revealed that Chris had developed a debilitating fear of going into the woods, thanks to his accident with Danny. While attempts were made to help him face it, progress was either slow or non-existent. When Danny planned to spend a couple of nights in the woods as part of Survival Club, Chris freaked out and provided him with an expensive watch which also included a GPS tracker, just in case anything happened. While Danny was absolutely fine, Chris made himself crazy with worry over it, but ended up channelling his fear into something productive as he wrote a play for the upcoming drama showcase titled A Mid-Summer Night’s Scream (a horror/slasher version of the Shakespeare play).

The play was selected as Kingswood’s entry into the showcase, with Chris and Danny being cast as two of the leads. While Chris had been nervous about a kiss in the script, it ended up changing as Danny requested to change roles, leaving Mark to take the spot instead. The play was a huge success, winning second place in the showcase. It also pushed Chris and Mark into a more intimate bond, one which soon developed into a relationship.

As part of the Southern Counties Inter-School Partnership Scheme’s (SCIPS) closing event, a battle of the bands was due to take place. Stage Fright, a band formed of Chris, Danny, Mikey and Mark, was due to perform but during their rehearsal, Mark and Chris took the opportunity to musically taunt Mark’s ex-boyfriend, Gregory. In retaliation, Gregory attempted to assault Chris but was stopped by Mark who finally stood up to his bullying ex. Mark took it a little too far and ended up suspended for assault and sent home.

Aside from leaving Stage Fright a member down, the encore performance of A Mid-Summer Night’s Scream was in jeopardy with one of their leads missing. Still aware of the part from the original casting, Danny (who had recently been dumped by Brian) was put back into the role. When the performance finally took place, the two boys prepared themselves for what would be their very first kiss! They felt the earth move… literally! An explosion ripped through the school, decimating the Home Building and setting it ablaze. While nobody was hurt, seeing their home destroyed was devastating for the Kingswood boys.

The following morning, Mark, who had been watching the play via video call with David, called to find out what had happened. After filling him in on the explosion, Chris spoke to him privately, where he ended their relationship.

With Danny already depressed from his break-up with Brian, and even more distraught from the explosion, he sought solitude in the only place he could think of – the woods! Specifically, the spot where the accident had happened in Year 8. Danny was more than a little surprised when Chris showed up, particularly in light of his fear of going into the woods.

The two finally opened up about everything. Their feelings for each other, the things that had been said when they were trapped, Brian’s reason for ending their relationship. Finally being completely open about everything, they kissed. The rest of the world fell away. The accidents, the relationships, the break-ups, the drama. Nothing mattered anymore outside of a love for each other that had been three years in the making.

Although the students were all sent home the following day, Chris and Danny did not have to wait long to spend more time together. Danny joined Chris on his family vacation at the start of the summer break, then Chris joined Danny with his family on their holiday at the end, giving the two boys enough time to settle into their new relationship before returning to face Year 10.


Name: Robert ‘Rob’ Wilson

Age: 14

Date of birth: 30 January 2008

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, German, Media Studies, Computer Science

Extracurriculars: Rugby (Captain), Martial Arts, Book Club, British Sign Language, Creative Writing

Best friend: Josh Williams

Relationship status: Dating Luke Knight since March 2021, in a throuple with Jazz Laghari since June 2022

Family: Trevor (34, father), Helen (34, mother), Milo (10, brother)

Physical description: Light brown hair, grey eyes, height 165 cm/5’5”, weight 72kg/159 lbs, hefty rugby player build, mostly muscle but looks chubby, wears glasses, penis (erect) 15 cm/6 inches cut

Personality type: ESFJ

Mentoring: Mentored by Sam Fletcher (Year 13), mentor to Devon Zhao (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Rob was late on day one, leaving him with the last available bed in the dorm. As it turned out, that put him right next to the boy who would become his best friend – Josh. Forming an immediate and close bond with the other boy, they quickly settled into their friendship, though it seemed to be built on a basis of mockery and insults.

It didn’t take Rob long to realise something was amiss with his best friend and spent the first half of Year 7 desperately trying to figure it out and help. When Josh started dating Alex, a former tormentor, Rob most certainly did not approve, stating his open dislike for the older boy.

Rob quickly proved himself to be a strong leader and sensible role model within the dorm, though much of it was a façade. Figuring out that the best way to get away with things was to make the people in charge believe you’re always well-behaved, Rob coached the others in his dorm in behaviours that gave the impression they were beacons of virtue.

After the boys were pranked by an unknown person and left naked and humiliated in the School Building, Rob set out to figure out who it was, almost obsessively. His determination ended up drawing in David, though in the end it pushed the other boy to do things that earned him a punishment, leaving Rob to feel guilty that his obsession had hurt a friend.

When Josh’s behaviour continued to grow increasingly erratic, including a savage verbal assault on the entire dorm, Rob was the only one to remain on his side, convinced it was a symptom of a bigger problem. During Covid lockdown, Rob enjoyed his time alone with Josh, particularly the final night during which they shared some truly intimate moments. Sadly, Rob learned the next day that the beautiful night had simply been Josh’s way of experiencing something nice before ending his own life.

As Josh’s suicide attempt unfolded on the roof, Rob remained with most of the student body, contained within the dining hall. While he was relieved that Danny had been there to help and talk Josh down, he did find himself feeling a little jealous and resentful that Danny had been there for Josh instead of him.

As part of his healing process, Josh had been spending time with Alex, one of the few other boys who knew the full extent of the abuse Josh had suffered. Though Rob had an open dislike of Alex, he ended up spending time with him and eventually came to find him to be a fun person to be around, now that he was free of the influence of Josh’ brothers. At the end of the year, Alex decided to take things a bit further, asking Rob if he would be interested in dating after the summer break. Rob was shocked but agreed.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

Moving into Year 8, Rob’s jealousy about Josh and Danny’s bond continued to grow into a strong resentment, especially as he saw Danny, Chris, Nicky and Mikey sharing sexual shenanigans without him, even after he was released from chastity. Resentment began to grow into something even stronger and may have become hate had Danny not confronted him about it.

Rob finally shared what he had been feeling, both about Josh and the sexual activity. Danny put him at ease about both, insisting that his own bond with Josh was special, but Rob would always be his best friend. Regarding the sex, Danny simply advised that if Rob wanted to be included in it, he only had to ask. Danny also revealed that he admired Rob and saw him as ‘the other sane one’ in the dorm, saying he relied on him to help keep the others safe and well, and that he really couldn’t do it alone. More than just putting Rob at ease, the open conversation planted the seeds of a strong friendship that would eventually grow between the two.

Rob had also been elected as captain of the Year 8 rugby team at the start of the year. It was a position he took to well, making great use of both his leadership skills and love of rugby. It also brought him into a group known colloquially as the ‘captains club’, along with the other rugby captains from Years 9 to 13. Aside from giving him a new group of peers to use for guidance and support, they also engaged in various recreational activities.

Having been dating Alex since the start of the year, Rob got to know the rest of Alex’s dorm. He soon realised that Alex had not told his dormmates the true reason for his unpleasant behaviour, particularly towards Josh. Against Alex’s wishes, Rob filled them in on what had really happened, allowing Alex’s dormmates to begin a new friendship with him. As a result of this, Rob was playfully offered up as a prize in a pool tournament between the four friends. Not wanting to get in the way of the new bonding, Rob agreed. In the end, he was won by Luke and would have to spend an evening with him.

Despite initial fears (deliberately stoked by Luke who tried to maintain a reputation of being tough), Rob ended up having a wonderful time, bonding over a game they both loved. As Rob made more and more excuses to spend time with Luke, it became apparent the attraction was more than just friendship. Despite his relationship with Alex being an open one, Rob wanted to do the honourable thing and opted to end things with Alex before pursuing anything with Luke. As it turned out, Alex had also wanted to end the relationship but didn’t want to hurt Rob. They broke up by mutual agreement and remained close friends because of it.

Rob soon started dating Luke, though through the activities of the captain club, he ended up meeting Jazz, a rival captain from another school. They got on immediately and on a subsequent visit, also introduced him to Luke, who liked him every bit as much as Rob did. Not long after, Rob found out Jazz had secured one of the two vacant spots coming up the following year and would be joining Kingswood full time.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Going into Year 9, Rob took a casual comment from Jazz as an indication he did not want to join their relationship. As disappointed as Luke and Rob were to not get together with him, they carried on in their own relationship. As Jazz continued to be a presence in both of their lives, Rob began to grow jealous of the time Luke and Jazz were spending together, especially considering they were doing sexual things that Rob himself found himself averse to – anal sex. Eventually, after Jazz started dating someone else and subsequently broke up, the three finally shared their feelings and Jazz formally joined them to form a throuple.

After being convinced by Luke to allow him to fuck him, Rob felt a little violated, especially when he was guilted into doing it again with Jazz present, once again not enjoying the experience. Feeling he had been coerced into doing things he didn’t want to do, Rob struggled to handle the confusing feelings, unsure whether what had happened was actually wrong or if he was just over-reacting. Taking his usual route of avoiding the problem, it was only when Danny noticed the issue and stepped in that things improved.

Being called out by Danny on his tendency to bottle things up was a slight wake-up call to Rob, but Danny was not taking any chances this time and immediately called in help, in the form of Rob’s mentor, Sam. Taking charge of the situation, Sam made Luke and Rob talk about what had happened. Luke was devastated to find out how Rob felt, having been completely oblivious to the physical pain the sex had caused and the emotional pain that followed.

Luke and Rob were able to reconcile, but the issue still weighed heavily on them both. Jazz remained blissfully unaware of the whole thing, but had picked up that something was wrong. When they eventually revealed it to him, he was upset not to have been told sooner, but did his best to try and support them both. Things remained strained between Rob and Luke, with Luke becoming overly cautious and protective, terrified of hurting Rob again, while Rob took the over-protectiveness as a constant reminder of his pain.

It was only when Rob downed copious amounts of illegally-gained alcohol at the Kinkswood after-party that he finally spoke truly honestly to his two boyfriends. Insisting that he loved them both and wanted to put the issues aside so they could just be happy together, he promptly threw up and passed out. Sobered up a little later, he apologised for his behaviour, but the outburst had achieved its desired effect and the throuple finally returned to a happy place, ready to explore the joys their relationship could bring the following year.


Name: Josh Williams (formerly Joshua Williams, name legally changed 2020)

Age: 14

Date of birth: 21 June 2008, but celebrates on 7 March

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Double Award Science, German, Media Studies, Art, Food Technology, Design Technology

Extracurriculars: Football, Rugby, Water Polo, Martial Arts, Dance, Art

Best friend: Rob Wilson

Relationship status: Single

Family: Melanie Williams (mother, 42, estranged), Ryan Williams (brother, 19, estranged), Mark Williams (brother, 20, estranged), Jackson Cooper (legal guardian, 37), Ellis Foster (adopted brother, 16), Jensen Watts (adopted brother, 18, left Kingswood July 2022), various other ‘Sons of Kingswood’

Physical description: Black messy hair, brown eyes, height 159 cm/5’2”, weight 53 kg/116 lbs, short and skinny, very agile, flexible and fast, left-handed, penis (erect) 11cm/4.5 inches uncut

Personality type: ENFP

Mentoring: Mentored by Richard Payne (Year 13), mentor to [REDACTED] (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Josh came to Kingswood carrying a dark secret. Immediately forming a close friendship with Rob, Josh was a fun and lively boy who was always fun to be around, though he did find himself subjected to a punishment in his very first week, ending up naked and humiliated at the hands of his two older brothers – Ryan in Year 12 and Mark in Year 13. The punishment came as a result of a ‘fight’ with Alex, an unpleasant boy from Year 9.

Not having the best relationship with his older brothers, Josh did his best to avoid them, but it was hard to do so living in such a small school together. Josh soon began a sudden and very unexpected relationship with Alex, much to Rob’s annoyance, who was determined there was more going on with Josh than anyone realised. Shortly before the boys headed home for the half-term break of their second term, Josh delivered a savage character assassination of dormmates, delivering insults and revelations to the entire group that left them distraught and hurt.

Returning from the break, the boys entered directly into lockdown due to the Covid pandemic. Paired up with Rob, Josh requested to put the previous issues aside until lockdown was over, asking to just enjoy two weeks with his best friend before it all ended. Avoiding the rest of the dorm, Josh managed to enjoy the lockdown with Rob, even spending the last night together with him out of chastity and enjoying an unexpectedly romantic and sexual evening.

The following morning, after being released from lockdown the school was ready to celebrate enjoying their first breakfast back in the school’s communal dining hall. The celebration was cut short, however, by the revelation that someone was on the roof, seemingly intending to jump – Josh!

Josh had every intention of ending his life that day. Having endured abuse from his brothers for as long as he could remember, the two older boys had continued to try and isolate Josh from his new friends and when that failed, started threatening them directly. Not wanting to risk any harm coming to the rest of his dorm, Josh decided the only way out was to end his own life. Thankfully, having seen Josh heading up to the roof and wanting to discuss the issues between them, Danny followed him.

Josh had written a suicide note, explaining everything that had happened to him, but Danny insisted they talk about it instead. Josh proceeded to explain it had started back when he was little, when their father had died and his older brothers blamed him for it. Since then, they had abused him emotionally and physically, and even sexually. Explaining how the torture had progressed to another level upon his arrival at Kingswood, Josh told Danny about the things they had done.

Using Alex (who had been mentored by Ryan) to assist in their torture, he had come to realise Josh was not the bad guy and started working to try and help him, but even that was not enough to stop the two older Williams siblings from hurting Josh. Having bugged Josh’s phone to get intel to hurt him with, the older boys had learned of Josh’s arachnophobia and used it to torment him, but they had also used their spying to learn the best ways to hurt Josh’s friends, revealing that the pre-break verbal assault had been their doing in an attempt to take Josh’s friends away from him.

Not seeing any other way out, Josh was ready to jump, until Danny suggested his brothers actions may be their own undoing. If they recorded everything through his phone, then that meant there would also be evidence of their actions. Convinced suicide was not the only option and that there was another way out, Josh climbed off the ledge.

With Covid complicating the justice system, and with Josh not wanting to cause any more pain for his mother, his siblings managed to avoid jail time but were both expelled from Kingswood. More significantly, Josh was emancipated, with his mother giving up custody of him thanks to her part in allowing him to be abused. Josh became a ‘Son of Kingswood’, a ward of the school. As a result, Josh gained two new older brothers, Ellis and Jensen, both older students at the school who became the siblings Josh had always deserved.

After returning to the school, Josh worried he would be ‘suicide boy’ and subjected to gossip and teasing, but a true show of solidarity from the entire population of the school soon put him at ease and let him return to a life free from abuse.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

Moving into Year 8, free of the terror of his siblings, Josh was finally able to explore things he had not been brave enough to do before, like dancing. He also discovered a natural penchant for art. As the boys around him began to explore their sexuality, Josh’s experiences with his brothers had left him exceptionally nervous of the whole subject, keeping him out of the fun and games going on around him. He also found himself extremely sensitive to bullying, helping out both Nicky and a stranger from another school when he discovered they were being bullied.

Josh struggled emotionally when the boys visited a rival school for a football match, finding the aggressive students reminded him too much of his biological siblings. Unexpectedly, the most support came from Mikey who helped him deal with his feelings. Mikey also accompanied Josh when he attempted to intervene in some more bullying. Coming face-to-face with Gregory, rival team captain, Josh froze up as the unpleasant boy taunted him about his suicide, telling him he should have gone through with it. Once again, Mikey came to the rescue with a punch to Gregory’s face.

Growing closer to Mikey, the two boys began to get to know each other better, though their interactions often ended up in violence. For Josh, it was just a fun way to spend time with his new friend. While he became aware that violence was likely a result of the abusive way he had been raised, he had no real desire to stop it and continued to fight with Mikey at every opportunity, enjoying the weird closeness it brought.

When Gregory came to Kingswood for a football match, he attempted to blackmail Josh with a threat against Mikey. Thankfully Josh was able to get help, having learned from past mistakes that keeping things to himself rarely ended well. Mikey was saved and Gregory faced the consequences of his actions.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

As Josh entered Year 9, a new figure caught his eye – new PE teacher Mr Rudd. Josh began to develop a strange infatuation with the hulking figure of a man, attempting to talk to him or be around him at every opportunity. He also joined Survival Club, an extracurricular run by Mr Rudd, just to spend more time with him.

Confused by his own feelings, and taking them to be attraction, Josh began to take his infatuation with the man to a more physical level and ended up watching him work out in the gym, whilst pleasuring himself. Getting caught by some other students, Josh ended up the subject of severe teasing, but the incident was also brought to Mr Rudd’s attention. As a result, Josh was punished by the man for his inappropriate behaviour, but also started lessons in ‘self-control’ with him.

The relationship between the student and teacher grew increasingly complex. Mr Rudd was indeed teaching Josh self-control, while also allowing him to open up about some of the issues with his brothers and anger problems, but it started taking an increasingly sexual turn. Josh began referring to Mr Rudd as ‘daddy’ as part of their sexual antics. Eventually, Mr Rudd called off their meetings entirely, saying he had taught Josh all he needed to know about self-control.

Both miserable from the sudden lack of contact, the two eventually reunited and had a very frank conversation about both of their feelings. For Josh, he realised he didn’t need (or particularly even want) a sexual relationship with the teacher. He just missed his ‘daddy’. Mr Rudd was feeling a similar thing, his affection for the boy purely paternal. Deciding that they couldn’t change what had happened between them, but could make their future interactions more appropriate, they put the sexuality behind them. Realising ‘daddy’ still carried sexual connotations to it, Josh instead asked if he could call Mr Rudd ‘dad’. The teacher agreed, beginning a new chapter of platonic closeness for the two.


Name: Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Jones

Age: 14

Date of birth: 16 September 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Double Award Science, Geography, French, Drama, Music, Food Technology

Extracurriculars: Basketball, Martial Arts, Photography, Music

Best friend: Mikey Corbyn

Relationship status: Single

Family: Jenny Jones, (mother, 34), Carl Jones (father, 36), Matthew Jones (brother – deceased)

Physical description: Shaggy brown hair, light brown eyes, height 196 cm/6’5”, weight 45 kg/99 lbs, extremely tall and slim, very gangly and physically awkward, penis (erect) 30 cm/12 inches uncut

Personality type: ISFJ

Mentoring: Mentored by William Butler (Year 13), mentor to Jorge Diaz (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Having bonded intimately with his mentor, Will, at the selection day before being invited to join Kingswood, Nicky started his first year in a secret relationship with him. Having started puberty early, Nicky managed to avoid the chastity most Year 7s endured upon arrival, already being sufficiently developed to not need it. Conversely, Will, who was now in Year 10, remained undeveloped and locked in chastity. The two fell in love quickly, but with mentor/mentee relationships frowned upon, they kept their relationship a secret. Will’s own mentor, Year 13’s Jonathan, soon turned out to also be Will’s Dom. Although Nicky had no great desire to explore Dom/sub relationships, he did find himself drawn into activity between the two older boys.

As the school year went on, Nicky began to grow frustrated with the secrecy of his relationship, but began to develop suspicions that something with Will and Jonathan was not right. In a verbal tirade instigated by Josh’s older brothers, Josh had something unpleasant to say to each member of the dorm. In Nicky’s case, it was the revelation that Will and Jonathan’s relationship was more than just sexual and that the chastity device Will wore was controlled by Jonathan, not the school – Will was cheating on him with Jonathan! Unable to meet face-to-face with Will due to the Covid lockdown, Nicky had to contain his feelings for the duration of the two-week isolation. While it did end up bringing him closer to Mikey, who became his new best friend, as soon as the lockdown was over, Nicky confronted and dumped Will, leaving him without a boyfriend or a mentor he could trust.

Having become aware of Nicky’s relationship earlier in the year, Chris had offered to be a proxy mentor, ensuring Nicky had someone he could talk to in a way most other boys would talk to their actual mentor. It brought the two boys closer. Spending more time with Chris, as well as their best friends Mikey and Danny, the four boys grew increasingly intimate. While each of them eventually began to share a little more about things they were feeling, Nicky’s revelation was even more shocking as he told the other three about Matthew, his identical twin who had died a few years earlier.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

Early in Year 8, Nicky was propositioned by Chris to form a musical group together. Misunderstanding the request as something more romantic, Nicky agreed but soon realised his mistake. The idea quickly proved to be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophesy as it led to Chris actually asking Nicky to date him. The two boys got together and began a relationship. Soon after, they realised they both wanted Mikey too and, after promising to still be friends if they broke up, Mikey joined to become the dorm’s first throuple.

Following the accident that nearly killed Chris and Danny, the dorm began to drift apart slightly thanks to Danny’s absence, with the throuple increasingly spending their time just with each other. Upon Danny’s eventual return, Nicky began to notice Chris’ extreme attachment to the other boy. At the same time, he also found himself dealing with repeated violent outbursts by Mikey, including a seemingly unprovoked attack on Nicky’s old school friends during a visit home. Confessing to Danny that he was a little afraid of Mikey, cracks began to show in the relationship.

On top of the relationship issues, Nicky found himself the victim of bullying. After being pranked by a boy from Year 7 at diving practice, Nicky became the subject of repeated verbal intimidation from the Year 7 boy’s dormmates, teasing him for his above-average endowment and generally timid demeanour. While Josh had become aware of a bit of what was happening and had acted a couple of times to try and stop it, the bullying persisted. After Mikey and Chris found out about what had been happening, Nicky insisted it had stopped for fear of what the aggressive Mikey might do. Shortly after, Nicky found out the lead Year 7 bully was being beaten up by one of his friends.

Making the obvious assumption that it was Mikey who had been hurting the younger boy, and driven by a recent revelation that the loss of his twin had caused Nicky a lot more issues than he realised, something had to give. Nicky ended his relationship with Mikey right before final rehearsal for their band’s entry in the end-of-year music competition. Intending to tell Chris afterwards that the relationship was over, Nicky was overcome by his swell of emotions and announced the break-up to him on stage, with an audience. It triggered a round of arguments in the dorm that would carry over the summer break into Year 9.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Starting his third year at the school, Nicky had many relationships to repair, primarily with his two ex-boyfriends. While he eventually made up with them both and returned to their old status quo as close friends, the healing for Nicky had only just begun. Having spent years living with crippling self-image issues, shyness and aversion to any kind of confrontation, conversations with Mr Trent had led him to accept that most of them were being driven by unresolved issues over the death of his twin brother.

Working with Dr Arkwright, the school’s physician, Nicky began to untangle the knot of problems with Matthew’s death. Having spent all of Years 7 and 8 in relationships, Nicky remained single throughout Year 9 as he continued on his journey of self-healing, eventually reaching the point at the end of the year where he finally felt at peace over his loss and comfortable in his own skin. Putting the issues of the past, as well as some of his previous interests aside, Nicky headed for Year 10, ready for a fresh start and new adventures.

Sadly, Nicky’s optimistic approach was tempered slightly by two bits of bad news. Mikey finally began to reveal the extent of his mental issues and begged for help dealing with them. Secondly, after a yearlong battle against bullying at the school, which turned out to have achieved very little, Nicky received the revelation that one of his closest friends was almost certainly being bullied without even realising it!


Name: Michael ‘Mikey’ Corbyn

Age: 14

Date of birth: 17 November 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Double Award Science, Mandarin, Japanese, Music, Food Technology, Design Technology

Extracurriculars: Basketball, Football, Tennis, Music, Cooking, Debate

Best friend: Nicky Jones

Relationship status: Single

Family: Eddison Corbyn (father, 31), Rebecca Corby (mother, 31), Gareth Corbyn (brother, 6), Melanie Corbyn (sister, 6), Suzie Corbyn (sister, 4)

Physical description: Bright ginger hair that’s always messy, blue eyes, lots of freckles, height 159 cm/5’2”, weight 59 kg/130 lbs, slim but slightly muscled build, stronger than he looks, penis (erect) 15 cm/6 inches uncut

Personality type: ESTP

Mentoring: Mentored by Andrew Jenkins (Year 13), mentor to Leonardo Stinson (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Mikey came to Kingswood with two significant things – an abrasive attitude and an imaginary friend. Unlike the others in the dorm who immediately found a best friend, Mikey failed to make any such connection right away and continued to rely on Snuffles, the fictional friend who had been with him since childhood. Angry at the world from being raised in a family that he felt never wanted him, he remained aloof and aggressive for quite some time.

It was only when Danny began to take the time to get to know him and try to teach him there was a better way that he started to calm down and actually make friends. Despite the apparent dislike of the world, Mikey still showed brief glimmers of the deeply affectionate boy beneath the surface, such as a particularly sweet gesture on a day out for Chris’ birthday. A stroke of genius on that same trip also led to Mikey’s first business venture, trading smuggled unhealthy snacks for favours.

During the Covid lockdown, Mikey was paired up with Nicky, and while the two had always been friends they had never been particularly close. Being forced to spend so much time together, they eventually made a breakthrough and began to bond, finally taking their place as the fourth best friend duo in the dorm. Following Josh’s suicide attempt at the end of the lockdown, Mikey’s trademark bluntness proved to be exactly what the other boy needed, allowing Mikey to say things the others didn’t dare and actually treat Josh like normal, as he wanted.

While some of the boys had already begun experimenting sexually with each other, Mikey’s curiosity led him to explore more solo interests, allowing him to discover an interest in kinks such as underwear and self-sucking. Mikey’s newfound friendship with Nicky and ongoing closeness with Danny inevitably meant spending time with Chris too and the quartet began to grow increasingly close, even engaging in a few group sexual activities together. However, the real impact of Mikey’s growing circle of friends came after he revealed the existence of Snuffles to them. Just as they were getting used to the idea of an imagined fifth member of their group, the fictional character ‘ran away’, only to be found ‘dead’ in the woods by Mikey a short time later. At a pretend funeral for the fallen friend, it became clear that Mikey had consciously let Snuffles go, feeling confident enough in his real friends to shed the sad remnant of his lonely childhood.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

Moving into his second year, with Danny dating Brian and Nicky entering a relationship with Chris, Mikey began to feel a little left out, leading to a slight resurgence in his angry attitude. After spending more time with Mikey, Nicky and Chris realised that they both liked him and invited him to join their relationship. Mikey was reluctant at first, cautious of what would happen to their friendship if the relationship failed, but after the three made a pact to remain friends even if they broke up, Mikey joined them.

During Year 8, Mikey moved on from his illegal snack business after being inspired by a more sexual offering from one of his customers. Instead, he switched to an even more risky business, trading homemade sexual videos of other students. Drafting David in as tech support, the business was eventually revealed to Chris and Nicky. While Chris was excited, eagerly taking part to gain access to videos of other students, Nicky was substantially more cautious.

During a visit to rival school, King Edwards, Mikey found himself supporting Josh who was struggling to cope in the harsh environment, reminded of his abusive older brothers. Joining Josh when he went to check in on a suspected bullying victim, the two boys found themselves confronted by Gregory, captain of the King Edwards Year 8 football team (and the suspected bully). After saying truly horrific things to Josh about his suicide attempt, Mikey lashed out to protect his friend, assaulting Gregory. Though it got both boys in trouble, it continued to cement the unexpected relationship between Mikey and Josh.

Mikey’s actions at King Edwards had other repercussions too. During a visit to Kingswood, Gregory attempted to get revenge by blackmailing Josh into throwing the match by threatening to harm Mikey. Thankfully, an anonymous tip revealed Gregory’s plan was to report Mikey’s video sharing business, which would result in his expulsion and possibly his arrest too. Seeking help from Nicky, Mikey was able to be saved and the match was won by Kingswood. Revealing the underhanded plot, Mikey and Josh were invited to witness Gregory’s punishments for his crimes.

Mikey and Josh began to grow closer, though their friendship began to get slightly twisted when they started to become violent with each other. For Josh, having been raised with physically abusive brothers, violence had become an unconscious way of expressing affection for him, but Mikey’s motives were a little murkier. Often struggling to maintain control of his own thoughts and feelings, the violent outbursts with Josh served to help him clear his mind, allowing Mikey to make up with his boyfriends after various fights.

During the easter break, Mikey got to spend more time with Nicky at his home and met some of his boyfriend’s old schoolmates. Mikey ended up in a fist fight with the other boys after overhearing them say awful things about Nicky and his deceased twin. Not wanting to hurt Nicky with the truth, Mikey kept his motivations to himself, leaving him to deal with a boyfriend who had started to become afraid of him.

Having discovered a natural talent for music, Mikey had united with his two boyfriends to form a band. Intending to take part in the end-of-year music competition, the throuple showed signs of strain when they had difficulty agreeing on a song, but eventually managed to do so. At a final rehearsal, Nicky revealed to Mikey that he had decided to end their relationship for personal reasons. Cautious of how they would break the news to Chris, Nicky became unable to hold back any longer and blurted it out on stage in the middle of practice, turning an already difficult break-up into a horrific explosive argument that ended up affecting the rest of the dorm too. The boys went home for summer break at the conclusion of Year 8 splintered and miserable.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Returning for Year 9, the group remained fractured, with Mikey avoiding Chris and Nicky because of their break-up, angry with Danny for what he felt was a constant desire to control and change him and annoyed at the new addition to their dorm – Mark, former teammate of Gregory from King Edwards – who had stood by while the unpleasant boy had hurt Josh. Though the issues within the dorm were eventually resolved, the discourse had changed the dynamics of the group forever.

Continuing their close but unorthodox friendship, Josh was the only one Mikey wanted to be around, though that brought with it other complications as Mikey struggled with his friend’s penchant (and possibly desire) for violence as he struggled to hold back his own aggressive urges. Thankfully, Mikey began to discover other methods of clearing his head when it got difficult to think, mostly in the form of emotional or physical affection from people he cared about. Some of his fights with Josh also ended in sexual experimentation with the sex-averse Josh, adding further complication to their relationship.

With a void left by the closure of his video business, and the revelation of the Kingswood Underground and an actual currency to trade in, Mikey began a new business venture. Drafting his dormmates to help get it started, Mikey began a business running ‘shows’ in the Underground, charging COK (Currency of Kingswood) for entry, most of which was offered up as a prize, while the rest went straight to Mikey as event organiser.

Towards the end of Year 9, Mikey finally revealed to Nicky some of the mental battles he was facing, having struggled with controlling his temper and a recent dalliance with alcohol that had brought out a horrible side of him. While still unsure what was wrong and still not revealing the full extent of his issues, Mikey begged for help from his best friend.


Name: David Brown

Age: 14

Date of birth: 12 July 2008

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Mandarin, Media Studies, Computer Science

Extracurriculars: Swimming, Drama, Chess, Astronomy, Book Club, Debate, Cooking, British Sign Language

Best friend: James Taylor

Relationship status: In a ‘temporary’ relationship with James, intended to conclude when James leaves

Family: Peter (father, 35), Xavier (father, 41)

Physical description: Naturally black hair but usually dyed (dark blue at start of Year 10), brown eyes, height 150 cm/4’9”, weight 56 kg/123 lbs, short and chubby but working to change it, penis (erect) 12 cm/5 inches cut

Personality type: INTJ

Mentoring: Mentored by Evan Stevens (Year 13), mentor to Axel Bancroft (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Upon arriving at the school on the first day, David made friends with Danny who he has continued to look up to ever since, though James ended up becoming his actual best friend. David and James became inseparable. Often seen as the ‘little brother’ of the dorm, David was always protected but often overlooked by the others, particularly as he remained locked in pre-pubescent chastity long after most of them had been released.

Though smart, David’s intellect often led him to bouts of anxiety, such as his fear over the news of the Covid pandemic beginning in the outside world. This anxiety continued to grow during lockdown, eventually forming into a mild case of agoraphobia. While David did a lot of work himself to manage the condition, it was only the love and support of his best friend that really helped get it under control. David ended up returning the favour by helping to support James through the discovery and handling of childhood abuse he had suffered.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

During Year 8, as David’s feelings for James continued to grow, he kept putting off sharing his feelings, determined not to begin anything until he was freed from the chastity device that marked him as undeveloped.

When Mikey began his business in trading illicit sexual videos with other students, David was drafted in to be tech support, using his advanced IT skills to create an interface that kept the materials controlled and concealed. He used this access to enjoy seeing the other boys at play, beginning to develop his enjoyment of voyeurism. When the business was threatened to be outed, David used the failsafe he had put in place at Nicky’s suggestion to purge all of the evidence and save Mikey from expulsion, though he did manage to secretly keep hold of a copy of it all for his own personal use.

When news broke about James leaving the dorm, David was devastated. Not only did it mean his plans for their time at Kingswood together would no longer happen, but he was also upset that his own best friend had not even told him about it or conferred with him in making the decision to skip ahead to Year 11.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Brooding about James’ departure from the dorm over the summer, David returned in Year 9 with a decidedly angry attitude and a new look to match.

While his anger was not something he could maintain, thanks to his naturally cheery disposition, he kept the new look as it allowed him to express himself more openly, something he had been considering ever since he began looking in to the dynamics of gender at Kinkswood.

During a camping trip as part of Survival Club, David got to know Ewan, a boy from another dorm he had not really spent much time with previously. The two began to grow increasingly close, with David developing romantic feelings, though Ewan seemed reluctant to go that way. Eventually confiding in David that he was transgender, Ewan was relieved to find out David wasn’t bothered and they began dating. Thanks to the support of David, Ewan was able to come out as well as start living as Rose.

Sadly, as much as Kingswood was willing to make the necessary changes to allow a girl to study at the school, Rose ultimately decided that an all-boys school did not fit with the life she wanted to lead and chose to leave Kingswood. David was devastated once again, though sympathy for him from his friends was a little lacking as they all seemed too caught up in their own lives, leading to him being left to mostly handle it alone.

Though still hurt and suffering from Rose’s departure, David began to explore the possibility of a relationship with his first love – James. They had discussed relationships in the past and mutually concluded that Kingswood was not the place for relationships, mostly because eventually one or both people would leave the school, resulting in either a doomed long-distance relationship or an unpleasant break up. David was determined to find a third option and ended up suggesting a ‘fixed-term’ relationship, one that would allow a couple to be together but only for a set amount of time. It would not end with a break-up, it would just reach its intended conclusion and allow them to move on, happy with the time they had spent together. James agreed and the two began dating, though soon after the school year was brought to an abrupt halt, meaning they have not yet had much time to explore their newfound love.


Name: Marcus ‘Mark’ Reid

Age: 14

Date of birth: 10 October 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Double Award Science, History, Spanish, Music, Drama, Computer Science

Extracurriculars: Football, Rugby, Martial Arts, Dance, Drama, Creative Writing, Music

Best friend: Nobody, but closest to Chris, Danny and David

Relationship status: Single

Family: Millie Reid (mother, 43), Victor Reid (father, 44)

Physical description: Blonde perfectly-styled hair, blue eyes, height 182 cm/5’11”, weight 70 kg/154 lbs, well built and muscular, penis (erect) 22 cm/9 inches uncut

Personality type: INFP

Mentoring: Mentored by John Dixon (Year 13), mentor to Peyton Granger (Year 7)

Character History

Before coming to Kingswood

As soon as Mark was legally old enough, his parents shipped him off to boarding school, only allowing him home when they absolutely had to, making no attempt to disguise their intentions to be rid of him. At eleven years old, Mark moved up to the King Edward IV Evans Hill School for Boys, a strict and harsh school intended to get sporting excellence and academic achievement from all of its boys.

Harsh, unwelcoming and openly homophobic, King Edwards was not a pleasant place to be, the establishment working hard to turn every student into an identical, obedient drone who would continue to churn out sporting wins and high grades. Despite the horrendous environment, Mark eventually found a kindred spirit in the form of Gregory and the two began a secret relationship.

Driven by an abject fear of being outed, Gregory, who became captain of his year’s football team, adopted a loudly homophobic attitude, making a show of how repulsive he found ‘faggots’. This included constantly belittling Mark, especially when rumours began to spread that he might be gay. Despite the constant torrent of abuse, their relationship continued, though it was very one-sided, with Greg the only one on the receiving end of any physical intimacy and Mark publicly ridiculed at every opportunity.

When Covid was controlled and inter-school activities could resume, the King Edwards team travelled to Kingswood where the apparent bullying was spotted by Josh, who eventually reached out to Mark to offer someone to talk to. While Mark never had the nerve to take up the offer, the little act of kindness gave him strength to endure what Greg was doing to him.

When Greg verbally assaulted Josh, saying awful things about his near-suicide, Mark remained silent, too scared to intervene. However, on a later visit to Kingswood, Mark discovered Greg was attempting to blackmail Josh into throwing the football match by threatening to out some damaging information about Mikey that would result in his expulsion. No longer able to stay quiet, Mark revealed Greg’s plans, resulting in Mikey being saved, but also Greg being dethroned as team captain and publicly punished for his crimes.

Thanks to his actions, life at King Edwards became even more unbearable but Mark was saved when he discovered he had been successful in securing the spot in Year 9 at Kingswood left by James’ departure.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Mark’s arrival at the school was not quite as smooth as he had hoped. Unresolved issues from the previous school year meant he had been plunged into a dorm of misery, though by comparison to King Edwards, it was still an improvement.

Despite the many issues around him, Mark grew close to Chris, the only boy from his dorm that seemed willing to get to know him. Thankfully, most of the issues began to get resolved and Mark was able to get to know the rest of his dorm. Though Josh and Mikey remained a little distant, Mark couldn’t help holding a slight fondness for Josh, who had tried to help him with the bullying, as well as Mikey, who had punched Greg in the face, something he wished he could do. He also got to know Nicky a better, though his shyness got in the way a little.

Mark also began to bond with Danny, both as part of their roles in the football team as well as off the pitch as Danny began to help him in tackling the issues from his lingering feelings for Greg. Also developing a closeness with David over some of their more geeky interests, he slowly got settled in properly, though he still felt like the ‘new guy’.

After forming a band with Chris, Nicky and Mikey called Stage Fright, Mark began to grow in confidence while also growing closer to Chris. As the year went on, Mark started getting more and more harassment from Greg. While Danny intervened and seemingly stopped it a couple of times, it persisted. Chris and Mark eventually acted on their growing attraction for one another and got together.

Though they were happy together, Mark could sense something amiss in their new relationship. While drunk at the Kinkswood after-party, Mark confessed to Brian that it was really hard being in a relationship with Chris when he was so clearly in love with Danny.

Mark remained with Chris and used his new relationship status to taunt Greg on a visit to Kingswood. Retaliating for the open insult, Greg attempted to attack Chris, but was stopped by Mark who finally fought back. Deserved as it was, Mark took things too far and turned self-defence into assault. While Greg ended up expelled from King Edwards for his own actions, Mark was just suspended from Kingswood and sent home.

Not wanting him to miss out on a performance of the play he was supposed to take part in, David live-streamed it to Mark, though at a particularly romantic moment between Chris and Danny, half the school exploded and cut the show short. The following morning, with the school in shock and on the verge of being sent home, Mark broke up with Chris, citing his obvious attraction to Danny as the reason.


Name: James Taylor

Age: 14

Date of birth: 1 May 2008

Year Group: 12

A-Level Subjects: Further Maths, Physics, History

Extracurriculars: Swimming, Chess, Astronomy, Debate, British Sign Language

Best friend: David Brown

Relationship status: In a ‘temporary’ relationship with David, intended to conclude when James leaves after A-Levels

Physical description: Dark blonde, neatly styled hair, hazel eyes, height 154 cm/5’1”, weight 55 kg/121 lbs, short and slim for his age, especially compared to his classmates who are all 2 years older, penis (erect) 13 cm/5 inches uncut

Personality type: ISTJ

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

James was a somewhat aloof member of the dorm right from the start, being exceptionally intelligent and making sure everybody knew it. He grew close to David, one of the few people in the school he saw as anywhere near close to an intellectual equal. While still friends with the rest of his dorm, he liked to keep to himself when not with David, focusing heavily on his studies.

When he was eventually freed from chastity, his aversion to sexual activity remained, though his physical desires made it difficult and he began masturbating against his own will. Eventually resorting to a return to chastity, he allowed David to hold the keys, which led to the two boys developing a much more intimate relationship. As they began to explore it, it became increasingly apparent James’ sexual aversion was a symptom of a much larger problem.

After working with Dr Arkwright, James uncovered repressed memories about his Uncle who had molested him as a young child. Though James approached it with his usual cold logic and managed to move past it, he did also make the discovery that his deceased mother was actually alive. He had simply, been told she was dead by his father, who had banished her from his life for knowingly allowing the molestation. With the issue mostly handled, James didn’t make it public knowledge, though he did share details of it Josh as a means to help him feel less isolated. Josh appreciated the gesture and insisted they were ‘abuse bros’, something James resisted but accepted, glad to have helped the other boy see he was not as alone in his experiences as he thought.

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

When Danny was injured and away from the school for several months, James observed David’s worry that he may end up too far behind in his education and have to leave the dorm for good. In order to prevent this, James started secretly working on providing Danny with all the lessons and information he needed to stay up-to-date. When Danny returned and Mr Trent discovered this, he looked into what James had done and discovered his work demonstrated a far more advanced understanding of the work than a boy his age would normally have.

As a result of the discovery, Mr Trent found James was already studying most subjects at a Year 11 level in his own time. James was offered the opportunity to skip over Years 9 and 10 and proceed straight to his GCSE Year in September. He accepted, but keen to avoid any fuss, didn’t tell anyone aside from Chris who had joined him at the meetings as emotional support. In a mass argument at the end of the year, it was revealed James was leaving the dorm. While most were disappointed, David in particular was devastated, ripping their friendship apart.

Year 11 (The Kingswood Effect)

Moving into Year 11, James stayed mostly separated from his former dormmates, focused entirely on working towards his GCSE examinations. Eventually, after David reached out to him, the two reconciled and it was revealed James was struggling emotionally with the jump ahead. David started spending time with him, working to help him handle the stress and find ways to relax. James was offered the opportunity to return to his old Year group, but thanks to encouragement from David, decided to remain and take his exams.

After talking to David about why relationships at Kingswood were doomed, largely due to the limited time at the school, David proposed another option – a fixed-term relationship. They could date, but on the understanding it was only for a set amount of time, after which it would end amicably and by prior agreement – an ending, not a break-up. James was intrigued by the idea and agreed, the two finally getting together.


Name: Adrian Rivera

Age: 14

Date of birth: 18 October 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Mandarin, Media Studies, Computer Science

Extracurriculars: Football, Swimming, Water Polo, Drama, Art

Best friend: Tommy Lewis

Relationship status: Dating Kyle Scott since January 2022 (separated May 2022 but got back together July 2022)

Physical description: Mixed heritage Filipino and Korean, black hair, brown eyes, height 161cm/5’3”, weight 58 kg/128 lbs, slim and spritely, penis (erect) 14 cm/6 inches uncut

Mentoring: Mentored by Kai Baker (Year 13), mentor to Reuben Abara-Forsythe (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

Sharing most of their extracurriculars, Adrian and Danny were in each other’s worlds before really even realising. It was only when Adrian revealed he liked Danny to his best friend, Tommy, that things began to happen. Conspiring to help his friend out, Tommy attempted to set the two up, eventually getting Chris to help. Adrian offered up his affection, but an oblivious Danny accidentally shot him down before realising. Despite this, the two started to become closer friends.

Shortly before the Christmas party in Year 7, Danny offered to have some ‘fun’ with Adrian, though it freaked him out as he had not felt he was ready for that yet. It put a slight distance between them which remained until later in the school year when they reconnected briefly. The encounter led to the discovery of a shared love of sexual roleplay, forming the basis of their friendship. Though they enjoyed just playing together, their imagined scenarios began to require more people and Kyle was invited to join.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

Adrian had continued his sexual roleplay games with Danny throughout Year 8 and into Year 9. When Danny arranged a roleplay that made Brian believe he was actually being raped by Adrian (who remained unaware that Brian wasn’t in on it), the two fell out. While it did push Adrian and Kyle to get together in a relationship that had been building for a while, it pushed Adrian and Danny apart. They reconciled eventually and returned to roleplaying. Adrian began to grow closer to Danny just as a friend, often acting as someone for Danny to talk to outside of his dormmates. Jealousy over the growing bond between Adrian and Danny began to drive a wedge between Adrian and Kyle, to the point where Adrian ended the relationship, leading to a period of repeated and prolonged arguments between the two boys.

During one of the more heated arguments, Adrian revealed information that had been shared by Danny confidentially about Chris and Kyle, leading to even more hurt feelings and Adrian being shunned by almost the entire school. Unable to live with what he had done and how he had hurt people, Adrian had decided to leave Kingswood, but a brief scare around the time of the gas explosion prompted a sudden surge of forgiveness as the boys were shocked into figuring out what really mattered to them. Despite a lot of hurt feelings and some lingering issues, Adrian and Kyle reunited and spent the summer working on strengthening their relationship.


Name: Kyle Scott

Age: 14

Date of birth: 20 October 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Double Award Science, German, Media Studies, Art, Food Technology, Design Technology

Extracurriculars: Football, Tennis, Drama, Astronomy, Cooking, Art

Best friend: Benjamin Hill

Relationship status: Dating Adrian Rivera since January 2022 (separated May 2022 but got back together July 2022)

Physical description: Light brown hair, brown eyes, height 159 cm/5’2”, weight 53 kg/116 lbs, short and skinny, penis (erect) 15cm/6 inches uncut

Mentoring: Mentored by Maxwell Atkinson (Year 13), mentor to Elliott Friedman (Year 7)

Character History

Year 7 (Tales from Kingswood)

At the beginning of Year 7, Kyle’s dorm was not a fun place to be. They lacked the closeness and friendship that seemed to be growing in other dorms, leading Kyle to feel very isolated and unhappy. He eventually got to know both Chris and Danny, developing feelings for both of them, though it was during a half-term break where Kyle remained at school with Chris that a relationship finally developed.

Dealing with some anxiety issues, Kyle often struggled sexually when interacting with anyone other than Chris, leading to a slight possessiveness that drove him to demand monogamy with his boyfriend. Unaware that Chris had continued being both platonically intimate and sexually active with Danny, the revelation eventually came on the last night of Covid lockdown when Chris and Danny accidentally livestreamed a sexual encounter to the whole of Year 7. The following morning, free from lockdown, Kyle dumped Chris immediately.

Eventually reconciling with both Chris and Danny, Kyle continued to be a friend to both, though not quite as close as they had been before the break-up.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

When Danny and Adrian’s sexual roleplays began to require more ‘players’, Kyle was invited in and the three began playing regularly together. While both Kyle and Adrian were attracted to Danny, a closeness began to build between Kyle and Adrian too. After a bad decision by Danny turned a roleplay session into something far more sinister, Adrian and Kyle both fell out with him but as a result ended up getting together.

Though they made up with Danny, Kyle began to get jealous of the bond between him and Adrian, especially considering what had happened with Chris when they were together. Eventually pushing Adrian too far, the two broke up. While many arguments followed, Adrian and Kyle eventually reunited and spent the summer working on strengthening their relationship.


Name: Jasmeet ‘Jazz’ Laghari

Age: 14

Date of birth: 17 January 2008

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, German, Media Studies, Computer Science

Extracurriculars: Rugby, Tennis, Basketball, Chess, Book Club, Photography, Music

Best friend: Rob Wilson

Relationship status: Joined Rob and Luke to form a throuple in June 2022

Physical description: Indian parents, black hair, dark brown eyes, height 163 cm/5’4”, weight 70 kg/154 lbs, chunky but not fat, penis (erect) 13 cm/5 inches uncut

Mentoring: Mentored by Eric Reynolds (Year 13), mentor to Joel Jenkins (Year 7)

Character History

Year 8 (The Kingswood Eight)

Originally coming to Kingswood as part of the Southern Counties Inter-School Partnership Scheme (SCIPS), Jazz was the captain of the Year 8 rugby team for the Fothergill Academy. In a rugby captain tradition between the two schools, opposing captains were paired up for intimate fun. Seeing Jazz’s nervous reluctance, Rob chose Jazz, and though he intended to spare the nervous boy from engaging in anything sexual, the two bonded so quickly and strongly that things happened anyway.

Continuing to spend time with Rob on subsequent visits, Jazz also got to know Rob’s boyfriend, Luke, and grew just as close to him. When two vacancies opened up at Kingswood for Year 9, Jazz was one of many who applied. He was fortunate enough to secure one of the open spots, though much to Rob’s disappointment Jazz did not end up in his dorm.

Year 9 (The Kingswood Effect)

As he began to explore the sexual freedom that Kingswood brought, Jazz enjoyed spending time with Rob and Luke, but didn’t get together with them at first. Starting a brief relationship with another boy from his Year, Jazz eventually broke up and finally joined Luke and Rob to form a throuple.

When a foray into anal activity nearly broke Luke and Rob up, Jazz remained largely oblivious but was eventually filled in on the incident. Helping his boyfriends to recover from the unpleasant incident, the throuple ended the year happier and stronger than ever.


Name: Grayson ‘Gray’ Stone

Age: 14

Date of birth: 3 December 2007

Year Group: 10

GCSE choices: English, Maths, Citizenship, PE, Double Award Science, Geography, French, German, Drama, Music, Food Technology

Extracurriculars: Football, Rugby, Basketball, Martial Arts, Photography, Music

Best friend: None

Relationship status: Single

Physical description: Golden-brown hair, pale brown eyes, height 159 cm/5’3”, weight 60 kg/132 lbs, cute smile and round angelic face, slightly on the short side but very strong athletic build, penis (erect) 13 cm/5 inches uncut

Mentoring: Mentored by Frederick Andrews (Year 13), mentor to Neeraj Khatri (Year 7)

Character History

Before coming to Kingswood

Grayson, usually called ‘Gray’, grew up primarily with his father as his mother died when he was very young and before he could have any siblings. His father did not re-marry. Gray has always been a dedicated and successful student both in the classroom and in athletic pursuits. With seemingly boundless confidence, his excitable energy always kept him bouncing from one activity to the next, which meant a wide circle of acquaintances, but very rarely anyone he could call a close or best friend.

Gray was cautious about coming to Kingswood, partly because it was completely new territory for him, but also because he was reluctant to leave his dad on his own. He was eventually convinced by the opportunities Kingswood could bring, especially for him to explore his sexuality, having recently reached the realisation he was not straight. Having never had a girlfriend and only just beginning to consider the possibility of dating boys, Gray remained largely inexperienced in sexual matters, outside of his own masturbatory habits.


Name: Joseph ‘Joe’ Hunter

Age: 17

Date of birth: 2 February 2005

Year Group: 13

Best friend: Brian Pearson

Relationship status: Single

Physical description: Tall and skinny with ginger wavy hair and brown eyes

Mentoring: Mentor to Danny Davies (Year 10)

Character History

Year 10 (Tales from Kingswood)

While all mentoring bonds at the school are strong, few seemed quite as strong as Joseph and Danny. Joseph knew from the moment he met Danny that he would be a good fit at Kingswood. Joseph helped Danny to settle in quickly, sharing tips right from the start that helped Danny build swift but lasting relationships with his dormmates.

Discovering early on that Danny had a confusing but enjoyable love of exposure and embarrassment, Joseph took great joy in encouraging him to explore it. Unfortunately, the enjoyment of his power over Danny led to him deceiving Danny for a while to keep him locked in chastity. Though he eventually came clean and was forgiven, he swore total honesty with Danny from that point on.

Seeing the unmistakable bond between his best friend, Brian, and his mentee, Danny, Joseph deliberately stayed out of it. Fully aware that sticking his nose in was likely to do more harm than good, he allowed the other two to figure things out on their own, but remained a friend and confidante to both as their relationship developed. Like everyone else, Joseph could see the obvious closeness between Chris and Danny, and while he kept quiet about that too, he remained ready to support Danny whichever way his heart led him.

Year 12 (The Kingswood Effect)

As the relationship between his mentee and best friend continued, jealousy got the better of Joseph. During a period of disagreement between Brian and Danny, Joseph deliberately discouraged Brian from reconciliation, enjoying having Brian back to himself once again. Though he eventually confessed his actions to Danny, it also resulted in Joseph revealing a secret he had never shared with anyone – he loved Brian as more than just a best friend. Eventually putting Danny’s relationship with Brian ahead of his own feelings, he helped the two to reconcile and sought forgiveness for his actions.

Joseph continued on as mentor to Danny and friend to Brian, even when the two broke up, doing his best to remain impartial and support them both. He now moves into his final year at the school with a roommate/best friend struggling to recover from a painful break-up.


Name: Brian Pearson

Age: 17

Date of birth: 30 November 2004

Year Group: 13

Best friend: Joseph Hunter

Relationship status: Single since breaking up with Danny in June 2022

Physical description: Tall and muscular, well hung

Mentoring: Mentor to Chris Smith (Year 10)

Character History

Year 10 (Tales from Kingswood)

Being mentor to Chris and best friend to Joseph, Brian inevitably ended up in Danny’s life, though their relationship was antagonistic at best to begin with. Always referring to Danny by playful nicknames, Brian seemed to enjoy tormenting the boy, though various incidents through Danny’s first year showed that beneath it all, Brian was actually a caring and considerate friend.

An incident involving the school’s gloryholes catapulted Brian’s relationship with Danny forward and although the intimate moments continued, Brian remained just Danny’s best friend’s mentor. After Chris went missing in his ill-advised attempt to return home to see his sick parents and sister, Danny and Brian found comfort in each other. The relief of Chris’ safe return resulted in a very physical celebration for Danny and Brian, marking the first time they made love.

At the end of Danny’s first year at the school, Brian finally accepted his feelings for Danny and made a grand romantic gesture, revealing how he felt. Danny, who had been resistant to the idea of dating, gladly reciprocated and the two began an intense but loving romance.

Year 11 (The Kingswood Eight)

Following the accident that nearly killed both Chris and Danny, Brian struggled to support Chris while also dealing with his own feelings about missing Danny. Becoming a little over-protective upon Danny’s return, Brian continued to be a loving and dedicated boyfriend, assisting where he could in his recovery. The two celebrated their one-year anniversary together in July of 2021.

Year 12 (The Kingswood Effect)

Throughout Year 12, Brian happily spent his time with both Danny and Joseph. Thanks to the intervention of Danny, as well as Joseph’s new relationship with a boy from another school, Brian’s relationship with Joseph grew closer both emotionally and physically, the two engaging in an increasingly sexual bond.

At the Kinkswood festival’s after-party, thoughts and feelings that had been bottled up for quite some time eventually spilled out and Brian ended his relationship with Danny. The exact details of the break-up remained a closely guarded secret, but one of the school’s most notable couples was no more, leading to Brian hiding away from the rest of the school. Before any of the issues could be revealed or resolved, the gas explosion that decimated the Home Building occurred, sending Brian and the rest of the students home for the summer.


Name: Luke Knight

Age: 16

Date of birth: 12 December 2005

Year Group: 12

Best friend: Isaac Lloyd

Relationship status: Dating Rob Wilson since March 2021, in a throuple with Jazz Laghari since June 2022

Physical description: Dark curly hair, short and slim for his age, looks younger than both of his boyfriends

Character History

Year 10 (The Kingswood Eight)

Luke came into Rob’s life through a mutual acquaintance – his roommate, Alex. Having been influenced by two particularly nasty older students, Alex had been somewhat of a ‘villain’ in Luke’s year group. Eventually free of their influence, Alex began to date Rob, bringing the younger boy into their dorm more frequently. Thanks to Rob’s intervention, the rift between Alex and the rest of his dorm was mended, resulting in the group spending much more time together.

During a game of pool, a night with Rob was jokingly offered up as a prize. Luke ended up winning, and despite making Rob scared that he was in for a hard time, he ended up having a quite wonderful evening with Luke. From there, the friendship between Rob and Luke grew, eventually reaching the point where it was more than just friendship. After Rob and Alex broke up, Luke and Rob got together and have continued in a relationship ever since.

After being introduced to Jazz, a visiting boy from another school, Luke became as smitten with him as Rob had become, the three becoming utterly inseparable any time Jazz visited Kingswood. As Rob moved into Year 9, a vacant spot in another dorm was taken by Jazz, much to the couple’s delight as they considered the possibility of adding him to their relationship.

Year 11 (The Kingswood Effect)

Through a series of misassumptions and poor communication, Jazz ended up not joining the couple as they had hoped, leaving Luke and Rob’s relationship slightly strained as they both pined for him. Thankfully, after finally speaking to him honestly, the feelings were reciprocated and Jazz joined, making them an official throuple.

Discovering a love of anal activity with Jazz, Luke kept pushing Rob to try it too and he eventually conceded, though the younger boy had felt pressured into it and it left Rob feeling horribly violated. The incident nearly broke them up once again, but thanks to some timely intervention by Danny, the issue was addressed and resolved. Although Luke remains excessively cautious now on any issues around consent, the throuple remain happy and strong together.

Blane/Mr Smith

Name: Blane Smith

Age: 24

Date of birth: 4 March 1998

Position: Former Teaching Assistant, now PE Teacher

Relationship status: Engaged to Levi Trent

Family: Sinead Smith (mother, 42), Gareth Smith (father, 44), Aisling Smith (sister, 25), Finn Smith (brother, 16), Chris Smith, (brother, 14), Aidan Smith (brother, 8), Cian Smith (brother, 8), Clare Smith (sister, 6), Fiadh (sister, 4)

Physical description: Identical to Chris, but 10 years older and with a lot of time in the gym, well-muscled and extremely fit

Character History

First year at Kingswood (The Kingswood Eight)

Blane had always been close to his siblings growing up, but particularly Chris, meaning he took it hard when his little brother left for Kingswood. Though they still talked weekly, it was not the same, so when a Teaching Assistant job came up at Kingswood, Blane jumped at it, joining the school in August 2020 as Chris started Year 8. Intending to use the two-year position to formalise his teaching qualifications, as well as exploring his study into sports science and physiotherapy, Blane became a popular member of the faculty. He ended up spending a large chunk of his time throughout his first year supporting Danny in recovering from the accident that nearly paralysed him.

While Blane’s time at Kingswood served a professional purpose, it also served to expand his personal interests too, allowing him to explore his newfound bisexuality through various relationships and encounters. Quickly settling into a role as a Dom, Blane had several subs but ended up falling for Mr Trent, beginning a relationship with him.

While his relationship with Chris was a little strained at first, they soon found a good balance and maintained a strong brotherly relationship. During a particularly arousing weekend for Chris, the two brothers took their relationship to a more intimate level. Both reacted badly to the unplanned sexual contact and it almost tore them apart, though they eventually reconciled and grew much closer because of it.

Second year at Kingswood (The Kingswood Effect)

As Blane entered his second year at the school, his sexual activities with his little brother died off, due partly to Chris’ improved emotional state but also Blane’s own now-exclusive relationship with Levi Trent. He continued to spend time with both his brother and boyfriend, but focused mostly on working towards his qualifications, making him take a much smaller part in both of their lives.

Blane and Levi took Danny and Chris on holiday shortly before Christmas 2021, where the quartet bonded closely, eventually planting the idea of a summer holiday. Though Blane was always reluctant to enjoy the perks of his family’s wealth, Blane decided to join the summer vacation to the British Virgin Islands in order to spend more time with his family, inviting Levi and Danny along too. Whilst on holiday, Blane and Levi got engaged and return to Kingswood with thoughts of wedding planning ahead.

Levi/Mr Trent

Name: Levi Trent

Age: 28

Date of birth: 19 August 1994

Position: Former Drama Teacher and First-Floor Master, now just First-Floor Master

Physical description: Average height, very dark brown hair that’s never as tidy as he wants it to be, should always wear glasses but usually doesn’t, quite hairy

Character History

First year at Kingswood (Tales from Kingswood)

Joining the school in August 2019, Mr Trent took up the dual positions of First Floor Master and drama teacher. He quickly proved himself to be a strict but fair Floor Master, getting to know all of the boys living on the First Floor well, and earning their loyalty and respect. Always available for any boy in need of someone to talk to, he developed a particular attachment to dorm 1.01 thanks to their tendency to bring up the biggest dramas.

Following Josh’s contemplated suicide at the end of the Covid lockdown, Mr Trent spent a lot of time supporting all of the boys dealing with the emotional aftermath, but particularly Josh and Danny, the two most directly involved.

Second year at Kingswood (The Kingswood Eight)

When Blane Smith joined the school in August 2020, he formed a quick and strong bond with him, though their relationship was casual to begin with, as Blane was still exploring his newfound bisexuality with various partners. It was only later in the year that Levi and Blane entered into an exclusive relationship. Through a series of accidental and pre-arranged interactions, it was revealed Mr Trent was a sub to Blane and was even offered up as a ‘gift’ to Danny on his birthday, leaving the young teacher restrained and at their mercy – his first sexual interaction ever with a student.

While Mr Trent continued to get close to Chris and Danny (particularly in supporting Chris during Danny’s absence), he also began to form a close bond with Nicky after discovering the body-conscious boy had been secretly using his bathroom to avoid the new communal showers. Their conversations gradually began to uncover the cause of Nicky’s issues and though he handed off primary care to the school’s doctor, he remained a close confidante for the boy as he began to deal with his issues.

Third year at Kingswood (The Kingswood Effect)

Moving into his third year at the school, Mr Trent continued supporting the boys in his role as Floor Master. In his continuing closeness with Blane, Chris and Danny, the four went on a brief vacation before Christmas 2021, during which time Mr Trent revealed more about his reasons for becoming a teacher, one of which was Daniel, the friend/crush he lost to suicide triggered by homophobic bullying when they were still at school.

During the summer of 2022, Levi joined the Smith family on their summer vacation, along with Danny, where he and Blane relaxed their ‘exclusivity’ to allow for a little summer fun. Levi also revealed to Danny that he was intending to propose to Blane, unaware that Blane had the same intentions that he had also revealed to Danny. Eventually, they both proposed and returned home engaged.

Moving into his fourth year at the school, some changes in staffing were implemented, meaning Mr Trent shifted from a dual position to focussing entirely on the wellbeing of the boys in his care as a full-time First Floor Master.



I'm so happy that Chris chose Declan as his mentee! When Declan claimed Chris I must admit it made me cry. Especially since I read The Interview week after the final episode of the Kingswood Effect and was already an emotional mess. I am a bit worried about Danny's choice though. Avery sounds like lots of trouble. And Josh.... can't waint to find out who this [READCTED] boy is!

Mr Luigi

This summary was fun ro read! Thank you Matt. About Gray: Was he ever mentioned in the last books? I cannot remember...

Stories by Matt

Glad it was helpful. No, you've not missed Geay, this is his first mention, technically a spoiler. He's introduced in book 4. 😊

Stories by Matt

Yes, that was a very sweet moment. Slight spoiler, we don't see as much of the mentees throughout book 4 as I would have liked, as other storylines took over, but they're an important part of the boys' lives. They'll likely get more focus throughout book 5 and beyond. As for Josh's choice... hints were given, and you can likely guess, but it's still fun to tease.