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[part 20]

"Five more minutes, mom!" Julia said in her sleepy voice, not yet having realized what her mom had seen. When she noticed what the woman was looking at, she flinched in surprise. She had no idea how to justify what was happening, But before she could say anything, Suzy had forcefully grabbed her niece in her hand, and was violently squeezing her body in front of her face. "Explain yourself this instant, young lady!" she looked horribly angry.

Erin would have gladly tried to speak if her lungs weren't painfully compressed by the sheer strenght of her aunt's grip. All the sweet embarassment that the woman had expressed over the course of the past days had faded, right now there was just an angry god storming her vengeance upon her frail form. Erin wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault, that she was actually the victim here, but words were stuck in her throat, and not just by fear. She felt like it was impossible to breathe.

So naturally, her quick-witted demon of a little sister jumped at the occasion and used a stern disappointed tone towards her. "Oh Erin, you little pervert! How many times have i told you that you shouldn't sneak up on family like that?" Somehow the strenght of Suzy's grip increased even more. "Sorry Auntie. She was trampled once by accident and apparently it fried her brain. She's been acting weird ever since. She won't stop being around me and mom's feet for some reason." While a smirk formed on Julia's face for realizing that she was out of trouble, Suzy still coulnd't get past the image of the naked girl licking her daughter's feet while she slept. "At least she gives killer massages, but i get it, it's a bit embarassing to see her acting like this". Suzy couldn't believe her ears.

"It's bad enough to have a shrinkee in the family you know?" That was it. The hippie, progressist facade of the woman had reared its ugly head. She was just another intolerant bigot that looked at shrinkies as lesser humans. And how could she be blamed, when even the government wouldn't do anything to change peoples' minds? "I tried to be helpful with you. I sat you at my table, and gave you my food" Erin shivered at the thought of the tainted meal she had eaten the night before. "And this is how you repay me? I could pretend to ignore you when you came to my room and did whatever it was you did" Rachel and Julia acted shocked, like they had no idea what she was talking about. "That's right, i felt her touching me inappropriately tonight. I felt something touching me while i was sleeping, and i didn't want to believe it at first." The woman gave the tiny a stern look of disappointment. "And i was even willing to ignore it, to pretend like it had never happened, but my daughter? No, that's not going to happen in my house." She was blushing in embarassment while saying those words.

"Honestly auntie" Rachel seemed to try to help her for some reason "I don't think there's anything sexual about it. Is there, Erin?" she looked at her sister, who shook her head while still held in her aunt's hand. She didn't know why her sister was trying to be helpful in the situation that she'd created herself, but she couldn't let this opportunity slip out. "I think she's adapting to a role that suits her the most. She's more of a dog than a person after all". There it was. Rachel had quickly found a way to ease her aunt into Erin's unwanted new role in life. "Mom and i actually tried to have her live normally you know" she blatantly lied. "But i guess this is is what she's naturally drawn to. Her nature, if you will." she shrugged.

Suzy seemed convinced enough. She slowly put her shrunken niece on the floor in front of her, and while still looking at her with disappointment, she seemed to be much less angry. "I think you owe me an apology for what happened tonight" She said. From that perspective, she looked like a god. "Sorry, auntie" Erin muttered "It will never happen again" she said, taking the blame for something that was in no way her responsibility. "Apologize properly" Rachel easily switched back to the more familiar stern tone of her voice. She puckered her lips to form a kiss, instructing her sister about what she meant with a simple gesture. She had been quick enough so her aunt wouldn't see her.

Erin kneeled in front of her aunt's feet and tried to get her face closer to the toes. Suzy instinctively withdrew her foot backwards, but Rachel reassured her "Don't worry, it's her way to say she's sorry" she lied again. Suzy rolled her eyes, and presented her foot to Erin, who proceeded to smother it with kisses while carefully avoiding the flip flop straps that were in the way. Once she was past the initial embarassment, she gave a faint smile, and turned her head towards Julia and Rachel. "You know" she said "The world would be a better place if every tiny knew their place like her" before simply stepping away from Erin and leaving the room. "Breakfast is ready, girls" she said before closing the door behind her.

The cousins waited a few seconds, then both started laughing incontrollably, playfully hitting each other, still barely believing that they had once again gotten away with it. "See, foot girl? Even my mom thinks you're gross!" Julia eventually said to poor Erin. "Hah!" spouted Rachel. "I like foot girl, but i think Toejam sticks more!" she teased her sister. Then she grabbed her face between her fingertips, and painfully squeezing it she muttered "You've been a good girl with aunt Suzy, i liked that" she then pushed her away and stood up from the bed. "Let's get some breakfast!" she said enthusiastically.


When they entered the kitchen, Erin was bothered when she noticed that her plate was the only one missing from the table. Rachel casually dropped her on the table, but her aunt quickly scolded her. "No pets on the table" she said, very casually. The girls couldn't believe their ears, and the big cousins bursted out laughing, but those words crushed Erin's soul. She had lost her only ally in the house. Donna entered the room in that moment, right in time to hear her sister talking to the girls. "If she wants to be a dog, she gets to be one. So from now on, she stays under the table while people eat, then she can eat what we leave her from there." she pointed at a plastic bowl in the corner of the room.

Before a confused Donna could ask anything, Suzy was quick to explain the situation. "Your daughter" she winced at the mention of the girl "Was licking the bottoms of Julia's feet while she slept this morning". Donna gave an angry look at poor Erin. "So i'm giving her what she wants." she continued. Still snickering, Rachel put Erin on the floor next to her feet while Donna said "Let's eat. I'll deal with you later" with a severe expression on her face.

While her family ate, Erin could only contemplate their legs under the table. Donna and Rachel were wearing their pijamas, while Julia was only in her white panties, her bare legs extended under the table. The only one to be fully clothed was her aunt, who was probably dressed to go to work. While she observed her environment, Erin felt the presence of the familiar big toe of her sister tapping her shoulder. The girl was eating and casually speaking to the other women, but she was wasting no time in making her life miserable. The tap quickly became a series of nudges, to the point that Rachel simply pinned her on the ground and played with her body using only her toes. Protesting was useless, so Erin simply stood there, hoping the breakfast wouldn't last much longer.

When the women finished, Erin observed as they left the table one after the other, while her aunt grabbed her own plate, and using her cutlery scooped some leftover food into the bowl in the corner of the room. "Be quick" she only said. "I need to go to work." Rachel gave her one last stomp, then swung her on the side, allowing her to walk to the bowl. As Donna and Suzy picked up the dirty plates, Erin made her way to her food, and ate what she could. "What a disgrace" she heard behind her. Her aunt was commenting on the pitiful sight, uncaring that she could hear her. "I know." Donna added. "To think that i was so proud of her, and now look at that. Groveling at people's feet like an animal. At least it does feel good, you know?"  Erin wasn't looking at them, but she could tell by the long pause that her aunt was disgusted by those words. "Oh don't be a bigot" she heard her mom say. "I'll let you try her later, i promise you'll change your mind."

Erin could hardly swallow another lump of food, when her bowl was lifted in front of her very eyes. "Time's up, dog" her aunt severely said. She saw the woman throw what was left of her meal in the trash, and after saying goodbye to anyone but her, leaving for work. Donna picked her up from the ground. She was visibly angry. "As for you" she said, looking at her dead in her eyes. "I told you not to do your silly gimmicks here, didn't I?" Erin was speechless. Once again, she was forced to take the blame for something she had been literally forced to do. "Do you have any idea how embarassing it is to have you around like this?" She involuntarily squeezed her. "You just can't be trusted, can you" she squeezed her a second time. "You're grounded" She added after a brief pause. She hadn't heard that expression in years, but she was now definitely subject to such power imbalances just like when she was a teen. Rachel and Julia laughed not far from them as soon as they heard the word grounded. "I was thinking of taking you around the city today with me and Rachel" Donna added "But you'll stay in the cage instead." Rachel tried to intervene "You know mom, she could come with us -and- be punished at the same time" she was grinning like a maniac, and Erin knew exactly that it meant that she wanted to carry her in her shoes. "No." Donna answered, adamantly. "She stays in the cage, all alone."


Donna had no way of knowing that she had saved her from certain torture, and actually spending some time by herself wasn't that bad. As she dropped her in the cage, Rachel had threatened her that she would eventually get to punish her later, but for the moment, she was enjoying the peace. Everyone had left the house now; Donna and Rachel were out shopping, Suzy was at work, and Julia had left for the gym, so she had some time to actually rest, something she hadn't done in a while. She was abruptly awaken when Julia came back home and smashed her gym bag on the floor. "Wake up Toejam" Erin heard her cousin say. "I need your help with something." She had no idea of what the girl wanted, or even how much time had passed, but the tone didn't admit any form of reply. She feared for the worst when she noticed that she was still wearing her sweaty gym clothes, sign that she hadn't bothered showering after her workout.

As soon as she had made sure that Erin was awake, Julia left the room without further elaborating. The sun was high up, so Erin judged that it must have been around noon. She had slept for at least three hours, and was still trying to adjust to being awake when she heard something that sounded like a muffled cry. It was plausible that it was some kind of other noise that her sleepy brain had misheard, when she heard it again, but louder. This time it was unmistakable. It was a woman's voice, and she sounded like she was in distress.

When the stranger screamed a third time, this time much louder, two things were clear. One, she was calling for help, and two, it came from Julia's gym bag. "HELP! SOMEBODY!". Erin had no idea what to do, but before she could decide that she wanted to help this woman, Julia entered the room with a sports drink in her hand. "Aaaah" she loudly said as she took a massive sip of the orange substance. She then proceeded to open her gym bag, and proudly retrieved its screaming content. In her hands, she now had a minuscle woman, probably even smaller than Erin herself, who was dressed in gym attire as well. Despite looking distraught from the not so comfortable trip to the house, with her ruffled blonde hair which framed a facial expression that betrayed her fear, she looked gorgeous. She was probably in her late 20's or early 30's, and easily looked like she could be a fitness model.

"Put me down this instant!" the tiny exclaimed, trying her best to sound threatening. But it seemed to have no effect on the cruel girl who held her in her hands. If anything, the smile on her face had grown bigger. "Listen young lady" the woman continued. "You're already in trouble for bringing me here. Don't make it worse and bring me back to the gym right now!". She seemed to be unaware of Erin's presence, and Julia seemed to pay absolutely no attention to her threats. When a noise came from the corridor, sign that the front door had been opened, Julia simply squeezed the woman's head between thumb and index finger, muffling her ramblings with zero effort. Rachel and Donna had come home, and Rachel went straight to the girl's room.

"Hey Julia, hey Toej-" she froze on the spot as soon as she noticed the sporty woman held in her cousin's hand, her tiny face red from both shame and pure rage. "Julia, what the hell!" was the only thing she could say.




That chapter is even more killer than Erin's foot massages!😄 Fantastic work mate!

Brittany boots

Would have loved Donna to go through with rachels idea of punishment with insist of wearing erin in her own shoe instead