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Part 1 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-1-74677814

part 1 (pic) -  https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-jin-75125109

part 2 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-2-75873772

part 2 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-kim-76155872

part 3 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-3-77400842

part 3 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-77778377

part 4 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-4-78686928

part 4 (pic) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-79132903

part 5 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-80340868

part 5 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-80676828

Part 6 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-6-83040224

part 6 (pic) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-6-83759084

part 7 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-7-84972640

Part 7 (pic) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-7-85243161

[part 8]

Not only Zoe did nothing to oppose Jun's request, her expression was a dead giveaway for the fact that she was very much into the idea. With some difficulty, Jun managed to remove her top, and gasped at the sight of the girl's tits hanging in front of her. It wasn't the first time she saw them of course, but the situation was now much kinkier than usual. Zoe found the girl's touch to be much softer and caring than Kim's and although she enjoyed being manhandled by the bigger girl, she found herself to be quite fond of this more attentive approach. 

Eventually Jun grabbed enough courage to be more direct, and decided to kiss Zoe on her bare chest. It was nothing more than a peck, a timid brush of her lips on her exposed skin, and it was nothing compared to the storm of passion that Kim subjected her to whenever she decided that she wanted a kiss.  The lustful smile on the tiny's face had been enough for the giantess to confirm that her kiss was well accepted, so she did it one more time. Still very shily, but this time her lips indulged a bit more while on contact with the chest of her shrunken friend.

"Sorry if i'm a bit clumsy, it's the first time i do anything like this"  Jun admitted. "Yeah no shit" Zoe thought to herself, and decided not to say it out loud. Instead, she decided to encourage her friend, especially since she was getting increasingly hornier quite fast, and din't want to miss the opportunity to be played with. "It's not like you get a doll sized hottie any day" she joked while stroking her tits, and Jun seemed to receive it well. Once again, she kissed her, but this time her lips were directed on her face. It was clear that she didn't know how to advance further, so Zoe decided to take a bit more control of the situation. After all, she was the one with more experience when it came to gigantic intercourse. She quickly removed her pants while still in the hands of the asian girl, who looked at her intensely, not hiding that she was obviously attracted by her curves. 

"Why are you still dressed?" Zoe said boldly, and Jun's expression changed. She was way too shy for something like that, and she realized she hadn't thought it through. If she wanted to do anything with Zoe, she definitely had to strip, so she put her friend down at her feet, and slowly took her top off. Her attempt at being sexy was quite fun to watch, but it was sweet. It was obvious that she wasn't used to whatever she was doing, but she was definitely putting in an effort. "Like what you see?" the giantess managed to overcome her shyness, and despite not sounding very convincing, if at all, Zoe did like what she saw. A lot. From her perspective, the petite asian girl looked like a god in human form, and despite the time that Zoe had already spent around the two bigger girls, the sight was still something that amazed her. Not to mention the fact that she was finally getting to see Jun in all her naked glory. 

It was her turn now. She removed her shorts and stood there, waiting for Jun to make her move; but when it was clear that the girl was not sure about what to do, she decided to worship the only thing that was at her level. She basically dove on top of Jun's left foot, and did what could only be described as making out with it. She showered it in kisses, while Jun sensuosly wiggled her toes; her gesture was much appreciated. But Zoe was abruptly snatched from the ground, and when she found herself face to face with the giantess, the girl said "You've had enough of my feet." she then lowered her so she was level with her left nipple, and delicately rubbed her body on her breasts. The nipple became erect in half a second, and when Zoe was stable enough, she used her hands to hold her balance, and did her best to suck on it. It was hard at her size, it would barely fit her mouth, but the moans of pleasure she was hearing meant that Jun appreciated her gesture, despite the fact that she was trying not to make too much noise.


Kimberly stopped the timer. It had been a great workout. She chugged a massive gulp of water, and wiped her forehead, satisfied with her performance. When she removed her headphones, she heard noises coming from Jun's room, which meant the girls were finally home. She grabbed the package that had been delivered that morning so she could give it to her roommate, and walked towards her room. She could only hear muffled sounds, like somebody was trying to talk softly, but she didn't mind too much. The door was not completely closed, which meant that there was no need for privacy. Or at least she thought. Before she could open the door, she was immediately greeted by the sight of her naked roommate holding something to her breast; only after a few seconds she realized that it wasn't something. It was Zoe. Wasn't the small bitch satisfied with what had happened the night before? Did she have to steal her crush? 

She was fuming, and even considered yelling at the two. But before she could do something so inconsidearate, she thought better. Jun had no idea that she had a crush on her, and storming inside during such a delicate moment would ruin any chance she could have in the future. Instead, taking advantage of the fact that both girls seemed to be too busy to notice her, she walked towards her room, to lay off some steam and think clearly. Surely, she would get her revenge on Zoe, but not right now. When she threw the package on the bed, she realized that maybe there was something petty that she could do to get back at her roommate without many consequences. She decided to open her package just out of spite, and imagine what to do with it based on its contents. 

When she opened it, she could not believe her eyes. The shape of the object itself wasn't too clear; it looked like a pen with some buttons on it, but the letter that came with it freed her of any doubts. It was a shrinking device. The letter explained that this one was a prototype. It was of the utmost importance that it didn't fall in the hands of the competition, and that could not only enlarge and shrink based on the user's choice, but it could also be used multiple times. She had hit the jackpot, and a sinister smile formed on her face while she read the instructions.


Meanwhile, Zoe and Jun were both so caught in the extasy of the moment that they barely even remembered that their roommate was home. When Zoe was satisfied with the sucking, she took her mouth off the enormous nipple, and while looking at Jun straight in her eyes, she said "I want you to lick my pussy". It was weird to be so direct and commanding with somebody so much bigger, but it was something that had its effect on the giantess. Blushing. but wIthout a single complaint, Jun brought her friend close to her mouth and used the tip of her tongue to stimulate Zoe's nether regions. She didn't want to push too far in fear of hurting her, but even the tip of her tongue was enough to send a spiral of pleasure down Zoe's spine.

As she went on, she gained more and more confidence, to the point when she was full on assaulting the body of her diminutive friend. Zoe could literally not take it anymore, and eventually begged Jun to stop. Not because she was actually suffering, but because she could not handle the intense waves of delight that were running through her whole body. Worried, Jun stopped what she was doing, and asked "Are you hurt?" It took a few seconds for Zoe to answer, but it was immediately clear that she was the very opposite of hurt. She was in heaven. "Put me down" she said. "I want to repay the debt". Jun put her at floor level, and after making sure she had understood the request, she sat close to her. It was still awkward to have her naked friend so close to her pussy, so she scooted just a bit far from her.

"Are you playing hard to get?" Zoe teased, and ran towards the wet opening between Jun's legs. Strong with the experience with the other rougher girl, she now knew exactly what to do at her size to make sure that Jun would enjoy her stay between her legs, but was cautious enough to approach the matter with the gentleness that someone who had most likely never been touched before needed. She started slowly, by kissing the outer lips. But even this slow approach made Jun shiver. "You have no idea what's coming" Zoe thought to herself, and when she deemed it was time, she went for the exposed clitoris. Jun practically screamed when the tiny tongue touched the most sensitive area of her body, and did her best to muffle her voice. 

Coincidentally, it was the exact same moment when Kim entered the room, and she had a device in her hand and a mischevous smile on her face. Jun barely had the time to acknowledge her presence; Kim aimed the device in her direction and the asian girl was invested by a warm feeling through her bones.



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