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Part 1 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-1-74677814

part 1 (pic) -  https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-jin-75125109

part 2 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-2-75873772

part 2 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-kim-76155872

part 3 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-3-77400842

part 3 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-77778377

part 4 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-4-78686928

part 4 (pic) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-79132903

part 5 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-80340868

part 5 (pic) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-5-80676828

Part 6 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-6-83040224

part 6 (render) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-6-83759084

[part 7]

It wasn't the first time that Zoe had found herself in front of Kim's crotch, but at the same time, it hadn't stopped being an absolutely mesmerizing sight. She was unable - and unwilling -  to move, stuck in the grip of a hand that felt like it could have crushed her whole body by gently squeezing it, and she knew that she was about to go inside the gigantic sex of this beautiful woman. She was loving the idea. Kim was gentler this time. She had her gently pressed on her outer labia, and Zoe could feel the wetness of the woman's pussy mixing with the perspiration of her body, and the smell of lust was driving her crazy.

Kim eventually decided it was enough foreplay, and she was definitely wet enough; he pushed the tiny inside of her, having to use her other hand to muffle her own screams of pleasure in order not to wake her other roommate. She was slow at first, then gradually accelerated the ups and downs she was subjecting her friend to. For a second, she even worried for her health, but then she remembered when she had kept her a whole night inside her ass and she had turned out to be fine. In addition, this thought had only served to make her hornier, and she came for the third time in a row, while pushing Zoe inside of her. 

Satisfied, she sat on the floor, and while wheezing in pleasure, she enjoyed  watching Zoe's tiny legs wiggling out of her womanhood, and tried to imagine them belonging to Jun. She caressed the tiny legs all the way to the tiny feet, all while sensuosly biting her upper lip. She grabbed the tiny ankles, and pulled out the tiny girl just as much as she needed her to expose her nether regions, then used her fingers to pleasure her while her upper body wiggled inside of her. It was heaven. The more pleasure she gave the tiny, the more she would give her. It was like having a living, breathing vibrator inside of her, that could also experience pleasure. Both girls were in heaven. 

She kept her there a bit longer after she'd finished using her, relishing on the sensation of power it gave her. When she had regained her breath, she pinched her ankles, and pulled her out completely, letting out an involuntary "oh!" that gave away her excitement. Zoe was completely drenched in her juices, and wore a smile on her face that ran from ear to ear. If Kim was worried that she had pushed her a bit too much, now she was sure that she had enjoyed the experience at leas as much as she had. "You ok there, tiny one?" she touched her on the front of her body, and Zoe shivered from the contact. She simply nodded, unable to form any coherent thought after the incredible experience.

Kim had kissed her, then helped clean herself, and only after she had made sure that she could walk back to her room had helped her find her clothes, then let her go back to sleep.


Zoe had only slept for no more than four hours, when Jun's face popped out of the roof of her box. "Wake up sleepy" she poked her with her finger. "Come on, it's a beautiful day". Zoe wanted to tell her to piss off, that she needed some sleep after the night she had spent with her room mate, but for some reason she couldn't get herself to be mad at the girl. She was just too nice. "I've got a surprise for you!" the asian girl said in a cheerful tone. What could it be? Zoe rubbed her eyes, trying to send away the tiredness, and listened to what Jun had to say. "You've spent too much time in this house". For a second, it seemed like Jun wanted to kick her out, which of course made no sense. "You need to see the outside world!". Was she actually proposing her to go out? But how would she act among regular sized people? What would happen to her?

Seeing her perplexity, Jun said "Oh, come on! It'll be fun! It'll be like a date!" Only to blush as soon as she said that. "Of course, only if you feel like it!" she was quick to add, as if she wanted to take back what she'd said. Zoe's eyes had widened in surprise because she wasn't expecting a proposal like that, but she was exstatic at the idea of seeing the outside world again. When she was able to talk again, she let out a loud "YES!" that gave away the enthusiasm she felt about the plan. "Where are we going?" she asked inquisitively. Now relieved that Zoe had accepted, Jun explained to her that she would take her to her favorite places in town, first to the park, then to the movie theater and after that to a new japanese style cafe that they'd opened a few months back not too far from the house itself. It would be an interesting day.

They left when Kim was apparently still sleeping, and unfortunately Jun had to find a place to hide her friend. She chose a handbag that would fit her nicely and after she made sure she would be ok inside she left for the park. They spent the whole morning there, and Zoe was glad enough to just see the sun from inside the handbag, being able to hear the voices of people around her enjoying the sunny day, and waiting for when Jun would be able to grow her back again. Jun, on the other hand, had taken her shoes off and simply read a book, being very careful that nobody would get too close to her handbag. Having Zoe noticed now that the shrinking gun replacement that she'd asked her father was about to be delivered would complicate things a great deal. She still hadn't told Zoe that the gun was supposed to arrive the day after, she wanted it to be a surprise.


Unexpectedly, the courier had been early on his rounds, and had rang the girls doorbell twice. He had been on the verge of leaving, when a very sleepy, grumpy Kim had answered the door. The guy was astounded by the girl's beauty, to the point that he didn't even verify that she was the actual recipient of the unmarked package, and just gave it to her. Kim, on her side, frustrated that she'd been woken by a courier for a package that wasn't even hers, called out Jun's name a couple times, and when she didn't answer back, she simply took the package to her room and went back to sleep.


Jun, meanwhile, shared a snack with her friend, still carefully hidden in the bag, and eventually went to the theather. "It's a good way to only pay one ticket" she joked with her friend on the way there. When the trailers started, Jun noticed that there was no way that Zoe would be able to watch the movie from where she was, so she decided to position her in a more comfortable spot, which happened to be exactly between her breasts. She had of course made sure that Zoe would be ok with it, but it didn't change the fact that her heart was racing. Partly with the embarassment of having her friend so close to a very intimate spot, and partly because she seemed to enjoy it a great deal. She had hoped that Zoe wouldn't notice her blushing, but the miniaturized girl could feel very well the increased rythm of the gigantic heart behind her. As a result, both of them watched very little of the movie, while focused on trying to poorly hide their respective feelings for each other.

Jun had been waiting for this movie for a long time, it was supposed to be the sequel of the year, but her whole attention had been drawn from her by the girl between her breast. It had been very hard to think of the story while the small body was gently pressed on her chest, and Zoe's experience had been just complementary. She relished in the gentle motion of the gigantic girl's breaths, as her chest rose up and down in the dark comfort of the movie theater, paying little to no attention to what was happening on the screen.

When they went out, Jun didn't even propose to put her back into her purse. As soon as the lights were turned on again, she smiled to her friend and motioning her to stay silent, she pushed her further down her bosom using her fingertip. Usually, she would have been uncomfortable with people thinking that she'd gone to the cinema by herself, but this time she didn't care in the slightest; partly because she was, in fact, not alone, but also because how much she was enjoying having Zoe there.

"I hope you're going to like where we're going next" she whispered to Zoe while boarding the bus. When it was clear that they'd reached their destination, Zoe peeked out of Jun's top, only to see a place that was plastered with japanese signs. - SAKURA MAID CAFE - Was the only thing written in english, and while she knew exactly what a maid cafe was, she had thought that it would be mostly a place for guys. Instead, Jun seemed to enjoy it very much, and the girls were very friendly with her. She engaged in conversations with the "maids" like she was used to it, and they seemed to really enjoy the company of a woman for once. They still acted very politely to her, and Zoe couldn't help but notice that they called her "master", but for the rest of the time, it was quite a regular day out. Jun even let her taste some of the food when nobody was looking.


When they came back home, Kim was working out, and Jun seemed to be in a very good mood. They approached the bed, and when Jun put her friend on the bed, she stripped out of her top like nobody was around. "Oh" she said while awkwardly covering herself, actually surprised that there was somebody with her. "I'm sorry, i have no idea how i forgot about you". But Zoe didn't seem to be bothered by that. "Look, i just spent the day between them, right?" she pushed her confidence a bit further. "Getting a good look at them is the least you can grant me" she winked. She hoped that she hadn't crossed any boundaries too far, but judging by Jun's mischievous smile, she had appreciated. "You're right" the giantess leaned closer to her friend. She was trying to act sexy, but it resulted in a great deal of cute awkwardness. "We did get very intimate today". It was like being served by all those maids had pushed something inside of her that she was ready to unleash on Zoe. She grabbed the tiny in her hand, and asked "Mind if i see what's underneath here as well?"



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