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Part 1 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-1-62064702

Render 1- https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-76004919

Part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-2-62653232

Render 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-76430838

Part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-3-63283274

Render 3 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-77473393

Part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-4-63841505

Render 4a - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-77922992

Render 4b- https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-78799223

Part 5 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-5-64806202

Render 5 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-80146415

Part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-6-65325578

Part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-7-66006209

Render 7- https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-81283668

Part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-8-66865421

render 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-render-83181482

Part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-9-67478530

Part 10 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68058777

Part 11 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-68469764

Part 12 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-69136977

Part 13 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-75266348

part 14 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-76273753

part 15 -https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-78166270

part 16 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-79649737

part 17 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/diagnosed-part-82749738

[part 18]

As Rachel sat a few feet away from her sister and cousin, the two girls stood in front of one another for a few seconds. Julia then approached the sitting giantess, and when she noticed that Erin was standing in the center of the room, she snapped her fingers at her, effectively commanding her to follow her. "Erin, heel!" she stated, pointing at the floor below her, and the shrunken girl unhappily obliged. 

Julia was amazed at how easily her detested cousin was following orders without batting an eye, and decided to play with her a bit longer before sitting. She stepped towards the door, and when Erin stood on the spot, watching her, she seemed irritated. "Heel, girl!" she repeated the command. "Doesn't she know what it means?" she asked her amused cousin. "the problem is not the command" answered Rachel. "You should call her by her true name" Julia looked at her with curiosity. "Go, Toejam, follow your owner's friend!" she signed at her sister, who meekly obliged "Toejam!" shouted Julia in disbelief "That's so gross!". Rachel, laughing as well, said "If you think that's gross, you don't want to know how she earned that name!" Julia looked at her with great interest "She ate a lump of Toejam while i had my friends over". Julia squeezed her eyes in disgust, and let out an even louder "EEEEEEEEW! You're disgusting, Erin! How did you get so low!"

Of course Erin would have gladly avoided to do any of that, but she had been forced to, not much differently from anything that she'd done over the past month. Not surprisingly, Julia seemed very eager to try this new form of torture, and had lifted one leg behind her, in order to inspect the sole of her foot. After a few seconds of search, she had then stuck her index finger between two of her toes, and had scooped something too small to be visible from the distance, but that was already quite clear to the shrunken girl. 

"Erin, come" holding her right hand close to her chest, she used her other index finger to point at one point on the floor close to her, only to correct herself seconds later "Toejam, come!" she looked at her other cousin, who nodded in sign of approval. Erin hated being called that, and it definitely wasn't the reason why she hadn't followed the command earlier. But there was no point in making her wait, the only thing she'd achieve would be to make the girls angrier. She slowly approached her impatient cousin, and when she reached her tapping foot on the ground, she couldn't get herself to look up. Julia squatted where she was standing, and with a finger lifted the girl's chin so she was forced to look at her in her eyes. "Open your mouth" she said, using a tone that admitted no reply, but as soon as Erin was about to comply, Suzy's voice came from outside "Girls! Dinner!" the woman called, and Erin thought she had been saved by the bell. "We're coming, mom!" answered Julia without standing up. Apparently, she was determined to fulfill her horrible plan. Without waiting any further, she shoved the lump of toejam that she'd removed from between her toes in Erin's face, and when she instinctively refused to open her mouth, she used her other hand to block her in place, and forced the tip of her finger between her lips. "Swallow" she commanded, and despite every fiber of her being screaming to spit out the foul content of her mouth, Erin complied.


The giant girls came to the dinner table, and Suzy's question took Rachel by surprise. "Where did you leave your sister?". The girl wasn't ready to answer, especially because her sister hadn't eaten at people's table since she had shrunk, so she hesitated, and glanced at her mom in search for help. "I already told aunt Suzy that we forgot her special dining kit at home" Donna said while looking at her straight in her eyes. "But your aunt was so thoughtful that she put up an extra spot for her until we buy a replacement". It was clear that her mom was trying to save face, so Rachel played along. "Oh, right. Thanks auntie" the girl said then added "I'll go get her from her room".

Erin could not expect what happened later. Rachel had entered her room, taken her from her cage, and after letting her put on her rag, she threatened her so she would  play the part of the happy sister. Erin then found herself sitting on a napkin ring, in front of her a spoon placed on the table that she could use as a plate, and a miniature plastic fork, the ones that could be used for olives and fries that would replace a normal fork. "Thank you auntie!" she said, almost with tears in her eyes, barely believing that she was sitting at a table with other people instead of underneath it. "Oh, it's nothing" Suzy answered, then started serving the food. When it came to Erin, the older woman turned to her daugher and asked her to cut the meat in little pieces so the girl would be able to eat it using her fork. As much as she despised doing something for her cousin, the girl obliged, and then placed the finely cut meat into Erin's "plate". 

"Bonne apetit" she hissed, looking at her with a gaze that only meant "you're going to pay for this", but Erin paid her little attention. All her mind was now focused on the delicious meal in front of her, and she quickly took a bite, relishing in the taste of something she had long forgotten. "Sorry girls, i didn't have time to cook anything fancy", Suzy apologized, probably fishing for compliments, but to Erin, that was the  first meal in weeks that wasn't a spit-out, half-chewed leftover given her by her sister, and tasted like heaven. "No aunty, this is incredible!" she spouted sincerely. 

*cough* "Kissass!" Julia said, eating another forkful of food, much to the amusement of her other cousin. "Julia!" Her mother scolded her. The older woman then turned her attention to her own sister "You know, Erin is much more tame than... well, before" she said, in the embarassment of not really be able to circle around the subject of her niece being a fraction of her size. While the older women conversed, trying to catch up after months apart, their gaze was away from the girls. The youngest, taking advantage of her mother's distraction, made sure Erin was watching, and used her finger to scoop another lump of toejam from her right foot; while indicating Erin to stay silent, she dropped it straight into her plate, much to her dismay. Rachel laughed out loud at the nonchalant display of superiority, and the sudden commotion caught the attention of the older women. "What's so funny?" Donna inquired, and the silence in the room indicated that they were up to some mischief, but the bigger girls kept eating like nothing had happened. When it was clear that nobody would talk, and after noticing that Erin had suddently stopped eating the meal she had been praising up to that moment, Suzy inquired "Is everything alright with your meal, honey?". But instead of Erin, the answer came from Julia "Oh, she's probably filled up with some junk food before dinner" she mocked her cousin, and Rachel bursted out laughing again. "Yeah Erin! Eat up! There's plenty more of that where it came from" she winked at her sister.

After Erin's hesitation, Rachel turned serious and hissed "Eat." which left very little to imagination. Knowing she would be punished otherwise, Erin took another bite from her tainted meal, and tried to keep the same enthusiasm so her aunt wouldn't suspect a thing. Julia watched her with great fascination as the shrunken girl chewed on something that had her foot dirt on, and smiled in satisfaction. Suzy knew there was something going on, but she just couldn't pin her finger on it, while Donna simply ignored the girls. 


After dinner, the girls had helped their mothers fix the table, and had gone back to their room. They didn't miss the chance to use the fact that Erin had obviously done nothing as a leverage to punish her even more. "You know, it's not fair that you don't do anything around the house" Julia had said "But..." Erin tried to reply "And let me tell you that i really didn't like you kissing my mom's ass like that". Erin had actually meant what she'd said, but she knew the brats would use just anything against her so she just stopped replying. "Now we need to find you something to do" Julia said, looking around herself, and Rachel proposed to use her to paint her toes. At first the girl was confused. After all, how could somebody so small be able to hold the brush? Then she realized what her cousin meant, and in just a few minutes, Erin found herself with her head stuck between her cousin's big and second toe, her ears muffled by the titanic flesh, looking straight at her satisfied sister while Julia painted her toes a dark blue. She was unable to hear what they were saying, but she knew they were pointing at how much she deserved what was happening for being the one who did it to them years prior.

She was able to hear the sounds of the world again when Julia snapped her out of her position, in order to change toe gap, and Rachel had an idea. "You know what? Instead of facing outwards, why don't you shove her face the other way?" Julia cackled at the idea, and immediately accepted the suggestion. So now poor Erin was not just unable to hear the world around her, but also to see anything that wasn't the dirt between her younger cousin's toes. Julia took her sweet time, loving the fact that Erin was forced into such an uncomfortable position, and when she finally finished, she mocked her for how dirty her face looked. 

"It's getting late" she eventually said when she looked at her watch. "We should go to sleep". Rachel agreed, and the girls decided to share the double bed, while Erin was of course placed at the foot of it. "Do you mind if we watch something?" Julia asked her cousin, turning the TV on.



