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prologue - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-prologue-47071748

part 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-1-47375560

part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-2-47875128

part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-3-57357415

part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-4-57931897

part 5 (with picture) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-collage-5-65081478

part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-6-65680918

part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-7-67755808

part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-8-68207074

part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-9-71656456

part 10 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-10-72507955

part 11 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-11-81139395

part 12 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-12-82149197

part 13 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-13-83531768

[part 14]

Gloria didn't blink the whole time, her eyelids far apart in a state of catatonic shock. Luckily, a copious stream of tears prevented her eyes to dry out. Witnessing what had happened to her to somebody else was nothing short of ethereal. She had no idea how or where Hillary had acquired something so powerful, but she sure knew how to use it. No more than a few seconds after she had stung Mark's arm, the confused man had started dwindling. 

Now back with her confidence, Hillary watched with a grin on her face as the big guy disappeared inside clothes that had nowhere to fall anymore but the ground. When his outfit had completely folded over itself, she bent over it, scanning its outline until she saw some movement among the folds of the expensive shirt. Gloria saw Hillary extend her arm calmly, after all she had all the time in the world, until she retrieved her fiance.

Mark was in shock. He could not emit a single sound, much like how it had happened to her, but his expression denoted that he was aware to some degree and could tell that something was definitely wrong. As Hillary lifted him up in the air by an ankle, a groan that sounded like he was trying to scream was the only thing that could be heard in the room, along with the muffled shrieks coming from Gloria's taped mouth. "What was the big idea, huh?" Hillary flicked him in the face, causing him to bring both hands to his nose. The impact was violent enough to make him bleed a little, and it gave him enough boost to actually snap out of his trance.

He could barely get himself to say anything coherent, after all, the power in the room had dramatically shifted away from him in the blink of an eye. From strong, powerful and in control, he was now in the literal hands of someone who he never thought would represent a menace for him in any way. "Well? Nothing to say, you little pig?" she hit him a second time, and this time his painful response could be heard through the whole house. "This is who you were going to marry?" Hillary flapped around Mark's figure in front of Gloria, and for the first time, the man recognized the bound, helpless form of her fiancee. Their eyes locked for an instant that seemed to last hours, and Gloria even thought that she was happy to see him again. Then she realized the reason why he was in that situation, and couldn't help but look away in shame "Baby? What the fuck?" he tried to call her attention, still dangling by an ankle from the strong grip of the giantess. "What did she do to me!".

He was completely ignoring the fact that she was there in front of him after all that time. He was completely focused on himself, and to make things worse, he was there because he was trying to get in bed with a younger girl who had lured him inside while he was supposed to mourn for her loss! She almost came to the point of thinking that he deserved it, and she would have definitely told him so if she didn't have a piece of tape on her mouth preventing to emit a single sound; instead, she instictively tried to raise her arms in outrage, only obtaining to shift laterally a couple millimiters. "See? You made your little girlfriend mad with your attitude" she poked at him in the stomach, causing him to cough.

"Now for the important things" she brought him closer to her mouth "I was thinking of what to do with you, and for a second it even came to me that i could keep you too, so i could have my little happy family of pets" she dangled his tiny form in front of her face "Please let me go! I can give you money! So much money" he screamed. Without warning, Hillary flicked him in the face once more "Don't interrupt!" she scoffed. "Anyway, i think men are a little gross, and frankly, you in particular. Look where your tiny friend brought you." She pointed at his crotch. "I could try to sell you, but i think your little watch and whatever money you have on you will be more than enough, so i'd rather save the hassle. But first, i want to be generous with you, and allow you to be sincere with me, ok?" He looked at her with doubtful eyes. What did she mean? "How many girls have you slept with since the disappearance of your lovely wifey?" Mark refused to answer. Why was he being so evasive? Was he really that shallow? Gloria looked at him with hatred now. Had he really been able to fuck around while she was in that situation?

"I asked you a question!" the giantess grabbed his wrist between index finger and thumb, and twisted it unnaturally until the unmistakable noise of broken bone was heard. It caught Gloria by surprise. She had been trampled, crushed and sat upon, but none of her bones had ever given away. How much strength was her owner witholding on her? Mark was screaming in pain now, and he reacted with the pure truth, hoping it would spare more suffering "five or six, i can't remember! I swear i can't remember!" He was crying now. It was pathetic. And Hillary's response was a powerful laugh "He can't remember! Oh my god what a narcissistic bastard!" she was mocking him for something that he would usually wear with great pride among his friends. "And i'm sure you were already screwing some of them even before, right?" he fell silent once again, but he was too afraid of more pain, so he quickly scanned the room, looking for Hillary, and while looking at her in her eyes, he said "I'm sorry, baby". Hillary shook her head, then looked at Gloria. "See? You're much better off without him! At least i treat you with respect... If you do what i want that is!" she smirked at her own words; the word respect was probably the last that could be used to describe their relationship.

"Ok, you bored me" Hillary said to the man, and without leaving him the time to reply, she let him fall to the ground. Gloria knew he woulnd't be hurt, but he didn't. He screamed the whole way down, and when he hit the floor, he was surprised to see that he was still alive. Only he wasn't ready for the weight that crashed on his back when the girl put her bare foot on top of him, pinning him to the ground. "Any last words you want to say to him?" she asked Gloria, but the terrified man screamed in a desperate attempt to save himself "PLEASE, TAKE HER! TAKE HER BUT LET ME GO! I WON'T TELL ANYO-". Hillary looked at him with a disgusted expression on her face, and after increasing the pressure on his body, said "I wasn't talking to you you little worm. You don't get any last words". She then looked at Gloria, renewing the question. "Oh, right." she added, and slapped he forehead "The tape. You want me to take it off?" Gloria was so angry that she could only shake her head, in order to respond negatively. And she suspected that she would only be able to do that even if she wasn't restrained.

"Wow, someone is angry!" Hillary chirped. "Well, in that case..." Mark, having understood what was going to happen, could only extend his arm in the direction of his scorned fiancee and said "BABY PL-" Before a loud crunch was heard. It was much more powerful than the noise his wrist had made a few moments earlier, and the shrill tone of his scream indicated that it was definitely more painful. Gloria couldn't understand what exactly had broken, but it was clear that there was no coming back from there. She couldn't help but feel pity for the pathetic creature on the floor, but then she remembered that she had almost seen him force himself over somebody who he thought would be a defenceless victim no more that 5 minutes earlier, so she quickly dismissed her thoughts.

Hillary raised her foot, and now took aim with her heel over the mangled body. When she was sure to hit, she stomped full force with the hardest part of her body, and the screaming ceased abruptly. Mark wasn't there anymore. In his place, a bloody mess on the ground that vaguely resembled the shape of a human being.


Gloria had been freed of her restraints just minutes after the horrendous act, and had spent the following moments in shock. She had watched Hillary wipe her foot with a tissue like she had stepped in dog waste, and then clean the floor with very little effort. The giantess had then fished through her would-be husband's belongings, and had cheered when she grabbed the content of his wallet. "The bastard was doing quite well!" she said to the unresponsive woman. It was true, he was very well above average in terms of income, which was one of the reasons why she was so eager to marry him. But if she'd known he was such a monster, she would have never even considered dating him. She knew he had cheated on her in the past, and had made the mistake of forgiving him, but she had no idea he was so active behind her back. And for sure, she didn't know he could be capable of forcing himself on somebody. If she hadn't seen him with her very eyes, she would have never believed it.

"Maybe you're a bit upset" Hillary's voice snapped her out of her daydreaming "And i understand". No, upset wasn't the right word. She was distraught. She had been given the opportunity to get noticed, and it had gone in the worst way possible. "But i expect you to be in tip top shape tomorrow, ok?". Gloria didn't answer. She just coulnd't. "After all, we can agree that i did you a favor. We could say that you owe me." In a weird sense, she was right, but Gloria couldn't find the strength to speak. "Anyway, if you're still silent tomorrow, you can still join the guy" The giant added casually. "I'm going to make a sandwich, stay there and i'll bring you some". She threw the tissue she had used to wipe her foot in her trash bin, and left the room, with her girlish walk that no one would attribute to the monster she actually was.




Another Great part!