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Disclaimer:  this part and the next are going to be a bit crueler than usual. If it's not for you, be advised. 

prologue - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-prologue-47071748

part 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-1-47375560

part 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-2-47875128

part 3 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-3-57357415

part 4 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-4-57931897

part 5 (with picture) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-collage-5-65081478

part 6 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-6-65680918

part 7 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-7-67755808

part 8 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-8-68207074

part 9 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-9-71656456

part 10 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-10-72507955

part 11 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-11-81139395

part 12 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/total-part-12-82149197

[part 13]

Hilary froze. Who the hell was this man? And what did he want in front of her house? "My parents aren't home" she quickly dismissed the man, only realizing too late that telling a stranger that she was home alone was the opposite of what she wanted. The man gave her a puzzled look, which reassured her on her intentions. He didn't seem happy to hear that at least. "It's ok, i just need some information". Already past the stage of worry, Hillary gave him an annoyed look. "Sure" she said, while picking up her keys from her purse, while at the same time knocking Gloria on her butt without caring in the last bit. 

If she'd known whom she was talking to, she would at least been more careful than how she was acting. Inside the purse, Gloria couldn't believe her ears. It was definitely Mark's voice, there was no mistake about that. But was she hallucinating, or was he actually there, just a few feet away from her? She wanted to scream his name, call for help, desperately have him take her away from that place, but she was frozen in fear. And she had all the right to be, since Mark would have no way of believing that a girl half his size would be willing and able to make him as small as a mouse just like she'd done to her. So she kept quiet, waiting for the right moment to at least warn him.

Hillary put the key in her door, and waited for the stranger to ask his question before stepping inside. "I don't know how to say this" The man started. Hillary could barely contain her disgust as he dragged is eyes all along her bare legs. "My girlf-well, fiancee disappeared a few weeks ago" he managed to say. In a second, something clicked inside Hillary's head, and she quickly put her hand in her purse. She had no way to know that, but Gloria was literally on the verge of screaming out his name. The giantess had beaten her on less than a second, with her thumb firmly squeezing her face so she couldn't emit a single sound. Believing that the girl had reached for her pepper spray or any other sort of self defence device, Mark was quick to apologize. "Oh no, please, i mean no harm" he said, actually taking a few steps back and instinctively raising his hands forward so to show that he had no bad intentions. "But i understand if that makes you feel safe." he hinted in the direction of the girl's hand.

Hillary barely acknowledged his words, but made sure to keep a firm grip on Gloria's face. She sure didn't want her screaming around in front of someone who could actually help her. "Sure, sure, go on" she was quick to ignore his apologies. Mark was frustrated by her attitude, but managed to explain the situation. He described the exact day when Gloria, his fiancee, had seemingly disappeared out of thin air to a bored girl who knew exactly when and how it had happened, and the more he talked, the more Hiilary wanted to get rid of him, like he was some kind of a pest, or a bug. And unfortunately for Mark, she had a way of making that intrusive thought a reality. She had only shrunken people for her own amusement, and she'd never shrunken a man before, but this guy was pestering her so much that it was becoming more of a necessity rather than fun. Plus, the way he kept checking out her rack while speaking of his missing girlfriend, made her hate him even more. 

"...So i got a list of the houses she was showing that day, and a list of the customers she was seeing. I've already met five, and i have about three more to go. So please if you or your parents have any valuable information..." he kept speaking, but Hillary was lost in thought. On one hand, she could quickly tell him that she had no information whatsoever, but he was really starting to get on her nerves, plus she couldn't allow him to just go around asking questions, with the chance to expose her in any way. She gave him a good look. Even thought she wasn't attracted to him in the slightest, she could recognize that he was extremely good looking. He had the confidence of a man who gets what he wants from whom he wants, and it was good to see him out of his element right now. He wore clothes to match his appearance, a watch that looked like it weighed more than her phone, and the luxurious car parked not too far away from her driveway could only be his. All of this combined only made him more irritating to Hillary, who wast starting to get eager to see him beg for his life like the insect he was. She wanted him to be what she saw in front of her, just another bug in her way.

"Look, i'm so, so sorry but i have zero info on your wife." the sudden shift in her tone went over Mark's head, and he didn't correct her about not being married to Gloria. "And i doubt my parents have any." With her fingers still in her purse, holding her prey inside, she used her other hand to grab her keys and opened her front door. "But if you want, i can offer you a drink. My parents are going to be home later this afternoon so you have time to refresh and continue your chase" She even winked at him. She was going all in. Either he would leave, disgruntled by the inappropriatedness of her demeanor, or he would accept like she suspected he would, judging by how he was gawking at her body. She had to squeeze Gloria much harder, since as soon as she'd said those words, she had been struggling desperately to get free, of course to no avail. 

Hillary saw the surprise on the man's  face, and the complicated position she'd put him in. Any sane, grieving person would have just dissmissed her avances, but she was correct when she'd labeled this guy a pig. He was literally weighing the options in front of him. He could tell that she was old enough, but he just wasn't used to this kind of boldness. He would have definitely smelled something fishy if his mind hadn't been clouded by his own excitement. When she removed her shoes while entering her house, he gave a more deliberate look at her body from head to toes, this time not being afraid of being caught, and if he'd stopped one second more on the latter, he would have probably recognized that expensive ring she was wearing on her digits as the one he'd given his would-be spouse. But after she entered the house, he lost his judgement completely and followed her inside.

She guided him to the kitchen, the hand containing her victim now safely in her pocket. "Give me a second, gotta visit the ladies' room. I know it's a bit soon for drinks, but please help yourself with anything you want" she closed her bedroom door behind her, and finally took Gloria out in the light again. She put her index finger over her own mouth and nose, signaling her not to do anything stupid like shouting. Gloria was too scared of consequences to do anything like that, so she practically whispered, begging her to leave him alone. "Oh stop defending him" the giantess dismissed her while looking for something in her desk drawer. "I'm doing you a favor. You're much better off without him" Gloria was on the desk on her hands and knees, basically praying. "No. I made up my mind. Now be a good little pet and stay here"  She cut a piece of tape and put it over her mouth, then blocked her arms behind her back with another piece, and tied her ankles together. She couldn't risk her running around. After all, she'd never messed with anyone so much bigger and stronger than she was, and she wanted all the surprise to be in her favor. 

Now in her restraints, Gloria tried to scream, but of course with no effect, and could only watch helplessly as she saw Hillary leave her room with something in her hand that could only be the same device that she'd used on her that cursed day. Not only she could not scream in any way, she could barely move. Her hands were tied behind her back, and her legs stuck together made it impossible to do anything but crawl like a worm, which she realized se was doing out of pure instinct, hopelessly trying to get closer to a door that she would never be able to reach. She could only hope that Mark would overpower the cruel girl.

When Hillary opened the door, she was surprised to find the man in front of her. "There was nothing to drink, really" he had an unnerving smile on his face, and was blocking the door. He had unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his six pack on which she could tell he'd been working hard. He wasn't being violent in any physical way, but he was definitely making the girl uncomfortable. "So, let's talk about the reason you invited me in" he said, taking a step forward. Hillary was taken off guard, and she instictively stepped back, which allowed him to walk further inside. Gloria could not believe her eyes. She still wanted him to subdue her captor at all costs, but this was a side of the man she'd never seen in her life, and it was scary. The loving, caring man that she knew was nothing like this apparent monster. 

She twitched once again, in hope to be noticed, and this time he actually did see her. But it didn't play at all in his favor. The sudden movement on the edge of the desk distracted him from the younger girl, who used the momentary distraction to sprint forward and tag him with something she was holding in her hand. "What the f-" he blurted out, surprised by the unexpected pain, and the world started spinning around him.




Interesting Setup!