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Part 1 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-1-74677814

part 1 (pic) -  https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-jin-75125109

part 2 (text) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-2-75873772

part 2 (pic) -https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-good-deed-kim-76155872

A week had passed since the night when Zoe had bravely resisted Kim's attempts at bending her to her will, and despite the fact that the big girl seemed to be leaving her alone, she couldn't help but feel much more unsafe than when only Jun knew she was there. The asian girl seemed to trust her roommate enough with her secret, and the only thing that came in the way of a peaceful cohabitation was the way Zoe felt like Kimberly looked at her from time to time. Formally, she had nothing to worry about, but there was something in the predatory way that her eyes laid on her that was making her feel like she didn't want to spend any time with her on her own.

That day, while Jun was cooking lunch, Zoe was on the coffee table in front of the TV, mindlessly watching a dumb show. That night Jun was supposed to leave for two days for a convention in a nearby town, and Zoe had to actually convince her to go. The asian girl didn't feel safe leaving her shrunken friend alone, but she had managed to reassure her that she would be fine. She was actually a bit nervous, but she didn't want her newfound friend to miss out on her hobbies because of her. Kim came out of her room in her house outfit, fresh from the shower. "What's cooking, small stuff?" she said, leaning over Jun's shoulder to look inside the skillet that seemed to be the place where the delicious smell originated from. "Mmmmhhh smells amazing!" she said, scruffing her roommate's hair affectionately. "How long before we can eat?" she asked hungrily. "About 20 minutes" answered Jun, tryng to stay focused at the stove "15 if you leave me alone" she playfylly dismissed the blonde. "Jeez, go on" Kim walked away from the kitchen area, and sat at the sofa behind Zoe. "So, what are we watching?" she asked the increasingly nervous girl.

Just as Zoe was turning to answer, she heard the unmistakable noise of a pair of flipflops hitting the floor, then the gigantic pair of feet that dwarfed her whole figure slammed on the coffee table, making her world shake. Without saying a word, she turned back to the Tv, knowing that Kim was getting a bit too comfortable behind her. "Oh come on Zoe!" Kimberly complained. "I just showered this time! I get it, i was all sweaty last time, but now you have no excuses not to give me a massage!". Zoe ignored her, but she was terrified of the giant's reaction if she were to refuse again. "Come ooon! Jun always complains that my feet are too big for her to massage!" she insisted, apparently missing the irony of saying something like that to a person that was much smaller than her own foot. 

Zoe was unmovable. She was determined in standing her ground. After all, she didn't owe anything to Kim. She had done that to Jun out of gratitude, and even though she had found herself enjoying it much more than she thought she would, it didn't give anyone else the right to force her to do anything. Kim's request only looked like a display of power, and she was not going to subject to her whim. She only hoped that the girl hadn't noticed her kissing her roommate's feet. That would have been hard to explain to either of them. "Please?" Kim asked again. "Pretty please?" this time she poked at the shrunken girl's back with her big toe, triggering her unexpected reaction. 

Both girls were taken by surprise; Zoe just snapped. She jumped to her feet and started yelling at the giant, forgetting for a few seconds that she could easily crush her head between any of her toes. "Don't you dare touch me again!" She screamed, and Kim was taken aback by her reaction. "Especially with those filthy feet!" They both knew they had just been washed, but now Zoe was just being rude. Kim wanted to apologize, but the tiny didn't give her any space to talk. "You think just because you're bigger you can do whatever you want? You're just a bully! You... You... OGRE!" she spat out in a final rant of anger. 

Kimberly actually looked hurt, not just by her words, but by the tone she had used as well. Without saying a word, she stood up and left the common area, slamming the door of her room. Zoe couldn't help but wonder if she had gone too far, calling her that mean name and all that, but she knew she had taken all the frustration of the past days on the girl who was acting her power trip over her. She looked at Jun, who could only shrug, like she was saying "it'll pass"

The two girls actually ate alone, Kimberly hadn't left her room even when Jun had called her multiple times. Zoe ate at the table, looking at Kim's plate getting colder and colder, wondering how many people her size that much food could feed. Hell, it looked like it was three times the size of Jun's plate as well. Kimberly never ate her plate, which Jun eventually stored in the fridge, and left later in the afternoon without even saying goodbye. She looked like she had dressed for a night out, but there was no way to know since she hadn't told anybody where she was headed.


Jun eventually left for the convention. She had already ditched the big one the week before, and she was easy to convice to leave for this one. She made sure that Zoe had anything she needed for the next hours, and left her in her room with the TV remote handy, so she could easily change the channels. She left her enough snacks for the whole following day, and actually kissed her goodbye before leaving. She would be back the morning of two days later after all. "She'll be fine" Zoe thought to herself.

Zoe was actually a bit nervous about being left alone for a whole day in a world that was so much bigger than she was used to, and realized this the moment her asian friend had closed the door behind her. There was no way back now. She had no way of contacting her even if she wanted her to come back for her. She hoped that Jun would change her mind on her own, even if it meant that she would miss her convention for her, at least  she wouldn't feel fully responsible. She watched TV without much attention, careful of any noise that could worry her, and after about half an hour she heard the front door opening. She felt guilty about being glad that Jun had renounced to her day out for her well being, but she wasn't feeling safe in the house alone. Her hope shattered when she realized that there was no way that the heavy footsteps she was hearing belonged to the diminutive asian girl. No, it was Kim! She hoped she didn't still feel angry towards her, but at least she knew very well that she respected her roommate's boundaries, so she wouldn't bother her in Jun's room. And after all, she felt much safer knowing that there was somebody she knew in the house, so she was not at risk of being at the mercy of burglars or intruders. 

Zoe panicked when she saw the door handle turn. Why was Kim entering? What was her business in that room? She quickly hid behind the discarded wrapping of a Twix bar, but she was still very visible. Kimberly entered the room, looking like she had troubles standing up. Was she drunk? It turned out she was very much so. She got closer to the table until she saw the tiny behind the wrap, and smiled wickedly. "I always thought you were a snack, but come on!" she snickered at her own joke, and grabbed the tiny without giving her the chance to defend herself in any way. She brought her to her face, and Zoe's suspicions were confirmed when she smelled the vodka in her breath. "Oh my, what do we have here" the gigantic woman said playfully. "Please Kim, this is not funny!" Zoe was actually scared, but Kimberly ignored her. "You got some chocolate on you" she said, pointing at her thigh, where some chocolate from the twix bar had actually left a trace. 

Before the tiny had any say in the matter, Kim stuck out her tongue and licked her clean. "Mmmmh, you are tastier than you look!" she teased. Zoe had never feared for her safety like she was now. She was practically begging Kim to leave her alone, but she was completely ignored. It got so bad that Kim actually ripped her clothes off, saying "let's see what you're hiding down there". Zoe tried to cover as best as she could, but she could not oppose to the mighty hand in any way. "Stay still now!" The giantess said as she pinned her on the palm of her hand. She then got rid of her own top, revealing a huge pair of firm breasts that amazed Zoe even in her scared state. If she wasn't terrified out of her mind she would have found Kim to be one of the hottest women she had ever seen. "Like what you see?" Kim teased, pushing her boobs together when she noticed Zoe's awe. "Why don't you get a better look?" she added while she dropped the woman between her tits, and smothered her between them.

True, Zoe had found them fascinating, but getting smashed between them was far away from her wishes. She gasped for air as Kim laughed at her pitiful attempts at wiggling free, until she was finally released from the vicious pounding. Gasping for air, she found herself on the palm of Kim's hand a second time, while the giantess stared at her naked body like it was candy. "Let's see if you taste that good all over" she said, and pushed the hand containing the girl towards her extended tongue, smothering her in saliva. "Mmmmh" she moaned as she gave her a second lick. "Mmmm, you do taste good!" she was treating her like a popsicle, until the tip of her tongue insisted in the area between Zoe's legs. 

"Kimberly!" Zoe managed to say, surprised. "Stoooohhhh" she didn't finish her sentence, the wave of pleasure coming from her nether regions had stopped her from articulating any words. She had never had anyone touching her like that. It was the first time that she was experiencing the touch of somebody else and even though she didn't want it to be with a colossal woman, she couldn't help but enjoy the treatment. Kim's tongue expertly moved all over as her hand pushed the small body towards her face, all while Zoe practically screamed in pleasure. "Wow Jun! I always knew you'd like me if you gave me the chance!" the giantess said as she finally took her away from her tongue. Kim had noticed that she had called her Jun, and suspected that it had been much more than just a mistake. She would have articulated her though better if she wasn't busy experiencing the most powerful orgasm she'd ever felt, and if she didn't even notice when Kim was unlaced the front of her jeans.

She couldn't get herself to protest until it was too late, and even if she had managed to say something, it would have probably changed nothing. She saw Kim's pussy getting closer and closer, until her face was unceremoniously slammed against its lips a couple times, and she was finally pushed inside. Pleasure once again gave in to fear when she was pushed deeper and deeper inside the woman. She tried to scream, but she could barely open her mouth, and she suspected that it wouldn't really be useful. When she couldn't be pushed inside any further, she realized that Kim was now jiggling her body inside of her, using her like a literal sex toy. 




great chapter i love it

Brian Smith

This is a nice departure from the usual shrink/humiliate/slave theme. I like that Zoe actually enjoyed rubbing and even kissing Jun's feet, and might enjoy being played with by Kim! The sex is a nice addition as well, especially the SW licking to orgasm! Hopefully Zoe might end up offering to rub Kim's sweaty feet and become infatuated with them!