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I posted the first part of this story more than two months ago and i was swarmed with other projects, but i've been sitting on a few renders for a while now, so i thought i'd continue it a bit. I strongly recommend to read part 1 first, or it'll be hard to understand what's going on. I mean, it's pretty easy to understand where the charachters are headed, but still.

part 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/personal-trained-73858760

[part 2]

"Well? Done already?" May came out of the locker room with the usual smug grin adorning her face. Her expression instantly became bitter when she recognized her smartphone in Christina's hand. "What's the meaning of this?" She asked in an inquisitive tone. Christina  answered back, knowing that she had the upper hand "Who the hell is Fatso?".

She had seen the personal trainer's more feisty side when she had encouraged her in the many occasions when she just couldn't get herself to do another rep, but she now realized that she'd never seen her angry. True, the woman was smaller than her, but when she threw herself towards her, yelling about her going through her private conversations, Christina felt insignificant. Feeling strong with her attitude, and seeing the effect she was having on her client, May enforced her point, poking Christina on her chest, and easily ripping her phone from the scared girl's hand. But apparently it wasn't enough. She wanted to make a point, so she pinned the bigger woman against the wall, and kept yelling at her. Christina had never felt so humiliated. Acting on pure instinct, she grabbed the small chainlet that she always wore around her neck, aimed it at the hysterical asian and pressed the button.

She had never seen her own resizer in action. She had bought it as a self defense tool two years earlier, when it had just come out, and she was one of the very few people who had the infamous model A. Starting from the immediate successor, the A1, the sale of resizers had become heavily state-regulated, and every owner was supposed to register theirs. But the buyers of model A were now impossible to trace, so whoever was lucky enough to possess one could virtually shrink anyone with impunity, as long as nobody noticed them. Christina had even considered reporting hers to the police, not wanting any beef with the justice system, but she had been too lazy to do it.

In her panic when her personal trainer had attacked her, she had reacted without thinking, and had seen the already short woman disappear among her clothes. When she cleared her mind, she stepped forward and saw the terrified woman at her feet, without any trace of the aggressivity she had displayed up to a few seconds earlier. Watching her cower before her was enthralling, but she knew she had messed up big time. Now the woman could sue her for thousands of dollars, and there was a chance that she could actually go to prison for using an unregistered resizer. Christina froze, unable to think straight as her personal trainer wiggled free from her clothes. She was so distracted by the impromptu show of pure fear, that she didn't hear the footsteps descending the stairs behind her. Vanessa had walked into the gym for her session, completely unaware of the fact that her friend and instructor was trying to make sense of the now immense world that surrounded her.

"Hi there!" Vanessa said in her cheerful tone, and wondered why her voice had made Christina jump in fear. "Wow, you didn't expect me, i guess?" she said, trying to understand why the awkward girl was so upset. But she just didn't answer. She looked at her, panic in her eyes, seemingly unable to talk. "Right." the beautiful woman said, barely containing her disdain. "So, where's May?" she asked, looking around the place. "Vanessa, help!" She heard the woman scream. But it made no sense. She sounded like she was far away, almost like she was in another room, but it was clear that the voice had come from just behind the nerd. When she saw her friend, naked on the ground and the size of a mouse, all she could do was step back in horror. "What have you done!" she exclaimed, but without any further answer, Christina just aimed her resizer at her and fired a second time.

Vanessa dwindled in front of her eyes just like May had, and if Christina knew she was in trouble before, she had now made it ten times worse. This couldn't even be considered self defense! She would definitely go to jail now! Not knowing any better, she bent in order to pick up the asian trainer, who screamed her heart out when she saw the gigantic hand coming for her naked frame. When Christine felt the tiny body into her hand, it was like her worries had suddently disappeared. She could feel every tiny detail on the naked shrinkee, it was unreal. As the desperate woman tried to wiggle free, she was surprised to feel how easily she could prevent her from going anywhere. She had seen this woman move weights that most men could only dream to pull, and now she was literally screaming for her life in the palm of her hand. Her power trip was briefly interrupted by Vanessa, who had finally found a way out of her oversized clothes, and had screamed in surprise when she had fully come to terms with what had happened.

Christina bent to pick her up, only to find that this woman was equally as feisty, but her body whas nowhere as firm and toned as May's. She found herself exploring the miniature dolls with her fingers, despite their loud protesting, and she loved every second of it. "Listen to me and listen good!" May tried to assume her usual tone. "I don't know how you did this, but you have to revert it right NOW!" she tried to sound imposing, but the fact that she was trapped among fingers that ran along the length of her whole body made her request sound quite ridiculous. "Don't be stupid" Christina mocked her. "There's no way i can turn you back by myself, even if i wanted to! I'd have to take you to the police and have them file a report, then they would grow you back!". Vanessa looked at her, trying to push away her probing finger without success. "THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" she yelled. Christina took her hand closer to her face, so close that Vanessa recoiled in horror at the sight of the interior of her mouth. "You see, the problem is that what i did is kind of... illegal..." Vanessa paled at the implications of that sentence. "Anyway i have to take you out of here before other customers arrive. But these stupid leggings pants have no pockets." the giantess said, looking around in search of something that could contain her prisoners.

"Listen to me you stupid brat!" May tried her best to act tough. She was used to be able to boss people around, and she didn't see why it had to be any different now. "I don't know what you have in mind, but if i were in your shoes, i'd wait no furth-" "Hey, what a great idea!" Christina interrupted her with a smile on her face.





I already wondered when part 2 will be uploaded. Now it's here and it's veeery promising! I'm looking forward to the next part :)


i had to prioritize commissions, but i'll find the time to post more in the following weeks :)